Topic: Quick reminder of Attraction Factors [apart from synastry]
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 18, 2013 11:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: yes, it could be. Especially if some of the planets relate to the relationshipprofile.
Thank you. IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 18, 2013 11:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rêve:
If two people have similar aspects/patterns natally, even if their synastry doesn't seem to be very heavy, they're likely to feel a certain way around each other. Say you have a Venus/Pluto aspect, someone with a strong Pluto may attract you, especially a Mars/Pluto person or someone with strong Scorpio/8th house influence.
I agree with this. Unfortunately, this type of relationship is often filled with power plays and manipulation, from what I have seen. I think it is harsh for these folks because on one hand, they cannot feel satisfied enough with laid-back relationships, so they crave intensity, dramatic displays of affection, etc. However, the intensity can be too hard to manage. I have seen that the partners end up exploding against each other. Yes, it is a meeting of the minds/emotions/feelings, on the other hand, it is also a meeting of their fears, weaknesses, etc. A ticking bomb. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19553 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 18, 2013 01:47 PM
Lotiswhite, "I guess my rule of thumb is no aspect, not significance." Yes. That is my rule as well.
Leaving asteroids aside I actually pay primary attention to conjunction, opposition and square. Not because I think these are easy aspects (especically not the square, though it depends on the aspecting planets), but those dynamic aspects really the ones that make you pay attention to each other (and the arising issues or themes). Of course the trines and sextile then come into play to show where you just vibe with each other and can fall back into each other`s arm with a sigh and just rest a while. However without the more dynamic aspects I don´t believe any relationship would even take off the ground, as probably people are not that inclined to change the status quo, unless there is a really strong "kickstarter". I guess this thinking is not really "on vogue" at the moment, but I have found that over and over again to be true. Tight conjunctions, oppositions and squares really are "hot spots" in any chart. However after having identified the hot spots I really would like to see some trines and sextiles smoothening the edges out a bit. For example I really like the configuration of the Point of Thales (two planets in opposition, which are trine/sextile a third one). "I’m kind of unfamiliar with Nessus and Pholus. Mind giving me your impression of these asteroids?"
In short - I know IQ and Ami Anne have done a lot of work with these- my personal take on Nessus is that he represents "lust" or "desire" in a way, that can easily get out of hand, as he doesn´t care for any kind of social conventions or rules, and worse, does not care for the recipient`s feeling at all. If he wants something or someone, he will try everything to get his way, including means of manipulation, even violence. (he is a centaur, and as such is much closer to the animalistic side as well). Pholus however, well I noticed his effects very clearly in my own way. And to me he is a "gate opener". Just you don`t always know what might come through that gate! Usually you do a little thing, and then it suddenly becomes like an avalanche and you feel like you are being carried away by a tidal wave, and when you reach the shore again, you are not the same person as before, and you never will be.
These are my personal experiences with Pholus. Perhaps it is not congruent with the view of many astrologers though, I don´t know. Maybe. lol
"There’s a kindred mind connection for sure." Yes, that`s for sure.
