Topic: Chart of an atheist
Violets Moderator Posts: 3863 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 03, 2013 11:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: That's so cool, about your collective synastries!! I think you might be onto something with the Pluto conjunctions. I have Saturn (early Scorpio) conjunct Pluto (late Libra), in the 9th house, mind you, opposite Mars and Mercury in the 3rd, in Aries. All of them square Asc/DC axis. Also worth mentioning that Saturn is not only ruler of Asc, but also of the 12th house. I actually did practice Christianity when I was little, I was forced to, but I always felt their routines, beliefs and customs are irrational and weird and could not understand how anybody with an IQ > 90 even could follow them so blindly. My father is a full blown atheist. He is Aqua Sun, Cap Moon, Cap rising. He doesn't have Pluto conjunctions, but he does have Sun opposite Pluto. His Moon is conj Chiron in the 12th house. He has Saturn in the 9th (same as me but in Libra) and also Neptune. Libra is on his 9th house cusp, same as in my case.
Like I stated previously, I am an agnostic and humanist. Aries Sun, Sag Moon, Cap rising.
Hm, those are good points about the house placements too, Hera. It's interesting that your dad doesn't have any Pluto conjunctions, but has an opposition to a personal planet. What houses are his Sun/Pluto in, if you don't mind my asking? I also agree with the earlier statement that a 3rd house stellium might play a significant role. IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 04, 2013 12:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by Violets: Hm, those are good points about the house placements too, Hera. It's interesting that your dad doesn't have any Pluto conjunctions, but has an opposition to a personal planet. What houses are his Sun/Pluto in, if you don't mind my asking?I also agree with the earlier statement that a 3rd house stellium might play a significant role.
His opposition is on the 2nd/8th axis (Pluto in the 8th, Sun in the 2nd). In my case, the opposition on 3rd/9th axis makes a lot of sense (my thinking versus other people's thinking). I do not enjoy being told what to think and don't consider myself a "sheep" in the herd, either. IP: Logged |
StarlightSmileSupreme Knowflake Posts: 8776 From: neptune Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 04, 2013 12:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: His opposition is on the 2nd/8th axis (Pluto in the 8th, Sun in the 2nd).In my case, the opposition on 3rd/9th axis makes a lot of sense (my thinking versus other people's thinking). I do not enjoy being told what to think and don't consider myself a "sheep" in the herd, either.
I'm the same way about being told what to think. It tends to bring out my Uranian rebellious streak.
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Violets Moderator Posts: 3863 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 04, 2013 12:27 AM
Hera and SSS Yup, Pluto in 3rd here, opposition Venus in 9th. "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO FEEL OR WHAT TO THINK!" *sigh* IP: Logged |
StarlightSmileSupreme Knowflake Posts: 8776 From: neptune Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 04, 2013 12:37 AM
I have Uranus strongly placed, in conjunctions with Mercury/Jupiter/ascendant. I have a hard time believing in miracles unless they are technology driven. Saturn biquintile Uranus and it's exact.IP: Logged |
Violets Moderator Posts: 3863 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 04, 2013 12:41 AM
I don't really know that much about Uranus, except that its transits have been really irksome for me lately.I have Uranus conjunct IC, sextile Moon and loosely square Mars (I'm not violent, though). I suppose it does add a bit of "going against the status quo", doesn't it? That's definitely been a theme for me, personally.
