Topic: LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1778 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 25, 2013 09:31 AM
Lets look at their synastry!This is actually from another thread, but the thread was so long I felt like the LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian thing had turned into a side-point, so I wanted to elaborate on it more here. This post is what inspired me to get started. quote: Originally posted by Orange: Perfect example for the Nodes at work --->synastry wheels for LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian. He left his model wife Brandy to wed LeAnn after having a passionate affair with LeAnn. Her time of birth is known, his time of birth is unknown. So only look at her houses and angles, but not his. I don't see much in their syanstry except for double Node links - her North Node to his Venus and his North Node to her Moon. Also, Psyche and Eros are conjunct. The rest of the synastry is almost irrelevant. It does add a nice touch to the overal connection but none of the other aspects would make a man leave his wife and kids for another. This is the original thread.
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1778 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 25, 2013 09:33 AM
Mmmm. Leann Rimes and Eddie Cibrian. Not saying I approve of how the relationship started, but I actually can see some real and valid reasons as to why they fell head-over-heels. I can see some potential trouble spots as well. In Eddie's case their is no known time of birth, so disregard his Asc, and house cusps. First off, there is actually some pretty potent synastry here. About the Nodes stuff… Her Mars at 15 Scorpio is trine his Venus at 13 Cancer, which is also conjunct her North Node at 12 Cancer (Orange has already pointed out). This adds physical chemistry, and for Leann, the feeling that she is learning something important from Eddie. We often learn a lot from those who conjunct our North Node as they already have characteristics that we are currently learning to develop. And with the romantic fireworks of her Mars trine his Venus added to the mix, more then likely this lesson related to love and sex (how to handle these issues, or even how not to handle these issues). His North Node is at 7 Capricorn, conjunct his own Moon (depending on what time of day he was born), and widely conjunct Leann’s Moon at 2 Capricorn. (Orange makes note of this too). This conjunction is much wider then the Venus/North Node one, but I do think it reinforces a theme in their relationship about learning lessons, and finding the traits that your learning to embrace in your partner. Leann’s Capricorn Moon reinforces Eddie’s Capricorn North Node/Moon conjunction, and his Saturn/ Sun conjunction in Gemini. She is more then likely helping him to learn how to deal with all the Capricorn energy he has taken on in his chart this lifetime. With Eddie’s birth time unknown, we don’t know exactly what degree his moon is at, but if it’s anywhere near noon, then his Moon is not only conjunct Leann’s Capricorn Moon but also trine her Virgo Sun. These two have quite a few traditional Male/Female physical attraction aspects as well. Along with Venus trine Mars, and maybe Sun trine Moon (If he was born near noon), they also have her Venus at 17 Leo sextile his Uranus at 18 Libra, DW Pluto/Sun aspects both with only a 1 degree orb, and his Pluto at 1 Libra trine her Asc at 2 Aquarius, and square her Moon at 2 Capricorn. That’s a pretty heady bunch of attraction producing aspects. And Pluto is strong which means intensity. I see significant house related synastry as well. When I look at the symbolism of Leann’s 5th, 7th, and 8th houses, and her 5th, 7th, and 8th, house ruler aspects to Eddie‘s chart, I can see why she was so attracted to him. I can't do this from Eddie's side because I don't know his time of birth. But with Leann's house cusps known, the attraction can be seen from her side clear as day… Eddie's Sun/Saturn conjunction in Gemini falls into Leann's Gemini ruled 5th house of romance and infatuation. This indicates that for Leann, Eddie is THAT type of guy that she finds impressive and exciting. More then likely when they first met he was able to blow her away with the force of his personality. From her 5th house, Eddie’s Sun/Saturn at 25 and 24 degrees of Gemini respectively, trines Leann’s Pluto at 24 Libra and opposes her Neptune at 24 Sagittarius… To her, the attraction probably felt irresistibly deep and intense in a smoldering plutonic kind of way, and also felt like an escape into some kind of fantasy dream land… Like he helped her get away from the hum drum of her ordinary existence. Leann’s Gemini 5th house cusp, and her Virgo 8th house cusp, are both ruled by Mercury at 1 Libra. As it happens Eddie has his Pluto at 1 Libra exactly conjunct Leann’s Mercury. This wouldn’t usually be considered that much of a sexy aspect, but with Mercury being the ruler her 5th and 8th houses, I think it adds up to some pretty hot stuff. His Plutonic