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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
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posted November 28, 2013 09:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Darn it....yes, along with the Golden flying eagle which I just discovered, there is also an iron butterfly, just like you said it.

Our synastric Chiron - Neptune trine is at the base, my natal Neptune - Sun square is one side, his natal Chiron- Moon forms the other side, the inconjuncts from his Chiron to my Sun and from my Neptune to his Moon form the inner sides and all that is completed at the top with a sextille from his Moon to my Sun. Orbit 0-3 degree. Dawmn!

You made my day, honey. ..i just like discovering new things aside from the traditional synastry.

So, to recap... We have a Grand Trine, 3 mystical triangles, a Golden flying eagle, an Iron Butterfly and a Yod. All of them involve Chiron.

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posted November 29, 2013 02:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mir, oh Mir
its a Golden Flying Eagle, i just found it!
Its the same type of formation as the one you sent me the link of ( aaron spelling's eagle).
I stared for an hour at the charts online, looking to find it among all the other lines. I was just thinking ..where the heck are you, eagle...where are you..and then all of sudden it showed itself to me in all its glory - a perfect golden flying eagle in a tight orbit 0-3

Haha yessss grrreat job!

his natal Moon - Chiron square is the base.
his Moon sends a trine to my Jupiter to form the outer side of the eagle and his Chiron sends a trine to my Neptune to form the other side. His Chiron sends an inconjunct to my Jupiter to make the inner side, and his Moon sends an inconjunct to my Neptune to form the other inner side.. The eagle is completed with a semi sextille at the two tops between Jupiter and Neptune. Awww..looking so awesome!

I would call it a SUPER Golden Flying Eagle!
*TWO* Cinderella linkages in this one!

Thanks for making me dig for this discovery!

Lol yea.. mission succeeded!
This is really the most fun & instructive part... imagine getting it all on a plate...

+ that interlocked Iron But .... another Chiron/Sun cinderella link ...
ALL the ingredients for a *PERFECT* CAC!

When i run into such a CAC I would think, ok they're made for each other (something of that order).

(A saturn clash here or there.. no worry, when Saturn is part of such geometry as the above.. THAT would be worrisome!)

Ofcourse.. all in line with the magi and the magi only...

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posted November 29, 2013 05:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I LOVE interlocking aspect patterns. So complex.

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
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posted November 29, 2013 11:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I love planetary geometry in any kind - it looks so serene , strong and self sufficient.

Love the things you say..

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posted November 30, 2013 12:34 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This might sounds really stupid but are you guys using heliocentric synastry or geocentric...?

I love the terms they sound like Chinese idioms, the golden flying eagle..

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
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posted November 30, 2013 01:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was only looking at the Geo here. Havent looked much into the Helio (yet).
Magi Society sure knows how to captivate the attention - Golden Super Linkages, Golden Flying Eagles, Butterflies, Mystical stuff and Unicorns.... Awesome.
Planetary Geometry captivates me the most so far.

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posted November 30, 2013 07:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Orange:

Planetary Geometry captivates me the most so far.

Yes, me, too.
I think it really is the key to understand synasry (or one of the keys actually).
It seems to me almost an act of violence if we try to rip out single interaspects out of an existing geometry.

These close circuits are, well, like circuits, the energy flows through all of them, and every planet affects the other ones.

It probably would make more sense to identify these planetary circuits and then interprete them as a whole, instead of looking out for a n isolated Venus-Mars-aspect.

The API or Huber school, also works extensely with them (they also use the 30 degree aspects, but have interesting orbs). I like to look at their charts on Just the visual alone gives you something to think about. Since I am currently looking at composites as well (the Hubers do not think much of them I think), looking at this composite her gives me something to think.

See that arrow in the second one? Looks like it pierces through the whole chart, doesn`t it?

Also in the first one, hard not to notice how contained that complex structure looks. Adding to that that the SN seems to "fuel" it all from underneath.

I donīt even have to look at the planets connected (thought they are of course of utmost importance), but the image alone gives an interesting impression in both cases.

The second one seems to be more, I don`t know, it almost looks aggressive to me, or sharp and cutting.



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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
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posted November 30, 2013 09:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The second one looks intense, Saturn against the gang, Round one...
Seems like Saturn and SN are holding up well, though, being the most adults there. And every now and then, Uranus and Mars would distract and release the pressure thru the trines and sextilles. Clowns! Jupiter and Chiron are the total outcasts, free and lonely. Noone wants to play with them. But they proly feel lucky ( no pun) to not be part of the spear above.

