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Author Topic:   Research shows conjunctions in composite and sun conjunct venus are very important

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posted March 10, 2013 09:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hikoro     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

have you looked at ceridwen's interpretation on the aspects i asked her about?
i hope they help you somehow...i find them very insightful.

and i agree, i have no idea as to how you get the gist of interpreting composites to natal, especially because the typical synastry/natal chart interpretations are not necessarily the same for composite-natal, it seems.

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posted March 10, 2013 10:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ueharaa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes I read what she wrote, which is very insightful!

I guess I'm wondering whether or not those aspects are significant, and if from them we can tell the impact the relationship will have on someone (or the reverse ?)

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posted March 10, 2013 10:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hikoro     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ueharaa:
Yes I read what she wrote, which is very insightful!

I guess I'm wondering whether or not those aspects are significant, and if from them we can tell the impact the relationship will have on someone (or the reverse ?)

well, i hope ceridwen continues and answers to my last post...
and see if i can get the hang of it.

for example, that composite saturn in scorpio conjunct the guy's saturn (and his saturn happens to be in scorpio, conjuncting his mars in the 10th house)...
it seems that would be very binding...but
would this mean that the relationship will be more binding/duty-oriented for him than her?

and then...i start thinking that his mars conjuncts her venus and pluto, and his saturn conjuncts her venus...and this is where things get complicated. do you add all of this together? do you look at it as a whole or as the sum of its parts?

i dunno..dunno.

yes, i think those aspects are very significant, at least, that is what the article, ras, ceridwen and hera have mentioned, and these members are very knowledgeable.
as to the impact, compared to the composite alone and synastry..dunno
...i would assume that putting everything together, composite-natal, synastry and composite alone...i think that would give a nice picture overall.

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posted March 11, 2013 01:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hera     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming:
My parents have been happily married for over 30 years and they have a composite venus conjunct saturn i'm just sayin lol. Yeah it can mean that its hard to open up in the beginning of relationship or circumstances dont allow u to be together right away, but it can be overcome

Conjunctions, yes. Conjunctions are uniting even if they are considered hard aspects. I meant square and opposition (which is why I said harsh not hard lol).

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curious girl

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posted March 11, 2013 02:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for curious girl     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear RAS,

I have just checked the composite of my mother and father. Their relationship was difficult from the beginnig and only got worse with years. I am surprised to find composite Sun, Venus, Mercury in Cancer, trine Moon . It only gets square from Neptune. Otherwise, there are Moon square Pluto and a T square with Uranus opp Jupiter square Mars. Saturn is close to Pluto (6 degrees) and very probably squares ASC/DESC axis. Chiron is conjunct Moon, South Node, Vertex, trines the love stellium and squares Saturn and Pluto (almost exact). I am so very surprised to have found it! Their relationship was far from loving, although it lasted for 25 years. I would like to have your insight. Thank you.

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posted March 11, 2013 08:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Asc conj Uranus"
The relationship triggers your need for independence. You might occasionally shake up the union. But it is also an exciting and stimulating connection for you, though I doubt that with this aspect alone you would feel really committed to it.

"Uranus conj Jupiter2
More enthusiasm, stimulation, excitement and not to forget expanding your horizon. The relationship might even shake up your views on life in general. Or just gives you a fun-feeling.
What does Jupiter rule? 12th house?

"Jupiter conj Moon-Neptune-SN (bit widely though, 4 deg but Moon is my DC ruler)"
I would count it, cause it is part of the stellium.
the relationship will make you face this emotional complex. With Jupiter being conjunct it should be through encouragement, but it depends on how you deal with that Moon-Neptune. In the worst case the feeling of familiarity could keep you stuck in some past (life) scenario.

"Sun conj Asc"
hight identification potential.

"Moon square Saturn (I put the sq also because I think it's relevant)"
Yes, I agree, squares are significant in composite charts especially as they represent the midpoints of the axis.

Something about the emotional connection there triggers your insecurities and fears you would like to keep from view, which in turn might lead to a certain hesitancy or even refusal of "going there" in an emotional sense.

"NN conj my Valentine and opp my Jupiter2
I suppose there is a strong potential for the development of romantic love, if the relationship is future oriented.

"Asc opp Chiron or DC conj Chiron (fits!!)"
The relationship triggers one of his most vulnerable spots. It is like he has virtually no "skin". it can be very healing and loving for him, or the opposite, very wounding.

"Juno conj Venus exact (Venus is his Asc-ruler)"
Strong potential for experiencins sensual attraction.

"Sun conj his Mars (DC ruler) and IC though again a bit wideish esp the Mars conjunction (6 deg)"
I wouldNt´count the 6 degree orb. Is the conj. to IC closer?
Again indicating how vulnerable he is when it comes to that relationship. There is no way for him to hide emotionally, unless he flat out rejects the relationship as a whole as a selfdefensive mechanism.
if not, he might feel a great sense of belonging.

