Topic: Moon Saturn Aspects in Synastry and the Mommy Daddy Complex
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 1068 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted April 12, 2012 10:09 PM
I have had this with my most long lasting relationships/friendships...I dont see the negative connotation that it gets. Saturn is the "glue" it represents karma, responsibility, and a sense of loyalty. Between man and woman in a love relationship, its funny, one will play mommy and the other will play daddy. Martin Schulman mentions this in Karmic Relationships...Even Barbara Watters mentions it and says its a past life connection with family and kids. Who has Moon Saturn aspects in synastry and how is it playing out for u??IP: Logged |
amowls** Knowflake Posts: 1948 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted April 12, 2012 10:12 PM
Do you have Moon/Saturn natally?IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted April 12, 2012 10:13 PM
I've had sun opposition saturn. It really WAS like glue cos it was quite tight. I prefer trines though. I can handle the energy way better. But I think with any steady relationship, you would want saturn otherwise it's just not gonna go the distance. IP: Logged |
Desiring Shadows Moderator Posts: 2469 From: UNITED STATES, BABY Registered: Jan 2012
posted April 12, 2012 10:16 PM
I've had the square, I was the moon person. It's very unpleasant when the Saturn person tries to give you helpful advice and you the moon person gets offended..Eventually we stopped being friends. Not because of disloyalty or anything, because in all truth, once that relationship started, we were so stable you'd think we would've never stopped -- It ended because I was done giving in to his bad behavior. It was very awkward leaving because we depended so much on eachother. When I did leave, I felt a lot better about my self and my confidence gradually grew back. He was a whiner. lol. He would critscise me then become depressed and be boring to hang out with anyways. I have moon square saturn natally.  ====================================== "When it seems like there's no one left to run to in this empty world you can come to me, I'll be your shooting star. You can tell me your dreams I can't promise to make them come true, but I'll be there to pick up the pieces of your broken heart if your dreams happen to fall through." -Anonymous IP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 1068 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted April 12, 2012 10:18 PM
yes im moon in cappy square saturn in a grand trine with venus and asc. But when in a relationship with a male Or feamle we develope this strong emotinal bond, we never leave eachother. Some astrologers talk of this as a mommy/daddy complex. With the 3 men I have had it with, we would call eachother mommy and daddy and they always wanted a baby right away. Weird! Some astrologers say this is one of the most powerful karmic bonds....nodes r powerful too, but saturn is the ultimate planet of Karma...IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted April 12, 2012 10:25 PM
I think nodes are stronger. Bc saturn is more generational and nodes move faster. So if nodes conjunct an angle in synastry at a very tight orb, it's more significant than saturn aspecting a planet in synastry imo.Like my ex had his moon in cancer. He would have his moon opposing everyone's saturn born around my age. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 13563 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 13, 2012 07:00 AM
I think both Nodes and Saturn are significant. And the nodes do not move that quickly either. For example, at my birth Saturn was moving with appr. 4 minutes a day, and the nodal axis was moving appr. 2 minutes a day.
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scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 1068 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted April 13, 2012 09:49 AM
Yea with the current, my saturn is trining his sun, squaring his moon, and my nn is conj his desc 1* and his nn is conj my mars 1*. Its very karmic and we felt the bond right away. IP: Logged |
LiesLilithsaidtouranus Knowflake Posts: 931 From: La,la land Registered: Sep 2011
posted April 13, 2012 10:16 AM
I have a saturn-moon conjunction in synastry with my man. He is the moon and I am the saturn, we are only 2 degrees away, still tight though in Pisces. It's quite strange. In a way he is the embodiment of the type of man I'd look up to. His moon lies in my 11th house of friendship. Being an aquarius anyone's personal planets that lie in my 11th house is like a stone that my balloon is tied to. He gives off this comforting feel to him. I in the other hand have sort of changed how he is as a person. He has left the whole suicidal thoughts a step behind him when we got together and I'm the girl that has stopped him from hurting himself. I catch him doing something he isn't suppose to do, he confesses apologizing. It is almost like I'm a mom and his the dad. It's quite strange. I mean isn't it suppose to be the other way around? After all, he is the moon and I am the saturn. Let me not forget to mention that his saturn is in exact conjunction to my venus!! Oh dear! All three planets have just glued us together. Emotional, sensuality and structure have created this bendable mutable surface that we both rely on. The relationship all together is quite refreshing really. Even if it's very Saturn heavy.IP: Logged |
Long - standing Knowflake Posts: 76 From: World person Registered: Aug 2011
posted April 13, 2012 09:36 PM
His Saturn,Pluto was opposite my Sun/Moon/Saturn/Mercury stellium. I ran away Though it was a LOVE. Never again.. I cried a lot in this relationship. But Love still somewhere in the air...IP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 1068 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted April 14, 2012 03:32 PM
Lieslilith, Yes I am a girl too and have experienced the hard aspects both ways, sometimes he is saturn and I am moon and vice versa. I didnt notice much of a difference, he was daddy and I was momma, it feels so Comfortable and family like. I dont always go with those gender roles in syanstry, (ie its better if its the mans sun and womans moon, bah)its limiting and often not true.IP: Logged |