The formations look like living and breathing organisms to me. The closed circuits of energy holds a bit of wary, however, for they contain the most energy and do not give the other singletons and pairs a chance to express themselves.

The synastry wheels only show the lines between partner's planets, and all formations are hard to see because they may involve links between natal planets as well to complete the picture. This is what irritates probably missing a ton of formations in the synastries

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posted November 30, 2013 09:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I actually prefer the first one.
Just because noone ever had an effect on me like this guy has.

I love how the personal planets are interconnected here.

There are also several learn-triangles interconected here, including a minor talent triangle directed to the NN-Mars-conjunction.

All in all it becomes a slightly unbalanced quadrangular shape though. including all personal planets except for Sun. Sun however is connected to Saturn of that quadrangular shape.
Thus Saturn and SN becomes the point where two shapes are interlocking. No way around SAturn I suppose.

The second was actually more of a joke. It is my composite with Jude Law.
The dramatic pattern of it gets me everytime though. lol

"Saturn against the gang, Round five...."
Yes, I suppose that makes sense, and is a funny way to put it. lol

In synastry my Saturn is exactly conjunct his SN, his Saturn conjuncts my SN by 5 degrees. 7th and 8th house.

Other astrologers would probably count the square to Pluto her, which is just over 5 degrees.
With the nodal axis falling so close to the Aries point, or actually 00 Capricorn, all composite squares are highlighted in the DRaconic.
This results in Draco Saturn on 2 Libra being roughly conjunct the tropical composite pluto-MC, and DRaco Pluto on 8 Capricorn (on the synastric Venus-Sun-conjunction).

It is a given though, the aspects that correspond with the aspect the composite NN makes with 00 Aries, will always be highlighted and emphasized (by making conjunctions and oppositions with the tropical placements).

For example if a composite has the NN on 00 Leo, the trine aspects in the DRaco-tropical comparision will be emphasized and build the basic structure.


Very much needed and welcome though.

This Uranus, which also disposits Jupiter, is very interestingly placed, as it falls exactly onto Mr law`s natal Moon. I suppose that helps the arrow/ speer-like configuration be experienced (by me of course only) just through his creative efforts.

BTW did not draw aspect lines to Chiron, (as the Hubers do not work with Chiron).
AS a matter of fact Chiron is connected to Jupiter with a sextile (2-3 degrees). So the two lonelies in that chart are connected to each other.
Well, if I click on : draw aspectlines to CHiron, it also shows a trine to Moon, but the orb is very wie (6 degrees) - and it is only showing up then, cause the Huber use an 8 degree orb for trines with Moon.

"The formations look like living and breathing organisms to me."
That is what fascinates me about that drawing style.

Usually I would go for much different orbs and I do not use Koch-housesystems, but this drawingstyle has something. lol

"pairs a chance to express themselves."
Actually I think truely isolated planets will express themselvesa very strongly, just in a very Uranian fashion, and usually need to be triggered by transits.

"The synastry wheels only show the lines between partner's planets, and all formations are hard to see because they may involve links between natal planets as well to complete the picture."
Yes, I know what you mean.

For that reason if it is really important to me, I sometimes use my paint program, copy and paste the empty chartwheels (only with planets) in there and draw the aspect lines myself. Though I usually focus on one aspect-configuraton at a time or it will get too blurred.

But if there are several planets on posiitions within about 3 degrees of each other (irrespective which sign) we can be sure we have at least one aspect figure.

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posted November 30, 2013 10:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As for closed circuits, I once looked at Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leighs chart, and it was an impressive sight for me. Eyeopening. It seemed like their circuit depicted a very strong image there.

"They have several closed circuits between their charts, which include all (or almost all) of HIS planets I think.

his Sun: 29 Taurus
his Mercury. 27 Taurus
his Saturn: 25 Pisces
his NN: 25 Cancer
his Venus: 29 Aries

her Neptune: 28 Cancer
her midheaven: 00 Aquarius

Note, how HIS Venus is on the exact midpoint of her NEptune-Midheaven-square!
I think that his Venus square her Neptune might very well have given him a soulmate-feeling, though an unfulfilled one in a way.
they have a LOT of Neptune btw.

natally he has Venus square NN, another sign that he might wait for a soulmate-relationship, but that this might not be unchallenging. And her Neptune conjuncts his NN and squraes his Venus. So her Neptune is doubly emphasized here. No wonder she dazzled him!

