Topic: Sociopaths and astrology?
Odette Knowflake Posts: 2242 From: Registered: May 2012
posted July 27, 2013 01:07 AM
Or maybe they're just being attention-seeking!IP: Logged |
Kerosene Knowflake Posts: 3607 From: Mercury Registered: Dec 2012
posted July 27, 2013 01:10 AM
I wouldn't be surprised I've had weird ass experienced with sags.They are saucy little bugger, regardless of gender too IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 2614 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted July 27, 2013 02:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: It's weird that I've met two Sag influenced people who both described themselves as sociopaths (literally said "I'm a sociopath") and yet they also both claimed to have big hearts. I guess Jupiter causes cognitive dissonance.... ???
I'm gonna take that as they were joking about one or the other. But if serious then it would be interesting to hear them explain that. IP: Logged |
peachbeigeblue Knowflake Posts: 3179 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted July 27, 2013 07:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: It's weird that I've met two Sag influenced people who both described themselves as sociopaths (literally said "I'm a sociopath") and yet they also both claimed to have big hearts. I guess Jupiter causes cognitive dissonance.... ???
interesting. maybe it's contradictory placements? or they were trying to use you. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 44176 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted July 27, 2013 07:54 AM
quote: Originally posted by page one: If you're defining "sociopath" as peach has, as someone who manipulates other people to get their way, I would look for afflictions with the seventh house, both planets and rulers. I'd also look at hard aspects to Neptune for the potential for deceit and pretense. Maybe the 12th house as well.
No, I am defining them from the ROOT which is no/low empathy. What springs from the root is what you see but the chart will show the root more imo ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 5008 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted July 27, 2013 08:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by peachbeigeblue: interesting. maybe it's contradictory placements? or they were trying to use you.
If someone were trying to use me I don't think they would blatantly say "Hi, I'm a sociopath"  I think Sags just don't have remorse for individual people unless that person is really close to them, which takes a long time to accomplish and a lot of patience. IP: Logged |
peachbeigeblue Knowflake Posts: 3179 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted July 27, 2013 05:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: If someone were trying to use me I don't think they would blatantly say "Hi, I'm a sociopath"  I think Sags just don't have remorse for individual people unless that person is really close to them, which takes a long time to accomplish and a lot of patience.
Idk I was pretty much best friends with the girl who told me she thought she was. And then she continued to mess with me. I don't think she could help it much
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libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 969 From: past, present, and future Registered: Aug 2010
posted July 27, 2013 05:50 PM
There was a thread awhile back ago with aspects/placements talking about this subject. Someone mentioned Mars square Neptune, and Moon/Mars featured in the charts of sociopathic people and serial killers. With Mars/Netune they have problem seperating reality from fantasy, and get lost between the two. Its almost like they are in a dream state. With Moon/Mars, its hard to control the emotions as they can get out of hand too easily, over zealous emotional rage. Ted Bundy had this aspect in his natal.Of course not everyone with these aspects are sociopathic killers, but there is potential there with some individuals depending on afflictions and other things going on in the persons life. IP: Logged |
Gemmy Knowflake Posts: 503 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted July 27, 2013 05:51 PM
Would an Aries Moon opposite Jupiter show sociopathic tendencies?IP: Logged |
libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 969 From: past, present, and future Registered: Aug 2010
posted July 27, 2013 05:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gemmy: Would an Aries Moon opposite Jupiter show sociopathic tendencies?
Not sure about this aspect, havent read anything about it being connected to sociopathic people. IP: Logged |
Gemmy Knowflake Posts: 503 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted July 27, 2013 06:07 PM
Someone I know has this aspect.He kind of has the signs of a sociopath.But he's very moody. A girl I know also shows some signs.But I have most of what is mentioned in these threads and I don't think I am one.  IP: Logged |
libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 969 From: past, present, and future Registered: Aug 2010
posted July 27, 2013 06:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gemmy:
But I have most of what is mentioned in these threads and I don't think I am one. 
Thats good to know Gemmy, astrology is all a matter of freewill, depends on what you choose to do  IP: Logged |
Gemmy Knowflake Posts: 503 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted July 27, 2013 06:19 PM
^  I'm not one,that was a joke everyone.  IP: Logged |
PixieJane Moderator Posts: 2614 From: CA Registered: Oct 2010
posted July 27, 2013 06:42 PM
I think Sags are one of the nicer signs more often than not, but they get a bad rep for speaking too bluntly and sometimes for their free spirited (mixed with optimism) attitude towards sex that makes them seem like seducers (but he really DID like you, he just didn't want to settle with you) or spendthrifts (she didn't mean to burn through your money, it's just easy come, easy go, and these things take care of themselves if you don't worry too much about them, right?). Sag says, "Don't worry about spilled milk, the cat will come along and lap it up" and that can grate on others. Their being less dependent on the approval of others can also make them seem less team players, too. To me, Merida is definitely a Sag, that is the redheaded "fair maiden/princess" here: Sags can also come off as particularly selfish, but I think it's more accurate that they're more HONEST about it, but are no more selfish than anyone else...and they're even on slightly higher ground because unlike many other signs they're not only honest about it, they're ok with others being the same. Personally, I prefer the open "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" of a Sag than the typical manipulation and rampant rationalization (often with double standards) of most other signs. I've only known one Sag who came close to being a sociopath, but even he doesn't fit the bill for me (he was more supremely selfish who was willing to go to extreme lengths to preserve his personal liberty and property, but otherwise recognized the right of others to their own and left them to it as long as it didn't conflict with his). For the record, I consider a sociopath who views and treats other people like kids treat dolls/action figures: as having no consideration as the rest of us would give a living being and willing to use them without guilt in the most base ways, though not all sociopaths kill just as not all kids play "extreme barbie" where they tear their dolls apart, but even the best of sociopaths have no sympathy for those they step on for profit...and personal amusement. IP: Logged |
12thhouser Knowflake Posts: 1389 From: Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 27, 2013 06:50 PM
Several factors con contribute to sociopathic behavior, but an overall hallmark is a lack of conscience. A friend of mine works in the field of psychology said that whereas non-sociopathic individuals will not harm another out of concern (if not fear) of any consequences, a sociopath simply doesn't care about the consequences. The bottom line is, a sociopath simply isn't concerned about societal rules or the sanctity of human life.As far as how to tell astrologically the traits, why not look up known sociopaths and see what patterns emerge among them. IP: Logged |
libraschoice77 Knowflake Posts: 969 From: past, present, and future Registered: Aug 2010
posted July 27, 2013 07:04 PM
Pixiejane, that was a really good description you gave for a sociopath, they do have a tendency to treat others like dolls with no emotions or feelings. Its like the world is only there for them to 'play' around with and do whatever. Sociopaths just dont have the capacity to connect with others on a deeper level...the lights are on but no ones home so to speak. IP: Logged |