Topic: Planetary Sojourns
zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 27, 2012 07:27 PM
According to Edgar Cayce, we have lived lives on other planets before coming to earth. He called these other lives "planetary sojourns". We experience these lives not in a body of flesh and blood, but an astral or "soul body" that fits that particular environ. We go there to learn certain lessons before coming to earth. Edgar Cayce said the planets are a third density manifestation for actual dimensions or planes that exist in the spiritual realms. So if he said a person had been to Neptune for example, he meant that person had been to a spiritual realm or dimension that corresponded to the same planetary vibration of the planet Neptune -- not that the soul actually lived on the planet Neptune as we view it here from earth. He said that we carry those same vibrations from those environs of that planet, and take them with us when we come to earth. He believed that they can influence us just as much as the zodiac signs we are born into in our earthly bodies, but that they influence us more in a intellectual or spiritual/soul influenced way rather than an emotional level. They help provide those "A-ha!" type moments that help guide us on our finding our life purpose here on earth. The universe is like one big university: we study lessons we we need for further soul development on other planets, we come to earth(which he called the realm of testing) to fulfill a certain ideal & balance karma, and then when we die we are "graded" to see if we really changed. We also get to see if the ideal we had in mind before coming to earth could manifest itself in "reality", and if our soul progressed or regressed here on our stay on earth. Then the process repeats itself.So why should you care what Edgar Cayce thought? He had over 14,000 DOCUMENTED readings, with an estimated 90% accuracy rating. More than any psychic in history. He never charged for readings, lived dirt poor all his life, and became more famous after death than when he was alive. He actually never remembered any of the readings, because he was in a trace induced state by hypnosis when he gave them. There has never been anyone like Edgar Cayce to this day. I have studied a couple charts based on the information given in the readings, and can help determine possible planetary sojourns if you are interested. This is not an exact science and there is no way to know for sure. You MUST have an accurate birth time. If you don't there is no true way to even guess. Also, you need to beware of trying to tie in modern astrological understanding of the planets and how it would effect you. For example, if you have sojourned on Saturn, you might think : "So that means I'm like a Capricorn, right?" Well no....but kind of. Just because Saturn rules Capricorn does not mean you will act like a Capricorn. You will certainly share an affinity with the sign, but the reasons for sojourning on that planet are quite different from a spiritual perspective than how these planets affect us on this earthly plane. Where Saturn rules limitations & authority ect in modern astrology -- for Edgar Cayce -- Saturn in the afterlife realm was a place where the soul went to undergo great changes. The soul became stuck or fixed in some way, so the soul would purify or cleanse itself "in the fires of Saturn". The Saturn afterlife realm is spiritual boot camp for the soul. I will explain more on this subject if anyone has any questions. Please post your chart if interested, and I'll list possible planetary sojourns when I can. Thanks! IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 3138 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 28, 2012 04:35 AM
That sounds very interesting, and thank you for the offer.  I have an exact birthtime, so here is my chart.
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Hera Knowflake Posts: 1858 From: the OR Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 28, 2012 08:07 AM
Ohhh, I'm curious too!!! Birth time accurately rectified (not that it was too off to begin with). Thank you, Z! IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 3138 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 28, 2012 08:24 AM
Hera,I rectified mine as well, since I didn`t want to believe I was having SO MANY planets in 1st house and the birthtime of 7:07 a.m. just sounded so "fairy-tal-ish". After putting long hours of work into it I ended upt with the rectified time of 7:07 a.m.  IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 1858 From: the OR Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 28, 2012 08:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Hera,I rectified mine as well, since I didn`t want to believe I was having SO MANY planets in 1st house and the birthtime of 7:07 a.m. just sounded so "fairy-tal-ish". After putting long hours of work into it I ended upt with the rectified time of 7:07 a.m. 
