Topic: Research shows conjunctions in composite and sun conjunct venus are very important
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 10, 2013 12:23 PM From the above cosmitec astrology article: *The Composite Sun represents the life force of the couple, the unity of both people, so any aspect to the Sun is crucial. Also note the house position of the composite Sun. (My note: Yes the sun is the most important part of a composite)
*According to some research, the most important aspects in a Composite Chart (and the Davison Chart) are the conjunctions and oppositions (orb 3°). The closer the aspect, the more it gains importance. (My note: Indeed, tight conjunctions are most important in composite from my experience. The more conjunctions the better. And oppositions are the same thing as the conjunction in composite since it is a chart of midpoints) *In Composites of lovers, you will almost always find VERY exact or close conjunctions or oppositions (orb 3°, the closer the better) to natal personal planets or points (Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) of one partner. *The Sun-Venus conjunction in a Composite chart brings adoring love and is considered one of the best aspects to have. This conjunction denotes pure forgiving and unconditional love without judgements. However, it does not necessarily result in marriage nor does it indicate a life-long lasting bond. It just brings adoring love with or without all it's tragedies. (My note: I've always said it! Composite sun conjunct/opposite venus is the only indication there is of true love.)
------------------ True to my aqua north node, I'll always pick the choice nobody expected me to pick. ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility (3rd post) | Q&A | What's a Love stellium? | Most important aspects descriptions | Aspects to avoid IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 10, 2013 12:35 PM
I agree but I protest against the use of *only*. There's no such thing in astrology as only indicator for true love.  IP: Logged |
hikoro Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2013 12:52 PM
thanks RASi agree! it is true that one can find 'true love' with other aspects but thus far based on what ive seen.... the venus conjunction is the one that seems to stand out the most for most people ive talked to. sure, they've loved other folks with moon/mercury/jupiter-sun conjunction in composite... but the venus aspect is def. 'the one' that stands out... even if the relationship didnt last. IP: Logged |
Lazyscarecrow Knowflake Posts: 1385 From: Silent Hill Registered: Aug 2011
posted March 10, 2013 01:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: I agree but I protest against the use of *only*. There's no such thing in astrology as only indicator for true love. 
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22478 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 10, 2013 02:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: I agree but I protest against the use of *only*. There's no such thing in astrology as only indicator for true love. 
 And in the article itself there was nowhere written that Sun-Venus is the ONLY indicator of true love, just that it brings adoring love, which noone would argue against I guess.
Personally I find one of the most important things is to check if there are conjunctions/oppositions (yes they ARE the same in composite, I agree with that) to natal planets.
After all you can have the most beautiful composite, but what does it matter, if the relationship does not mean anything to YOU personally? However I am pretty sure that in those case of "true love" as possibly indicated by Sun-Venus, there WILL be conjunctions to natal planets. If only to one person, OUCH, really sorry for them.  Oh and no, Sun is NOT the most important thing in the composite. At least not soley. The solar Yang needs its lunar Yin. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 10, 2013 03:05 PM
Personally I find one of the most important things is to check if there are conjunctions/oppositions (yes they ARE the same in composite, I agree with that) to natal planets.
