posted August 26, 2012 09:37 PM
1. What defines a love stellium?
love stellium (sun conjunct mercury conjunct venus) even 12 degrees apart is ok, also sun opposite mercury, sun opposite venus, sun semisextile/semisquare venus is the same as conjunction. So, for example, sun semisextile venus, and conjunct mercury would still be considered a love stellium. ( shows these aspects in the little aspect grid underneath the image of the composite wheel)2. What do you think of trines sextiles in synastry and composites? Trines in composite are sweet, but some of them are barely noticeable. I would say (in composite) the most noticeable are trines and sextiles from moon or venus to the outer planets (pluto, saturn, uranus, neptune). Sun trine pluto and jupiter is barely noticeable, for example. Jupiter trines are barely noticable in general, only the hard aspects seem to be (in composite only i mean). Sun in trine to uranus, neptune or saturn is more noticeable definitely. So it depends. In synastry, I dont buy all that squares are exciting stuff. Not at all. They cause a lot of drama and awkwardness. Some squares are actually good in synastry, sun square pluto, moon square venus, moon square jupiter. But it is not to say that they dont still have minor setbacks... A few squares is okay, and it is preferable if it is those three aspects specifically..i would give a maximum of 3. But i have indeed experienced a synastry that was all trines, and important aspects at that, and it was pure heaven.
3. Generally would say that people born around the same time would have greater compatibility as they tend to have more conjunctions?
No. You can have conjunctions with anyone born at any year.
4. Which quadrant would you want most of the planets to fall in a composite? The 7th house.
5. Can synastry ever trump composite aspects?
Absolutely. It happens all the time. But, it wont last. Composite is most important always...for feeling of stability and trust in the relationship.
6. Beside traditional western astrology is there any other that you tend to look at? Chinese astrology. I love it. And very much like western, I have also found that people even resemble their chinese sign animals.
7. I read that Steve Jobs and his wife were in a strong but business like relationship. Do you think that they had too few planets in the 5th-8th and more planets in the 10th, 11th? (If you had to guess without looking.) No, i looked at their composite and thought it was funny that the media portrayed them as being so close bc that is not what i saw. I dont remember what it was i saw aspect-wise, but i did look at it recently. I cant remember though. I think it was composite sun and moon conjunct saturn. Saturn-heavy relationships are bad bad.
8. For a long term, genuine, romantic relationship-- tipping into a strong spiritual bond--, which one quadrant would you pick out of the entire composite? lol, Kinda a weird question but just force yourself to pick one.
Again, 7th. 8th and the water houses, including even the 1st house and 10th houses are too obsessive in my opinion. not healthy. 7th leads to a complementarity that feels like you dont even have to work at the relationship and like you work better with the other person than alone.
9. Again like the above bond, which one composite aspect would you prefer, if it was the only one you could pick? Venus trine pluto.
10. In the above relationship, which one synastry aspect would you pick? Double whammy venus-pluto. Hmmmm..oh but just one aspect? Hehe sun conjunct moon
or maybe just moon conjunct ascendant (soul kinship)
11. In the above relationship, which synastry overlay would you pick?
important synastry aspects i look for are sun-moon aspects, whether that be a square or whatever it is. but just the fact that it is there. Sun trine or conjunct jupiter. Sun-pluto. venus or sun trining or sextiling saturn. Moon trine uranus. Moon square or hard aspect to venus (not conjunction though), venus conjunct mars, venus trine mars or uranus, moon trine or sextile any of the outer planets. Sun aspecting (not the square, but opp is ok) venus or mars. I also look for double whammy aspects.
12. Do you believe in reincarnation and moksha? no idea what moksha is but i do believe in reincarnation thanks to linda goodman's description of how the soul becomes the next sign in its next life.
13. What religious philosophy do you follow? astrology, taoism. lol
14. When did you pick up astrology? when i looked up based on sun sign astrology how compatible aries and cancer were. bc i had a crush on an aries. i always draw aries and libra people but especially aries. it described the aries so well, the way we got along to a T, and then when i saw how it described me i was floored. knew me too well for that to be normal. I was 13, and in middle school. From then on i was obsessed. I looked at so many websites that i compiled a long archive in's forums. My username is FishnChips there and it's a stickied thread under 'Recommendations.'
15. When do you think you became competent in it?
After consulting the astrologer at the wisdom forum at for lots and lots of relationship readings based just on the composite chart (theyre free), lol he was very annoyed with me and banned me eventually haha. but i didnt care. I learned a lot from his readings. and that is also where i picked up the love stellium from. He never called it that but he kept saying it indicated "possibly the most loving relationship of your life" and it showed up in all the readings i asked him for except for one....i couldnt ignore that.
16. Q: I think we could have a spreadsheet for all possible aspects, placements, etc, with different weights for each one of them - the formula would just add everything up and there would be, the couple's potential in numbers :-) (and automatically :-)
Maybe there is a web site that does that...
A: haha. maybe. for now i like my little checklist of composite aspects. i think looking at what is in synastry is kind of misleading really, since the composite is more important. The only aspect in synastry i would consider really binding and important is sun conjunct moon, and in much lower strength sun conjunct, trine , or opp venus or jupiter. But always even with those aspects, in a close relationship there will be a strong composite that follows a clear pattern of good compatibility.
what I noticed is that minor aspects in the composite as well as the natal chart are also important, even though slightly less felt than if it were a nonminor aspect. But still!
Somehow, I am still not sure about minor aspects in synastry. They don't seem very strong for me and my relationships unless they are 1 degree or less. But with more experience, hopefully I will learn more about them.
I think the "Ideal Compatibility" link in my signature explains the minor aspects in composite that I feel are most important pretty well. I noticed in composites, that when you look up minor aspects between planets that cannot ever be anything but conjunct or opposite each other in composite, the computerized astro reports online give it the same interpretation as if it were a conjunction. I have found this to be really valid, although the aspect does seem to be felt slightly less. Such planets in the composite would be Sun, venus, and mercury, basically. Neither of those can ever be anything but conjunct or opposite each other. ie You can't have sun square venus in composite or sun square mercury. Also, I noticed that oppositions between those three planets are also described the same way as the conjunction, probably because the planet could easily have been on the other side of the chart, since it's a midpoint, and being conjunct it instead. Also, for luminaries aka the sun and moon, in the seems that orbs can be very wide for conjunctions and still be felt. I have noticed that very wide conjunctions between sun and other planets especially can still be felt even though does not count them.
I count whatever the composite at shows in the aspect grid shown below the chart.
As far as the rest of the minor aspects you may be curious about. It's pretty simple, really. The negative minor aspects get the same interpretation as softer squares, the positive ones count like soft sextiles. That's pretty much it. Any pluto aspects in composite are of course going to be powerful. Moon in negative aspect to venus seems to be very powerful as well, as well as the obvious minor aspects that cause the love stellium as described in the link in my signature titled "Ideal Compatibility." When things are unclear as to why two people were drawn to each other because major aspects indicating such strong attraction aren't present, the minor aspects in composite seem to reveal the answers. Same goes for, indications of unrequited love, mistreatment, power struggles. ETC
As often they do go unnoticed, minor aspects just shouldn't be ignored.
If you're interested in seeing the minor aspects in your natal chart I recommend doing a free sample natal reading from and putting your birth info in both of the profiles. It's very insightful.
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