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StarlightSmileSupreme Knowflake Posts: 8776 From: neptune Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 04, 2013 12:48 AM
Sorry you have been having trouble with Uranus as of late, Violets. A transit recently affected a family member with something sudden and unexpected, in my seventh house of others so I was alarmed about that.Uranus is conjunct ascendant from the twelfth house but it is one planet I feel totally comfortable placing in house one, the only planet. It's sooooo strong and obvious. I feel like it and Neptune are the two strongest planets. People might disagree but in my life, they show up so vividly. I have always been thought of as stubborn, erratic, hard to get along with, unusual, I stand out and I love technology/gadgets of all kinds and have no fear of progress or advances in every area, I welcome it, wish I were living in the future now, dream of traveling through time, journeying 1000 years ahead. I feel ultra Uranian with all that sparkling energy. Uranus also conjuncts Pluto in my natal so there's that extra dose of intensity in everything I do or create. I feel Uranian thru and thru lol, it's why I am so hard to get along with, I am certain about that! It is definitely the iconoclast! I am definitely the most Uranian person anyone in my family or my friends have ever encountered, I can say that without a doubt! I am waaaay ahead of my time/do not fit into my generation. IP: Logged |
Kerosene unregistered
posted September 04, 2013 12:52 AM
My mom has saturn in the 9th house cap, she's had a bad experiences with religion. Honestly the only people who have good experienced with religions are those who don't question anything. However she has moon conjunct neptune and jupiter in the 9th house aqua, she's a very spiritual person. My dad is religious only when it's required, social obligations lmfao. But he will talk about fanatics behind their back Organized religion is not for me. I got kicked out of this catholic school when I was young because I asked too many questions lol, than my nonna sent sent me back to the states... I was too much of a bad influences... lmfaooo. What can I say I'm a gemini, I'm inquisitive and like to probe minds and that makes religious folk uncomfortable. IP: Logged |
StarlightSmileSupreme Knowflake Posts: 8776 From: neptune Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 04, 2013 01:16 AM
If someone were adamantly sure God didn't exist, I would want to play devil's advocate then, too. I am not comfortable with dogma and seek balance with those Libra planets. I do not like the idea of anyone thinking they are right, everyone else totally wrong. So, I feel offended when atheists get into the faces of people who believe in God, and shout He doesn't exist. The atheist doesn't know. The believer has his faith with which he will never part, it's the nature of such a concept. So, I am stuck on the fence again, like with most things, neither here nor there, content to shrug in a state of indecision as usual wanting to wait and see what happens next. IP: Logged |
Violets Moderator Posts: 3863 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 04, 2013 01:44 AM
Kerosene Your Uranus influences sound interesting, SSS. I don't feel Uranus so much, but I suppose it makes its presence known, along with my Aquarius Mercury. I'm really thankful that I live in an area where diversity is entirely embraced and defended. I'll knock on wood here when I say that my Uranus transits have mostly manifested on a mundane level, with a lot of disruptions to schedules and added responsibilities (it was square my Saturn for like two weeks). I suppose I feel more Plutonian/Neptunian. Technically, I guess I'm Neptunian due to the face that my Sun is my chart ruler, and in Pisces. Having said that, spirituality has always been something I've embraced and simultaneously given *a lot* of thought to. My Pisces Sun in 8th house can't help it, probably. Although my Sun and Moon are both square my Sag Neptune, it's in my 5th house, which seems like a cozy place for creativity and spirituality. Not entirely clear on that, though. Could just be my sun placement. Although I can't emphasize enough the difference, in my mind, between "spiritual" and "religious". I am not religious, but I tend to respect certain aspects of all religions. But I don't know that I think that any one religion is going to be able to sum up something so obviously complex. IP: Logged |
StarlightSmileSupreme Knowflake Posts: 8776 From: neptune Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 04, 2013 01:56 AM
I would probably stand out even in your neck of the woods, Violets. I feel like it's my destiny no matter where I am it's inevitable and it's the legacy of every Uranian not that I have anything in Aqua. I don't. I just have the ruling planet strongly placed and it aspects nearly everything in my chart except it leaves the sun alone. I feel like I am more influenced than most Aquas, depending on where the planet is in their charts. I have north node in Pisces and a strong aspect between the moon and Neptune. It also aspects my chart ruler. This planet shows up in my life a lot too, even though I just have that one Pisces placement. Some people think the north node is very important. I like to be spiritual with it. I do not consider myself entirely void of spirit like the atheists. I like the idea of disembodiment, quantum mechanics, sub atomic particles, Higgs Boson, CERN, and all that. To me this is spiritual. It's also other dimensions. I would like to unravel the secrets and mysteries of the universe. Oh yeah, antimatter intrigues me. What if there is some strong entity that influences our planet somehow through some sort of voodoo it does? And, I bet it's in the constellation Perseus if such and being exists and it could be both good and evil. IP: Logged |
Violets Moderator Posts: 3863 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 04, 2013 02:02 AM
quote: Originally posted by StarlightSmileSupreme:
I like the idea of disembodiment, quantum mechanics, sub atomic particles, Higgs Boson, CERN, and all that. To me this is spiritual. It's also other dimensions. I would like to unravel the secrets and mysteries of the universe. Oh yeah, antimatter intrigues me. What if there is some strong entity that influences our planet somehow through some sort of voodoo it does? And, I bet it's in the constellation Perseus if such and being exists and it could be both good and evil.