Yes the article also says this IP: Logged |
hikoro Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2013 03:13 PM
ceridwen...or anybody does one analyse the conjunction/opposition between the composite and a natal chart... as in, how does one interpret these aspects? this is what im trying to work on: conjunction: composite saturn conjunct male saturn's natal chart: does this mean that the guy is more bound/has a stronger sense of duty towards the relationship? composite uranus conjunct girl's uranus in natal chart. - mmm...i dont know. that maybe, the relationship will bring many changes to the girl's life? or, that the relationship will provide the girl with lots of adventures? or, the girl will feel suffocated by the relationship? composite pluto conjunct girl's pluto in natal chart. - relationship will be more intense for the girl? composite neptune conjunct both people's natal charts. - both of them will see the relationship as being 'destined', 'fated', satisfactory...emotionally. composite true node conjunct moon/asc. - ive no idea. ive never paid attention to the true node as much. means that a lot of lessons in the relationship will help her grow emotionally and mentally... oppositions: composite uranus opposite male's sun/venus/mercury - the male may feel that the relationship restricts his sense of freedom. composite sun opposite girl's jupiter - i dont know if this is negative or positive, but, is more positive. so, the girl will feel expanded-rose colored glasses about the relationship. composite pluto and saturn opposite girl's moon and ascendant. well...this is complex because natally, the girl already has pluto opposing her moon/asc. i dont know what this would trigger. composite true node opposite girl's sun/venus/mercury/pluto - ive no idea. and.... a loose conjunction (8 degrees) of composite chiron to male's chiron.... does this mean that the relationship will be a more 'healing' relationship for the male? thanks a bunch! if anybody knows of any links or other free info about how to interpret these, let me know. thanks. IP: Logged |
LightandLove Newflake Posts: 10 From: Down South Registered: Apr 2012
posted March 10, 2013 03:25 PM
I've been meaning to ask: what if you don't have sun/venus aspects in composite, but you have sun and venus both in the 7th house (referring again to the composite). Does that count, or? Just curious - I've been reading RAS' threads on this topic for a while and wondered.Thanks! IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 10, 2013 04:01 PM
quote: Personally I find one of the most important things is to check if there are conjunctions/oppositions (yes they ARE the same in composite, I agree with that) to natal planets.
quote: Yes the article also says this
I believe it's one way to evaluate who loves more. I strongly think the person with the more "hits" on his/her natal chart would fall more for the other, be more affected/involved in the relationship. Yes. Also, I think it depends *which* planets do the oppositions. I have had comp Saturn opp my natal Sun with someone and.. ugh! Something was always OFF with him. It was for most part, and still is, one sided, though I've tried to get in the game. Doesn't work.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22478 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 10, 2013 04:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera:
Also, I think it depends *which* planets do the oppositions. I have had comp Saturn opp my natal Sun with someone and.. ugh! Something was always OFF with him. It was for most part, and still is, one sided, though I've tried to get in the game. Doesn't work.
Yes, I can attest to that OFF-feeling. With a coworker of mine I have a pretty close Sun-Venus-conjunction in composite, but my Saturn is exactly opposite that conjunction. No, just no. From my side. ------------------------------------- I would pay most attention to conj/ opp to personal planets and those either ruling or placed in relationship houses. Like someone`S Neptune in 7th house might be still important in a relating sense, even though it is a generational planet. HOwever I would not pay attention to generational planets from comp to natal generational ones. Those will often be conjunct anyway. IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 10, 2013 04:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Yes, I can attest to that OFF-feeling.With a coworker of mine I have a pretty close Sun-Venus-conjunction in composite, but my Saturn is exactly opposite that conjunction. No, just no. From my side.
Yeah... I am now checking composites, because I have TOO many options at present lol. But I started with the past. Remember the Fish? Well, despite the composite having so many hits with his chart, esp angles, comp Sun was conj his Venus, BUT comp Saturn was also opposite his Venus. Same off feeling on his side. Though he was drawn to me initially, quite a lot, I'd say, Saturn-Venus had the last word. D@mn that aspect. Hasn't failed yet. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22478 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 10, 2013 04:26 PM
Of course you have to take the whole into consideration, but... "composite saturn conjunct male saturn's natal chart:" Probably you are close in age? So composite Saturn would also be conjunct the female`s SAturn? I donīt think it really means THAT much, unless falling into relationship houses, SAturn ruling a relationship house in his natal chart or his SAturn being aspected by Sun, Moon, VEnus, DESC, Mars etc. Only then it would mean that:
"does this mean that the guy is more bound/has a stronger sense of duty towards the relationship?" "composite uranus conjunct girl's uranus in natal chart. - mmm...i dont know. that maybe, the relationship will bring many changes to the girl's life?" Only if that composite Uranus was also conjunct a personal planet, or Uranus rules her 7th house or 5th or 8th house, or falls there, etc. "composite true node conjunct moon/asc. - ive no idea. ive never paid attention to the true node as much. maybe.." You should. Nodal aspects are always important (conjunction and square at least)
She is very strongly linked to the relationship in general, especially to the way it is meant to grow into. "composite uranus opposite male's sun/venus/mercury" WOW! " - the male may feel that the relationship restricts his sense of freedom. " Quite the opposite! This relationship will kick his butt so to speak. It might be very exciting to him, though sometimes overstimulating. The relationship might disrupt or at least change his views on love or life in general. It could turn his private world on its head, if he allows that. "composite sun opposite girl's jupiter " POsitive. Definitely. Relationship will make her expand and broaden her horizon. Will also generate a lot of enthusiasm in her. A real feeling-good-aspect.