sexuality and passion would be energizing her life areas of romantic sparks and private intimacy. The symbolism of Leann’s 8th house, like the 5th house, also relates quite well to Eddie’s natal placements. Leann has both Mercury and Saturn in the 8th house, and Eddie is a Gemini with Moon in Capricorn. Actually, there are some strong Neptune/Pluto themes in their relationship. Some of which point to the potential difficulties that they may face together. Her Pluto is trine his Sun/Saturn, and her Neptune opposes his Sun/Saturn… While his Libra Pluto is conjunct her Mercury, and square her Moon at 2 Capricorn. And his Neptune at 5 Sagittarius is square her Sun at 5 Virgo! Issues of intimacy, passion, and possessiveness, as well as fantasy and escape Vs reality, are quite a theme in this relationship. Interestingly the relationship itself started as a deception. They have DW Sun/Neptune hard aspects! Neptune has a way of making things seem ideal or ‘perfect’ even when they not. My guess is that at the beginning of the relationship the attraction was hypnotic and felt like a dream come true. Only once the romantic fog starts to clear, it may become apparent that there are actually flaws in the relationship they hadn’t anticipated. Issues concerning trust, jealousy, clarity, and needing to be sure of where you stand with the other, may come to the fore. Leann has Leo on the 7th house cusp, her Virgo Sun is the ruler of her 7th house of partnership. Having her 7th house ruler square his Neptune may make her especially vulnerable to wondering where she stands with Eddie, and if she can trust him. The Neptune hard apsects in their synastry make it very important for them to be clear and straightforward with each other or confusion and mistrust may develop. From Eddie’s side, his Pluto square her Moon may mean that he can be quite jealous when it come to her, even if he normally isn’t a jealous kind of guy. Another issue they may have is that Eddie has Mercury at 19 Cancer square Uranus at 18 Libra…. While Leann has her Saturn at 19 Libra conjunct Eddie’s Uranus and square Eddie’s Mercury. His Mercury/Uranus square indicates that he may like to mingle with lots of different people, and communicate freely and randomly whenever he feels like it. Leann’s Saturn is in her 8th house, so her Saturn Conjunct his Uranus and square his Mercury means that she may try to hamper his freedom, control what he says, and who he mixes with, out of fear that his open ways might lead to him violating their private bond. In other words, she may fear he’ll cheat. The positive side of this aspect is that with a Mercury/Uranus square he has a pretty erratic mind, and with her Saturn she is able to calm him down and give him focus. Her 7th house Venus is sextile her 8th house Saturn natally, so my guess is that even though the relationship started as an affair, she ultimately wants stability and security in her relationship. One possible saving grace they may have is if Eddie’s Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Leann’s Capricorn Moon, or trine her Virgo Sun. With Leann’s 7th house ruler being the Sun, a trine from his Moon would enhance her attraction to him as a life partner, and make her long for his company, on top of the traditional meaning of a Sun/Moon aspect… Like general harmony, physical attraction, and yin/yang balance between them (even if SHE is the one with the Sun, this is still a very positive aspect). Her Jupiter at 5 Scorpio would be sextile this trine as well, adding to the positivity of it. I hope for their sakes that his Moon is trine her Sun. It would really compensate for that questionable Neptune square to her 7th house ruler. Those of you familiar with my posts might remember that I use something called secondary house cusps. Okay, so Leann has Leo on the 7th house cusp, and Leo rules the 5th house, so the 5th house is Leann’s secondary 7th house. The secondary 7th house provides extra details about what we need in committed relationships. This means that for Leann, the 5th house is not just about the playful romantic side of a relationship, but also about what she needs in serious partnerships. With Leo on the 7th house cusp romance and marriage are interlinked in her chart. Keeping this in mind, Eddie’s Gemini planets and Libra Pluto, are part of what attracted Leann to want to marry him, and not just have an affair. This is because they influence Leann’s secondary 7th house. Which is her original 5th. This is part of the strong attraction between them. Another 7th house factor in their favor as a couple is that fact that her Venus in the 7th house is sextile his Uranus. Even by itself this aspect is said create an electric romantic attraction (as mentioned before), and with her Venus receiving this aspect from the 7th house this effect is doubled. The excitement she feels around Eddie is another part of what attracted her to marry him, and make him a permanent part of her life. Too bad I don’t also have Eddie’s time of birth. Then I’d see even more of what’s going on here.
