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  What have you noticed about the different Pluto generations? (Page 4)

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Author Topic:   What have you noticed about the different Pluto generations?

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posted July 12, 2013 02:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^^Leave it, we all know how much you love women.

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From: Neptune. where the witches wear givenchy
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posted July 12, 2013 02:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 11nahyt     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by aquaguy91:
well that's not the point.... These guys murdered people and all people can talk about is how hot they are. I don't know about you but that disturbs me.

Oh, we'll that's different then. I understand you're frustration if all the focus was on his looks.

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posted July 12, 2013 02:03 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thats such a **** argument too
Few girls find some bad guy sexually attractive and the whole female gender is evil...
Who cares...

Boys suck just as much as girls aquaguy..
I would say most guys are 100 times worse....

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Posts: 4122
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posted July 12, 2013 02:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for somethingexcellent     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^I just liked her commercial, everything appealed to my Aquarius Moon!

@nymi, well seems the wily barracuda is free to prowl another night...

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posted July 12, 2013 02:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StarlightSmileSupreme     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That commercial is cute!

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posted July 12, 2013 02:09 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know I love japan...
I want to live there one day..
Might try and get an internship in japan!

I love this commercial of hers.

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From: Greenville, South Carolina
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posted July 12, 2013 02:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for earthypisces     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by 11nahyt:
Pluto in sag is basically tumblr lol

Yuck, I hate Tumblr.

Pluto in Sag at 0 degrees, born in between Pluto first entering Sag and retrograding back into Scoprio.

Pisces Sun
Capricorn Moon/Venus
Taurus Ascendant
Aquarius Mercury
Leo Mars

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posted July 12, 2013 02:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for orocairion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by aquaguy91:
well that's not the point.... These guys murdered people and all people can talk about is how hot they are. I don't know about you but that disturbs me.

That's called being shallow, and people will tend to be shallow regardless of the generation they are born in.

What'll change is what their shallowness is directed at.

And Pluto in Scorpio here. Some pretty manipulable people, besides the whole sex thing, of course

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Posts: 253
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posted July 12, 2013 03:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Blackbird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Pluto in Libra, in the 29th degree - the anaretic or "frozen" degree, on the Libra-Scorpio cusp.

A critical observer of both the Pluto and Libra generation and the Pluto in Scorpio generation, but a member of neither -- or maybe a member of both.

I've been searching for a genuine relationship for a long time, but I am perpetually on the verge of saying "**** it, I'm going to find a prostitute". And then I think, "geez, I'm weak" and I end up doing nothing except browsing psychology and astrology articles until 4 o'clock in the morning. Unwilling or unable to take the next step, however logical or enjoyable it might seem.

All the weaknesses and shortcomings of both signs. An inescapable fear of what poison might be in the glass, and an unquenchable thirst for the life-giving water that the glass is filled with. Irreconcilable.

This marvelous placement is conjunct my Sun, Mercury and Saturn.

Oh, oops... *other* people? My peers? They're just as screwed up as I am. Most of them are blind to it, so it doesn't really hold them back. Either they search for (perfectly balanced) relationships wholeheartedly, or they are wholeheartedly hedonistic.

My natal chart

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posted July 12, 2013 03:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lazyscarecrow     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by orocairion:

That's called being shallow, and people will tend to be shallow regardless of the generation they are born in.

What'll change is what their shallowness is directed at.

And also, you are always in control of how you let it affect you, ag. I wouldn't really even take anything anyone writes on twitter seriously anyway.

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Posts: 4122
From: vodka fine, I'm so divine
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posted July 12, 2013 04:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for somethingexcellent     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Blackbird: This marvelous placement is conjunct my Sun, Mercury and Saturn.

You sound delicious. What's your Sun, Libra or Scorpio? 29th degree planets are really interesting to me. I think yours is expressing perfectly (which isn't always good for the possessor).

EDIT! Oh it's right there lmfao!!!! Well whoops! My Mercury is in the same degree as yours, your Sun and Saturn are conjunct my Venus, and my Sun is sextile your Mars/Venus conjunction. Wanna get married? Get a drink?

