Topic: Gemini-Dual Personality Good and Evil and Opposite Twins
Pisces Adonis Knowflake Posts: 53 From: Catholic Altair Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 27, 2012 07:29 PM
Without doubt the one stereotype Popular Media always portray of the Gemini as is being of a dual personality-one side thats extreme good as an Angel and another side being extreme evil as a Devil.The common theme is that a Gemini fights within himself to assert control over the good and evil within him.TV portrays this very well. In Saint Seiya for example, the Gemini Saint was portrayed as being of split personality, one pure good and one pure evil and as the series progresses one side or the other completely takes over. Kamen Riders portray this too with their Gemini character. Now I haven't watched Kamen Riders but from what I read, the Gemini is portrayed the same way as in Saint Seiya. Those are the biggest examples that come to mind but whenever Gemini is referenced to in movies, thats what appears. Now even in Astrology books thats mostly concerned over the Sun Signs, they already portray this as a misconceptions. Take this from Linda Goodman's Sun Signs: The Gemini Women is multiple women in one. She can be an intellectual, a sweet angel,a mean ***** , a hyperactive athlete, a politician, a savory business lady. If you want to have multiple partners, marry a Gemini woman. Not exactly in those words(and I used improvised examples above) but that should prove the point. Geminis are neither Extreme Good nor Evil but shades of gray multiple (4 or more) showing different sides of a person's nature as even introductory books to Astrology that doesn't cover the Moon Sign and Ascendant. Another thing associated with the Gemini is the two twins. While Geminis are associated with Dual Personality, what Popular Media portrays is that stories often involve 2 Gemini Twins born on the same day and one is predominately good and one predominately evil. Because of their dual nature, they're often portrayed as going back and forth to good an evil throughout the story but even when they switch personalities, the nice Gemini still is overall leaning to the nice side and tries to maintain a code of honor even when his evil side takes over while the bad Gemini is shown to be grumpy and mean, if not an ass, even when he switched to his good side(becoming a "Jerk with a Heart of Gold"). Saint Seiya is the best example I could think of. As mentioned earlier the Gemini Saint switches between good and evil throughout the story-I was referring to the Good Gemini. Even as the villain for 1/3 the series, he still maintained a code of Honor and tried not to do as much bad as his conscious could let him get away with. Then there is the bad Gemini Saint who was responsible for 2/3s of what happened in the series as he manipulated the Gods for his own needs. He laters joins the protagonists on the side of good, but he remains as an Ass to the point he seemed like a distant character who the other Saints were weary over. Best example I could think off but that brings the point. What do you think?This is one stereotype that even books exclusively on the Sun Signs states is a misconception. Not even Newspaper Horoscopes seem to over exaggerate this-instead Newspapers call Geminis "Two-faced" rather than Split-Personality (which Goodman begs to disagree, instead calling Geminis as multiple personality). So its a portrayal thats exclusively from Popular Fictions like movies,TV Shows, and novels. This is not a repeat of my bashing of stereotypes but instead is an interesting observation I made comparing Astrology books, Newspaper Horoscopes,and Popular media! Geminis please reply what you think ! IP: Logged |
BBMonroe Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 27, 2012 07:46 PM
Yes, I think the good twin/evil twin is a used-to-death boring stereotype of the Gemini, particularly in popular media. I hate it and find it rather rude getting called two-faced when I'm not. We are flexible beings with restless, active, curious minds and whenever we find more information on something or simply get bored we may change our minds on a situation and then the two-faced bull**** comes in. *rolls eyes* Everyone, no matter what sign has different sides to their personality, maybe ours is just a bit more noticeable because we don't find it needed to hide it like others. We're usually pretty open and free. For example: I'm bored of this subject now. You should maybe ask the Capricorns about their dual personalities and inner children, see what they say. They keep it way more under cover than us.IP: Logged |
RedScorp Knowflake Posts: 4010 From: GMT-5 Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 27, 2012 08:04 PM
I only got to the fourth word before I stopped reading. Gemini is not dual natured, good and evil, nor opposite personalities in one person. I find Geminis or strongly Geminese people may come across as such because they have many interests or many skills or they can play many parts from gardener, book writer, nurse to homemaker, ill-tempered dragon, socialite (ie. one of my old neighbours).It's just a trope used by media that something represented as twins (I think the more important symbolism is how the twins are shown as CHILDREN) can fill the archtype of good/evil internal conflict. IP: Logged |
