Topic: Tejano Singer, Selena Quintanilla-Perez Natal Chart
LilithPowers1025 Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 03, 2013 07:29 AM
I just finished watching the movie,"Selena" starring Jennifer Lopez. It's a great, but tragic story. I had not seen it in a while I thought Ms.Lopez did a decent portrayal of the beautiful, late Tejano singer. It is a shame she only lived to be 23. She accomplished so much in her short life with the singing and opening a boutique. I wonder what aspects or transits were happening at the time of her death? What aspects in her birth chart could be indicative of an early death? Her birth day was: April 16, 1971 Lake Jackson, Texas @ 9:20 pm (I've seen numerous other birth times, but I went on this one site the astrologer based the time off of what was going on during her death. IP: Logged |
hippichick Moderator Posts: 2309 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 03, 2013 08:25 AM
Hi!I live in San Antonio and I once worked with a girl who was on dance team with her in high school in Corpus Christi. My friend was close with the family. She was Jehovas and her dad, also a JW declined her revieving blood. Her husband, Chirs was not, but his wishes where not respected. She, perhaps would not have had such a terrible demise if things worked out otherwise. It would also be interesting to see the father dynamics in her chart, as he was her manager and a huge influence in her life. IP: Logged |
Gemmy Knowflake Posts: 212 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted March 03, 2013 10:15 AM
Idk,if the time is right,the only thing I see is T Pluto on her Ascendant.If astrothemes Aquarius Asc is right,then T pluto would be around her MC. But that's really simple and kinda scary.T pluto is gonna hit my Asc in a few years.That's why I stay away from transits.  This is interesting.You should open a guess her Ascendant thread.
The moon also changes during that time frame.So she either has a Sag moon or a Cap moon. IP: Logged |
Gemmy Knowflake Posts: 212 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted March 03, 2013 10:21 AM
And I think progressed charts play a role too.IP: Logged |
Venusian Moon Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Nyc Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 03, 2013 10:21 AM
I remember the day she was killed. I was 11 years old. She was so beautiful.IP: Logged |
ail221 Moderator Posts: 3190 From: Mary Margaret Blanchard's home Registered: Feb 2012
posted March 03, 2013 05:27 PM
Jupiter return strikes again. Kinda of wide with her Natal Jupiter in Sag at 5 and the transit Jupiter at Sag 15'.IP: Logged |
Cat Face Knowflake Posts: 151 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted March 03, 2013 06:26 PM
Lilith, Could you post the link to the website where you found 9:20 PM?IP: Logged |
LilithPowers1025 Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 03, 2013 11:47 PM,IP: Logged |
LilithPowers1025 Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 03, 2013 11:49 PM
Cat Face, It was this Logged |
LilithPowers1025 Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 03, 2013 11:57 PM
Cat Face, It was on this one The person had a unknown birth time, but judged she may have been born around 9:20 based on what the transits were doing at the time of her death.IP: Logged |
Padre35 Knowflake Posts: 1246 From: Asheville, NC, US Registered: Jul 2012
posted March 04, 2013 12:03 AM
Oh yes, recall this tragic story quite well.What interest me is the fmr Fan Club President turned embezzler turned killer of her friend. "During this time, a paramedic tried inserting an IV needle into Selena; due to her massive blood loss and low (or no) blood pressure her veins had collapsed, making it extremely difficult.[24] Navigation Boulevard was shut down by local police.[24] At 12:00 pm, paramedics delivered Selena to Corpus Christi Memorial Hospital. She was transferred to the trauma room, where doctors and surgeons began blood transfusions in an attempt to reestablish blood circulation after opening Selena's chest and finding massive internal bleeding.[24] Since the bullet had pierced an artery, after 50 minutes the doctors realized that the damage was irreparable.[24] Selena was pronounced dead at 1:05 pm from blood loss and cardiac arrest." Saldivar's DOB is September 19, 1960 A virgo, now that is odd. IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 1095 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted March 04, 2013 12:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by hippichick: Hi!It would also be interesting to see the father dynamics in her chart, as he was her manager and a huge influence in her life.
