Topic: if you are mostly feminine signs, do you attract masculine energy?
peregrine unregistered
posted October 27, 2012 10:30 AM
..and vice versaIP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 3063 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted October 27, 2012 10:37 AM
Yes. My chart is mostly Yang and my SO's chart is mostly Yin. So yes.IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka Knowflake Posts: 3624 From: Toronto Registered: Mar 2012
posted October 27, 2012 10:40 AM
I am overwhelmingly masculine signs and I attract masculine-dominant people. I have to make a conscious effort to seek out feminine-heavy people, both because they are too passive and won't usually initiate, and because (romantically at least), I realize that even though I am drawn to the intellect, the coolness/style and quick-wittedness that masculine-heavy men have, my feminine/Plutonic moon requires the stability that only feminine-heavy men can provide.It doesn't come naturally, that's for sure. I only became aware how masculine in nature I really am when contrasted with a feminine-heavy partner. "But I'm not commitment-phobic!" I would protest. And then I started dating a man who had no qualms about dripping the L-bomb early on. Suddenly I was the one acting like a dude. That had never happened before, because I usually dated fire-heavy men. IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 6332 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted October 27, 2012 10:52 AM
It depends say you have five planets in feminine signs (water/air) if you have two planets in masculine signs (air/fire) that heavily aspect those planets you could have more masculine energy than you initially think. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6721 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 27, 2012 06:25 PM
Yes...and I hadn't noticed that before. Almost my entire chart is masculine, and most I attract have very feminine energy (only one notable exception, and as predicted by an astrologer it didn't last even if it was very good while it did). One guy (a Pisces with lots of Scorpio, though I suspect his Uranus in Sag had a lot to do with him defying traditional gender roles) I fell for (and he for me) was even a cross dresser (his hair was longer & finer than mine, too, even when he went out as a guy), and what made it really exotic was I was very tomboyish back then, him very domestic and me very athletic, and I was actually the one who was protective of him rather than the other way around. And had I met him 10 years later instead then we might've even gotten married (we were both way too young then at 19 to make it last, but it was a lot of fun while it did). There are a couple of very close partners I had who were more fuzzy in that they had a mix of male & female placements, but in those 2 cases they were also both women (and definitely so in behavior, though both were also intellectual), and though our gender roles weren't that defined I'd say I definitely leaned more to being the guy in some general sense. IP: Logged |
peregrine unregistered
posted October 27, 2012 07:47 PM
I have been hugely attracted to and attract women that dated other women too as of late. Hugely attracted to a libra. Idk if people would consider that masculine energy coz it's Venusian but I've always thought it was masculine just the way it is classified. Then I seem to attract and am likewise attracted to leos. I love that they let u know they like you when they have a chance haha!IP: Logged |
vertiver Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Firey Jupiter Registered: May 2009
posted October 27, 2012 10:07 PM
Masculine or feminine energy? What does that even mean. Zodiac Signs and planets can be in feminine or masculine signs but astrology was created as a concept by Ptolemy when gender roles were very black and white. I disregard labeling planetary energies by gender.
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peregrine unregistered
posted October 27, 2012 11:00 PM IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1980 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted October 28, 2012 01:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by vertiver: Masculine or feminine energy? What does that even mean. Zodiac Signs and planets can be in feminine or masculine signs but astrology was created as a concept by Ptolemy when gender roles were very black and white. I disregard labeling planetary energies by gender.