Astra Knowflake Posts: 429 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2012 12:29 AM
As a Gemini, I can tell you that if someone is nice to me, then I'll be nice to them, and go out of my way to help them if they need it. However, if they treat me unfairly or are cruel, then I will become the biggest b***h they've ever seen. If that makes me "two-faced" as those horoscopes suggest, then so be it. I see no point in being sweet as sugar towards someone who is mean to me when I've done nothing to deserve it. People are complex and have many shades of grey. I have never seen anyone (regardless of sign) who behaves exactly the same in every situation. Different facets of an individual's personality come out in different situations. This is why I never really understood why people claim Geminis have multiple personalities when they themselves possess "multiple personalities." IP: Logged |
violet7887 Knowflake Posts: 1053 From: maya Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 29, 2012 10:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Astra: As a Gemini, I can tell you that if someone is nice to me, then I'll be nice to them, and go out of my way to help them if they need it. However, if they treat me unfairly or are cruel, then I will become the biggest b***h they've ever seen. If that makes me "two-faced" as those horoscopes suggest, then so be it. I see no point in being sweet as sugar towards someone who is mean to me when I've done nothing to deserve it. People are complex and have many shades of grey. I have never seen anyone (regardless of sign) who behaves exactly the same in every situation. Different facets of an individual's personality come out in different situations. This is why I never really understood why people claim Geminis have multiple personalities when they themselves possess "multiple personalities."
Unless someone truly needs my help for reasons out of their control(which i am always more than willing to give), i believe in nothing but emotional equality and respect for respect. Letting people know they are out of line when they are is the first step to helping them. "good" and "bad" are traits everybody carries and we all try to keep the balance. ------------------ The love you seek, you will find within.
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hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 2723 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted October 29, 2012 11:34 PM
Thumbs up to all the responses so far!IP: Logged |
BBMonroe Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 29, 2012 11:37 PM
Character vs. Shadow...IP: Logged |
Xiiro Moderator Posts: 1324 From: San Diego CA, USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted October 30, 2012 12:24 AM
The Geminis in my life (and God there are many), are definitely subject to dual nature. I think "good and evil" is an overly simplistic explanation, but it certainly is like multiple personalities. My Gemini sister, step-father, and numerous close friends all have a side of their personality which they accept as real and a side of their personality which they choose (I'm assuming it's a conscious choice, but sometimes I wonder) to completely ignore.All of the above mentioned people have severe moments of total lack of compassion or care in the way they treat others, then equally make up for it by being courteous, attentive, careful, and interested. Each one can only remember the times they were caring and concerned and become frustratingly offended when called out (Nobody gets to talk about the escape artist twin chained in the basement). To be fair, Gemini's duality is often surrounded around and triggered by different things (My Taurus/Cancer influenced sister drops into evil mode when her moods swing into a feeling of discomfort, My Sag influenced step-father throws tantrums when he thinks nobody is taking his advise or doing things the way he wants them to be done, my Cancer influenced best friend randomly goes Jekyll depending on his current mood, my Leo influenced Gemini friend will do anything for the people she loves, until she gets bored, then she steals their boyfriends (true story x3), and my Scorpio/Taurus influenced friend would swap best friends with worst enemies every couple weeks whenever boredom with the friendship set in), ask any one of them why they are so willing to treat the people they love with such disrespect and low regard and they recoil with a gasp and a slight smirk hidden behind their eye. They either have a perfectly rational reason in their mind why it was okay to treat you like hamburger two minutes ago... but they love you now and that's what should matter, or completely obliterate any memory of having tried to rob your house. When it comes down to it, like all signs, the pros are balanced equally with the cons in Gemini. There just happens to be a pronounced line with Gemini between a specific conscious mode of action (which generally involves positive traits) and an unconscious or incomprehensible (and therefore frightening to face) side which renders them powerless to contain the parts of their psyche which they associate with shame (or whatever they fear facing). That is my experience with every Gemini I have known closely. Part of the reason I collect Geminis is because I want to understand this dissociation. My ASC is transiting into Gemini and I want to approach it with awareness. I think a lot of people talk about how great Gemini is, because a Gemini tends to flutter off before boredom sets in. Those who have seen a bored Gemini however can attest to the more shady side of the sign. The mythology related to Gemini is that of Castor and Polydeuces. Demigod twins who were granted the ability to trade off between living as constellations at night and in corporeal form in the day. This ability was granted after one of the twins died and the living twin offered his life in exchange for his brother's. I think it is an important note to add that the twins are completely separate, they just take turns roaming the earth. IP: Logged |
Desiring Shadows Moderator Posts: 1709 From: UNITED STATES, BABY Registered: Jan 2012
posted October 30, 2012 12:37 AM
Ascendant Gemini I reckon... intelligence+ consistent knowledge intake= Gemini proponency of testing the endless inquirieis/curiosities. Its scorpionic to inquisition/probing/stalk.-------------------- VedavaVEDIC Virgo,Scorpio,Gemini-Schziophrenic, antisocialist, beware! You have been warned. OH and happy halloween to all! Best holiday ever! IP: Logged |
BBMonroe Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 30, 2012 12:45 AM
When it comes down to it, like all signs, the pros are balanced equally with the cons in Gemini. There just happens to be a pronounced line with Gemini between a specific conscious mode of action (which generally involves positive traits) and an unconscious or incomprehensible (and therefore frightening to face) side which renders them powerless to contain the parts of their psyche which they associate with shame (or whatever they fear facing).That is my experience with every Gemini I have known closely, at least. Part of the reason I collect Geminis is because I want to understand this dissociation. My ASC is transiting int Gemini and I want to approach it with awareness. [/B]
Well, the psyche, that you say is so hard to face, is the shadow. You may want to read some Carl Jung. The more we illuminate the shadow the more light we carry, more enlightenment, more love, more acceptance for self and others, etc. Every one carries this shadow and every one needs to delve into no matter how scary it is, a lot of us are forced to. And when it comes to treating people like **** one minute and then not the next, that's just another example of light and dark. One can't survive without the other. No shadow is cast without light, scientific fact. lol. By intergrating the shadow you are freed from good and evil. I'm sorry. I'll shut up. I'm not trying to preach.
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a_may_gemini Knowflake Posts: 176 From: Los Angeles, Calif Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 30, 2012 12:58 AM
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL my evil twin is always ready for action. Gemini is the sign of the twins and illustrates the concept that there are things that exist in-between polar extremes (good-evil, masculine-feminine, happy-sad, highs-lows, etc.) The only 2 signs that are NOT animals and are of humans are Gemini and Virgo, both ruled by Mercury. Ever thought of why Gemini isn't 2 of some animal? Traditionally Gemini has been 1 man, 1 woman and is represented as the Lovers card in the Tarot deck to symbolize the myriad traits and characteristics of humans. The Gemini sign carries the complex traits of humans and it's hard to pin point what a Gemini is, as Gemini always change and humans change all the time (as well, even though most won't admit to it). Gemini is the sphere that allows many things to co-exist. IP: Logged |
Xiiro Moderator Posts: 1324 From: San Diego CA, USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted October 30, 2012 01:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by BBMonroe: Well, the psyche, that you say is so hard to face, is the shadow. You may want to read some Carl Jung. The more we illuminate the shadow the more light we carry, more enlightenment, more love, more acceptance for self and others, etc. Every one carries this shadow and every one needs to delve into no matter how scary it is, a lot of us are forced to. And when it comes to treating people like **** one minute and then not the next, that's just another example of light and dark. One can't survive without the other. No shadow is cast without light, scientific fact. lol. No one can treat another person on an monotone emotion, we try sometimes, to be what they call "fair", then get bored, it's passionless. But if we're talking about good/evil and light/dark would it be fair to give each equal stage time? I'm sorry. I'll shut up. I'm not trying to preach.
