Topic: Venus Conjunct Neptune in Synastry
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 29, 2012 04:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: I will be here at a time and reason of my choosing. And yes, I will not stand for defamatory and libelous remarks. I will stand firm in my convictions, and yes, I will take whatever action I deem necessary, again at a time of my choosing.And I don't care tuppence whether you like me or not, or whether you want me to go. And anyone who doesn't think I would subpoena IP records and thus names and addresses would be sadly mistaken.
More threats to get people to "like" you??? 
I rest my case. "And yes, I will not stand for defamatory and libelous remarks." And yet you can call women members (Rosalind and Capriquarius) wh*res in Cuban/Spanish ???--
Page 35-- quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: The next time, it's gonna be "Vete a la chingada, puta" or "Vete al carajo, perra."
The entire conversation spans the foll pages--13, 14, 15, 20, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, and 35. Translation-- "Vete a la chingada, puta" Go fu*k yourself like a wh**e. "Vete al carajo, perra." Go fu*k yourself, bit*h, or sl*t, or easy lay. Do you think you are the only one who has the monopoly on suing others??
In case you're unaware, the website can sue you right back on SEVERAL counts just for these comments alone against its members!! Comprende? **EDIT** In case you're mistaking Randall's kindness for incompetence or idiocy, let me assure you he is NEITHER. He is in full cognizance of that entire thread in which you thought it ok to say such unspeakable things while referring to women. And I can also assure you that he also has his legal team on "standby" in case he's forced to deal with the likes of you.
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Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 29, 2012 04:23 PM
In case you're mistaking Randall's kindness for incompetence or idiocy, let me assure you he is NEITHER. He is in full cognizance of that entire thread in which you thought it ok to say such unspeakable things while referring to women. And I can also assure you that he also has his legal team on "standby" in case he's forced to deal with the likes of you. IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 29, 2012 04:31 PM
My suggestion?Find a football and a field to take out this type of alpha male aggression on, instead of taking it out on a bunch of women who love ASTROLOGY and are here to learn ASTROLOGY on an ASTROLOGY BOARD!!!! IP: Logged |
Pennylane Knowflake Posts: 136 From: Registered: Feb 2012
posted June 29, 2012 04:55 PM
Libel? Seriously? How exactly could anyone prove the validity of an interpretation on an astrological placement? LolIP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7029 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted June 29, 2012 05:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Thefish: I do like how you use defamation and libel when you don't seem to grasp how they applied in the legal system. It's kind of hard to file a defamation suit against someone who doesn't know your identity. Not to mention that message boards are private domain ... Or that you are encroaching on said private domain. Then there's the whole subpoena concept which by the way would require a court order and you also need justifcation for said court order. And to top it all off you're making threats on an internet message board to people whom you don't know. If you're going to spout off about the law it kinda helps if understand it ...
Oh yeah. I have more than enough people who understand it that work on my behalf. Never mind. I don't need to explain myself to you. IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 29, 2012 06:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Yes, I take things extremely personally because those are matters of extreme personal importance. My wife and my sons are sacred to me. They represent the sum of everything good in my life and they are the one thing that I hold most precious, as the one and true pure gift from God, should you believe in the concept of a diety. I will give my life to protect their honor.
And yet other women are w****s!!
(PAGE 35) "Vete a la chingada, puta" Go fu*k yourself like a wh**e. "Vete al carajo, perra." Go fu*k yourself, bit*h, or sl*t, or easy lay. 
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Oracle Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted June 29, 2012 06:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by Thefish: Last serious relationship was with a Borderline/Histrionic disordered person. Of course I didn't know this ahead of time because I didn't know what it was and she was a master manipulator.Relationship caused a lot of problems for me eventually it ended up as good thing as I learned exactly what to avoid and to quickly identify the bad behaviors. It does seem to end up that way. I'm too honest and giving and people take advantage constantly. No smoking unless you count the hippy lettuce and that's maybe once or twice a year now if at all. Of interest my neptune stradles 10th and 11th houses within a couple of minutes.