" Heck, we might even be distantly related. My mother was German, so who knows." LOL Small world and all. Where did she come from in Germany? " Pluto in Virgo? So he was an older man." 12 years older than me, and he was just a crush, a totally fantasy crush. But for some reason it was like through his existence alone (he did not do anything, actually he wasn`t even aware of my existence, as we only met like 12 years later. LOL ) I was being set on my spiritual path and soul development. Which was anything but easy. Interestingly, in the composite we have SN in Aries, with Mars in Capricorn squrae Saturn. And we have NN in Libra, with Venus in Pisces conjunct Jupiter. That Venus-Jupiter-conjunction falls exactly onto his Chiron and opposite his Pluto. And one significant time I crossed his path coincidentally, the transiting North Node-Saturn conjunction was opposite the composite Venus-Jupiter-conjunction. (and of course highlighting his Chiron-Pluto-opposition squaring my ASC) I guess that made sense to conclude (emotionally/ spiritually) whatever it was. I am very aware of that it was only for me, but for me it was an allimportant learning process. Funnily, our composite is PLASSTERED with asteroid mythological aspects. Eros-Psyche-opposition Isis-Osiris- conjunction Hathsepsut-Tuthmosis-conjunction Caesar-Kleopatra-conjunction Ptah-Sekhmet-conjunction Tristan-Isolda-trine wide Lancelot-Guinevere-oppositon (3 degrees) Siva quinkunx Parvati Mars-Aphrodite-opposition and so on. Always made me grin seeing that, especially knowing that he is NOT a soulpartner, or twinflame or whatever you may want to call it. I have been having several past life recalls about him, but as far as I remember we never had been lovers in these past life recalls. They often were set in wartimes, and we depended on each other for survival and usually lost each other, through death mostly, and unfortunately through betrayal as well. And in one past life recall I was a young girl, and he was my big brother, a soldier, fighting anywhere in France. I became very sick (Leucemia I think, but not sure) and it was clear I would be dying; I didn´t want to die without having seen him a last time though, but it was an almost impossible feat as I was so sick. However, he made it literally in the last second, and shortly after he came home I died. The feeling I got from that past life recall was one of a very deep love, but the sibling kind. But as it was so deep, I somehow mistook it later on for romantic infatuation. It does not even matter if these past life recalls were "real". I think they were there for a reason and illuminated the connection I felt to him in my soul. Though I know that his "job" is done in my life (as I AM on my path again), I am still filled with a deep serenity and gratefulness. Hard to describe. Oh and it feels really wonderful that at least SOME things really do end! In some way there feels like there is so much unresolved emotionally in my life, so many karmic threads to unravel, but THIS karmic thread is resolved for once and for all. a great uplifting feeling. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 1917 From: Registered: May 2009
posted January 19, 2013 07:51 AM
You already sort of mentioned this Ceridwen, but here a quote+link to/for a more *in-depth* focus on house(-to sign) affinity between Sun/Moon/Asc in synastry.An article on CosmiTec about *Astrological Conditions That Bring Lasting Love* Verry interesting! quote: We will now discuss another HIGHLY important topic and factor that is found in long lasting love unions: reciprocal Sun-Moon affinities between both natal charts.This one needs some clarification as it is not that easy to understand. As far as we know, the theory was originated by astrologer Joan McEvers and studied more in-depth by astrologer Lorri A. Mullen. The principle goes as follows: In long-term relationships and lasting love unions, two people always have a Sun/Moon, Sun/Ascendant or Moon/Ascendant factor, affinity, connection or affiliation. In other words, if the Sun, Moon or Ascendant of partner A is in the natural sign ruling the house in which the Sun or Moon of partner B is posited OR if both partners have the same house placements of the Sun or Moon (regardless of sign), it will create a deep bond between both. Did you get that properly? Some examples will surely make this more clear: •if the Sun of partner A is in the 4th house and the Sun, Moon or Ascendant of partner B is in Cancer, we have an important affiliation or affinity that makes that both persons stick together. •another example: if both partners have the Moon in exactly the same house, let's say the 11th house, this is another affinity or affiliation.
•if partner A has the Sun in, for example, the 11th house and partner B has the Moon in the same house, the 11th is this case, this is another affinity that keeps both partners together.
To read the whole article, click here (and scroll down a bit); onaffinities
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19553 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 19, 2013 09:28 AM
Yes, I have read that, actually I am getting their newsletter. There are often very interesting points in them.I have read about that Sun/Moon/ASC affinity for the first time in the book by Marion March and JOan Mc Evers. And since ten I have found this to be true over and over and over again. This must have been like 20 years ago now. example: my parents My Dad has Taurus-Moon in opposition to my Mum`s Scorpio-Sun.