LMAO! Yeah, same oddity with my TOB too. 3:41 adds to 8. My day and month also add to 8. I am cursed. Okay, not *same* oddity. Must confess I am jealous of your 7s.  IP: Logged |
zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 28, 2012 02:20 PM
This post is just for those who want to understand the qualities of the planetary forces, and how it would affect those who have sojourned there according to the Cayce readings. I don't expect anyone to actually read all this, but anyone can use it as a guide if they interested in learning about their planetary sojourns. I highly recommend reading the first post in the link below to get a basic understanding of how the planetary forces, and how they affect those who have sojourned there. Here is information on the afterlife realms and how the soul is influenced by them after coming to earth. This is also another great article on the subject: I will add more information here for those who want a more detailed explanation about the planets that Edgar Cayce shared in the readings for those who want more details on a certain planet, and how it affects you if you have incarnated there before coming to earth. Mercury: Mercurial souls are gifted with abilities in writing and communication. Mercury is the planet of understanding. Sojourning on Mercury allowed the soul to gain an innate ability to understand(but not the experience of) the inner-workings of all forms of life from all the other spheres of development. Mercurial souls have to beware of placing too much emphasis on their own opinions, but they have been gifted with ability to make powerful discernments. Mercury can aid one with the ability to have prompt and effective decision-making abilities. Venus: Venus is THE planet of love, which is not a big surprise. Venusian souls can have a great brotherly love for their fellow man. There is a desire to help mankind and alleviate suffering. Those from Venus are on a quest for love(giving and receiving) in this life. They are strongly moved by and have talents for creating song, dance, and anything of beauty. However, the love and desire to be surrounded by beauty can make one turn into what we might refer to as a narcissistic or shallow. He warned that the love from Venus could be "turned inward". This results in someone who is occupied with only having love for themselves, seeking material pleasures, money hungry, and engages in sexually licentious behavior. Mars: Edgar Cayce referred to Mars as the planet of wrath or anger. Entities go to Mars to learn how to manage issues regarding how to control power and anger. He warned that Mars could give an exalted opinion of oneself, but it wasn't a bad thing because it could make one courageous. Where others overcome by fear of certain actions, the Martian can sit back and laugh at the pettiness of it all. Mars encourages one to speak or act for what they believe is right. Martians desire a reason from themselves or a worthy cause to be in support of when considering service of self to others. Mars also inclines one to be physically active, but should beware of accidents. Jupiter: Jupiter was the strongest force of all the planets, save for the Sun according to Cayce. Jupiter was referred to as the planet of strength. It adds a universality, tolerance, and broad-mindedness to the enity in their view of the world. Jupiterians are interested in many nations, creeds, and/or different cultures of all kinds in life. Although they might apply their talents individually, the effect would be to touch as many lives as possible. Jupiterians often excel at being selfless and noble. Many leaders or teachers who come to earth to pave a better path for mankind have sojourns on Jupiter. Saturn: Edgar Cayce referred to Saturn as the planet of...change. "In Saturn as the beginning of earthly woes, that to which all insufficient matter is cast for the beginning." Quite different from how Saturn has manifested itself in the earthly plane. Saturn is basically purgatory, and life there is incredibly harsh. Cayce said "God loves those that are willing to start over". One goes to Saturn to cleanse oneself of anything from negative personality traits, sexually impurities, or harmful earthly desires/attachments. Saturians initiate projects, and have trouble with following through to the end. They are here in this life to develop persistence. Having a planetary sojourn on Saturn DOES NOT mean that entity is evil or bad, but the soul became fixed or stuck in some way and went to Saturn to correct itself. It adds strength and perseverance, especially if the impending earth life could be seen as a difficult one. Saturn is spiritual boot camp for the soul. Cayce said Saturnians would go through some definitive and abrupt changes in their life. He added that "These would be times of testing", but it too would eventually pass. Uranus: Cayce called Uranus the planet of extremes. Uranians are moved by extremes in thoughts, attitudes, sights, sounds, and music. Those who have sojourned on Uranus tend to swing between being either very good or very bad people with little of those who fit in between. He said Uranians are wonderful when they are good, and "just awful" when they are bad. The environment is Uranus is a chaotic one, and the entities that come from there are often seen as strange in their attitudes and opinions to those around them here on earth. "Many wonderments in moods" said Cayce. A Uranian can go from periods of absolute ecstasy, to a crushing depression. He also referred to Uranus as the planet of the psyche, and that it could endow one with psychic powers.