Unfortunatly you do not seem to feel the same, judging from your aspects to the composite. It might be a stimulating growth experience for you, but I am not sure you really feel like it is IT.

"Venus conj his natal Moon exact"
Again, a hint of him being very emotional about the relationship. Especially about the shared love and affection.

"He sort of asked me to marry him.2
I am not surprised, though not because of Juno`s presence.

I have found Juno to be more important as indicating passionate attraction, but surprisingly have not found it too prevalent in marriages, at least not more than in other relationships or flings.

However, another surprising thing I found is that so often, if a relationship becomes sexual, I have found a close (3 degrees) aspect between Juno and Sun in synastry (including declinations though).

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posted March 11, 2013 08:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"no, two years apart. she has saturn in saggie."
The composite Saturn is the midpoint of both their natal Saturns, so both Saturns will be equidistant from composite Saturn.
so if c-Saturn is conjunct HIS Saturn, it will also be conjunct HER Saturn per definitionem.

he has saturn conjunct mars in scorpio in the 10th house! O_O
so, he will feel bounded, correct?"
Maybe. But actually Mars usually does not like being targetet by Saturn; he might feel restricted. Though since Mars is in 10th house the positives could be that the relationship helps him structure his life.

", im trying to learn but, why is that?
many of the astro descriptions of uranus opposing natal planets suggest that the individual will be 'an eternal bachelor' to speak."
Well, we were not talking about natal aspects, but rather the synastry of composite to natal, showing the effect the relationship has on the individual. And as such an Uranus conjunction to personal planets usually mean that the individual will be shaken up, stimulated, sometimes shocked by the relationship,a nd might feel like electrified.

how the individual reacts to this, depends on their natal chart. If they have the Uranus aspect in natal, tehy might enjoy it. At least for a while. however Uranus is fluctuating and not very reliable.

If they instead are Saturnian or lunar in nature, the shock the composite creates might be too great for them, and though being attracted to the relationship, they might end up feeling very hurt and sort of deserted.

"that is the reason i assumed he would run from this relationship in a heartbeat.
but in this case, it is the opposite?"
Well, I rather think he would enjoy the novelty of it, and once it wears off he would slender away whistling and thinking what a nice experience that was, and how he will cherish that memory of a carefree exciting time.

Of course it could be that at the same time the other partner might feel very lovesick and does not see the experience as so positive (esp. if there are SAturn or Pluto aspects to or from the composite to Moon or Venus).

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posted March 11, 2013 08:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"Is it supposed to show your relationship with the relationship?"
Actually the composite of your natal with the composite would show the relationshipw ith the relationship (VERY interesting btw).

The comparision of composite to your natal (sort of a composite-synastry with your natal) shows what effects the relationship has on you personally.

I"t's difficult to find interpetations for such aspects. "
Well, luckily we can think for ourselves. And it is really not that much different from natal synastry, just that you compare yourself not to the other individual but the relationship (which sometimes can be more than the sum of the parts)

"What if soemone's sun conjunct the composite saturn? They feel the heaviness of it? Lots of responsabilities? 2

"What if it's conjunct composite moon?"
natal Sun to composite Moon?
The emotional connection in the relationship would make it easy for the person to just be themselves, and express themselves freely and naturally.

"And what about aspects to the composite vertex and node? "
A certian fatedness.

"Let's say someone has a double whammy with the composite chart of saturn conjunct nn, does it even play out? 2
Yes, in major ways probably.
The relationships path and the individual path is very closely aligned, sort of do-dependent.

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posted March 11, 2013 08:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by ueharaa:

I guess I'm wondering whether or not those aspects are significant, and if from them we can tell the impact the relationship will have on someone (or the reverse ?)


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posted March 11, 2013 08:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by hikoro:
and then...i start thinking that his mars conjuncts her venus and pluto, and his saturn conjuncts her venus...and this is where things get complicated. do you add all of this together? do you look at it as a whole or as the sum of its parts?

That is actually where I think everything comes together. natal, synastry, composite.

Just look at what natal or synastric aspects are triggered by a composite. Then wait for a big transit to pass this point, and see what happens.

I believe that these "meeting points" are those that will be dominant in a relationship, at least for a certain time (indicated by the transits triggering them).

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posted March 11, 2013 09:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for hikoro     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

That is actually where I think everything comes together. natal, synastry, composite.

Just look at what natal or synastric aspects are triggered by a composite. Then wait for a big transit to pass this point, and see what happens.

I believe that these "meeting points" are those that will be dominant in a relationship, at least for a certain time (indicated by the transits triggering them).

thanks a bunch ceridwen. ^_^
this was very helpful.

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Got Gemini??