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1778 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 25, 2013 09:45 AM
Also wanted to add that I see the asteroid connections as being significant too. So, a big yes to Orange on the Eros/Psyche conjunction. There's some significant Juno synastry too. Leann's Juno in Sagittarius is conjunct her Neptune and opposite Eddie's Gemini Sun. And her Juno conjunct Neptune symbolically matches with Eddie's Pisces Mars. Eddie has Juno in Sagittarius also, and this symbolically matches with Leann's exact natal Jupiter/Sun sextile. Their respective Juno positions are mirrored in each other's charts in different ways. IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka Knowflake Posts: 2902 From: Toronto Registered: Mar 2012
posted January 25, 2013 09:45 AM
Lotis, you're incredible. Just awesome  IP: Logged |
so square Knowflake Posts: 31 From: nodnol Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 25, 2013 10:51 AM
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page one Knowflake Posts: 437 From: USA Registered: Jun 2012
posted January 25, 2013 11:14 AM
There's also a strong Lilith connection between them: Eddie's Lilith is conjunct Leeann's Juno and Neptune, Leeann's Lilith conjuncts Eddie's NN. This could enhance the draw and also the potential for mutual and self-deception.IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 3394 From: Registered: May 2009
posted January 25, 2013 11:31 AM
They pulled up in her travel bus one night, quite tipsy, after a a local restaurant where my daughter manages.She said she was quite tipsy, but very nice and the man was as well...a great couple  IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 4138 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 25, 2013 12:49 PM
I'd like to see Brandi's chart she's more interesting than either of them.and Leann? she calls herself America's Sweetheart. go figure  ------------------ "For all those who believe, expect a miracle.” Linda Goodman 1925-1995 IP: Logged |
starfairy Knowflake Posts: 814 From: Registered: Jul 2010
posted January 25, 2013 01:02 PM
Wow, they both have pretty strong nodal aspects in their natal charts.Yes, the double Venus-North node conjunction is pretty cool. Also, his North node conjunct her South node, and vice-versa is highly karmic. I agree Brandi's more interesting, but she's such a drama queen! She's absolutely gorgeous, though! IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 1937 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 25, 2013 02:59 PM
Thanks for delving into their synastry, Lotis. I am very curious how their relationship will unfold. I initially looked at their synastry to find out what made her fall so deeply in love with him( well, he is gorgeous from every side and upside down) and to find out what made him leave a super sexy wife and adorable kids... i still dont find anything strong in their charts other than the powerful double whammy Node connections and reverse Nodal aspects. Also - the Psyche/ Eros conjunction is quite seductive and rare. The rest of the synastry is okay but will not pull two ppl so strongly together. I am pretty sure that he has his ASC /DC affected by her planets abd Vertex but we dont know his birth time. His Neptune square her Sun means that he will cheat on her down the road. Brandy did say he was a compulsive cheater anyway. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1778 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 25, 2013 06:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: Thanks for delving into their synastry, Lotis. I am very curious how their relationship will unfold. I initially looked at their synastry to find out what made her fall so deeply in love with him( well, he is gorgeous from every side and upside down) and to find out what made him leave a super sexy wife and adorable kids... i still dont find anything strong in their charts other than the powerful double whammy Node connections and reverse Nodal aspects. Also - the Psyche/ Eros conjunction is quite seductive and rare. The rest of the synastry is okay but will not pull two ppl so strongly together. I am pretty sure that he has his ASC /DC affected by her planets abd Vertex but we dont know his birth time. His Neptune square her Sun means that he will cheat on her down the road. Brandy did say he was a compulsive cheater anyway.
