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  Venus in the 8th House? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Venus in the 8th House?

Posts: 594
From: Island of Sirens
Registered: Jul 2013

posted August 08, 2014 12:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarriorPrincess7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
8th house rules "endings", the partner's resources,sexual intimacy,death etc.

Taurus /Venus on the 8th house cusp are the same; the the typical reading of 8th house cusp Taurus applies-as Venus is in its natural sign in Taurus.

So,from an "endings" point of view,it could mean;

-loss of property
-loss of self-worth
-loss of beauty/"feeling" beautiful
-loss of social life
-loss of partner through death or separation
-loss of wealth
-loss of money
-loss of attraction to partner or vice versa
-loss of creativity.
-loss of spirituality

These losses of what or values and relationships(Venus) suggest that one must redefine what those things are for themselves.

The 8th house is the house of redefining something to its most deep level. So even in the "loss of beauty", one may not necessarily lose ones beauty in the literal sense(if you are concerned LOL), but one may become less interested in conventional beauty standards,conforming to set attractions and even evaluating themselves on how aligned they are to "beauty" requirements.

From the "partner's resources", it suggests;

-partner shares their resources with you willingly
-partner is fair and equal in giving of money
-partner willing to give you money
-partner willing to spoil you
-partner thinks you very valuable
-partner puts you in their will/legacy
-you gain a lot of monetary resources after marriage
-your self-worth increases after marriage.

In as far as sexual intimacy is concerned;

-you prefer equal give/take in bed
-you like sex to be "beautiful"
-you may have been married your partner because of sexual compatibility.
-sex is very sensual.
-sex that satisfies both parties is important.
- smelling good/looking good arouses you.

In as far as "death" is concerned;

-a peaceful death
-death through overindulgence
-death through a partner
-death through heartache or heartbreak.
-death through dispute with partner.
-death as a result of material possessions.

The list of all the above is not exhausted.

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Posts: 1882
From: OH, USA
Registered: Dec 2012

posted March 04, 2015 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LovelyAries86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thank you Aries23 for that in-depth description. That's exactly what I was looking for when I created this thread more than (2) years ago! Lol.

I'm so sorry for the delayed response.

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Posts: 888
From: sherman oaks, ca,USA
Registered: Aug 2011

posted March 04, 2015 05:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for awakemer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
sharon tate had venus in the 8th square uranus. not a peaceful death at all.

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Posts: 148
Registered: Nov 2014

posted March 05, 2015 08:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 3l3n     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by awakemer:
sharon tate had venus in the 8th square uranus. not a peaceful death at all.

That doesn't sound too pleasant :/
I have Venus in the 8th sq Uranus 5th

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Posts: 1882
From: OH, USA
Registered: Dec 2012

posted March 05, 2015 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LovelyAries86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by awakemer:
sharon tate had venus in the 8th square uranus. not a peaceful death at all.

Yeah I was confused when I read that she had Venus in the 8th. I guess the Uranus square was the culprit there..

I have Venus (Taurus) sextile Jupiter and trine Mars. So fingers crossed that my passing is pleasant & blessed!

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