Topic: aquarius/uranus and aspergers syndrome, are they related?
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7308 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 18, 2012 04:34 PM
i have mild (undiagnosed) aspergers syndrome, meaning i match all the descriptions to an extent and two psychologists have said they thought i had it but its never been officially diagnosed. since i started getting into astrology i have been amazed at how closely the descriptions of aquarians and aspies mirror one another. Such as: highly intelligent,socially awkard,odd interests/behavior etc. any other aquas on here who have aspergers? Also is there anybody here who maybe has studied the charts of people with aspergers or autism and found a theme of heavy uranus or lots of aqua placements?IP: Logged |
CosmicKarma360 Knowflake Posts: 773 From: here and there Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 18, 2012 05:12 PM
Hey!Well, I'm not a professional astrologer at all. Still consider myself a bit of a beginner, but yeah, I wondered about your question, too. My brother totally fits the description for Asperger's Syndrome. Like, exactly. He's convinced he has Asperger's, and I don't doubt it. He's a Libra Sun, but with an Aqua moon, and Uranus conjuncts his ASC exactly. From what little I know about astrology, it seems to fit. IP: Logged |
mercuranian Knowflake Posts: 783 From: chiron Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 18, 2012 05:15 PM
i ve also thought uranus too for asperger'sIP: Logged |
sweet-scorpion Knowflake Posts: 1580 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted June 18, 2012 05:17 PM
You could be onto something there. I read an astroblog once that had an article showing that many kids started to be come autistic or aspergers sufferers in the early 90s when the Neptune-Uranus conjunction began to come into play; and it's now the Age of Aquarius where tons and tons of kids are becoming diagnosed with autism and aspergers disorders. I also feel that the Aquarian Age is simply shedding more LIGHT on the topic; I believe in the past it went undiagnosed or was frequently misdiagnosed in people... now in the Aquarian age it's really a big concern since as you said, Uranus is basically the go-to planet for such issues. I have actually considered myself slightly autistic/sensory-issued at times. I definitely don't have a full-blown disorder but since I am considered gifted, people around me growing up were worried I had a mild sensory problem and feared it was autism. It turns out such problems DO exist on their own and they are loosely related to what people with autism deal with, but they don't make you full-blown autistic. I've tested myself before online for it and it's apparent I don't have the actual disorder... I'm sometimes too social and not rigid with my behaviors for one. IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 3327 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 18, 2012 05:19 PM
Hello AquaGuy91, Yes we have a member here Glaucus who works extensively with these types of astro medical are a few links IP: Logged |
SpooL Knowflake Posts: 600 From: Toronto/Ottawa,Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 18, 2012 05:37 PM
Look for strong air/fire aspects.-------------------------------- Capircorn Rising Gemini Sun, 5th House Aries Moon Mercury in Gemini Venus In Taurus IP: Logged |
RegardesPlatero Knowflake Posts: 4367 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted June 18, 2012 06:52 PM
I have (officially diagnosed) Asperger's.The first step is to get an official diagnosis from a qualified diagnostician, to be sure. You can have some traits of Asperger's without actually having it. Only a qualified professional can tell you if you have it or not. Being tested is important. Being quirky or awkward is NOT--I repeat, NOT--enough for you to have it. It is more complicated than "oh, I don't fit in or I'm different, therefore I have something". It doesn't really work that way. A lot of people are quirky and a lot of people feel alienated/disillusioned. Asperger's is different than that. There is more criteria to a diagnosis than that. I don't say that to be mean, just that as someone who does actually have it for sure, I think that it's important to distinguish between normal feelings that a lot of twenty-somethings today feel and Asperger's. On top of that, it's also really important that people not misidentify or misunderstand things about Asperger's. I'm not activisty, but it's a bit of a 'thing' with me. I don't have ANY Aquarius in my chart at all and my Uranus is not really heavily aspected. Not like my water and cardinal planets. As for diagnoses increasing, remember that