Topic: Great sex in synastry - what to look for?
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted October 10, 2012 04:23 PM
starfairy's analysis was perfect. Nothing further needs to be said. lol.IP: Logged |
VelvetPriestess Knowflake Posts: 154 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted October 10, 2012 05:27 PM
Ceridwen quote: But then again, for me it seems to be an easy eqwuation. Ruler of 5t house (Venus) needs to be activated, plus a Pluto aspect to Venus or Mars.
If the ruler of the 5th is Jupiter rather than Venus or Mars, can it be activated by any personal planet or angle of the other to have a similar effect. So 5th house ruler (Jup) trine the sun for attraction (to the sun person) or trine Mars for sexiness. IP: Logged |
CRCRINCON Knowflake Posts: 265 From: CA, USA Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 10, 2012 05:38 PM
My husband and I have chemistry off the charts. Nothing I have ever experienced before.I do believe that Asteroids are powerful little suckers that add spice to an already dynamic synastry.I've only added Eros and Juno (which due to it's marriage nature when attached to Sun, Mars, Pluto I believe add to the chemistry) My 8th house Sun square Mars Moon Trine Mars My 8th house Venus Trine Mars Mars opposed to Pluto Moon trine Pluto Venus sextile Pluto Juno square Mars Juno sextile Venus Juno square sun Eros trine Eros ASC opposed Pluto ASC square pluto Venus parallel Eros IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22550 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 10, 2012 06:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by VelvetPriestess: [b]Ceridwen If the ruler of the 5th is Jupiter rather than Venus or Mars, can it be activated by any personal planet or angle of the other to have a similar effect. So 5th house ruler (Jup) trine the sun for attraction (to the sun person) or trine Mars for sexiness.[/B]
Yes, definitely. I just think in my case it is a "double blow", because Venus as a planet already has to do with relating, and the 5th house kinda "fits", but any planet ruling the 5th house would indicate this delicios "spark", esp. if it in strong aspect to someone else`s personal planets. IP: Logged |
DrewMann Knowflake Posts: 166 From: Registered: May 2012
posted October 10, 2012 10:28 PM
Hmmmm....two people who like sex....IP: Logged |
vertiver Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Firey Jupiter Registered: May 2009
posted October 11, 2012 02:39 AM
I remember continuously reading that Venus - Mars aspects are like hot magma. I didn't really buy it until I experienced a Venus - Mars conjunction, whoa, to this day that boy lights my fire. And technically we have Venus - Mars double whammy - he has Aries Venus, I have Aries Mars and he has Gemini Mars and I have Gemini Venus. Plus my Mars is opposite his Libra Moon and his Mars is square my Moon, so there are some Moon - Mars aspects flying amok as well. IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2025 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 11, 2012 03:02 AM
pluto is generational ... You have to check if your 8H ruler aspecting their 8H rulerIP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22550 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 11, 2012 04:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by vickymadness: pluto is generational ...
It doesn´t matter though as long as he is tightly connected to personal planets in BOTH charts. 8th house ruler is really intense and sizzling though, if you allow it to unfold and not run away and hide in your shell. I have seen both things happen with 8th house activation actually. Some people can`t really stand the intensity, and I suspect it is easier to go there with someone else, if the personal planets are in basic harmony. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 2107 From: Registered: May 2009
posted October 11, 2012 07:50 AM
****pluto is generational ... You have to check if your 8H ruler aspecting their 8H ruler****YES! (the best ever) It was the most exact aspect in our synastry. Mars square Mars, both our 8th house ruler IF you take whole signs! If NOT, then my 8th cusp is in the last 5 degrees of Pisces and then it would be Neptune but.. then Mars would rule none house in my chart? But this square made a T-square with our Venus/Juno conj. and his Pluto an exact trine with my Mars (again 8th house ruler) so.. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22550 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 11, 2012 08:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by mir:
If NOT, then my 8th cusp is in the last 5 degrees of Pisces and then it would be Neptune but.. then Mars would rule none house in my chart?