Exalted sun 2nd house probably. She also had an exalted mars and venus. She definitely could of done some amazing things :/ Especially with moon in the 11th she could of done a lot of humanitarian work. (astro claims shes an aquarius rising) IP: Logged |
Cat Face Knowflake Posts: 151 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted March 04, 2013 01:45 PM
Thanks for the link Lilith. :-)Astrotheme is crap. Scroll down to her bio there. They credit book "Como la Flor" giving 2:29 AM but it doesn't. Her chart is unknown. I've always been curious about it. I hope one day it comes to light. There's hardly anything on the net discussing her astrology. IP: Logged |
hippichick Moderator Posts: 2309 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 04, 2013 02:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by Padre35:
Oh yes, recall this tragic story quite well.What interest me is the fmr Fan Club President turned embezzler turned killer of her friend. "During this time, a paramedic tried inserting an IV needle into Selena; due to her massive blood loss and low (or no) blood pressure her veins had collapsed, making it extremely difficult.[24] Navigation Boulevard was shut down by local police.[24] At 12:00 pm, paramedics delivered Selena to Corpus Christi Memorial Hospital. She was transferred to the trauma room, where doctors and surgeons began blood transfusions in an attempt to reestablish blood circulation after opening Selena's chest and finding massive internal bleeding.[24] Since the bullet had pierced an artery, after 50 minutes the doctors realized that the damage was irreparable.[24] Selena was pronounced dead at 1:05 pm from blood loss and cardiac arrest." Saldivar's DOB is September 19, 1960 A virgo, now that is odd.
Everything on Wiki is not true.. She was JW, her dad specifically forbade blood transfusions. IP: Logged |
hippichick Moderator Posts: 2309 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 04, 2013 02:15 PM
And "jo-landa" as us south Texans call her was a piece of crap, from day one!IP: Logged |
hippichick Moderator Posts: 2309 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 04, 2013 08:25 PM
After much thought, I am going to share something with ya'all...Not astrologically related, or perhaps (from the ultra sensitive Pisces) I had a friend, she was murdered, her throat slit and thrown upon a highway, within 3 days of Selena's murder. I was driving down that highway one day, shortly after their deaths:
I saw and felt Selena shining down, her beautiful smile permeating the friend not so. But I will always take with me the energy of Selena...a VERY beautiful soul.. t~ IP: Logged |
Venusian Moon Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Nyc Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 04, 2013 08:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by hippichick: After much thought, I am going to share something with ya'all...Not astrologically related, or perhaps (from the ultra sensitive Pisces) I had a friend, she was murdered, her throat slit and thrown upon a highway, within 3 days of Selena's murder. I was driving down that highway one day, shortly after their deaths:
I saw and felt Selena shining down, her beautiful smile permeating the friend not so. But I will always take with me the energy of Selena...a VERY beautiful soul.. t~
Sorry about your friend ;(
Gemini sun Cancer asc Taurus moon Taurus venus Libra mars IP: Logged |
hippichick Moderator Posts: 2309 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 04, 2013 08:32 PM
btw~ I will never let her go...compeltely  IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9226 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 05, 2013 05:26 AM
hi LilithPowers1025, Just read the description of circumstances surrounding her death, .Being deceived, weakened will, progressed Mercury conj natal Sun square transiting Neptune, transit Mercury square solar arc Neptune .Drive for independence, transit Uranus conjunct solar arc Moon (est), square natal Sun .Not seeing people clearly, wanting to believe well of them, transit Venus square natal Jupiter/Neptune conjunction .Illusions shattered, transit Pluto conjunct natal Neptune .Push to uncover the truth, transit Mercury opposed natal Pluto .Need for growth being pushed to almost intolerable level, which way to choose to begin again, problems in business/legal affairs, bad judgment and the effects of such, transit Jupiter opposed solar arc Saturn .Breaking off a relationship that's not working, transit Jupiter square solar arc NN .Life changing relatively fast have to find a new way to move forward, progressed Moon (est) opposed natal Sun .Battling an opponent, transit Mars opposed solar arc Mars .Wounded in asserting self, transit Aries Sun conjunct natal Chiron .Hard to find the resources to fight back, physical limitations shown, progressed Mars square solar arc Chiron .Someone acting in a way she hadn't expected/push to break free of this person, transit Sun opposed natal Uranus .Sudden violence, progressed Mars square solar arc Uranus (transiting NN also conjunct solar arc Uranus) .Loss of relationship, transit Saturn conjunct natal Venus, transit Chiron opposed natal Venus Natally she has two volatile squares to her Sun but they're of loose orb, from Mars & Uranus It's likely her natal Moon is square to Uranus, as it would give her transit Uranus conjunct solar arc Moon at the time of death, also transit Neptune would be conjunct it as well, the unexpected outburst from a volatile female causing emotional suffering An element suggestive