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posted July 12, 2013 05:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by 11nahyt:
Pluto in Virgo seems obsessed with traditions. And very very judgemental of other generations.

Pluto in Leo people seem a whole lot more exciting and carefree.

Ohhh I'm glad someone said it. Pluto in Virgo is a very critical, nasty group of people. They always have some assessment of everybody else that is, nine times outta ten, very negative. And express it like "Okay here is everything I think is wrong with you and you need to change it because I said so."

The ironic part is that in general they seem very troubled to me psychologically, like they have a lot of inner, unresolved conflict - probably because a lot of them have a lot of the heavier outer planets in conjunction to each other, like Pluto-Uranus, and then a lot of times, those outer planets are in harsh aspect to their inner planets; a lot of them have charts riddled with squares. I don't think I've ever really encountered one whose psyche isn't fractured in some way, but they like to judge, criticize, and preach down from an imaginary throne or pedestal they've put themselves on. I attract them like flies to honey - probably because my Vertex, Venus, and most of my planetary midpoints are in Virgo - and they promptly proceed to try and dismember me with words, which they usually claim is under the guise of trying to "help" me (a weird attraction-repulsion dynamic from them towards me). I think it's less about that than trying to take other people apart (that Virgo criticism) in order to make themselves feel better by comparison.

There's also usually a huge control-freak, power-hungry streak in Pluto in Virgo people that you would never expect. They approach life in general like it's one big power-play, competition, or "eat or be eaten".

Pluto in Leo really is kinda bada$$, and I mean that in the best possible way. They really do seem like these kinda sunny, laidback people with big personalities. A whole lotta charisma.

Pluto in Scorpio. I'll be honest - I don't really understand them, because their way of being in so foreign to me. They always seem ambitious to me to a scary or ruthless extent - like, "I will do anything...and I do mean, anything." Hyper-obsessed wtih obtaining power or money. It seems to me like they base their entire sense of self around that and acquiring that. They have a natural tendency too to try to dominate or control everyone around them I've seen also. Plus there's this jaded, world-weary thing about them that bothers me, like they've already seen and done everything eight times. Most Pluto in Scorp people seem to me like they've grown up too hard fast and soon to me and like it was largely by choice, eagerly delving into the Underworld (Pluto).

Pluto in Libra - this is my generation. And yeah in general "love" is a big deal for us, that does seem to be our whole theme. I wouldn't even say it's about marriage or a formal relationship specifically, but more like we feel this compulsion to form deep bonds with other human beings whatever form that takes, as much as humanly possible. All we wanna do is give and receive love, and experience as much pleasure as possible, and give as much pleasure to other people as possible. And yeah compared to most generations? We are kinda mellow and passive, very peaceful. I think the Scorpio generation looks down on us in contempt because we aren't as power and domination hungry and status and success hungry as they are, and yeah they do tend to try to dominate us or push us around. We tend to get on pretty well with Pluto in Leo who I think finds us relatively gentle and harmless; I've noticed that Pluto in Virgo people tend to love Pluto in Scorps, and hate Pluto in Librans. Both Pluto in Scorp and Pluto in Virgo seem kinda abrasive to me and share that kinda hard-a$$ mentality and a shared love of and desire for, power; so I think that's where their mutual appreciation for one another, comes from.

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Posts: 1754
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posted July 12, 2013 09:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Xiiro     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Pluto-up From the Flo up...

The Pluto in Leo people I know tend to be obsessed with their personal dramas, even to the detriment of some valuable relationships. Whatever desires/difficulty patterns arise in their chart consume their life. It's as if they will explode into a million peaces if they don't address their desires/dramas right now. Many Pluto in Leo people I know, grew up in a time when mainstream society was beginning to challenge acceptability with individuality. Many of them are also responsible however for standing up for their own human rights and paving the way for their children to grow up in a non-Orwellian non-McCarthyist society. Their parents were mostly Pluto in Gemini and generally obsessed with fitting in rather than standing out. Their grand parents were generally Pluto in Aries/Taurus, self-made and/or hedonistic. As children they were born out of WW2 and grew into the Vietnam conflict. They were raised to believe, "Any day now, some commie is gonna drop the bomb on you" and I think this not only inspired courage, but disillusionment once they realized they were being frightened into obedience.