If Aries is intercepted in your 8th house, then Mars would be a co-ruler of 8th house. I definitely relate to NEptune being intercepted co-ruler of my 3rd house - and it is definitely not weak! In a way you may first notice the main houseruler (Uranus as 3rd ruler for me), but if you get a little bit closer, you can`t really miss that Neptune there. 
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mir Knowflake Posts: 2107 From: Registered: May 2009
posted October 11, 2012 09:23 AM
Hm.. very clear, thank U!IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22550 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 11, 2012 09:30 AM
Thinking about houseruler-aspects relating to sexual magnetism, these come to mind:° ruler of 5th and 8th house to each other (5/5- 8/8- 5/8) ° ruler of 5th/ 8th house to ASC, ruler of ASC or even ruler of 2nd house ° ruler of 5th/ 8th house to Venus, Mars, Pluto, and with a bit less OOMPH maybe, also to Sun and Moon (though these might be more emotional attractions or "You are my type"-attractions) and of course the usualy planetary ones we mentioned: Moon/Mars, Venus/Mars, Sun/Mars, Venus/Pluto, Mars/Pluto, possibly Mars to Mars or ASC etc.
plus ° BML to Venus, Mars, Pluto, ruler of 5th or 8th EDIT: I find that the conjunction and square (and possibly opposition) are the most "smoking" ones, very in your face kind of attractions, the magnetism is strong (and sometimes the arguments are not far behind). The attraction might be bordering the insane if Pluto, BML or Yin-Yang-combinations are involved.
Trines and sextiles seem to be more smoothly, maybe you don´t even notice them at first, but tend to give more harmony and compatibility in the long run. And if between YIN and YANG the attraction is probably still pretty strong, even with trine or sextile (though I am a bit hazy on this)
EDIT: I am generally speaking. Of course in an individual chart if Saturn is squaring that blistering 8th-5th house ruler connection and Neptune is opposing it, this might modify the manifestation quite a bit.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22550 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 11, 2012 10:06 AM
The relationship between Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh is said to have been a most passionate and tumultous; and they themselves as well as other people close to them remarked on the insatiable sexual attraction that brought them together in quite a whirlwind-kind of way. It even sounds a bit manic, if you read up on it.Anyway, they shared these interaspects his Mars square her Venus (1) his Mars opposite her Mars (4) his Mars conjunct her 8th house ruler (4) his 8th ruler trine her Mars (4)
his 8th house ruler conjunct her BML (1) his Pluto square her BML (1) his Pluto trine her Venus (4) his Venus sextile her Pluto (1) I guess strong Pluto/BML/8th house synastry would have certain similiarities of the lovestyle MANIA, while the 5th house/ Venus/Mars-synastry most probably would be more indicative of EROS as lovestyle.
