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Author Topic:   What planet or house shows the signs we attract for keeps?

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posted January 02, 2013 04:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by lalalinda:
Hello YTA, Yes it's all connected.
Her 10th house and your 2nd house
(both Earth Houses)
shows her "status" in helping you realize your personal goals as you were groomed for success (Jupiter/2).
It's a plus that the 5th house is involved because this is also a "goal" house (fixed) showing love, family, and commitment.

p.s. I'm a huge fan of your wife's
her story has so much heart and I always wish you and yours well...Happy New Year


Thank you so much for your very kind comments, and also your highly valued input. I truly appreciate what you said.

As I have reiterated several times, I tend to portray my wife in the best possible light because she is, simply, my wife and it is both my duty and desire to honor and cherish her. Having said that, we are just regular people and we are not infallible.

In my case, I did not check astrology prior to marriage. It just happenned naturally and extremely quickly. I do feel very fortunate about that.

I wish you the very best in happiness and health for the New Year. May all your dreams come true.

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posted January 04, 2013 04:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hannaramaa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
YTA: Apologies for not providing any input on your placements. It takes me longer than Lalalinda or Lotis White, lol.

Also, bump for Lotis White whenever.

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posted January 04, 2013 05:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lunae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I love this thread, really. I'm starting to learn a lot of new stuff about synastry, thanks to Lotis, Hanna, Lalalinda and all the brilliant people here. XD I've been trying to relate my own synastry experiences to the descriptions here ^__^

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Lotis White

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posted January 04, 2013 11:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lotis White     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by hannaramaa:

I'm trying to wow my friend with all this new knowledge I've accumulated from this thread.

Looking over her chart:
*She is a Gemini Sun, has Virgo ASC
*I noted Sagittarius ruled her 4H, and Pisces her 7H. *Jupiter is located in the 5H ruled by Aquarius,
*Uranus is in her 4H
*Neptune in the 4H

There's nothing in her 7H, but her Sun is in the 10H opposing Uranus and Neptune in the 4H and 5H (as does Mercury and Venus. Since her ASC is Virgo I'm betting there's importance in that.)

Now, her Mars is in Cancer in the 10H as well. Since we know that we now look at where her Moon is correct? Just in case, it is in the 8H in Taurus, with Venus.

Because of the double Jupiter influence between the 4H and 7H, I told her she was likely to attract a Sagittarian personality. Is this right? Then there's also a strong emphasis on Taurus since her Moon and Venus are in the 8H correct? Or do we now look where Pluto is in her chart?!

It's confusing but I have to work on this or I'll feel defeated!

Hi Hannaramaa,

To analyze your friend's romantic taste just use the formula... Look at the signs on her 5th, 7th, and 8th house cusps, and where the rulers of these are. Look at her Vertex Axis, and her Juno.

Does she have Aquarius actually on her 5th house cusp? if so then also look at Uranus' placement for more information. If Aquarius is on the 5th house cusp with Jupiter in the 5th house, then Aqua/Sag types will be the ones that initially catch her attention.

Her Dsc falling into Pisces, means that she likes guys with a compassionate, caring energy and maybe an artistic side. The sign Pisces may be attractive to her, and wherever Neptune is in her chart will add to her taste... If she is the same generation as you then Neptune would be in Capricorn. Neptune in the 4th house, along with the 5th house ruler Uranus in the 4th house (if Aqua is on the 5th house cusp) would attract her to Cancer/lunar energy... As would her Mars in Cancer.

Is her 8th house cusp in Aries or Taurus? If all of Aries falls into her 7th house, then Aries will be a 7th house type of attraction for her. If Aries is on the 8th house cusp, then this sign will more strongly influence her private intimacy, needs rather then partnership, open friendship and affection needs... Which are the slightly different.

Also with a Pisces Dsc, Pisces rules the 12th house... And the 12th house for Virgo is usually Leo. Her secondary 7th house is the 12th house... This would add an attraction to Leo energy to her profile, and also Gemini, since her Gemini Sun rules the 12th house.

Your haven't listed her 8th house placements, apart from that her Moon is in Taurus in the 8th house. What is the sign on the cusp? and the sign of it's ruler? Moon in her 8th house again indicates a liking for Cancer/lunar energy.