But his Moon is also in the 8th house, which has some affinity with her Scorpio Sun. her Moon in Virgo - his ASC in Virgo both have Sun in 5th house - though their Suns are tightly squared (actually my Dad has a natal Sun-Moon-square which makes a T-square with my Mum`s Sun) IP: Logged |
miranda Knowflake Posts: 31 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted January 19, 2013 10:14 AM
So let's see if I get this right LotisIf A has: 5th cusp in Aries, Mars is in Cancer (8th) 7th cusp in Gemini, Mercury in Leo (8th) 8th in Cancer, Moon in Taurus (5th) The Moon and Mercury are in tight square aspect. Together with the NN they form a T-square. Mars is conj. Sun and Uranus Jupiter is in 7 widely conj. Juno and if Person B has:
- Asc in Gem, Mars conj. from 12th - Mercury in Aqua conj. the NN and thus getting in on the above t-square action - Juno in Virgo squaring Jupiter of A (and Juno) - Moon in Virgo in 5th, IC in Leo - SN in Taurus then that's the kind of comparism you do, right? Only that Mercury isn't a very sexy planet ![](
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 20, 2013 07:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Lotiswhite, "I’m kind of unfamiliar with Nessus and Pholus. Mind giving me your impression of these asteroids?"
In short - I know IQ and Ami Anne have done a lot of work with these- my personal take on Nessus is that he represents "lust" or "desire" in a way, that can easily get out of hand, as he doesn´t care for any kind of social conventions or rules, and worse, does not care for the recipient`s feeling at all. If he wants something or someone, he will try everything to get his way, including means of manipulation, even violence. (he is a centaur, and as such is much closer to the animalistic side as well). Pholus however, well I noticed his effects very clearly in my own way. And to me he is a "gate opener". Just you don`t always know what might come through that gate! are not the same person as before, and you never will be.
These are my personal experiences with Pholus. Perhaps it is not congruent with the view of many astrologers though, I don´t know. Maybe. lol
Thanks for this. My mother was born in Frankfurt Germany, and her and rest of the family left Germany when she was about 3 years old to come to Down-under. quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen:
" Pluto in Virgo? So he was an older man." 12 years older than me, and he was just a crush, a totally fantasy crush. But for some reason it was like through his existence alone (he did not do anything, actually he wasn`t even aware of my existence, as we only met like 12 years later. LOL ) I was being set on my spiritual path and soul development. Which was anything but easy.Interestingly, in the composite we have SN in Aries, with Mars in Capricorn squrae Saturn. And we have NN in Libra, with Venus in Pisces conjunct Jupiter. That Venus-Jupiter-conjunction falls exactly onto his Chiron and opposite his Pluto. And one significant time I crossed his path coincidentally, the transiting North Node-Saturn conjunction was opposite the composite Venus-Jupiter-conjunction. (and of course highlighting his Chiron-Pluto-opposition squaring my ASC) I guess that made sense to conclude (emotionally/ spiritually) whatever it was. I am very aware of that it was only for me, but for me it was an allimportant learning process. Funnily, our composite is PLASSTERED with asteroid mythological aspects. Eros-Psyche-opposition Isis-Osiris- conjunction Hathsepsut-Tuthmosis-conjunction Caesar-Kleopatra-conjunction Ptah-Sekhmet-conjunction Tristan-Isolda-trine wide Lancelot-Guinevere-oppositon (3 degrees) Siva quinkunx Parvati Mars-Aphrodite-opposition and so on. Always made me grin seeing that, especially knowing that he is NOT a soulpartner, or twinflame or whatever you may want to call it. I have been having several past life recalls about him, but as far as I remember we never had been lovers in these past life recalls. They often were set in wartimes, and we depended on each other for survival and usually lost each other, through death mostly, and unfortunately through betrayal as well. And in one past life recall I was a young girl, and he was my big brother, a soldier, fighting anywhere in France. I became very sick (Leucemia I think, but not sure) and it was clear I would be dying; I didn´t want to die without having seen him a last time though, but it was an almost impossible feat as I was so sick. However, he made it literally in the last second, and shortly after he came home I died. The feeling I got from that past life recall was one of a very deep love, but the sibling kind. But as it was so deep, I somehow mistook it later on for romantic infatuation. It does not even matter if these past life recalls were "real". I think they were there for a reason and illuminated the connection I felt to him in my soul. Though I know that his "job" is done in my life (as I AM on my path again), I am still filled with a deep serenity and gratefulness. Hard to describe. Oh and it feels really wonderful that at least SOME things really do end! In some way there feels like there is so much unresolved emotionally in my life, so many karmic threads to unravel, but THIS karmic thread is resolved for once and for all. a great uplifting feeling.
