LilyLil Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 03, 2012 12:54 PM
Hi!! Have you ever looked at your draconic chart?? A lot of authors and astrologers claim it has a connection to soulmates. "The Draconic chart can be categorised as karmic, spiritual and unconscious, with possible connection to reincarnation. It pinpoints those we draw close to us in our lifetimes to resolve unconscious issues." It`s derived from the true nodes of the moon (the difference between 360°, the Aries point, and the degrees of the NN, is added to the degrees of natal planets). Important people will make strong connections to our Draconic charts (comparision Draconic - Draconic AND Draconic-natal), and that the Draconic Chart sometimes explains attraction, you cannot see in the normal synastry. And you can compare your draconic chart with your natal chart, it's like adding subconcious information that the natal chart doesn't reveals.First, i thought it wasn't important....but I have been a few days thinking about this, and maybe it has infuence (subtle influence).... but now i think it makes sense. Sorry (again) if my english isn't good. My Natal Chart (Tropical) ASC: Scorpio Sun: Cancer Moon: Aquarius My Draconic Chart: ASC: Capricorn Sun: Virgo Moon: Pisces You can calculate your Draconic Chart in ASTRODIENST!!!! IP: Logged |
LilyLil Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 03, 2012 01:14 PM
When the likely astrological links between two people are not found in the natal, progressed or directed charts, we look further afield. The Draconic chart provides pivotal information regarding the soul's purpose. The Draconic chart in relation to parent and child and between siblings, has been a source of fascination to me for years. Members of the Australian Academy of Astrology & Cosmobiology Research Group have also researched the Draconic chart as a key topic. We have concluded that the Draconic chart can be categorised as karmic, spiritual and unconscious, with possible connections to reincarnation. It pinpoints those we draw close to us in our lifetimes, to resolve unconscious issues , which in turn connects to our state of physical and emotional health. It speaks less of free will than the basic natal chart.Through our Draconic chart we can discover how others are acutely, albeit subconsciously, aware of our soul's purpose and act accordingly -- opening life's doors and sometimes slamming them in our face. It traces where we came from (test it with parents and grandparent's charts) and where we are going (compare it with the charts of your children and soul mates). Links will be found by comparing Natal and Draconic charts, plus Draconic and Draconic. Draconic charts are also quite sensitve to transits, so compare the Draconic chart with transits of important events. The Draconic chart highlights the importance of the 0-degrees Aries point. The distance between the natal Northern Moon Nodes or Dragon's Head and 0-degrees Aries is the adjustment increment used to convert the natal chart to its Draconic counterpart. The natal North Moon Node (ascending node) becomes 0-degrees Aries of the Draconic chart, or 'draconic equinox' and other planets and points are adjusted accordingly. English astrologer Pamela Crane is well known for her work on Draconic astrology. Pamela uses the True Moon Nodes in preference to the Mean Moon Nodes in her calculations. The difference in the resultant Draconic charts is small, but enough for me to continue to research both. In some cases the Draconic Mean Moon Node chart produces tighter, more relevant aspects. The Draconic chart may have been overlooked because natal house placements and planetary aspects remain unaltered -- however, the zodiacal degrees can be strikingly different. The Northern Moon Nodes in the charts of relatives and soul mates is as potentially variable as its distance from 0-degrees Aries. When adjustments are made for the Draconic chart you may be surprised at the new zodiacal links which did not exist in the natal charts -- new clues as to life's learning curve through these important people. In the case of those born with the Northern Moon Nodes at 0-degrees Aries, the natal chart is also the Draconic chart -- suggesting a person directly in touch with their soul's purpose. I would be most interested in the spiritual journey of any reader who has the Northern Moon Nodes at 0-degrees Aries. THE DRACONIC ASCENDANT The natal Ascendant describes how others perceive us in a physical sense, the silent message we project through our physical image. THE DRACONIC ASCENDANT is our intuitive identity, certain hereditary factors and the unique qualities we pass on through reproduction and spiritual teaching. For further information consider the decanate of the Draconic Ascendant (eg 28°26' Libra on the Draconic Ascendant is in its 3rd decan, incorporating a Gemini/Mercury influence to the Libran energies). THE DRACONIC MIDHEAVEN The natal Midheaven depicts our ego expression, career, worldy status, parent figures and mentors. The Draconic Midheaven speaks more of super-consciousness, the soul's divine quest, vocation as distinct from occupation. For more information look at this: Astrology IP: Logged |
yvetterocks101 Knowflake Posts: 183 From: New York Registered: May 2012
posted December 03, 2012 01:26 PM
Wow this is interesting. I remember hearing a lot about Draconic is similar to the 9th harmonic. Seeing how my asc Sagittarius explain it probably why i always felt like one but i figure the reason why was because in my natal chart i have my NN in sag. Thanks for posting this up! ------------------ "You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting." - J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan IP: Logged |
AshSkye Knowflake Posts: 615 From: UK Registered: Jun 2012
posted December 03, 2012 01:28 PM
I find the draconic chart interesting, I remember there was a topic on here with an experiment, using the draconic pluto to track your past life's chart, I did mine and I was surprised to see how much it resonated with my own ideas about my past life.My draconic North Node is conjunct the draco ASC so this is probably an important karmic life for me (the joys...) IP: Logged |
LilyLil Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 03, 2012 01:50 PM
AshSkye: I do remember that post!!!! As you said it surprised me too!! Because,like you, i have my own ideas about my past lifes, and it only confirmed all what i thought!!I'd like to add that the Draconic Chart doesn’t negate your tropical chart! It ADDS a new dimension.  IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 2896 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 03, 2012 01:53 PM
Hello LilyLil! Welcome to LL  ------------------
"For all those who believe, expect a miracle.” Linda Goodman 1925-1995 IP: Logged |
LilyLil Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 03, 2012 01:56 PM
Hello lalalinda!! Thank u!!  IP: Logged |
Oracle Knowflake Posts: 41 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted January 27, 2013 02:33 PM
Yes, I have looked at my Draconic chart. I see that my Draconic Moon is at 0 degrees Aries conjuncting my Draconic North Node at 0 degrees Aries, of course in the 9th House. I found that to be interesting. I'm rising in Leo and Moon in Aries trines Rising in Leo."I use therefore, I am." _________________ Oracle Tropical Rising Gemini Sun Capricorn Moon Aquarius Draconic Rising Leo Sun Aquarius Moon Aries IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 5310 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 27, 2013 02:56 PM
Draconic Moon on 00 Aries means you have a natal Moon-NN-conjunction. BTW I prefer the term "nodal chart" for the Draconic chart because of its connection to the nodal axis.
Its meaning is also derived from the nodal axis.
For example my Draconic Moon is conjunct my DESC exactly, and interestingly my natal Moon is unaspected, but the conjunction to my natal DESC shows clearly that the lunar area is a theme for me, something to work out about it, to learn and grow, and mostly this happens through relationships or encounters. Everytime I relate to someone, I am pushed towards my Moon. IP: Logged |
ScorpioMoon Newflake Posts: 19 From: Atlanta. Georgia, United States Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 28, 2013 09:26 AM
In my natal chart, I have cancer sun, scorpio moon, pisces rising. My draconic placements are Virgo Sun, Cap moon, Taurus rising. i have all the same house placements in my draconic chart as I have in my natal chart. For example, in my natal chart I have sun in the 4th, moon in the 8th, mercury in the 4th, and so on. My draconic chart chart is the same. Is that necessarily supposed to happen?IP: Logged | |