Topic: 9th Harmonic, Ive read this chart is your soul, or show soulmate? Whats ur opinion?
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 17, 2012 07:04 PM
I really find mine to be like my soul, but maybe it can show both? A soulmate would need to be something like you in order to understand you at a core level! Whats your thoughts?IP: Logged |
peachbeigeblue Knowflake Posts: 2768 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted September 17, 2012 07:15 PM
What's the 9th harmonic?IP: Logged |
greatquincunx Knowflake Posts: 101 From: Houston Registered: Jan 2012
posted September 17, 2012 07:29 PM
All I know is that its an option under "Please select the type of chart you want" in the Extended section on Is it similar to the divisional charts in vedic?IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 17, 2012 07:41 PM
The 9th Harmonic Chart And Use of Additional Harmonic Chartsby Moses Siregar III Copyright 2001-2003. All Rights Reserved If you don't know what the harmonic charts are, I'll explain a little about them. Harmonic charts take a birth chart, and by slicing each sign up into a certain number of parts (based on the harmonic number) that will signify different signs, mix up the planets and angles in the chart. It's a little bit like throwing a deck of cards on the floor, mixing them up, and then picking them up again so that almost everything changes places. For example, Pluto might be found in a sign it hasn't transited for more than 300 years. It is well agreed upon, at least in Vedic astrological circles, that the most important harmonic chart to use is the 9th harmonic, and I want to stress this before I go on to talk about any other harmonic charts. in Jyotish the name of the 9th harmonic is the navamsa (pronounced: nuh vahm shuh). The importance of this fascinating chart has been clearly shown to me by studying and working with Vedic Astrology. I find it is utterly impossible to do a good reading of a person's Vedic Astrology without consulting the person's navamsa. But I consider the use of the 9th harmonic incredibly valuable for Western astrology as well. I'll explain how the 9th harmonic chart is determined. It is very complicated, so I do not recommend reading this paragraph unless you must know how the calculations are done. For each sign, the first ninth of that sign is made to equal the 30 degrees of the cardinal sign of that element. So the first ninth (three degrees and twenty minutes) of Aries, Leo, and Sag, represents the thirty degrees of Aries. Then the next ninth is Taurus, etc. etc. The first ninth of Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius, represents the first thirty degrees of Libra. So a planet in the first three degrees and twenty minutes of Aquarius, would be in Libra in the 9th harmonic chart. A planet in the second ninth (between 3.20 and 6.40) of Aquarius would be in Scorpio in the 9th harmonic chart. In this way, all of pieces of the chart are redistributed. Other harmonics have different rules, but the above is the method for determining the 9th harmonic. I certainly have to give the credit to Vedic astrology for bringing the importance of the 9th harmonic to our attention; in Jyotish the name of the 9th harmonic is the navamsa (pronounced: nuh vahm shuh) chart, and practically no jyotishi will analyze a chart without also studying the 9th harmonic chart. I think it would greatly benefit those using Western astrology to also consider the 9th harmonic of each birth chart. The 9th harmonic chart is more subtle in nature than the birth chart. You might say it is the 'soul' of the person where the birth chart is the 'body.' The realities of the birth chart are much more concrete. The 9th harmonic is ephemeral, but can be very revealing and powerful. The number 9 in numerology is a spiritual number, and likewise, the 9th harmonic is of a subtle nature. Major features of the 9th harmonic will show you very important dimensions of a person which might not be so apparent from the birth chart. Sometimes aspects of a person that seem somewhat missing in their birth chart will show up very clearly in the 9th harmonic. In India, a common sentiment about the 9th harmonic is that it shows the 'fruit' of the life, whereas the birth chart shows the 'tree.' Similarly, it is sometimes said to show the second half of life, or at least, the condition of each of the planets as the person goes on in life. For example, someone's Sun might be very weak in the birth chart, but if it is strong in the navamsa chart, then the person's Solar qualities will strengthen throughout his or her life. We might say that the 9th harmonic shows the latter part of life, because as one goes on in life, one is