( Edgar Cayce had sojourned on Uranus before coming to earth) The primary reason souls incarnate on Uranus is to master the use of their will. They come to know "the extremes in oneself". The occult often holds a strong interest for the Uranian. Neptune: Neptune is the planet of the mystic. Sojourning on Neptune is the closest that souls come to perceiving and communicating with the creator according to Cayce. Neptune gives a love for solving mysteries, and the "unseen forces". Neptunians can be often be misunderstood according to Cayce. They can be seen as very peculiar to those around them. Neptunians could prefer seclusion, or have an interest in exotic forms of life found on earth. Neptune is of water, and therefore it was almost a necessity that those who had sojourned on Netune should live by water. Not only for better health, but for inspiration and the healing qualities water would have on the Neptunian. Neptunians need to be wary of confusion, hero worship, and escapism. Neptunians have the ability to make a profound difference with their kindness in the lives of those around them. It also endows one with possible psychic abilities, being able to instinctively interpret signs and symbols, and feel to feel the unseen forces of the people and environment that surround them. Similar to Venus, Neptune also gives a love and possible talent for "the arts". Pluto: Pluto was rarely discussed in the Edgar Cayce readings, but Edgar Cayce has still identified it before it was even discovered!(he often called it Vulcan or Septimus) Little was revealed, but he referred to Pluto as the planet of consciousness. Sojourning on Pluto allowed one to expand his/her level of consciousness to the maximum level. Gifts of healing and regeneration could be potential talents that could manifest themselves on earth. But Cayce also strongly warned that with Pluto often comes self-centeredness. He also warned to avoid feelings of wrath or grudges. Plutonians would be able to sense the impending spiritual changes that would occur on the earth in the near future, and he said that Pluto's influence would only get stronger as time went on. (approximately peaking between 100-200 years later and the readings were done in the 1930's and 1940's!) Pluto was not always available to all souls to sojourn freely, but within the past couple decades we have and will continue to see a rising influx of souls who have sojourned there. The Sun and Moon were not as common sojourns for the soul, so there is limited info on them. But here is what little was said about them.
The Sun "The Sun is of great influence in the experience of the entity. Hence the more the entity will find himself associated with influences or forces that direct the activities or the policies of great undertakings, the better will be the environ for the entity, and greater may there be an expression of the the entity in all its phases". So basically, it sounds like a more "hands on" approach that someone from the forces of Jupiter would bring with them, as he had compared the two together in a reading before. The Moon: He has talked about The Moon, but I do not have proper access to gain information about those sojourns. From what little I have read, he said that people who sojourn on the moon may be at the mercy of their emotions. Not that they are mad one moment and sad the next, but rather there can be an unstable quality to it. He said the emotions are often like the changing faces of the moon, and as children they are often accused of being fickle as children. Their abrupt changes in mood are there to help them discover what they really want from life. And of course, we could possibly attribute some Cancer-like qualities such as seeking to be close with their family, being intuitive, and having a nurturing quality about them. Last, but not least was the star Arcturus. So little was said about this that he only called it "the forces of a developing nature". According to Cayce Arcturus was the door the led outside of our solar system. He said that this was a "usual but unusual step for an entity". So those of Arcturus were given permission to leave the solar system, and may have come back of their own will to learn certain lessons or share knowledge here on earth.
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zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 28, 2012 02:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: That sounds very interesting, and thank you for the offer.  I have an exact birthtime, so here is my chart.
