Topic: What Would Be Sadism in the Chart?
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 43013 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 02, 2013 01:21 PM
Thanks, a lot!------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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hikoro Knowflake Posts: 806 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 02, 2013 01:24 PM
i dont know if you re looking for anything specific but, folks with heavy pluto/scorpio seem to be open to bdsm-like scenarios....the secretary... anybody seen that movie? totally scorpio/pluto i would say....pluto-mars, pluto-venus....8th house, scorpio/pluto... IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 3741 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted February 02, 2013 03:53 PM
Sadism, probably Saturn/Pluto/Mars. Maybe Uranus? Neptune would be the masochist.. I think.IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 3741 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted February 02, 2013 03:53 PM
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 43013 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 02, 2013 07:24 PM
Thank you, Doux. I was thinking about Jupiter oppose Uranus as being part of sadism. What do you think?------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 1137 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted February 02, 2013 08:36 PM
I would suspect mars-saturn opposition or square ; physical(mars) pain(saturn)IP: Logged |
DeathIsanIllusion Knowflake Posts: 228 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 02, 2013 08:51 PM
Mars and Saturn or Pluto aspects in the 12th or 8th. Fixed signs. Angular Uranus. Venus. Neptune for the catalyst which sends the ones engaged in the acts to a whole different plane of existence only accesible during these types of manifestations that not everyone does-Uranus. Pluto has sadism as one of his many keywords. Venus has to be in the mix because it is the source of endorphines. Mars is the powerful force which is used to break the established boundaries-Saturn between the triggers that now make pleasure-Venus equal to pain.------------------ Been studying Astrology since 2002; posted on LL between 2006 and 2008; extremely rabid 24/7 forum lurker & big fan since then until 2012. LL is completely amazing!! We are all writing here Astrology history!! IP: Logged |
Pisces Adonis unregistered
posted February 02, 2013 08:54 PM
Dominant Scorpio combined with Strong Piscean influence.I'm living proooooooffff. IP: Logged |
11nahyt Knowflake Posts: 739 From: the future Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 02, 2013 08:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by DeathIsanIllusion: Mars and Saturn or Pluto aspects in the 12th or 8th. Fixed signs. Angular Uranus. Venus. Neptune for the catalyst which sends the ones engaged in the acts to a whole different plane of existence only accesible during these types of manifestations that not everyone does-Uranus. Pluto has sadism as one of his many keywords. Venus has to be in the mix because it is the source of endorphines. Mars is the powerful force which is used to break the established boundaries-Saturn between the triggers that now make pleasure-Venus equal to pain.
well damn, this is very accurate. but when you say angular uranus, how does lets say uranus conjunct MC have anything to do with being a sadist?IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 43013 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 02, 2013 09:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by Pisces Adonis: Dominant Scorpio combined with Strong Piscean influence.I'm living proooooooffff.
I would think there would be something else, as Pisces is gentle, no 
------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 2598 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted February 02, 2013 09:07 PM
Not really.. Pisces can be extreme, because neptune is extreme. Most drug addicts i know are pisces or have some pisces placements. I pisces can be a lot more darker than scorpios. Yes scorpios have that intensity but they have power too, while pisces usually are melancholy. A lot of times they want to be dominated in a relationship almost to the extreme, I think thats when fetishes play out. I think pisces natives influenced by jupiter are gentle and positive.IP: Logged |
Pisces Adonis unregistered
posted February 02, 2013 09:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: I would think there would be something else, as Pisces is gentle, no 
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: Not really.. Pisces can be extreme, because neptune is extreme. Most drug addicts i know are pisces or have some pisces placements. I pisces can be a lot more darker than scorpios. Yes scorpios have that intensity but they have power too, while pisces usually are melancholy. A lot of times they want to be dominated in a relationship almost to the extreme, I think thats when fetishes play out. I think pisces natives influenced by jupiter are gentle and positive.
I'm a Scorpio Riser with Pluto in Scorpio conjunct Asc in First House and I am also a Scorpio-Aquarius Dominant. I can SAYYY Pisces placements can lead to sadism when combined with disturbing Scorpio placements-especially if said Pisces becomes escapist and enters a Fantasy World-Scorpio's aggression combined with Pisces delusional rose-colored view of the world CAAAAAAN lead to extreme negativity which in turns leads to violence. I'd also like to add a Fire Moon-especially one with lots of negative aspects-which I have (Leo Moon that Quincunx Pisces Sun, Opposite Aquarius Mars and Pisces Venus and square Scorpio Pluto and semisquare Mercury) can leaadd to a sadistice nature esp. when also combined with a powerful Scorpio placement (Ascendant in my case). IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 43013 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 02, 2013 09:19 PM
You sound very interesting  ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 43013 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 02, 2013 09:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by vickymadness: I would suspect mars-saturn opposition or square ; physical(mars) pain(saturn)
Interesting. I have one chart in mind. I will need to check it out more and come back
------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Pisces Adonis unregistered
posted February 02, 2013 09:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: You sound very interesting 
Trust me I was a NASSSTTTYYY person (and when I read my Scorpio Rising description I immediately identified with Scorpio). I don't want to share it with anyone except for a few who gained my trust.. Maybe if I get to trust you more I would share with you if it weren't for the fact the site lacks a ******* PM system. I'd love to give email but I'm paranoid about posting it here out of fear of being stalked.
