Topic: Suicide and Zodiac Signs
Cynnared Knowflake Posts: 902 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 17, 2012 12:26 AM
In my studies years and years ago, I read a badly afflicted Mars and stressful Malefic planets aspects as well.IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 120 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted July 17, 2012 10:18 AM
I've seen that people with mutable signs on their axes [asc-desc/mc-ic] respond to things more sensitively than others would. Also, very early this morning I happened to read a page in astrologer Betty Lunsted's book on Astrological Insights into Personality (1980). On page 140 she teaches about the SUN-NEPTUNE CONJUNCTION. She said, "These individuals have chosen to develop a spiritual consciousness this lifetime, and this consciousness may be hard to discover." "If properly guided when young, they can develop into tremendously creative and intuitive types." Further down the page, she reports this. quote: "As the mind wanders far from home, the personality may periodically become suicidal, especially when the Sun is under heavy affliction by transit."
Transits can trigger thoughts like these when you're disposed to it. But KNOW that it has a finite period-- this too shall pass... Barbara Hand Clow added this interesting note. quote: "Most people are unaware that many philophers have considered the prospect of suicide before becoming more impersonally involved in the structure of the universe.
C'mon now? Isn't Sagittarius is the philosopher of the zodiac? Barbara Hand Clow in her book on Chiron (1987) reported that some of her clients had a "Chiron sensitivity," especially in the early period of the first approaching square. The Chiron square and opposition are a time of spiritual crisis. Clients have a hard time because "they feel so separate, so different than others." Back in the mid to late 1990s my life got pretty torn up. Transiting Pluto in Sagittarius was crossing my 12th and 1st houses. (other things too...) Part way through a really really terrible night, I found this quote by Friedrich Nietzche-- "The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets successfully through many a bad night." The meaning behind the thought said to me that I WILL get THROUGH the night--! Remember: Just because you're thinking it doesn't mean you have to do it. Much love to all, Take good care... and keep talking!! mirage  ________ FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE, Beyond Good and Evil
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mir Knowflake Posts: 795 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 17, 2012 10:55 AM
quote: "The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets successfully through many a bad night."
That's a great one indeed. The 'connection' I have with suicide personally is that I am 'prepared' *IF* I can't take it any longer. I won't leave it up to any authority to decide if I'm ready or not (an unbearable thought!). Maybe I will never take that step myself, maybe I do but the fact is, it gives a lot of composure to know that there *IS* a humane way out *IF*... to you all! IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 120 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted July 17, 2012 11:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by mir:
The 'connection' I have with suicide personally is that I am 'prepared' *IF* I can't take it any longer. I won't leave it up to any autority to decide if I'm ready or not (an unbearable thought!). Maybe I will never take that step myself, maybe I do but the fact is, it gives a lot of composure to know that there *IS* a humane way out *IF*...
Thank you mir. Some people take their life because they think they have run out of options...except 'this' one. What you say has 'dignity'... nobody takes that away from you. As for me? When I saw it 'tee-d' some persons off that I was still alive? I decided to live. Yeah, staying ALIVE was the best revenge I could have!  IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 1003 From: in the hole Registered: Jan 2010
posted July 18, 2012 07:30 AM
Here are many hard and dangerous aspects, but some other people have similar charts, too. Natal Chart without time of birth can't show, why is here point of suicide.For suicide is very important exact ASC, because ASC is me, I do that. After that, ruler of ASC, where is position of that planet (many times is in 8th house). If there are hard aspects to ruler of ASC, in that case, this person should be under control. I have tried twice, but I am still alive; ruler of my ASC is Venus in 8th, rules 8th and has good aspects. ------------------ Do not be born good or handsome, but be born lucky. IP: Logged |
iQ Moderator Posts: 3870 From: Chennai, India Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 18, 2012 08:03 AM
1. Packed 12th House with a) Chart Ruler in 6th or 8th b) Neptune and Moon in 6th2. Sun in 12th square Ruler of 12th exact with Neptune or Moon in 8th. All the cases I know off had a packed 12th House. ------------------ Astrology Articles New Services and short readings IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 1003 From: in the hole Registered: Jan 2010
posted July 18, 2012 08:18 AM
I used to search Astro twins for me and my ex female friend. I have found for her more Astro twins, between them was David Foster Wallace, American writer. When I have read that David has committed suicide by hanging himself, I was worrying about my friend, even if I have relocated from there and didn't see her. I called other female friend, just to ask, how is going to all people there, also for this woman. I was told that she is ok. Now, both of them were born: February 21st, 1962 (I have found his Natal Chart, short after his death, but soon his Natal Chart was moved) Their ASC are very close, but he was ASC Pisces, with ruler in 8th; she is ASC Aquarius and her ASC ruler is in 7th. She is not thinking about death, but about men and relationships. B.
------------------ Do not be born good or handsome, but be born lucky. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 795 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 18, 2012 10:24 AM
Aiii Mirage thanks and yea.. I get it 
quote: If there are hard aspects to ruler of ASC, in that case, this person should be under control. I have tried twice, but I am still alive; ruler of my ASC is Venus in 8th, rules 8th and has good aspects.
Bonadea, you could be right with this. Virgo Merc. being the chartruler exact on my Virgo-ascendant which squares Saturn exactly and square Neptune (saturn opp. Neptune) which would clarify my extremely controlled/prepared way of dealing with the 'subject' (which in a way could underline the fact that I've never *tried it*/ I can't *try* it.. that sounds really too scary/risky to me) IP: Logged | |