The ruling forces in this incarnation appear to be Mars and Neptune. Conjunct the Ascendant(the ultimate sign according to Cayce) and then conjunct the North Node. Both of these aid in your soul development in this life, but their energies could also be challenging since they are conjunct the north node, and you have lessons to learn from them in this life. The Secondary force would be Pluto, as it conjuncts your Midheaven. The additional and minor forces aiding you are Mercury(in the first house and conjunct the sun) possibly the Sun, and Venus. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 3138 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 28, 2012 02:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by zanarkand112:
Edgar Cayce had sojourned on Uranus before coming to earth)
Interestingly he had Uranus conjunct ASC (orb: 0°13). Does that figure in how it is determined where one had sojourned? (conjunctions to ASC I mean; I think it would make sense as the ASC is our entry into incarnation) IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 3138 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 28, 2012 02:38 PM
Thank you.So you are looking for conjunctions to the angles and possibly Sun (and Moon)? and minor ones in 1st house? Well, yes, I agree, this Mars-Neptune-complex right on ASC and NN IS a pivotal and determining theme for my personality. Both, in the sense of talents as well as lessons.
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zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 28, 2012 02:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Thank you.So you are looking for conjunctions to the angles and possibly Sun (and Moon)? and minor ones in 1st house? Well, yes, I agree, this Mars-Neptune-complex right on ASC and NN IS a pivotal and determining theme for my personality. Both, in the sense of talents as well as lessons.
As for Edgar Cayce there is speculation about correct birth time. His parents and the doctor that gave birth to him say he was born at 1:30,(as it is signed by all three of them on the birth certificate) but some astrologers told him that is he were born at that time he would be a girl so they rectified his chart and told him he would be born nearly two hours later. To make matters worse, his grandmother is quoted as him being born at 3:20 in some book that was released. The way you look for the sojourns is you look for the planet making the closest applied conjunction to the Ascendant and then the mid-heaven. But most people get confused on how to do this correctly. The Ascendant and the Midheaven after the faster moving of the two, NOT the planet. So for example, you would not use a planet in the 12th house(unless it is conjunct the ASC) over the closest planet the planet just barely at the tail end in the first house. He did not use Orbs either. If you don't quite understand, I'm about to do Hera's chart so maybe you will see. Even though the planets are moving counter clockwise in relation to the zodiac, as they shift in the houses they move in a CLOCKWISE manner. So, from our perspective looking at the sky this is according to Cayce what you look for. The planet making to closest applied conjunction to the ASC, and then the midheaven. Those are seen as the ruling forces. But the Reason Neptune and Mars trumped Pluto in your chart as the ruling forces(as usually you use one planet near the ASC, THEN look to the MC) as they were both conjunct the ASC, which he said was the most important point for identifying possible planetary sojourns. IP: Logged |
zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 28, 2012 02:58 PM
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sweet-scorpion Knowflake Posts: 282 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted May 28, 2012 03:25 PM
Thanks for offering to do these readings. I'm extremely interested in this topic now. I'd love to see what my planetary soujourns would be. Here is my chart. I was born on Oct. 3, 1994 at exactly 12:13 PM in West Chester, PA, USA. Thanks again! ------------------ "Perfect love casts out fear." -Anthony de Mello IP: Logged |
Lazyscarecrow Knowflake Posts: 116 From: En Cee Registered: Aug 2011
posted May 28, 2012 03:30 PM
This is very interesting, I'm still reading your posts but in the meantime if you can... Thank you very, very much... IP: Logged |
zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 28, 2012 03:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: Ohhh, I'm curious too!!! Birth time accurately rectified (not that it was too off to begin with). Thank you, Z!