The difference between masculine and feminine signs is that masculine (Air and Fire signs) signs are outgoing, while feminine (Earth and Water signs) signs are reserved. Feminine signs are private and introspective, while masculine signs are open and overt. Masculine signs tend to directly go after what they want and are active, and aggressive. Masculine signs are 'electric' in temperament, and pour their energy forth into the world in the form of charisma and vivaciousness. These folks often have charm to spear, and use the strength of their personality to push themselves forward. Masculine signs have tremendous forceful power. Wherever masculine signs go, they tend to promote a dynamic, exciting environment where happenings are chaotic and loud. Feminine signs, on the other hand, draw what they want toward them and are serene, and gentle. Feminine signs are 'magnetic' in temperament, and pull people and things toward them with their receptive, quiet energy. These folks have the skill of subtle allurement down to an art, and carefully maneuver themselves forward. Feminine signs have tremendous attractive power (Magnets might be passive, but they ain't weak). Wherever feminine signs go, they tend to promote a calm, soothing environment where happenings are peaceful and discreet. In the most basic sense, masculine signs are like a 'push', while feminine signs are like a 'pull', in the way they seek to attain goals. The terms 'masculine' and 'feminine' in astrology obviously do come from the traditional gender roles of the man being the aggressor and provider while, the women is the submissive receiver. Some people may take issue with that these days, so maybe the terms 'electric' and 'magnetic' would be a better fit... To be honest though, I have noticed through observation that men and women are distinctly different in general (With some variation of course!). I'm talking about biological men and women here, not the astrological principles of masculine and feminine. Biological men are generally more assertive, and have more of a 'hunter' mentality, while biological women are more agreeable and polite, and have more of a 'receptive' mentality. Even women with lots of astrologically 'masculine' energy in their charts often still prefer the guy to take initiative. They may be outgoing, but will use the majority of their gregarious 'masculine' energy in other areas of their lives (In other words, they're not all running around chasing guys just because they have masculine energy in their charts). The reverse seems to apply for 'feminine' sign biological men. They might be reserved, and calm, and all that, but they are still men and still have that hunter mentality for the most part. Like I said before, there are always exceptions to the rule, but in general men are still men, and women are still women, regardless of their astrological makeup. Having masculine or feminine signs dominant in the chart will have an effect on personality, especially in terms of extroversion/introversion, but feminine sign men are not necessarily effeminate, nor are masculine women necessarily 'butch'. This is another reason why I like the terms 'magnetic' and 'electric'. It keeps the whole gender roles thing from confusing what it really means to be strong in Earth/Water or Fire/Air. IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 6721 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 28, 2012 08:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lotis White: This is another reason why I like the terms 'magnetic' and 'electric'. It keeps the whole gender roles thing from confusing what it really means to be strong in Earth/Water or Fire/Air.
Ty, this was excellent food for thought and an improved way of understanding the difference, IMO. ![]( IP: Logged |
Odette Moderator Posts: 5876 From: Registered: May 2012
posted October 28, 2012 10:27 PM
I attract it but I DON'T like it!!!!IP: Logged |
Odette Moderator Posts: 5876 From: Registered: May 2012
posted October 28, 2012 10:29 PM
Mainly on a Venus/Mars level.. I have a Taurus Venus and Cap Mars (both feminine) and several masculine Ven/Mars men have been attracted to me - & frankly - I wish they'd just keep it in their pants and leave me the hell alone. I would much prefer a Scorpio Venus and/or Mars. IP: Logged |
vertiver Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Firey Jupiter Registered: May 2009
posted October 29, 2012 12:25 AM
Thanks for the info Lotis White. The reason I'm hesitant to accept it is that my chart is heavily masculine (Leo Sun, Leo Mercury, Gemini Venus, Aries Mars, and Sag ASC). Yet I'm very feminine, I'm very agreeable and reserved and come across as "nice." Perhaps its just biological, who knows? IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1980 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted October 29, 2012 05:01 AM
quote: Originally posted by vertiver: Thanks for the info Lotis White. The reason I'm hesitant to accept it is that my chart is heavily masculine (Leo Sun, Leo Mercury, Gemini Venus, Aries Mars, and Sag ASC). Yet I'm very feminine, I'm very agreeable and reserved and come across as "nice." Perhaps its just biological, who knows?
