Topic: your big 3 and your omega/ chandra symbols
sand Knowflake Posts: 3292 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 10, 2012 07:35 AM
found this somewhere on the forum and i love the degree interpretations more than sabians or kominzky symbols. maybe because they are friendlier lol! there are no tags so just search for your sign and degree number. i guess since there is no zero degree always add 1 to your corresponding degree just like the sabians from mindfire.. ASC Scorpio 1. A man suspended in the air watches everything from a great height. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Experimental (Degree Angel: Eyael (AY-ya-EL) Great Expectations, Transformation to the Sublime) This degree has the ability to stand apart from the world around it and to gain from this a broader perspective and sense of the whole. The positive side of this is that the person has an invulnerable quality – they are somehow beyond the stress and discord of life. The negative side can be an inability to connect. As they learn to connect without being drug down into any lesser state, they eventually come into their power and purpose. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A tunnel through a mountain.” This degree cares not how difficult something may be – it will work to get where it's going no matter how much effort it has to put forth. It is so very aware of all life's obstructions, and of everything blocking its path. It also knows that everything is attainable and its desire is always to take the direct approach, even if that means having to tunnel through a mountain. There's such a beautiful polarity here between the Omega and Chandra symbols – in the Omega Symbol the man simply hovers over everything as a means of gaining an expanded perspective. In the Chandra Symbol he is deep in the ground. Here in the first degree of Scorpio we finds the heights and the depths – just as the eagle and snake are two different animals associated with Scorpio. It is interesting to note that the negative space of the tunnel is shaped like a snake. This degree says, “I will not be stopped, I will go where I please, and am willing to pay the price to get to wherever I feel I need to be. SUN Taurus 17. A book patiently waiting to spill forth its vast and profound knowledge. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Sensitive (Degree Angel: Asaliah (a-SA-lee-YAH) Global Transformation, Contemplation) You have accumulated much wisdom in past lives, and continue to do so in this one. There is so much in you of value to others, even though they may not fully realize this. You desire to share, but may often have to wait for the right time and place to do so. The more you accept rather than doubt your worth, the more clearly you will be able to pursue your own special path. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A Pomegranate broken open.” This degree has an inability to hold anything back for long, and is always wanting to break open situations so they may be freed from their restrictions and allow in new possibilities. What is contained in the book of the Omega Symbol is here brought forth. This degree has a massive fecundity and potential, but possibly suffers from the frustration of being unsure of what to do with all this largess. Another source of frustration could be that it finds others lacking in appreciation of the great value of what it brings forth from itself. The greatest need here is to be what one is, to accept the self's abundance and seek inner guidance as to how to develop and use it, and also, at the same time, to place one's consciousness beyond any attachment to the reactions of others. MOON Leo 3. Walking down the street, a man passes his double. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Receptive (Degree Angel: Hahasiah (he-HA-see-Yah) No Guilt, Universal Medicine You’re pulled in may directions. If you jump around from one thing to another too much you may be entertained for awhile, and will maybe elude temporarily what your deep inner self knows it has to do. You need to keep asking yourself, “why am I focusing on this?” You goal is to rein in your curiosity and continually come back to what is important. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A rickshaw.” Loving to run here, run there. It can be a means of connecting and synthesizing all into increasing patterns of harmony and progress – if you allow your intuition to guide you where to go next, or it can be just a lot of scrambling around in a desperate effort to avoid those things you really need to look at, and those places ou really need to go.
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lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 806 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 10, 2012 08:48 AM
Ascendant : Libra 4. By accident, a man finds an invisible tower. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Responsible(Degree Angel: Yeiazel (YAY-ah-ZEL) Speaking the Right Words, Divine Consolation and Comfort) It is so easy to get sucked down into the quagmires and illusions of physical reality. You, though, have a magic way of being able to always get above it all, to elevate yourself and to pull others up with you. How can you be so positive and see through things so acutely, they all wonder. Its just a gift that you have brought from former lifetimes. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A woman bites into a lemon and makes a face. This degree has strong reactions to stimuli. It's always wanting progress to happen in relationships, wanting the other person to openly express reactions, wanting differences to be clearly defined, and, if possible, resolved. It figures that if it focuses on what is wrong, then maybe it can be resolved. The problem is, no support or encouragement for these desires may be forthcoming from the outside world. This degree needs to realize that all experiences are just a projection of itself that all conflicts can be resolved inwardly, and that one is not dependent on the outside. When this is realized, oddly enough, the outside then tends to become easier to deal with, and more likely to be supportive. Pleiadian Symbol: Deep in a cave gnomes sitting around a flickering fire. Leo 7. The barking of a dog echoes across a moonlit landscape. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Sensitive
