Topic: scorpio rising and resentment
peregrine unregistered
posted February 27, 2013 02:08 AM
Scorpio rising produces a personality that is deeply reserved, secretive and determined. The power of the personality emerging from a Scorpio Ascendant is so intense, magnetic, and charismatic, that it is often somewhat overwhelming. Symbolized by the scorpion, you have an external "coat of armor" that protects and lets you survive in hostile situations. You are not the sort of person who ever knuckles under, even when pressures and circumstances would defeat lesser souls. When cornered, the famous "deadly scorpion sting" may be brought into play. With Scorpio on the rise your personality is very powerful. People find you hard to understand, to know what you are thinking at any particular time. There is a hidden depth to your persona that is nearly impossible for others to comprehend. Much of the time you may feel as though you are misunderstood. You are very willful and self-reliant, appearing calm and in control on the surface. Yet there are strong emotions at work inwardly. Scorpio is a water sign, and it is a fixed sign. This means that you are an emotional person. These emotions are very controlled (fixed), giving you the determination and the strength to overcome just about any opponent. Resentment and jealousy can be intense with you. You always pursue your goals with intensity. You can stand under heavy strain, and be relied upon to stay cool, even in the most serious emergency. You're inclined to be very suspicious or skeptical, and occasionally you can be "stingingly " sarcastic. Every sign has a positive and negative expression, but with the Scorpio the range of possibilities is extreme. Everything is black or white. There are no shades of gray with Scorpio on the rise. Your penetrating stare can look right through a person or a situation. You can make an instant diagnosis and it is usually the right one. The Scorpio personality is often maligned as over-sexed, a bit on the evil side, and often bent on revenge. This is not completely true, but Scorpio does get what it wants, when it wants it, most of the time. It is not a personality to be trifled with. IP: Logged |
magicspells Knowflake Posts: 147 From: Registered: Nov 2012
posted February 27, 2013 02:39 AM
95% of this is true for me (pluto conjunct scorp asc 7 degree orb)the accuracy in the descriptions of my rising sign are what kind of sealed the deal with astrology for me lol I definitely have a lot of resentment in my heart, mostly from past events that occured leading my to not being overly trusting.. but I am trying to change! One thing Im never really sure is if I really have penetrating eyes (they're almond shaped, being asian they are dark brown/black), when i look in the mirror my eyes don't look particularly special but then again I don't see myself clearly (saturn square asc..)... so do ALL scorp asc/1st house plutos have 'the eyes'? IP: Logged |
peregrine unregistered
posted February 27, 2013 02:40 AM
i've got the eyes. pluto conj scorp asc exact. scorp duad. scorp decan. i wear sunglasses a lot coz i feel it cloaks me and well they might be too intense for people. lately iv been walking with a scowl and don't fukwifme look. lol. hate it. i am usually sunny like my moon. IP: Logged |
somethingexcellent Knowflake Posts: 2491 From: vodka fine, I'm so divine Registered: Nov 2012
posted February 27, 2013 02:45 AM
Virgo and Scorpio Highly resentful and vindictive Repress thingsIP: Logged |
virgolotus Moderator Posts: 1257 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted February 27, 2013 03:02 AM
Fixed water = controlled emotions ?HAHAHAHHAAHAHA yeah right.  IP: Logged |
virgolotus Moderator Posts: 1257 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted February 27, 2013 03:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by peregrine:
i wear sunglasses a lot coz i feel it cloaks me and well they might be too intense for people.
how thoughtful~  IP: Logged |
peregrine unregistered
posted February 27, 2013 03:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by virgolotus: Fixed water = controlled emotions ?HAHAHAHHAAHAHA yeah right. 
it's fixed at somethiing though. #gettingwhatitwants IP: Logged |
virgolotus Moderator Posts: 1257 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted February 27, 2013 03:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by peregrine: it's fixed at something though. #gettingwhatitwants
true IP: Logged |
anonymidarkness Knowflake Posts: 2197 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 27, 2013 03:23 AM
I’ve read that scorpio risings have magic wands.If they really wish for something they get it so you have to be careful what you wish for.I have tested it and at one instance I was even able to get inside a person’s mind and make that person do something.It usually comes with a price though.IP: Logged |
peregrine unregistered
posted February 27, 2013 05:51 AM
^i think i have killed people with will. there was this guy saying sh1t about me and i just hate that so i went looking for him with intent. then i found out he died of some weird virus. it was years ago too so we were young. i think 21. uranus killed him perhaps. i even went to the funeral lol! we had mutual friends. #magicstick IP: Logged |
peregrine unregistered
posted February 27, 2013 05:53 AM
reading the last 2 posts. we both sound like nuts!  IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 6022 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted February 27, 2013 06:45 AM
Yes, you do sound nuts.. :quietly walks away for fear of being killed: I have known 2 Scorpio ascendants (as far as I know) and YES, they both have penetrating eyes, a very focused, intense stare. Dark eyes, and dark hair. These people have *presence*. One of them was quieeeet and weird.. the other is a friend of mine and she is LOUD and hyperactive and yet very secretive and DEEP. They make an impact on people.. no matter what they look like. Negative or positive, they are usually noticed.