Posts: 912
From: The Planet Mercury
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posted March 11, 2013 10:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Got Gemini??     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
How about composite Sun and Saturn conjunct her natal NN/Jupiter conjunction? How would this feel to her? (Natally, her NN/Jupiter conjunction conjuncts my Asc exact)

Gemini Sun
Libra Moon
Gemini Mercury
Cancer Venus
Virgo Mars
Virgo Asc

And yes, I'm a guy!

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posted March 11, 2013 10:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My husband and my composite has Sun conj Venus (by one degree) in the 4th

I buy it

Edited to add: And then that's in an exact/one degree conj with his natal Asc...I wonder what that means...
And then more loosely (5d) conj his Mars/Venus conj).

Edited again to add: And more loosely conj my Desc and Venus (3d and 4/5 degrees, respectively).

And again: Then it's exactly trine my nJupiter.
If I've included this sig, it's because I'm posting from a mobile device.
Please excuse all outrageous typos and confusing auto-corrects.

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posted March 11, 2013 10:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Got Gemini??:
How about composite Sun and Saturn conjunct her natal NN/Jupiter conjunction? How would this feel to her? (Natally, her NN/Jupiter conjunction conjuncts my Asc exact)

Well, if a composite placement or even a conjunction or aspect is falling onto a synastric aspect, thus involving both people, I always feel that is EXTRA powerful.
It brings the synastric aspect into spotlight.

Well composite Sun illuminates it anyway (whatever it touches), the composite Saturn could be a bit restrictive or more positively stabilizing and structuring. At least making it a serious thing.

For her this relationship with you might be very important for her personal development (as her NN is included); maybe you are embodying the very quality she is trying to develop, with your ASC being there.
NN conjunct ASC is extremely impactful anyway. ONe of the surest signs of a relationship that leaves a deep impression (even if it does not always last, though very often this aspect comes up in long lasting commitments as well).

The influence of Jupiter makes it quite joyful. Though you have to see what else is triggered.

Well if her NN/Jupiter is squaring her personal Saturn and Pluto, it might not feel as joyful, but instead quite heavy, though also deep.

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posted March 11, 2013 10:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mockingbird:
My husband and my composite has Sun conj Venus (by one degree) in the 4th

I buy it

Edited to add: And then that's in an exact/one degree conj with his natal Asc...I wonder what that means...
And then more loosely (5d) conj his Mars/Venus conj).

Edited again to add: And more loosely conj my Desc and Venus (3d and 4/5 degrees, respectively).


that is what i wanted to ask! About the aspects to the natals.

And see how LOVELY aspects these are!
This lovely lovely lovely Sun-Venus conjunction in composite falling flat on your probably most significant synastric aspect; one that spells out: natural partners (ASC conjunct DESC).

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posted March 11, 2013 10:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:

that is what i wanted to ask! About the aspects to the natals.

And see how LOVELY aspects these are!
This lovely lovely lovely Sun-Venus conjunction in composite falling flat on your probably most significant synastric aspect; one that spells out: natural partners (ASC conjunct DESC).

I can say that, subjectively, it was very much a "And now we're together," feeling pretty much as soon as we met (and we met at work, so that caused some waves).

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posted March 11, 2013 10:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
that is so sweet.

Was there a transit triggering the composite Suna nd Venus and your relationship axis?

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posted March 11, 2013 11:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'll bring that up in a bit and let you know.
For now, though, our 8-month-old's decided that independent play time is over

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posted March 11, 2013 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mockingbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
that is so sweet.

Was there a transit triggering the composite Suna nd Venus and your relationship axis?

Checked very quickly, and YEP - about a month after we met (about the time we progressed from shameless flirting and skirting around the edges of a relationship to full-on dating) transiting Venus hit our composite's Sun/Venus conjunction!

Good eye!

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From: the atman
Registered: Mar 2012

posted March 11, 2013 11:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anno_lucis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceri what would it mean if a composite sun/merc conjuncts a draconic sun/moon?

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Got Gemini??

Posts: 912
From: The Planet Mercury
Registered: Oct 2010

posted March 11, 2013 11:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Got Gemini??     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
Well, if a composite placement or even a conjunction or aspect is falling onto a synastric aspect, thus involving both people, I always feel that is EXTRA powerful.
It brings the synastric aspect into spotlight.

Well composite Sun illuminates it anyway (whatever it touches), the composite Saturn could be a bit restrictive or more positively stabilizing and structuring. At least making it a serious thing.

For her this relationship with you might be very important for her personal development (as her NN is included); maybe you are embodying the very quality she is trying to develop, with your ASC being there.
NN conjunct ASC is extremely impactful anyway. ONe of the surest signs of a relationship that leaves a deep impression (even if it does not always last, though very often this aspect comes up in long lasting commitments as well).

The influence of Jupiter makes it quite joyful. Though you have to see what else is triggered.