(Degree Angel: Mebahiah (me-BA-hee-YAH) Thought Into Action, Intellectual Lucidity The sharpness of a needle determines how easily it can penetrate skin, and by the same token your penetrating but subtle insights can penetrate the consciousness of those who experience them, and work on them in ways that were unexpected. Using this power for the good of others is your challenge. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A very weak cup of tea. The barking of the dog permeates the landscape just as the tea does the water. The tea is very bland and subtle to some it would seem like nothing rearkable. To those who tune in to the faint flavor and fragrance there may be a wonderous experience to savor. The experience of this is cosmic and mysterious, and is felt by this degree to symbolize far more than it outwardly is. The energy of this is much like homeopathy, where, as a substance is reduced physically, its vibration is magnified. The barking dog's echoes in the Omega symbol are calling forth deep emotions, as signified by the Moon, and the feelings permeate the landscape, creating an atmosphere that evokes the sublime. And so this degree can be deceptively simple and bland, and yet evoke the grandeur of the infinite. Pleiadian Symbol: A man's astral body travels into the sky to see the stars more closely. Moon : Aquarius 24. A helicopter depositing a man on the top of the Great Pyramid. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Responsible
(Degree Angel: Menadel (Meh-na-DEL) Fear(less), Inner/outer work) What is difficult becomes easy with help, and this degree is open to help from any and all sources. It knows that the access to anything can be immediate if the support is there, combined with confidence in the belief of this fact. Here is a desire to facilitate the process of everyone's unfoldment and therefore an antidote to destructive competitiveness. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A large brown bear picking and eating apples. Here is a refreshingly direct gratification of self, which is both innocent and healthy. It may, though, be unacceptible to those who want a more formal, civilized approach to life, and who expect this large brown bear to justify its actions. This degree teaches us that everything can be made much easier and simpler than we've thought, though to do so there may be a price to pay in terms of intimidating others or going against what they think proper. Pleiadian Symbol: As he is writing his memoirs a man recalls a long-ago love affair. Venus : Gemini 24. A man who heals water, be it in lakes, rivers, the ocean, or a glass. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Responsible
(Degree Angel: HAHAIAH (ha-HA-ee-YAH) Unconditional Love, Refuge, Shelter) You have a wonderful way of always coming back to the basics and attuning to them, so that clarity is the result. You are aware of the vast number of energies that all forms of communicating carry, and are able to extract the impure and confusing from the mix so that meaning can gain in strength. You have a unique way of mirroring complexity in simplicity and simplicity in complexity. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A nude man with a tail. The tail assists in balance, it also flows out of the body like a river, and so carries the vibration of water, which is of the astral plane the realm of emotions. This person has the ability to improve, uplift, revivify and re-energize the feelings of environments as well as people. This happens in a very immediate, unselfconscious way. The effect is beautiful, refreshing and restorative. The approach of this degree is simple, but often proliferates into a marvelous complexity, just as water is clear and simple, and yet enters into, catalyzes and transmutes so many processes. Pleiadian Symbol: A giant mandala being cut into the ice of a lake. Mars: Libra 11. In a Tibetan monastery, hundreds of candles burning. (Omega Symbol)Transforming/Experimental
(Degree Angel: Asaliah (a-SA-lee-YAH) Global Transformation, Contemplation) In the darkest of passages through life there is kept burning the lights of helping influences, if we can only maintain our contact with them. You are always aware, somewhere in your being, that where you put your attention is the key to moving beyond the illusion of physical reality. You sense that where you place your focus is what can ultimately change everything. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is Tea leaves that form a pentagram. The tea leaves have settled after the tea has been consumed, leaving a pentagram. This is a meaningful coincidence. This degree is about perceiving order and finding meaning in the seemingly random occurrences of life. These meaningful coincidences are a way of connecting with the divine, as are the candles of the Omega Symbol. To gain the most from this degree you need to be aware of these signs as they come to you, and be sensitive to your intuition and instincts, so as to tune in to the spiritual forces that are in so many ways making themselves known. The pentagram signifies the life force, harmony, and health organizing forces always there and always wanting to imprint themselves on our lives. There is only one spiritual light, but it manifests in many forms, as signified by the hundreds of candles of the Omega Symbol. Pleiadian Symbol: A holy man lecturing to a group of mountains. IP: Logged |
charmainec Moderator Posts: 4265 From: Venus next to Randall Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 10, 2012 08:50 AM
 ------------------ quote: Remember, love can conquer the influences of the planets....It can even eliminate karma.