it wasn't named/discovered until the 1940s, and when I was a kid, much later, it was not routine to test for it. It is much more commonly tested for today. On top of that, people with Asperger's may have simply been thought of as eccentric in the past, flying under the radar. I think that a lot of people mix up quirky/eccentric and Asperger's. I also think, too, that Asperger's is the condition du jour and, while it's a catchy name, people don't really know what it is. It either gets lumped in with autism--which is another hot button for me, as I HATE that, they are NOT the same, but I digress--or else people know the word but don't understand it. Personally, I actually prefer not to tell people that I have it, in real life. I hate it when people treat people with Asperger's like we're some kind of exotic freak show pet or a charity case. I just want to be liked, accepted, and treated like a normal person. One of the biggest compliments that I received lately is that a few people whom I told about it and who really were properly acquainted with it/familiar with it told me that they "couldn't tell". People with Asperger's can lead normal lives and pass for normal, with the right therapy and socialization/things of that nature. That's my own approach to it. IP: Logged |
naturalbeige Knowflake Posts: 205 From: Portland, OR Registered: Jul 2010
posted June 18, 2012 06:56 PM
I may have Aspergers. Sun square Uranus, Moon quintile Uranus, Mercury sextile Saturn, and Uranus in Sagittarius (which may emphasize it more).IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7308 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 18, 2012 07:07 PM
i do have it for sure. i have all the signs and symptoms of it and as i said some psychologists have suggested it but others said no, my mom, my brother, and my dad all say i match it down to the detail. the psychologists who said i didnt only saw me once so,they werent able to really get a picture.IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted June 18, 2012 08:46 PM
I'm an officially diagnosed Aspergers, as is my two sons, my brother and my father. All official.  I have Venus in Aquarius in 12th House. Uranus is in 7th House. The planets Weird, Geek and Outcast conjunct each other.  IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7308 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 18, 2012 08:50 PM
interesting yta, how has it affected you? do you still have problems socializing or have you adapted for the most part? i believe i have adapted to social situations quiet well, but i still have problems every now and then.IP: Logged |
cappy1277 Moderator Posts: 1668 From: philadelphia,pa Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 18, 2012 09:54 PM
My youngest son, a Gemini with a Leo moon has a confirmed diagnosis of low spectrum autism/aspergers.he also has other severe health issues & possible dyslexia. I don't recall anything much uranian but I will have to take a look again. He's a Virgo risingIP: Logged |
Faith Moderator Posts: 5555 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted June 18, 2012 10:13 PM
^ Aww..... so sad to hear that.I just finished the book Look Me in the Eye, a bestselling memoir by Apergian John Robison. In some ways, Robison reminded me of my husband who has sun conjunct Uranus I looked up the author's birthday and the best I can find is, he's born same season, same year as my husband. So he's also sun-uranus. My oldest son has symptoms, but it's so mild, I never had him tested. He's got Aquarius SN and some outer planets (pardon me, I'm tired and forget which ones!) The girl I know with the most severe case of it (diagnosed and treated) is an outright savant, and she is an Aquarius sun. IP: Logged |
RegardesPlatero Knowflake Posts: 4367 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted June 19, 2012 05:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by aquaguy91: i do have it for sure. i have all the signs and symptoms of it and as i said some psychologists have suggested it but others said no, my mom, my brother, and my dad all say i match it down to the detail. the psychologists who said i didnt only saw me once so,they werent able to really get a picture.
Well, they should refer you to a diagnostician, so that you can be absolutely sure. That's really the only way to be 100% certain. It's not really fair of them to just say that and not have you officially tested. Honestly--and I'm not trying to be mean--you really cannot say that you have it "for sure" without an official diagnosis by a qualified diagnostician. You can only speculate/take what other people have said into consideration, but you can't confirm it for sure until you've been tested.