of sexual rivalry or jealousy, obsession, solar arc Pluto opposed progressed Venus As for Yolanda, she also has the Sun square to Mars, it's involved in a t-square, Mars opposed Jupiter squared to Sun. The Sun square to Jupiter would love the limelight (wherever they perceive that place) for themselves, and at worst will lie and deceive to get there/hold on to it. The Mars opposed to Jupiter doesn't know the word limits, or foolhardy. This paints a picture of an opportunist, a liar, someone who feels the need to stay on top of their game at the expense of another. The afflicted Virgo Sun is ruled by Libra Mercury square to Saturn which at worst is pessimistic and narrow-minded, painting a picture of someone who is too shy to actually go on to achieve anything for themselves. In Libra there is a need for the Sun to derive its energy by hanging on to another. This would also give a problem with jealousy. She's also likely to have the Virgo Moon conjunct NN/Pluto, all going back to the afflicted Libra Mercury, this rigid mentality. Whether it's conjunct Pluto, or not, both the Lunar and Solar energy goes back to Mercury. And then on that day for Yolanda, .Progressed Sun 0'51 Scorpio, new mode of expression available, tinged with living life on a more intense level .transit Sun opposed natal Mercury, square natal Saturn, illuminating that no matter how hard she thinks she's working for this supposed renown, it'll never work to her benefit for long .solar arc Uranus conjunct natal Sun, an act that's out of character, a need to assert her selfish will .transit Mercury opposed Sun/solar arc Uranus, unexpected news she doesn't want to hear, wants to make her thoughts heard in a big way, damaged ego from conversation .transit Mercury square natal Mars/Jupiter, jumping to conclusions, ego conflicts, arguments, thoughts of violence .progressed Venus square natal Pluto doesn't bode well for female relationships, transit Venus opposed natal Pluto. Wow. I do believe she had a thing for Selena and this day was her attempt at control over the relationship. Transit Venus was also square transit Pluto, which puts transit Pluto opposing her progressed Venus. .transit Mars turning the solar arc Mercury Saturn square into a t-square, adding an element of violent frustration .transit Jupiter square natal NN, breaking off a relationship that's not working .transit Saturn quincunx natal Venus, unexpected ending of relationship .transit Uranus conjunct solar arc Jupiter, in Capricorn, release from having to play the false stifling role of the 'responsible law abiding adult' .transit Uranus sextile transit Pluto forming yod to natal Mars (which is quincunx that arced Jupiter), goes along with above, tied to breaking out, this one focus on possible violence as a means to an end rather than the goal itself, not just blood lust here, she has a point to make about the energy she's given to a part of her life, that's now being threatened, that energy now has to go elsewhere and she feels like it's out of her hands. What's worrisome in the synastry is the doubled Jupiter square to Pluto, partnered success on one hand, but could too easily dip into each working against all that the other desires to accomplish/gain power/control over while each on their individual paths to achieve meaning. But their synastry has a whole lotta red. The salivating fan, Selena's Venus squared Yolanda's Jupiter. And I've seen this before more than a few times in murder, Yolanda's Mars square Selena's Pluto, you'd think the 'heavy' planet would be the one carrying this out, but it's usually the lighter one in comparison. Something to think about. Don't worry about their Pluto hard aspect your Mars, so much as their Mars hard aspect your Pluto. That old thinking about the most outer planet holding the most power just doesn't seem to hold water in the violence I've seen. It seems that the weaker planet is reacting to the loss of control brought about by the stronger, and retaliates against that instability to gain the upper hand. Mentioned Yolanda's Mercury, it's conjunct Selena's Uranus. The end seems to have all hinged on a conversation where Selena suddenly broke off their partnership (Libra). This is the point that opposes Selena's Chiron and the transiting Sun that day, t-square to Yolanda's Saturn. Very significant. Not that she wouldn't have, but you wonder in cases like this, if it would've turned out basically the same if Selena had just let her family interrogate Yolanda? She wanted to go and talk to her from what I read, since she didn't want to believe that it was true. Go back to her transiting Venus aspects. Selena had NN Aquarius ruled by Uranus in Libra. And where did that sit in the synastry. Her SN ruler the Sun well-supported by Yolanda's Jupiter/Uranus trine, grand trine, Selena's light was Yolanda's missing piece. I bet Selena did think she had a good friend in her. Also, fated to be? Yolanda's NN ruler Mercury conj Selena's NN ruler Uranus. Too many pieces to their puzzle here to iron out in one sitting, but it's definitely interesting. I remember hearing about it. Not so much because I liked her music, but from my cousin who was Selena's friend in high school who was living with me at the time & the grief she went through. Many people cared about her  IP: Logged |
Gemmy Knowflake Posts: 212 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted March 05, 2013 08:18 AM
Wow,You're good.^  IP: Logged |
hippichick Moderator Posts: 2309 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 05, 2013 10:21 AM
Wow is right!IP: Logged | |