Topic: Intelligence and the natal chart
GirlinSeattle Knowflake Posts: 87 From: WA, USA Registered: Oct 2011
posted October 02, 2012 06:56 PM
Hmm, all of these posts indicate that I should be a person with high intelligence, but I think that's far from the case. Hahaha. I have Moon/Mars/Pluto in Scorpio in the 3rd House. Mars and Pluto conjunct in the 3rd house. I also have my Sun conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius. I was never the perfect grade student in school, just because I could never bother with the busy work. I'm still in college, and it still takes hard work and studying to pull off a good score. It's hard for me to focus on one thing for too long, but when I do want to focus, it gets a little obsessive. I am verbally/mentally competitive, though, when it comes to issues I care about. IP: Logged |
MyFavouriteName unregistered
posted October 02, 2012 06:58 PM
thats realistic astrologers expect.astrology isn't black and white like maths. in maths, 5+5 = 10. in astrology, the results are not determined exactly by the equation. IP: Logged |
a_may_gemini Knowflake Posts: 373 From: Los Angeles, Calif Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 02, 2012 07:11 PM
I think usually those with Gemini or Virgo Mercury - the energies are different. Gemini is more idea driven and Virgo is more interested in logistics. Both are excellent with words.Mercury - Saturn aspects will create an intellectual perfectionist of sorts. Mercury - Jupiter aspects will be person who loves learning. Mercury - Uranus aspects produce crazy and original thinkers. Mercury - Neptune aspects produce intuitive minds that are very creative and imagative. Mercury - Pluto aspects produce an investigative mind. Mercury on the MC is someone who will make a career out of Mercury driven professions - communications, writing, community outreach, teaching, even astrology. Mercury on the AC is someone who simply gives off a nerd/smart egg feel and appearance to them. I find them to be generally smart people and very mischievous. I disagree with so much 3rd house emphasis as that rules the lower mind and random/brief interaction. I would place intelligence with Mercury in 5th for creativity, 8th for psychological dissection, 9th for higher mind/legal minded, 10th for competitive mind, 11th for community minded. 12th house mercury people can be quite smart but it tends to lie dormant and not as overt /visible as the previous houses I've observed. IP: Logged |
7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 1479 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted October 02, 2012 07:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: ^^ How about getting great grades because you know how to "game the system" and minimize the studying?  Heck I got wonderful grades. Nearly perfect SATs. I forgot the vocabulary 5 minutes after the test though. Never touched any of that math/statistics junk again after I finished school. Useless crap. But I still got all As through graduate school. Where does that get me? Give the the kid in the 'hood with street smarts any day of the week. That's a smart kid, knowing how to survive the streets.
...again, that's about intelligence vs wisdom - two different things... 
Wisdom is the accumulated knowledge that gives the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; gives the common sense; gives insight (wise man).
Intelligence is the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge (intelligent man). ...and why bother guessing when you already have the necessary resources on the internet - as in Natal Charts of people like Einstein: IP: Logged |
Sorcha Knowflake Posts: 852 From: Registered: Mar 2012
posted October 02, 2012 07:55 PM
I agree with may gemini. ^^^^ Also, no one has really mentioned emotional intelligence. Super important and thought by some to be more important than IQ when it comes to navigating relationships as well as increasing happiness potential. IP: Logged |
a_may_gemini Knowflake Posts: 373 From: Los Angeles, Calif Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 03, 2012 01:45 AM
As far as emotional intelligence, I would say strong aspects between Venus and Moon, and probably positive aspects between Moon and Saturn. I think Jupiter-Moon aspects would be necessary to give a jolly disposition and wide angle of understanding towards others. Maybe positive Moon and Mercury aspects would give way to someone being intellectually sensitive towards others.IP: Logged |
7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 1479 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted October 03, 2012 05:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by GirlinSeattle: Hmm, all of these posts indicate that I should be a person with high intelligence, but I think that's far from the case. Hahaha. I have Moon/Mars/Pluto in Scorpio in the 3rd House. Mars and Pluto conjunct in the 3rd house. I also have my Sun conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius. I was never the perfect grade student in school, just because I could never bother with the busy work. I'm still in college, and it still takes hard work and studying to pull off a good score. It's hard for me to focus on one thing for too long, but when I do want to focus, it gets a little obsessive. I am verbally/mentally competitive, though, when it comes to issues I care about.
