Topic: The Most Important Aspects in relationships
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 6564 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 07, 2012 12:52 PM
Please note, I did not write these descriptions myself. I copied and pasted them from various software astrology reports. Composite Sun square, semisquare, sesquiquadrate, conjunct, or opposite Pluto (From astrology report) The two of you affect one another profoundly, and will trigger energies and emotions in one another that you may never have realized you were capable of. Love at first sight is usually the case with this aspect. Passion was there from the start. A deep understanding of one another can develop. Few secrets can be withheld from your penetrating gazes. You disclose your secrets with each other more readily than you do with others. Your creative power multiplies in this relationship and you have a strong charismatic power over the other. It’s difficult for you to control your actions around the other, since you affect the other so strongly. It is difficult for people to not notice your passion. There may be a love-hate or attraction-repulsion between the two of you, because one of the impulses you evoke in one another is a desire to dominate. Overt power struggles as well as subtle, behind the-scenes manipulations may undermine your bond because you fear losing each other. Also, you can feel compelled to know everything about the other and could invade one another’s privacy or try to spy into one another’s secrets. To be successful as a team, you must respect the other as an equal. Unfortunately, there is apt to be a decidedly unequal balance of power between you. If you are very conscious and respectful of one another, however, you may be able to avoid the more severe imbalances that can cause real trouble. If one of you misuses power against the other, expect a backlash. This is anything but a superficial relationship. The positive aspect of all of this is that you will come to know each other extremely thoroughly, and a bond will be forged that will not easily be broken. There is also a fated, unavoidable, “meant to be” quality to your connection. Circumstances beyond your control may have forced you together.
Composite or Synastry Moon square, semisquare, sesquiquadrate, or opposition Pluto (From There is an obsessive quality to the desire you feel for one another and the emotional intensity of this relationship may be more than either of you wants to handle. You are deeply attracted to each other, drawn to each other like magnets, and you ‘get under each other’s skin’. You find yourselves pouring out your deepest feelings to each other. Or you may struggle to hide your true feelings from each other, and consequently become enmeshed in a very complex emotional tangle. You may feel simultaneously intensely attracted and repulsed by each other. Bonding is intense, though, and you may evoke feelings of jealousy and possessiveness in each other as well. If either of you is unwilling to have your deepest feelings exposed and your ingrained habits challenged, you will find this relationship too stressful. Composite or Synastry Moon square, semisquare, sesquiquadrate, or opposition Venus (From When you are together, you feel waves of love and attraction for one another that are impossible to ignore. Tremendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, protect, and nurture one another will always be present in your relationship. Some element from your past, possibly interference from your families or previous lovers, will have to be dealt with in some way before you can fully come together. However, the love feelings and heart in this relationship are so strong that those issues can be resolved. The desire for children and/or to create a home together will predominate. Compassion, love, friendship, kindness and caring summarize the essence of this configuration. There is a real sense of unity and coming together between you, even in the smallest moments of separation that do occur. Affection seems to be bursting at the seams. You really tend to make each other complete when you are together and you can blend your separate abilities to form a union of one. In time you will find that you really do need each other, and the joy of taking care of each other will permeate your total being. There will also be a dependency on each other which will be very endearing as well. And although you may notice a lot of differences between you, you still seem to be with the “right” person. Find the commonality between you and don’t focus on your differences. Although this is an extremely favorable aspect, you may find that meddling, interfering people (parents, past lovers, etc.) will have to be dealt with before the bonds spoken about above can fully be realized. There will also be a growing desire to have children and to build a strong home front together.
Composite Venus trine Pluto (Venus sextile pluto will be felt similarly, but to a much lesser extent.) (From The depth of love which you will be able to experience with one another will have a transformative, healing effect on both of you. This aspect is probably the most bonding and healing one in a composite chart. Through your relationship, you'll realize the power of love to change lives and mend the broken places within you both. This certainly is part of the purpose of your being together. Your love is like a drug for both of you, and makes you feel like you’re finally being loved the way you’ve always wanted. It feels like a perfect fit with the natural way you’ve wanted to be appreciated. The sexual attraction between you is also tantalizing and you are likely to feel that this is the person have ever been the most sexually open, shamelessly erotic, and comfortable with in your entire life. Even if other aspects of your relationship are difficult or frustrating, the intensity of your feelings for one another and your desire to be together will be very strong. In fact, it would be very difficult indeed for you to let go of one another. This will most likely be one of the most important relationships of your life.
