Lotis White Knowflake Posts: 389 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 27, 2012 03:34 AM
INSTANT ATTRACTION OR FRIEND FIRSTI’ve been wondering lately about possible astrological indicators of instant attraction vs. platonic friends first before romantic feelings develop. In every case I’ve ever had in my life whenever I’ve been attracted to someone the attraction was either there instantly, or it became apparent to within about three months or so. I’ve always known fairly quickly into knowing someone if the potential for romance is there. This makes me wonder about how it happens astrologically when two people who have been platonic friends for a long time fall in love suddenly. And I’m not referring to people who have secretly had crushes on each other and were just quiet about it for a long time. I mean when the attraction really seems to pop out from nowhere in the context of a platonic friendship… like you weren’t into each other at all for a long time and then an attraction just sprang out on you both. The reason I’m wondering about this is because I have a theory about it. I guess my theory is that when attraction shows up between two natal charts… with house overlays (5th,7th, and 8th), and planetary aspects (like Mars/Venus, Sun/Moon, Mars/Moon, Venus/Sun, Venus/Uranus, Venus/Pluto, Mars /Pluto, Venus/Moon, Venus/ Venus, Mars/Mars and so on)… People seem to usually feel that attraction either when the first meet, or within a few months of meeting (like it takes a little time for the synastry to ‘sink in’). However sometimes attraction occurs as a result of progressed aspects. Meaning one persons progressed planet makes an aspect to the other persons progressed or natal planet, creating a physical attraction aspect. For example, a man’s progressed Mars might aspect a women’s natal or progressed Venus or Moon, generating a physical attraction between them that may not previously have been there… This can create a situation whereby romantic feelings might develop in a friendship seemingly out of nowhere. The down side to attractions that come about by progressions are that they are more likely to be temporary in nature. That is once the progressed synastry aspects have separated and moved out of orb, the attraction is likely to wane and the relationship will go back to it’s previously platonic state. Of course some progressed aspects will last a long time… for example, progressed Pluto or Uranus to Natal Venus could stay within 1 degree of orb for thirty years or more. On the flip side of this progressed Moon aspects to the other persons progressed or natal planets could be a sign of an affair that burns bright for a very short amount of time. Okay, so here’s he crux of my theory…. Attractions that start soon into knowing someone and are based natal synastry are more likely to be permanent, and are suited to long term commitments like marriage. However, if you have been friends with someone for a long time and never had romantic feelings for them until one day years into the relationship these type of feelings develop, beware of the ‘progressed aspect affect’. The ‘progressed aspect effect’ being that when an attraction that starts out of nowhere due to progressed aspects, it might end when these progressed aspects have separated. So if there is nothing in the natal synastry that indicates attraction be wary of progressed aspects like Venus/Mars, Venus/Sun and so on, because when these aspects separates it may leave you with not much left to work with in the relationship… Basically natal synastry attractions have better staying power then progressed synastry attractions. And the early onset of attraction is more likely to be permanent then when long standing friendships, with no previous romantic feeling present, suddenly develop chemistry (Although this idea is counter to what a lot of Hollywood rom coms would have us believe). Keep in mind I’m not talking about delayed physical consummation of an attraction, but an actual delay in the feelings themselves. So if you’ve had a long standing friendship or acquaintance turn into a love tell us about your synastry…. Was there some natal indicators of attraction present in the synastry? or was it due to mainly progressed synastry? Perhaps there are some natal synastry aspects that refer to this type of situation (long standing friendships turned to love), and it isn’t only progressed synastry as I have speculated. In either case I’d love to know… On the other side of the coin have you ever had an instant attraction to someone? If so also describe what synastry you feel was responsible for this… I mean, we’ve all heard that natal Venus/Uranus is responsible for love at first sight… Perhaps progressed Venus/Uranus cause this too. Or perhaps there are other synastry aspects that cause the whole ‘instant attraction’ thing as well? I’ve love to hear from everybody. IP: Logged |
RedScorp Knowflake Posts: 2424 From: The Capitol Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 27, 2012 03:45 AM
I can just tell within minutes of interacting with someone if I'll like them romantically or not. Give me a regular conversation with them and I'll be able to scope out how much I'll like them! Either it's there or it's not - it doesn't happen over time with me.  Scorpio Venus, very instinctual and highly self-aware? IP: Logged |
Lotis White Knowflake Posts: 389 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 27, 2012 04:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by RedScorp: I can just tell within minutes of interacting with someone if I'll like them romantically or not. Give me a regular conversation with them and I'll be able to scope out how much I'll like them! Either it's there or it's not - it doesn't happen over time with me.  Scorpio Venus, very instinctual and highly self-aware?