living more from their inner nature (9th harmonic), rather than the conditioned elements of their early and physical life (birth chart). It may be that the 9th harmonic is more evident as one goes on in life, because as we get older, we are less influenced by the conditioning of our early lives, and therefore more true to our inner, or soul, nature. But mainly, i would say that the 9th harmonic is like an etheric snapshot of the inner self. In the 9th harmonic,I recommend looking for the basics, like a planet's sign, house placement, and aspects. By looking, at least briefly, at the 9th harmonic chart, you will likely see elements that confirm certain parts of the birth chart. This will give you more certainty in those aspects of the person. You may also see some major themes that were not so obvious in the birth chart. This may complicate things a bit, but it will allow you to see and understand the whole person better. I always look at someone's 9th harmonic Vedic chart, and often the 9th harmonic Western chart as well, before doing a consultation with them. IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 17, 2012 07:44 PM
Know that the ASC changes very quickly in the 9th harmonic. Generally speaking, the 9th harmonic ASC will move 9 times faster than the regular ASC. On average, the ASC will change every 13 minutes. So you can see that the accuracy of the birth time is very important if you want an accurate 9th harmonic chart. If you have a rough birth time, it might be best to use a 9th harmonic solar chart, rather than an ASC chart, so you do not risk interpreting a radically inaccurate chart.Transits to the 9th Harmonic I have seen that transits to the 9th harmonic have some very real validity. To keep things simple, I might recommend just looking only at transiting conjunctions to the 9th harmonic chart. To give credit due, it was astrologer Mumin Bey who first gave me the idea to look at this. So what you might do is this: watch for what kind of transiting conjunctions are happening in the 9th harmonic chart--activity there might clarify things, or even tell you something dramatically important. I'll give you some personal examples based on my Western 9th harmonic chart: When my wife and I were married, there really weren't a ton of specific transits to our charts. However, Jupiter was stationary at 15 Cancer, which is where I have my 9th harmonic Sun in the 8th (a house of marriage, along with the 7th). When I had my second pass of my Jupiter return, I also had my 'Chiron return' in my 9th harmonic. This was when I started Grace Flower Essences. When I had my natal Chiron opposition, I also had my 'Pluto return' (never heard of that one, huh!?) in my 9th harmonic. I had a very painful separation in a relationship that stirred up old stuff. About a year later, I had transitting Pluto and Uranus quincunx my natal Moon. At the same time, I had my second pass of my 'Pluto return' in my 9th harmonic. This coincided with one of the most intense experiences of my life, another painful relationship separation. At one point in 2001, I started a much stronger dasa period than I had previously been in. At the same time, Jupiter conjoined the Uranus in my 9th harmonic chart. I had a very positive experience in an online forum. Later that year, I started a weaker subperiod of that vedic dasa. At the same time, Saturn conjoined the Uranus in my 9th harmonic chart. I had a very negative experience in an online forum. These transits work for other harmonic charts as well. I will tell you some truly astounding stories about transits to my 5th harmonic chart. I look at the 5th harmonic primarily as "gifts," including creative gifts. In my 5th harmonic, I have a conjunction of Mercury, Uranus, and Ceres in Aquarius on the Midheaven in Aquarius. When Uranus transitted my 5th harmonic Ceres, who is an extremely important asteroid signifying abundance and self-worth, I created "The Abundance Bottle," and then very soon after, Grace Flower Essences. Around this same time Uranus transitted my 5th harmonic Mercury, and I sent my article on Taurus to The Mountain Astrologer. Almost a year later, Uranus returned to visit Mercury and I published for the first time. Later that year Uranus was hovering on my 5th harmonic MC and Uranus, and my Taurus article and website review came out in The Mountain Astrologer. Here's what I would recommend: 1. Consider only transiting conjunctions to harmonic charts, particularly the 9th harmonic chart 2. Do not consider the transited planet as a house lord; only consider it for the sign and house that it is in. 3. Understand that transits to the harmonic charts can be extremely powerful, but that maybe 20% of the time