Aspects have an influence too. Do you have a strongly aspected Moon, Venus or Neptune? This would incline you toward 'feminine' characteristics as much as a preponderance of earth and water signs would. Actually, in some cases planetary aspects can outweigh what signs you have prominent in your chart in terms of whether you come across as aggressive or gentle. This is because the planets themselves are like concentrated versions of the signs that they rule. If Taurus is milk, then Venus is like condensed milk... Extra thick and sweet. Having Mars conjunct the Sun will increase a person's assertive energy even if the conjunction takes place in a feminine sign. Alternately, Neptune conjunct the Sun will be sensitive and non-confrontational even if the conjunction takes place in a masculine sign. Most people have a mixture masculine and feminine energy in their personalities depending on what planetary aspects they have dominating their charts, and whether they have more Air/Fire or Earth/Water in their charts. So it's not really just the signs we have to take into account but also what types of planetary aspects a person has. Planets on angles are always significant as well. Also, if a person is rather reserved and they have a bunch of planets in masculine signs sometimes Saturn can be the culprit. Strong Saturn aspects in a chart will slow down masculine sign energy and make it more careful and orderly. A strong Pluto can increase introversion too, as it can make a person more private and introspective (Although, I hesitate to call either Pluto or Saturn 'feminine' in the traditional sense since they're both very determined,'no-bullsh!t' planets in certain ways).
Another possibility is having a lot of planets in 'feminine' sign houses, which can often cause masculine signs to internalize parts (but not all) of their outgoing energy. The exception to the rule is the 10th house which tends to push the energy tenanting it out into the world, as part of that person's reputation. The reverse is true for people with feminine sign planets in masculine houses. Their energy will become more externalized then it would otherwise be.
Ultimately, relying on whether a person has more masculine or feminine signs strong in their chart is an incomplete way of determining how outgoing/macho or reserved/submissive a person really is. Yes, it will explain a lot but it's not the whole picture. There are so many factors to take into consideration with each individual person. Like firstly, taking a look at what planets strongly aspect in that person's chart, and secondly what houses are tenanted in that person's chart. Personally, I've found planetary aspects to be even more influential then sign positions in determining how macho or submissive a person will be... And the tighter the aspect the stronger the influence is.
It's also interesting that to note that outgoing and macho don't always go together, just like reserved and submissive don't always go together. Some reserved folks are actually quite 'macho' in their attitudes, while some outgoing folks are actually quite submissive or effeminate in their attitudes. From an astrological point of view these types of people often have combinations of masculine and feminine energy in their charts that produce this. For example, an outgoing/submissive person may have a stellium of fire planets in the 5th house and yet have Venus aspecting this stellium, and the Moon conjunct the Asc. Or a reserved/macho person might have Sun conjunct pluto in Scorpio, with Mars in Capricorn sextiling it from the 1st house, while also having a bunch of Uranus squares in their chart.
Which brings me to yet another thing to take into consideration: The type of aspects a person has in their chart. People with lots of hard aspects in their charts, especially squares, tend to be active, drastic, and dynamic. While people with lots of soft aspects in their charts tend to be more peaceful, easygoing, and stable. Regardless of sign placements, hard aspect people appear more aggressive and have more of a 'bring it on' type attitude, while soft aspect people appear more passive and hate drama and chaos of all kinds. So yeah, lots of hard aspects in the chart can make someone seem more 'masculine', while lots of soft aspects in the chart can make someone seem more 'feminine'.
That being said I also believe that biology has a strong influence. What I mean by this is that it would not take that much of a strong Mars or Sun in a man's chart to produce a macho temperament, but a women may need twice as much of a strong Sun or Mars influence in her chart to produce an equally as macho temperament as her male counterpart. The reverse would also be true. A strong Neptune, Venus or Moon in a man's chart would need to be twice as strong as that in a women's chart, to incline him to be equally as agreeable and gentle in behavior as his female counterpart. That's my take on the biology vs astrology conundrum anyway. And it explains why the majority of men are generally more macho then the majority of women, if your were to survey an entire population.