I'm a bit torn on this one. I would generally go with the Sun and then Uranus as the ruling forces, as they are the closest ones nearing to ASC(The Sun) and then the Midheaven(Uranus) in an applied conjunction. BUT it was rare when someone sojourned on the Sun according to Cayce. And I'd prefer the Sun at least be in the first house as a more definitive way of cueing me in on a possibly planetary sojourn there. So I would go both Uranus and then Jupiter as the ruling forces they are both in the tenth almost neck and neck nearing the Midheaven. Then possibly the Sun as secondary force. Venus is conjunct an angle, so that would be next in line. Neptune and the Moon tightly conjunct the South Node. While these may not be the ruling forces in this life, they are conjunct the South node so you are very familiar with these influences -- possibly over many lifetimes. These may be your favored "stomping grounds" when departing your body and looking for a realm to retreat too. You excel in these areas but need to beware of excess concerning those energies. While indicating talent, not much soul development will take place if these energies are overused. Pluto is also conjunct your chart ruler Saturn, so there may be a minor influence coming from it as well. IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 1858 From: the OR Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 28, 2012 03:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by zanarkand112: I'm a bit torn on this one. I would generally go with the Sun and then Uranus as the ruling forces, as they are the closest ones nearing to ASC(The Sun) and then the Midheaven(Uranus) in an applied conjunction. BUT it was rare when someone sojourned on the Sun according to Cayce. And I'd prefer the Sun at least be in the first house as a more definitive way of cueing me in on a possibly planetary sojourn there. So I would go both Uranus and then Jupiter as the ruling forces they are both in the tenth almost neck and neck nearing the Midheaven. Then possibly the Sun as secondary force. Venus is conjunct an angle, so that would be next in line. Neptune and the Moon tightly conjunct the South Node. While these may not be the ruling forces in this life, they are conjunct the South node so you are very familiar with these influences -- possibly over many lifetimes. These may be your favored "stomping grounds" when departing your body and looking for a realm to retreat too. You excel in these areas but need to beware of excess concerning those energies. While indicating talent, not much soul development will take place if these energies are overused. Pluto is also conjunct your chart ruler Saturn, so there may be a minor influence coming from it as well.
Thank you!! Uranus fits me the most, just so you know. Jupiter to a lesser extent. Venus is a big lesson in this lifetime since it is unaspected but also in my face sort of speak. Sun I don't know. You're right about Moon and Neptune. Their energy has always felt comfortable and I retreat there whenever life gets too tough and I need a temporary escape. But indeed there is no growth through them, just stagnation. Thank you very much!!! IP: Logged |
zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 28, 2012 05:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by sweet-scorpion: Thanks for offering to do these readings. I'm extremely interested in this topic now. I'd love to see what my planetary soujourns would be. Here is my chart. I was born on Oct. 3, 1994 at exactly 12:13 PM in West Chester, PA, USA. Thanks again!
Another one I'm torn on, because of the rarity of souls going to the Sun. If you did indeed go to the Sun then the ruling forces would be Neptune followed by the Sun. If not, then the ruling forces would be Neptune and then Mercury. I also believe Uranus is a possible Planetary Sojourn seeing how it is neck and neck with Neptune. And for other reasons that might confuse you, but have proven pretty trustworthy in pinpointing planetary sojourns. Jupiter and Venus are also very tightly conjunct the North Node. While maybe not the ruling forces, they are extremely important for further soul development in this lifetime, but you may receive challenging lessons regarding those energies that may need to be integrated together for the best use. IP: Logged |
zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 28, 2012 05:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lazyscarecrow: This is very interesting, I'm still reading your posts but in the meantime if you can... Thank you very, very much...
The ruling forces for you seem to be Uranus and Pluto. Much like Scorpion's chart, Neptune is neck and neck with Uranus, and I checked the chat for some proven clues, and Neptune looks like it would be the secondary force after those two. IP: Logged |
zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 28, 2012 05:32 PM
BTW, I hope you all are using what I wrote as a reference guide after I list your possible planetary sojourns. I know it's a big wall of text, but it will help explain the differences between our understanding of the planets from an astrological perspective, and how the sojourns affect the personality when sojourning there. I'll answer any questions someone has if they want to know more about the subject.IP: Logged |
sweet-scorpion Knowflake Posts: 282 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted May 28, 2012 05:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by zanarkand112: Another one I'm torn on, because of the rarity of souls going to the Sun. If you did indeed go to the Sun then the ruling forces would be Neptune followed by the Sun. If not, then the ruling forces would be Neptune and then Mercury.I also believe Uranus is a possible Planetary Sojourn seeing how it is neck and neck with Neptune. And for other reasons that might confuse you, but have proven pretty trustworthy in pinpointing planetary sojourns. Jupiter and Venus are also very tightly conjunct the North Node. While maybe not the ruling forces, they are extremely important for further soul development in this lifetime, but you may receive challenging lessons regarding those energies that may need to be integrated together for the best use.