Linda GoodmanIP: Logged |
Sashar Knowflake Posts: 146 From: Alternate timeline future Registered: Mar 2012
posted April 10, 2012 10:12 AM
ASC - Sagittarius 4. A great teacher lecturing in an empty classroom. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Responsible (Degree Angel: SEHEIAH (say-HAY-ee-YAH) Soul Mate, Longevity, Releases body and mind from negative emotions) This degree has knowledge that must come out, even if it isn't acknowledged or accepted by others. There is an ability here to be impervious to the negative reactions and/or disinterest of others. As long as this degree focuses on what it needs to do and lets go of any apprehensions concerning the ramifications of its actions, it can live true to itself. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A young prince undressed to bathe in a pool. The young man puts himself in a vulnerable position by taking away all the barriers between himself and nature. He then enters the water, the sacred womb of the mother to be refreshed, cleansed and purified. This degree is about seeking direct experience by divesting oneself of preconceptions and social conditionings, and by also letting go of assertiveness and agendas so as to have a full experience of what's right there in front of one. It's not easy to give oneself completely over to the feminine. It requires a lot of macho courage and gutsiness. Sun - Virgo 1. Late at night, someone comes home and slowly ascends the stairs. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Experimental
(Degree Angel: ACHAIAH (a-KA-hee-YAH) DNA of the Soul, Patience) You need, periodically, to withdraw from the world back into the privacy of your inner self. You seek the highest aspect of your inner being, and when you can find this and commune with it, you are then in a position to do and be your best. This may mean turning your back on the world, at times, because you need to be as free as possible from strife and conflict, and the many and varied opinions of others. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A volcano erupting at night. This degree seems on the surface to be very different from its corresponding Omega Symbol, but both show a similarity of relationship to the world of human affairs. The volcano obviously cares not for them, and the man of the Omega Symbol is retreating from them, in fact as he climbs the stairs he rises above them. The volcano clears pressure that has built up deep inside the earth. The man coming home is in the process of releasing the pressures of the day. The volcano's release is grand and dramatic, the man's release is quiet and private. No matter how it occurs, release has to happen, and this degree absolutely will not stand for repression. It is ready and willing to give in to deep release, and not just release of its own personal repressed energies, but release (as much as is possible) of the repressed, denied and rejected energies of humanity at large. This is the most primitive, direct purging that Virgo is capable of. Moon - Taurus 11. A man jumping into a river, melting, and flowing away. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Experimental
(Degree Angel: Hahahel (HA-ha-HEL) Self-Esteem, Mission) You can unite so intensely with the experience of the moment that you become it and disappear. The intensity of this can threaten other people, but don't allow that to stop you. You have an irresistible urge to take things to the farthest degree possible - its wonderful, transformative, and exhilarating. Follow it faithfully to wherever it takes you. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is "A woman with flames for hair." Here is a merging with fire, as the Omega Symbol is a merging with water in the Omega Symbol. One would think that the woman's head would burn up, but it doesn't. this degree knows that we can withstand more than we think we can, and that there is no reason to fear intensity. If we give in to the intensity of our vision what is burned away is heavy karma that has kept us from manifesting our true self. ------------------ Astrology Activism: The constant strive to not just learn the intricate details of Astrology but the desire to constantly find new ways to prove that it exists in a scientific manner. Failure to incorporate the later into your work is akin to learning how to cure cancer but not sharing it with anyone. IP: Logged |
Doux Rve Moderator Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted April 10, 2012 10:49 AM
So if my Moon is at 1 Virgo, I should read the description for 2 Virgo?Ps. Sashar, your Sun is on my Moon and your ASC is on my DSC  IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 3292 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 10, 2012 10:53 AM
yep coz ders no 0 but there is a 30..IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 806 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 10, 2012 11:08 AM
I'm still patiently waiting for your email..  IP: Logged |
Doux Rve Moderator Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted April 10, 2012 11:14 AM
ASC - quote: Gemini 4: From a mountain, people watch a tsunami. (Omega Symbol)Manifesting/Responsible(Degree Angel: Mehiel (MAY-hee-EL) Casting Yourself in a Favorable Light, Vivification, invigoration, enlivenment) You can often feel what is coming how the energy is going to move or change, and because of this can put yourself in the place you need to be to either protect yourself from it, or use it to maximum benefit. You have much to say, the question being whether or not people are going to listen. You need to find the right context in which to share your ideas, and not try to relate them to those who arent receptive. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is An island just visible off the coast. In both of these symbols there is something to be observed that is not far away. In the Omega Symbol the tsunami is dynamic and immanent, whereas in the Chandra Symbol the island is static and ongoing. In the Omega symbol the tsunami is coming to us, in the Chandra Symbol, if we want to see what is on the island we must go to it. In both symbols there is a connecting of two different worlds, or planes of existence in the tsunami image the connection is intrusive and forced, in the island image its an inviting potential. Either way, CHANGE is the point. If it comes at us, we need to take the high road to the mountain to see the overall meaning and significance of it, if we choose it and go to the island, we need to be sensitive to the rightness of the timing of our adventure. Moon -
quote: Virgo 2. A table on which many healing have been performed. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Sensitive(Degree Angel: CAHETEL (KA-heh-TEL) Defusing Negative Energy, Divine Blessings) You work at building up energy gradually, often by doing something over and over. This can be nearly magical in nature, in that you can refine your ability to do whatever you are dong, as well as acquire greater subtlety in doing it. You have an instinctive way of being able to make the right kind of space for whatever you're going to do, and this can insure success. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A man hanging upside down from a tree. Just as the table of the Omega Symbol is waiting for the next patient, the man of this symbol is waiting for the right time to act. The tree symbolizes knowledge, and the man of the symbol is dedicated to it. His feet, which signify understanding, are raised to heaven while his head his mental/intellectual part is nearest to the earth, meaning devoted to the affairs of practical existence. This degree knows and sees to a great extent how the spiritual light is working in the world, its insights and perceptions may not be heard by others. The truth of this degree is that if enough positive energy is built up, the tide will eventually turn, though to do this sometimes great patience, focus, and waiting are required. Sun -
quote: Scorpio 17. Empty rooms with perfect walls and floors. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Sensitive(Degree Angel: LAUVIAH (LO-vee-YAH) Banishying the Remnants of Evil, Victory) When you create an empty space you make a place for something new to come in, and when you do this continuously you maintain a clear, clean place on which the mind can project its imaginings and thereby come to know itself. This degree has a gift for clearing out the past and for staying prepared for whatever is coming toward it out of the future. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is The mountain abode of a hermit. There's an ability here to operate at a remove, for obviously not everyone who has this degree goes off to live in the mountains, but all of them do, to some extent, create that abode around them so that they can do what they do without being so affected by the energies of others and the world of humans in general. It means that they bring a freshness to whatever they encounter, and help others to divest themselves of the mental and physical pollution with which they are always having to contend. How clear this mountain air seems to be, how refreshing, and how much its atmosphere seems to give us greater space and freedom in which to move, just as the empty rooms of the Omega Symbol do. * * * * * *
A bit too abstract to my liking.