"composite pluto and saturn opposite girl's moon and ascendant. well...this is complex because natally, the girl already has pluto opposing her moon/asc. i dont know what this would trigger. " Whatever it triggers this is HUGE. Karmic. Intense. Binding. Definitely not easy though. It is of course very important if a natal aspect is highlighted in a composite. (in a composite of mine we have a Moon-Mars-square and that square tightly overlays HIS natal Venus-Pluto-square, with c Moon conunct his Venus and c-Mars conjunct his Pluto in 7th house - I sometimes wonder how he experiences that. lol) Anyway, the relationship mioght have a great hold on the girl. There might be a slightly obsessive quality to it, and at the same time she might feel restricted as well in her emotional expression. But she is bound. I guess this relationship will help her -w ell force her or push her would be the better term- to get a clearer understanding on what she needs in relationships (Pluto on DESC opposite Moon). "composite true node opposite girl's sun/venus/mercury/pluto - ive no idea." Possibly a past life connection. IP: Logged |
Kerosene unregistered
posted March 10, 2013 04:31 PM
Ive noticed moon conjunct venus more harmonic and romantic, successful relationships usually have this have this. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22478 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 10, 2013 04:31 PM
Well, Hera, not in every case as it seems.I just see that in another composite the composite Venus is also exactly opposite my Saturn, but I donīt feel repulsed AT ALL. Maybe it helps that composite Sun isconjunct my 7th house ruler; composite Moon on my Antivertex and Sun/Moon-mp and opposite EROS, and so on. EDIT: Also, it seems to me that composite Saturn opposing soft planets in natal is not a good idea, and of course not opposing Sun either. It might feel like vital parts of your personality are being restricted by the relationship itself.
Actually i think I read in Liz Greene`s book on composite that in Prince Charles and Diana`s composite composite Saturn was conjunct his natal Sun (and squraed his Pluto exaclty), hence triggering his natal Sun-Pluto-square. Now seriously I wouldntīwant composite Saturn on my Sun. I would feel so stuffed and suffocated. Screw the karmic lessons! I can do without that one!
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Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 10, 2013 04:31 PM
Oddly, though, in Bull's case, the composite Saturn was opposite my Venus AND composite Venus was opposite his natal Saturn..This created mutuality, though in the end it was all for nothing. IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 10, 2013 04:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Well, Hera, not in every case as it seems.I just see that in another composite the composite Venus is also exactly opposite my Saturn, but I donīt feel repulsed AT ALL.
Lol, I just written the same thing ^^ The relationships that had the most impact in my life had triggered my Asc/DC axis or my Venus. And I guess that sometimes trumped Saturn-Venus, but in the end it didn't work out, so Saturn-Venus DID have the last word in my case.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 22478 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 10, 2013 05:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: Oddly, though, in Bull's case, the composite Saturn was opposite my Venus AND composite Venus was opposite his natal Saturn..This created mutuality, though in the end it was all for nothing.
He rejected the potential affections and love of the relationship and in turn you felt restricted rejected in your personal love nature. However, having said that, I think that with composite Venus opposite natal Saturn it could mean that the person rejects the love that is being generated for what reason ever, but that doesn`t change the fact that the affection is THERE. It might even give a chance to open up and melt some of the Saturnian insecurities and fears away, melting the tight control. But to do that you would probably need some other strong composite-natal conjunctions. In the composite with my coworker is not so much going on. c-Sun and Venus opposite my Saturn c-Saturn opposite my Venus (haha!) Two strikes! No wonder I do not feel attracted at all to him, though he is a nice guy. c-Neptune conjunct my NN and ASC (but that is pretty generational, and probably confusing. lol) c-Pluto cojunct my MC (there is also an exact square of Saturn and Pluto in composite, with c-Saturn opposite my Venus and c-Pluto on my Pluto-MC of course; yes it triggers my natal Venus-Pluto, but it is Saturn doing the triggering - I am not pleased. lol) For him some other things are highlighted: c-Mars conjuncts his Mercury-Jupiter conjunction c-Pluto opposite his Moon (which opposes his Pluto) there is really not much triggered. However what I find interdsting is that the composite Sun/Venus-conjunction is squaring his Chiron tightly, with my natal Saturn being EXACTLY square his Chiron (heartbreak clash anyone? ). lol Interestingly the composite Sun and Venus is also trine his Mars though. I know we only use conjunctions and oppositions, but I could not help notice that, as it aligns with synastric aspects. EDIT: Oh and the composite Sun-Venus conjunction is exactly conjunct his natal Eros/Psyche-mp.