Main article: Eros (love) Akin to limerence, eros is literally the love of Beauty. It is a highly sensual style of love. Erotic lovers choose their lovers by intuition or "chemistry." They are more likely to say they fell in love at first sight than those of other love styles. Erotic lovers view marriage as an extended honeymoon, and sex as the ultimate aesthetic experience. They tend to address their lovers with pet names, such as "sweetie" or "sexy". An erotic lover can be perceived as a hopeless romantic. Those of other love styles may see erotic lovers as unrealistic, or trapped in a fantasy. The advantage of erotic love is the sentimentality of it. It is very relaxing to the person doing it. The disadvantage is the inevitability of the decay in attraction, and the danger of living in a fantasy world. In its extreme, eros can resemble naïveté. Examples of Eros in movies include The Blue Lagoon, Return to the Blue Lagoon, Pretty Woman, Working Girl, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Star Wars and Titanic. In a genetic study of 350 lovers, the Eros style was found to be present more often in those bearing the TaqI A1 allele of the DRD2 3' UTR sequence and the overlapping ANKK1 exon 8. This allele has been proposed to influence a wide range of behaviors, favoring obesity and alcoholism but opposing neuroticism-anxiety and juvenile delinquency.[3] This genetic variation has been hypothesized to cause a reduced amount of pleasure to be obtained from a given action, causing people to indulge more frequently.[4]" and "Manic Manic lovers often have low self-esteem, and place much importance on their relationship. Manic lovers speak of their partners in possessives and superlatives, and feel they "need" their partners. Love is a means of rescue, or a reinforcement of value. Manic lovers often discover their partners by haphazard means. Manic lovers will avoid committing infidelity if they fear discovery. They view marriage as ownership, and children as either competition or a substitute for their lover. Sex is a reassurance of love. Manic lovers are often anxious or insecure, and can be extremely jealous. Manic lovers respond well to therapy, and often grow out of this style. The advantage of manic love is intensity. The disadvantages include jealousy, possessiveness, and insatiability. In its extreme, mania becomes obsession or codependency. One example from real life can be found in the unfortunate John Hinckley, Jr., a mentally disturbed individual who attempted to assassinate US President Ronald Reagan, due to a misperception that this would prompt the actress Jodie Foster to finally reciprocate his obsessive love. Hinckley's continuing behavior to date would seem to show that he has not been able to transcend his obsession, and this would again seem to be consistent with a deviant form of manic love.[citation needed] Extreme examples of mania in movies include Misery, Fatal Attraction, Play Misty for Me, Swimfan, Taxi Driver, Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet"." it is probably not absolutely transferable though.
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Jovian Knowflake Posts: 599 From: US Registered: May 2012
posted October 11, 2012 02:15 PM
Interesting, Ceridwen, though I can't say I agree with your comparison of Venus-Mars aspects to an Eros-type of love, in my experience. ...Venus-Mars to me is kind of “eh, okay.” A good add-on, but certainly not as intense as the others that have been mentioned, or enough to bother with a relationship, imo. Though I should qualify I've never experienced the conjunction.And how the h*ll is Star Wars exemplifying of Eros? Han Solo and Leia? Luke and Leia? Wha?? lol …And that description of Eros is my kind of love. Lol. I love the latter, clinical attempt to tie it to certain genes. Hmm...I guess I do trend toward obese rather than neurotic and anxious. Hysterical! That Manic description to me reminds me of hard Pluto aspects and general squares in natal and synastry, as in the Olivier-Leigh relationship. She was Manic-Depressive, if I recall. I would think better Pluto/8th house aspects wouldn’t be so “manic.” Though, I agree it is an all-or-nothing kind of thing. Though speaking as one who has ruler of 8th (Cancer - moon) in 8th house, I don’t know how objective I can be. I don’t really understand how to have “lighter” relationships. I sometimes really wish I did. ...And the attractions I have are "insane" enough, without needing to have squares involved (though I agree conjunctions and oppositions are nice). Squares in sexual aspects seem like drama for the sake of drama, to me. My moon gives me enough. Perhaps it is as you said-- It is easier to "go there" with flowing aspects in synastry to the 8th house ruler. When I have synastry with someone in which my moon is not aspected at all, it feels remarkably much more light and fun and less vulnerable. I feel more confident. Though, perhaps that can be said to some degree for everyone when Moon is not aspected.
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VelvetPriestess Knowflake Posts: 154 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted October 12, 2012 02:43 PM
I think the key to that type of super-sexual attraction like Lee-Olivier is a host of sexual aspects rather than just one. People might not respond to a single Venus/Mars trine but make it a double whammy, add in ruler of the 8th house, maybe asteroids, and Venus or Mars plus Pluto and suddenly we have kaboom!Also I think it depends on how sexy the individual's chart is, if you have a Mars/Venus conjunction you will be much more inclined to be sexually attracted to more people than if you don't have any sexual aspects. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22550 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 12, 2012 05:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by VelvetPriestess: I think the key to that type of super-sexual attraction like Lee-Olivier is a host of sexual aspects rather than just one. People might not respond to a single Venus/Mars trine but make it a double whammy, add in ruler of the 8th house, maybe asteroids, and Venus or Mars plus Pluto and suddenly we have kaboom!Also I think it depends on how sexy the individual's chart is, if you have a Mars/Venus conjunction you will be much more inclined to be sexually attracted to more people than if you don't have any sexual aspects.