Okay, you just blew my Pisces mind with that one. Wow. You and my dad would probably be able to talk for hours and hours. Science is definitely not my strong point. IP: Logged |
StarlightSmileSupreme Knowflake Posts: 8776 From: neptune Registered: Nov 2012
posted September 04, 2013 02:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by Violets: Okay, you just blew my poor little Pisces mind with that one. Wow. You and my dad would probably be able to talk for hours and hours. Science is definitely not my strong point. :embarrassed:
Oops. Sorry. I better go to bed now, lol, not push my luck anymore tonight IP: Logged |
Violets Moderator Posts: 3863 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 04, 2013 02:05 AM
Haha, me too. IP: Logged |
Zander916 Knowflake Posts: 1070 From: Midwest Registered: Aug 2013
posted September 04, 2013 02:11 AM
SSS, Once again we think alike. I steered clear of this thread because it's a touchy subject for many. I'm also on the fence, neither here nor there. In my early 20's I was atheist. I HATED anyone to even bring up organized religion. It's a long story but I eventually turned to Christianity. Funny huh? LOL That story is actually kind of interesting I think. It makes you think. First couple times in church I was sweating like crazy. I did go in head first though - all in. I didn't hold back and I spent a lot of time at home praying. In the end, I never found what I was looking for. Whatever others found in it, I wasn't seeing. I gave up. Although there were some experiences that are pretty difficult to explain. So I sit on the fence. I'm open to the idea of "something" in control. I just don't know what. I also get equally upset at radical atheists as much as Christians, etc. I don't like beliefs being pushed on people and if someone does it, just tell them politely, at least at first. IP: Logged |
FireMoon Knowflake Posts: 1909 From: Minnesota Registered: Mar 2012
posted September 04, 2013 05:55 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ami Anne: [B]My experience with Saggis is that they have a respect for people who believe in God. Jupiter is their ruling planet and it is the planet of God and spirituality. I love Saggis Sag is spiritual and philisophical, jupiter is the planet of expansion. Huuuge difference than a respect (or lack there of) for "God". Lets not forget there's more than one belief system out there Just saying, sorry to jump in on the debate IP: Logged |
Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 4044 From: The Etheric Realms...Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat...& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 04, 2013 08:35 AM
Hera I had a very long reply to post here but fear of Ami and other Christians made me decide not to post. Christians claim as Ami does, that only Christians are bashed here. Well geeez; as we have seen Ami can post hatred and desires for death and damnation for most of humanity, and homophobia, up to making fun of folks dying from A.I.D.S.; the original reason Ami hates me, because I opposed these posts of hers. Why are we not allowed to oppose such preachings? The post of Ami's Hera quoted should not make Ami angry; as Ami posted it repeatedly and preaches it on the net at other places. But why is it we are not allowed to speak out against such beliefs opening posted? Re-quoting it not to start a fight with Ami, but to make a point how Christians are allowed to say what they want here and elsewhere, but we are not allowed to freely speak out against such evil concepts. So getting tired of some Christians claiming to be bashed, when it is we who speak out who get bashed. quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: In New Testament times, a person who has accepted Jesus as personal savior and lord can do ANYTHING and not break the law. That person can kill, steal, do terrorism, hate, rape etc and still have God's grace. Your eyebrows raise. You want to throw tomatoes at me but let me explain. In the NT Dispensation, Jesus has borne all our sins. That means that anything I do is forgiven by God. I can kill a hundred people with a machine gun and still be forgiven. I can hate and act like Hitler and still be forgiven. In fact, God will never cast me out for my actions.
