Topic: Great sex in synastry - what to look for?
LilithPowers1025 Knowflake Posts: 76 From: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 09, 2012 04:39 PM
I was just wondering? Maybe personal planets in the fifth or eight house of one or both parties. Any ideas?IP: Logged |
C1ND3R Knowflake Posts: 1523 From: Dorsia Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 09, 2012 04:40 PM
Mars and Venus.Almost any aspect. IP: Logged |
sweet-scorpion Moderator Posts: 2427 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted October 09, 2012 04:44 PM
8th house ruler making a major contact to Pluto, Mars or the Moon is a possibility. E.G., Mars as ruler of the 8th, conjunct the woman's Moon - really amazing sexual/emotional connection with this extremely sensual feel, IMO. (Mars-Pluto would be even more intense!! Smoking.)
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violet7887 Knowflake Posts: 1716 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 09, 2012 05:25 PM
1)Anything involving anybody's 8th anything. 2)mars , pluto and moon doing anything to each other in synastry. 3) heavy sextiles in synastry. IP: Logged |
frankie2912 Knowflake Posts: 1435 From: Here and There Registered: Apr 2011
posted October 09, 2012 05:34 PM
IME, Venus square Mars (when I'm the Venus)IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted October 09, 2012 11:21 PM
I'm having the best sex of my life and there is no Venus or Mars contacts anywhere. So now I have to question the wisdom of that. I don't even see Pluto in the synastry (unless Pluto conjunct Pluto?). But we DO have Mars trine moon and Mars conjunct moon. So I'm guessing moon-Mars could be a biggie.IP: Logged |
mockingbird Knowflake Posts: 2128 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted October 09, 2012 11:26 PM
My husband's Mars/Venus Aries conj is closely trine my Leo Mars.Bow-chikka-bow-wow. ------------------ If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device. Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects. IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 6881 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted October 09, 2012 11:35 PM
I Agree i will take moon mars over venus marsIts Much More Primal.... Only i prefer to be mars.... add in some pluto to Make it intense, and some Neptune for thé romance. Wooot wooo... Hot stuff
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11nahyt Knowflake Posts: 3431 From: Neptune. where the witches wear givenchy Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 09, 2012 11:36 PM
For me, moon /Pluto, or moon/mars, or mars or Venus touching Pluto. I cannot have sex without deep feeling for the guy. And I have to feel that he feels the same about me. No matter how hot and bothered the guy gets me,I just can't have sex without establishing an emotional connection first. IP: Logged |
JLyn ~ Knowflake Posts: 702 From: my state of mind Registered: Aug 2012
posted October 09, 2012 11:47 PM
(some personal synastry with pluto and mars)Guy 1. pluto opposite venus mars sextile venus pluto trine mars mixture = barely a spark but the sex was a need like animals and possessive i own your goods; very hungry argues but not fireworks. Guy 2. pluto sextile sun mars trine venus mixture = a light spark but deeply drawn; warm passion Guy 3. mars conjuction venus mars opposite venus mars square moon pluto trine sun mixture = SIZZLING HOT sparks; magnetic. bonding sex for hours and hours can't get enough erotic passion IP: Logged |
SmilingHeart Knowflake Posts: 1069 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 10, 2012 09:22 AM
What about Mars/ Mars?IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2025 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 10, 2012 09:39 AM
Mars conjunct sun , trust me in this.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22550 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 10, 2012 09:47 AM
Yes, but better be Mars.EDIT: I agree though Sun-Mars can be pretty hot, just I`ve been Sun, and did feel the spark not quite as much. But then again, for me it seems to be an easy eqwuation. Ruler of 5t house (Venus) needs to be activated, plus a Pluto aspect to Venus or Mars. But that is for ME. It might be different for everyone else. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64959 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 10, 2012 09:48 AM
Moon/Pluto ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 64959 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 10, 2012 09:52 AM
quote: Originally posted by violet7887: 1)Anything involving anybody's 8th anything. 2)mars , pluto and moon doing anything to each other in synastry. 3) heavy sextiles in synastry.
