Topic: You experience with Double Whammy synastry
somethingexcellent Knowflake Posts: 4122 From: vodka fine, I'm so divine Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 21, 2013 07:11 AM
In real life, I've only had one double whammy synastry that I can think of right now. There might have been more but it's the only one I remember checking. If I can remember or find more, I'll add them in.Mercury/Venus She had Mercury at 7 Taurus and Venus at 26 Aries I have Mercury at 28 Libra and Venus at 6 Scorpio We just seemed to understand one another. It was really easy to talk about anything; there were hardly any misunderstandings and we never had an argument. It felt intimate and affectionate without much "I love you"s or physical affection. It was definitely a good relationship, and I'm glad that she's looked me up again hahaha (as friends!).  How about your experiences? IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 8078 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 21, 2013 07:36 AM
Sun square Saturn DW - very binding but ends up feeling oppressive.Venus in each other's 1st house - you just like the person. Affection and love feelings come easily. Venus / Mars DW - conjunction & square - it was a long-distance crush, but we were both into each other at some point. Moon square Mars DW (+ Moon opp Moon and Mars opp Mars) - sexual attraction. You know when you look at someone and they're just your "type". No emotional compatibility though. Moon opposite Venus DW - good feelings.. comfort. Sun / Jupiter DW - conjunction & trine - again, good feelings, you just feel good around the other person. Sun / Venus DW - you can hardly ever hate that person, and sometimes there are love feelings. Moon / Saturn opposition DW - feels like you literally need that person in your life. Unhealthy attachment that goes beyond crazy.. well, it was combined with Pluto but still. Moon / ASC DW - feels emotional, nurturing. Sometimes too emotional. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 8078 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 21, 2013 07:44 AM
I've noticed sometimes with Mercury / Venus (DW) you like that person's voice..IP: Logged |
12muddy Knowflake Posts: 1798 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted July 21, 2013 08:03 AM
mars trine venus dw, mars trine mars dw: very in tune with each other feelings, great sex.Sun-moon dw: understand each other very well. Opposition causes some tension and disagreements. Ascendant – venus dw, ascendant-mars dw: feel at ease with each other, find each other very attractive, support/encourage each other. Saturn-ascendant dw: ground each other, stable. Neptune-sun dw: idealize each other – “In my eyes you can do no wrong”, forgive each other a little too easily. Vertex-uranus dw, uranus-moon dw: get together very quickly. "Fated" encounter. Saturn-mars dw: binding. IP: Logged |
Jkitty Knowflake Posts: 992 From: an oasis in the desert Registered: Mar 2013
posted July 21, 2013 02:59 PM
What I like best about double whammy synastry, especially those aspects that are HARDCORE double whammies where the type of aspect is the same both ways, is that you both GET each other in whatever areas are covered by those planets and houses. This is true even if you both have the same aspect in your natal chart without the double whammy of synastry (like if you both have Venus squared by Mars in your natal charts -- you understand the conflict, even if your not aspecting those planets in synastry or if you both have Mercury in the 5th house, you've got an affinity in that area of your lives). But if the planets DO connect, it feels heavenly -- like this person REALLY understands this about me. IP: Logged |
orocairion Knowflake Posts: 232 From: Registered: May 2013
posted July 21, 2013 03:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by 12muddy: Saturn-mars dw: binding.