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Aquacheeka Knowflake Posts: 2741 From: Toronto Registered: Mar 2012
posted June 19, 2012 09:26 AM
I know two people who have it. One has no air in his chart (one of my closest friends) and the other I don't know his placements but he's a Taurus sun.I think it's interesting. I always associated Aquarius with nervous system disorders, not social function ones because the sign is so outwardly-directed. Also with schizophrenia. IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka Knowflake Posts: 2741 From: Toronto Registered: Mar 2012
posted June 19, 2012 09:27 AM
quote: Originally posted by cappy1277: My youngest son, a Gemini with a Leo moon has a confirmed diagnosis of low spectrum autism/aspergers.he also has other severe health issues & possible dyslexia. I don't recall anything much uranian but I will have to take a look again. He's a Virgo rising
My dear friend who has it is also a Virgo rising. IP: Logged |
amowls** Knowflake Posts: 1947 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted June 19, 2012 10:38 AM
I dated a guy with aspergers, but he went undiagnosed for most of his life (in fact when I dated him, he didn't know he was an aspie... they just thought he had ADD and prescribed him ritalin, which of course didn't do anything).He was weird. It was much more than being socially awkward. He said everything in a literal way, kind of like a little kid. He couldn't read facial expressions (namely, couldn't tell when I was upset) or body language. When he was doing something, he was completely absorbed in it and the only way to get his attention was to shake him. He would talk about music obsessively and in great detail. He wasn't THAT socially awkward, people just thought he was stupid (because he took everything literally and he would kind of space out). He obviously wasn't stupid. He was actually very social because he worked on overcoming his social anxiety. He was really into DJing parties (which is how I met him). He had tons of friends. Anyway, he was a quadruple Libra (Sun, Moon, Merc & Venus). Uranus square Mars and trine Jupiter... but that's it. Leo Rising. Neptune square Sun. IP: Logged |
cappy1277 Moderator Posts: 1668 From: philadelphia,pa Registered: Jul 2009
posted June 19, 2012 11:58 AM
Has anyone noticed that virgo rising has the most health issues when young? My son just turned his lifetime he has been hospitalized at least 40 times. Once for rotavirus when he was 18 months old (severe stomach bug) with severe dehydration. Then he caught a staph infection while there and that required another couple of days in the hospital with surgery to remove the infection. He was in the ICU for a severe asthma attack last march. He stays in the hospital for at least 3 days every other month for his asthma with the last one being in may. He has asthma, severe allergies (peanuts one of them) and severe eczema which is finally under control. I have to carry an epipen & inhaler wherever we go. We go to specialists all the time. Poor kid, can't run around without having an asthma attack and that doesn't help that he has ADHD. And with the asperger's he says the most rudest things sometimes but he is just being literal. Sometimes people think it's hilarious that he is "rude" and sometimes they just look at me thinking that I don't know how to control my child's mouth IP: Logged |
SpooL Knowflake Posts: 600 From: Toronto/Ottawa,Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 19, 2012 09:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by amowls**: I dated a guy with aspergers, but he went undiagnosed for most of his life (in fact when I dated him, he didn't know he was an aspie... they just thought he had ADD and prescribed him ritalin, which of course didn't do anything).He was weird. It was much more than being socially awkward. He said everything in a literal way, kind of like a little kid. He couldn't read facial expressions (namely, couldn't tell when I was upset) or body language. When he was doing something, he was completely absorbed in it and the only way to get his attention was to shake him. He would talk about music obsessively and in great detail. He wasn't THAT socially awkward, people just thought he was stupid (because he took everything literally and he would kind of space out). He obviously wasn't stupid. He was actually very social because he worked on overcoming his social anxiety. He was really into DJing parties (which is how I met him). He had tons of friends. Anyway, he was a quadruple Libra (Sun, Moon, Merc & Venus). Uranus square Mars and trine Jupiter... but that's it. Leo Rising. Neptune square Sun.