Same with me. Nothings ever surprised me down the track. Usually a few minutes is all it takes for me to scope him out and know if I've like him or not. My natal placements are Sun in Capricorn (1st house)/Moon in Cancer (8th house)/ Venus in Sagittarius (1st house)/ Mars in Leo (9th house). And Venus is opposite Jupiter, trine Saturn, semi-square Uranus, and quintile Pluto.
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depth Knowflake Posts: 283 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted May 27, 2012 04:26 AM
What about those couples that have Sun/Moon, Sun/Venus, Moon/Venus, etc.,etc., in synastry, were very much attracted to each other once upon a time yet failed to sustain a relationship because they fell out of love?I've been in love with my parents forever. I don't have Sun/Venus, Moon/Venus, Venus/Venus or Sun/Moon in synastry with them. You mean my progressions are at work and once my/their planets progress further, whatever love I have for them will fizzle out like carbon from a coke bottle? There's a difference between love & attraction. Instant attraction can vanish into thin air in an instant as well. Love happens only when you know the person which comes from friendship/spending quality time with them for a while. Sun rules my intercepted 7H & sits in my 11th. Mars, a co-significator of men in general, sits in my 11H to boot. As an 11H person, I place MEGA emphasis on friendship. I've to be friends with someone before I see him as a potential partner. Moreover, I don't date. I jump straight into serious relationships. I've a friend of 3 years who I am certainly not 'attracted' to. But I don't mind marrying this person. IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 2748 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted May 27, 2012 04:58 AM
I know instantly if I'm physically attracted,and it only takes a week or two to know whether I gel with them emotionally and intellectually. Communication style is also very important to me when it comes to forging a connection with someone. I guess that must be because my Taurus moon and Gemini Mars are in the third house, if the girls communication doesn't feel open, warm, and flirty I will lose interest very very quickly.IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 2748 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted May 27, 2012 05:03 AM
Also weirdly enough being a double aquarius I don't typically do the whole Platonic friendship thing, when I approach a woman it is because I have romantic interest and/ or strong attraction to her.IP: Logged |
Lotis White Knowflake Posts: 389 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 27, 2012 05:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by depth: What about those couples that have Sun/Moon, Sun/Venus, Moon/Venus, etc.,etc., in synastry, were very much attracted to each other once upon a time yet failed to sustain a relationship because they fell out of love?I've been in love with my parents forever. I don't have Sun/Venus, Moon/Venus, Venus/Venus or Sun/Moon in synastry with them. You mean my progressions are at work and once my/their planets progress further, whatever love I have for them will fizzle out like carbon from a coke bottle? There's a difference between love & attraction. Instant attraction can vanish into thin air in an instant as well. Love happens only when you know the person which comes from friendship/spending quality time with them for a while. Sun rules my intercepted 7H & sits in my 11th. Mars, a co-significator of men in general, sits in my 11H to boot. As an 11H person, I place MEGA emphasis on friendship. I've to be friends with someone before I see him as a potential partner. Moreover, I don't date. I jump straight into serious relationships. I've a friend of 3 years who I am certainly not 'attracted' to. But I don't mind marrying this person.
To clarify I'm talking about romantic attraction, and chemistry not 'love'. Love in the most general sense, the kind that we have for everyone that we care for is not confined to any synastry aspect. And yeah, some people are okay with marriages of convenience and friendship that lack feelings of attraction. It depends on priorities. But in this case here I’m talking about the ‘sparks’ of romantic attraction specifically. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Knowflake Posts: 389 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 27, 2012 05:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by aquaguy91: Also weirdly enough being a double aquarius I don't typically do the whole Platonic friendship thing, when I approach a woman it is because I have romantic interest and/ or strong attraction to her.