I've read this one is quite difficult to deal with. What about Neptune Conjunct Neptune? IP: Logged |
Selene Knowflake Posts: 728 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted July 21, 2013 03:18 PM
Sun opposite Mercury + Sun opposite Mercury - with my current passion - lively talks, exciting Venus opposite Ascendant + Venus square Ascendant - with him again. I'm in love, what else can i say? ^^ I don't know if that counts, it's more a complimentary thing between our natal charts, though... My Moon in 11H, His Sun in 11H; My Mars in 10H, His Venus in 10H; My Saturn in 5H, His Saturn in 5H And just a few weeks ago i met a new guy who seems to be totally charmed by me. I am not sure if i want anything with him. But anyway, we have: Sun sextile Moon + Sun opposite Moon Moon conjunct Moon Venus trine Venus Jupiter trine Sun + Jupiter opposite Sun Moon conjunct Vertex + Moon opposite Vertex Jupiter conjunct Vertex + Jupiter conjunct Vertex Mars trine Chiron + Mars conjunct Chiron All this with this one person, but the attraction is more from his side. I just like to be in his company, because he makes me feel good - compliments me all the time and makes me feel special. Other than that - i think the reason is the fact i'm still in love with another one, so yeah.. Also he does not activate my 7th house. + Actually there are more DW's as planets are really compatible between our signs, just the degrees are much wider, for example: Mercury trine Mercury Uranus sextile Sun + Uranus semisextile Sun (these are pretty tight, just a minor aspect Venus trine Jupiter + Venus opposite Jupiter Pluto square Moon + Pluto square Moon Pluto square Jupiter + Pluto square Jupiter
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HannieBananie unregistered
posted July 21, 2013 04:08 PM
I have Mercury square Sun dw with my Scorpio moon booboo  I have Mercury in mid-Aquarius he has it in late Taurus conjunct his Sun...  But my Neptune trines his Merc My Mercury trine his Mars.  ------------------ Pisces sun Leo moon ♥ Aint nobody realer. :) Loyal to her Bull ♥ IP: Logged |
tgem Knowflake Posts: 1670 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted July 21, 2013 04:16 PM
I have 5 DW's with a soulmate: Neptune/saturn DW Neptune/pluto DW Venus/mars DW Asteroid Karma/saturn DW (Exact!) Vesta/POF DWOh yeah, forgot we also have mercury, venus, mars, jupiter/ pluto DW's Sun, venus, mars/uranus DW's And venus/neptune DW's Guess there's more than 5....kind of crazy! IP: Logged |
starmoon Knowflake Posts: 1210 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted July 21, 2013 04:19 PM
my partner and I have 4: saturn - venus venus - pluto venus - uranus venus - neptunesadly, it's my venus that seems most impacted. with these DWs it's all about attraction/sexual interest and struggling to make it work. not very flowing stuff imo even though they are conjunctions IP: Logged |
cfall614 Knowflake Posts: 55 From: Registered: Jul 2012
posted July 21, 2013 05:30 PM
My ex and I had some: -Moon-venus DW: very affectionate and we couldn't stay mad at each other for long -Venus-MC DW: I think this is the one that made us encourage each other in our professional endeavors -Sun-venus DW: we both were not each other's "types" and made negative judgments at 1st sight, then apparently got over them :P They were squares though, so the negative DWs may manifest a bit differently than if they were positive -Mercury-uranus DW: great conversations but our conversations were all over the place-we would be angrily talking about the fight we had and 2 minutes later talking about a party we went to and how many mosquitoes were around us at the timeIP: Logged |
meyray Knowflake Posts: 439 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted July 21, 2013 06:04 PM
Venus/Saturn (trine) – Unbreakable bond, absolute security. While in a relationship no matter what each of you does you are always certain you are loved. After a break up no matter how you feel about the person in the moment you will always have an emotional attachment to them. Jupiter/Pluto - quadruple whammy (conjunction) – Intense philosophical conversations and mutual soul-searching. It can go either way depending on Mercury and other aspects. Neptune/Uranus – quadruple whammy (conjunction) – Appreciation of each other’s idealism and weirdness. Mercury/Neptune (square) – You may not always resonate with each other’s personal problems or suffering. Mercury/Uranus (square) – I only have one specific example for this. You both call each other and initiate contact suddenly. Dates tend to be very spontaneous. It’s very hard to arrange plans together and follow them through because something always comes up. Sun/Mercury (conjunction) – You get each other. You know where the other person is coming from and why they think the way they do. There is also a sort of admiration between you too. Venus/Jupiter (conjunction) – Nearly impossible to think something bad about the other person. They always delight you and their bad qualities don’t seem to bother you. Jupiter/Neptune (sextile) – Very flowing discussions. You appreciate each other’s philosophies and ideals.