josie Newflake Posts: 21 From: sweden Registered: Aug 2011
posted April 14, 2012 04:35 PM
Hi! I have the conjunction with my love. I am the moon and he is saturn. His saturn widely squares my venus and my saturn trines his sun and mercury. It really feels like we are destined to be together. It is not always easy but the attachment is superstrong. I guess our north node conjunct dec double whammy has something to do with it all. JosieIP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 1068 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted April 14, 2012 06:13 PM
Oh wow Josie, Ive got that too with my man, my nn conj his desc 1*, it feels like destiny, we are just two magnets being pulled together. His nn/mc conj is conj my mars 1*.IP: Logged |
foxxyxo Knowflake Posts: 369 From: Registered: May 2012
posted April 27, 2013 04:35 AM
my saturn conjuncts his moon his saturn also trines my moon, squares my venus, and my saturn also conjuncts his marsannnnnnnnd my venus/dsc conjuncts his NN, NN trine my ASC, sun/moon midpoint conjuncts his NN yea, i definately feel like i belong with him, ive been in other relationships before but nobody has given me these type of feelings like he has. usually my relationships start out very platonic and gradually grow on me, but i neverr feel in love...this guy gives me the rainbow and back, the dreaminess, the romance, happiness, completeness like i have found somebody who i could admire for the rest of my life (his pluto conjuncts my venus exactly) seriously though, he started asking me questions about how many kids i wanted and how my future was going to be like 4th time we even talked. we had an instant connection that ive never felt with anybody else in my life its almost like at first i felt this brotherly/sisterly love for him instantly but then it quickly turned romantic and consuming i think what this aspect does is that it makes the moon person very very sensitive like puts them in touch with their deeper emotions and at first is afraid to express feeling needy (everybody is lets face it) but once they start expressing how they feel, the saturn person reassures them or is always there for support so overtime the moon person becomes even more dependent on saturn. its like moon (mother) emotions are being taken care of and listened to by saturn (father). its actually a really loving aspect and anyone can see why moon person would get dependent on saturn. saturn is a very strong planet, you feel it in synastry no doubt so of course the moons emotions will be more intouch with their "neediness" goes to your core of who you really are. but yea its different if you have a lot of gemini or sag or just playful signs, you might not like this...i think it definately kinda restricts the playfulness and more about your emotions and the seriousness of them..idk ive got sag placements so i feel like i can create a good balance but he might feel like he doesn't want to play can be too serious someitmes for sure like moon person needs to lighten up good lawd. you see how i did 180 there hahahaha i think moon person gets a heightened fear of rejection from saturn which blows, all i want is for him to feel comfortable around me ill always be there for my man (im saturn) IP: Logged |
Odette Moderator Posts: 4441 From: Registered: May 2012
posted April 27, 2013 06:44 AM
I have a male "friend" if you can call him that who has a Mars/Saturn conjunction exactly conjunct my Moon in Capricorn. He was and is extremely keen on me and he definitely does want to play "house" with me. He even hinted that he wanted us to buy a particular house and have a family :\ (which scared the crap out of me).I have no romantic interest in him. I used to like him as a person, before he became incredibly pushy. He does not understand the word "no" very well.. mainly when followed by "I do not want to have a relationship with you." I couldn't have rejected him in any clearer way. I literally said those words and he still does not get it. My Sun is in Aries - in a large (7 orb) square with this conjunction in Capricorn. That may be why I have a strong desire to assert my independence and cut him loose. He sees me as more traditional than I actually am... because my Capricorn side is in his face - whereas my Aries side is not... so the Aries in me takes him by surprise --- like when I told him I had no intentions of getting married any time soon. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 13563 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 27, 2013 06:55 AM
my best friend and me have a mutual aspect of Saturn square Moon (me: Saturn) and Saturn opposite Moon (her saturn). The square is exact, the other aspect is 5 degrees.Anyway, we have been friends for about 22 years now; through all changes in both lives and social status (she now has a family, while I am single for example). Very diffrent interestes of course, but somehow the Saturn aspects (plus several Yods in the synastry including luminaries) definitely provided the necessary glue. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 8774 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted April 27, 2013 07:43 AM
If your own Moon or Saturn are afflicted, get ready for some suffering.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 13563 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 27, 2013 07:49 AM
My Moon is quinkunx Saturn exact. I would call that afflicted. Suffering? I dunno. Others would view it as that maybe, for me, it is just how I am.IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 8774 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted April 27, 2013 08:04 AM
Ceri, hi !  I meant in romantic situations. Imagine your Moon is afflicted, and someone's Saturn makes an aspect to your Moon - therefore triggering the Moon's hard aspects - that person will open deep-seated wounds in you. Childhood traumas will resurface. The mommy/daddy complex, but in a negative way. If the two people are mature enough and are aware of what's happening, healing can take place. If not, they will probably hurt each other . IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 13563 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 27, 2013 08:56 AM