and composite Pluto (and my own Pluto-MC) conjuncts his natal Valentine. IP: Logged |
hikoro Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2013 05:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: Ive noticed moon conjunct venus more harmonic and romantic, successful relationships usually have this have this.
that has to be very nice...especially for folks who are moony-oriented. i can see it.
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Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 10, 2013 05:09 PM
Ceri, what do you make of..*composite chart to my natal chart* Asc conj Uranus Uranus conj Jupiter Jupiter conj Moon-Neptune-SN (bit widely though, 4 deg but Moon is my DC ruler) Sun conj Asc Moon square Saturn (I put the sq also because I think it's relevant) Venus trine Saturn exact (my chart ruler) Mars conj Juno NN conj my Valentine and opp my Jupiter *composite chart to his natal chart* Asc opp Chiron or DC conj Chiron (fits!!) Juno conj Venus exact (Venus is his Asc-ruler) Sun conj his Mars (DC ruler) and IC though again a bit wideish esp the Mars conjunction (6 deg) Venus conj his natal Moon exact MC conj his Juno Chiron conj his NN NN opposite his Uranus (5H ruler) and Venus (4 deg, Asc ruler) Vertex opp his Jupiter Saturn conj his Sun exact *sigh*..
He sort of asked me to marry him. Not surprising given the Juno hits (they are present in synastry also, my Juno trine his SUn exact, his Juno trine my Asc exact). I don't think it's gonna hold tho. Sat-Ven opp in syn.. IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 10, 2013 05:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: He rejected the potential affections and love of the relationship and in turn you felt restricted rejected in your personal love nature.However, having said that, I think that with composite Venus opposite natal Saturn it could mean that the person rejects the love that is being generated for what reason ever, but that doesn`t change the fact that the affection is THERE. It might even give a chance to open up and melt some of the Saturnian insecurities and fears away, melting the tight control. But to do that you would probably need some other strong composite-natal conjunctions.
You are right, of course. Though he cared about me a lot and also suffered when we parted, I think it was his inability to accept genuine love and affection that eventually made me break the tie. Unfortunately the composite made so many contacts to my chart. And.. well, you know how much I loved him. (or obsessed about him..) IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 10, 2013 05:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: In the composite with my coworker is not so much going on.c-Sun and Venus opposite my Saturn c-Saturn opposite my Venus (haha!) Two strikes! No wonder I do not feel attracted at all to him, though he is a nice guy. c-Neptune conjunct my NN and ASC (but that is pretty generational, and probably confusing. lol) c-Pluto cojunct my MC (there is also an exact square of Saturn and Pluto in composite, with c-Saturn opposite my Venus and c-Pluto on my Pluto-MC of course; yes it triggers my natal Venus-Pluto, but it is Saturn doing the triggering - I am not pleased. lol) For him some other things are highlighted: c-Mars conjuncts his Mercury-Jupiter conjunction c-Pluto opposite his Moon (which opposes his Pluto) there is really not much triggered. However what I find interdsting is that the composite Sun/Venus-conjunction is squaring his Chiron tightly, with my natal Saturn being EXACTLY square his Chiron (heartbreak clash anyone? ). lol Interestingly the composite Sun and Venus is also trine his Mars though. I know we only use conjunctions and oppositions, but I could not help notice that, as it aligns with synastric aspects. EDIT: Oh and the composite Sun-Venus conjunction is exactly conjunct his natal Eros/Psyche-mp.
and composite Pluto (and my own Pluto-MC) conjuncts his natal Valentine.