I'm familiar with Jung's shadow and the concept is applicable, but there is value in experience vs conceptualization. My aim is toward comprehension through experience. I think the darkness and light argument is a valid one universally, but a poor excuse socially. As humans we are capable of comprehending our stars in order to improve them. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said quote: No one can treat another person on an monotone emotion, we try sometimes, to be what they call "fair", then get bored, it's passionless.
The point of compassion is not to treat people with monotony, but with the respectful equanimity one would want to receive. People are actually infinitely interesting when we become capable of being more conscious of them then our own thoughts (I'm not assuming you do this, this has been my experience only with the Geminis I know). Thank you for responding, you gave me a lot to think about. =) IP: Logged |
7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 372 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted October 30, 2012 01:01 PM
Why do you treat the astrological Gemini like the evil twin myth? ... just as well you could treat Virgo like a Virgin... same thing... -_- "The myths attached to this sign are characterised by the contradictory aspects of the twins - in the Roman tale they are Pollux, born immortal and possessing great strength, and Castor, born mortal but exceeding in ingenuity and logic. Rather than be parted by death they agree to share immortality by living alternating lives on heaven and earth. The mortal partner turns to intellect to compensate for the immortal vibrancy he does not possess - yet the myth demonstrates the eternal union and mutual reliance of conscious reasoning and unconscious belief in the refusal of the twins to be separated. Thus, this sign can indicate acute polarisation of the spiritual and material, alternation between the extremes of rational logic and instinctive belief, and the quest to reconcile all contradictions in a central threshold where reason and belief, intellect and emotion, masculinity and femininity, merge into one." ============
"Geminians have the ability to see both sides of a situation and to communicate between the sides because their dextrous disposition ensures their experience of both extremes. It is less commonly reported that they are often subject to dark irrational broodings, periods of isolation and alienation, materialistic cynicism as well as idealistic inspiration. Yet the flexibility of character that Geminians possess has often been seen as a demonstration of their ability to be two things at once - both the victor and the victim; the healer and the invalid; the teacher and the student; the integration of opposites that never fully separates one partner from the other. This fusion occurs only after independent experience of both extremes has been absorbed, which requires that the antithesis of love, hate; confidence, insecurity; praise and insult; trust and falseness are first encountered as singular incidents before being recognised as two faces of the same coin. " ...full article:
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Got Gemini?? Knowflake Posts: 300 From: The Planet Mercury Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 30, 2012 03:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by RedScorp: I only got to the fourth word before I stopped reading. Gemini is not dual natured, good and evil, nor opposite personalities in one person. I find Geminis or strongly Geminese people may come across as such because they have many interests or many skills or they can play many parts from gardener, book writer, nurse to homemaker, ill-tempered dragon, socialite (ie. one of my old neighbours).It's just a trope used by media that something represented as twins (I think the more important symbolism is how the twins are shown as CHILDREN) can fill the archtype of good/evil internal conflict.
Nail on the head. Especially the part about having many interests. So many people think we're extremists or can't make up our minds because we are naturally interested in many things. I have a bazillion hobbies. I generally don't like to do the same thing all the time. Great reply! ------------------ Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus Virgo Mars Virgo Asc And yes, I'm a guy! IP: Logged |
7thGuardian Knowflake Posts: 372 From: Transylvania Registered: May 2012
posted October 31, 2012 08:53 AM
Jack of all trades... master of none...IP: Logged |
RedScorp Knowflake Posts: 4010 From: GMT-5 Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 31, 2012 10:34 AM
quote: Great reply!
Oh stoooop,  IP: Logged |
Got Gemini?? Knowflake Posts: 300 From: The Planet Mercury Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 31, 2012 01:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by RedScorp: Oh stoooop, 
U R hilarious! ------------------ Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus Virgo Mars Virgo Asc And yes, I'm a guy! IP: Logged |
Got Gemini?? Knowflake Posts: 300 From: The Planet Mercury Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 31, 2012 01:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by 7thGuardian: Jack of all trades...