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sand Knowflake Posts: 3292 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 10, 2012 11:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by lilithpluto: I'm still patiently waiting for your email.. 
rly? i sent it yesterday lol! i must have fudged the email coz i was having difficulty copying it from my ipad so i typed it out! oh noez lol! i hope i saved it i'm a super deleter.. IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 806 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted April 10, 2012 11:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: rly? i sent it yesterday lol! i must have fudged the email coz i was having difficulty copying it from my ipad so i typed it out! oh noez lol! i hope i saved it i'm a super deleter..
Okie!!!! I found it!!!  YEAH!!! IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 3292 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 10, 2012 11:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rve:
A bit too abstract to my liking.
oh yeah they're really like that.. some are even worse with dragons and arrows, and all sorts of medieval things etc.. IP: Logged |
Fondue Knight Knowflake Posts: 778 From: NY Registered: Nov 2011
posted April 10, 2012 11:30 AM
Sun: quote: Cancer 3. In a crowd, a man keeps seeing people he thinks he knows but cant remember from where. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Receptive (Degree Angel: NELCHAEL (NEL-ka-EL) Eradicate Plague, Ardent Desire to Learn)
You have a strong connection to the past, and you have to either delve into it, or let it go. If you allow its unresolved energies to haunt you, you will be continually weighed down by it. You need to continually look at the past in a new way that goes beyond your preconceptions of it. If you do this you will learn much, and be able to help others through sharing what you have learned. The Chandra symbol for this degree is A set of surgical instruments. The message here is cut it out. What needs to be cut out are the burdens, baggage and attachments that one has grown beyond. The man in the Omega Symbol is accessing memories that need to be either embraced or let go of. This degree is about becoming more aware of what we don't need, overcoming whatever we are ready to let go of, and finding an effective way to do this that overcomes the problem once and for all.
Moon: quote: Virgo 9. In a freshly plowed field, a man searching for arrowheads. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Responsible(Degree Angel: HARIEL (HA-ree-EL) Long-Range Vision, Purification) You are trying to make sense out of your experiences, trying to find the grains of truth, the elements of value amidst all the random input. At worst your world is fragmented, and if so its mirroring your inner feelings of fragmentation. You need to always be looking more deeply and closely at what your finding, rather than just always seeking to find more. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A man mixing cement. You want to find ways to fit things together in a substantial, permanent way, so that the bond is strong and sure. This has its place, but if these tightly fused concepts you're working with cause you to lose sight of your heart, and the need to give and receive love, you may find yourself wandering in a field, like the man of the Omega Symbol asking, where is the point? or what is the point?
ASC: quote: Sagittarius 17. A flame dancing at the top of a mans head. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Sensitive(Degree Angel: Hahahel (HA-ha-HEL) Self-Esteem, Mission) This degree lives in a state of being constantly reminded of source, of the spiritual light from which all has been generated. It realizes that no matter how diverse or in conflict the world of phenomenality may seem, that all is ultimately one, and that union with the light is a fact which we only need acknowledge to dispel darkness. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A monkey dressed in a brocade coat. The monkey is dressed in a refined and sophisticated garment but beneath that garment he is wild, playful, and free. This degree often clothes itself in outer trappings that are unlike its true nature. This is a means of hiding, when needed, as well as taking on roles just to imagine what it would be like to be something else very different from the self. It is good to be a light in the world, just as the man of the Omega Symbol has become like a candle. His flame is not steady it dances, and as it dances at his crown chakra what is signified is the highest most spiritual type of play. Life is always and eternally joyful, and only becomes serious when we lose contact with this truth.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 2698 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 10, 2012 11:42 AM
Sun: 26 Sag A candle mysteriously undisturbed by wind Sagittarius 26. A candle mysteriously undisturbed by wind. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Experimental(Degree Angel: Daniel (DA-nee-EL) Enough is Never Enough, Eloquence) The title Beyond Mind is fitting for this degree. Thoughts truly are like wind in that they push against everything and can create much turbulence. When one gains the power to detach from mind, even if just a little bit, there is an increasing steadiness in the being that brings us closer to spiritual clarity. This degree carries a creative vision that is impervious, more or less, to the agitations of thought. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is Climbing the steps of the Pyramid of the Sun. To ascend, to get above the world, but not by flying in a more substantial way, with something solid under your feet this is the goal of this degree. The person who carries this degree is strongly aware that life has meaning and purpose, and is attempting to follow the highest and clearest version of it. The process of getting beyond what is shallow, superficial and trivial is arduous, but this meets the challenge with steadiness and persistence. Pleiadian Symbol: A man carrying a blank banner, hundreds of feet long, flowing in the wind. Azoth Symbol: A man charting subtle irregularities in celestial movements. Seed degree: 9 Aquarius.A medieval cathedral built on the site of an ancient pagan temple. (Omega Symbol). The urge to unite with the spiritual light is a desire that burns steadily, and is unextinguished by changing times, fashions or biases. Violets blooming by the barred windows of a dungeon. (Chandra Symbol). To see that in any confining or difficult situation spiritual succor is always right there to offer itself is to carry out the arduous task of ascending toward the divine. Fulfillment degree: 23 Taurus. Inside a tornado a spiral staircase. (Omega Symbol). The steadiness of our spiritual light allows us to withstand the violent and relentless onslaughts of the mind. A salamander glowing red-orange. (Chandra Symbol) Moon: 18 Aqua A cloud in the middle of an empty sky has lost its way. Aquarius 18. A cloud in the middle of an empty sky has lost its way. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Receptive
(Degree Angel: Omael (O-ma-EL) Building Bridges, Fertility, Multiplicity Defeats frustration, despair and depression) This degree is aware of how so many problems are caused by the self being in the way of itself. The solution to this problem is to let go of the self, meaning to let go of biases, taken-for-granted assumptions, and all agendas. It is like hitting the reboot button on a computer: The self vanishes for a moment and what reappears is a fresh light, and a new sense of directions and clarity. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is An American Indian woman in a canoe. She is gathering wild rice. The woman did not cultivate the rice: she simply gathers it from nature. This degree tunes in to what the world has to offer, and then finds a way to gather it up for the self, to make use of it for nourishment. It is intent on ways of survival that are easy and natural, and which can be shared with other people. Pleiadian Symbol: Removing a mask reveals a faceless man. Azoth Symbol: A man on a shore witnessing ocean fog as it drifts toward him. Seed degree: Scorpio 5. A sculptor creating large, fragile works of art out of paper. (Omega Symbol). When we focus on the present and fully embrace the creative process, we learn how to let go so as to make way for whatever wants to come next. An Egyptian queen with a braided beard. (Chandra Symbol). When one's equality with others in the world is affirmed, nourishment and sustenance can then more readily be sought and found. Fulfillment degree: Virgo 27.A cup made from a skull. It is filled with dark wine. (Omega Symbol). When a point of intensity is reached, release and evaporation are then possible. The magician disrobes. He has no sex organs. (Chandra Symbol). Freely finding and taking what one needs, and sharing one's abundance with others transcends differences among people. ASC: 8 Sagb8 Experts arguing over the authenticity of a painting. Sagittarius 8. Experts arguing over the authenticity of a painting. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Receptive (Degree Angel: Vasariah (va-SAH-ree-Yah) Memories, Clemency and Equilibrium) This degree loves to speculate concerning mysteries, and to look more and more closely at anything to gain clues about the nature of reality. Attachment to particular opinions is always found to be restrictive, but when an openness to new ideas is present, this degree has a genius for uncovering new truths and new aspects of anything to which it turns its attention. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is The harsh landscape of the moon with a black sky. The Earth is not visible. If we can't see the Earth from the Moon then we know we are on the dark side of the Moon in the land of Hidden Emotions. This very bleak, foreboding image is in the optimistic sign of Sagittarius, and signifies Sagittarius meeting those forces which are most against its positive and upward-looking attitude. To confront and move through these is difficult, and may severely test one's spiritual self-confidence, but this degree is ready and willing to do the work. As to the corresponding Omega Symbol, whatever conclusions the experts come to, the painting in question is what it is, and might be at once a fake meaning a forgery and a beautiful painting even a masterpiece. And even though we can have many different opinions about it, our attitudes and beliefs concerning it do not change the painting itself. The experts are judges, and whatever judgments they decide upon, it is best ultimately to focus on enjoying the painting, or, if judging is your art form, to enjoy doing that. for judging can be a form of playful detective work if you make it so, and this is far better then making it the grim, condeming and blaming thing that corresponds to the harshness of the Chandra symbol. Either way, a light and appreciative attitude will help to prevent becoming stuck in the joyless, lifeless environment of the Chandra Symbol. Pleiadian Symbol: Opals splintering and releasing colors. Azoth Symbol: Frustrated in their search for higher consciousness, people pursue novelty everywhere in the world. Seed degree: Cancer 3. In a crowd a man keeps seeing people he thinks he knows but can't remember from where. (Omega Symbol). When we tune in to the eternal nature reflected in the ephemeral and passing things around us, we come to realize that truth has many sides to it. A set of surgical instruments. (Chandra Symbol). When we carefully and patiently delve deeply into ourselves we find profound and hidden connections to realms beyond the earthly. Fulfillment degree: Scorpio 21. The wind whirling thousands of loose manuscript pages. (Omega Symbol). Debate is carried to the point of the disintegration of ideas, which can be an experience of freeing and opening up. A pair of glasses with no lenses in them. (Chandra Symbol). When we are able to get beyond earth-bound concerns we come back to earth and can see more clearly, and are also aware of the limitations and restrictions we have been putting on our experience. chartruler: 12 Pisces12 A fantastic archaeological find is being kept secret. Pisces 12. A fantastic archaeological find is being kept secret. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Sensitive (Degree Angel Name: Nithael (NIT-ha-EL) The Death of Death, Rejuvenation and Eternal Youth) The past houses secrets which, if they could be known might have a transformative effect on the present. This degree is aware of how the self is always keeping secrets from itself it is a technique the ego uses to try to maintain the structure it imposes on reality. There's a persistent desire here to allow all secrets to be revealed, and to open up the treasure house of the past, even at the risk of threatening the ego. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A woman asleep in a ring of flames. One of the places in literature where this image is found is in the last part of Die Valkure, where the Valkerie Brunhilde is placed in a ring of flames by the kind of the Gods, Wotan. She is to sleep there until a person with the requisite courage comes who has the power to rescue her. She, like the archaeological find of the Omega Symbol is, in a sense, being kept secret where she sleeps, high on a mountain. On another level, this woman is the Shekinah, the Kabbalistic female spirit of one's own wisdom, each one of us being the hero who will eventually pass through the frightening flame barrier of our own ego to wake her and unite with her. Through total rest, through deep sleep and merging with pure being an alchemy is allowed to work and to draw to itself whatever will awaken it to a new world. This degree may experience an intense yearning, but not be able to define what it is that it yearns for. It carries within itself a secret which, in lower stages of development, it may not even be aware of. The secret is the knowledge that the perfection one seeks is there, waiting, within, and will inevitably be discovered. This is the source of the mysterious patience and hope this degree brings to whatever it contacts. The archaeological find of the Omega Symbol is actually your true self, which in fact you never lost, but which, until enlightenment, you're keeping secret from yourself. Pleiadian Symbol: A professor of symbology explaining a ritual. Azoth Symbol: A horn used to convey messages over long distances. Seed degree: Leo 24. A drowning man turns into a fish. (Omega Symbol). That such a magical thing can happen is kept secret by the narrowness of our mind, only revealed when the mind is ready to let go of its limits. Sunrise over Stonehenge. (Chandra Symbol). Becoming conscious of the beautifully balanced cosmic patterns in which we live, we perveive the the inner goddess latent within ourselves and yearn for her awakening. Fulfillment degree: Virgo 29. Pagans purifying themselves beneath a waterfall. (Omega Symbol). Letting go of searching out secrets, we give our curiosity a rest and allow the cleansing forces of nature to renew our spirit. A witch preparing magic mushrooms. (Chandra Symbol). Drawing on the spirit of the inner goddess sleeping within us, we work with the forces of nature to create healing. IP: Logged |
virgolotus Knowflake Posts: 239 From: 4th dimension Registered: Jan 2012
posted April 10, 2012 01:39 PM
SUN Virgo 15. A man wearing paper wings jumps off a cliff and soars through the sky. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Inspired(Degree Angel: NELCHAEL (NEL-ka-EL) Eradicate Plague, Ardent Desire to Learn) You have your own way of doing things, but it can be very hard for you to find that way, as others are often telling you that your methods wont work. Actually your methods are perfectly suited to you, and when coupled to your enthusiasm and self-confidence they will always carry you to your desired destination. The secret to success for you is to listen to yourself. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A man inherits a vast fortune. Your problem is not prosperity you have so much to work with. The problem is, what are you going to do with it. If you become intimidated by your own gifts you may hold them back, save them up for a rainy day which may never come. It is important that you use what you have, that you share your wealth of ideas and abilities with others, without allowing your questions about whether or not you're doing the right thing to stop you from experimenting. Remember: there is always something to learn from a failed investment. MOON Capricorn 27. A group of fish at the edge of a pool. They are looking up at someone. (Omega Symbol) Transforming/Sensitive (Degree Angel: HAZIEL (HA-zee-EL) Angelic Influences, Divine Mercy and Forgiveness) This degree has the ability to look beyond its own frame of reference into other realities and planes of existence. It has a patient, receptive quality, and senses that answers are all around it, waiting to be had if one can only be receptive and make within oneself an empty space in which to receive the knowledge. It manifests a quiet inspiration that can access universal wisdom in a pure form. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A long mirrored hallway lit with candles. The mirrors and candles allow us to see where we are going, and this degree has a gift for both pointing out the way, and helping everyone to get their bearings more clearly. It knows that no one stays any place for long unless they need to, and even though they may feel stuck somewhere, they're actually subconsciously loitering and don't know it. And even when we feel lonely in our journey, if we are observant we'll always find mirrors and candles willing to befriend us. ASC Scorpio 7. A poem has disappeared from a sheet of paper. All that is left behind is a few iridescent stains. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Sensitive (Degree Angel: VEHUIAH (vay-HOO-ee-YAH) Time Travel, Will and New Beginnings) There is a deep desire here for profound communication, and to express the essence of one's soul. The way to handle this energy is to freely and joyously attempt communication without becoming frustrated by the limits that time and space place upon it. This degree goes beyond words and any other vehicles of communication until it finally reaches the essence of pure knowing. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A small cave located high in the hills and filled with goat dung. Former ways of being, with their trials and tribulations, create waste products. If these are scattered about in our consciousness we end up continually stumbling over or stepping into them, which weakens our ability to be present in the moment. The best way to handle these waste products is to gather them together and find a place to store them, so they may break down into fertilizer for the new creative cycles coming in the future. This degree is about the challenge of letting go of what we're holding on to so that we may move on. Many times people THINK they have let go of something only to find out later that they've merely repressed it. When this degree cannot let go of something it needs to admit the attachment to itself and then find a way to get it out of the way as much as possible, so that it does not disrupt or inhibit its current process. Then, in time, and maybe gradually, the attachment may be released. The person of this degree is often tempted to mull over remnants of the past, sifting through them for evidence with which to justify himself, or because he thinks by doing so he will gain greater understanding. This activity is usually engaged in because the individual lacks confidence and/or is overly critical of himself, and they may well find that too much digging into and mulling over what has gone before will only reinforce his tie to the past. ------------------ "I have a lot of chameleon qualities, I get very absorbed in my surroundings." -River Phoenix IP: Logged |
psytaurus Knowflake Posts: 121 From: Europe Registered: Aug 2011
posted April 12, 2012 06:06 AM
ASC quote: (Libra 6): On a long voyage, many icebergs encountered.(Omega Symbol) Interacting/Experimental(Degree Angel: Mikael (MI-ka-EL) Revealing the Concealed, Political Authority and Order) You do not operate by agendas, for you are always aware that everything is changing, and so the path ahead also changes. You sense the feelings of everyone around you, especially the emotional places of blockage and pain, and know how to move with and through these in a smooth, almost invisible manner. You have the potential of getting a tremendous amount of things accomplished, albeit usually slowly and gradually. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A baby with two sets of teeth. This degree has a great desire to take in nourishment from all its relationships. It's question is always of what value is this encounter to me what can I give to it, and what can I get from it? It senses the spiritual truth that nothing comes its way that is not for the purpose of furthering its spiritual development, and so it is eager to assimilate experiences, to chew on them so as to get the most nutritional benefit out of them possible. It doesn't like let go of anything until it understands it, or at least feels it has gotten something of what it needs from it. All of this is carried out in a very innocent, open manner that will inevitably lead to the problems alluded to by the icebergs of the Omega Symbol, but which can benefit the soul tremendously. Pleiadian Symbol: A wandering landscape searching for a canvas on which to dwell. Azoth Symbol: At land's end a high rock and on it a tower. Seed degree: Gemini 6. In the far north an ancient tower carved of ice. (Omega Symbol). Going to a place of stillness and calm where we can view existence from a higher perspective gives us the energy and focus needed to thread our way through life's difficulties and challenges. A claw foot holding a ball. (Chandra Symbol). When we have been able to intuitively grasp the essence of knowledge in all its perfection, we next seek out ways to assimilate it so that it become a part of us. And we feel a drive to do this in such a way that we do not become one-sided in our experience of it, but are always maintaining a sense of the mystic duality of all truth.
SUN quote: (Taurus 19): A bottle of gold dust gathered from many places over many years. (Omega Symbol)Manifesting /Responsible(Degree Angel: Vehuel (Vay-hoo-EL) Happiness, Elevation, Grandeur) You understand the value of little things, and of how even the seemingly most insignificant thing can reflect cosmic truth. This causes you to be able to learn from almost anything. Your powers of observation are very great, for something in you knows how to seek out and find what is most valuable in a situation. All you need to do is continue on with this, and in time it can lead you to great success. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A crown turns into goat horns. The crown is a socially conferred symbol of power, whereas the goat horns are power that is innate growing out of the head rather than something that is placed on the head. And so this degree wants to attain to the real thing, which is its spiritual self. It can be very resistive of guidance as well as suspicious of the approval of others and might at times actually reject outer support, for it is intent on seeking its own true power in its own way its inner gold, found gradually, over time. This degree has its own strong agenda, and even though some may think it wrong or misguided, it must do what it must do, and in its own way. Pleiadian Symbol: A magic mountain rises out of the waters. Azoth Symbol: The portrait of a man grows younger and younger. Seed degree: Scorpio 8. A woman in a hot bath. Outside, snow is falling. (Omega Symbol). Maintaining our insulation from the illusion of lack and poverty we are able to gather gold from any and all experiences. A retarded man with white hair. He has an angelic countenance. (Chandra Symbol). Letting go of the illusions perpetrated by intellectuality we are able to manifest pure wisdom and be empowered by it.