Hi Orange, Yeah, well since we don't know his birth time it's hard to say exactly why HE left his ex for LeAnn. When I look at LeAnn's house rulers in aspect to Eddie's chart though, I can see what the magnetic pull was for HER. Of course, there's obviously some reason he left or it wouldn't have happened! Not that I approve of that type of thing. I'm wondering what your thoughts are on physical attraction aspects. LeAnn and Eddie have Venus trine Mars (very well known in astrology for romantic attractions), and Uranus sextile Venus. If Eddie was born around noon, then they also have Sun trine Moon. Wouldn't you consider these aspects significant for attraction? Node connections are important, yes, but they are hardly the be all and end all of attraction. Interplanetary aspects, and house related synastry is important too. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1778 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 25, 2013 06:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by so square: hi. i don't know who either of those people are, but i felt compelled to click on the thread for some reason. when i did, imagine my surprise to find that this eddie bloke was born on the same day as me. same year, everything.i did notice that at 12pm in la there is no grand cross. i mention this, as i have one. and i guess that if he was born earlier in the day, he would have one too (i was born in london). i'll try and post my chart, but i'm not sure i know how. i'm new here. i don't really have anything to add, except i look nothing like him and i looked her up and i don't find her in the least bit attractive. in fact, i notice she is a lot younger than him and i'm usually more attracted to older women - up to 10 years older, seldom more than a year or two younger. i don't have a wife and kids but if i did, i wouldn't leave them for all the tea in china and would be totally devastated if they left me! sam. here's my chart (maybe):
I wouldn't worry. You may have been born the same day as him, but chances are you were born at a different time and location (your were born in London and he in California). So the degrees of your Moon, Asc, and house cusps, will all be different from his. Just because he was a cheater doesn't mean you will be. You're your own person! My guess is the Eddie has an Asc, house rulers, and a Vertex Axis, that resonates specifically with LeAnn's chart and that is why he went for her. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 1937 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 25, 2013 06:25 PM
Hi Lotis. You are correct in your assesment about her reaction to him. And not knowing his birth data only leaves us guessing. I do suspect major hit on his angles. Venus Mars trine is nice but not groundbreaking. Venus/Uranus sextille is too mild to get into play. Even without his birth time, I still expected to see some strong Plutonian or Saturnine interconnection, which is missing or simply not enough to pull the trigger. Pluto on her Mercury is strong, though, considering Mercury is the ruler of her 8th., you are right. s simply nit enough
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1778 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 25, 2013 06:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by lalalinda: I'd like to see Brandi's chart she's more interesting than either of them.and Leann? she calls herself America's Sweetheart. go figure 
quote: Originally posted by starfairy: Wow, they both have pretty strong nodal aspects in their natal charts.Yes, the double Venus-North node conjunction is pretty cool. Also, his North node conjunct her South node, and vice-versa is highly karmic. I agree Brandi's more interesting, but she's such a drama queen! She's absolutely gorgeous, though!
Is Brandi famous? I know that LeAnn is an actress/singer and the Eddie is an actor. The only reason I’ve ever really noticed them was because the scandal of the affair was all over the media. And years ago I did like that song ‘I Hope You Dance’ by LeAnn. Is Brandi one of those people on a reality show? Drama queen, huh. Ha ha! Sometimes that can be exhausting.
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1778 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 25, 2013 07:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: Hi Lotis. You are correct in your assesment about her reaction to him. And not knowing his birth data only leaves us guessing. I do suspect major hit on his angles. Venus Mars trine is nice but not groundbreaking. Venus/Uranus sextille is too mild to get into play. Even without his birth time, I still expected to see some strong Plutonian or Saturnine interconnection, which is missing or simply not enough to pull the trigger. Pluto on her Mercury is strong, though, considering Mercury is the ruler of her 8th., you are right. s simply nit enough
I actually found that they do have pretty strong Pluto/Saturn stuff. Her Saturn at 19 Libra is conjunct his Uranus at 18 Libra, and square his Mercury at 19 Cancer. Her Pluto at 24 Libra is trine his Sun at 25 Gemini. His Saturn at 24 Gemini is opposite her Neptune at 24 Sagittarius and trine her Pluto at 24 Libra. His Pluto at 1 Libra is square her Moon at 2 Capricorn, and conjunct her Mercury at 1 Libra. I think it’s true that his Neptune square her Sun, which is her 7th house ruler, may mean he’ll cheat. All in less then two degrees of orb. About the attraction aspects. I know a lot of people don't think much of Sextiles and Trines, that the are weak or something. True, they are less powerful then conjunctions and oppositions. But what I've noticed is they are not 'weak' so much as they are flowing and smooth. They keep everything stable so we may not notice too many crazy happenings. They are strong though. Once they get to flowing in a certain direction it's hard to alter the course of things. It's like a current that you can get swept away by. It’s hard to interrupt the flow. I've been very attracted as a result of Venus trine Mars. Sextiles are light, playful, communicative, and sometimes rather flirty. They are mild in the sense that they are not melodramatic, and are about daily interactions running smoothly. Uranus conjunct Venus might have been more magnetic, yes. However, Uranus sextile Venus has it’s own charm. It’s a flirty and exciting aspect, where the two people find each other fascinating in a harmonious kind of way. The first sextile in the zodiac ends in the sign Gemini, and this aspect definitively has some Gem-like characteristics. A sextile is like a good conversation. The two planets find each other interesting, and stimulating in a fun way, and yet they are also comfortable with each other, and get along. It’s a natural flow. Squares and Oppositions create drama, and make headlines. Trines and Sextiles keep everything running smoothly so that we are happy with our lives. Sometimes this is what people need and look for.