Composite Moon trine, sextile, or semisextile Pluto (From Yours is destined to be a profound emotional union. There is a compelling, irresistible, intense desire to know one another deeply, and to be together. If you are seeking a light, casual relationship just for fun and good times, you may want to run away from this one - if you can! Inevitably, you will have powerful feelings of attachment, even jealous possessiveness, toward one another. This needn't be troubling though. Mostly it's just a testament to your strong bond. If either or both of you tends to be too rational and intellectual, your relationship with one another will remedy that! You'll share deeper feelings and become much more open to your own inner emotional life through being together. In fact, you may well have come together after one or both of you suffered a significant loss or trauma, and were thus much more aware of your heart and feelings and those deeper concerns that crisis forces upon us. You have such a strong effect on each other that you take each other to the depths. This is not necessarily bad. Your feelings for each other run so deep that you can expect an emotional catharsis and perhaps a regeneration or renewal. In plain English, you have one hell of a hold on one another. Whether you hold each other dear or suffocate one another, that is your choice. Possessiveness, dominance and jealousy could be issues. Making self-examination part of your lifestyle would prove to be helpful. One of the purposes of your relationship is to experience the depths of which you are capable, with another person. Composite Sun conjunct Jupiter (From Sun conjunct Jupiter is one of the most useful configurations in a composite horoscope. In fact, there will be growth, expansion, and luck in many areas of your lives together. First, you will have a general sense of well-being, of comforting each other when you are together, even of nurturing and protecting. Just being together makes you happy and it is easy to make each other laugh. Second, there is likely to be material prosperity. Even if you are not wealthy, you will feel that together you have enough. Third, this aspect will have the effect of expanding your consciousness of yourselves and each other, and of increasing your understanding. This aspect is a strong indication that whatever the basis of your relationship, it will be a good one, with fortunate consequences for you. Composite Sun conjunct, opposite, semisquare or semisextile Venus (From and The conjunction of Sun and Venus in the composite chart is one of the strongest indications of a love relationship between two people, even in a friendship. It does not primarily indicate a sexual relationship; instead it signifies love, pure and simple. The attraction indicated by this aspect is so powerful that it can bring together people who are incompatible by ordinary criteria. This aspect signifies that you just plainly love each other. The attraction is so strong between you that even though you may be incompatible by other standards, you still feel like being with your partner because of that love you feel for them. It's not that they won't occasionally drive you nuts - they will. It's just that the bottom line is that there is real love between you and there is no stronger emotion in the universe. With this configuration, no matter what difficulties come along to challenge you, you will always feel a need and desire to make peace, reconcile and create harmony and cooperation in your relationship. This aspect offers a great stability that will keep you from turning against each other, unless the obstacles become totally overwhelming.
Composite Sun Conjunct Neptune – can lead to disillusionment, though. (From The two of you idealize one another and your relationship. There is a fairy tale quality, a feeling of magic and enchantment, of uniting with your soul mate that permeates your bond. A delicate and subtle rapport exists between you, which cannot be described in concrete terms except to refer to it as a soul connection. It's an intuitive knowing of one another, and a sense of blending together spiritually. However, because of the stars in your eyes you may not see one another very clearly. Your True Love may disappoint you with very human imperfections, flaws, and inadequacies - things you may take in stride with other people, but for some reason with this person seem like a terrible betrayal. If you can love one another unconditionally, including all of one another's human frailties, you will fulfill the purpose of this relationship. Neither of you needs to be a saint or a martyr for one another - just be yourselves! Another potential pitfall for the two of you is to encourage in each other excessive idealism, false hope, unrealistic fantasies, and an urge to escape into paradise. Try to keep your feet on the ground while at the same time pursuing the many dreams you will have together. As a couple, the ocean or seaside is very beneficial to you.