they are more subtle. Keep it very simple, and you'll be in good shape with transits to harmonics. Using Other Harmonics Beside the 9th I do have some leads into what some of the other harmonic charts might show. But for now, I'm not going to suggest much of this, because I want to emphasize the 9th harmonic as primary. I will offer one suggestion for how to use the other harmonics, though. Using the harmonics is a good way to gain more insight into the nature of each individual aspect in a chart. If you wanted to gain more insight into the nature of a particular trine, you could look at the 3rd harmonic chart, and see where the two planets are conjunct. They are likely to be in the same sign and house, and this will tell you a lot more about the nature of this planetary aspect, such as how it is likely to express or direct itself. This is a list of which harmonic to look at to find each aspect as a conjunction: Opposition: 2nd harmonic Trine: 3rd Square: 4th Quintile: 5th Sextile: 6th Septile: 7th Semi-square: 8th Novile: 9th All of the above natal aspects will show up as a conjunction in the relevant harmonic. This is well-worth looking into, and very accurate in what it reveals. IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 17, 2012 07:48 PM
To run off a copy of your 9th harmonic- Go to After you enter your chart data, go to the 'Extended Chart Selection.' Under 'Please select the type of chart you want,' choose "Harmonic Chart (day -> harmonic number)." Then under 'start date for charts marked with' just enter '9' for the day's date (to give you the 9th harmonic). Then view the chart. You can look at the chart by finding the degree of the ASC, and drawing equal houses all the way around. Or--and this is better if the birth time isn't totally precise--draw whole-sign houses, where the sign that contains the ASC becomes the entire first house, and so on from there.Some VERY IMPORTANT words of caution: 1) DON'T EVER try to do aspects between harmonics of different numbers. They are totally different animals. 2) There are no signs or houses in harmonic charts. Remember that everything has been rearranged, so please don't do sign or house interpretations because they are no longer there. The purpose of harmonics is to get more information about aspects and aspect patterns. The Fourth Harmonic: The 4th harmonic shows how we deal with stress, strain, and struggle. When you construct a 4th harmonic chart, all of the conjunction, square, and opposition aspects in the original horoscope appear as conjunctions and this makes them easier to see. Of course, these aspects are pretty easy to see in the original horoscope as well, so what's the point? The point is that the minor aspects, the semi-square (45 degrees) and sequa-square (135 degrees), which are difficult to spot by a quick visual inspection, now appear as oppositions, and can be seen at a glance. Not only that, but other minor stress aspects (22 ½ degrees, 67 ½ degrees, 157 ½ degrees), which can take a very long time to locate, now become squares. In the 4th harmonic, whole patterns of stress aspects can be spotted, and this gives you a big edge for interpretation. The Fifth Harmonic: The 5th harmonic chart indicates talent, if any. In the 5th harmonic chart, all of the quintiles and bi-quintiles come together as conjunctions, making them very easy to spot. The semi-quintiles and sesqua-quintiles become oppositions. Quintiles are one fifth of a circle (72 degrees) and they give talent and power, and show our ability to put things together (pattern recognition). The Seventh Harmonic: According to Hamblin in his book, "Harmonic Charts," the seventh harmonic has to do with "…man's highest flights of creative imagination, and his lowest depths of destructive illusion. It is a number not of permanence, but of transience; not of unchanging truth, but of sudden flashes of light and darkness; not of objective reality, but of subjective impressions and the emotional experience which man derives from those impressions; not of knowledge, but of fantasy. It is, in short, a romantic number."(Pg. 65). In other words, the 7th harmonic has to do with inspiration, with what inspires us and how we can inspire others. This is an important ingredient of creativity. The Ninth Harmonic: According to Hamblin, the 9th harmonic chart shows "…a person's capacity for joy and happiness," and it also "…shows the person's capacity to spread joy and happiness to those around (them)." While the 4th harmonic shows how we can deal with stress, strain, and struggle, the 9th harmonic, by contrast, shows how we can be at peace. But in Vedic astrology the 9th harmonic chart, they call it Navamsa, is the chart of Marriage.
