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posted December 01, 2013 01:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
**Mir, the Dragons always have a quincunx at the base , right? **

Well, you will only find CAC dragons with the MT and the Yod and they carry the quincunx in them. At the base sounds a bit weird..

**And then - if it involves the sexual planets - its a Sexual Dragon, and if romantic planets - a Romantic dragon.**

Yes.. they only give both examples on their public dragon page.

** I thought asteroids, besides Juno, are not part of a Dragon.. So you saying, if the orb are tight and the angles right ( per Magi, for dragons) then any planet can participate? **

Any planet yes. Saturn, Jupiter, Sappho, Vesta....
Without a name indeed. Well, not YET I would say.. it's all so in progress behind the screens there... and they don't share all their findings with the public .. without something to guess they wouldn't win members or fill their purse.
But really.. there can be so much more ALL-consuming (sex) scenarios to be happy about (HAHA).. oww and btw (reassuring thought)... my own most all-consuming erotic one (no joke as it even resulted in lyric me) .. NO dragon .. but... a T-square! (moon/mars/venus/juno) and this T-square is called *The ultimate Super sexual linkage* .. my gosh.. I know I will never ever find this again.. such experiences heal every viber in your body.. but it's pretty scary .. completely driven by only lust. But it has to be said, we had pretty bad Chiron geometry..

Yesss 3'51 Virgo Asc. / Merc. 4'23 ... (and no transit feeling idd)

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted December 01, 2013 01:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

That completes my quest for now, im exhausted..... :-)

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted December 01, 2013 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh wait,
i just saw and read your earlier post. There is an ULTIMATE sexual aspect and you mentioned a T-square?
What is it made of, same as the dragon?
Why the super romantic Love Dragon made up of Chiron, Venus, Neptune is so hard to find. Magi says not easy to find it in CACs.

So you have your ASC/DSC axis reversal to mine, as mine is 3' Pisces- Virgo with the Nodes alongside it.
Your ASC is exactly on my DSC- Sun- South Node.

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Posts: 2065
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posted December 02, 2013 09:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
just told him we made a Sexual Dragon, and explained...and he said - yeah, you just told me something i already know, only that you gave it a fancy name. :d

Haha great! And interesting that you both do have that dragon MT.. his Mars.. yea we keep that in mind, the one that completes.. as the intoxicatedly insatiable one.

It can be exhausting at moments.. sure

There is an ULTIMATE sexual aspect and you mentioned a T-square?
What is it made of, same as the dragon?

Well, you're probably already aware of Magi Helena's complete sex page.

And some things weren't exactly clear to me regarding sexual clashes, and so I found this specific on her glossary page;

Ultimate Super Sexual Linkage: Sexual Clash geometry including Juno and two other Sexual Planets. - See Clash, Sexual Planets.

Ultimate Sexual Linkage: A Juno-Venus linkage in a CAC. Creates powerful sexual attraction with a strong urge to act on it. Inevitably burns out if a couple marries.

(the last one ^^ is also mentioned on her complete sex page, but to absorb the difference I add it here also)

And we had it both in-one.
His Mars-Venus square (2)
My Juno-Mars opposition (2)
Connected to make a T-square and my Juno conjunct his Venus.

(exact mars/mars square + one wide orb within 4 the juno/venus conjunction)

+ my moon conj. his scorpio-mars (within 3).
Also the moon/mars linkage would be a verrry hot one.

(off-topic: I recently discovered that our true-lilith - and true priapus as a result- is exactly conjunct ~ could add some spice)

**Mir, the Dragons always have a quincunx at the base , right? **

Well,.. let's say I have a Moon/Mars square (Scorp/Aqua) and someone completes a MT with his Cancer-planet within the allowable orb, then big chance it's also called a dragon MT. So it can be derived from a natal square (or trine).. is what I meant.. (not only quincunx) so there could be a square at the base (prob. that's what u refered to).

But ofcourse, if we want to play safe.. it's better to be more charmed by the base of a natal quincunx (I'm only relying on the interesting rumors of a once magi student -who's now certified magi astrologer- who was pretty sure you could also take a natal square/trine as the base - to make a dragon yod or MT)

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted December 02, 2013 12:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ultimate Super Sexual linkage....hhmm!