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 43013 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 02, 2013 09:38 PM
LOL Well, you got me curious. I have a Gem Sun, merc and Venus and we are curious types  ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 653 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted February 02, 2013 09:40 PM
Marquis De Sade ( sadism was named on him) has Venus/Saturn conjunction in Cancer squared by Mars in Aries. He was a Gemini Sun with a Virgo Moon. Sun was in his 8th house. A Scorpio Rising with Pluto conjuncting it at 3 degree from the 12th.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 43013 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 02, 2013 09:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: Marquis De Sade ( sadism was named on him) has Venus/Saturn conjunction in Cancer squared by Mars in Aries. He was a Gemini Sun with a Virgo Moon. Sun was in his 8th house. A Scorpio Rising with Pluto conjuncting it at 3 degree from the 12th.
Interesting. I wonder where Nessus would be in all this. ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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hippichick Moderator Posts: 2563 From: Registered: May 2009
posted February 02, 2013 10:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Pisces Adonis:
I'm a Scorpio Riser with Pluto in Scorpio conjunct Asc in First House and I am also a Scorpio-Aquarius Dominant.I can SAYYY Pisces placements can lead to sadism when combined with disturbing Scorpio placements-especially if said Pisces becomes escapist and enters a Fantasy World-Scorpio's aggression combined with Pisces delusional rose-colored view of the world CAAAAAAN lead to extreme negativity which in turns leads to violence. I'd also like to add a Fire Moon-especially one with lots of negative aspects-which I have (Leo Moon that Quincunx Pisces Sun, Opposite Aquarius Mars and Pisces Venus and square Scorpio Pluto and semisquare Mercury) can leaadd to a sadistice nature esp. when also combined with a powerful Scorpio placement (Ascendant in my case).
I disagree... Pisces sun, Neptune in the 12th, Scorpio asc... When I am ****** and really ****** my mermaid tail turns into a stinging Scorpio one, it is never, ever to hurt physcially, but boy, when pushed can I sting...and I have.. The Pisces shadow has been well known for weilding power when one gets crazy. Lis Greene put it wonderfully and I will not quote cause I dont remember exactly, but she said the Pisces woman scorned turns into a witch (a very evil one....) Now, having said all that, I have a huge Aqua influence which will lend me to more of the mind game thing (Mercury involved in 3 crazy Aqua influenced T sqares....) But the inhearnt nature of Pisces/Scorpio, I dont think, would ever harm, physically... t~ IP: Logged |
anonymidarkness Knowflake Posts: 1295 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 02, 2013 10:33 PM
I dont agree with pisces/scorp combo leading to sadism.Scorpio rising gives you ability to hate people,makes you vindictive but they are all associated with emotions.I think it usually involves the ability to disassociate from emotions as well as extreme emotions.Mars/nessus,moon/nessus,mars/saturn,moon/uranus(for the detachment),moon/neptune(for the illusion while acting on it),mars/pluto and mars/neptune may indicate sadism.IP: Logged |
Baizzatbari Knowflake Posts: 82 From: India Registered: Jan 2013
posted February 02, 2013 11:39 PM
Scorpio is said to be sadistic. But I think it has more to do with Scorpio Sun and afflicted Mars and/or Pluto. Also Taurean hidden anger can turn into sadism with enough planets in Aries or Scorpio.IP: Logged |
sharon_1977 Knowflake Posts: 102 From: Nothern ireland Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 03, 2013 10:52 AM
Hi AllI don't think pieces nor Scorpio are sadistic, Pieces/Neptune probably would be more masochistic and Scorpio would be more vengeful for being ****** off at someone. I have heard and read (I forget the person/site where i read/heard it from) that Capricorn/10th planets in negative aspect to Mars and/or Saturn (even more so if Mars and Saturn are in a negative aspect to each other also) can cause Sadists. Sharon IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 3484 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 03, 2013 11:59 AM
Venus sq Nessus or Moon and Nessus in the same sign possibly for men.Moon-pluto hard aspects IP: Logged |
watermonkey Knowflake Posts: 179 From: Registered: Dec 2012
posted February 03, 2013 12:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Orange: Marquis De Sade ( sadism was named on him) has Venus/Saturn conjunction in Cancer squared by Mars in Aries. He was a Gemini Sun with a Virgo Moon. Sun was in his 8th house. A Scorpio Rising with Pluto conjuncting it at 3 degree from the 12th.
Interesting, i always knew he was born on the same day as me and also same chinese zodiac too both water monkeys, well my take will be on neptune. ------------------ Just a water monkey(hour ruled by the dragon), gemini guy IP: Logged |
peregrine unregistered
posted February 03, 2013 12:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by ail221: Venus sq Nessus or Moon and Nessus in the same sign possibly for men.Moon-pluto hard aspects
I might have all those. Nessus and moon in Leo. It might square my venus in taurus. Moon square pluto. IP: Logged |