So this gentleman fancies you but you do not reciprocate? Indeed, the Saturn-Venus repulsion is hard to break. I am almost as adamant about it as RAS is about composite Sun-Venus lol. But seriously, harsh Sat-Venus in either syn or composite either make the relationship unrequited, or just impossible. I have yet to see it fail.  IP: Logged |
hikoro Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2013 05:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Of course you have to take the whole into consideration, but...
i didnt expect the details, thank you for your generosity. "composite saturn conjunct male saturn's natal chart:" quote: Probably you are close in age? So composite Saturn would also be conjunct the female`s SAturn?
no, two years apart. she has saturn in saggie. quote: I donīt think it really means THAT much, unless falling into relationship houses, SAturn ruling a relationship house in his natal chart or his SAturn being aspected by Sun, Moon, VEnus, DESC, Mars etc. Only then it would mean that:
"does this mean that the guy is more bound/has a stronger sense of duty towards the relationship?" well...the composite saturn is in scorpio.... and then.... he has saturn conjunct mars in scorpio in the 10th house! O_O so, he will feel bounded, correct? did i get that interpretation least? "composite uranus conjunct girl's uranus in natal chart. - mmm...i dont know. that maybe, the relationship will bring many changes to the girl's life?" quote: Only if that composite Uranus was also conjunct a personal planet, or Uranus rules her 7th house or 5th or 8th house, or falls there, etc.
hahaha...uranus is in her 8th house actually, natally..... what a coincidence.... quote: Quite the opposite! This relationship will kick his butt so to speak. It might be very exciting to him, though sometimes overstimulating. The relationship might disrupt or at least change his views on love or life in general. It could turn his private world on its head, if he allows that., im trying to learn but, why is that? many of the astro descriptions of uranus opposing natal planets suggest that the individual will be 'an eternal bachelor' to speak. that his person will have difficulties with settling down, that is the reason i assumed he would run from this relationship in a heartbeat. but in this case, it is the opposite? quote: (in a composite of mine we have a Moon-Mars-square and that square tightly overlays HIS natal Venus-Pluto-square, with c Moon conunct his Venus and c-Mars conjunct his Pluto in 7th house - I sometimes wonder how he experiences that. lol)
have you asked him? im curious... do you get any hints as to how he experiences this? quote: Anyway, the relationship mioght have a great hold on the girl.
and i hope it will be similar for the boy  quote: Possibly a past life connection.
this is def. true. thanks again. always looking forward to your input. IP: Logged |
12thhouser Knowflake Posts: 1581 From: Registered: Feb 2012
posted March 10, 2013 05:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: I agree but I protest against the use of *only*. There's no such thing in astrology as only indicator for true love. 
I agree with you, Hera. The young seek love in particular patterns of life. The wise experience love while living it. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 10, 2013 09:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: So this gentleman fancies you but you do not reciprocate? Indeed, the Saturn-Venus repulsion is hard to break. I am almost as adamant about it as RAS is about composite Sun-Venus lol. But seriously, harsh Sat-Venus in either syn or composite either make the relationship unrequited, or just impossible. I have yet to see it fail. 
My parents have been happily married for over 30 years and they have a composite venus conjunct saturn i'm just sayin lol. Yeah it can mean that its hard to open up in the beginning of relationship or circumstances dont allow u to be together right away, but it can be overcome IP: Logged |
ueharaa Knowflake Posts: 784 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted March 10, 2013 09:50 PM
great thread :thumbs up:Yes, saturn is either all or nothing. It can also really test one's patience. I wish that had noted the imortance of composite moon-venus aspects. I am very intrigued by the comparison of one's natal placement with a composite chart. Is it supposed to show your relationship with the relationship? What you bring and what the relationship brings you? It's difficult to find interpetations for such aspects. And I wonder how aspect to the axis would manifest then. What if soemone's sun conjunct the composite saturn? They feel the heaviness of it? Lots of responsabilities? What if it's conjunct composite moon? And what about aspects to the composite vertex and node? Let's say someone has a double whammy with the composite chart of saturn conjunct nn, does it even play out? Can we say such aspects are as important as the synastry and composite itself? IP: Logged | |