This is fascinating. I think it’s also indicative that when there is a pull to someone, and it shows in the astrology, that doesn’t mean that the two people are meant to be as a couple. It can show attraction and learning from the experience but not necessarily fairytale endings. I always worry a little when people new to astrology think certain aspects mean some type of guarantee… They’re bound to get disillusioned. I’m a believer in reincarnation too. Although I have some vague impressions of past human lives I can’t recall anything that detailed! I also am unsure how much of my ’impressions’ are my imagination and how much are actual recall. A psychic once told me about a few of my previous life times though, and it was quite interesting. Apparently at one point I was in the middle east and spent most of my life in a harem, which I hated because I felt very trapped and used as an object but not loved. It’s like the explosion of Sag planets I have in this lifetime are a rebellion against this, especially my Jupiter in the 7th house. I wanted to break free, and choose for myself who I’d be with. Another life the psychic told me about was that at one point I was a French actress who had a drug problem. Ha ha! We must learn from our experiences because I’m so anti-drug in this life. And in another life, I was supposedly born into a rich family in India and lived a pampered life. There were a few other lives the psychic told me about and I wrote them down, but I can’t quite remember all of them right now.
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 20, 2013 09:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by miranda: So let's see if I get this right LotisIf A has: 5th cusp in Aries, Mars is in Cancer (8th) 7th cusp in Gemini, Mercury in Leo (8th) 8th in Cancer, Moon in Taurus (5th) The Moon and Mercury are in tight square aspect. Together with the NN they form a T-square. Mars is conj. Sun and Uranus Jupiter is in 7 widely conj. Juno and if Person B has:
- Asc in Gem, Mars conj. from 12th - Mercury in Aqua conj. the NN and thus getting in on the above t-square action - Juno in Virgo squaring Jupiter of A (and Juno) - Moon in Virgo in 5th, IC in Leo - SN in Taurus then that's the kind of comparism you do, right? Only that Mercury isn't a very sexy planet ![](
Hi Miranda That's the first step in what I do. Basically, I compare the symbolism of person A's 5th, 7th, and 8th houses to person B's entire chart to see how they match. And vice versa. For example, person B has their Virgo Moon in the 5th house... This is a good symbolism match with person A's Cancer planets (because the Moon rules Cancer). Moon in the 5th house shows an attraction to people with Cancer/Moon traits in their personality. So they are likely to fall for people with important placements in Cancer, or a very strong Moon in their chart (like Moon conjunct Asc, or something). Another good example of this type of comparison here, is person A has a Gemini Dsc, while person B has a Gemini Asc. Person B's persona matched person A's relationship needs (communication). Do this type of comparison with each of the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses with the partner's chart. Look at the sign on the cusp, the position of the planet ruling that cusp, and any planets in the house in question. If there is an interception or a lot of the next sign along in one of the 5th, 7th, or 8th houses, then keep the intercepted sign, or next sign along, in mind as a sub-influence on your taste. If person B has a Gemini Asc, then their 7th house is Sagittarius. So you'd look at their Jupiter position then then relate it to person A's chart. The more a person's chart resonates with our 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, the more we'll be attracted to them. The more