Hello Thefish: I thought this was a forum on Astrology: Neptune conjunct Venus in synastry/natal. I had no idea a libel/slander law suit was being pursued. This is a discussion forum and like the saying goes: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!" There will always be comments made by bloggers we are in disagreement with. If it doesn't apply then don't comment. Personally I enjoy forums when people can stay on topic and voice their knowledge. Thank you for your comment on the lawsuit matter. Oh and the other blogger that commented that this was an attempt to get attention. Now back to the subject. It is a wonderful thing that you learned from your mistake with the Neptunian influence regarding your last relationship. I can most definitely relate. The 11th house is the house of hopes, wishes, relationships with groups of people and organizations, teamwork, friendships and shared creative endeavors. My Saturn in Taurus 15 degrees resides in the 11th House and he has been one mean fellow. My children's father appeared on way from the beginning and now I can hardly stand him. He is a master manipulator and has turned my children against me. Pluto is in Capricorn transiting my 7th House conjuncting my Sun in Capricorn. I can tell you my relationships are tranforming and somehow this is not bad thing. I like you have learned a valuable lesson in knowing what to look for and making sure I have the right mindset in all of my dealings. People have taken my kindness and honesty for weakness too. It just goes to show you, not everyone is striving for a wonderful life filled with happiness! They rather succumb to the negative, berating talk of their subconscious minds that constantly beats them up before they even try. Their subconscious minds desperately need reprogramming! Frankly, I would want someone in my life that was honest and kind and striving for perfection. I use therefore, I am. --Capricorn legacy ________________ Oracle Rising Gemini Sun Capricorn Mercury Capricorn Moon Aquarius Venus Scorpio Mars Scorpio Jupiter Scorpio Saturn Taurus Uranus Libra Neptune Sagittarius Pluto Virgo North Node Aquarius Midheaven Pisces Vertex Scorpio
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Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 29, 2012 06:35 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Oracle: I thought this was a forum on Astrology: Neptune conjunct Venus in synastry/natal. I had no idea a libel/slander law suit was being pursued. This is a discussion forum and like the saying goes: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!" There will always be comments made by bloggers we are in disagreement with. If it doesn't apply then don't comment. Personally I enjoy forums when people can stay on topic and voice their knowledge. Thank you for your comment on the lawsuit matter. Oh and the other blogger that commented that this was an attempt to get attention.[QUOTE]Hi Oracle, the other blogger is me. Nice to meet you.  Ikr? Enough already!!!  IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 29, 2012 07:20 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: I will be as aggressive as I need to be, whenever and however I see fit. I snap heads off when I need to.Don't like me? Feel free to ignore me. But step on my toes and I will retaliate.
Ya ... until a powerful legal force retaliates against you and sees fit to snap off YOUR head for referring, in writing, to women members of LL as wh***s!!
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Oracle Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted June 29, 2012 08:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by Linda Jones: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Oracle: [b]I thought this was a forum on Astrology: Neptune conjunct Venus in synastry/natal. I had no idea a libel/slander law suit was being pursued. This is a discussion forum and like the saying goes: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!" There will always be comments made by bloggers we are in disagreement with. If it doesn't apply then don't comment. Personally I enjoy forums when people can stay on topic and voice their knowledge. Thank you for your comment on the lawsuit matter. Oh and the other blogger that commented that this was an attempt to get attention.[QUOTE]Hi Oracle, the other blogger is me. Nice to meet you.  Ikr? Enough already!!! [/B]
Hello Linda: Likewise. What is your take on Neptune conjunct Venus natal? I use, therefore I am. --Capricorn legacy _______________ Oracle Rising Gemini Sun Capricorn Moon Aquarius IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9551 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 29, 2012 09:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Who's being dellusional?
That would be you, when you unfortunately assume that strangers discussing astrology on an internet message board have you and your family at the forefront of their minds. . . .
quote: Originally posted by Linda Jones: Perhaps it makes them feel more manly to be so overly aggressive among a predominantly female board? IDK. *shrug*
<-- "honor! libel! wh*res! defend!" It's really hard for me to take him seriously when he's throwing a tantrum.IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 29, 2012 09:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: . . .