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1980 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted October 29, 2012 08:04 AM
Ha ha. I’ve spent so long rambling on about the principles of masculine and feminine that I haven’t really answered the OP’s question yet.Like most I’ve got a combination of masculine and feminine signs in my chart. On the ‘feminine’ side I’ve got Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Cancer, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Scorpio. On the ‘masculine’ side I’ve got Asc, Mercury, Venus and Neptune all in Sagittarius, Mars in Leo, and Pluto in Libra. In general I’d say I’m more feminine then masculine… Saturn is strongly active in my chart making me rather steady and reserved, and Venus is strongly aspected in my chart making me ‘girlish’ and easygoing for the most part. This combined with the fact that I’ve got both the Sun and the Moon in feminine signs tips the balance toward the feminine end of the spectrum. Occasionally my fire shows up though, and having Jupiter also strong in my chart has made me rather opinionated and idealistic, which is probably the most masculine part of my personality. Still, I think feminine dominates in my case. It is true that I do find myself very attracted to guys toward the masculine end of the spectrum, in comparison to my more feminine personality. Just about every guy I’ve ever been attracted to has had a masculine sun sign, and usually masculine signs dominating in general in his chart. I’ve also noticed that I tend to fall for guys that have lots of Mars, Jupiter and Uranus energy strong in their charts. Intuitively I do think we naturally gravitate toward those who provide the perfect balance and compliment to our own personalities on the masculine/feminine spectrum. But I think how this balances out might be shown by more then just the balance of masculine and feminine signs in people's natals. We’d need to look at the charts overall. And another thing is that people can be both masculine and feminine in different ways… Like one person might be a very logical thinker (traditionally a masculine trait), and yet also be very reserved (a feminine trait), and as such the might be attracted to someone that balances their particular tendencies…Like some who is outgoing (a masculine trait) in comparison to their quietness, or more emotional (traditionally more a feminine trait) in comparison to their logical outlook. Or an intense go-getter, high anxiety type might go for a more relaxed, carefree type. People often instinctively look for those that balance them out in some way. People often also look for certain characteristics that are the same as themselves in others, along with those characteristics which provide a balance. For example, a certain individual who happens to be an outgoing type may want a partner who is equally as outgoing as themselves… But, on another level there will usually be some type of polarity. Like I mentioned above, one partner could be a more relaxed type while the other is more intense, even if they are more or less the same on the introversion/extroversion spectrum. We need to have some things in common with a partner to have a foundation for the relationship. It's encouraging and reassuring when there's a good base of similarities between yourself and a partner. However, it’s also true that there needs to be some type of polarity in the relationship (Complimentary differences between partners), to make things interesting, and to learn and grow with each other. This is often where the sparks of excitement come from in a relationship as well. Attraction to that which is different from yourself can be quite intoxicating! The unique combination of same/different that we have with our partner shows up through comparing the highlighted tendencies in each partner's natal chart, and through synastry. Some people have a different dynamic with each partner, while other people go for the same dynamic (polarity) with a partner over and over again. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1980 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted October 29, 2012 08:05 AM
Also…Our natal charts show what qualities in others we find most attractive. The 5th,7th, and 8th houses reveal what types of people and scenarios we like to experience in the areas of courtship/ romance (5th house), partnership/affection (7th house), and trust/intimacy (8th house). In my chart I have mostly masculine planets, and signs connected with the 5th and 7th houses. My Dsc is Gemini, ruled by Mercury in Sagittarius, with Jupiter in the 7th house. And my 5th house is Aries ruled by Mars in Leo. Apart from the fact that I’ve got a mostly ‘feminine’ oriented chart, my 5th and 7th houses are very ‘masculine’. This attracts me to very outgoing, funny, talkative, idealistic guys. My 5th house is totally Fire dominated and I just love it when a guy has tons of Fire in his chart. My chart has a lot of Fire too, but I‘ve also got an Earth Capricorn Sun/Virgo Saturn, with Saturn making strong aspects in my chart. Strong Fire people can be both the same as me, and opposite to me in different ways. Like other Fire people I’m kind of romantic and idealistic, and I can get quite enthusiastic about my passions. This is what I share in common with strong Fire people. Unlike many Fire heavy people though, I’m quite reserved, and cautious in my approach to the world, as my Earth/Saturn influence, along with my Cancer Moon, would indicate. So I enjoy how the majority of Fire heavy