Topic: Pluto water singleton
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 1368 From: Saturn Registered: Nov 2012
posted June 16, 2013 05:43 PM
Pluto in Scorpio is my only water planet (as far as I know). If yours too, reveal yourself! And tell us, what's your impression about its influence?------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 2566 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 16, 2013 06:01 PM
You have summoned me, speak mortal.that's my impression of it. IP: Logged |
I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 1368 From: Saturn Registered: Nov 2012
posted June 16, 2013 06:18 PM
Hehe. I was going to write "Go back to Tartar"  ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 2566 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 16, 2013 07:23 PM
I have it too, I was reflecting on that placement last night.I am playful most of the time but I feel everything really strongly. I'm good at picking vibes from people and knowing how and when to act. yet mercury in my chart is very strong so I don't go reckless with my emotions. I always like to have upper hand in every situation.
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hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 4722 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted June 16, 2013 07:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: You have summoned me, speak mortal.that's my impression of it.
Hahaha Kerosene you crack me up! I have Pluto as a singleton in the 5th. It's very intense. I've never been able to be on the fence about someone. I like them or hate them / don't like them. I tend to pursue people even when I'm not interested... the energy of Pluto is kind of like holding a lemon. It will squeeze every last drop out of it that it can, and then find a use for the rinds, even though it may or may not like lemonade.
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Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 2566 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 16, 2013 08:02 PM
Me too!!!Sometimes I just hate people for no reason, The thing is there is a reason. My internal discretion is always right. that person is usually bad news for me. I just go with my instincts and things work out for me. everything gets complicated when I over think and I'm influenced by other peoples point of view. Also I really relate to disney villains, I have a massive crush on frollo. IP: Logged |
peachbeigeblue Knowflake Posts: 2941 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted June 16, 2013 08:19 PM
I have it! It's my chart ruler - in my 12th conjunct my ascendant. My [new] boyfriend has the same as me except his isn't conjunct his asc^^^ Today we were joking around and I was saying how after I left i was never gona talk to him ever again and he was like "...i'll find you" and i was like "THAT'S MY LINE!" usually when my friends don't answer me right away i'll text them and say "i'll find you" it's hard for me to explain, really. pluto is the second most powerful planet in my chart though (first is sun) i'm so fixed, it's hard to pick it all apart.
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LiesLilithsaidtouranus Knowflake Posts: 177 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted June 17, 2013 01:44 PM
I have Pluto as my fire Singleton. Um, it's conjunct Ceres and Nessus. Well then. I feel like pluto plays out for me, as if I was a scorpio in a bad situation. There's a part of me that wants to end the power plays and then there is a part of me that wants to be in control. This singleton is in my 7th house. Just search up pluto in the 7th house,lol. Or click this link. Heh, it isn't easy and i feel like it being in the 7th house it amplifies my communication with everyone. I am very critical with people. I either love them or extremely hate them. It takes a while for me to actually tolerate someone that I don't like. I tend to sting people by mistake. I think this is why I love Scorpios so much, because I understand them.IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 3635 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted June 17, 2013 01:56 PM
Wow, I know so many people with a singleton Pluto.. holy molly.Umm.. hard to say what's the common trait, here. They're all quite different. I've noticed some of them, when you get really close, are actually quite tormented and take things very seriously, they can't quite handle the intensity of their feelings / emotions and find it hard to talk about serious topics; they don't like "getting their hands dirty", so to speak. A lot of them appear broody or serious.. a lot. They have a very private / secret vibe, even when it looks like they're all bubbly and funny and open. All I can say is that there's much more beyond the surface with these guys. IP: Logged |
its_aqua Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Mars Registered: Nov 2012
posted June 17, 2013 02:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: I have it too, I was reflecting on that placement last night.I am playful most of the time but I feel everything really strongly. I'm good at picking vibes from people and knowing how and when to act. yet mercury in my chart is very strong so I don't go reckless with my emotions. I always like to have upper hand in every situation.
+1 Very well described! For me Pluto is a tough thing cause it touches almost everything in my chart. Its like a boiling energy inside me, I prefer to "destroy" the other person and at the same time destroy myself with him, rather than do what I want. I have: Sun quintile Pluto Moon quincunx Pluto Venus square Pluto Neptune sextile Pluto Vertex conjunct Pluto For me its all about the mind games, the challenges, I simply cannot feel free to enjoy love, it always has to be a battle of who is in control.
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Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 2566 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted June 17, 2013 02:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Doux Rêve: Wow, I know so many people with a singleton Pluto.. holy molly.Umm.. hard to say what's the common trait, here. They're all quite different. I've noticed some of them, when you get really close, are actually quite tormented and take things very seriously, they can't quite handle the intensity of their feelings / emotions and find it hard to talk about serious topics; they don't like "getting their hands dirty", so to speak. A lot of them appear broody or serious.. a lot. They have a very private / secret vibe, even when it looks like they're all bubbly and funny and open. All I can say is that there's much more beyond the surface with these guys.
what about people with mars singletons. How do they appear or act? When I was young I use to be teased because I was the new kid , but once I had enough everything stopped. I was fed up, and I started feeling hatred for people. Without even saying anything people just stopped and avoided me. I think I just walked around radiating bad energy and giving people death stares. it's not like I was physically bigger or strong, or even capable really hurting them. Thou I did fantize about ringing their necks before I fell asleep. LOL No, I wouldn't shoot the school up, I'm not batshit crazy. I remember their was this incredibly obnoxious kid, that I think secretly liked me or something weird like that. Even in 12th grade he would like say strange stuff.. Out of anger I told him his existence is meaningless to me, and then suggested he drown himself. No one would miss a tool like you etc. His face was priceless. IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 4722 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted June 17, 2013 06:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by its_aqua: For me its all about the mind games, the challenges, I simply cannot feel free to enjoy love, it always has to be a battle of who is in control.
I have Moon opp. Pluto with Pluto in the 5th house and Saturn in the 7th (Moon trine Saturn too) and I feel this exact way! Very well put.
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I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 1368 From: Saturn Registered: Nov 2012
posted June 17, 2013 06:47 PM
I had a bad day... ------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 3635 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted June 18, 2013 06:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: what about people with mars singletons. How do they appear or act?
Actually, your experience makes me think that it was very Mars-ish of you. The sign Mars is in matters a lot - yours is in Aries, right? That's Fire. So you're definitely not someone to mess with - you can be aggressive when angry and probably won't step back from a fight. The vibe you exude is probably quite masculine, but in a covert, hidden way (Mars & Pluto singletons). Houses affected by Mars and Pluto may be areas where you find it hard to detach and apply your Airy logic.. You may feel passionate about them, too. IP: Logged |
aquagembaby Knowflake Posts: 94 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 18, 2013 10:07 PM
Pluto in Scorpio singleton. I'm not sure how this plays out though. I do have an extremely deep side that I never show. But I always thought the reason I seem 'hidden' or 'secretive' is b/c of all of my aqua, which makes me distant/impersonal  IP: Logged |