House 3 stands for "Communication and Mentality" - and Mars and Pluto explains the last part of your post... but "the house" shows only "the a area" where a planet manifests wile the sign shows "how" a planet manifests... and since House 3 is the house of Gemini (which is ruled by Mercury) this tends to be a common mistake... cause House 3 doesn't stand for intelligence (generally speaking) - maybe just one type of intelligence (word smart). "[/i]I have Moon/Mars/Pluto in Scorpio in the 3rd House. Mars and Pluto conjunct in the 3rd house. I also have my Sun conjunct Mercury in Sagittarius[/i]." ... that being said, above placements don't help you much with school... yet it does shows an inclination towards "verbal confrontations" 
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7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 1479 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted October 03, 2012 06:21 AM
This topic has "intelligence" as subject and may_gemini's list of aspects between Mercury and other planets is pretty accurate from this point of view but - i see some of you are more interested in Wisdom and that comes from "Jupiter" not Mercury....if you check Einstein's Chart from above - He has Mercury in Aries/MC (House 10) - which explains his intellectual pursuit - but as you know Einstein was trying to help humanity with his intellect - which can be explained by his Jupiter placement - House 9 in Aquarius... he was both intelligent and wise, yet his intellect was his strong point - cause apparently, he wasn't able to grasp - the negative outcomes of his genius ideas. quote: Originally posted by Sorcha: I agree with may gemini. ^^^^ Also, no one has really mentioned emotional intelligence. Super important and thought by some to be more important than IQ when it comes to navigating relationships as well as increasing happiness potential.
...well, the most famous man in terms of emotional intelligence had this chart: Lots of Pisces placements - starting with Mercury (the way we think), Mars (the way one might act), Venus (the way one might love), Jupiter (the way one might expand - it's also representative for Wisdom). Mercury conj. Venus Mercury sext. Neptune Mercury oppo. Pluto Mercury trine MC Jupiter trine Uranus Jupiter Square Neptune Jupiter trine AC IP: Logged |
Cappi112 Knowflake Posts: 595 From: New York, New York, USA Registered: May 2015
posted October 28, 2015 05:51 AM
Just bumping this thread out of curiosity, because I just took an IQ test and received 135. BUT, my feeling about intelligence in the natal (or, I suppose, in life) is that it can be very highly concentrated in one area. My boyfriends' chart screams that he would be intelligent with numbers. (And highly intelligent in general, but less-so in social situations/ potentially emotions). He has a cluster in his 2nd house of Sun, Uranus, Neptune... and in his 1st house he has Mercury and Saturn conjunct. He has a very powerful mercury in his chart, and a virgo moon. He has the moon/mercury, mercury/mars, mercury/uranus hard-hitting aspects that show this, and got an Ivy league degree in math. I am HORRIBLE at math. It's actually something that embarrasses me often. I always feel like if people find out how bad I am at it, they will really judge me. But, I'm off the charts with art, writing, music in general, musical analysis, and so on. This shows up in my chart. Just an interesting thing. I've been feeling a little down lately about my intelligence - my ability to pull through for myself, it was nice to read through some of this stuff. IP: Logged |
Aatifah21 Knowflake Posts: 100 From: bloobleeblah. Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 28, 2015 06:35 AM
