Topic: PERSONA CHARTS insights: what do they say about you?
ueharaa Knowflake Posts: 784 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 14, 2012 07:52 AM
I've just discovered persona chart( some weeks ago) and I am already mesmerized. They're described as the chart of each of our personality moon persona chart: your emotional make-up mercury persona chart: how your mind works venus persona: your love nature etc... I sometimes feel as though the natal chart in itself is too mysterious for us to grasp a full understanding of ourselves from it, and I thought that the persona charts may help clarify some things or further investigate some placements. Anyone has ever looked at his/hers? Do you find the signs and house placements to be relevant in some case? And do you major aspect between you persona chart and your natal chart (aside from the sun conjunct the planet you draw the person chart for), how do you think those play out if you do? IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 14, 2012 10:04 AM
Where do you find your persona chart?IP: Logged |
ueharaa Knowflake Posts: 784 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 14, 2012 10:27 AM
Oups, sorry I forgot to add where one could find it. You go to, under horoscope drawings & calculations, then extended chart selection, you chose "Persona chart" in the "please select the type of chart you want" category. It will then draw your moon persona chart by default, but you can change it to any planet and asteroid with the menu above the chart. I hope I explained it well enough 
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 14, 2012 10:28 AM
Go to under extended charts nine persona charts The Moon Persona Chart The feminine in us, our feeling worlds, the inner child, emotional security. This tells us a lot about the inner life of a person. The Mercury Persona Chart Outward mobility, articulation, intelligence, communicating with the outer world, dealing with daily necessity. The Venus Persona Chart Joy in the senses, Eros and sexual pleasure, sensual delight, the way we relate to other people, problems we might have to deal with in relationships. The Mars Persona Chart The inner warrior, self-assertion, how one takes a stand, the kinds of battles one fights, with what means one fights them and to what purpose. The Jupiter Persona Chart The meaning of life, the inner therapist, where we put the “religion” in our lives. The Saturn Persona Chart The law, our mission in life, things fate wants to teach us and things we don’t like to learn. The Uranus Persona Chart Where to let go, where to be free, and where we find the “fool” and “jester”. The Neptune Persona Chart The search for truth, pushing past falsehood to what lies beyond. The Pluto Persona Chart The battle with demons, with forces that want to keep us from life. Fixed images and ideologies.
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ueharaa Knowflake Posts: 784 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 14, 2012 10:33 AM
Yes the description foreach of them is great! I really feel like persona chart provide us with an extensive snapshot into our inner workings. Maybe aspects from the persona chart to the natal chart (which is actually the sun persona chart) enlighten us on how we manifest this "inner energy" in the outside world. I was also thinking that it might show us what the story is behind each of our planets. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 14, 2012 10:39 AM
I like them because they explain why we behave in certain ways, example Venus chart in Sagittarius would explain way a person wouldn't act according to xyz way a "typical sagittarius" venus would behave.IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 14, 2012 10:50 AM
Rofl I'll use myself as example in my Venus Chart I have Saturn in 7th in Aquarius so on one side I view Marriage as a business deal yet with my Natal Venus Gemini as my new sun I have Leo in Venus, Mars and Jupiter. All signs point to if I ever do marry it will be years from now with a lot of "seasoning". ROFLIP: Logged |
Aeline Knowflake Posts: 1085 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted October 14, 2012 11:10 AM
It's interesting how my Moon chart has its NN exactly on my natal Saturn and its Saturn exactly on my natal NN.  IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 14, 2012 11:17 AM
Double postIP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 14, 2012 11:17 AM
This is really cool I'm definitely going to be spending alot of time researching and looking into this stuff. Thank you for sharing this!Since I have cancer asc and leo moon nataly I looked at my moon persona first and from looking at the interpretations of just my moon in sag and asc and venus in gemini I can definitely identify with it. It's like the inner-inner workings of me. IP: Logged |
Maelstrom Knowflake Posts: 437 From: Rule Britannia Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 14, 2012 11:37 AM
Wow! Interesting post, until now I have never heard of this before, it actually blows my mind a bit to be the looks of mine my Pluto persona seems to be the most "loaded" - Uranus, Mercury and Venus in 8th house Scorpio, Leo Mars and an Aries Ascendant!Although I have been interested in astrology since late childhood, I feel this may be beyond my understanding some what - could someone give me their interpretation of that Pluto set up?? Or is everyone as confused as me...?? ;-D IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2067 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 14, 2012 11:56 AM