BTW Jovian, just take wikipedia with a grain of salt. I do so myself, most of the times.
Anyway, generally or generically speaking Venus-Mars is pretty much an embodiment of the love style of EROS, probably with a bit of Neptune in there as well (the fantasy-element). But as I said that is GENERALLY Speaking, of course every chart is different, and people react very different to Venus-Mars-connections based on their overall natal. What VP said, absolutely nails it. Did you all see in the postd synsatry, how they id not just have several isolated sexual aspect, but how their individual sexual aspects aligned with each other? I definitely think that needs to be taken into account! It is what the Magi astrology calls sexual geometry I think, or similiar to that. I believe anyway that we need to pay more attention to circuits or clusters, interconnected interaspects in relation to their sign and houseposition as well. I have a Venus-Pluto-square in my natal. And everyone who has their Mars on my Venus will also aspect my Pluto and trigger Venus-Pluto in me, and I believe THAT is what is making me go crazy, not necessarily the isolated MArs-Venus-conjunction.
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 13, 2012 03:30 AM
^ Agree with you there def Ceri. I'm with someone whose Venus is conj my Venus, and his Uranus is conj my Pluto (him with Venus sq Uranus, me with Venus sq Pluto) so his sq is conj my square. Pretty potent. Then he has nMars trine Venus, and I have n.Moon conj Venus, so that sets up his Mars trine my Moon/Venus and my Moon conj his Venus. Plus his Moon is conj my Sun in the 8th (which for some reason turns me on, the Pisces Moons there easily submit to me, my Leo likes that, and maybe my Venus/Pluto too). Influences that interrelate.IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 2107 From: Registered: May 2009
posted October 13, 2012 08:01 AM
quote: It is what the Magi astrology calls sexual geometry I think, or similiar to that.I believe anyway that we need to pay more attention to circuits or clusters, interconnected interaspects in relation to their sign and houseposition as well.
Indeed! I'm not convinced yet if or to what degr. these rulers play a role .. I'll keep those 5-5 8-8 5-8 etc. in mind, but up until now it just seems a repetition of what is already clearly given in the sexual aspect-geometry BOEM/PATSSSS wow! Those boem/pats experiences are (I know) verry rare but without it I prob. would have stuck to a more vague vision on sexual synastry. So yes Magi really gave me that missing peace of clarity on the matter.. IP: Logged |
SerpeantKing Knowflake Posts: 182 From: Virginia Beach Registered: Apr 2011
posted November 15, 2012 04:37 PM
If your mars falls into his/her 8th house, the sex will be hot. Why? Our 8th house is our sexual tastes. Our mars is our sexual love making style rather you be a woman or a man. Mars trine mars or conjunct mars(you both have the same mars sign) works very well. Mars and Venus aspects doesn't have so much to do with how the actual act of sex will be, but it has a lot to do with if it will actually go there or not. So does Moon and Mars because this has a lot to do with "the sparks". If your ascendant touches her/his mars, there will be instant attraction, mainly experianced by the holder of the mars. Same thing with the sun-though with the sun, it probably won't be as obvious. More under the surface. If your sun falls into his/her 7th house, things will tend to fall naturally into place as far as the relationship will go. It will almost seem like it's your destiny to be with this person. Sometimes it's made to work out and sometimes it's not, with mars-/7th house, it is. Sun/Moon Conjunction will definitely produce sparks on both sides. Especially if the two really get to know each other. I don't think pluto has much to do with any kind of attraction, but more has to do with the spiritual connection you will have with that person. Saturn is the most important aspect when it comes to a relationship holding it's ground. ------------------ Aries Sun Sagittarious Moon Scorpio Ascendant(2nd decan) Mercury in Aries Venus in Aries Mars in Taurus Jupiter in Aquarius Saturn in Scorpio Uranus in Sagittarious Neptune in Capricorn Pluto in Scorpio Chiron in Gemini North node in Taurus "Nature speaks for itself" IP: Logged |
Evolved1 Knowflake Posts: 86 From: Chicago, IL USA Registered: Nov 2012
posted November 15, 2012 10:56 PM
My Moon conjunts his sun, My Moon conjuncts his Mars, My Venus conjunct his Mars, My sun falls into his 5th house..I have never had such great you get shivers just thinking about it, you got something good.IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 2030 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted November 16, 2012 12:23 AM