In Vedic astrology each chart represents a different life theme, such as career, parents, spouse. Analysis of that chart supplements the information about the life theme given by the natal chart. There are more harmonics that astrolgers use 2nd, 11th, 13th, 17, 19... The most significant planets in the harmonic horoscope are those that form a conjunction because they resonate most closely with the harmonic number. With harmonic charts we can do synastry too, even transits, I wrote they work, but not all, and some work very subtle. There are also Age Harmonics chart, where age is a base to run a chart. some web sources to read about harmonics: books: Practical Harmonics by Delphine Jay IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 3480 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 17, 2012 07:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by peachbeigeblue: What's the 9th harmonic?
go to the extended chart section look for harmonics chart and in the day section put the number 9. IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 17, 2012 08:18 PM
I met this guy a long time ago, his pluto was conjunct my moon and his moon conjunct my sun under a degree... We hit it off immediately and were really close for awhile, but then i found out some lies he'd told me and broke off seing each other. Later we picked back up as frinds, but i could always tell i was much more attached to him than he was me, i never knew why because in synastry and even composite we had it going on...but he was just much more casual...i could tell i didnt stir him on the same level he stirred me. After a year or so and all the pain we'd been through, he lost his feelings for me(except sexually) it seemed, but my feelings where still there. I missed feeling like i had someone who knew me inside and out.Then i found out about harmonics and was amazed to find his birth chart was sooo much like my 9th to me, it felt he understood me at a soul level, and his 9th harmonic was nothing like my birth to him, i wasn't what he needed on a soul level....i think this is why i saw such a huge difference in the way affected each other. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Knowflake Posts: 1088 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted September 17, 2012 09:58 PM
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sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 17, 2012 10:39 PM
cancer asc conj pluto, gem sun, aries moon conj jupiter. also mars in cap venus in aquarius. IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 17, 2012 10:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lotis White: Thank you for this. I've always been curious about the 9th harmonic.
Thank you, im excited to see if anyone has interesting stories about! I don't hear a lot about it, seems to be a less explored chart, but as you get older and begin to overcome some of your birth chart challenges...i've started seeing my growth through this chart, i guess this is the matured version of you! The times ive looked at it and followed it, i have seen much deeper into relationship and understanding why the depth isnt there....maybe one person took experiences in life and it changed them in ways the other didnt, so the birth chart might be very good, but the way you adjust to life changes you so you end up being very different. I liken it to being able to see how you let growth change you. A couple, so much alike as young people but they grow apart as life changes them or people who are very different initially but they've grow together through experience and come to understand each other. IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 17, 2012 10:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by sand: [b]cancer asc conj pluto, gem sun, aries moon conj jupiter. also mars in cap venus in aquarius.
Do you feel you are seen, or you are willing to show others your emotions and your intensity, compared to the way you were seen when you were younger? IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 17, 2012 10:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Do you feel you are seen, or you are willing to show others your emotions and your intensity, compared to the way you were seen when you were younger?
y yes that's amazing! i don't see myself as intense though. it's a bit of a blind spot i guess for me in my chart but perhaps i am.. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Knowflake Posts: 1088 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted September 17, 2012 11:25 PM
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 3480 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 17, 2012 11:59 PM
Probably more of my soul IP: Logged |
Gray Knowflake Posts: 234 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted September 18, 2012 12:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: I really find mine to be like my soul, but maybe it can show both? A soulmate would need to be something like you in order to understand you at a core level! Whats your thoughts?
