Topic: What aspects would indicate sex appeal in your chart?
Jessica2407 Knowflake Posts: 105 From: Saturn Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 21, 2012 01:34 PM
Mind, I'm not talking about sexual compatibility. I've had people telling me that I have quite a 'loud' (I'm quoting a friend here) sex appeal! IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 3135 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 21, 2012 01:45 PM
Venus aspecting the ASC (my guess would be trining or conj.) IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 4621 From: Surfing Kite. Seriously. Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 21, 2012 01:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: Venus aspecting the ASC (my guess would be trining or conj.)
Venus can be allure & sensuality. Mars is sex appeal. For men : H7 Mars. IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 3135 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 21, 2012 01:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by VenusDiSirius: Venus can be allure & sensuality. Mars is sex appeal. For men : H7 Mars.
I have Mars conj. ASC. Is that why men are so forward with me?! IP: Logged |
Jessica2407 Knowflake Posts: 105 From: Saturn Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 21, 2012 02:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by VenusDiSirius: Venus can be allure & sensuality. what aspects would indicate those two? For men : H7 Mars.
and for women? IP: Logged |
KarkaQueen Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: Uranus Registered: May 2011
posted December 21, 2012 02:13 PM
I have Neptune conjunct ASC and Eros conjunct MC with Moon conjunct Ic and Sun conjunct DSC.guys tell me im sexy in a cute and innocent way.  IP: Logged |
Haplesschild* Knowflake Posts: 232 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 21, 2012 02:51 PM
Venus conjunct mars in first house or 8th house. I had an ex with v conj m in first house and another with it conjuncting in 2nd and they were sexy.  Mars aspecting asc tight. Eros aspecting asc or sun Pluto aspecting asc (tight trines) creates magnetism. Venus conjunct Uranus tight in first house, or conj MC. IP: Logged |
sweet-scorpion Knowflake Posts: 1192 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted December 21, 2012 03:29 PM
Looking at house rulers and their aspects is always significant to me. H5 ruler, house of sex/flings/dating, positively aspect Venus, Mars for intense sex drive, Pluto for tumulutuous or very passionate Plutonian affairs Mars in the 8th Mars in aspect to Pluto can give someone a sharp and sometimes frightening charisma and controlling personality. To some, it's an arrogant turn-off; to others, a strong and dominanting personality with dark overtones is hot. It's a case by case thing. IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 131 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted December 21, 2012 07:04 PM
I have venus conjunct asc, I think it makes me charming and approachable. I feel like sex appeal is more pluto and mars.Most of the venus mars people I've met have a lot of sex appeal.
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Geeky Knowflake Posts: 73 From: Portland, OR Registered: Dec 2012
posted December 21, 2012 07:12 PM
I don't know, but I must have them because people talk to me, approach me, tell me deep problems, and are sexually forward (overly flirtatious) with me on a near daily basis. This even happens in other countries when I am not a native speaker... I have to smile and shrug "No Deutch, No Espanol", etc. ------------------ "Most people would rather be sheep and have company than stand out on their own with antlers on." — Tori Amos IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 4621 From: Surfing Kite. Seriously. Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 21, 2012 07:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: I have Mars conj. ASC. Is that why men are so forward with me?!
Very much so. Only Mars in girls' chart has also a downside : being provocative. That,more often than not,brings about negative reactions. *** For girls : Moon/Mars aspects. IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 3135 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 21, 2012 07:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by VenusDiSirius: Very much so. Only Mars in girls' chart has also a downside : being provocative. That,more often than not,brings about negative reactions.
It does, and my Mars is in the 12th so I don't ever see myself as provocative. Like I don't wear hoochie shorts and short dresses everywhere so I don't know what I do that makes men think they can overstep their boundaries. IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 131 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted December 21, 2012 07:41 PM
^ My sister has mars conjunct midheaven, she worked at hooters during college. Makes so much sense now. IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 4621 From: Surfing Kite. Seriously. Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 21, 2012 07:45 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: (...) so I don't know what I do that makes men think they can overstep their boundaries.
You provoke,at least in their opinion. And this can being with infatuation,but once yoh reject them,theu turn to hate - seriously. NO middle ground with Mars. I have Venus sq Mars,oh the tales I could tell you! Not even cold shower from my Cap Moon can wash them away. Not utill I hit the ego anyway I empathize completely  IP: Logged |
frankie2912 Knowflake Posts: 1006 From: yep,ks,usa Registered: Apr 2011
posted December 21, 2012 07:50 PM
not being cocky but i think i have quite a sex appeal. if you met me you would most likely agree, even if you weren't incredibly physically attracted to me. i have Venus conj ASC (Scorpio) Eros trine my ASC, Lilith in 8th house which I heard is a sex appeal aspect. also have Mars in 5th house, Mars trine Venus. IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 3135 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 21, 2012 07:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by VenusDiSirius: You provoke,at least in their opinion. And this can being with infatuation,but once yoh reject them,theu turn to hate - seriously. NO middle ground with Mars. I have Venus sq Mars,oh the tales I could tell you! Not even cold shower from my Cap Moon can wash them away. Not utill I hit the ego anyway I empathize completely 
Venus! You are one of my favorites here, seriously! That explains soooo much and I never would've associated that reaction with Mars conj. ASC. They do! And there isn't! If you look at my chart - Sun, Merc, and Venus allllll square Saturn and Neptune (low self-esteem, fantasy, not seeing partners for who they are) I have the chart of a stereotypical girl who's attracts wife beaters or something. And I've always been envious of girls who can be friends with guys and those guys don't want her just for physical reasons! Guys no matter what size I am that's the first thing they want from me... >.< IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 4977 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted December 21, 2012 07:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by frankie2912: not being cocky but i think i have quite a sex appeal. if you met me you would most likely agree, even if you weren't incredibly physically attracted to me. i have Venus conj ASC (Scorpio) Eros trine my ASC, Lilith in 8th house which I heard is a sex appeal aspect. also have Mars in 5th house, Mars trine Venus.