That is horrifying thinking to many folks no matter how much it is lovely to many Christians. But when we speak out against such, we get bashed, not the Christian who is oddly allowed to say and preach such things unopposed.Well getting off topic, but wanted to respond to Hera. As to the issue of Atheists. I hear people professing to be Christian saying they do not preach or believe the evil things in the bibles (that their god loves, the murders, rapes, slavery, racism, homophobia, and more; Then if these self proclaimed "Christians" do not practice and believe in doing as their god in their so called good book(s) decree/command; well then they cannot be actual Christians; just like I cannot be an actual Atheist because I p!ss atheists off too; and they bad mouth me just like rabid Christians do here and elsewhere online and offline too. I do not believe in the Abrahamic god, so that labels me an atheist by those who follow that. However I keep an open mind that there may have been something primitive sheepherders were deceived by and used by; cannot prove any of it; nor the other things atheists condemn me for, like theorizing that we continue in some conscious fashion after physical death, but not heaven or whatever; and I feel psychism, ESP, are real, and perhaps fairies, ghosts and so forth may be real.......... But that makes atheists hate me and make fun of me. So as much as I like many of their memes that are so on the spot accurate it is horrifyingly scary....."shudder" I do not like their closed minds about souls, psychism, astrology , and so forth. So here I am, hated by rabid Christians and some not so rabid ones; and hated by rabid atheists who are too closed minded to at least leave a door open for the theoretical possibility of things like psychism and souls. I just don't fit in and if fitting in means I have to conform to things I do not condone nor believe in; well yay to being an outcast. PS. This thread should be moved to Divine Diversities in my pov. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 55908 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 04, 2013 08:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: My mom has saturn in the 9th house cap, she's had a bad experiences with religion. Honestly the only people who have good experienced with religions are those who don't question anything. However she has moon conjunct neptune and jupiter in the 9th house aqua, she's a very spiritual person. My dad is religious only when it's required, social obligations lmfao. But he will talk about fanatics behind their back Organized religion is not for me. I got kicked out of this catholic school when I was young because I asked too many questions lol, than my nonna sent sent me back to the states... I was too much of a bad influences... lmfaooo. What can I say I'm a gemini, I'm inquisitive and like to probe minds and that makes religious folk uncomfortable.
I grew up in a liberal Jewish home. It was agnostic. From the time I was a little child, I wanted to know God. I went to the Temple and Hebrew school but there felt like there was no God there. It was cold. When I was at college and people were doing their thing--fraternities, parties, etc, I thought there has to be something more to life. I was a little Jewish kid and used to think of how cool it would be to be a nun. I found God from trying everything else but and nothing else worked. I found Him as an adult, though. I had not religious trauma, at all. I am thankful for that because that is bad and really scars people ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 55908 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 04, 2013 08:48 AM
Lets try to remember that we are a spiritual site and each person can have his own opinion.
------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 4044 From: The Etheric Realms...Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat...& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 04, 2013 09:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: Lets try to remember that we are a spiritual site and each person can have his own opinion.
Of course we can. However repeatedly preaching desires for death and damnation for most of humanity just because they do not believe as you do; and condoning homophobia and other evil things I will not list that are offensive; just because it is your religious beliefs; is going beyond posting about a spiritual opinion. There is nothing kind or loving in many of the those things you have posted. Many of your "opinions" are in bold faced truth for all to see; promotions for hatred and intolerance of those who do not believe as you do; Just because you have couched your "opinions" in religious belief does NOT make them good; nor morally and ethically right; nor does it make them just an innocent series of spiritual beliefs. DD got closed down because I protested to such things you preached repeatedly. But for some reason I was seen as the baddie, the trouble maker for protesting; not you who posted such horrifying things and hatreds, touting them as good things because it's in your so called "good" books. "shudder" I do not know how to say it any clearer than that.
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Lexxigramer Moderator Posts: 4044 From: The Etheric Realms...Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat...& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 04, 2013 09:12 AM
I do not see how a chart of an atheist or any other belief or non belief can be revealed astrologically. However I must admit that I am unlearned in astrological matters.
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Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 04, 2013 09:25 AM
Precisely, LL is a spiritual site. NOT a religious one. And wasn't Linda opposed to organized religion? IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 04, 2013 09:26 AM
LEXX We can be outcasts together! But I don't think we'd be alone in that! IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 04, 2013 09:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lexxigramer: I do not see how a chart of an atheist or any other belief or non belief can be revealed astrologically. However I must admit that I am unlearned in astrological matters.
There are no absolutes in astrology. I think there are clues, especially regarding freedom of thought vs blind faith. But for every person that confirms a placement there's another who is an exception. For example, I have Pluto (obsession) in the 9th (religion, philosophical beliefs) and I am not a fanatic. IP: Logged |
Diplopoda unregistered
posted September 04, 2013 09:38 AM
I believe an atheist has strong saturn either conj sun, merc or in the 9th houseIP: Logged | |