I'll admit I'm the same. Tend not to have close friendships with men unless I'm interested in him. Otherwise they stay acquaintances. IP: Logged |
AscTaurus Knowflake Posts: 353 From: Pretoria, Gauteng,South Africa Registered: May 2009
posted May 27, 2012 05:35 AM
This is a very interesting topic.Astrologically moon/venus governs the attitude one has towards love and romance. And as far as houses are concerned; 5th house(romance),7th house(partnership) and 8th house(merging as one)are predomiant(theoretically). My moon in Cancer responds to gentleness, whilst my Venus in Scorpio responds to inner confidence. I have my 5th house in mercury ruled-Virgo and I do agree that eloquence(the ability to express your thoughts/feelings well) is very sexy. I am most likely to know whithin the first few minutes if I like someone or not,but it can get confusing. I have met guys who project an inner confidence and mystery but, upon close up,they are dogdy , non-committal and self-serving. Whilst, while I have to say that I do respond to gentleness in a guy, the attraction(sexually) is not always there. Its tough to find a balance between the two and I guess that is why I have been single for the last two years. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Knowflake Posts: 389 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 27, 2012 05:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by depth: What about those couples that have Sun/Moon, Sun/Venus, Moon/Venus, etc.,etc., in synastry, were very much attracted to each other once upon a time yet failed to sustain a relationship because they fell out of love?
Yes, it's true that some relationships fail even with the necessary natal synastry aspects to create chemistry. But at least they do give the potential for long lasting adoration of a partner, as opposed to progressed synastry aspects which definitely have a set expiration date. Anyone else care to comment on progressed synastry vs. natal synastry?
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Lotis White Knowflake Posts: 389 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 27, 2012 05:42 AM
quote: Originally posted by AscTaurus: Whilst, while I have to say that I do respond to gentleness in a guy, the attraction(sexually) is not always there.Its tough to find a balance between the two and I guess that is why I have been single for the last two years.
I feel ya. It’s hard to find that perfect balance of confident and assertive combined with tenderness and affection. Doormats are not attractive but insensitive guys are just irritating. IP: Logged |
depth Knowflake Posts: 283 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted May 27, 2012 06:02 AM
Instant attraction is a Venus/asc, Uranus/Venus, Mars/Moon, Mars/Venus thing.Attraction that takes time to sink in is, Sun/Moon, Sun/Venus, Venus/Moon, Venus/Pluto thing. 5/8 show sexual attraction. 7th is commitment. Sun/Mars, Mars/Mars are platonic, they create no sparks or fireworks. IP: Logged |
RedScorp Knowflake Posts: 2424 From: The Capitol Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 27, 2012 06:09 AM
quote: I feel ya. It’s hard to find that perfect balance of confident and assertive combined with tenderness and affection.
I, myself, am super self-confident, charismatic, and assertive. And if I meet someone who is also like that, but I can't influence them like I can anyone else, we generally clash.  Lotus White; I too have Venus trine Saturn (very tightly at that.) That kinda stuck out as my Venus otherwise only aspects my Sun with a wide conjuct. IP: Logged |
Hera Moderator Posts: 2306 From: the OR Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 27, 2012 06:20 AM
I have seen two people being apparently friends for years and getting together after a really long time. They were colleagues in highschool, he always had a crush on her but she never returned his feelings until late after college, when she suddenly "woke" up and realized he is the love of her life. They got married like within a year after that and I think they also have kids by now (we lost touch so not sure). I think I might have her birth details somewhere but him... will require a lil bit of detective work and obviously I won't have time of birth. I'll look. To me that hasn't happened. Usually I feel a little something from the beginning for someone even if I'll stay friends. Huge instant attractions had also Node contacts, esp with Venus. IP: Logged |
RedScorp Knowflake Posts: 2424 From: The Capitol Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 27, 2012 06:22 AM
quote: ...when she suddenly "woke" up and realized he is the love of her life.