They say the same thing about the heliocentric chart AND the draconic. Which is why I take it with a huge grain of salt. Also, soulmates can be very different from each other. It's the twinsoul that is supposed to be alot like you - which makes sense if you think about the idea that they're supposed to be the other part of you that you're reunited with. Soulmates are those people that you just feel a pull to, but it's temporary and it's so you can learn more about yourself and the world and grow as a person and a soul. It's all about change and development. Your twinsoul is what you get once you've done all that, and there's no real point to that except to just enjoy being together and maybe, try and work as a team to help the world positively in some way. Do I think you can see that sort of thing in a chart? Yeah. I think where the planets (and certain asteroids) fall in synastry with that person will give you some idea if that's the case or not. IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 18, 2012 01:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: y yes that's amazing! i don't see myself as intense though. it's a bit of a blind spot i guess for me in my chart but perhaps i am..
Well your pluto is actually before your AC,or the 12th house...the murky waters of things we don't like dealing with or deny about ourselves...we hide these things away in the 12th house until we are ready to see them. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 18, 2012 01:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Well your pluto is actually before your AC,or the 12th house...the murky waters of things we don't like dealing with or deny about ourselves...we hide these things away in the 12th house until we are ready to see them.
i've never connected with most h12 pluto readings but that sounds about right. IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 18, 2012 01:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lotis White: Cool. This example really helps explain things. I know that in Vedic astrology the 9th harmonic is about marriage and partnership. So you think that the 9th harmonic in western too can be interpreted as the symbolism/qualites we look for in a partner. And we'd check to see how our chart relates to the partner's 9th harmonic.In my 9th harmonic I'm an Aqua Sun, Pisces Moon, Scorpio Asc, Libra Mercury, Sag Venus, and Cancer Mars conjunct Jupiter... And I have to admit that this does resemble the general personality type that I find attractive... Not in exact planet/sign matches... But in the overall symbolism and pattern shown in the 9th harmonic chart... Also, for doing 9th harmonic synastry, do you recommend comparing the 9th harmonic of one person to both the other person's natal and 9th harmonic charts? This would mean that in the synastry of ‘marriage and joy’ (the 9th harmonic meaning) we’d have 4 charts to analyze. My 9th harmonic and natal to my partners 9th harmonic and natal. I have to say that I do suspect the signs of the 9th harmonic do show some qualities of how we like a partner to be. This seems to be the case with me when I look at the sign positions of my 9th harmonic, and not just the aspects. I mean, in Vedic astro they take note of the Navamsha chart signs. So I’m thinking, at least within the context of the meaning of the divisional chart, we could to the same in western astro… Even if not necessarily in relation to our whole personality, we could look at what the signs mean for that specific area of life.
I would definitely check both charts, not for exact degrees, more for an overall understanding of each other, and the way each of you are going to grow...its more subtle...but its a solid foundation and a feeling of being known and truly feeling understood by someone. This is what i've seen in my chart I have a lot of air/fire in your chart...but my neptune is in a stellium with sun/merc in saggy in 2nd house... then my libra ac,venus conjuncts pluto.... once i started growing up and maturing..i'm not a typical air/fire person... Saggy sun/merc/neptune in taurus house, grown up, im more sensitive from neptune and more stable than other saggies i've known... In my 9th harmonic i have a taurus sun, i have a pisces venus 9th harmonic has aries saturn....i've had to learn to be assertive, and i still have to force myself to be assertive, but i know if im not things will go bad, so its a constant struggle to be assertive...but i know it my responsibility Then my birth chart pluto on my i've grown up my pain has taught me to be cautious, im not the overly outgoing flirty libra ac...ppl say i have an intensity that looks like a scorpio, and my 9th harmonic has a scorip AC... 9th harmonic is a gemini moon and mars... my birth chart has virgo moon and gemini mars, i've finally learned to stop being so critical of myself, i'm learning to stop expecting perfectionism, so i find it interesting that in my 9th harmonic still has that quick mind and energy traits of mercury moon/mars but without the critism and perfectionism of virgo, its now all gemini moon/merc. 9th harmonic i have a leo uranus and jupiter-- my natal saturn is squares my scorpio uranus...its taken so long to finally allow myself to be free and appreciate my individuality without feeling like i was being irresponsible...what ive finally come to realize, with my leo saturn sq uranus, its my responsibility to be happy and allow my uniqueness to flow...and once i gave myself that freedom...i find my uniqueness brings me and others happiness... my 9th harmonic, as who ive turned into has me using that same leo energy in unique ways that bring happines...uranus and jupiter in leo.... Hope that makes sense!  IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 18, 2012 01:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by Gray: They say the same thing about the heliocentric chart AND the draconic. Which is why I take it with a huge grain of salt.Also, soulmates can be very different from each other. It's the twinsoul that is supposed to be alot like you - which makes sense if you think about the idea that they're supposed to be the other part of you that you're reunited with. Soulmates are those people that you just feel a pull to, but it's temporary and it's so you can learn more about yourself and the world and grow as a person and a soul. It's all about change and development. Your twinsoul is what you get once you've done all that, and there's no real point to that except to just enjoy being together and maybe, try and work as a team to help the world positively in some way. Do I think you can see that sort of thing in a chart? Yeah. I think where the planets (and certain asteroids) fall in synastry with that person will give you some idea if that's the case or not.