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YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 5148 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted October 07, 2012 12:57 PM
Thank you very much for this list. IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted October 07, 2012 01:42 PM
I have 4 of 7 of this aspects with my SO in Composite and Synastry. Thank you!IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6091 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 07, 2012 02:04 PM
Thanks, Ras. The Sun/Pluto one is a recurring theme in my synastries and composites (the square). The Moon/Venus (usually conjunct in composite occurs pretty frequently as well, and I`ve had the synastric square). Oh and of course Venus/Pluto (usually square in synastry or composite, sometimes a trine). Yes, and Sun/Venus, if there is no Moon/Venus (mostly in synastry though).
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 6564 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 07, 2012 02:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Thanks, Ras. The Sun/Pluto one is a recurring theme in my synastries and composites (the square). The Moon/Venus (usually conjunct in composite occurs pretty frequently as well, and I`ve had the synastric square). Oh and of course Venus/Pluto (usually square in synastry or composite, sometimes a trine). Yes, and Sun/Venus, if there is no Moon/Venus (mostly in synastry though).
yes, this is what i've found also. exactly the same. Not just in my own relationships but in my readings on ebay. It's unfortunate that I meet much more people i have composite venus in hard aspect to pluto (conjunct or negative aspect) rather than the trine and sextile. I guess somehow, astrologically it is more rare to meet someone you have composite venus trine pluto with. It's such a healing aspect.
About composite sun square or opposition pluto seeming to occur more often than composite sun trine pluto, I have found the same for me. The reason in my opinion is because composite sun trine pluto is not nearly as powerful or intensely felt. I've experienced both and the trine barely made its presence felt whereas the square/opp/conj was in your face and life-changing.
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6091 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 07, 2012 04:29 PM
You know what is funny? This composite I recently stumbled across. It is probably the first time I had a Venus-Pluto-trine (instead of a square or no aspect) in a composite. The Sun-Pluto-sesisquare is wide, but compromised of a synastric DW of Sun-Pluto square and opposition. There is no Sun-Venus-aspect, though in the synastry there is a DW (square and sextile). Moon is semisquare Venus though.
And it even shows VALENTINE conjunct NN. (well let`s better not talk about the T-square of Moon, Mars and Saturn though. )
It`s just a "theoretical" composite anyway, but I found it funny that I can`t recall to ever have seen a Venus-Pluto trine in any of my composites. This was the only one. lol
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 3398 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 07, 2012 05:19 PM
I am surprised Moon-Mercury aspects wasn't here.IP: Logged |
Got Gemini?? Knowflake Posts: 868 From: The Planet Mercury Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 11, 2013 08:35 AM
In order to have Venus trine Pluto in Composite, what Venus Pluto aspect would you have to have in the synastry?------------------ Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus Virgo Mars Virgo Asc And yes, I'm a guy! IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6091 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 11, 2013 09:27 AM
It is not ALWAYS reflecting a natal aspect, but in some cases it does, and hten it usually will be:a) both people have a Venus-Pluto-trine natally I think it needs to be in the same phase though (either waxing or waning). In a composite I have the square with someone, and we both have a waxing Venus-Pluto-square b) a DW of Venus-Pluto-trine in synastry. Not sure about the phases in this case. Also, it could also be another aspect. I share a Sun-Saturn-trine DW in synastry with someone and it transforms into a Sun-Saturn-opposition in composite. (it is in the same phase)
Paul Newman and his wife had a DW of MOon-Neptune-opposition in the complimentary phase, and this becomes also a Moon-Neptune opposition in composite. So Ighuess with synastric DW`s the aspect has to be in the opposite phase to appear in the composite again (as the same aspect).
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Lioness Knowflake Posts: 5650 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted January 11, 2013 10:17 PM
I have all of that with fishy.. Only on the ones with the softer aspects we have but in hard aspect. Like moon trine Pluto.. We have moon conjunct Pluto... But all the planets hit..I have to be honest.. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.. Yet at the same time i would.. Its been such an emotional up hill.. Its been very hard to get over.... Actually i don't think i will ever get over it.. I feel like i will never find such an emotional bond like this... I'll never get to feel or have anything like this again... The problem is u never know what energy will be for today... One day its so loving and romantic, the next is a power struggle, then that i can't do this any more... Then its totally forgivness, and back to sweetness and idolizing each other... We stopped talking for weeks... But we came together again... Its imposSible to let go....