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Linda Jones: [b]Perhaps it makes them feel more manly to be so overly aggressive among a predominantly female board? IDK. *shrug*
<-- "honor! libel! wh*res! defend!" It's really hard for me to take him seriously when he's throwing a tantrum.[/B][/QUOTE] Oh Lonake! That gif along with <-- "honor! libel! wh*res! defend!" is PRICELESS!! Because it is so fitting! Thanks for the levity!! IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 29, 2012 10:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by Oracle: Hello Linda:Likewise. What is your take on Neptune conjunct Venus natal? I use, therefore I am. --Capricorn legacy _______________ Oracle Rising Gemini Sun Capricorn Moon Aquarius
Hi Oracle, I really don't have any personal experience with this conjunction, but I know of 2 couples who interestingly have it in the 8H in their composites. One couple also has Mars conjunct Venus/Neptune. One of the couples divorced after a long marriage during which neither really knew what the other was upto--many secrets in the marriage, etc. and eventual eye opening at the time of separation/divorce. Very sad because of all the pain. The other couple is still married but happy?? I wouldn't say so. So maybe a composite Venus/Neptune can be even more hurtful than just synastry aspects? But I agree with some of the posters who've pointed out that when the Venus/Neptune are afflicted, that's when it makes a huge difference, i.e., a turn for the worse, perhaps? In the couple that divorced, from what I remember, their 8H Mars/Venus/Neptune conjunction was squared by their composite Uranus too. So I think afflictions would matter. Having said this, I'm also still learning and so I'm certainly not the last word on this or any other astrology subject. IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 6701 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted June 29, 2012 10:47 PM
Well said Ladies!!! Linda/Lonake.. I agree 100000000000000000000000% IP: Logged |
depth Knowflake Posts: 606 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted June 29, 2012 11:40 PM
My parents have the sextile and I don't kn0w how it feels to be them. I had the square with my 1st bf. Oh! I felt so r0mantic. I wrote him letters though we were in the same class, coincidentally nick named him fishy, flirted around like crazy with him though we had been together for m0nths...Everyday was the 1st day. The sad part was that we never went beyond the initial phase. I was to0 idealistic about love in general and carried all my stupid expectati0ns into the relati0nship. I behaved like an infatuated 11 year old throughout. Never outgrew those feelings. He had other gfs and thought I had other bfs. That's cheating there. I had the quincunx and semi-sq with the 1st guy who taught my heart to beat. :-P I kn0w they're min0r aspects but when you add these small things to the big things we had, it was eeky plus beautiful. It was extremely fairy tale like! We'd drown everything and every0ne around, every time we were together. No wonder I nick named him water. We'd waste half our time blushing and smiling. I could read him and began to rely a lot on my intuition and the universe. That was the first and the last time I felt maternal. I still have a soft corner for him, can forgive him murder and can do anything to see him happy. We could never make it together because of restricti0ns, restricti0ns and restricti0ns. It left beautiful mem0ries. I don't have to be with him, thinking about him itself brings a smile on my face. I'm not sure if it's illusion because I kn0w he's n0t at all my type yet like him. His Sun/merc trine my Nept. My m0on trine hs nep. His m0on quincunx my nept. His mars sq my nep. My mars semi-sex hs nep. His venus quinkunx my nep. My venus semi-sq his nept. His jupiter sq my nept. His nept sext my mc. Mutual Uranus/Nept c0nj. I'm an aqua asc. He's a Pisces asc. -.- IP: Logged |
Oracle Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted July 01, 2012 12:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by Linda Jones: Hi Oracle,I really don't have any personal experience with this conjunction, but I know of 2 couples who interestingly have it in the 8H in their composites. One couple also has Mars conjunct Venus/Neptune. One of the couples divorced after a long marriage during which neither really knew what the other was upto--many secrets in the marriage, etc. and eventual eye opening at the time of separation/divorce. Very sad because of all the pain. The other couple is still married but happy?? I wouldn't say so. So maybe a composite Venus/Neptune can be even more hurtful than just synastry aspects? But I agree with some of the posters who've pointed out that when the Venus/Neptune are afflicted, that's when it makes a huge difference, i.e., a turn for the worse, perhaps? In the couple that divorced, from what I remember, their 8H Mars/Venus/Neptune conjunction was squared by their composite Uranus too. So I think afflictions would matter. Having said this, I'm also still learning and so I'm certainly not the last word on this or any other astrology subject.