people can contrast my reserved nature with a lively personality. This is the same/different dynamic I have with heavy Fire folks. Fire energy is my favorite element to have strong in a partner, and is the element I desire the most, and place the biggest priority on. I’m usually most attracted to Aries and Sagittarius Suns (Relating to my 5th house cusp sign, 7th house ruler sign, and Jupiter in the 7th) with a good dose of even more Fire elsewhere in the chart. Athough I prefer the Sun in Aries or Sagittarius, having other parts of the chart in Leo or the 5th house is considered a plus in my book as well. My Mars in Leo (5th house ruler) is attracted to this energy. My Dsc is in an Air sign, while in my natal chart I’ve only got Pluto in Libra. My chart is low on Air. And yes, I do like it when people have a good dose of Air in their charts. My Cancer Moon in the 8th house, combined with Saturn in Virgo ruling my Sun, can make me a little brooding and anxious at times. I like how Air energy in a partner’s chart helps me to relax, and detach myself from whatever situation is bothering me. Air signs have a way of giving me perspective on things. I also love how they tend to open up my social world, and provide plenty of interesting communication (Which my Gemini Dsc, and Mercury conjunct my Asc needs regularly). The same/different dynamic I have with Air sign influenced people is that on the one hand they are curious about things just like me (Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct my Asc). While on the other hand, they help me to relax and be more carefree when I get to bogged down by all my Earth/Water concerns, or become too passionate about something due to my Fire planets. Air signs are like circulation and clarity to me. They are more different from then similar to me as a whole, but I crave this difference. While I prefer Fire Sun signs, it’s not uncommon to find a good dose of Airy planets elsewhere in the charts of those to whom I’ve been most attracted. A strong Mercury/Gemini/third house in someone's chart makes me interested in them. I've got Aquarius on the 3rd house, symbolically relating back to my Gemini Dsc, and Aquarius planets have a similar effect. Aqua personal planets fascinate me. Libra is the sign on my 11th house cusp (Of friendship and love received), and Libras do have a talent for making me feel welcome and accepted, which I appreciate. All three of the Air signs have some qualities that I find appealing. I’ve got Cancer on the 8th house cusp, ruled by the Moon in Cancer also in the 8th house. My 8th house is completely Water dominated. While I tend to fall in love with, and partner up with people because of their 'masculine' sign characteristics (My 5th and 7th houses), in order to form a deep connection with a guy (my 8th house) I NEED some Water influence in a his chart. Water characteristics are the 'feminine' sign characteristics that attract me the most. I like a sympathetic, understanding attitude from a guy. It helps me to open up and feel vulnerable with him, and to trust him with my personal concerns. I’m extremely attracted to guys that have a sensitive, intuitive, insightful side, mixed in with all the Fire and Air qualities that I like based on my 5th and 7th houses. Water is the element that I need in a partner’s chart to make them similar enough to me that we can make it last in the long run. In the same/different dynamic Water is mostly towards the ‘same’ end of the spectrum when comparing with myself. By sign I tend to go more for Cancer and Scorpio influences in the chart, especially the Moon in one of these signs. Probably because my 8th house ruler is Moon in Cancer also in the 8th, which gives off a Cancer/Scorpio vibe. My Dsc ruler Mercury is in the 12th house conjunct the Asc from behind… And I often like to see strong Neptune aspects (For some reason more then the actual sign Pisces) in a partner’s chart as well. Venus/Neptune aspects in the partner's natal chart seem to particularly attract me. Interestingly, I don’t need Earth in the partner’s chart at all even though I’m an Earth Sun sign. This may be because I have no Earth signs or planets associated with my 5th, 7th or 8th houses. It’s all Fire, Air, and Water. My 5th house has a Fire sign on it ruled by a planet in a Fire sign (Aries ruled by Mars in Leo). My 7th house has an Air sign on it, ruled by a planet in a Fire sign (Gemini ruled by Mercury in Sagittarius), with a Fire planet (Jupiter) in the 7th house. Fire obviously dominates my 5th and 7th houses which is why I prioritize this element the most. My Air Dsc sign makes me like a bit of Air in the mix to go with all that fire. And my Water dominated 8th house (Cancer ruled by Moon in Cancer) makes me also need some water in a partner’s chart as kind of my soft place to land. With Earth, though, I can take it or leave it. In the whole polarity same/different thing… Strong Fire sign people are a combination of being very similar and yet also very different from myself in various ways. The same/different contrast is balanced with Fire people. Air sign influenced people feel more different from myself then the same, and I enjoy the contrast of difference that they offer in relationships. And Water sign influenced people feel more similar to myself then different, and I enjoy how they support my need for safety and comfort. Our 5th,7th and 8th houses show how we like our partners to be the same as, or different from ourselves. And the various ways we like to experience these similarities and differences.