his Saturn trines his NN - something fated about connections.
her NN is actually at 22 Pisces, conjunct his Saturn and trine his NN. Through their relationship he was able to work on this karmic lesson?

his Moon: 19 Virgo
his Mars: 17 Capricorn
his ASC: 16 Gemini
his Pluto: 22 Gemini
his Chiron: 18 Aquarius

her Mars: 21 Cancer
her Saturn: 17 Gemini
her Venus: 18 Libra
her NN: 22 Pisces

She had a pretty tight Venus-Saturn-trine.
His ASC-Chiron trine made this a Grand trine. His Chiron is the missing piece here.

she also had Mars-NN-trine. This is a complimentary aspect to his natal Venus-NN-aspect. Both had to deal with the other gender I guess.
his Moon-Pluto-square connects to this.
Also note the exact Pluto-NN-square, this one is quite compulsive, I can tell you from experience!

his emotionally intense Moon-Mars-trine connects to her Mars. The Mars-Mars-opposition was probably very hot and very fiery and challenging; his Moon relaxing it might have helped to ease the tension a bit, but in the end it just became too much.

Also his Mars turns her natal Venus-Mars-square in a T-square. They must have been on fire!
His Pluto and her Saturn might have given a feeling of fatedness and compulsion to that volatile constellation. They might have burned out, and yet could not let go of each other (Saturn and Pluto do that, you know?).

They also share a Venus-Pluto-DW (trine and sextile).

his Jupiter on 10 Cancer
his Neptune on 10 Cancer
his Uranus on 12 Capricorn
his MC on 10 Aquarius

her Sun on 12 Scorpio
her Moon on 9 Aquarius
her Jupiter on 13 Capricorn
her ASC on 13 Taurus

She has a natal Sun-Moon-square. Jeez, she had both, the Sun-Moon AND Venus-Mars-square?
his MC fuelled this Sun-Moon-square, and it is clear in the reports that it was hsi public status and his talent and success that at first filled her with admiration but later on with jealousy and insecurity, as she could not keeping up with him!
his Uranus must have inspired her Jupiter-ASC-trine.

Those circuits included
Sun`s, Moon`s, Venus, Mars, ASC, and MC.

Also both Saturn`s and Nodes.

Both Neptune`s and Pluto`s.

Looks pretty intervowen, doesn`t it?

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posted November 30, 2013 10:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Btw, there is actually a 5th mystical triangle in our CAC after i added Sappho - Sappho is pretty hot in both Magi and traditional synastry and i know Magi includes this asteroid in their studies.
So, I have a natal Juno - Venus inconjunction (1.23 orb) and his Sappho squares exactly my Venus and trines my Juno, by 1 degree. Nice and sexy Juno-Venus- Sappho :-)

The best interpretation here would be an obsession of the highest order (ofcourse next to the triumph of magical planetary love geometry). Sappho = obsession and fear. It's linked to make not-the-least geometry of a Mystical Triangle WITH.. a SUPER sexual natal aspect! He's prob. obsessed with your sexuality or obsessively inspired to actually become "ONE" (ya know;~)

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
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posted November 30, 2013 11:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Aaah Mir, stop it right there... I cant contain myself now :-)

Id get back to you on this pair. Vivien and Laurence are one of my favorite couples.

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posted November 30, 2013 12:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

that reminds me of my own case a little bit. Intriguing.

"My Juno inconuncts my Venus and also parallels it at 0 degree. Add his Sappho to the! "
Juicy probably does not even start coming close to it.

BTW I can identify more with Kim Falconer`s take on Sappho; I don`t find her to be that neurotic or nasty or whatever the Magi make her out to be, though the compulsive/ obsessive vibe there could be seen that way I guess.

Anyway that is what I found on Kim`s site:

lol, searching for the quote, I naturaly stumbled across the Olivier/Leigh pairing again.

anyway back to sappho
"Sappho brings new meaning to sexual attraction! She is a tactile, lushes, indulgent and heady combination that may express through song, music, fine dinning, lyrics, play, sensual massage, aroma therapy, pleasure and naturally, sex. Aspirations augment, as do creative drive and vitality! The view of the world can become extraordinary, intoxicating.
My own Sappho con"

Sappho does play a role in my synastry with Mr Sag, too; though I have found that amazingly the three performers having left a deep impression on me in my life ALL have their Sappho in Aquarius.