our chart resonates with a person's 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, the more they'll be attracted to us. And by 'resonate' I mean that there is a symbolic match between the partner's chart and the person in questions 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. For example, a person with Pluto in the 7th house would be attracted to a partner with planets in Scorpio, a strongly aspected Pluto in their charts, or planets in the 8th house. If this person also has Libra on the 7th house cusp, then they will also be attracted to a partner with Libra planets, a strongly aspected Venus, or planets in the 7th house. To take it further, if Venus ruling this Libra Dsc, was in the sign of Leo, then this person would be atteacted a partner with planets in Leo, a strongly aspected Sun, or planets in the 5th house. In short, they'd go for a partner who had Scorpio/Pluto/8th house, Libra/Venus/7th house, and Leo/Sun/5th house combinations in their natal chart. A partner with these in their chart would symbolically match this person's 7th house. We'd do this for each of the 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, and then check for symbolism matches. Symbolism matches show how a person fits your relationship ideals. If a partner's natal chart resembles the your 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, then they have the type of personality that you find attractive. They are your 'type' and act in a way that you find attractive. After I've checked for symbolic matches for each partner's chart to the other partner's 5th, 7th and 8th houses, I then check house ruler aspects. When the rulers of the 5th, 7th, or 8th houses aspect the other person's chart this brings a about chemistry, or attraction if you will, in relation to the theme of that house. The 5th house ruler trining the partner's Sun could indicate that the 5th house person adores the Sun person's mode of self-expression. The 8th house ruler trine the partner's Venus could indicate that the 8th house person finds the partner's beauty and charm to be 'sexy'. The 7th house ruler conjunct the partner's Moon could show that the 7th house person sees the Moon person as fulfilling their relationship needs, especially though the way they nurture and express emotion, and through their inner vulnerability. The 7th house person would also feel a lot of affection towards the Moon, and like them a lot. Symbolism matches show if they have the 'right' type of personality for us. And aspects to the 5th, 7th and 8th house rulers show the chemistry and energy flow between people that generates attraction. Write out person B's info in exactly the same way as you have written person A's info. Person A 5th cusp in Aries, Mars is in Cancer (8th) 7th cusp in Gemini, Mercury in Leo (8th) 8th in Cancer, Moon in Taurus (5th) Look at how person B's entire natal chart symbolically matches with each of person A's 5th, 7th, and 8th houses. The more they match the better. For the 5th house symbolism match do the have Aries/Mars/1st house or Cancer/Moon/4th house strong in their chart? With the 5th house ruler in the 8th house, it's also worth keeping Scorpio/Pluto/8th house influences in mind for a symbolism match to the 5th house as well. The house of the planet ruling the cusp has an effect, although it is a little less potent then the actual sign of the planet ruling the cusp. The house placement is like a diluted version of the sign it's associated with, and has a lesser effect on our taste then the sign itself. But it IS still very relevant to keep in mind. For a symbolic match to person A's 7th house does person B have strong Gemini/Mercury/3rd house or Leo/Sun/5th house in their chart? Again, with the 7th house ruler in the 8th house keep Scorpio/Pluto/8th house in mind as well.