They're definitely more outwardly "Plutonian" than any Scorpio Sun, usually. Though deep inside, they may be lighter or quite different from a Scorpio, definitely. They just come across as very intense/focused.
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Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 6022 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted February 27, 2013 06:47 AM
I don't know about resentment, though.My friend used to be resentful, I think, but she's very religious and always forgives, or tries to. A very evolved person overall. IP: Logged |
peregrine unregistered
posted February 27, 2013 07:50 AM
^a priest wanted to abort me lol! #truth thank god ima cute or else i would be starving in some ditch perhaps. IP: Logged |
anonymidarkness Knowflake Posts: 2197 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted February 27, 2013 07:56 AM
^^ That priest must have died by now. #magicwandIP: Logged |
peregrine unregistered
posted February 27, 2013 08:42 AM
^no actually he is still alive and i am his favorite person coz i sign his check for this christian family group thing my grandparents r involved in that donates money to his church (for lil boys lol #pedo). it's not my money so idc. he is heavily concerned with the spiritual well being of teh rich tho lol! it is not possible to destroy the church here in our country. we are too poor a people to not have faith in something like an afterlife. so the best revenge is to use the church as a tool for my own goals. i would have to enter politics for that. maybe someday.  IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 989 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted February 27, 2013 09:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by somethingexcellent: Virgo and Scorpio Highly resentful and vindictive Repress things
100% true for me ( a Virgo) quote: Originally posted by virgolotus: how thoughtful~ 
that really made me laugh
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peregrine unregistered
posted February 27, 2013 09:46 AM
^ur a scorpio risng???i think there was a survey once and the top rising on here actually is scorpio and the top sun was taurus lol! ima taurus with scorpio rising. where's everbody hiding! IP: Logged |
Jessica2407 Moderator Posts: 3786 From: Saturn Registered: Sep 2012
posted February 27, 2013 09:48 AM
seductive,cautious,observant,raging,private,intense,occasional loner.IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 989 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted February 27, 2013 09:54 AM
Peregrine: Taurus w/ Scorpio in natal chart is da beast. My s.o. is a Scorpio with a Taurus Moon and a Capricorn Rising, nothing and nobody ( except myself) can shake him, really. IP: Logged |
peregrine unregistered
posted February 27, 2013 10:12 AM
^taurus sun/ venus + scorp pluto, saturn, mars, moon + cap jupiter/ neptune pretty sure he isn't a scorp ascendant tho. maybe a cancer. he looks like someone's mom. or dr. zoidberg (futurama) i also have leo moon. but yeah i wouldn't hesitate to steal facebook from armie hammer.  IP: Logged |
hippichick Moderator Posts: 3078 From: Registered: May 2009
posted February 27, 2013 10:23 AM
As a Pisces sun, Scorp asc, I dont resent, but when wronged, and I will take several "wrongs" before I make it right, the lovely mermaid tail turns into a stinging Scorpion tail.I can be quite stealth in my actions. Intense yes, as I have posted before I usually scare the heck out of men, I am flirty and friendly but there is this underlying intensity.... I have been told, nobody knows quite what to make of me upon first meeting, but as they get to know me, I, really, not to toot my own horn am ultra-cool, fun to work with, etc. The qualities of the Scorpio asc are just that, the Asc...when one is allowed to and one finally breaks through that our Suns shine, colored by the rest of us~ IP: Logged |
Still_Hopeful Knowflake Posts: 546 From: USA Registered: Aug 2009
posted February 27, 2013 10:42 AM
I am scorp asc. I can relate to the first post to some degree. However, I guess I am "Water down" Scorpio acs. My sun is in aqua and I have Neptune conj Acs. However, i do hold grudges for a long time (I know it is not healthy). i can be intense and i am ****** .... well let say my face is not pretty. But I would never hit anybody "down the belt". I am also self reliant and afraid of commitment (relationships) but again it can be attributed to Sun in aqua IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 989 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted February 27, 2013 11:04 AM puts Mark Zukerberg's Rising in VIRGO. His chart ruler - Mercury- makes an exact oppisition to Pluto. Interestingly enough, his Uranus is unaspected,completely left to wander on its own.IP: Logged |
Little Doe Knowflake Posts: 348 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted February 27, 2013 11:52 AM
That description doesn´t fit me at all. I have scorpio rising conjunction mars and pluto. I also have a scorpio moon, and venus. Ok, I haven´t noticed that I get what I want. In fact as ascorpio rising I have been dealt challenges in my life, and had meny meny big losses. I feel like my lesson in life is to learn to control myself and focus my energy on doing good, rather than getting what iwant. God doesn´t allow me to, because he cares for me so he gives me challenges in order to grow. That´s how I feel.  About appearence - Hmm, some might guess I have a scorp rising from my eyes. But other than that I think I have a pretty innocent looking face. In general I think the essence of scorpio rising is extreme vulnerability and softness, you can even see it in the eyes and face, but it´s coverd up by thousand layers of smokescreens.
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