Astrology is REALLY flexible when it comes to physical attraction. There are many combinations of planets that indicate this...PLANETARY COMBINATIONS INDICATING PHYSICAL ATTRACTION. Sun/Moon, Sun/Venus, Sun/Mars, Sun/Pluto, Moon/Venus, Moon/Mars, Moon/Pluto, Venus/Asc, Venus/Venus, Venus/Mars, Venus/Uranus, Venus/Pluto, Mars/Asc, Mars/Mars, Mars/Uranus, Mars/Pluto... Different planetary combinations seem to work better for different people depending on their natal charts, and the rest of the synastry with the partner. I've noticed most people do have their personal favorites based on their experiences. All of the above aspects do work, it's just a matter of preference. I've also noticed that even if people are the same sex and are straight, that these aspects work for liking each other's look even in just a platonic way. There haven been a few women whose sensual look/vibe I really liked who had Venus in Capricorn in my 2nd house opposite my Cancer Moon in the 8th. These aspects can describe simply admiring someone's attractive features in general, as well to the more romantic/sexual types of attractions. I also want to mention Venus/Mercury. This aspect is not typically associated with physical attraction in the purest sense. But it can indicate finding each other's mannerisms attractive, flirty little interactions, and good kissing (so I've heard). quote: Originally posted by violet7887: 1)Anything involving anybody's 8th anything.
Yes. ASPECTS TO THE 8TH HOUSE RULER/OR PLANETS IN YOUR THE 8TH HOUSE ASPECTING OTHER PLANETS IN YOUR CHART! The 8th house seems to be really powerful when it comes to sexual attraction. I find aspects to my 8th house ruler from men with planets in late in water signs really attractive... On like this magnetic level. Even if his personality is not my 'type' there can still be this physical attraction there due to his planets aspecting my 8th house ruler. Moon/Moon aspects are a favorite of mine. Which brings me to my next topic... HOUSE SYNASTRY IS IMPORTANT. Okay. So we've probably all had that experience of meeting somebody with whom we share strong physical attraction synastry, and yet for some puzzling reason we're just not into them like that. I think the answer to why this happens in the majority of cases is HOUSE RULER/OVERLAY SYNASTRY! Attraction is not purely just about what planets are aspecting what other planets. The ROLE a person will be playing in our lives is also largely determined by how they influence our natal houses in synastry. HOUSE RELATED SYNASTRY 'ACTIVATES' ATTRACTION PRODUCING INTERPLANETARY ASPECTS. The 5th, 7th, and 8th houses are the power players when it comes to who we find attractive, and why we find them attractive. If we have a typical physical attraction interplanetary aspect with somebody, and we don't feel it that way, I suspect that the main reason for this is that they may not be hitting any of the 'relationship houses' (5th, 7th, and 8th) in synastry. People can influence our relationship houses either by putting planets in that house through overlays (Especially if the overlaying planets make important aspects to your natal chart), or by aspecting the ruler of that house in your chart with their natal planets. Another way for someone to activate your relationship houses is with a symbolism match... For instance, if you have a Scorpio Dsc, with Uranus in the 7th, and Pluto in Libra ruling the Dsc, and the other person has strong Scorpio/Pluto, Aquarius/Uranus, and/or Libra/Venus in their chart, then they match the symbolism of your 7th house with the makeup of their natal chart... Creating a symbolism match to your taste and preferences. I've noticed over time that such house ruler synastry seems to 'activate' any physical attraction aspects that exist in your synastry with somebody. Almost like it flicks the switch in our psyche that distinguishes between a platonic relationship and a potential lover. The stronger and more intense such 5th/7th/8th house related synastry is, the more intense and complete the attraction to that person will be. And it does work best if the person in question does influence all three of our relationship houses in some way or another. And also if they, in turn, have all three of their relationship houses activated by us. The strongest house 'relationship house' activated in the synastry for each person will determine the flavor of the relationship for them. If only one or two of these 'relationship houses' are activated for one or both of