History generally remembers people of/among this generation who stood up against social regimentation. This is the generation who had to find the courage to say, "I'm going to live life my way, not yours!" even in the face of guns and fire hoses. Unfortunately Pluto doesn't do things half way, the desire to rule their own lives extends to not letting loved ones and responsibility force them to make uncomfortable decisions. Many parents from this generation, having spent their lives relating AT the world, had difficulty understanding their Pluto Libran children's need to be taught how to relate WITH the world. I'll elaborate when we get to Pluto in Libra.

Pluto in Virgo people seem to be obsessed with protocol, appearances, and serving a purpose. Additionally, they seem to have realist perspectives of idealized personal expectations. An example of this is someone who works hard to game the system, so they can live above their means, and maintain a specific appearance. The seemingly healthier approach is to live within one's means and direct their hard work toward building a stable life to which they aspire. This generation's parents were mostly Pluto in Cancer/Leo so they were raised with parents who were either too busy with personal endeavors to teach their children how to build a stable life, or so obsessed with maintaining a perfect home image that they neglected to impart a realistic comprehension of what to expect when you grow up (Donna Reed had Pluto in Cancer). Pluto in Virgo's grandparents were Pluto Taurus/Gemini and obsessed not only with being socially acceptable, but working hard to live in comfort.

Pluto Virgo made their big debut throughout the 70's and 80's they knew there was a threat of nuclear annihilation, but their parents didn't seem bothered with it, so they followed suit. Where Pluto in Leo made rebellion important, Pluto in Virgo needed to categorize rebellion, making it fashionable. They idealized uniqueness and put a lot of emphasis on different styles defining different social types (yuppies, hippies, rockers, jocks, goths, punks, preps, etc...) worked hard to successfully categorize and manifest it in all shapes, sizes, and ugly haircuts. As parents, Pluto in Virgo people seem to want to keep up with the Joneses at the expense of complete financial ruin. My sister is Pluto in Virgo. She hasn't paid rent in 2 months, but her two kids attend dance classes, violin, singing, and piano lessons, gymnastics, and have participated in 3 different kid's camps this summer. Next week she and my nieces are attending a dance competition on a cruise ship and she is more upset about not being able to fit into her formal gown than losing her house.

Pluto in Libra seem obsessed with relationships definitely and there is good reason. Their Pluto in Leo/Virgo parents were both very preoccupied people and often incapable of forming valuable relationships with their kids. Pluto in Libra kids were the first to face mass divorce, single parent households, and were popularly refereed to as "latch key kids", because there were often no parents at home when they came home from school. It was also popular in some places for parents to send Pluto in Libra teens to mental hospitals when they couldn't control them. This generation's grandparents were Pluto in Gemini/Cancer, obsessed with social acceptability and creating a nurturing/traditional environment for their family. Because Pluto in Libra didn't have family or home, their friends became their family and their hang out spots became their home. The traditions/nurturing witnessed in their grandparents were channeled then, out into the street and toward expanding their social circles.
Pluto in Libra were obsessed with making uniqueness functional/relative and this is why they grew up with movies like "The Breakfast Club"; a story about 5 completely different individuals who are not socially compatible, but who learn to find a common ground. They are the generation who turned disco into techno, threw raves, and coined terms like P.L.U.R (Peace, Love, Unity and Respect). Pluto in Libra was also the first generation to experience the wide-spread use of MDMA.