Since the sun persona/natal describes the masculine energy, and the moon persona describes the female part ... are we safe to say that women relate or better described by their moon persona chart ?? I always wondered this ... thanks for bringing this up! IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2067 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 14, 2012 12:10 PM
^ I've seen this to be quite accurate in my two sister's case, in my case too.My sister , she never seem to run out of energy, in her natal , the mars is in pisces squaring saturn , but in her moon persona chart mars is in Aries opposing the ASC and that makes more sense. in natal her ASC is in scorpio, but she seems very sweet , sociable and charming in a subtle way ... again the moon persona chart gives her Libra ASC. She's the only one who's very well-connected to mom which shows in her moon persona, her moon is in virgo conjuncts my mom within 4 degrees, in her 12H.
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 14, 2012 12:15 PM
Venus, Mars and Moon chart should be taken in consideration for synastry I thinkIP: Logged |
ueharaa Knowflake Posts: 784 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 14, 2012 12:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by vickymadness: Since the sun persona/natal describes the masculine energy, and the moon persona describes the female part ... are we safe to say that women relate or better described by their moon persona chart ?? I always wondered this ... thanks for bringing this up!
This a good question actually. Considering how the moon persona chart depends upon the natal chart (and it is the same thing for the all the other persona charts) because it is the chart drawn for the moment transiting sun hits your natal moon, I would tend to think that the natal chart, regardless of your gender, remains your main chart, the chart of your prime energy. I see the persona chart as the actual manifestation of the planet in question, thus giving further insights into how this particular planet works for you. I think the most important persona chart should be your chart ruler persona chart, and your moon persona chart. The venus persona chart could really give some clues as to how one approach relationship and view love. quote: Originally posted by ail221: Venus, Mars and Moon chart should be taken in consideration for synastry I think
Yes, that's actually how I found out about them. I think synastry between those persona chart could show how two people relate in a very specific, somehow deeper way. IP: Logged |
ueharaa Knowflake Posts: 784 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 14, 2012 12:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by vickymadness: ^ I've seen this to be quite accurate in my two sister's case, in my case too.My sister , she never seem to run out of energy, in her natal , the mars is in pisces squaring saturn , but in her moon persona chart mars is in Aries opposing the ASC and that makes more sense. in natal her ASC is in scorpio, but she seems very sweet , sociable and charming in a subtle way ... again the moon persona chart gives her Libra ASC. She's the only one who's very well-connected to mom which shows in her moon persona, her moon is in virgo conjuncts my mom within 4 degrees, in her 12H.
This is really interesting. Wow, I would never have thought about the moon persona chart manifesting this way. Yet I admit mine is also very enlightening of some characteristics of mine that aren't explained that easily in my natal. I have libra moon in the 12th and a huge stellium of uranus, mercury, saturn, neptune, sun, and venus. What strikes me the most though is how the sun in my Moon persona chart is exactly conjunct the IC and I also have venus in the 4th house. It just explains very well how I tend to look for emotional fulfillment at home. I thought it was a cancer asc thing but this might just be the reason. IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2067 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 14, 2012 12:45 PM
@ueharaa did you notice how the planets in houses in your moon persona chart makes more sense than the natal chart ???The planets placements in houses made a bit of sense in my natal ... but wow! in the moon persona chart ... explaining everything. The most obvious thing is my Uranus residing in the 3H ... in my natal Venus resides there , but I'm nowhere of having a**-kissing techniques or being able to compliment charmingly...Uranus in 3H is perfect to describe my mental mayhem. IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2067 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 14, 2012 12:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by ueharaa: What strikes me the most though is how the sun in my Moon persona chart is exactly conjunct the IC and I also have venus in the 4th house. It just explains very well how I tend to look for emotional fulfillment at home. I thought it was a cancer asc thing but this might just be the reason.
