Topic: Post picture of yourself, chart, and age!
MillyX Knowflake Posts: 2266 From: canada Registered: Feb 2012
posted December 02, 2012 05:23 PM
Oh gosh YTA!! Your 16 year old son is so cute! I don't usually crush on my fellow asian peeps but your son is something else lol. Ok I'll stop here x]I see Pluto in the first & moon in the 8th...Intense much.Pisces pretty! I love your eye makeup. I've got some middle eastern friends & I just love their eyes. IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7206 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted December 02, 2012 07:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by MillyX: Oh gosh YTA!! Your 16 year old son is so cute! I don't usually crush on my fellow asian peeps but your son is something else lol. Ok I'll stop here x]I see Pluto in the first & moon in the 8th...Intense much.Pisces pretty! I love your eye makeup. I've got some middle eastern friends & I just love their eyes.
Keep in mind that he's not just Asian. He's also French, Spaniard and Scottish. He's more like his mom than he is like me. Don't worry about who you crush on. I didn't marry an Asian sister myself. Yes, he is intense. He's a concert violinist and pianist (thus the tuxedo), and also plays the guitar, ukelele and drums. He speaks Spanish, French and Russian, in addition to Chinese and some Japanese, Greek and Arabic. He rocks a 3.8+ GPA. He's too engrossed in his life to be interested in girls... Yet. But he's got adequate popularity and interest. I can assure that he is ultra well mannered and gentlemanly. I force that on him. IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7206 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted December 02, 2012 07:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by paulflo: yourstruly has the leo mane...
Not quite sure what you mean, but I'm a goat. IP: Logged |
Pisces-Sweety Knowflake Posts: 789 From: unknown Registered: Aug 2012
posted December 02, 2012 09:49 PM
7th guardian: Oh! I think I did get them mixed up? Is there a picture of yourstruly up? If it is, it's not showing on my screen. Only one picture showed up (Two boys in a car) and his chart. I don't know if there's a third picture I'm unaware of. Oh and :$ ur very sweet. >: ( Now go away and stop being so sweet! My face is turning red IP: Logged |
Pisces-Sweety Knowflake Posts: 789 From: unknown Registered: Aug 2012
posted December 02, 2012 09:51 PM
MillyX: Thank youuuuuuuuu sweety!!!!!! Aww.. Ur so sweet!!IP: Logged |
virgolotus Moderator Posts: 1395 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted December 02, 2012 09:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by 7thGuardian: 2 x post -_-
You're the second person to tell me that.. -_- lol
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Desiring Shadows Newflake Posts: 2 From: North Pole Registered: Nov 2020
posted December 02, 2012 10:12 PM
omg I wish I had more pictures on this computer to post
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Pisces-Sweety Knowflake Posts: 789 From: unknown Registered: Aug 2012
posted December 02, 2012 10:31 PM
I just finished going through all the pages. LL is filled with gorgeous people!IP: Logged |
7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 1479 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted December 03, 2012 12:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by Pisces-Sweety: 7th guardian: Oh! I think I did get them mixed up? Is there a picture of yourstruly up? If it is, it's not showing on my screen. Only one picture showed up (Two boys in a car) and his chart. I don't know if there's a third picture I'm unaware of. Oh and :$ ur very sweet. >: ( Now go away and stop being so sweet! My face is turning red
I figured that's what you saw, he'd have to be a real vampire to look like he's 16 at his age - and that's just not possible in that picture, because it was done in broad daylight - he would either burn or shine like a fairy (the new version of vampires). ^^ I thought you got used to compliments by now... sorry.  IP: Logged |
Pisces-Sweety Knowflake Posts: 789 From: unknown Registered: Aug 2012
posted December 03, 2012 03:31 AM
Ah okay. See this one didn't show up. Thanks for putting it up You're really sweet and funny ^-^ You're comment made me laugh especially with the :O at the end.  IP: Logged |
Suntiger Knowflake Posts: 37 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 03, 2012 03:32 AM
Hi…I’m not new to the website but I am new to the forum. I do lurk lol so I decided to participate. I tend to come to this site for answers on astrology and then go about my ways since I typically speak up when I have questions, learn, and move on. The original post spoke of an experiment, yes? I have bad memory and spent quite some time reading all of the posts here. I was trying to see if there was any pattern linked to their zodiac sign--- like looking younger than their actual age, intense gazes (Scorpios?), crazy hair. Stuff like that. Has anyone noticed any?