I think it's important in understanding this Pluto, to understand this generation is a fulcrum generation. They mark the moment when an individual and object-oriented society begins to shift its focus into more collective and subject oriented matters. This is the generation who was old enough to remember a world without video games/computers/internet/social networking, yet young enough to have still participated in those experiences as young people. I think one of the greatest markings of Pluto in Libra is the phrase, "it's not fair". This generation has the capacity for deeply relating with the struggles of people, because they comprehend fairness deeply. They were one of the first generations to do to Pluto in Leo, what Pluto in Leo did to its government. Pluto in Libra felt it was their duty to point out when their role-models acted unjustly or with disregard to the humanity of all affected. This included the times when parents disciplined their kids out of frustration instead of correction. Pluto in Leo can be heavy handed with discipline and Pluto in Libra merely needs a rational explanation in order to improve their behavior.

Something else to mention is the transition of Uranus from Libra to Scorpio. People with Pluto and Uranus in Libra were less defiant than those with Uranus in Scorpio. So on one end of the generation we see the more romantic/social relationship oriented people and on the other, a group of people who were focused on exploring the depths of social spirituality, telepathic/empathic connection, and the meaning of life. This generation experienced Pluto sextile Neptune, with Uranus semi-sextile Neptune/Pluto.

Pluto in Scorpio is a wandering generation. Their parents were Pluto in Virgo/Libra so they are often raised by parents who are obsessed with providing a specific kind of nourishment (even if that nourishment is not helpful) or people who have developed their own social rules. Pluto Virgo Parents tend to give a lot of freedom within the confines of their ideal, while Pluto Libra leans toward letting their child explore, but offering help when they observe it may be needed. Both are difficult for Pluto in Scorpio to cope with, because what they experience is nondescript and both types of parents need words or signals to be able to help their child appropriately. I imagine this may cause Pluto in Scorpio to 1) feel horribly misunderstood, as if they speak a language that only their generation can understand. And 2) much higher evolved than their parents, because they do not need words or symbols to relate with the world. I imagine this could also make Pluto in Libra feel very left out, having a child who they don't understand how to communicate with LOL.

Pluto in Scorpio's grandparents are Pluto in Cancer/Leo. Leo/Cancer are much less fussy than Virgo or Libra, and Pluto in Leo's "do what you want, I got stuff of my own to deal with" policy mixed with Pluto in Cancer's "If that makes you happy sweetie here, take some cookies for your trip" approach instills a sense of independence which Virgo/Libra have difficulty producing. Pluto in Scorpio has no structure, everything is intangible and transparent; laws, rules, protocol, occasionally people's feelings, etc.. The real struggle for this generation I feel, is discovering something of true value in life. It's sort of like waking up in a video game and knowing it's not real... how can you take the world seriously with that knowledge?

Pluto in Sag is a generation of explorers. Their parents are Pluto in Libra/Scorpio, so they learn at a young age they are not only free to roam, but that they are accountable for their actions. Their grand parents are Pluto Leo/Virgo which instills in them a sense of self and a desire to go do something ideal/good/big.This is the first mostly technological generation and they can spend a lot of time with their faces buried in a screen. Part of this has to do with the fact that Pluto in Sag are almost capable of raising their selves. A major learning experience for this Pluto is the establishment of boundaries. Pluto in Libra will guide when asked for help, and attempt to set rules which respect their child's freedom. They expect that as long as they are diplomatic and explanatory, their child should be thoroughly equipped for following the rules. Pluto Sag learns to be inquisitive in an attempt to gain knowledge from their parents, but knowing what questions to ask poses some difficulty. Pluto in Scorpio will only get involved when a threat arises, or alternately can smother their kid, forcing them to venture away on their own. So their kids often learn boundaries through trial and error. Over all Sag Pluto has the capacity to be very self sufficient and responsible, but life can occasionally end up feeling like a bit of a task. When this happens, this generation can get goofy and when Sag gets goofy, stuff gets broken. I think a large challenge for this generation is applying their world view to a specific set of information, without understanding that their set is limited to the questions they never knew to ask. Pluto Sag are quite capable, but the burden really falls on them to educate their selves.

Pluto in Cap are interesting so far. I see a lot of focus, a strong obsession with reward, and a bit of an opportunist streak. My Niece is still young though so I don't have much to contribute on that one.