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frankie2912 Knowflake Posts: 1363 From: Kansas Registered: Apr 2011
posted October 29, 2012 11:42 AM
I am mostly feminine/yin (capricorn, scorpio, pisces) but I have a large dose of sagittarius there to balance it out....and I find myself attracting others who also have a nice balance. Actually, I think I attract mostly feminine types (especially cancer, scorpio, pisces)IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2025 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 29, 2012 12:00 PM
Masculine , too much for my own good lol . but I attract both equally IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 2011 From: Registered: May 2009
posted October 30, 2012 09:15 AM
Although I hardly look at houses .. there could very well be some energy-truth in it. Without exception the ones I feel safe/relaxed with have always been feminine dominated. You could say they allow me to BE *me*. I would prob. feel like a prisoner surrounding myself with the more funny, outgoing and talkative guys in the love department. So yes yes I (always) prefer/attract Pisces/Cap energy, indeed the more inward directed, reserved and cautious types.. I'm a Leo-Sun with asc Virgo so I have Cap and Pisces in the 5th/7th house although empty. My current one is extremely feminine dominated with Cap-Sun/Merc./Venus, a Pisces-Moon and Taurus-mars but.. Asc. Aries which makes his 5th a (also empty) leo house. He recently said he immediately fell for my talkative.. blabla (at first sight ) Qua element energy I guess I'm pretty balanced myself (only Sun in fire and Nept. in the first minutes of Sag)IP: Logged |
Maka Knowflake Posts: 210 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted October 30, 2012 09:29 AM
My top 3 are in feminine signsI attract masculine female friends. I date feminine dominated people. IP: Logged |
Lazyscarecrow Knowflake Posts: 1385 From: Silent Hill Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 30, 2012 11:04 AM
Good question. I feel like you would attract masculine energy in your friendships more often, and also in your relationships, but depending on what kind of person you are you may be strongly attracted or repulsed by the opposing energy.It may blend beautifully or not at all. I am both Fire dominant with all the fire signs in my chart, and Earth, I also have every earth sign in my chart. My gender polarities are pretty much balanced, but I notice I either attract overly masculine/heavy square type men, or feminine and heavy trine type men. I have Aries 5th house with my Moon occupying the house and empty Gemini 7th house, While my Sun and Venus are in 8th house ruled by Cancer. I do not have many friends who don't have either of these planets or signs in their chart. People with a well-aspected Mars or Mercurial personality. I have had a handful of experiences with Cancer Mars dudes. I do attract water/air mixes, but the jury is still out on whether I'm truly compatible with them in a romantic tie. But what Lotis White mentioned is interesting. I don't have Earth in 5th, 7th, or 8th house, and while I have been physically attracted to celebrities like David Bowie and Idris Elba who are Earth suns, I have NEVER wanted to romantically pursue an Earth sun, except this one Capricorn guy. IP: Logged |
KarkaQueen Knowflake Posts: 6446 From: LURKING Registered: May 2011
posted October 30, 2012 02:09 PM
I have mostly Yin energy and I attract men with Yin energy. I do not like men with Yang energies.IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka Knowflake Posts: 3624 From: Toronto Registered: Mar 2012
posted October 30, 2012 05:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lazyscarecrow: Good question. I feel like you would attract masculine energy in your friendships more often, and also in your relationships, but depending on what kind of person you are you may be strongly attracted or repulsed by the opposing energy.It may blend beautifully or not at all. I am both Fire dominant with all the fire signs in my chart, and Earth, I also have every earth sign in my chart. My gender polarities are pretty much balanced, but I notice I either attract overly masculine/heavy square type men, or feminine and heavy trine type men. I have Aries 5th house with my Moon occupying the house and empty Gemini 7th house, While my Sun and Venus are in 8th house ruled by Cancer. I do not have many friends who don't have either of these planets or signs in their chart. People with a well-aspected Mars or Mercurial personality. I have had a handful of experiences with Cancer Mars dudes. I do attract water/air mixes, but the jury is still out on whether I'm truly compatible with them in a romantic tie. But what Lotis White mentioned is interesting. I don't have Earth in 5th, 7th, or 8th house, and while I have been [b]physically attracted to celebrities like David Bowie and Idris Elba who are Earth suns, I have NEVER wanted to romantically pursue an Earth sun, except this one Capricorn guy.[/B]
I tend to be most physically attracted to fire-heavy people (full chart); I thought I was weird for this but maybe other people tend to be physically attracted to a certain "essence" as well.