Well if her NN/Jupiter is squaring her personal Saturn and Pluto, it might not feel as joyful, but instead quite heavy, though also deep.

Her natal Saturn is about 15° later in Virgo at 23 or 24 Virgo.

Thanks for that interp Ceri! I gotta give that some thought. Us coming together has been a process but not in a bad way. I am single now but she isn't but she has let me know she has feelings for me so I will be patient.

For me, this is by far the most powerful connection and "relationship" I've ever had.

Gemini Sun
Libra Moon
Gemini Mercury
Cancer Venus
Virgo Mars
Virgo Asc

And yes, I'm a guy!

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posted March 11, 2013 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Keela     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the post and all the insights so far.

Originally posted by Ceridwen:

"composite sun opposite girl's jupiter "
POsitive. Definitely. Relationship will make her expand and broaden her horizon. Will also generate a lot of enthusiasm in her. A real feeling-good-aspect.

"composite pluto and saturn opposite girl's moon and ascendant. well...this is complex because natally, the girl already has pluto opposing her moon/asc. i dont know what this would trigger. "
Whatever it triggers this is HUGE. Karmic. Intense. Binding. Definitely not easy though.
It is of course very important if a natal aspect is highlighted in a composite.

"composite true node opposite girl's sun/venus/mercury/pluto - ive no idea."
Possibly a past life connection.

The composite I have in mind leaves some aspects a little wide, but given what you mentioned above, any chance you could shed some light also on the potentials here?

The short gist of things is at the bottom if you prefer to jump to the main questions?

Comp. ASC 20 Vir 6' opp Mars (still in 6H, unless his ASC is a few minutes off).
Pluto + Saturn conj ASC by 5 deg from 12th
Pluto + Saturn opp Angel (+Mars by 4,5)
Uranus 2 opp Chiron, 5 deg conj Pluto + Saturn

Plu/Sat conj her natal Mercury opp Amor.
Plu/Sat trine his NN.
Comp Moon 3 conj his NN.

Plu/Sat 2 trine comp Moon
Plu/Sat sext c.Neptune/Eros
Neptune/Eros conj his nValentine, square his Psyche
Nep/Eros sext cMoon
Moon inconj Venus/Merc

Comp Sun is conj her Saturn, his Venus.
Natals have Saturn conj Venus (opp his Chiron square her Chiron), her Union conj his Saturn-ASC and his Union conj her Venus.
Comp Sun ~8 opp c. Moon, so wide but semi-there.
Comp Sun 5 trine Mars-DC.
Comp Sun semisquare Uranus.

Comp MC conj her Mars, IC conj his Moon.
Comp Mars-DC trine his Uranus, square both Vertexes.

Composite NN (square c.ASC-DC + VX) is 3 opp his natal Sun, so composite ASC is three degrees square his Sun as well.
Comp Jupiter-Osiris opp cValentine square her Sun + Moon (or on her S/M midpoint).
Composite has Valentine trine Amor trine Karma.

A relationship would offer restrictions to her expansion, or...? It's the pair's Jupiter, not hers, but her Jupiter is square the comp Sun as well so it would seem indicative of something like that.


With Pluto and Saturn and the nodes all involved I'd read past life or karmic harshness potentials, but since you talk about comp Saturn opposite natal planets, how would people rate a composite Sun conj people's Saturn-something conjunctions? The meaning of the relationship or the main aspect pattern of synastry gets highlighted even through the composite Sun, but what of the rest of the big movers or shakers influencing it all?

The comp Moon near his natal NN and Plu/Sat and Neptune/Eros all aspecting it seems to suggest some role for his development as well, but that the comp Sun makes few contacts aside the very close and important natal Saturn/Venus touch might not make him feel it as much as her?

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posted March 11, 2013 12:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mockingbird:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ceridwen:
[b]that is so sweet.

Was there a transit triggering the composite Suna nd Venus and your relationship axis?

Checked very quickly, and YEP - about a month after we met (about the time we progressed from shameless flirting and skirting around the edges of a relationship to full-on dating) transiting Venus hit our composite's Sun/Venus conjunction!

Good eye!


Don`t you just love astrology?

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posted March 11, 2013 12:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by anno_lucis:
Ceri what would it mean if a composite sun/merc conjuncts a draconic sun/moon?

It depends what meaning you attribute to the Draconic chart. If you see it as a past life chart, then it would be a clear indication of bringing something forth from a past life line for that person. It does not need to mean the relationship in general was from a past life (I see this rather in conections from DRaco composite to tropical or Draco natal), it might just be that something in the relationship like it is today hits a past life frequency for the person.

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posted March 11, 2013 12:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Got Gemini??:

For me, this is by far the most powerful connection and "relationship" I've ever had.

I am not surprised seeing the tight link between c-Sun and then again natl ASC and NN.
The Saturn might slow down things. It does not always make it impossible, sometimes things just need some time to develop.

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