No. one had Sappho on 17 Aquarius, exactly conjunct my Moon on 17 Aquarius

Mr Law has Sappho on 15 Aquarius, apparently still conjunct my Moon (and also semisextile my Juno, trine my Karma, quinkunx my Saturn. ll)

Mr Sag - he is a performer after all (though I usually do not go THAT gaga about anyone at all)- has Sappho on 13 Aquarius, I hesitate to see this as a conjunction to my Moon, as hte orb is 3°37; I suppose maybe it is just within range of having an influence, or maybe not.
Well this very Sappho is parallel my Moon with only 3 minutes of orb!

Not only my Moon, but also parallel my Uranus (0.24), my Juno (0°40) and contraparallel my Pluto (0°38)

Interestingly his Sappho is making an exact Grand trine with my Kaali-Inannen on 12-13 Gemini and my Aphrodite on 13 Libra.

On the other hand maybe it is more my own Sappho I feel in this relation.

It is very tightly conjunct his Pluto (0°46), and well integrated in a planetary configuration, as his Pluto and my Sappho are opposite my Chiron on 20 Aries, squaring my Vertex and Eros on 21 Cancer (my Sun/Moon-mp is on 21 Cap).

But it is also sextile his Neptune on 21 Sagittarius.

Pluto-Sappho also plays a role in synastry with Mr Law.

His Sappho-Juno-parallel (yes I read what it means ) falls onto my Moon-Uranus-Juno parallel, contraparallel PLuto.

his Sappho - my Moon: 0.18
his Juno - my Moon: 0.16
his Sappho - my Uranus: 0.40
his Juno - my Uranus: 0.06
his Sappho - my Juno: 0.25
his Juno - my Juno: 0.59
his Sappho - my Pluto: 0.53
his Juno - my Pluto: 0.19

my Sappho conjuncts his Uranus, and naturally opposes my Chiron and squares my Eros-Vertex, as well.

Instead of Neptune at 20 Sag, Mr Law has his Mercury-Karma-conjunction there.
And instead of Pluto, Uranus is at play here, but apart from that, same degrees are triggered.

my Sappho is also cp his Pluto (0.28), so we have a DW there in the declination. Not sure how important that is.


In the comparision with Mr Sag Sappho plays her role in composite as well.

Sappho is exactly conjunct MErcury on 17 Sagittarius, and both are conjunct Neptune on 15 Sagittarius.

In the Davision it becomes even more pronounced:

Sappho on 11.02 Cancer conjuncts DESC on 11.12 Cancer EXACT.

In terms of planetary geometry the Davision is looking almost creepy. lol

There is a cradle of:

Neptune: 14 Sag
Mercury: 15 Sag (conj. Jupiter 17 Sag)
Pluto: 11 Libra
Saturn: 13 Leo

However there is ALSO

A Yod of

Venus: 11 Taurus (conj. Mars on 9 Tau)
Neptune: 14 Sag
Pluto: 11 Libra

Sappho and DESC on 11 Cancer aspect:

Pluto on 11 Libra (square)
Mars on 9 Taurus and Venus on 11 Taurus (sextile)
Uranus on 8 Scorpio (maybe a little wide)

Naturally when we first met, Sappho played her role.

She was on 3 Gemini conjunct Sun on 2 Gemini, on the power spot of a pretty intense, yet challenging Mystical triangle.

Moon: 02 Cap
Pluto: 00 Cap

Sun: 2 Gemini
Sappho: 3 Gemini

Saturn: 2 Virgo

Saturn is ALWAYS There, I can`t help it.

That day Sappho was also exactly parallel Venus; though they were too far off each other to be conjunct (Venus on 27 Taurus, Sappho on 3 Gemini, however Sun was still in orb to be considered on the Venus/Sappho-mp).

"He'd pass by me, and stare, and keep staring as he moves forward with his head turned back at me. i stare back at him , both staring at each other with no words said. And then i hyperventilate. Lol. Pathetic!"

Same what happens to me.

It is a long complicated story, I told probably a million times here on this forum, and noone wants to hear it anymore.

But I managed to disappear after we first met, show up again 2 years later; and he was still, I donīt know, everytime he looks at me I feel like suddenly a spotlight is directed onto me, and all at once where I am, there is centre stage. It is not easy to deal with (my Sun-Mercury is unaspected in my own chart - and he puts his pesky little Sun-Moon-MC-conjunction right on top of that).

Being a good little Neptunian I always think I am dreaming this up (and consistently ignore that actually several times other people in the audience turned their heads at me, almost like following his gaze right up to where I am sitting. lol).