im not arguing with that  IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 4621 From: Surfing Kite. Seriously. Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 21, 2012 09:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: Venus! You are one of my favorites here, seriously!That explains soooo much and I never would've associated that reaction with Mars conj. ASC. They do! And there isn't! If you look at my chart - Sun, Merc, and Venus allllll square Saturn and Neptune (low self-esteem, fantasy, not seeing partners for who they are) I have the chart of a stereotypical girl who's attracts wife beaters or something. And I've always been envious of girls who can be friends with guys and those guys don't want her just for physical reasons! Guys no matter what size I am that's the first thing they want from me... >.<
Thank you  And I imagine this is particularly bothersome to you since you're H11 Sun,and are very capable of having a male friend. You have H11 Venus as well? That also attracts like bees to honey; one of the most attractive Venus house positions,which is not as in charge or demanding as H1/7 Venus. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 8272 From: Registered: May 2011
posted December 21, 2012 09:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by sweet-scorpion: H5 ruler, house of sex/flings/dating, positively aspect Venus, Mars for intense sex drive, Pluto for tumulutuous or very passionate Plutonian affairs Mars in aspect to Pluto can give someone a sharp and sometimes frightening charisma and controlling personality. To some, it's an arrogant turn-off; to others, a strong and dominanting personality with dark overtones is hot. It's a case by case thing.
My h5 ruler trines Venus and sextiles Pluto. I don't have mars Pluto but they are both in my h1. I think that is my vibe tho. Edit: darn it y is everything about sex this morning. IP: Logged |
KarkaQueen Knowflake Posts: 1215 From: Uranus Registered: May 2011
posted December 21, 2012 09:44 PM
Im sexy because i have female vunerability so har har hardy hardy haIP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 8272 From: Registered: May 2011
posted December 21, 2012 09:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: Venus! You are one of my favorites here, seriously!That explains soooo much and I never would've associated that reaction with Mars conj. ASC. They do! And there isn't! If you look at my chart - Sun, Merc, and Venus allllll square Saturn and Neptune (low self-esteem, fantasy, not seeing partners for who they are) I have the chart of a stereotypical girl who's attracts wife beaters or something. And I've always been envious of girls who can be friends with guys and those guys don't want her just for physical reasons! Guys no matter what size I am that's the first thing they want from me... >.<
I think u can make frens with some dweeb that will carry your stuff around and follow u wherever. I see it all the time.  IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 8272 From: Registered: May 2011
posted December 21, 2012 09:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by VenusDiSirius: You provoke,at least in their opinion. And this can being with infatuation,but once yoh reject them,theu turn to hate - seriously. NO middle ground with Mars. I have Venus sq Mars,oh the tales I could tell you! Not even cold shower from my Cap Moon can wash them away. Not utill I hit the ego anyway I empathize completely 
I don't think u r completely innocent in this matter and u know it lol! IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 4621 From: Surfing Kite. Seriously. Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 21, 2012 09:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by sand: I don't think u r completely innocent in this matter and u know it lol!
Of course not,I carry the energy that provokes,synastry is two-way street. IP: Logged |
StacyLewis Knowflake Posts: 254 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted December 21, 2012 10:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by Jessica2407: Mind, I'm not talking about sexual compatibility. I've had people telling me that I have quite a 'loud' (I'm quoting a friend here) sex appeal!
Venus can make someone physically attractive (which is a criteria for sex appeal where a lot of people are concerned), or at the very least, make someone seem pleasant in manner (which a lot of people also consider hot). So, Venus in aspect to an angle would do that, particularly the more outer-based, social angles like the ascendant, midheaven or descendant. Pluto gives charisma in general, or can make someone seem mysterious - both, obviously, considered 'sexy' by a lot of people, so Pluto on or aspecting the angles is another one. Neptune for the glamour factor or seeming vulnerable and/or dreamy somehow (which is hot to some people, too) that on or aspecting the angles. Mars? Not so much, I don't think. I think if anything it would make people perceive you as being dominant or forceful in an aggressive way; I don't think people would typically pick up on martian energy as 'sexy' or 'sexual', so for those who constantly get approached in a certain way it has to be something else in the chart doing it. I could probably pinpoint it if I saw a full chart. Btw, Venus in the 7th house, is in its "joy" (that's not creative phrasing - the concept of joys is an actual legitimate subtopic in astrology), it's not an afflicted or unfortunate house for it to be in - which should make sense when you think of the obvious association between venus, the seventh house, and the sign Libra. Neither is the first house, where if anything, it'll make the person extremely venusian/loving, and make that readily apparent to everyone around them (because of the high visibility of the first house). That comment was astrologically inaccurate. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 8272 From: Registered: May 2011
posted December 21, 2012 10:05 PM
And composite? What kinda street? P.s. I will be ur friend h11 sun but u know I am kind of a d1ck IP: Logged |