And for Mars in Cancer you'd look at the 4th house, and the Moon for extra information on it's functioning. Adding Sag and Taurus energies, along with Cancer, to her Mars profile... Masculine ideals-how she feels a Man should act.

What is her Juno placement? This too would shed some light onto her taste for serious relationships. And her Vertex Axis is good to know because synastry to it tends to make a relationship feel meaningful and fated. People who aspect your Vertex seem ‘special’ and stick in your memory.

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Lotis White

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posted January 04, 2013 11:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lotis White     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

If you’re confused about how to organize your information, I’ll give you some guidelines.

What you need to know first and foremost is the signs actually on the cusps of the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, and the location of the rulers of these signs, by sign, house, and aspect.

A handy way to take note of these is to write down the sign and degree of all three of these house cusps. And then beside the cusp sign and degree, write the sign and degree of the ruling planet of the cusp sign. And the house of the cusp sign ruler. If their are any planets in these houses, then write these planets down at the end. When you look at the cusp sign, the cusp ruler, and any planets in the house, for each of these houses it should give you a general idea the central themes for each of the three relationship houses.
Here’s an example using my chart.

5th house… 7 Aries ruled by 10 Leo Mars in 9th house (meaning my 5th house cusp is at 7 degrees Aries ruled by Mars at 10 degrees Leo in the 9th house).

7th house… 25 Gemini ruled by 22 Sagittarius Mercury in 12th house, Jupiter in the 7th house.

8th house… 16 Cancer ruled by 29 Cancer Moon in 8th house, Moon in 8th house.

I recommend doing this for both yourself and your friend.

Each of these houses represents different areas of love relationships.

From an astrological perspective, the 5th house is the ROMANCE/COURTSHIP period of the relationship, where we fall in love, and observe how special and unique the other person is.

The 7th house is the MARRIAGE/COMMITMENT period of the relationship, where we relate as individuals, exchange appreciation, and make agreements…

And the 8th house is the CONSUMATION/MERGING OF RESCOURCES period of the relationship, where after the being ‘united as one‘ officially, we become interdependent on each other through the sharing of ourselves and our stuff.

Here’s a more detailed guide for examining the symbolism of …THE THREE RELATIONSHIP HOUSES

The 5th house cusp and ruler, plus planets in the 5th … Show who is romantically exciting to you, who impresses you, and who is the ’Apple of our Eye’. This house is the one in charge of romantic sparks, infatuation, adoration, and the epic saga of your personal love story… With a certain special someone.

The 7th house cusp and ruler, plus planets in the 7th house…Show who gives you feelings of sweet affection, warmth, established acceptance, and completion…. As if they offer you what you ‘need’ in a partner. The 7th house is not always exciting like the 5th house, rather it represents who you LIKE, and want relate to as a partner and friend in your daily existence.

And last but not least, the 8th house cusp and ruler, plus planets in the 8th… Show who attracts you in an intriguing, magnetic type of way… Here you want to figure the other person out, and merge with them in the most deep, intimate way possible. This house is where we share ourselves, and what we have to offer, with another physically, emotionally, and financially… to the point where our lives are inextricably intertwined.

(Note: for all of these houses also take into account the sign next along after the cusp sign, if a large part of that sign falls into the 5th, 7th or 8th house.)

When someone resembles one of these houses with their natal chart, puts planets in these houses, or aspects the ruler of these houses, they set off feelings within us in relation to the theme of that house. They bring that house ‘alive’ for us.

If they influence our 5th house the connection is about being impressed, adoration, and playful flirty type interactions. If they influence our 7th house the connection is about being best friends, and really, really liking and feeling affection for each other in day to day life. If they influence our 8th house the connection is about intimacy, and shearing a private psychological, sexual, and financial bond.

And yes, it’s entirely possible for one person to influence all three of these houses with their natal chart one way or another. With planets in houses, aspects to the ruler, or their chart simply resembling the house in question. For example, Jupiter in the 7th house meets partner with Sun conjunct Jupiter.

The more ways a partner connects to these houses the more attractive they will be for us. That’s how we use the 5th, 7th and 8th houses.


After you have the information of the three relationship houses written down clearly, then you can look at the secondary 7th house, Mars for women and Venus for Men, Juno and the Vertex Axis.


The secondary 7th house is the house ruled by the sign on the Dsc. It shows extra information about the type of partner we like.