------------------ Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, Scorpio Rising. I will create happiness rather than pursue it. IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 03, 2012 09:42 AM
quote: Originally posted by 7thGuardian: Clujul nu e foarte mare dar a fost mereu plin de tineri frumosi...banuiesc ca eram si eu undeva in multime (cand a fost asta?) - oricum, arat destul de "normal" - intre altii de o seama nu ies in evidenta ^^ - nici nu incerc asta, cu Asc in Rac (si alte aspecte patratoase cu Asc) am avut mereu tendintele unei statui ambulante - mereu cu privirea ratacita, incerc sa ma decontectez de lumea ce ma inconjoara - speriat ca un copil ce nu stie sa inoate inconjurat de apa - la fel si eu... ma tem sa nu ma inec in gandurile, in privirile celor din jur... Nu asta ma ingrijoreaza, e complicat si tind sa cred ca are legatura cu intoarcerea lui Saturn. -_-Maybe, but Geminis have many faces - that's just one look... and looks can be deceiving. ^^ Yes, i noticed that - last time i've seen your Chart. ^^ But, you don't really know what it's like so careful what you wish fore - especially when it comes to Taurus, great evil resides in that sign (the fixed star Algol) - and maybe you wouldn't want affiliation with that star... I added some extras - it says more... ^^
2002-2008, in perioada studentiei. In prezent m-am "retras" in capitala . Deci esti clujean? Mie timizii interiorizati si visatori mi-au atras mereu atentia. Probabil din cauza DC in Rac/ Luna conj Neptun, Juno in Pesti. Multa apa lol. Juno in Berbec, nice! ^_^ Cu Luna tot acolo si Venus in Leu banuiesc ca atragi femei de Foc ^_^. I know Geminis have many faces, but for some reason I get along nicely with them. Currently dating one. Oh yes, Algol, cursed be. My Chiron is conjunct it in the 4th. Kinda says a lot. IP: Logged |
aquagembaby Knowflake Posts: 875 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted December 03, 2012 03:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: I thought that I'll do a father and son.I'm a 49 year old Capricorn/Gemini/Pisces and he's a 16 year old Aquarius/Cancer/Scorpio.
You remind me slightly of my own dad. He's a Cap w/ a Gem Rising though. Interesting! IP: Logged |
aquagembaby Knowflake Posts: 875 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted December 03, 2012 03:59 PM
Jan 27, 1991 So fascinating to see the faces behind the posters. I think this is my favorite thread yet!!... **I saw a few Sag Rising like myself here. I don't really see the 'horse' resemblances much xP Maybe me a little but nobody here I've seen so far IP: Logged |
7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 1479 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted December 03, 2012 05:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: 2002-2008, in perioada studentiei. In prezent m-am "retras" in capitala . Deci esti clujean? Mie timizii interiorizati si visatori mi-au atras mereu atentia. Probabil din cauza DC in Rac/ Luna conj Neptun, Juno in Pesti. Multa apa lol. Juno in Berbec, nice! ^_^ Cu Luna tot acolo si Venus in Leu banuiesc ca atragi femei de Foc ^_^. I know Geminis have many faces, but for some reason I get along nicely with them. Currently dating one. Oh yes, Algol, cursed be. My Chiron is conjunct it in the 4th. Kinda says a lot.