I've always been thought by others to be pretty smart, even from grade school. That could explain why now I'm a computer geek hahaI do have some of the things mentioned, like the heavy Virgo AND Scorpio influence (5 Scorpio planets/stellium all in the 6th house of Virgo). I also have a Gemini Asc (I saw a few people mention Gemini influence) and Pisces Moon (saw some people mention water mooners/Pisces moons). Oh and I have the Scorpio Mercury one person mentioned I think. I've always wanted to take an IQ test but I never have, so of you like, you can take what I say with a grain of salt. But I having a feeling I'm smarter than average, even if I don't have "genius" level IQ. I pick up on things quickly, I can watch someone do something or do something once or twice and get it. I think what makes me a bit different in that regard is that I seek to understand things, as opposed to just knowing I ask a lot of questions that most others don't ask, which makes you think (this girl must be stupid) or I ask questions that people think are "unnecessary", but they're necessary to me because I want to understand what you're telling me, not just know or memorize it. They think I'm asking questions because I don't get it, but in reality I'm asking them so I can get it...more, get it? I come from a profession where we do a lot of troubleshooting, so if I understand how something works, I won't have to ask you how to troubleshoot the various problems I have with it...I might be throwing some people off if they're not in IT, but for me, understanding something is like knowing the formula and knowing something is like just memorizing the answer, so instead of you telling me that 1+1 = 2 1+2 = 3 1+3 = 4 And me just memorizing those answers, I wanna know the formula you're using to get there. How is 1+1 =2, that way, when I met with 2+ 3 I don't have to ask you for the answer, I already know the formula of addition and I can evaluate myself. Now if you can, take this analogy and apply it to everyday life, that's how I desire to learn things, to understand not just what they are but why and how they are. Does that make sense? ------------------ Asc Gemini Sun Scorpio 6th Moon Pisces 10th Mercury Scorpio 6th Venus Scorpio 6th Mars Sagittarius 7th Jupiter Scorpio 6th Saturn Aquarius 10th Uranus Capricorn 8th Neptune Capricorn 8th Pluto Scorpio 6th IP: Logged |
Desiring Shadows Knowflake Posts: 3613 From: UNITED STATES, BABY Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 28, 2015 09:27 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aatifah21: I've always been thought by others to be pretty smart, even from grade school. That could explain why now I'm a computer geek hahaI do have some of the things mentioned, like the heavy Virgo AND Scorpio influence (5 Scorpio planets/stellium all in the 6th house of Virgo). I also have a Gemini Asc (I saw a few people mention Gemini influence) and Pisces Moon (saw some people mention water mooners/Pisces moons). Oh and I have the Scorpio Mercury one person mentioned I think. I've always wanted to take an IQ test but I never have, so of you like, you can take what I say with a grain of salt. But I having a feeling I'm smarter than average, even if I don't have "genius" level IQ. I pick up on things quickly, I can watch someone do something or do something once or twice and get it. I think what makes me a bit different in that regard is that I seek to understand things, as opposed to just knowing I ask a lot of questions that most others don't ask, which makes you think (this girl must be stupid) or I ask questions that people think are "unnecessary", but they're necessary to me because I want to understand what you're telling me, not just know or memorize it. They think I'm asking questions because I don't get it, but in reality I'm asking them so I can get it...more, get it? I come from a profession where we do a lot of troubleshooting, so if I understand how something works, I won't have to ask you how to troubleshoot the various problems I have with it...I might be throwing some people off if they're not in IT, but for me, understanding something is like knowing the formula and knowing something is like just memorizing the answer, so instead of you telling me that 1+1 = 2 1+2 = 3 1+3 = 4 And me just memorizing those answers, I wanna know the formula you're using to get there. How is 1+1 =2, that way, when I met with 2+ 3 I don't have to ask you for the answer, I already know the formula of addition and I can evaluate myself. Now if you can, take this analogy and apply it to everyday life, that's how I desire to learn things, to understand not just what they are but why and how they are. Does that make sense?