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Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 8078 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 21, 2013 06:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by meyray: quadruple whammy
 Oh, you! IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 1371 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 21, 2013 07:13 PM
quote: Mercury/Venus She had Mercury at 7 Taurus and Venus at 26 Aries I have Mercury at 28 Libra and Venus at 6 Scorpio
This is definitely one of the strongest resonations that can occur between charts. If I see it right, a composite alignment (opp. of 1,5?)) a DW opposite (strong aspect) and well.. conjunct midpoints. Can't be stronger (almost). It's all a matter of resonance. The stronger the resonance the more need to be-with each other. And as we all see.. it IS a dw opposition. Bad? Not-at-all. IP: Logged |
Jkitty Knowflake Posts: 992 From: an oasis in the desert Registered: Mar 2013
posted July 21, 2013 08:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by Selene: I don't know if that counts, it's more a complimentary thing between our natal charts, though... [b]My Moon in 11H, His Sun in 11H; My Mars in 10H, His Venus in 10H; My Saturn in 5H, His Saturn in 5H [/B]
I think those are VERY important. Synastry isn't just about aspects -- it all begins with the natal charts and the more affinity exists between the two natals, the better! After all, each planet making an aspect between charts is doing something in each natal chart as well. If a planet is very afflicted in the natal, you DON'T want it to be conjunct a tender spot within your own. That is why conjunctions are considered a HARD aspect. Oftentimes it's BETTER to just have the affinities without an actual aspect that can trigger an already natally challenged planet. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 1371 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 22, 2013 06:53 AM
I consider DW's that result in a composite conjunction or opposition the strongest of all. In fact, when there's a composite alignment (conj. OR opp.) there's *Always* a DW with the *same* angle. A double trine/square/opposition/semi-square/Bi-quintile etc. Some dw's are major aspects, some are minor aspects and some simply do not fall in the legitime category of aspects - let's say an angle of 14, which isn't supposed to be any aspect. Although we have an exact DW (trine + square) Pluto/Mars in our synastry I don't consider it our strongest resonance. This DW becomes an exact quindecile (165) in our composite. Instead, the one I would highlight is this one; His Juno 23 Sag, his Sun 2 Cap. My Juno 18 Leo, my Sun 7 Leo. His Juno is sesquiquadrate (135) my Sun. My Juno is sesquiquadrate (135) his Sun. The result is a composite Sun/Juno conjunction. I would consider it a bit stronger if there was a Major DW-aspect. Another possibility if there was a Major natal aspect involved with each natal. In our Sun/Juno case there's a wiide conjunction in both natals. The stronger the aspects qua orb the more I would highlight it. So I would say, let us not forget the Composite conjunctions and oppositions and see which underlying DW aspects are present!
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FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 28, 2014 02:37 PM
Does it matter which aspects there are in a DW? I have Sun square Venus and a Sun sextile Venus in one synastry with someone. Would this be, overall, a good thing? And what about DW squares between Moon and Venus?IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 8078 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 28, 2014 03:06 PM
They're still DW's.Moon/Venus hard aspects can create comfort/familiarity but sometimes they make people take each other for granted; and sometimes one feels underappreciated by the other. Love styles can be different which can lead to emotional frustration.
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FruityLlama Knowflake Posts: 426 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 28, 2014 03:22 PM
Ah right, okay And so the Sun-Venus DW would overall be a good thing then? IP: Logged |
LionFish Knowflake Posts: 1150 From: Registered: Aug 2012
posted May 28, 2014 03:34 PM
With my fiance:Sun/Venus semisquare and sextile Sun/Mars semisquare and trine Sun/Uranus semisquare and square Sun/Pluto sesquisquare and square Moon/Mars opp and square Moon/Jupiter square and Opp Merc/Venus semisquare and sextile Merc/Mars trine and semisquare Venus/Saturn trine and sextile Venus/Pluto square and quincunx Mars/Jupiter square and sextile
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next to neptune Knowflake Posts: 1509 From: The Moon Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 28, 2014 03:48 PM
With my s.o we got:Sun conjunction mercury double whammy: I don't get this one…it's not like we have endless talks or anything, it feels strange actually… cannot figure this one out actually! Moon trine ascendant and moon square ascendant: We like being emotionally and intimate.. we love holding hands and touch each other Sun trine saturn and sun square saturn: Though we love being intimate and close, I think this one also bring some emotional coldness somehow… it can feel a bit distant between us sometimes, maybe even a kind of "strict"… sometimes I feel much more strict and serious than I want to be! Mars conjunction mercury and mars trine mercury: I don't really know about this one…we love to play games together, and challenge each other. It's like we get 100% pleasure from "playing" with each other somehow… Saturn opposite ascendant double whammy: Again, I think this aspect can make both of us seem more "strict" than we wan't to be… sometimes being together can feel like a burden, instead of being out of fun…. there can be "dead" periods between us where it feels cold but still very stable… fortunately we got a lot of jupiter and uranus in our synastry too, so these "dead" periods doesn't last long, but they feel very boring when they happen… venus square uranus and venus sextile uranus: I think this just means that we give each other a lot of freedom, but often it also means we are inhibited from seeing each other often… there is always something "in the way" IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 40749 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 28, 2014 07:34 PM
Moving to Interpersonal Astrology.IP: Logged |