I may or may not edit this tonight. If not, sorry for the brutal errors bound to exist. =)

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posted July 12, 2013 10:18 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Xiiro:
Pluto in Leo's "do what you want, I got stuff of my own to deal with" policy mixed

That sounds exactly like my dads attitude towards raising me.

nice post, it's well written.

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posted July 12, 2013 10:37 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Me & sis are Pluto in Sag - i have it in 0 degrees doe

My mom - End of Pluto in Virgo
Real dad - Pluto in Leo.

Pisces sun
Leo moon ♥
Air woman. Fire man, made
me a girl who's barely

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Ami Anne

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From: Pluto/house next to NickiG
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posted July 12, 2013 10:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ami Anne     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by somethingexcellent:
You sound delicious. What's your Sun, Libra or Scorpio? 29th degree planets are really interesting to me. I think yours is expressing perfectly (which isn't always good for the possessor).

EDIT! Oh it's right there lmfao!!!! Well whoops! My Mercury is in the same degree as yours, your Sun and Saturn are conjunct my Venus, and my Sun is sextile your Mars/Venus conjunction. Wanna get married? Get a drink?

Blackbird is delicious. I saw his pic and he is Yum

Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal

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posted July 12, 2013 10:46 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I feel like this movie sums up pluto in libra...

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posted July 12, 2013 11:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for acousticbob     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Kerosene:
Pluto in scorpio= 90's

Pluto was in leo during the golden age of hollywood.

Pluto in sag generation has so much influence over the media. The media caters to their every whim and fancy
Teenage girls run the world..

More like the media has so much influence over teenage girls.

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Aries Eagle

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posted July 12, 2013 11:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries Eagle     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Scorp pluto in 1st,I value my privacy and security even more than my generation being 1st houser.

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posted July 12, 2013 11:31 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well they manipulate their desires..
Teenage girls desire a pretty dancing monkey they can idolize and lust after.
They're in heaven!
Guess who has to pay for their tickets, and various merch?

I can imagine the destruction that could ensue if Justin Bieber concert was to be cancelled.

Do you think the law enforcement would beat them with batons?

Yeah sometimes I see a group of shady teenage girls heckling pedestrians.. Everybody keeps their head down and walks away terrified.

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posted July 12, 2013 12:39 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Kerosene:
Well they manipulate their desires..
Teenage girls desire a pretty dancing monkey they can idolize and lust after.
They're in heaven!
Guess who has to pay for their tickets, and various merch?

I can imagine the destruction that could ensue if Justin Bieber concert was to be cancelled.

Do you think the law enforcement would beat them with batons?

Yeah sometimes I see a group of shady teenage girls heckling pedestrians.. Everybody keeps their head down and walks away terrified.

Justin Bieber

I used to have a huge crush on him at 12, but now he is Fxcking hot ! ♥ but i dont fangirl over him anymore!

Pisces sun
Leo moon ♥
Air woman. Fire man, made
me a girl who's barely

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Posts: 269
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posted July 12, 2013 12:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for orocairion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Kerosene:
Well they manipulate their desires..
Teenage girls desire a pretty dancing monkey they can idolize and lust after.
They're in heaven!
Guess who has to pay for their tickets, and various merch?

I can imagine the destruction that could ensue if Justin Bieber concert was to be cancelled.

Do you think the law enforcement would beat them with batons?

Yeah sometimes I see a group of shady teenage girls heckling pedestrians.. Everybody keeps their head down and walks away terrified.

And recently, read one of his fangirls saying that Queen and Pink Floyd were overrated, that Justin Bieber was better than both of them and an underrated musical genius.

All sorts of violent thoughts crossed my mind after reading that.

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posted July 12, 2013 01:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Pluto in Sagittarius everyone..

I mean if he was beatles it would be one thing...

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Posts: 9168
From: neptune
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posted July 12, 2013 01:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StarlightSmileSupreme     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 12, 2013 01:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
lmfao!! may god bless your Gemini stellium.

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