I practically never ask questions, I'm so bad. But they say that if you ask a question you appear dumb for a minute BUT if you don't ask the question and you never know the answer you remain dumb for life.. Or something along those lines. It's a good quote! Personally I'm smart in my own way .. I have a terrible self esteem I always have I'm just now realizing it and basically all we are is what we choose to believe about ourselves. So my entire life is shaped around this idea of who I am when it's not true! I could be amazing. It's who you compare yourself to. Another amazing thing to think about is this really cool picture I found on the Internet how to screen capture
Another thing.. I zone out a lot and sometimes live in a dream world but that does not mean I'm not smart. I just take in little bits at a time. Every one is smart every one processes things differently. If your going by societies idea of smart then go with the quick placements like Gemini and Virgo. Or signs that can concentrate really well Scorpio and Taurus OR signs that won't give up after facing failure time and time again, Capricorn ------------------ My charts:Western-tropicalSidereal-heliocentric the moon is in the 7th house... & Jupiter aligns with Mars... Then peace will guide the planets. And love will steer the stars!" IP: Logged |
visions Knowflake Posts: 330 From: france Registered: Feb 2010
posted October 28, 2015 11:19 AM
here my thoughts:mercury-jupiter : expand the mind, love of Learning, big curiosity, smart. What it's important it's that jupiter represent all official things in life. So it ruels academic science. I guess someone with mercury-jupiter is bound to get postgraduate degrees. mercury-uranus: Genius aspect. think outside the box, flash, eureka idea, can go beyond all the rules of a science and hit the nail. mercury-saturn: mental discipline, rigorous thinker uranus in the 3rd is can build new vision of reality pluton in the 3rd is insane also, pluto is ruling my 3rd house and i am obsessive to seek the truth when i do research everyone seem to forget the moon, a good moon give a good memory. moo-saturn is great to remember each fact and build erudition i have all that aspect in my chart =) except the mercury saturn. next year i will do a phd. IP: Logged |
DopGang Knowflake Posts: 2104 From: INTJ Registered: Jun 2015
posted October 28, 2015 12:53 PM
Edit: I don't want to be accused of looking for an "ego boost". I don't need one. IP: Logged |
Piscean Tigress Knowflake Posts: 122 From: Everywhere and Nowhere Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 28, 2015 03:39 PM
I would say: Mercury aspected for: Jupiter Uranus Pluto Maybe Mercury conjunct NN? Strong 9th house IP: Logged |
athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 5841 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 28, 2015 06:30 PM
It first depends on what sign Mercury is in. Then you can look to the house Mercury is in. Last check the aspects Mercury makes.Mercury in Aries Mercury in Gemini Mercury in Aquarius Are the smartest by far. If any of these fall into a Air or Fire house the intelligence becomes much stronger.
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Soltze Knowflake Posts: 1137 From: Registered: Mar 2015
posted October 28, 2015 06:46 PM
I have a big Gemini problem: I get sooo bored. I could have done more by now if I had a Mercury-Saturn aspect, but I don't lolI've studied three different areas in college...I'm considering a forth. I suck in maths really bad. I love human sciences, religion and languages. But I can't chose something to focus on :-( The only classical aspect my Mercury does is a sextile to Mars. Sharp-tongue and bad temper aren't exactly helping me :-D That said Mercury in Gemini(3rd -Taurus cusp), Sun and Júpiter in Gemini (4th). My ASC is Pisces. Uranus in the 10th is unaspected. Quincunx Mercury (1º) IP: Logged |
YellowGerbera Knowflake Posts: 736 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted October 29, 2015 12:42 AM
Hmm I've never taken an IQ test but I've been told I'm smart and quick minded. I think I have good memories. I love thinking outside the box and be creative with ideas! I got these aspects in natal: Sun in Pisces, 3rd House Mercury in Pisces, 3rd House Moon in Pisces, 3rd House Uranus on Asc, in Sag, 1st House Mercury quintile Uranus Mercury trine Pluto in Scorpio, 11th House Mercury square Saturn in Scorpio, 12th House Mercury conjunct Moon and Sun