I agree yes.As a matter of fact, my friend`s Moon is sextile my Moon and squaring my Saturn; while her Moon is squaring her ASC (my Saturn is in her 1st house), and is opposing her Venus-Mrs-Pluto (my Saturn is out of orb luckily, but sextiles her Sun). Especially in the beginning I tried to be very detached from that friendship, and most likely hurt her a lot with that, though she simply accepted that this was how i was. As I had to learn to accept that she needed more attntion than I really felt comfortable with in the beginning. Th glue was there from the start thogh (even if my Aqua Moon would believe otherwise); from meeting each other we felt like we would always be part of each other`s life (she more than me), that we took responsibility for each other and cared for each other and are probably more like family than friends. However, there are certain areas that we cannot share. For her it is the family life she enjoys (I like to listen to her, but it is just not where I am at my life now). And on my behalf it is my love for musical theatre, astrology and all these things. WE do profit from each other`s view of the world though,b ut it means we are not really moving in the same world, not completely, at least. I have another very close friend whose Saturn (and Sun) conjuncts my Moon; my Saturn conjuncts her ASC and is in th same sign as her Moon. Same glue family stick together feeling thre, even though we live thousands of miles apart. I mean, seriously what email friendship lasts for 10 years with exchanging emails nearly daily? LOL I am actually closer to her than my best friend here, but even here, it is clear that as similiar we ware in some respects, we are quite different in others. Her Sun-Saturn could be termed afflicted. It is conjunct her MC, oposes her Mars and squares her Neptune. So my Moon gets all of these aspects as well. But Ihave never experienced this as negative, never felt let down or hurt. BUT she will always be completely honest and even blunt, and saying the things I do not want to hear, but definitely need to hear.
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LovelyKitty Knowflake Posts: 464 From: 12th House with pr.moon Registered: Jun 2012
posted April 27, 2013 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Doux Rêve: [B]If your own Moon or Saturn are afflicted, get ready for some suffering.My moon is domicile , my saturn is exalt.....I'm natally depressive type Although they have a positive positions, I just don't want them to contact eachother again in next life. Bf. has his saturn conj. my moon 6° , although it 's wide orb , I still feel a small hint of his criticize everytime he told me to do something eventhough that is just a normal suggesstion. Then later I consider about his words , many times he doesn't mean anything to hurt my feeling but my square moon-saturn said so The positive site to have this is , my emotional is grounded by his saturn , like he provide my internal security which I always feel , my emotional will be securely served by his presence. If any couple has this aspect , it should be very carefully not to hurt eachother feeling , one things can lead to 100 disaster easily. It 'd also necessary to have any positive synastry to helping this uncomfortable aspect. My relationship last till now 6 years together ( I just hope we could survive to the 7 year-itch But anyhow ...the t-uranus has landed in my 7th yard 2 years ago , pass through my vertex till now , we still survive ?!? ...maybe it's a saturn effect ...just maybe My chart has saturn conj. Ac /conj. sun/ squ. moon IP: Logged |
Chiemi Moderator Posts: 1786 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 10, 2014 10:12 PM
Bump, anyone have experience with the opposition? IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 8774 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted February 11, 2014 04:01 AM
*raises hand*Yeppers. Tight double whammy, to boot. Biggest heart break ever known to history (well, to my own history, hah). The "problem" with Moon/Saturn (hard) aspects is that they touch you so deeply that you start acting irrationally, reacting to childhood wounds and past traumas. Often you're like "why the hell did I just do that?" or "why am I this way with this person? That's not how I really am". It's like there are tons of psychological, emotional and mental blockages that are triggered and make it difficult to "loosen up" and just be "yourself" around that person. I'm sure it depends on the natal charts and other things in the synastry, as well as the overall level of health / maturity of both people, but Moon/Saturn aspects can sometimes point to a compulsive needy / co-dependent quality to the connection - feeling like you "need" that person for your own survival. There's often a certain heaviness or even gloominess present, like "something" is oppressing the atmosphere when you're around each other... There's also often a sense of rejection going on - feeling rejected, unworthy in the eyes of the other person. A lot of pain can be present with such aspects... I personally don't like seeing them in synastry *especially* if there are natal Moon/Saturn aspects or if Saturn in both people's charts is heavily connected to the personal planets. It just screams pain and heart-break. IP: Logged |
geminigal2805 Knowflake Posts: 760 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted February 11, 2014 02:17 PM
My Saturn in libra opposes my guy's Aries moon. He has saturn opp moon in his natal chart also.His Saturn sits on my IC. Damn.IP: Logged |
dadoo Knowflake Posts: 393 From: Mercury Registered: Nov 2013
posted February 11, 2014 05:04 PM
I've had the trine (I was Saturn). It was painful twice. First when I got dumped, then when I had to hear about all the tearful regrets for ages. I can't even imagine what a hard aspect would be like. Don't want to.IP: Logged |