Using the example of your friend… Her Dsc is Pisces, Pisces rules the 12th house, her 12th house will show extra information about the type of partner she likes. Usually for Virgo Asc, Leo is on the 12th house, and in this case it’s ruled by a Gemini Sun. This adds an attraction to Leo/Gemini energy to your friends profile along with her Pisces 7th house.

You could write it out like this after you‘ve written out the original 5th, 7th, and 8th houses… Secondary 7th house… Leo ruled by Sun in Gemini in (fill in the blank) house.


Your friend is female so we’ll like at Mars. Her Mars is in Cancer in the 10th house, meaning she probably likes caring, protective guys who can also take charge. For extra info on her preferences regarding male behavior we’d look at the Moon because the Moon rules her Mars sign Cancer. Her Moon is in Taurus in the 8th house, so she likes guys who are stable but also intense in a way. Then we’d look at the house ruled by her Mars sign. Her Mars is in Cancer, Cancer rules the 4th house, so in her case the 4th house shows even more about her taste. If the 4th house cusp falls into Sagittarius, then along with sensitivity and stability, she might appreciate a sense of humor or an adventurous spirit.

You could write it out like this… Cancer Mars ruled by Moon in Taurus in the 8th house, and ruling Sag on the 4th house, ruled by Jupiter in (fill in the blank for the sign and house of Jupiter).


I’ve already gone over this a number of times, but looking at your friends Juno will provide insight into her requirements of a partner if she were to commit long term to them. Just take note of the sign and house of Juno, along with any aspects she makes.

You could write it out like this… Juno in Sagittarius in the 1st house, conjunct Venus and opposite Jupiter. Keep aspect orbs under 3 degrees (this is actually my Juno position).


For the Vertex Axis just list the sign and degree of the Vertex, and the sign and degree directly opposite the Vertex (the Antivertex). Planets aspecting these will give the relationship a very ‘fated’, synchronistic type of feel.

Your could write it out like this… Vertex at 15 Taurus, and Antivertex at 15 Scorpio (this is also my placement).


If you write out all of this it will show the complete attraction pattern for any person.

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posted January 05, 2013 02:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hannaramaa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER FOR THAT LOTIS! If you ever need anything like a Tarot reading, don't hesitate to ask. I'm not nearly as experienced in this but I wish I could repay you somehow for the effort you've put in helping me understand. Truly grateful, thank you.

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posted January 05, 2013 04:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lunae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lotis, do you organize the info in composites the same way you do in synastry charts? And how do the other planets in the house cusps (5, 7 & 8) exert their influence?

Two thumbs up for your mini synastry lesson there, btw!

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posted January 05, 2013 06:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Loris White, Thank you so much!! Now I'm going to do a listing and try to analyze.

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posted January 05, 2013 08:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for inaworldofsong     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lotis... WOW. I wish there was a way to favorite posts or something, because that was a great description.

I have a question though: My chart has all of the 5th, 7th, and 8th house information pointing at each other.

i.e. My 5H cusp is Leo, ruled by the Sun, which is on my 8H cusp.
My 8H cusp is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, which is in my 7H.
My 7H cusp is Scorpio, ruled by Mars/Pluto, which are in the 5H/7H respectively.
My secondary 7H would be the 8H.
My Mars is in Leo in the 5H.

... And it just keeps going round and round like that.

What the heck does that cycle mean?

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Lotis White

Posts: 843
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posted January 09, 2013 02:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lotis White     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by inaworldofsong:
Lotis... WOW. I wish there was a way to favorite posts or something, because that was a great description.

I have a question though: My chart has all of the 5th, 7th, and 8th house information pointing at each other.

i.e. My 5H cusp is Leo, ruled by the Sun, which is on my 8H cusp.
My 8H cusp is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, which is in my 7H.
My 7H cusp is Scorpio, ruled by Mars/Pluto, which are in the 5H/7H respectively.
My secondary 7H would be the 8H.
My Mars is in Leo in the 5H.

... And it just keeps going round and round like that.

What the heck does that cycle mean?

If your 5th, 7th, and 8th houses all echo the same themes then your probably have quite a clear idea of the type of person you like. The prominence of Leo, Sagittarius and the planet Mars means you like someone that has a passionate fiery side. The Scorpio/Pluto parts mean you also like someone who has depth and sensitivity to them, as well as a perceptive nature.

