posted January 12, 2013 02:31 PM
Belage,Re: divorce/Jupiter, only thing that comes to mind is that she initiated the proceedings while in the 12th and they came to fruition as it crossed her Asc.
Interestingly Mercury was transiting conjunct Jupiter at the time it crossed her ASC,
natally her 9th ruler Mercury is in the 4th, trine to Jupiter (ruler of 3rd, co-ruler of 2nd) in the 12th. 3rd house, how the mind's working, 9th legal proceedings, 4th home.
But to me the public 'shame' (if that's what you want to call it) /slash/ insane media circus is seen clearly with the progressions, Saturn IC ruler crossing MC as well and how it played into it, and Pluto crossing the Moon as MC ruler.
I use ADB over Astrotheme but some data ADB doesn't have and Astrotheme (however questionable) does, that seems to look right, one example I can think of off the top (altho it may have been 'planted' that way) is Bjork, ADB doesn't have that data. I also use Placidus.
And she is indeed truly wealthy, not just 'upper class,'
Natally she has both the ruler and co-ruler of her 6th (Neptune/Mars) conjunct in Scorpio, trine to the Cancer MC.
(Neptune is also co-ruler of her 5th, Pisces 5th house largely.)
Virgo Pluto, 2nd ruler, in 11th house of fans, sextile Mars/Neptune in 2nd.
Sagittarius Moon as MC ruler in 2nd trine to Aries Saturn in the 6th.
Moon sextile Aquarius Sun (11th ruler and co-ruler of 10th).
Libra Jupiter co-ruler of 2nd, conjunct Uranus ruler of 5th, in the 12th house of the collective.
I'm seeing both the signs and the houses ^ of wealth/work/fans coming into play here.
Mars in the 2nd is also her 7th ruler, tying her financials/work (co-ruler 6th) to her partner.
At time of divorce or shortly thereafter their 28$mil house was on the market, she had transit Pluto (H2 ruler) conjunct natal Moon (MC ruler) in the 2nd. I don't know if/how much she profited from the marriage, haven't looked into that.
Also re: image,
Cancer MC ruled by Moon, which is square to Pluto, a bit more volatile rep than the avg Libra Asc.
Sun, 11th ruler of fans also co-ruler 10th, in 4th square to Mars/Neptune (work/partner) in 2nd, seems a set-up for that crazy fall out in her relationship. In the media it was portrayed as if people were polarized to her, Jen Camp or some-such, etc, this is also bringing in transiting Pluto conjunct her Moon.