Why sextiles, Violet? ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Lazyscarecrow Knowflake Posts: 1385 From: Silent Hill Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 10, 2012 10:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by sweet-scorpion: 8th house ruler making a major contact to Pluto, Mars or the Moon is a possibility. E.G., Mars as ruler of the 8th, conjunct the woman's Moon - really amazing sexual/emotional connection with this extremely sensual feel, IMO. (Mars-Pluto would be even more intense!! Smoking.)
Sweet-scorpion has summed up what I was gonna say. Look for your 8th house ruling planet. See if it aspects anything. I go coo-coo for cocoa-puffs when there is Moon-Mars going on, or Mars on my 8th house or aspecting my Sun. Cancer is on my 8th house, therefore the Moon is the ruler of that house. Mars-Venus is meh. I've experienced the conjunction both ways and there is nothing to sing praises about. I like the trines though. Honestly, it all depends on your chart. IP: Logged |
inthemisosoup Knowflake Posts: 460 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 10, 2012 10:59 AM
I've had moon (me)oppose moon/venus/mars; venus/pluto (me) conjucnt sun/saturn trine mars before and that was pretty hot at the time. Very passionate, steady need/desire. But with Saturn there I think it made me feel a little like i couldn't fully be myself sexually. I was scared to be judged or left.Now, the sex I have with my boyfriend is the best I've had so far. And we do it a lot, often can't keep our hands off each other. Too bad we live an hour apart . . . if I could see him every day I would be sooo happy.  Anyway, his Mars is conjunct my Neptune and sextiles my Mars and my Venus/Pluto. His Venus rules his 5th and my Venus rules my 8th and they are conjunct, though at a wide orb (5 degrees). His Venus also squares my ASC. We don't have moon-mars, but my moon trines his Uranus and is quincunx his Pluto. His moon trines my Mercury; his moon is 7th house ruler and my Mercury is my 5th house ruler. Then his 8th house ruler (sun) is conjunct my Uranus (chart ruler), and squares my moon. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22550 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 10, 2012 11:02 AM
5th house ruler conjunct 8th house ruler is INSANE in terms of sexual intensity.  IP: Logged |
inthemisosoup Knowflake Posts: 460 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 10, 2012 11:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: 5th house ruler conjunct 8th house ruler is INSANE in terms of sexual intensity. 
Good to know.  I wish I knew more people's TOBs, then I could look up charts of my friends' relationships and come to more of an understanding. I have TOBs for most of my closest friends, but not their Sos/ex-SOs. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8379 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 10, 2012 12:02 PM
I've always found squares between mars/pluto/ moon are really hot! I had a pluto/mars sq and a mars/moon sq...both were great! Very physical, obsessive and somewhat aggressive, so if the guy has negative apsects to his planet, its best to stay away because it is an aggressive aspect that can get out of control and abusive if he doesnt have a good hold on his temper. I never saw that ugly side of it in either of them, but they both had soft aspects to their planet! I being the female was mars both times also...i think that helps!------------------ Gabby quote: "Leo saturn in 10th house= im a professional goofball, working for smiles!"
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starfairy Knowflake Posts: 814 From: Registered: Jul 2010
posted October 10, 2012 02:52 PM
Venus-Mars: This is especially potent when the woman’s Venus is being aspected by the man’s Venus. Even better is when you have a “double-whammy”; when your Venus aspects your partner’s Mars, and when your partner’s Mars aspects your Venus. Venus is the planet of love, affection, and romance, while Mars is the planet of raw sexual energy. Together, they make fireworks! The Mars person feels adored and loved by the Venus person, and finds them beautiful. The Venus person is energized and sexually stimulated by the Mars person. When this interaspect shows up in synastry, true sexual compatibility is indicated. This is especially potent when the woman’s Venus is being aspected by the man’s Venus. Even better is when you have a “double-whammy”; when your Venus aspects your partner’s Mars, and when your partner’s Mars aspects your Venus. When it is the woman’s Mars aspecting the man’s Venus, the man may feel the woman is too aggressive for his taste (this, of course, depends on each person’s individual chart). This is especially true of the conjunction, sextile and trine. In these cases, sexual energies and attraction are indicated on the part of both parties. In the case of the square and opposition, attraction and great sex are still indicated, but the Venus person may find the Mars person overly aggressive and may feel the Mars person is only interested in sex. Conversely, the Mars person