the people in the relationship, then the relationship can feel lopsided or somehow incomplete. Sometimes this even leads to an unrequited love situation, if one person has strong activation of their relationship houses in synastry, while the other person has weak or no activation of their relationship houses. Of course if there is no relationship house activation for either person in a situation, even if they have Mars conjunct Venus, the relationship will likely stay in the platonic zone. A reverse to this is also true. If you have no typical physical attraction synastry aspects with someone, and yet they activate your relationship houses very strongly, you could see them as very much your type in terms of personality and style, and yet there seems to be a spark missing... Like there is just not enough passion to build a connection on. The synastry of romance seems to be a rather complicated balance between each person in the relationship having all of three of the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses activated in some way, and also have a couple of really nice typical physical attraction interaspects. Both seem to be necessary for a relationship for worthwhile and viable to both parties. I mentioned earlier about how the 'flavor' of a relationship is determined by which relationship houses are strongest for each person in the synastry. The symbolism of 5th, 7th, and 8th houses describe what we like on 3 different levels. The 5th house is about romantic sparks, infatuation, courtship, and falling in love. It's that euphoric 'RUSH' we get when we first meet that special someone who impresses us big time! (Most movies and romance novels are about this part of the relationship). The 7th house is about what we view as 'partnership material' for the long term, and also about who we really like and just want to be with in the most basic of ways. That feeling of tender sweet affection that we have for a loved one... The longing to embrace their whole vibe as a person, comes from the 7th house. The 8th house is about the private bond that a couple builds up as they learn to trust each other. The 8th house is where we get intimate, reveal our mutual vulnerabilities, share secrets, and negotiate the power balance in the relationship. It's where we combine forces and unite with our partner in the deepest, most complete ways possible... Sexually, emotionally, financially. The relationship house that is strongest for each person will show how the relationship feels for them. If a person has their 5th house strongly influenced by their partner (Though 5th house overlays, aspects to their 5th house ruler, or the partner's natal matching the symbolism of their 5th house) there will be a consistent theme in the relationship for them relating to the 5th house: Feeling 'in love', being impressed, seeing the other person as adorable and special, a playful tone. If the partner then has their 8th house strongly influenced in the synastry (Though 8th house overlays, aspects to their 8th house ruler, or their love's natal matching the symbolism of their 8th house) there will be a consistent theme in the relationship for the partner relating to the 8th house: Sexual attraction, trust, and getting emotional and physical security from their love, a serious tone. Each person in the relationship will have a different experience of the relationship depending on house ruler synastry and which relationship house is strongest for them in the connection. Although, preferably all three of the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses will be touched to some extent by the partner, creating a balanced feel in the relationship, even if each partner has their own emphasis in the synastry. Astrology is complex, so I'm sure there is more to the story... Occasionally there may be exceptions to the rule. But in the majority of cases, it's seems that what switches physical attraction producing planetary aspects from platonic to romantic is house related synastry. House related synastry shows if a person is able to fit into the role of a romantic partner for us in very specific ways. As in if they are able to match our conceptions of courtship, partnership, and intimacy, depending on how their chart influences these areas of life (houses) for us. If they don't influence these areas of life for us at all they simply won't attract us much regardless of what the interplanetary synastry is. The general trend that I've noticed is that the house person feels more the planet person, and is inspired by them, in this type of synastry. Although, I have seen some random exceptions to this... Sometimes, for