Oh there you go!
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sweet-scorpion Moderator Posts: 2427 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted October 14, 2012 12:55 PM
I always take the main persona charts into serious consideration to get that deeper insight into a person when I do an astrological reading. Just like you said, sometimes the natal chart may not be enough to dig deep with a client or see the true inner romantic, emotional and creative component to someone's self. I see the natal chart as our core identity - but it doesn't necessarily include the deeper components beyond the smaller fragments, wouldn't you say? It shows our Venus is in Scorpio, for example, but we're only seeing the surface of that Venus and never looking into its layers. It could very well have 3 Pisces planets and a 4th house emphasis, showing a very sensitive and sentimental Venus, one you couldn't necessarily see based on the Scorp Venus label of femme fatale and vindictive siren. To me, this is why Persona charts are truly useful. They show us what a planet's individual identity is away from the natal chart influence, and what it brings to table in that natal chart beyond the label of its sign + natal aspects. For example: In my Moon persona, the Moon falls in Taurus showing I can be earthy and creative... but it's in the 12th house, showing that in childhood I felt emotionally repressed and like my mom was not always there for me. You don't necessarily see this in my natal chart Moon. My persona chart's Moon is also opposition Mars in Scorpio, which shows the more volatile and unpredictable side to my emotional nature that you wouldn't be able to predict with my natal. IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 14, 2012 01:17 PM
Here is a quote from another thread on LL I looked up  Heres the link: quote: Originally posted by neptune5: Do we all actually know what each one means? Well in a positive way its simply complex. Each is a distinct personality of our own. Here is a quick description: Our system of persona charts consists of twelve inner personalities. But they can relate to each other, and these relations turn into independent personalities themselves. If each archetype, each individual personality relates to one other archetype, we get 66 different individual personalities. (And with relations of three, there are already 220.) Here are our basic twelve: Personality 1: "The warrior" If I want to know more about the strength of my warrior, or my capability to assert myself in the world aggressively, about my way of fighting, whether I am a coward or a hero, what I find worth fighting for and by what means - I look at my Mars persona chart. Personality 2: "The beauty" If I want to know more about my security or insecurities, my values and self-worth, my sensuality, my sexual desire and my general capability to enjoy - I look at my Venus persona chart. Personality 3: "The intellectual" If I want to know more about my flexibility, about my (verbal and mimic) interaction with the outer world, about my way of functioning, my communicative competence, my intelligence - I look at my Mercury persona chart. Personality 4: "The mother" ("The little child") If I want to know more about my femininity, my feelings, my inner child and my feeling of security and comfort, i.e. the feminine part of my psyche - I look at my Moon persona chart. We consider this persona chart (beside the birth chart) the most important instrument for exploring a person's inner world. Personality 5: "The hero" ("The father") If I want to know more about my vitality, my Ego, the life force inside me - I need to look at my Sun persona chart. But, in fact, I have got it already, as it is my birth horoscope! Personality 6: "Reason" ("The reprimanding person") If I want to know more about my way of dealing with the necessities and constraints of life, about the circumstances I have to adapt to, and about the things I have to accept - I look at my Mercury persona chart (which is identical with the persona chart of person 3). Personality 7: "The other" If I want to know more about my relationship with other people, with partners, and with the world - I must look at my Venus persona chart (the same as for person 2). Personality 8: "The fanatic" If I want to know more about the way I can deal with the demonic, with the god of the underworld, with the forces which want to prevent me from living - I must look at my Pluto persona chart. Personality 9: "The philosopher" If I want to know more about the meaningfulness of my life, about the therapist inside me, about the role "religion" plays in my life - I take a look at my Jupiter persona chart. Personality 10: "The old man or woman" ("The guardian of the law") If I want to know more about "law", about my higher calling, my vocation or about the truths fate wants to teach me (which I do not want to learn) - I look at my Saturn persona chart. Personality 11: "The liberator" If I want to know more about the area of my life in which I must free myself from ties, about my way of realising liberty and independence - I look at my Uranus persona chart. Personality 12: "The master" If I want to know more about the transition from lie to truth, about the world of "maya", of illusion, and about how to transcend illusion to get to the world behind the world - I look at my Neptune persona chart. The rest is on this page:
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Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 14, 2012 01:23 PM
Ops I just realized it's kind of what you already stated earlier just put into personality types lolIP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 14, 2012 01:48 PM
ive been playing with persona charts here and there for awhile, and i had a very funny thing happen once regarding them! I was dating this guy and found out he was lying to me so i broke it off, but still missed him! Suddenly i developed a huge crush on my boss, id never even noticed him before. I asked my boss when he was born, and looked it up! Id been researching my ex's persona charts while we were together, and when i ran my bosses chart his birth chart was the exact, to the degree as my exes mars chart! Turns out his mars persona developed at the same day and time as my boss was born! Weird!! I cant believe what we perceived on a sub conscious level sometimes! WOW!  That information broke my delusional, crush on my boss! LOL------------------ Gabby quote: "Leo saturn in 10th house= im a professional goofball, working for smiles!"
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vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2067 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 14, 2012 01:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: ive been playing with persona charts here and there for awhile, and i had a very funny thing happen once regarding them! I was dating this guy and found out he was lying to me so i broke it off, but still missed him! Suddenly i developed a huge crush on my boss, id never even noticed him before. I asked my boss when he was born, and looked it up! Id been researching my ex's persona charts while we were together, and when i ran my bosses chart his birth chart was the exact, to the degree as my exes mars chart! Turns out his mars persona developed at the same day and time as my boss was born! Weird!! I cant believe what we perceived on a sub conscious level sometimes! WOW!  That information broke my delusional, crush on my boss! LOL
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earthypisces Knowflake Posts: 544 From: Greenville, South Carolina Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 14, 2012 02:14 PM
Holy crap, in my Pluto persona chart, all of the personal planets are in Sagittarius...what would that mean?IP: Logged |
ueharaa Knowflake Posts: 784 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 14, 2012 03:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by vickymadness: @ueharaa did you notice how the planets in houses in your moon persona chart makes more sense than the natal chart ???The planets placements in houses made a bit of sense in my natal ... but wow! in the moon persona chart ... explaining everything. The most obvious thing is my Uranus residing in the 3H ... in my natal Venus resides there , but I'm nowhere of having a**-kissing techniques or being able to compliment charmingly...Uranus in 3H is perfect to describe my mental mayhem.
Yes, this is exactly what surprised me too. How the house placements seemed to be more fitting of how I am than the ones in my natal chart. I find this quite unsettling somehow. It makes me question how/why the moon persona chart can be this preeminent. quote: Originally posted by Gabby: ive been playing with persona charts here and there for awhile, and i had a very funny thing happen once regarding them! I was dating this guy and found out he was lying to me so i broke it off, but still missed him! Suddenly i developed a huge crush on my boss, id never even noticed him before. I asked my boss when he was born, and looked it up! Id been researching my ex's persona charts while we were together, and when i ran my bosses chart his birth chart was the exact, to the degree as my exes mars chart! Turns out his mars persona developed at the same day and time as my boss was born! Weird!! I cant believe what we perceived on a sub conscious level sometimes! WOW!  That information broke my delusional, crush on my boss! LOL
See this is exactly the type of thing that makes me say out loud "how can this happen?" Persona charts thus seem to be more than "an inner workings" chart since people can actually pick up their vibes and tat they seem to actually manifest themselves in everyday life (just like the moon chart house placement)IP: Logged | |