I'm having so much trouble moving on... But i am working on it. I met a Leo with a cancer stellium.... I've gone out with a few times.. He even cooked dinner for me... But i want the same level of chemistry... I don't think i will ever have it again 
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Planet Queen Knowflake Posts: 320 From: Portlandia Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 11, 2013 10:53 PM
I can finally look at my composite with my boyfriend without cringing. I know our relationship is working and were madly in love with each other. But when I first laid eyes upon our composite I was a bit horrified. Composite Sun in the 6th H opposite Moon in the 11th/12th conjunct Uranus. Yikes! Or Mars opposite Pluto with Pluto conjunct MC. But Venus is also conjunct Mars and they're both in the 4th H, which means we like to spend as much time together at home being comfortable. Or we're out partying and displaying that Pluto on the MC. In fact right now were starting a band. Mayhaps will get famous. Ha! IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 6564 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 11, 2013 11:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lioness: I have all of that with fishy.. Only on the ones with the softer aspects we have but in hard aspect. Like moon trine Pluto.. We have moon conjunct Pluto... But all the planets hit..I have to be honest.. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.. Yet at the same time i would.. Its been such an emotional up hill.. Its been very hard to get over.... Actually i don't think i will ever get over it.. I feel like i will never find such an emotional bond like this... I'll never get to feel or have anything like this again... The problem is u never know what energy will be for today... One day its so loving and romantic, the next is a power struggle, then that i can't do this any more... Then its totally forgivness, and back to sweetness and idolizing each other... We stopped talking for weeks... But we came together again... Its imposSible to let go....
I'm having so much trouble moving on... But i am working on it. I met a Leo with a cancer stellium.... I've gone out with a few times.. He even cooked dinner for me... But i want the same level of chemistry... I don't think i will ever have it again 
I think i told you once about the love of my life and how i had been going thru a similar intense karmic thing and how it was like u and fishy, he was scared and would run. Well, i knew my best friend in elementary had the same dob as him, so i knew there had to be something there and looked up people on the internet with that dob and found a celebrity. After i fell totally head over heels 30 mins into one of his movies, and couldnt help but notice how similar he was to my love in weird his facial expressions, his eye contact, his mannerisms, his voice, his quiet shy intensity! even though my love is black and he is blonde and blue eyed and looks totally different. So i decided to contact an actual guy i could talk to from that point. found a guy born on that dob via a myspace search, added him on facebook, videochatted him and he swears he's head over heels! He thought i might be a stalker at first, but now he believes in astrology! LOL! hopefully we will meet each other soon. I plan to visit him and my best friend in Austin this summer. Regardless, on another note... I looked up people born two days before and after the dob and found that since we have the same composite and still DW venus-pluto, i even felt that love with all of them! Even the girls! I wanted to be all their best friends, like something i cant even describe. too many feelings. but what im saying is you can do it too  This guy who lives in austin is ready to commit. He is scared but doesnt run away from relationships like the guy i fell in love with originally! I am sharing this with you because i know how it felt meeting guy after guy after my love and thinking "i will never meet another guy i love as much as him." and the reality is...sometimes there aren't other fish in the sea, at least not as intense! and astrology shows us that i think.
------------------ True to my aqua north node, I'll always pick the choice nobody expected me to pick. ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility (3rd post) | Q&A | What's a Love stellium? | Most important aspects descriptions | Aspects to avoid IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 5650 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted January 11, 2013 11:30 PM
Thanks ras.. Here is what bothers me the most.. Its not that we stopped seeing each other.. Things happen and sometimes they don't work out.. I can get over that..Its the whole, its over but i can't let u go.. That gets me.. We split 3 months ago.. Even though we didn't talk for a few weeks, we still talk everyday... We still have the affection and the romance and we genuinely like each other... Thats not going to ever end... Its harder to remain friends but impossible to end.. Sighhhhh... genuinely IP: Logged | |