reasons unknown, the planet person will feel more for the house person. As if they personally feel it's their role to be the house person's lover/partner/intimate and became attracted to the house person for that reason. Perhaps house related synastry goes both ways to some extent, but is usually felt more strongly on the house person's/receiving side, then on the planet person's/giving side. Another type of exception that I've noticed is that if two people have a really powerful physical attraction producing aspect... Like Sun exact conjunct Moon, or Venus exact conjunct Mars, there can be some attraction even if the 5th, 7th, and 8th house related synastry is absent. The power of the aspect is so intense in these cases that it can overide the 'activation switch' of the relationship houses. Here, you may see the person as sexy or good looking, but they won't match what your 'type' is, or your relationship ideals. In these cases, the connection usually goes nowhere due to lack of motivation to actually have a relationship with that person. The astrology of romantic/physical attraction is complicated stuff. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 2030 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted November 16, 2012 12:29 AM
quote: Originally posted by inthemisosoup: I've had moon (me)oppose moon/venus/mars; venus/pluto (me) conjucnt sun/saturn trine mars before and that was pretty hot at the time. Very passionate, steady need/desire. But with Saturn there I think it made me feel a little like i couldn't fully be myself sexually. I was scared to be judged or left.Now, the sex I have with my boyfriend is the best I've had so far. And we do it a lot, often can't keep our hands off each other. Too bad we live an hour apart . . . if I could see him every day I would be sooo happy.  Anyway, his Mars is conjunct my Neptune and sextiles my Mars and my Venus/Pluto. His Venus rules his 5th and my Venus rules my 8th and they are conjunct, though at a wide orb (5 degrees). His Venus also squares my ASC. We don't have moon-mars, but my moon trines his Uranus and is quincunx his Pluto. His moon trines my Mercury; his moon is 7th house ruler and my Mercury is my 5th house ruler. Then his 8th house ruler (sun) is conjunct my Uranus (chart ruler), and squares my moon.
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: 5th house ruler conjunct 8th house ruler is INSANE in terms of sexual intensity. 
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 2030 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted November 16, 2012 12:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by VelvetPriestess: [b]Ceridwen If the ruler of the 5th is Jupiter rather than Venus or Mars, can it be activated by any personal planet or angle of the other to have a similar effect. So 5th house ruler (Jup) trine the sun for attraction (to the sun person) or trine Mars for sexiness.[/B]
This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about! IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 2030 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted November 16, 2012 12:56 AM
Ceri, As usual I've loved pretty much everything you've posted on this thread. I would quote everything you posted but that'd take up too much space! LOL
I love to check certain asteroids, as well as the Vertex, and the BML. Eros, Psyche, Juno and a few others are my favorites (too many to list). Use Asteroid mythological couples too, and the triangle of Arthur, Guinevere, and Lancelot. quote: Originally posted by VelvetPriestess: I think the key to that type of super-sexual attraction like Lee-Olivier is a host of sexual aspects rather than just one. People might not respond to a single Venus/Mars trine but make it a double whammy, add in ruler of the 8th house, maybe asteroids, and Venus or Mars plus Pluto and suddenly we have kaboom!Also I think it depends on how sexy the individual's chart is, if you have a Mars/Venus conjunction you will be much more inclined to be sexually attracted to more people than if you don't have any sexual aspects.
Yeesssssss. IP: Logged |
Poupoupidou Newflake Posts: 4 From: Registered: Oct 2015
posted November 07, 2015 05:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by LilithPowers1025: I was just wondering? Maybe personal planets in the fifth or eight house of one or both parties. Any ideas?
Surely the 5th for non-animal sex and the 8th for animal sex (I am including links to posts I wrote). If you are into asteroids, Vesta is a big player regarding your relationship to sexuality and Lilith deals with sex-appeal. Mars is also key for libido and passion. IP: Logged | |