How hot was it between you two with this in your synastry/CAC?

for you, though, on top of your Ultimate linkage, you also had a Moon - Mars conjunction in your synastry and I found this to be extremely hot

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted December 02, 2013 02:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mir, do you know anything about Isosceles Trapezoid in the CACS?
It's not mine, someone else's.

They have two interlocked yods to form a trapezoid, at a very tight orbite. Inconjunction on the base, two inconjunctions crossing in the middle, sextiles on both sides and a tense square at the top. Two yods bound by a square.
From left to right around the permiter it goes like this :
Natal Chiron inconj natal Pluto - natal Pluto sextilles natal Mars - natal Mars squares partner's Venus - partner's Venus sextille natal Chiron.

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Posts: 2065
Registered: May 2009

posted December 03, 2013 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
How hot was it between you two, having this in your synastry/CAC?

Great question and congrat with the tight Ultimate Super Sex Linkage! Well, I think only poetry could describe its true colors but I will try to shed some light...
It all started from the very first moment we *touched/kissed* -> ExPlOsiOn! The earth swallowed us up... for hours and hours (clothes on, no sex)... kissing kissing kissing (ALL levels you can think of) - one whole night full of climax after climax (not talking here about a standard orgasm after which it's done) but a "non-stop" reaching to the limits of lust .. (fk how do u describe this all lol)

And from that moment on this Aqua-mars (famous for being the least sexual of all as they prefer to do it in their head instead of with their body) knew one thing ... the sexual offers (nowadays) are so screwed up (ya know. guys conditioned to copy internet porn etc.) that they don't even know how to really satisfy a girl. Great insight hah! (having kissed with a hundred washers I feel allowed to say this). So that's why aqua-mars is considered to be the least sexual of all.. in 99 cases out of 100 the real act is such a poor manifestation (of the mind version) that it's almost not worth the blow.
I'm aware I was leaving the astro context for a moment.. (the need of aqua-NN 6th)... but Scorpio-mars.. is something I think pretty highly of when it comes to self-control and making love, yea it was the 1% exception to the cold rule and able to make a tantric ritual of the 'cruel act'. Frigidity would probably be eliminated with such interaction... no coincidence either that so many are yearning for scorpio-mars here.

We also have a Venus/Mars quincunx (him Mars) In the Helio-dimension by 1 degree but also a Venus/Mars trine there by 1* where I am Mars. It's a-LOT altogether!
It would be nice to test someone born in those days .. (end of sept. 1980) .. and see what the common things would be erotically.

Mir, do you know anything about Isosceles Trapezoid in the CACS?

Ah ja.. the group of "FORTRESSES" (four sided figures where two of the sides are parallel). There are many of them (iron but, flying eagle, grand-sextile etc.).
I've never seen a specific name for 2 interlocked Yods (at least not from magi). So I always call it "some type of fortress".
They're always very strong as it's symmetrical geometry.
In your specific 'double yod' there's no Chiron-linkage involved (sextile isn't) so that would be the missing part for a romantic involvement (it's no RSL but there could be one or some in other dimensions). It's prob pretty sexual with 3 sexplanets and a lifelong Pluto/Venus sex linkage. Great to have but I would like to see some chiron linkages elsewhere in the chart.

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted December 03, 2013 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OH, your story has Hot Hell Damn sexiness written all over it!!
How do you survive after such hotness is ended?? How do you let another man even come close to this afterwards? Doesn't it make you cry when someone else tries to do the same but they inevitably fail only because nobody can't compare to him? Do you get back together every now and then?

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posted December 03, 2013 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Orange:
in the Composite - Mars squares Venus at 0 degree.

This square exists because of your mutual Venus-Mars-aspect in synastry (quinkunx and semisextile).
I am actually very intrigued presently by how the composite reflects the natals and synastry (even though we sometimes do not see it at once, cause we always look out for the big ones, conunction and opposition).

HOwever I also come more and more to the conclusion, that I have always tended to underestimate the semisextile and quinkunx, esp. semisextile.