I'm curious, why is going to the Sun so rare? Did you say this maybe because my Sun is a singleton + peregrine? That's my first guess why you picked it for me but maybe I am wrong. Neptune and Uranus make sense equally to me. I've read about Uranus and it seems this makes sense for me since I have a natural knack for astrology and anything 'Uranian'. I also am extremely creative and get along well with the sign Pisces, so maybe that's how Neptune manifested for me as a sojourn in this life.  Mercury makes sense too - I've always been a gifted writer. It's come quite naturally to me and it's been my obsession for years and years. IP: Logged |
zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 28, 2012 06:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by sweet-scorpion: I'm curious, why is going to the Sun so rare? Did you say this maybe because my Sun is a singleton + peregrine? That's my first guess why you picked it for me but maybe I am wrong.
Well, Edgar didn't explain why, but sojourns to The Sun, Moon, Pluto,(until recently) and Arcturus was much more uncommon. So Unless The Sun is conjunct The ASC, MC, or the the nodes(the ultimate clues) I really cannot say that person has been there with any sort of certainty. If Mercury fits that well, I would go with Neptune and Mercury being the ruling forces instead of Neptune and the Sun. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 3138 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 28, 2012 06:30 PM
Zanarkand,yes I got it. Thanks. IP: Logged |
Lazyscarecrow Knowflake Posts: 116 From: En Cee Registered: Aug 2011
posted May 28, 2012 11:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by zanarkand112: The ruling forces for you seem to be Uranus and Pluto. Much like Scorpion's chart, Neptune is neck and neck with Uranus, and I checked the chat for some proven clues, and Neptune looks like it would be the secondary force after those two.
I suppose I am Uranian in the sense that my moods can be very chaotic, I can be very reactive sometimes...I am also very into the occult, but wouldn't that also be a Plutonian quality too? I can relate to both Uranus and Pluto, and Neptune a little bit but not as much as the former two. Thanks once more, Zanarkand. IP: Logged |
Jim Newflake Posts: 20 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted May 28, 2012 11:41 PM
Looks very interesting , here's my chart : IP: Logged |
RedScorp Knowflake Posts: 2155 From: The Capitol Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 29, 2012 01:50 AM
This seems really cool! I'm guessing my planetary sojourns would be Mercury and Mars. My AC is in Virgo, but moving forward, it would encounter Mercury in Libra. Same for my MC, as it is in Gemini, first coming into contact with Mars in Leo.I have Sun exact conjunct North Node. What about that? Since you referred to SN conjunctions as preferred "stomping grounds", perhaps after this life I am going to the Sun...? IP: Logged |
zanarkand112 Knowflake Posts: 141 From: Maryville, TN USA Registered: Jan 2010
posted May 29, 2012 03:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lazyscarecrow: I suppose I am Uranian in the sense that my moods can be very chaotic, I can be very reactive sometimes...I am also very into the occult, but wouldn't that also be a Plutonian quality too? I can relate to both Uranus and Pluto, and Neptune a little bit but not as much as the former two. Thanks once more, Zanarkand.
Well, from Edgar Cayce's perspective Uranus had more to do with the occult when considering sojourns. But, you also have Sun in the eighth house,(which is heavily associated with the occult) and I'm sure Pluto would only add to the fascination with it! IP: Logged | |