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VirgoAquaSag Knowflake Posts: 78 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 29, 2015 01:38 AM
Mercury in Libra, 10th house conjunct MC sextile Uranus sextile Saturn sextile ASC Mars in Aries, 3rd house Virgo Sun, 9th house Jupiter in Gemini trine Sun & MoonI like the simplicity of my thinking style. It is kind of painful to hear/watch people who over think things when I can see how the solution is so simple! People always seem so surprised by my response like "Duh! Why didn't I think that before?" lol. I like learning about all sorts of things! I spend most time searching and reading up about anything and everything. I have knowledge on randomest topic and sometimes that creeps out people.. :P IP: Logged |
socialgraffiti Knowflake Posts: 517 From: uranus Registered: Jul 2013
posted October 29, 2015 03:50 AM
Meh. Everyone will just list their own placements as an ego boost.Many of the most famous people in their field were not the most naturally talented or intelligent. Many of them were considered failures for the longest time, but they were persistent. Charles Darwin's father thought he was going to be a failure. His cousin, Galton, was actually known for having a much higher IQ, while Darwin was considered of average intelligence. He had an extreme ability to concentrate, however. Now Darwin is a nearly universally known scientist. Galton is but a name in history. Leonardo da Vinci was considered one of the less talented court painters in Italy. Everyone thought he worked too slow. He stopped working for the Medici family because he was upset with the treatment. At one point even Michelangelo mocked him as incompetent. Now he's remembered as a genius. I could go on and on. Determination and hard work are far more impressive imo. Anyways, having a Mercury sign that is considered "the most intelligent" is silly, in my opinion. Some astrologers consider Mercury in Pisces a negative placement, but I've always found them very insightful and intuitive. Natural psychologists or artists. Or they say Mercury in Taurus is slow, but many people with this placement are very thorough learners with fantastic memory. Most people don't automatically associate Libra with intellectuals, but these people are often very talented at physics and engineering. e.g. Neil deGrasse Tyson- Sun/Mercury in Libra Etc, etc. IP: Logged |
Aatifah21 Knowflake Posts: 100 From: bloobleeblah. Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 29, 2015 06:36 AM
quote: Originally posted by YellowGerbera: Hmm I've never taken an IQ test but I've been told I'm smart and quick minded. I think I have good memories. I love thinking outside the box and be creative with ideas! I got these aspects in natal: Sun in Pisces, 3rd House Mercury in Pisces, 3rd House Moon in Pisces, 3rd House Uranus on Asc, in Sag, 1st House Mercury quintile Uranus Mercury trine Pluto in Scorpio, 11th House Mercury square Saturn in Scorpio, 12th House Mercury conjunct Moon and Sun
<3 ------------------ Asc Gemini Sun Scorpio 6th Moon Pisces 10th Mercury Scorpio 6th Venus Scorpio 6th Mars Sagittarius 7th Jupiter Scorpio 6th Saturn Aquarius 10th Uranus Capricorn 8th Neptune Capricorn 8th Pluto Scorpio 6th IP: Logged |
Sven555 Knowflake Posts: 980 From: UK Registered: Jul 2012
posted October 29, 2015 09:09 AM
I've got a really good idea guys, let's just post all my own placements, signs and aspects on the topic and then say how good I am without actually giving an objectively point of what is more favourable for intelligence.Not really that intelligent now, are you all. ------------------ Beginners Guide to Astrology IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 66858 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 29, 2015 09:13 AM
Conjunction of Sun and Mercury, which is 6-10 degree orb.------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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DopGang Knowflake Posts: 2104 From: INTJ Registered: Jun 2015
posted October 29, 2015 09:14 AM
Oh here we go. And Lindaland God said, "let there be butthurt. So it is written. So it shall be." IP: Logged |
Soltze Knowflake Posts: 1137 From: Registered: Mar 2015
posted October 29, 2015 10:04 AM
I don't see why some are so annoyed. People are all different: some are pretty, others are smart, others are kind. There are all kinds of qualities. Big deal.IP: Logged |
Sven555 Knowflake Posts: 980 From: UK Registered: Jul 2012
posted October 29, 2015 10:11 AM
Yeah what is the big deal guys?
------------------ Beginners Guide to Astrology IP: Logged | |