And even after he approached me during a shwo 2 years ago (it was just part of the show, and he wanted to torment someone I suppose, I must have looked like a good victim. lol), I was STILL adamant that he did not remember me, recognize me nor notice me at all. He doesn`t mean me, no way. He is npartot REALLY looking at me. I am just dreaming this (never mind he actualy knelt down beside me and talked to me, which seems difficult if you do not notice someone - though I am Saturnian enough to know that it is just part of the show, and he could have picked anyone for his little teasing and games).

But true to my NEptune, exactly squaring his Mars, I can stick my head into the sand like noone else. It is a real talent. Or curse.
And in relation to him, I am acting just so stupidly evasively, I donīt know why (well except for sometimes when he is too close to me, physically - and yes, he does that a lot, singing major parts of his songs from exactly beside where I am sitting, which is just a coincidence of course- well, once or twice I thought I would literally pass out. Just that the feeling of intensity gets too much, like th air is supercharged electrically).

Anyway, and then there have been occasions, several occasions, where we have been standing pretty much opposite each other, quite close, almost bumping into each other while walking (we seem to always take the same ways at the same times when we are in the same location), and while staring, never uttering a word.

I sometimes think that we are the only people who can ignore or not-acknowledge each other, while staring and almost bumping into each other.

Well, I get it, it is my fault. Buth opefully I get out of that rut a ltitle bit, bringing that almost-connection on a more normal level, even if that level might be performer-audience, by at least exchanging a few words with him last week.

The amazing thing is, while I was pretty sure that I really had all made it up in my head and he was not aware of any of that, the moment it became apparent, I wanted to say something to him, he acted like we had never NOT been talking with each other.
Actually he made me feel like, I donīt know, it felt friendlier and more familiar, than it should considering that we do not really knwo each other. *scratches head* Now I am more puzzled than ever before. lol

But at least I opened up a possibility to act more normally from now on. lol

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posted November 30, 2013 01:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
In the helio synastry with Mr Sag there is a Sappho-Yod


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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
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posted November 30, 2013 01:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
im still in the car, enroute, and cant post or read propely ...
yes, ive read before about your story with the local musician. I tend to read old posts on LL, and i ve stumbled across your past posts often.

The two Composites you posted earlier, the first one is with that musician? It looks pretty and well defined, i love it, but you know even better than me, that conjunctions and oppositions in tge Comosite are the most important and the second Composite wins it hands down. Im sure that if you had relationships with both of them, Jude would have stollen your heart.

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posted November 30, 2013 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

"The two Composites you posted earlier, the first one is with that musician?"

"but you know even better than me, that conjunctions and oppositions in tge Comosite are the most important"
Not so sure anymore. They are a hook, but there need to be something more, or people will not move anywhere.

What I do think though is that conjunctions of composite to natal always trump the aspects in composite itself. At least that is what I have observed in the composites of relationships so far.

If there is a wonderful, all conjunction-composite, but no touching points with your natal, it is like a wondeful gift, just you personally do not care for it at all. Maybe are not even aware it has anyhting for you at all.

"Im sure that if you had relationships with both of them, Jude would have stollen your heart."
No, he wouldnīt.
It would never have been enough.

You know though what made me nearly choke with -rather sarcastic- laughter?

Since i am going to see him again next month, on stage of course, I checked some progressions and transits.

In this instance, it just gives me goosebumps the precision of timing and all.

my natal Saturn (and his natal SN) is on 16 Cancer
my pr Moon will be on 16 Cancer
Transit Jupiter will be on 16 Cancer.

A lot of coincidence have come together thre. lol

Actuall there is one more coincidence, as his pr DESC is applying to 16 Cancer, too, yeah,

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posted November 30, 2013 02:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry about this rant. Just sometimes, that is what is bubbling up. lol

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
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posted November 30, 2013 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You do sound frustrated and i wish it wasnt my "mystical creations and butterflies" thread where you dumped it all, but hey.. Tr Saturn on Moon is tough, so do what you have to do ...

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posted November 30, 2013 04:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Orange:
You do sound frustrated and i wish it wasnt my "mystical creations and butterflies" thread where you dumped it all, but hey.. Tr Saturn on Moon is tough, so do what you have to do ...

I am actually not that much frustrated. Just the internal Dramaqueen who sometimes raises her head.

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posted November 30, 2013 04:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Phew. OK

I am bracing for a series of TR Saturn squares and oppositions when Saturn moves into Saggy and i hope im not going to lose it .
Actually, I'm screwed. Of course i will...