may find the Venus person too stuffy or flowery.Sexual Synastry Mars-Mars: I cannot stress the importance of having compatible Mars signs, when it comes to great sex! When two peoples’ Mars planets are in harmonious aspects to each other, your sexual energies match well. You like the same things sexually, and it is easy to please one another. Things just feel “natural” with this person. The square and opposition can be tricky, as it indicates discordant sexual styles. However, if there are supportive aspects, the square and opposition can still work. Sun-Mars: Both the Sun and Mars are masculine signs. When they make an aspect in synastry, sexual compatibility is indicated. Your body rhythms match well, and you naturally know how to please one another. Mars is especially sexually attracted to the Sun person, and the Sun person’s sexual desires are stimulated by the Mars person. This aspect represents considerable attraction to each other’s bodies. This is especially true for the conjunction, trine, and sextile. The opposition and square can lead to conflict and ego clashes, but attraction is still indicated. Venus-Pluto: This is one of the hottest sexual synastry aspects two people can have! Pluto represents sex, obsession, and intimacy, while Venus represents love, beauty, and affection. Together, this spells g-r-e-a-t s-e-x! You stimulate each other’s desire to experience the depths of sexual intimacy. Physical intimacy is especially important with this interaspect; you feel a strong desire to be physically close to each other. In fact, you may find you become obsessed with one another! This aspect also indicates power struggles and domination, especially on the part of the Pluto person. The Pluto person feels a strong desire to “merge” with the Venus person. Pluto finds Venus beautiful and intriguing. Venus is strongly sexually attracted to Pluto, as Pluto puts her in touch with her primal, sexual feelings. This is especially true of the conjunction. The trine and sextile indicate intense, but pleasing and harmonious sexual interactions. These aspects deepen the intimacy shared by the couple, but not in an overly obsessive or destructive way. In the case of the square and opposition, strong sexual energies are also indicated, but this may be accompanied by an unhealthy desire to control one another through manipulation, jealousy, and possessiveness. The square and opposition can also indicate sexual and financial exploitation, as well as abuse. Nevertheless, Venus-Pluto in synastry is just plain hot. Moon-Mars: In synastry, this is a sign of true sexual compatibility. The attraction is instinctive in nature. This aspect is considered best when the woman is the Moon person, and the man is the Mars person. Like Venus-Mars interaspects, Moon-Mars interaspects represent the yin/yang or male/female energies between couples. The Mars person can instinctively sense the needs of the Moon person, and strives to fulfill them. The Mars person is attracted to the Moon at a very basic level; he finds her basic femininity very sexually appealing. The Moon person is “turned on” by the Mars person’s advances. The attraction is very primal in nature. Together, they fuse emotionalism and feelings into sex, which can be highly satisfying for both parties. I believe all Moon-Mars contacts, whether hard or soft, brings this energy into the partnership. However, the hard aspects can manifest outside the bedroom as emotional arguments and hurt feelings, while the softer aspects indicate supportive energies between the two. Mars-Pluto: This synastry aspect is HOT! It indicates overwhelming passion and intensity, due to a raw sexual energy which permeates between the couple. With this aspect, sex is intense and transformative, and the need to be physically close to each other is paramount. The sexual magnetism to each other is strong. One of you might be very physically demanding of the other, which could give rise to conflict and power struggles.!sexual-synastry/c1bxb IP: Logged |
Sorcha Knowflake Posts: 852 From: Registered: Mar 2012
posted October 10, 2012 03:46 PM
Someone's Jupiter in your 8th can also be really good with other aspects to support it. Meow. IP: Logged |
mockingbird Knowflake Posts: 2128 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted October 10, 2012 04:00 PM
What would you say's an acceptable orb for Pluto/Mars as Pluto/Venus?------------------ If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device. Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22550 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 10, 2012 04:01 PM
Within 3 degrees: very strong.Might hold up up to 5 degrees, but I really count those aspects under 3 degree orb. IP: Logged |
mockingbird Knowflake Posts: 2128 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted October 10, 2012 04:09 PM
KK - Then my husband and I have weak Pluto / Venus and Pluto / Mars trines as well (with me as the creeps the Pluto  ------------------ If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device. Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects. IP: Logged |