8th in Cancer, Moon in Taurus (5th) For a symbolic match to person A's 8th house does person B have strong Cancer/Moon/4th house (again), or Taurus/Venus/2nd house in their chart. With the 8th house ruler in the 5th (again) keep in mind Leo/Sun/5th house for an 8th house symbolic match as well as a 7th house one. And of course all the planets in these houses will modify the theme for each house as well. Moon in the 5th emphasizes Cancer/Moon/4th house for a 5th house symbolism match. Jupiter in the 7th adds a Sagittarius/Jupiter/9th house theme to person A's 7th house taste. Any repeated themes will be significant. Check how person B's chart also symbolically matches for the planets in person A's 5th, 7th, or 8th houses. If person B has Mercury in Aquarius (ruling their Gemini Asc, no less), and Uranus is in person A's 7th or 8th house then this counts as a symbolic match! Next we look at how person B aspects person A's 5th, 7th, and 8th house rulers. This shows the type of chemistry person A feels when the are around person B. Person A has Aries, Gemini, and Cancer on the 5th, 7th and 8th houses. So then we'd look at how A's Mars, Mercury, and the Moon, aspect person B's chart. The more strongly they aspect person B's chart the stronger the chemistry will be for person A. Sextiles and trines are very loving. Oppositions are magnetic. Squares can be difficult and dramatic but they can still generate attraction. After the process of comparing person B's entire natal chart to person A's 5th, 7th, and 8th houses reverse the process. Compare person A's entire chart to person B's 5th, 7th and 8th houses to see if person A is person B's type in personality (symbolic matches), and if person A can make person B feel chemistry (aspects to the rulers of B's 5th, 7th, and 8th houses from A's chart). I focused mainly on explaining the houses part, but also keep Juno and the Vertex Axis in mind as well. I hope this clarified everything. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 21, 2013 05:20 AM
Bump for my posts taking hours to show up.IP: Logged |
miranda Knowflake Posts: 31 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted January 21, 2013 05:56 AM
Yes thank you, although I did word mine a bit awkward I admit.What I was trying to say is, because person A has a Taurus Moon in the 5th square Leo Mercury, Person Bs Virgo Moon in the 5th trine Venus is a resonance/match. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 21, 2013 06:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by miranda: Yes thank you, although I did word mine a bit awkward I admit.What I was trying to say is, because person A has a Taurus Moon in the 5th square Leo Mercury, Person Bs Virgo Moon in the 5th trine Venus is a resonance/match.
Ha ha. Okay. Short answer is yes. The Moon ruling the 8th house is in Taurus (an Earth sign) and square Mercury, which already falls in the 8th house. Mercury in the 8th can relate to either Gemini or Virgo, but with Mercury's ruler and the 8th house ruler being the Moon in Taurus, this to me is very 'Virgoish' because of the Earth influence. So the 8th house Mercury symbolism would relate to the Virgo Moon, and the Gemini 7th house cusp would relate more to the Gemini Asc. Oh, and Mercury sooo can be 'sexy'! Especially for people with Gemini or Virgo on the 5th, 7th, and 8th house cusps. I'm a Sag rising myself and I find that guys with a strong Mercury in their charts tend to have certain habitual 'mannerisms' that are really attractive to me. It's in their voice and their gestures. They're fast and alert in a way that I find cute. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19553 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 21, 2013 06:49 AM
Lotis, "I think it’s also indicative that when there is a pull to someone, and it shows in the astrology, that doesn’t mean that the two people are meant to be as a couple." Exactly. There will still be the meshing of energies, as described by astrology. But how each person acts is dependent on many factors.
It is like astrology deals the cards, but it is up to each person how they play them, or if they refuse to play alltogether. I think though that is the reason that we can experience one sided synastry, too. Even be impacted by certain actors. They DO serve a purpose, but usually in the life of the person on the "receiving" end, like the audience. Of course there are some very rare occasions when it mixes, if two people meet for example. "strology think certain aspects mean some type of guarantee… They’re bound to get disillusioned." Yes, but I have noticed that it is not much use to try to tell them. Most people don´t really approve of the complexity, and rather wished astrology would deliver easy answers. Yes or no. But people and human relationships ARE complex. And of course astrology would reflect that.
however, I think that the clearer and stronger attractions pattern occur in a synastry or even composite, the more likely it is that the attraction is felt. It still might be that one or both person decide to NOT get into a relationship, but that doesnt´negate that a certain "spark" is there. " I also am unsure how much of my ’impressions’ are my imagination and how much are actual recall. " Yes, I agree. however, in some way I came to the conclusion, that it is not so important for me, if the recall relates to a real past life or not (well of course it would be nice), but if it is a strong story that is being brought to me, strong imagery, then this imagery is there to tell me something, about me, about my inner connection or feeling about someone.