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posted November 30, 2013 10:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Juno inconuncts my Venus and also parallels it at 0 degree. Add his Sappho to the!
My own Sappho conjuncts his IC and opposites his Sun at 0 degree.
He is someone from my work. He stares at me a lot, and not the shy stare, he actually wants me to see that he stares ( Scorpio Mars). He'd pass by me, and stare, and keep staring as he moves forward with his head turned back at me. i stare back at him , both staring at each other with no words said. And then i hyperventilate. Lol. Pathetic!

Very interesting and exciting Sappho effect.

Somehow somewhere I can't link the penetrating looks here to Pluto.. so there could be some truth in Kim Falconer's take on Sappho;

"Sappho brings new meaning to sexual attraction!"

And yes.. the double Juno/Venus, that's a BI-LEVEL aspect.. (existing in longitudes and declinations) which is verrry powerful!

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
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posted November 30, 2013 11:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I think, at last, im satisfied with all the mystical triangles and formations i found at this point

Many thanks to you, lovely lady

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posted December 01, 2013 05:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Orange:
Phew. OK

I am bracing for a series of TR Saturn squares and oppositions when Saturn moves into Saggy and i hope im not going to lose it .
Actually, I'm screwed. Of course i will...

Sorry, I didn`t want to get off topic so much. Guess I got carried away agin.

Tr Saturn squaring Sun and Mercury was a horrible experience to me (it was from Virgo, and at htat time I had Moon in Virgo in 6th house in the Solar Return as well, really not that good).

Tr Saturn on the SN and opposing Neptune was very painful, too.

Last time, Tr Saturn was opposite my Moon, it was most depressing. I think I am holding up a litle better with the square to my Moon now, though it still feels sober and not overly enthusiastic.
Though I suppose it helps that it is also trine my progressed Moon, and Transiting Jupiter is applying to a cojunction with my pr Moon.
Tr Saturn also trines natal -Saturn, I guess despite all the heaviness it gives something to work with.

That is actually all I can say about harsh Saturn-transits: work with it or it will work you!

Oh and you still have time, Saturn will enter Sagittarius on 27th december 2014.

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posted December 01, 2013 09:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the transit reminder.. I had no idea T Saturn was right on my Moon the last couple a day while now closely applying in a square to Mars.... so that's what you get when you share your placements on this board (our exact Moon/Moon square ceri ) (I tried to escape my heartbreak transit and I surived, that's the light I just saw)

So, we have a synastrical Venus - Mars quincunx at 2.14 ' orb , and his Juno squares his Venus at 1 degree and trines my Mars by 3.09 degrees. So essentially, a mystical triangle of Mars-Venus-Juno. That's sexy. Too bad it does not qualify for a Sexual dragon because of the orbs.

Glad to see a lifelong sexual linkage (venus/mars OR venus/pluto) .. again framed in a ~very sexual~ MT.. jawohl!
BUT.. that other Venus-Juno-Sappho MT *IS* a dragon MT (you can use *all* planets for dragon configurations - which ofcourse always result in an MT or Yod) as you mentioned the exactness of an interaspect there (hence my conclusion). AND... big chance you can even derive those points from a natal Square or Trine (not only quincunx). So then it would only be a matter of MT's (or Yods derived from a natal sextile) that meet the orb requirements to make these ALL-consuming ones (I found this info once in my allconsuming search for more and more about it - yea pretty reliable source)
So I guess.... there are more dragons in your CAC than expected. I was already surprised with all the tight orbs you mentioned...

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted December 01, 2013 11:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mir, the Dragons always have a quincunx at the base , right? And then - if it involves the sexual planets - its a Sexual Dragon, and if romantic planets - a Romantic dragon... The rest of the Dragons wouldn't have a special name, would they? An all consuming "Sexual Dragon" or "All consuming Romantic Dragon" sounds so much more enticing then just a nameless dragon. I almost feel robbed now.

You just had a TR Saturn on your Moon and you didnt even feel it? Thats refreshing. Do you have an angle or a planet in early Virgo? I think i remember you having something on my 2-3 Virgo Sun/SouthNode/DSC

Cer, I am dreading my upcoming TR Saturn squares and oppositions and one year in advance is not enough time for me as long as i know its coming at me inevitably.
TR Jupiter will conjunct my Sun/Node/dsc at the same time so i dont know if Juppy will make better or worse, being the great expandor.

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