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rita sagi Knowflake Posts: 55 From: Singapore Registered: Jul 2014
posted August 03, 2015 03:01 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lotis White: Also…Our natal charts show what qualities in others we find most attractive. The 5th,7th, and 8th houses reveal what types of people and scenarios we like to experience in the areas of courtship/ romance (5th house), partnership/affection (7th house), and trust/intimacy (8th house). In my chart I have mostly masculine planets, and signs connected with the 5th and 7th houses. My Dsc is Gemini, ruled by Mercury in Sagittarius, with Jupiter in the 7th house. And my 5th house is Aries ruled by Mars in Leo. Apart from the fact that I’ve got a mostly ‘feminine’ oriented chart, my 5th and 7th houses are very ‘masculine’. This attracts me to very outgoing, funny, talkative, idealistic guys. My 5th house is totally Fire dominated and I just love it when a guy has tons of Fire in his chart. My chart has a lot of Fire too, but I‘ve also got an Earth Capricorn Sun/Virgo Saturn, with Saturn making strong aspects in my chart. Strong Fire people can be both the same as me, and opposite to me in different ways. Like other Fire people I’m kind of romantic and idealistic, and I can get quite enthusiastic about my passions. This is what I share in common with strong Fire people. Unlike many Fire heavy people though, I’m quite reserved, and cautious in my approach to the world, as my Earth/Saturn influence, along with my Cancer Moon, would indicate. So I enjoy how the majority of Fire heavy people can contrast my reserved nature with a lively personality. This is the same/different dynamic I have with heavy Fire folks. Fire energy is my favorite element to have strong in a partner, and is the element I desire the most, and place the biggest priority on. I’m usually most attracted to Aries and Sagittarius Suns (Relating to my 5th house cusp sign, 7th house ruler sign, and Jupiter in the 7th) with a good dose of even more Fire elsewhere in the chart. Athough I prefer the Sun in Aries or Sagittarius, having other parts of the chart in Leo or the 5th house is considered a plus in my book as well. My Mars in Leo (5th house ruler) is attracted to this energy. My Dsc is in an Air sign, while in my natal chart I’ve only got Pluto in Libra. My chart is low on Air. And yes, I do like it when people have a good dose of Air in their charts. My Cancer Moon in the 8th house, combined with Saturn in Virgo ruling my Sun, can make me a little brooding and anxious at times. I like how Air energy in a partner’s chart helps me to relax, and detach myself from whatever situation is bothering me. Air signs have a way of giving me perspective on things. I also love how they tend to open up my social world, and provide plenty of interesting communication (Which my Gemini Dsc, and Mercury conjunct my Asc needs regularly). The same/different dynamic I have with Air sign influenced people is that on the one hand they are curious about things just like me (Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct my Asc). While on the other hand, they help me to relax and be more carefree when I get to bogged down by all my Earth/Water concerns, or become too passionate about something due to my Fire planets. Air signs are like circulation and clarity to me. They are more different from then similar to me as a whole, but I crave this difference. While I prefer Fire Sun signs, it’s not uncommon to find a good dose of Airy planets elsewhere in the charts of those to whom I’ve been most attracted. A strong Mercury/Gemini/third house in someone's chart makes me interested in them. I've got Aquarius on the 3rd house, symbolically relating back to my Gemini Dsc, and Aquarius planets have a similar effect. Aqua personal planets fascinate me. Libra is the sign on my 11th house cusp (Of friendship and love received), and