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 1937 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 25, 2013 08:37 PM
Maybe you are right, Lotis. Some people just have had enough drama in their life and want the smooth & simple thing.I just looked at Brandi's and Eddie's synastry. Not bad at all! Lots of Jupiter contacts, Moon/Sun trines, etc. Double whammy Saturn - her Saturn conj his Sun and his Saturn square her Moon ( I dont have her birthtime so Moon may be offseted for this aspect). They also have the Venus/ South Node close conjucntion - I've read once that when the South Node is involved in synastry - the attraction is huge, because the two lovers have been re-connected from past life, but after the karma is played out - the connection usually falls apart. Also, something interesting - they have mutual Venus/Chiron square and opposition!!! At 0 and 1 degree orb. I didn't believe Magi Astrology all that much, but I am starting to take their word more seriously. IP: Logged |
Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1778 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 25, 2013 09:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: Maybe you are right, Lotis. Some people just have had enough drama in their life and want the smooth & simple thing.I just looked at Brandi's and Eddie's synastry. Not bad at all! Lots of Jupiter contacts, Moon/Sun trines, etc. Double whammy Saturn - her Saturn conj his Sun and his Saturn square her Moon ( I dont have her birthtime so Moon may be offseted for this aspect). They also have the Venus/ South Node close conjucntion - I've read once that when the South Node is involved in synastry - the attraction is huge, because the two lovers have been re-connected from past life, but after the karma is played out - the connection usually falls apart. Also, something interesting - they have mutual Venus/Chiron square and opposition!!! At 0 and 1 degree orb. I didn't believe Magi Astrology all that much, but I am starting to take their word more seriously.
Cool observation! It's interesting that he went from a Venus/South Node synastry, to a Venus/North Node synastry. I too have heard that Venus/South Node is indicative of a past love affair karmicly repeating itself. Although, it's kind of like living in the past with no way to grow forward unless the person also has conjunctions to the North Node. Venus/South Node can be so attractive, but it can also wind up feeling like we’re stuck in a rut as time passes. Ultimately we need to move towards our North Node more. I get what you mean about Chiron. Not saying a fully believe in the Magi stuff either, but they’re definitely onto something with the Chiron/Venus and Chiron/Neptune stuff. I think part of it may be that Chiron is like our inner hurt, and soothing planets like Venus or Neptune are like balm on our sore spot. If the aspect is a clash though, even if the balm feels good in the beginning, after a while we start to notice that the person is working at cross purposes to us in a way that is painful. And we realize that their balm can sometimes sting us more then sooth us. I think Venus/Chiron squares can be a bit like this. The attraction and longing is intense and at first the other person’s tenderness is like a big relief. And then we realize that the way they operate is actually causing us pain, and yet we can’t help but still be attracted. Venus/Chiron is like honey to the bee.