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LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 11983 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted March 15, 2014 12:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen:
For example I really like the configuration of the Point of Thales (two planets in opposition, which are trine/sextile a third one).
Ceridwen, could you please elaborate about the Point of Thales in synastry? How to read it? ![]( IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 11983 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted March 15, 2014 05:07 PM
bump for Ceridwen ![]( IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1905 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 16, 2014 05:09 AM This link with tell you about the point of thales. It's not really a 'point' so much as it is a certain type of configuration that can occur between planets and points. An opposition, that has another planet or point aspecting both sides of the opposition, one end with a trine, and the other end with a sextile. I have one in my chart. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 11983 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted March 16, 2014 11:00 AM
Thank you, Lotis Great link!IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 2104 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted February 25, 2015 09:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: I can't quote the whole post, but I totaly agree with everything Lotis said, and I've been doing tons of research on synastries, including my own. Just the typical Sun/Venus and Venus/Mars is never enough. Synastric house overlay seems to tell a much bigger story. Absolutely agree with Lotis that if the 5th, 7th AND 8th houses are affected all together by each other's planets, the reaction is imminent ( the reaction depends on the planets invloved). The draw is huge! Also, in addition to the house overlay factor - the Vertex is such an incredible pull, if conjuncted by another's planet/s or angles .. all reasons and logic go through the window - the two people are fiercely pulled towards each other by what seems to be an invisible force ( fate). The Vertex is called the "Destiny's gate". The only thing Lotis forgot to mention is the Node connections, which seems to be an incredibly strong factor in connecting two people together. In a few words - [1]if two people affect each other's 5th, 7th and 8th house, [2]if Vertex conjunct tightly the other's personal planet/s or angles and if [3]Nodes conjunct tightly another's personal planets or angles, and if [4] ASC/DC or/and IC/MC is thrown in that mixture - there's no way those two won't fall deeply in love with each other. You can pretty much forget the rest of the aspects in the synastry if the forementioned 4 factors come into play. If you want to play a bit more - check to see how Eros ( # 433) and Amor ( #1221) asteroids fit in your synastries. Tight conjunctions is what I am looking for. Eros conjunctions are very sexual. Amor's is a pure love. Also, go to the asteroid list on Astrodienst and find the asteroid that bears the name of the person you are interested in. Check to see if his name asteroid conjuncts an important planet or angle in your own chart. If it conjuncts your DC or Venus or Sun or Moon - your love was simply written in the stars, as the saying goes, from the day you were born. Then check your name asteroid to see where it falls in his/her chart and se how it realtes to it. Name asteroids synastry is so much fun!!!
I just read this old post of mine and I still like it bunches ) IP: Logged |
Violets Knowflake Posts: 4522 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted February 26, 2015 12:04 AM
Sidenote: I miss Doux here (but I shan't be selfish about it). ![]( IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 6471 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 26, 2015 12:54 AM
quote: Originally posted by Violets: Sidenote: I miss Doux here (but I shan't be selfish about it). ![](
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19553 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 26, 2015 02:54 AM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: I just read this old post of mine and I still like it bunches )
Totally second every word in there! ![]( IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 19553 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 26, 2015 02:54 AM
quote: Originally posted by Violets: Sidenote: I miss Doux here (but I shan't be selfish about it). ![](
yes, me, too. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 6862 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2015 04:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by Violets: Sidenote: I miss Doux here (but I shan't be selfish about it). ![](
So do I. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 2104 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted February 26, 2015 07:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Totally second every word in there! ![](
Thanks, hunny Long time no see here, were you on a break from the forum? Or was it me... I miss Doux on here too IP: Logged | |