MOON quote: (Aquarius 25): The muscles of a dancers legs quivering in his sleep as he remembers dances. (Degree Angel: Aniel (AH-nee-EL) The Big Picture, Breaking the Circle)
Everywhere we look in life we are seeing through shadows of the past. This degree is strongly aware of this, and is looking to disperse those shadows so that we might see clearly what is here and how, disencumbered of the distortions of memory. This degree has a way of making needed connections to advance the process of understanding what is going on, and a gift for seeing where energy needs to be focused to achieve maximum benefit for all. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is A moustache. This is one of the simplest of all the symbols, and signifies male maturity. All healthy males eventually come into this maturity physically speaking, but as a symbol, what the moustache alludes to is spiritual maturity, that is, the ability to take spiritual initiative in the world and to wield spiritual power. The worst characteristics of the male are selfishness (in terms of the desire for sexual gratification, among other things), and the obsessive need to dominate, with its sub-need to be right. When this degree comes into alignment with its true nature, it is careful to reign in selfishness, as well as to know when dominating is the best thing and when softness and giving way to others is what's more needed. When these challenges are mastered, then the most cosmic aspects of Aquarius are allowed to manifest. Pleiadian Symbol: A butterfly, the two halves of it having completely different patterns and colors. Azoth Symbol: At a spinning wheel dreams and visions are being spun into realities. Seed degree: Capricorn 29. At dusk, a woman in a garden picking lettuce. (Omega Symbol). Cooling off in this manner allows the releasing of pent-up patterns of stress. An architect carefully surveying old ruins. (Chandra Symbol).
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NativelyJoan Knowflake Posts: 849 From: Boston Registered: Sep 2011
posted April 12, 2012 12:08 PM
Very interesting and illuminating. Thank you for this Sand. I'm only posting my Sun and Ascendant, I'll read about my Moon though. Sun in Libra: 3 degrees "Phase 37. The Big Picture (Aleph Nun Yud) Angel: ANIEL (AH-nee-EL) Breaking the Circle Libra 3. A painting upside-down in a museum. No one notices the mistake. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Receptive (Degree Angel: Rehael (RAY-ha-EL) Diamond in the Rough, Filial Submission) You see things always in a way that is new and different from the norm. Somehow the usual assumptions and biases that most people take for granted just dont stick to you. This is a wonderful quality, and can manifest as great insight. Do not allow the negative reactions of others to cause you to doubt what you have to give. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is An inaccurate, imaginative map of the world. When there's something you don't know you can always make it up, and through doing this can access what's inside you by a process of projecting it on the outside world. The challenge here is to not get reality confused with one's speculations. As more information comes in the map can always be modified toward a more accurate and detailed picture. There is a great value, though, in speculation before facts are known, for it stimulates further exploration, which is something this degree very much loves to do. Pleiadian Symbol: The Sun rises into a parallel universe. Azoth Symbol: On an altar a bowl full of darkness and a bowl full of light. Seed degree: Taurus 1. To cleanse them, crystals are placed in a stream. (Omega Symbol). Through uniting with the present we come into greater clarity, which gives us a new perspective on everything. A red garnet ring. The garnets glow. (Chandra Symbol). Eagerness to live and to grow impels us to project our imagination onto the territory that lays before us. Fulfillment degree: Gemini 16. A man is projecting numbers at someone for the purpose of healing that person. (Omega Symbol). Freed from the usual way of looking at things we are able to tap into the realm of pure vibration and explore its possbilities. A single sunflower wilting and dropping its seeds. (Chandra Symbol). The products of the imagination either grow into something, or serve to fertilize future cycles of growth. Oracle (This actually happened. It was at the Chicago Art Institute. The painter was Edwin Dickinson). Two people, laying on a bed, each facing the other's feet. Spectators viewed them from above. Even short dreams can change one into a fossil, making the night last millions of years, which, in the long run can provide a far sounder sleep. Vaguely sensing their reversal, they assumed it was only the crust of the earth moving a little, in its own sleep. Such slight interruptions only serve to intensify comfort" Ascendant in Aquarius: 23 degrees "Phase 65. Fear of God (Daled Mem Bet) Angel: DAMABIAH (da-MA-bee-YAH) Fountain of Wisdom Aquarius 23. In a catacomb, a room decorated with hundreds of skulls and bones. (Omega Symbol) Interacting/Receptive (Degree Angel: Chavakiah (cha-VA-kee-Yah) Sexual Energy, Reconciliation) This degree is about remembering the past and drawing sustenance from feeling fellowship with all those souls who have gone before and who have worked together to fulfill a goal. This degree gains sustenance from a feeling of connectedness with humanity that transcends any limitation imposed by religion, ethnicity, race philosophical persuasion or even death. Love is the true connector. The Chandra Symbol for this degree is Ancient runes carved at random on gray rocks. The questions are, what do these runes mean, do they relate to each other, and if so, how? This degree senses the vastness of the group it belongs to, which includes the current human focus of everyone who has ever lived, as well as infinite other possibilities from far distant places, including other universes. It has a deep knowing that all limits are temporary and illusions. It often tries out many different ways of relating to the world, and welcomes the seemingly random encounters it has as opportunities to connect with the greater collective consciousness. Rather than feeling special in an exclusive, it knows that everything and everyone is special. " I only put a portion of my Ascendant. Very interesting descriptions. IP: Logged | |