When I "wake" up, I realize that I don't love or have never loved them, (is that along the lines of Rx Venus? Inversion and what not.) IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 3339 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 27, 2012 06:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lotis White: er sometimes attraction occurs as a result of progressed aspects.
LOL When I read your first paragraph that was exactly what i Was thinking: Check the synastric progressions.
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Hera Moderator Posts: 2306 From: the OR Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 27, 2012 06:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by RedScorp: When I "wake" up, I realize that I don't love or have never loved them, (is that along the lines of Rx Venus? Inversion and what not.)
I'm like that too. Heh. Moon-Neppy must not bring rose-colored glasses to dates.  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 3339 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 27, 2012 06:33 AM
I think that probably EVERY relationship needs a trigger to set the potential "free". The trigger could be a progression, esp. the pr Moon or even transits.The question is: is there basic underlying strong synastry - then they might be going the distance. If however the attraction is soley based on a progressed aspect, it might fizzle out when the aspect ends. In some cases though, there will be perpetual or changing progressions. Meaning when one progression wanes, another one "takes over". Depending on the nature of the aspects there might be fluctuations in the nature of the relationship, but the relationship as a whole can live on these. I wonder if these progressed aspects also work for houserulers, esp. ASC-ruler, 5th, 7th and 8th ruler. And if they do, which ones do I check? For example: my natal 5th house ruler is Venus, my natal 7th house ruler is Mercury natal 8th house ruler is Moon. Do I know check the progressed Venus, Mercury and Moon as manifestation of these houses?
Or do I have to check the pr planets that are the equivalent rulers in the progressed chart?
Since my pr ASC is in Capricorn now, my houserulers also have changed. In my progressed chart my 5th house is ruled by Mercury, my 7th ruler by Moon and my 8th ruler by Sun and Mercury .
Which one carries the strongest 5th house energy forth, Venus or Mercury? Or both?
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Hera Moderator Posts: 2306 From: the OR Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 27, 2012 06:38 AM
quote: Which one carries the strongest 5th house energy forth, Venus or Mercury? Or both?
I don't know to answer your question, but I think it is no coincidence that my prog DC is in Virgo and its ruler Mercury recently turned retro on Algol! Says a lot about my love life as of late. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 3339 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 27, 2012 06:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by depth: Sun/Mars, Mars/Mars are platonic, they create no sparks or fireworks.
So not true for me.  (though they don´t create romance, just physical attraction, but a strong one at that. Sparks fly.) IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 3339 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 27, 2012 06:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: I don't know to answer your question, but I think it is no coincidence that my prog DC is in Virgo and its ruler Mercury recently turned retro on Algol! Says a lot about my love life as of late.
Don´t lose your head. 
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RedScorp Knowflake Posts: 2424 From: The Capitol Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 27, 2012 06:42 AM
^I'm actually like right terrified for my sister because her AC is exact conjunct Algol and omg I don't want her to be decapitated now or ever.  IP: Logged |
Hera Moderator Posts: 2306 From: the OR Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 27, 2012 06:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Don´t lose your head. 
Almost did, remember? My life too. I think I'm good now, though, especially since I am on a dating break. IP: Logged |
Hera Moderator Posts: 2306 From: the OR Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 27, 2012 06:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by RedScorp: ^I'm actually like right terrified for my sister because her AC is exact conjunct Algol and omg I don't want her to be decapitated now or ever. 
Her natal or prog Asc? Nowadays I guess it's more of a metaphorical use of the word. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 1905 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 27, 2012 06:59 AM
I agree with pretty much everyone. I'm quick to know whether I like someone or not. I've never had friends turn into romantic interests.I'm not sure about progressions; they can indicate the beginning of a relationship but weirdly in my case, no amount of progressed aspects can make me "like" someone if I didn't like them initially. Maybe I haven't experienced that yet. But there are people who I have crazy synastry with, *and* some serious progressed aspects going on, and yet, nada. No attraction. No interest. I don't know why that is. As for instant attraction, it seems Sun/Mars aspects are the most potent, for me (especially the trine).
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