Hi Linda: Thank you for your statement. That is sad that the first couple had to end their relationship in such deception. But that is how it is with this placement. It is the same for synastry, composite and natal. This aspect probably works best for evolved souls. People with this aspect don't realize the beauty of their own personality. It seems to call for a ripening of the personality. When the personality can use this aspect in perspective then the effects are remarkable. I know this may sound strange, but take for instance, perhaps the couple or native knowing when exactly to let this aspect take over, and maybe set boundaries. Being moderate, patient, having reverence and appreciation is also important and just simply enjoying yourself while being careful. I think prejudice should be applied in careful conideration. See being prejudice is not always a bad thing when choosing someone who is worthy of you letting this aspect take effect in your relationships. The native could also use this aspect for world peace or humanistic endeavors. I think it could work well like I mentioned above if the native has matured and is evolved and has gone through the initiatory process or has through karmic retribution done some kind of human revolution. It could be regarded as a gift that the native or the couple has the ability to take their relationships to a fantasy or utopian world and not be deceived by the other person! But used on the right person, I bet it can be beautiful. Everyone is not capable of taking their world to another place where they are the only ones that can go. Kind of like heaven at your finger tips! This is my take on a more positive note. I mean we have heard this aspect go seriously wrong. I can surely relate. But there has to be a positive side. Astrology tells us what is there in our personality, but it is up to humans to utilize these gifts/aspects in ways we could never imagined. Based on what's in our hearts, our determination, and life force, these aspects can be used for the greater good. That is just my thought on this. ______________ Oracle Rising Gemini Sun Capricorn Moon Aquarius Venus Scorpio Mars Scorpio Jupiter Scorpio Vertex Scorpio
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Oracle Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted July 01, 2012 12:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by depth: My parents have the sextile and I don't kn0w how it feels to be them. I had the square with my 1st bf. Oh! I felt so r0mantic. I wrote him letters though we were in the same class, coincidentally nick named him fishy, flirted around like crazy with him though we had been together for m0nths...Everyday was the 1st day. The sad part was that we never went beyond the initial phase. I was to0 idealistic about love in general and carried all my stupid expectati0ns into the relati0nship. I behaved like an infatuated 11 year old throughout. Never outgrew those feelings. He had other gfs and thought I had other bfs. That's cheating there. I had the quincunx and semi-sq with the 1st guy who taught my heart to beat. :-P I kn0w they're min0r aspects but when you add these small things to the big things we had, it was eeky plus beautiful. It was extremely fairy tale like! We'd drown everything and every0ne around, every time we were together. No wonder I nick named him water. We'd waste half our time blushing and smiling. I could read him and began to rely a lot on my intuition and the universe. That was the first and the last time I felt maternal. I still have a soft corner for him, can forgive him murder and can do anything to see him happy. We could never make it together because of restricti0ns, restricti0ns and restricti0ns. It left beautiful mem0ries. I don't have to be with him, thinking about him itself brings a smile on my face. I'm not sure if it's illusion because I kn0w he's n0t at all my type yet like him. His Sun/merc trine my Nept. My m0on trine hs nep. His m0on quincunx my nept. His mars sq my nep. My mars semi-sex hs nep. His venus quinkunx my nep. My venus semi-sq his nept. His jupiter sq my nept. His nept sext my mc. Mutual Uranus/Nept c0nj. I'm an aqua asc. He's a Pisces asc. -.-
Hi Depth: Sounds like you had quite of bit of Neptunian power in your relationship with this guy. Due to the numerous restrictions, not to mention Saturnian power a well. Maybe that was not such bad thing. ____________ Oracle Rising Gemini Sun Capricorn Moon Aquarius Venus Scorpio Mars Scorpio Jupiter Scorpio Vertex Scorpio IP: Logged |
crabbypatty Knowflake Posts: 822 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 01, 2012 08:10 AM
OK, there's my synastry with my husband that I mentioned a few days ago. I forgot who wanted to see it, but in my experience, it is a case of Venus conjunct Neptune where just about everything positive dissolved into a big, sad mush. IP: Logged |
crabbypatty Knowflake Posts: 822 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2012 11:21 AM
bumping for BelageIP: Logged |
amowls** Knowflake Posts: 1948 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 02, 2012 11:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: No, it isn't a threat. It is fact. I don't intend to exercise any action if it is not necessary.I don't issue empty threats. I take action. Capriquarius is gone now, so that episode is now moot. But I had a legal team on standby.