Thats why I was saying look for strong fire/air. My Uranus is in Sagittarius 99% of time anyone whos has problems identifying facial expressions is autistic. Unlike him I was diagnosed when I was 13, although I didn't believe it given that I just blended in natural. Until, I started finding myself alone in my thinking, thats the reason why I like programming/software development, no to programer/developers write script/code the same way and think differently when solving problems. Thats the reason why sometimes you'll find some aspergers exceling at math or science because they just see something differently, Albert Einstien was an aspergers and his brain operates radically diffrently. I suggest that anyone who has aspergers or know anyone in the autistic spectrum should get a cat, Ironically I learned to figure out facial expressions from my cat. Amowls, I gather at the surface he appeared to be normal, hence the reason why he was undiagnosed for most of his life. -------------------------------- Capircorn Rising Gemini Sun, 5th House Aries Moon Mercury in Gemini Venus In Taurus IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 5332 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted June 19, 2012 10:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by aquaguy91: i have mild (undiagnosed) aspergers syndrome, meaning i match all the descriptions to an extent and two psychologists have said they thought i had it but its never been officially diagnosed. since i started getting into astrology i have been amazed at how closely the descriptions of aquarians and aspies mirror one another. Such as: highly intelligent,socially awkard,odd interests/behavior etc. any other aquas on here who have aspergers? Also is there anybody here who maybe has studied the charts of people with aspergers or autism and found a theme of heavy uranus or lots of aqua placements?
My mom jokingly (affectionately) called my dad "Mr. Autism" later on because he wouldn't make eye contact with her when they first met. He's an Aquarius... IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7308 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 19, 2012 10:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: My mom jokingly (affectionately) called my dad "Mr. Autism" later on because he wouldn't make eye contact with her when they first met. He's an Aquarius...
i used to be bad with eye contact, but have gotten better, when i was a kid mom was the only person i made eye contact with. IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted June 19, 2012 10:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by aquaguy91: interesting yta, how has it affected you? do you still have problems socializing or have you adapted for the most part? i believe i have adapted to social situations quiet well, but i still have problems every now and then.
Socializing? Does it seem that I have problems? It's a freaking label. I had a steady stream of lovers and many people who love me and whom I love. Yes, I'm quirky. It's called being different. Not necessarily a bad thing. Does it look like I didn't do well in school and didn't get a good job? My brother has an IQ of 175. Anyone like to call him unintelligent? Normal people can't fathom greatness if it smacks them right in the face. Some are born great. Some achieve greatness. Others have greatness thrust upon them. People who don't understand Aspergers have greatness kick them in their ass. IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 7308 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted June 19, 2012 10:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Socializing? Does it seem that I have problems? It's a freaking label. I had a steady stream of lovers and many people who love me and whom I love. Yes, I'm quirky. It's called being different. Not necessarily a bad thing. Does it look like I didn't do well in school and didn't get a good job? My brother has an IQ of 175. Anyone like to call him unintelligent? Normal people can't fathom greatness if it smacks them right in the face.
no yta, you seem fine. i was just curious if you ever had problems, i used to have lots of problems but overcame them. and i am the original weirdo  IP: Logged |
Faith Moderator Posts: 5555 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted June 19, 2012 10:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by cappy1277: Has anyone noticed that virgo rising has the most health issues when young? My son just turned his lifetime he has been hospitalized at least 40 times. Once for rotavirus when he was 18 months old (severe stomach bug) with severe dehydration. Then he caught a staph infection while there and that required another couple of days in the hospital with surgery to remove the infection. He was in the ICU for a severe asthma attack last march. He stays in the hospital for at least 3 days every other month for his asthma with the last one being in may. He has asthma, severe allergies (peanuts one of them) and severe eczema which is finally under control. I have to carry an epipen & inhaler wherever we go. We go to specialists all the time. Poor kid, can't run around without having an asthma attack and that doesn't help that he has ADHD. And with the asperger's he says the most rudest things sometimes but he is just being literal. Sometimes people think it's hilarious that he is "rude" and sometimes they just look at me thinking that I don't know how to control my child's mouth
This just breaks my heart, I can't stand children having to endure so much hardship, and asthma is scary. Praying for you both.  IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted June 19, 2012 10:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by aquaguy91: no yta, you seem fine. i was just curious if you ever had problems, i used to have lots of problems but overcame them. and i am the original weirdo 
I spent six months in college practicing eye contact so that I could do well in a job interview. 
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