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Lotis White Moderator Posts: 1778 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 25, 2013 10:59 PM
I found Brandi online! No birth time so ignore the Asc and house cusps. Her Chiron at 13 Aries is exactly square his Venus at 13 Cancer. Interestingly SHE is the one with the square to her Chiron. His multiple infidelities (according to her) and finally leaving her for another women, have probably been a very painful experience for her. His Jupiter at 11 Aquarius sextiling her Chiron maybe helped the marriage last as long as it did. His Chiron at 20 Aries is exactly opposite her Uranus/Venus conjunction at 20 Libra, and also sextile her Saturn at 19 Gemini. This is not as bad as the square, and Saturn would have added stability, but she would have caused him some degree of pain as well. Interestingly, in Brandi’s natal chart she had Venus both conjunct Uranus and trine to Saturn. She’s exciting and attractive, and also capable of loyalty and commitment. Eddie's Venus at 13 Cancer, and Mercury at 19 Cancer, are conjunct her South Node at 18 Cancer. Her Jupiter at 7 Capricorn is conjunct his North Node also at 7 Capricorn, and possibly his Capricorn Moon. It’s Brandi’s South Node that’s involved so maybe, despite the pain, in a way she was ‘relieved’ when the relationship finally ended. In terms of traditional yin yang physical attraction synastry they have his Uranus conjunct her already existing Venus/Uranus conjunction. And her Moon in Pisces is likely to be square his Sun, or conjunct his Mars, depending on what time she was born. Sun/Moon or Moon/Mars aspects can be quite magnetic. They don't have Venus/Mars though.
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starfairy Knowflake Posts: 814 From: Registered: Jul 2010
posted January 26, 2013 01:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lotis White: Is Brandi famous? I know that LeAnn is an actress/singer and the Eddie is an actor. The only reason I’ve ever really noticed them was because the scandal of the affair was all over the media. And years ago I did like that song ‘I Hope You Dance’ by LeAnn. Is Brandi one of those people on a reality show?Drama queen, huh. Ha ha! Sometimes that can be exhausting.
Yes, she's on "the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." I saw the show for the first time last week, where I learned about the affair. Brandi is very beautiful, but she's always looking for a fight. She is NOT afraid of confrontation! Leanne seems quite opposite, so I guess Eddie was ready for a change! Brandi has: Sun in Scorpio Venus conjunct Uranus in Libra Mars in Scorpio Mercury in Sag I don't have her birth time, but since her Moon is at 27 degrees Pisces at 12 noon on her bday, I'm willing to bet that she's born later in the day! lol she's definitely an Aries Moon... Her Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter make no aspects to each other! This kind of took me by surprise when I saw her chart...
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 1937 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 26, 2013 08:44 AM
Star, i ve been watching the show since the beginning. She is a Pisces Moon. The Aries energy you get from her is actually her Scorpio Mars and Sun. She, however, is incredibly sweet, very empathetic, forgives easily, very Piscean. She kicks only when stepped on her toes. And the women in the show love to do that a lot!! Lotis, Mars/Venus aspect is very nice to have in synastry but the lack of it is not a biggie. Brad and Angelina do not have any Mars and Venus action. Nor Pluto. IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 1937 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 26, 2013 08:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by Orange:
Lotis, Mars/Venus aspect is very nice to have in synastry but the lack of it is not a biggie. Brad and Angelina do not have any Mars and Venus action. Nor Pluto.
They do have the house emphasis, however- your theory. Lots of 7th, 8th and 5th house overlay, and 4th house as well.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 17329 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 26, 2013 09:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lotis White: Squares and Oppositions create drama, and make headlines. Trines and Sextiles keep everything running smoothly so that we are happy with our lives.
I always think of it this way (just joking, okay, semi-joking ).
Squares and oppositions are like Richard Burton and Liz Taylor, Frank Sinatra and Ava Gardner or Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh sextiles and trines are more like Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson; Robert Brownig and Elizabeth Barrett Browning or Paul Mc Cartney and Linda Eastman and conjunction (at least the "nice" ones) are like Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward.
As I said, joking 
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 17329 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 26, 2013 09:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: They do have the house emphasis, however- your theory. Lots of 7th, 8th and 5th house overlay, and 4th house as well.
They also have a DW of Vertex-ASC-conjunction if I remember it rightly.
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 1937 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 26, 2013 11:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: They also have a DW of Vertex-ASC-conjunction if I remember it rightly.
They do! Vertex seems to be very powerfull in synastry IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 17329 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 26, 2013 01:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: They do! Vertex seems to be very powerfull in synastry
yes, at least in bringing two people togehter. Very electric. However if they stay together is dependent on more factors than the Vertex-connection. And then there is the question why two people stay together. IP: Logged | |