Libras do have a talent for making me feel welcome and accepted, which I appreciate. All three of the Air signs have some qualities that I find appealing. I’ve got Cancer on the 8th house cusp, ruled by the Moon in Cancer also in the 8th house. My 8th house is completely Water dominated. While I tend to fall in love with, and partner up with people because of their 'masculine' sign characteristics (My 5th and 7th houses), in order to form a deep connection with a guy (my 8th house) I NEED some Water influence in a his chart. Water characteristics are the 'feminine' sign characteristics that attract me the most. I like a sympathetic, understanding attitude from a guy. It helps me to open up and feel vulnerable with him, and to trust him with my personal concerns. I’m extremely attracted to guys that have a sensitive, intuitive, insightful side, mixed in with all the Fire and Air qualities that I like based on my 5th and 7th houses. Water is the element that I need in a partner’s chart to make them similar enough to me that we can make it last in the long run. In the same/different dynamic Water is mostly towards the ‘same’ end of the spectrum when comparing with myself. By sign I tend to go more for Cancer and Scorpio influences in the chart, especially the Moon in one of these signs. Probably because my 8th house ruler is Moon in Cancer also in the 8th, which gives off a Cancer/Scorpio vibe. My Dsc ruler Mercury is in the 12th house conjunct the Asc from behind… And I often like to see strong Neptune aspects (For some reason more then the actual sign Pisces) in a partner’s chart as well. Venus/Neptune aspects in the partner's natal chart seem to particularly attract me. Interestingly, I don’t need Earth in the partner’s chart at all even though I’m an Earth Sun sign. This may be because I have no Earth signs or planets associated with my 5th, 7th or 8th houses. It’s all Fire, Air, and Water. My 5th house has a Fire sign on it ruled by a planet in a Fire sign (Aries ruled by Mars in Leo). My 7th house has an Air sign on it, ruled by a planet in a Fire sign (Gemini ruled by Mercury in Sagittarius), with a Fire planet (Jupiter) in the 7th house. Fire obviously dominates my 5th and 7th houses which is why I prioritize this element the most. My Air Dsc sign makes me like a bit of Air in the mix to go with all that fire. And my Water dominated 8th house (Cancer ruled by Moon in Cancer) makes me also need some water in a partner’s chart as kind of my soft place to land. With Earth, though, I can take it or leave it. In the whole polarity same/different thing… Strong Fire sign people are a combination of being very similar and yet also very different from myself in various ways. The same/different contrast is balanced with Fire people. Air sign influenced people feel more different from myself then the same, and I enjoy the contrast of difference that they offer in relationships. And Water sign influenced people feel more similar to myself then different, and I enjoy how they support my need for safety and comfort. Our 5th,7th and 8th houses show how we like our partners to be the same as, or different from ourselves. And the various ways we like to experience these similarities and differences.
Seems like there are many theories to whom we attract & im getting confused I have my dsc in gemini , jup in 7th mercury in virgo 5th hse aries, moon in 5th, mars in virgo 8th hse cancer, aries moon So its seems like I will need all the element (gemini, virgo, cancer, aries) N the sign all square each other I had heard of another traditional theory 7th hse gemini, mercury in virgo hse 10 Jupiter in 7th So my ideal partner will be mercury, jupiter and 10th hse dominant ? IP: Logged |
Meatballzzzzzz Knowflake Posts: 163 From: Earth Registered: Jun 2015
posted August 03, 2015 09:56 AM
I am feminine dominate and I attract a lot of masculine energy, especially the fire signs lol.IP: Logged | |