Yes waste resources because you didn't like someone on the internet. IP: Logged |
page one Knowflake Posts: 391 From: USA Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 02, 2012 01:05 PM
"OK, there's my synastry with my husband that I mentioned a few days ago. I forgot who wanted to see it, but in my experience, it is a case of Venus conjunct Neptune where just about everything positive dissolved into a big, sad mush."It isn't just a question of venus conjuncting neptune, though. I can see here that his mars conjunct neptune conjuncts your venus conjunct jupiter. It's most likely that your desire to be generous and see the best in him could encourage his tendency to deceive you or himself, and this could turn toxic. You wouldn't see the problems, and he could continue to evade them. That's the thing about a conjunction between venus and neptune. It can be the best thing that ever happened to you or the worst mistake you ever made, depending on what it contacts. IP: Logged |
Thefish Knowflake Posts: 203 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted July 02, 2012 03:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Oh yeah. I have more than enough people who understand it that work on my behalf. Never mind. I don't need to explain myself to you.
Maybe you should ask them, erm? They'd quickly advise you that you would get nowhere and the jduge would either a) laugh you out of court and/or b) issue sanctions for filing a frivolous law suit without merit ... Doesn't anyone in your life call you out on your BS?
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Thefish Knowflake Posts: 203 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted July 02, 2012 03:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Oracle: Hello Thefish:I thought this was a forum on Astrology: Neptune conjunct Venus in synastry/natal. I had no idea a libel/slander law suit was being pursued. This is a discussion forum and like the saying goes: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!" There will always be comments made by bloggers we are in disagreement with. If it doesn't apply then don't comment. Personally I enjoy forums when people can stay on topic and voice their knowledge. Thank you for your comment on the lawsuit matter. Oh and the other blogger that commented that this was an attempt to get attention. Now back to the subject. It is a wonderful thing that you learned from your mistake with the Neptunian influence regarding your last relationship. I can most definitely relate. The 11th house is the house of hopes, wishes, relationships with groups of people and organizations, teamwork, friendships and shared creative endeavors. My Saturn in Taurus 15 degrees resides in the 11th House and he has been one mean fellow. My children's father appeared on way from the beginning and now I can hardly stand him. He is a master manipulator and has turned my children against me. Pluto is in Capricorn transiting my 7th House conjuncting my Sun in Capricorn. I can tell you my relationships are tranforming and somehow this is not bad thing. I like you have learned a valuable lesson in knowing what to look for and making sure I have the right mindset in all of my dealings. People have taken my kindness and honesty for weakness too. It just goes to show you, not everyone is striving for a wonderful life filled with happiness! They rather succumb to the negative, berating talk of their subconscious minds that constantly beats them up before they even try. Their subconscious minds desperately need reprogramming! Frankly, I would want someone in my life that was honest and kind and striving for perfection. I use therefore, I am. --Capricorn legacy ________________ Oracle Rising Gemini Sun Capricorn Mercury Capricorn Moon Aquarius Venus Scorpio Mars Scorpio Jupiter Scorpio Saturn Taurus Uranus Libra Neptune Sagittarius Pluto Virgo North Node Aquarius Midheaven Pisces Vertex Scorpio
Oh it is an astrology forum, I jsut have little tolerance for internet tough guys, especially when they don't have the first clue what they are talking about. Unfortunately responsability, ethics and morality have gone out the window. It doesn't mean I'm the patron saint of any of those things. I just tend to treat people too kindly and give them too many chances. There are many people who live the I'm going to die so who gives a f mentality. I'd chalk it up to Panglossian ways of Pisces you know the best of all possible worlds. What I learned is that potential isn't always reached and that there are quite a few people who are mentally ill and that illness no how much you care will always win out. IP: Logged |
Nine Moderator Posts: 1945 From: The Cusp of Love Registered: May 2009
posted July 02, 2012 05:08 PM
The conservative Cappy letting the cantankerous Gemini moon out to play I see. Priceless.As for the name calling, color me shocked. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 8054 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted July 02, 2012 08:11 PM
Regarding YTA:Some of us still like him even though he is sometimes cantankerous. Even though he made that weird legal action threat against Capriquarius. This thread is unfortunate. Linda, I hear your point, but I'd just like to vouch for YTA. For the most part, he's a good guy. He's been good company. I won't go into details but I want new members to understand that he's had a rough life and comes here for companionship, and I'm glad to be a part of lightening someone's mood once in a while. Especially when he really isn't all trouble. Right now Pluto is transiting almost exactly conjunct sun, Uranus is squaring his sun, and his older son needs constant medical attention. Plus, Capriquarius was insulting people right and left and she deserved to have her *ss kicked IMHO. I mean, she is the one who started the fight.
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