And personally i have a one degree semisextile between Venus and Mars, and an exact quinkunx between Moon and Saturn - and I certainly am a living expression of both. lol

And yes, Mir,
what a hot story! sizzling

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Posts: 21677
Registered: Jul 2011

posted December 03, 2013 02:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Orange:
in the Composite - Mars squares Venus at 0 degree.

This square exists because of your mutual Venus-Mars-aspect in synastry (quinkunx and semisextile).
I am actually very intrigued presently by how the composite reflects the natals and synastry (even though we sometimes do not see it at once, cause we always look out for the big ones, conunction and opposition).

HOwever I also come more and more to the conclusion, that I have always tended to underestimate the semisextile and quinkunx, esp. semisextile.

And personally i have a one degree semisextile between Venus and Mars, and an exact quinkunx between Moon and Saturn - and I certainly am a living expression of both. lol

And yes, Mir,
what a hot story! sizzling

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Posts: 2880
From: Georgia
Registered: May 2009

posted December 03, 2013 03:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Orange     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
This square exists because of your mutual Venus-Mars-aspect in synastry (quinkunx and semisextile).
I am actually very intrigued presently by how the composite reflects the natals and synastry (even though we sometimes do not see it at once, cause we always look out for the big ones, conunction and opposition).

yes, I've been aware of this dynamic for quite a while, I think that i read it on one of your past posts.

Which only comes to say that the nature of the aspects in the Composite should not be considered, its the actual link that matters, just like we would interpet midpoints. For example, our Moon and Sun are linked by an exact inconjunction in the Composite, which is a result of the synastric DW trine and sextille. In no way a trine and sextille between people's Sun and Moon would feel like an inconjunction when combined together. Mutual Trine and sextille's nature of relation do not equal an inconjunction. It just shows up in the composite as a strong link between the two and that's that.


HOwever I also come more and more to the conclusion, that I have always tended to underestimate the semisextile and quinkunx, esp. semisextile.

semi-sextille and quincunx together make a full 180, with the 30 degree being a major angle in geometry. Maybe it is a player.

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Posts: 2065
Registered: May 2009

posted December 04, 2013 03:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OH, your story has Hot Hell Damn sexiness written all over it!!
How do you survive after such hotness is ended?? How do you let another man even come close to this afterwards? Doesn't it make you cry when someone else tries to do the same but they inevitably fail only because nobody can't compare to him? Do you get back together every now and then?

Haha Yea. It was a frustrating and obessively inspired process for years in which I kissed with every (almost) rod I could find just to find out there was no one coming anywhere near him. I’m not exaggerating if I say that I saw potential in almost every **** simply because my kiss sweety was not exactly the physical type I would fall for (hence the ExPlOsiOn!). But I did get an obsession for fleshy full lips.. although I didn’t exclude the less fortunate ones during my experimental search (it would have been a better option I can tell).
I even deluded myself thinking this would just be a matter of practice with me holding the reins.
The only guy ‘coming close’ got me with a fraction of what I had for hoursssss (and nightS) .. like 4 or 5 seconds he could sustain (a Scorp-stellium with Aqua-mars exactly conjunct mine) the heat of the passion but no flowing line back to other levels (just a rigid quit). He wasn’t exactly used to the unbearable passion I was trying to pull out of us haha (I see the Scorpio guy now and then .. and ofcourse the yearn for those seconds will always be there).
But with scorpio-mars guy it was the sustaining flame, no “lucky moments”, just always there as 2 bodies flowing so well together that it becomes poetry. It was mutual. He had the exact same.. wanted to do everything for me on the promise of kiss.. (the perfect exchange).
He lied (well, he just didn’t tell me) for 2 years about the fact he was involved with someone else. Once in the few months we have a one-liner text message exchange (took me long to come there, trust gone) but I don’t wanna see him again as I’m sure it will take another 5 years to get off the drug. I’m so used to bad kissers now that I’m finally able to accept.. (more or less).

Oow.. and I would be very very happy with such a tight lifelong Venus/Mars quincunx! And the more if Juno of one is involved to make an MT .. there’s a lot of stuff altogether to give that urge-to-act vibe.. it would be interesting to see if that other female has such strong Juno linkages with him.. you know what they say about a lack of it.. little to no chance to finally end up between the sheets together.

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