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Author Topic:   The Astrology Of Racism?

Posts: 254
Registered: Jun 2021

posted September 22, 2022 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for spacecadet42420     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LovelyAries86:
^^Stating that "everyone has prejudice against everyone it doesn't matter if they have a racial prejudice" - is the REAL copout here. And it's also inaccurate.

There is a HUGE difference between cultural pride versus wilful ignorance & hate - no matter your skin color. 💯 And just because you are taught something doesn't mean that you have to stick with it. We ALL have free will to learn better & do better if we so choose.

BTW - While Black Men do indeed have higher rates of violent crime in America, Black Women DO NOT. And there are definitely crooked, narcissistic cops out there who need to be fired ASAP. But there are also really great cops out here as well. It varies.

The primary thing that Americans need to focus on (regardless of race) is the breakdown of their family units & self-esteem. This erosion is opening up the door for our government to DESTROY us in so many ways as a whole.

I agree that the breakdown of the family unit is a huge issue. Our government regularly issues division tactics especially when it comes to race, male vs female, and politics. As long as we are all arguing amongst ourselves, we won't be focused on the horrific things our government is doing behind the scenes and right under our noses.

However, I never said that whatever you were raised to believe is the way it is and can neverr/should never change. I'm also not excusing violent crime. What I AM saying, is that currently there is a Victim Olympics going on, everyone wants to be a victim everyone wants to claim that they are marginalized or oppressed. First of all, if you live in America, you are privileged, period. To claim that America's biggest problem is racism is ridiculous. and also yes of course there are cops that are racist and need fired. but to imply [and im not saying YOU are implying this im saying in general] to imply that cops in america are racist and have a racial agenda against black people in general is a cop out and a cope. Like I said it is a statistical fact that black men commit more violent crime than any other race even combined. To take it a step further, it is black on black crime that represents the majority of this statistic.

My point in my post is that no, there is no placement for "being racist" and I think it is ridiculous to put such an emphasis on racism that you'd think it would show up in a birth chart. It just isn't a concept that is embedded into our lives such as family life, career, self esteem, etc. I think that americans are so idk, inept, and faux progressive that they think oppression and racism are our main issue.

If anything, this whole obsession is what will cause a race war. Planting seeds into black americans heads that white people are out to get them and everything they do and say is rooted in racism causes a racial divide in itself. And when you take a population that is statistically more violent than the other, and tell them that these people want them dead, eventually they're going to react.

And then you have people so fixated on this narrative that then you have situations like George Floyd, where no one cares about the facts, they hear that a "black man was killed by police" and then they start literally destroying cities over this, when they don't even have all the information. Floyd died of a drug overdose. He had over 3x the lethal amount of fentanyl in his system. Hence the "i can't breathe" which if anyone watched the video, he was saying he couldnt breathe before he was even taken out of the car. For those who don't know, opiate overdose/deaths are caused by the depression of the respritory system. Literally causing you to not be able to breathe. These facts are important. Because we had an entire summer of riots and destruction and murder and chaos, all over misinformation. Just because they are so obsessed with muh raycism that they don't care about the facts, they want an excuse to riot and be "part of the movement"

facts don't matter in todays society.
the longer we makke the conscious choice that we're different and cannot co-exist, then we will never make any progress. it is us vs the elitists who are ruining this country adn the world.

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Posts: 2856
From: Venus
Registered: Dec 2012

posted October 06, 2022 08:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LovelyAries86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by spacecadet42420:
I agree that the breakdown of the family unit is a huge issue. Our government regularly issues division tactics especially when it comes to race, male vs female, and politics. As long as we are all arguing amongst ourselves, we won't be focused on the horrific things our government is doing behind the scenes and right under our noses.

What I AM saying, is that currently there is a Victim Olympics going on, everyone wants to be a victim everyone wants to claim that they are marginalized or oppressed. First of all, if you live in America, you are privileged, period. To claim that America's biggest problem is racism is ridiculous.

If anything, this whole obsession is what will cause a race war. Planting seeds into black americans heads that white people are out to get them and everything they do and say is rooted in racism causes a racial divide in itself. And when you take a population that is statistically more violent than the other, and tell them that these people want them dead, eventually they're going to react.

We're on the same page when it comes to everything you stated in your 1st paragraph. 💯 I'm so fed up with everyone seeing everything in absolutes and being so damn tribal. It's toxic and hurts us ALL in the end.

I do agree that the Victim Olympics is out of hand now. But do you acknowledge that many White Women are very loud and very determined to be victims these days as well?? Between the Amber Heards of the world, the Trans Agenda, Porn Obsession, etc - America has a lot of BS to clean up! Victimhood is not solely a "Black" thing. As Americans, we indeed have much more privilege than many others around the world and we need to be a lot more grateful for that. 👍🏾

Lastly, the political Left has done a masterful job of convincing Black People that White Conservatives hate them and want them to fail. Too often, White Liberals treat Blacks like their favorite small dog that they adore, but ultimately see as totally helpless! And that is highly F--KED UP. 🙄 They can also be very dogmatic & unhinged if you have ANY differing opinion from them.

On the flip side, many White Conservatives aren't racist, per se. But they are often BLIND - to color, common sense, creativity, their dark side, their flaws & the experiences of others. They too often casually GLOSS OVER deep matters that need to be addressed & healed. And can we keep it real? White Men conquered the world by stealing, killing & enslaving insane amounts of people for many decades. Then through the media - began brainwashing every other culture into believing that *Whiteness* was superior. That they should play second fiddle to you. That Jesus & Cleopatra were White (when they weren't). So White People are capable of EXTREME violence - physical, psychological and/or spiritual.

So while I certainly can admit that Black American Men need to calm TF down with the crime & stop making pitiful excuses, White Men are not helpless little angels either. It's easy to sit back now - play innocent & feign fear of *retaliation* when the whole world now bows at your feet. Lol. But remember... your ancestors had endless amounts of BLOOD on their hands from people who were just minding their own business until your peeps showed up. 🤷🏾‍♀️ And you share their DNA! People of Color (not just Blacks) have much more reason to fear you than the other way around. Don't you think?

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Posts: 21
From: The Universe
Registered: Jun 2022

posted October 07, 2022 07:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Tokala     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by quinnlycanastro:
Wtf? that's crazy...If you do find a link to it, I'd be interested to read that. Pisces? Anyway I just googled for Nick Griffin who's the leader of the BNP[nowhere near as radical as the KKK] and hey ho! he's a pisces :/

The only one I get is Aquarians being radical marxists...I can kind of see how the philosophy would appeal to the humanitarian side. And I've read that Aquarius as a sign can be very dogmatic, I've got my 3rd house Jupiter there, and I know what I can be like

I know this is old, and I don't know if anyone mentioned it - too many pages. But you must remember Pisces is the collective unconscious.

A poorly individuated Pisces will simply take on whatever is in the information field, the "unconscious", and express the will of someone or something else. Like a sponge, they take on the energies of others, for good or for ill.

Also, Scorpio tends to be obsessed with "purity" and protection of that which they deem sacred, so a misguided Scorpio may very well use this tendency in a racist way if they are brought up with corrupted ideas of what is pure or sacred.

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