Maybe this is where we see our growth patterns and the ppl who are part of that growth...i know the guy i was speaking of was one of the hugest inspirations and a stepping stone in my personal development. He was temporarily in my life but made a huge impact and gave me strength i didnt realize i had....he changed me! But i don't feel i made the same impact on him. So what your saying makes sense...his birth chart was very much what i needed to help me get over a wall...i would say he was my best friend and will never forget him for the things he did that helped me see my value. He was very much like my soul, but i realize he never even let me know him...he knew me inside and out but kept me at a distance and wouldnt let me be there for him. It felt like he was a twin soul for me, but i wasnt for wasn't meant to be a life long thing! We parted and are still friends but it is like the relationship did what it was supposed to do, then it was done and ended...does that kind of sound like what your talking about? IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 18, 2012 02:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: i've never connected with most h12 pluto readings but that sounds about right.
Maybe as your soul progresses even further you will grow into being comfortable with being intense, maybe it wouldnt be until your next incarnate? But either way you are on the verge of being ok with others seeing your intensity or power. Would you explain a bit more about what you mean by saying its a blind spot for you? IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 18, 2012 02:22 AM
it's like i feel/ am light but when i really think about it i've bent people's will to follow mine and pushed them in some cases a bit too far. but i don't see a lot of that. only when i really sit down and think about my chart. most of the time my excuse is that it was my reaction and there's nothing i could have done about it at the time. i'm pretty sure it's here now.. this lifetime.. just not something i can clearly see all the time.IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 18, 2012 02:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: it's like i feel/ am light but when i really think about it i've bent people's will to follow mine and pushed them in some cases a bit too far. but i don't see a lot of that. only when i really sit down and think about my chart. most of the time my excuse is that it was my reaction and there's nothing i could have done about it at the time. i'm pretty sure it's here now.. this lifetime.. just not something i can clearly see all the time.
LOL...i see, its something that is more a sub conscience reaction, that is carried out without you directly intending to control! And to think of you, as a person who is controlling or manipulative isnt the way you like think of yourself? But its in there, and even tho you don't like it, you know your capable of it...but not your intention...? IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 18, 2012 02:41 AM
..or it's more raw and animalistic a pluto. it is in the very early degree. when i am controlling and manipulative i am very aware since i think of all the possible outcomes, responses and consequences to the actions i take. i have all these mini calculations in my brain lol! no no definitely my intention. perhaps it is also coz i lack air and i do not stop to think as much.IP: Logged |
Gabby Knowflake Posts: 1180 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 18, 2012 02:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: ..or it's more raw and animalistic a pluto. it is in the very early degree. when i am controlling and manipulative i am very aware since i think of all the possible outcomes, responses and consequences to the actions i take. i have all these mini calculations in my brain lol! no no definitely my intention. perhaps it is also coz i lack air and i do not stop to think as much.
So, its there, you use it, but its not something you openly want to holler out to everyone and say...hey this is me!! Its kind of on the down low? IP: Logged | |