In mare parte (98%) am fost in Cluj - chiar single in perioada respectiva... ce-i drept, aveam alta mentalitate (o mentalitate mai pragmatica), alte prioritati... fara dragoste a fost o pierdere de vreme - ma cuprinde melancolia cand ma gandesc la anii pierduti "degeaba" - printre altele, am fost mereu un visator - ratacit cu gandul la alte meleaguri si nu legat de un loc de munca... mai degraba o repozitionare pe termen lung - dar nu a fost sa fie... poate candva - o sa ajung si acolo. Nu-s chiar timid (am fost - in copilarie) ^^ - sunt mai introvertit de felul meu si pana nu cunosc lumea nu pot sa ma destind - d'aia prefer grupuri foarte mici, chiar o singura persoana. Intr-adevar - are legatura cu ASC - e in Rac si e aspectat negativ cu Luna, Pluto si Saturn - Luna fiind faptasul principal... - si da, desi prefer sa aiba o latura mai retrasa - trebuie si pasiune (un foc interior...) ^^ - iar in baza caselor - o combinatie intre Scorpio (dragoste), Capricorn (casatorie), Aquarius (intimitate), Taur (prietenie), Aries (necesitate) si Leo (aspiratie) - asta suna a Lara Croft.. ^^ ...iar la tine - o combinatie intre Gemini (dragoste), Rac (casatorie), Virgo (intimitate), Sagetator (prietenie), Pesti (necesitate) si Aries (aspiratie) - asta suna a Johnie Deep.  Well, with 5'th House in Gemini - you seem to have a host spot for my kind... so - makes sense... ^^ We're all meant for certain type of people and it's mainly about "completing each other" - not about being the same. Sorry to hear that about Algol... i'm familiar with what it's capable of..  IP: Logged |
brightwhites Knowflake Posts: 101 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted December 03, 2012 06:16 PM
I'm 20, and I don't have too many pics of me. Enjoy a silly face --> IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 03, 2012 06:18 PM
@7th, Ah, eu nu eram chiar single pe atunci, decat poate in ultima parte, dar deja eram unreachable. Ma retrasesem deja in spatiul meu interior. Hehe. Am amintiri frumoase din Cluj, totusi. E un oras special, dupa parerea mea. Va avea mereu un farmec aparte pentru mine. Poate sunt doar nostalgica. Pe ce meleaguri ratacesti tu, daca pot sa intreb? ^_^ Si eu sunt la fel legat de imposibilitatea de a ma destinde pana nu cunosc bine persoana. In ciuda faptului ca 70% din planete sunt in Foc, cred ca Ascendentul are o mare greutate. Si eu prefer interactiunea cu o singura persoana sau cu grupuri mici (o fi probabil Saturn in cuadratura cu Asc, observ ca si tu ai asta). Imi pare rau sa aud ca si tu ai simtit pe pielea ta puterea lui Algol. Si totusi eu cred ca putem renaste din durere, mai puternici si mai profunzi. Cel putin, asa ma consolez eu cateodata cand devine greu pt mine. Hehe, Johnny Depp e dragut in felul lui, ii apreciez originalitatea. Dar prefer un tip ceva mai profund. Cat despre Geamanul meu, relatia e bazata mai mult pe fun decat pe sentimente profunde, intrucat Soarele lui cade pe casa V, care nu e una a legaturilor durabile. Din pacate, asta a fost marele dezavantaj cu Gemenii din viata mea. Mi-as fi dorit sa poata fi altfel, pana acum nu s-a intamplat insa. Lara Croft nu suna rau deloc. Cred ca v-ar sta bine impreuna ^_^ Hey, daca vrei sa vorbim mai multe in privat, poti da click pe numele meu din Astrology for beginners, e un link catre adresa mea de email. Mie cred ca mi-ar face placere. Rar gasesc romani aplecati spre latura asta, suficient de open-minded cat sa depaseasca limitarile literaturii locale, destul de fatalista, in viziunea mea.  IP: Logged |
Suntiger Knowflake Posts: 37 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 04, 2012 03:17 AM
[img]http://www.a[/img][img][/img] Hope it works... Off topic question, but how can you tell which planet or sign is more dominant in your chart? Do you go by what appears more often or by the orbs or...? IP: Logged |
jupitersgirl Knowflake Posts: 447 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted December 04, 2012 04:04 AM
I'm 28. IP: Logged |
Pisces-Sweety Knowflake Posts: 789 From: unknown Registered: Aug 2012
posted December 04, 2012 04:33 AM
aquagembaby and jupitersgirl: You guys look so amazing!!!! Wow!! I'm so jealous!! :OIP: Logged |
aquagembaby Knowflake Posts: 875 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted December 05, 2012 12:59 AM
pisces-sweety: thanks! everyone here looks pretty amazing though i always knew astrologers were good looking  IP: Logged |
Bearee Knowflake Posts: 471 From: Registered: May 2012
posted December 05, 2012 01:26 AM
I'm 21 This is my pic IP: Logged |
jupitersgirl Knowflake Posts: 447 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted December 05, 2012 03:50 AM
Pisces-Sweety thanks, you're very pretty as well .IP: Logged |
bridgetostars23 Knowflake Posts: 596 From: virginia, usa Registered: Dec 2012
posted December 05, 2012 08:05 AM
I am trying to figure out how to post a picture.IP: Logged |
bridgetostars23 Knowflake Posts: 596 From: virginia, usa Registered: Dec 2012
posted December 05, 2012 08:14 AM
Okay....still didn't work...yikes.IP: Logged |