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Lotis White

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posted January 09, 2013 02:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lotis White     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by hannaramaa:
[b]THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER FOR THAT LOTIS! If you ever need anything like a Tarot reading, don't hesitate to ask. I'm not nearly as experienced in this but I wish I could repay you somehow for the effort you've put in helping me understand. Truly grateful, thank you. [/B]

You're so welcome.

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Lotis White

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posted January 09, 2013 03:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lotis White     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Lunae:
Lotis, do you organize the info in composites the same way you do in synastry charts? And how do the other planets in the house cusps (5, 7 & 8) exert their influence?

Two thumbs up for your mini synastry lesson there, btw!

Composite charts are not really my specialty, although I do always check them out as a reference. When I look at composite charts I like to see strong interaction between the planets in the chart, as in there are lots of aspects between the planets. Lots of aspects generally means a strong connection, and a lack of aspects can indicate detachment or non-involvement. Although, I do believe a potent synastry can offset this.

I tend to think it’s best if the majority of aspects are conjunctions and soft aspects, with maybe one or two squares and oppositions. Conjunctions and soft aspects promote stability and are like glue. Hard aspect promote activity and change and provide excitement. All soft aspects and no hard aspects might get dull.
But too many hard aspects and the relationship might feel like a struggle. A good mix is the best scenario for most people. With the amount of conjunctions and soft aspects outweighing the hard aspects so that stability is stronger then change.

In general I like to see the aspects occurring between personal planets… Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars… With a few exciting outer planet aspects mixed in as well. The same types of aspects that we judge to be good synastry also tend to function well in the composite chart. For instance, a hard aspect between Venus and Mercury, or Venus and Jupiter, may not be that bad at all. But a hard aspect between Venus and Saturn could be painful. Although, depending on the native’s natal charts some people might be able to ‘work with’ such difficult aspects.

In terms of the 5th, 7th and 8th house rulers in a composite chart, I always look to see where they are placed and what aspects they make. This will show how the themes of playful flirting and romance, partnership and consideration, and intimacy and sharing, play out within the relationship itself. For example, the composite 5th house ruler trine the composite 7th house ruler is likely a very nice aspect to have, it’d be very warm and playful… Even if the planets involved were Mars and Saturn… That would be like the Authoritative One flirting with the Energetic One… A theme like this would exist in the relationship.

Another technique I use, that I learned about from a book by Steven Forrest and his wife Jodie (They’re really good astrologers in my opinion), is that of comparing the natal charts of each partner to the composite chart itself. What this shows is how each partner will respond to the relationship as a separate entity itself. How do they feel about being in the relationship, and does it assist them in their lives in anyway? Does it give security? provide a challenge? Offer solace? Fulfill their needs for affection? These kind of things can be seen through how the natal chart of each person aspects the composite chart. And though which natal houses the composite planets fall in for each partner. For instance, the composite Jupiter falling into one partner’s natal 5th house could refer to lots of laughter and joy in the relationship coming form flirting, and also from the children that they have together… But this would be specifically for that partner. Venus in one of the partner’s natal 2nd house might indicate that this particular partner will experience more sensuality and financial security as a result of the relationship. The relationship will be experienced slightly differently for each person.

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posted January 09, 2013 08:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lunae     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oooooooh now I see! You really have amazing snd informative inputs, Lotis! Thanks so much!

I have another question: How do aspects between angles/midpoints/vertices/asteroids affect the harmony of energies? Like for example, if Aries is the composite ascendant, would it also be like the 'overall theme' of the relationship? If it is in a hard aspect, does it also affect how they both react to the world as a couple?

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Astro keen

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posted January 09, 2013 01:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Lotis,

Would you be able to say what the following placements for Juno might indicate. I can't seem to find these on the net.

In synastry:
my Juno in 4th falls in his 1st house in Scorpio (my sun sign).
His Juno in 7th (Taurus cusp) falls in my 10th house.
Juno opp Juno.
This forms a square with my Pluto/Jupiter
Juno square Pluto (both).

The composite appears to have some rather scary aspects:
Juno conjunct Moon in 5th
Opp Pluto
Square saturn
Square NN
Trine Neptune

Is this a mixed bag or quite challenging?

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Astro keen

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posted January 09, 2013 08:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astro keen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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