------------------ Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus Virgo Mars Virgo Asc And yes, I'm a guy! IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 2723 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted October 31, 2012 01:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Xiiro: The Geminis in my life (and God there are many), are definitely subject to dual nature. I think "good and evil" is an overly simplistic explanation, but it certainly is like multiple personalities. My Gemini sister, step-father, and numerous close friends all have a side of their personality which they accept as real and a side of their personality which they choose (I'm assuming it's a conscious choice, but sometimes I wonder) to completely ignore.All of the above mentioned people have severe moments of total lack of compassion or care in the way they treat others, then equally make up for it by being courteous, attentive, careful, and interested. Each one can only remember the times they were caring and concerned and become frustratingly offended when called out (Nobody gets to talk about the escape artist twin chained in the basement). To be fair, Gemini's duality is often surrounded around and triggered by different things (My Taurus/Cancer influenced sister drops into evil mode when her moods swing into a feeling of discomfort, My Sag influenced step-father throws tantrums when he thinks nobody is taking his advise or doing things the way he wants them to be done, my Cancer influenced best friend randomly goes Jekyll depending on his current mood, my Leo influenced Gemini friend will do anything for the people she loves, until she gets bored, then she steals their boyfriends (true story x3), and my Scorpio/Taurus influenced friend would swap best friends with worst enemies every couple weeks whenever boredom with the friendship set in), ask any one of them why they are so willing to treat the people they love with such disrespect and low regard and they recoil with a gasp and a slight smirk hidden behind their eye. They either have a perfectly rational reason in their mind why it was okay to treat you like hamburger two minutes ago... but they love you now and that's what should matter, or completely obliterate any memory of having tried to rob your house. When it comes down to it, like all signs, the pros are balanced equally with the cons in Gemini. There just happens to be a pronounced line with Gemini between a specific conscious mode of action (which generally involves positive traits) and an unconscious or incomprehensible (and therefore frightening to face) side which renders them powerless to contain the parts of their psyche which they associate with shame (or whatever they fear facing). That is my experience with every Gemini I have known closely. Part of the reason I collect Geminis is because I want to understand this dissociation. My ASC is transiting into Gemini and I want to approach it with awareness. I think a lot of people talk about how great Gemini is, because a Gemini tends to flutter off before boredom sets in. Those who have seen a bored Gemini however can attest to the more shady side of the sign. The mythology related to Gemini is that of Castor and Polydeuces. Demigod twins who were granted the ability to trade off between living as constellations at night and in corporeal form in the day. This ability was granted after one of the twins died and the living twin offered his life in exchange for his brother's. I think it is an important note to add that the twins are completely separate, they just take turns roaming the earth.
I love this explanation to bits. It's so true. Sure, I'm not a true Gemini so others might object to my opinion on anything but I have Gemini rising and Mars and Jupiter in Gemini. Sun wise I am a loud and proud Aries! That said when I get bored, I get bitchy. And the "Sure I treated you like s*it but it's now that counts* mantra is very true. 
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RedScorp Knowflake Posts: 4010 From: GMT-5 Registered: Jul 2011
posted October 31, 2012 05:13 PM
quote: U R hilarious!
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Desiring Shadows Moderator Posts: 1709 From: UNITED STATES, BABY Registered: Jan 2012
posted November 12, 2012 10:26 PM
Basically Post-humanism. Wiki-search it! Thats SOOOOOO Gemini!!!! "Key to this posthuman practice is the ability to fluidly change perspectives and manifest oneself through different identities. The posthuman, for critical theorists of the subject, has an emergent ontology rather than a stable one; in other words, the posthuman is not a singular, defined individual, but rather one who can "become" or embody different identities and understand the world from multiple, heterogeneous perspectives.[1]"----- Veeda-Virgo-Scorpio-Gemini Westurr-Libra-Sagittarius-Gemini IP: Logged | |