Topic: 165th degree, the aspect that is possibly the hardest aspect to have in a chart!
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 06:25 PM
Ive been reading about this after finding my Pluto and AC both make this aspect to my Chiron(7th)AC 164.30 degrees from Chiron Pluto 166.49 degrees from Chiron Asteroid Einstein 166.35 from Chiron This would be the quality of an unrelenting determination for healing(Chiron) fused with the identity(AC), fused with my power, to be reborn on my own terms instead of what was forced on me(Pluto) and fused with my intellect/science(Einstein). Finally, i know why im so obsessed finding the answers behind how our minds work and how our pain alters our brains functioning and thinking so we can fix it! We need to know how it damages our subconscious foundations and affects our thinking, which creates our feelings....our feelings create our lives based on what we believe about ourselves and what we have learned as of yet, for good or bad in order to undo it! Einstein's right there--Scientifically i need to see the facts and learn how our thinking and feelings affect our universe and how they interact together in creating our reality! Im sure people have heard me and my post, go on and on about this stuff before(sorry), im OBSESSED!!! LOL To me, that just shows how much this aspect is very real and very intense, IMO! This aspect is a hugely obsessive aspect, it indicates some kind of pain, isolation, control that took over your life and caused you to hurt in a way that will make your life purpose focused on whatever it was....either overcoming it, or something you just cannot let go of (depending on the persons choice of how to handle the aspect)
I have become obsessed with healing, its turned out good but its pretty much something ive had to turn my life over to completely to satisfy this aspect! Im sure my two placements dont help this...Pluto is already obsessed, and Chiron is no cake walk either! Heres some information ive found.....the aspect is named after its founder, Johndro!
"the rarely used angle of 165 degrees, sometimes called the Johndro’s aspect (because it was Edward L. Johndro (1882-1951) who first ‘discovered it’s astrological effect). In the Full Moon Horoscope above you can see it indicated by a dotted maroon line marked by the letter A, linking Jupiter and Saturn. This is considered a difficult aspect conducive to obsessive behavior and upheavals." The 164 Degree Aspect
There are many minor aspects in astrology, and two of them are the quinqueundecim (163 degrees) and the quindecile (165 degrees). The orb of influence for these minor aspects is under two degrees, usually about one degree, so if you have two points 164 degrees apart, they are BOTH quinqueundecim and quindecile. Why am I highlighting this aspect? Because this could possibly be the most difficult of all positions to have two points at, especially two personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars). A lot of attention is paid to the quindecile as being an incredibly difficult aspect, but having your planets 164 degrees apart means you also have to deal with the quinqueundecim, an overlooked aspect that isn't any kind of walk in the park. What's my experience with this aspect? I have my Sun and Moon at 164 degrees apart. Yeah, that's basically the worst, lucky me! It creates an interesting dynamic, for sure. With the quindecile, you'll see the word "unrelenting" used a lot. It's obsessive. It's like Scorpio on steroids. But it's got a focus - unfortunately, when it's your Sun and Moon the focus is all on you, and that'll drive you bonkers. With the quinqueundecim, especially between the personal planets, it shows someone who had some sort of disruption or was removed from society for some time and they must forgive, transform themselves, and help others with their experience. It'll just usually take a while to get there. A lot of people who wind up in relationships where they are trapped, who have parents who controlled their whole lives, or who suffer from accidents/illness that leave them confined have a prominent quinqueundecim. As I've said in other posts, just because you have two points at difficult aspect to one another doesn't mean it's the end of the world. You can use the midpoint (exact middle) of those two points to use the energy positively so there isn't so much of a war. For example, my Sun-Moon midpoint is in Sagittarius, so I try to implement Saggy energy into my life whenever I can, and I do find that when I can do it successfully, there's a lot less humming in my brain. Everything gets a little quieter, and I feel more even keel. Pay attention to those midpoints and you'll have a much easier job using your chart to your advantage!
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 06:28 PM From "The Tribe" by Captain Not long ago, I read a post on the web by an astrologer named Ricki Reeves, on an aspect she referred to as a Quindecile. Ricki wrote, ""Noel Tyl re-discovered this aspect while researching the horoscope of Leonardo da Vinci and, through hundreds of horoscopes, has confirmed it as a prominent indicator of obsession/compulsion as a response to upset and trauma in the life. He states, in his Analytical Techniques article of August, 1999 "The quindecile, with rulership routings to be respected as well, suggests a burning point of focus, often a place of extreme concern and effort in the life, even to the point of upheaval, disruption and obsessive mania."" I had mixed feelings reading this because, while I'm glad someone is calling attention to this little used but important aspect, I'm a bit upset that she is giving Noel Tyl the credit for 're-discovering' it. While Noel Tyl did do a good bit of research on this aspect, he did not rediscover it. Edward L. Johndro, born near the end of the 19th Century, wrote extensively about this aspect, although he did not give it a name. The venerable Charles Jayne also wrote quite a bit on it. My friend Al H. Morrison was the one who told me about it. In 1981, he wrote to me that he had been using the 165 degree aspect for many years, having been taught about from Johndro himself in the early 1950's. He wrote that 'It is in the affairs of the houses tenanted by the planets in this aspect that the native has this unending capability of carrying on, continuing, in total disregard of all practical reality. There is nothing like the nagging persistence of the 165 degree aspect, just never say die, never stop trying, never give up on negotiating the non-negotiable.' He termed it the Johndro aspect, for want of a better name, and some people today still call it that. Then, he suggested that I study Chiron in 165 degree aspect to various planets, which I then did, and published my initial findings in my book, "Essence and Application: A View From Chiron" in 1985. Since then, I have also studied it with many other planetary combinations not including Chiron, and have found it to be significant time and time again. So if I kindle a curiosity about this aspect with this post, please don't just look at Chiron, but your whole chart. Note that some people feel Quindecile is a misnomer, saying that should properly be used for another aspect, 24 degrees. Here is the excerpt from my book: "I went through several hundred charts looking for Chiron in the 165^ aspect, and found an unusual pattern. In the charts of the famous and successful, some Chiron/165^ aspects came up very often while some planets were hardly ever related to Chiron by this arc. The overall pattern I have found, when Chiron is 165^ to any planet, supports Al's description of persistence . But even more, it seems that the planet in this aspect to Chiron becomes much more active and much more visible as part of the person's image. This planet is the one that is the vehicle for the persistence. The person pushes, unendingly, with the aspected planet, while Chiron acts to part or overcome the obstacle in the way of the planet. Sometimes Chiron seems to create additional, unusual problems first which the person must resolve---and in so doing, develop more and more persistence in many different kinds of environment. This must be the 'teacher' facet of Chiron showing up. Interestingly, Chiron was 165 to Mercury at the time of its discovery. Perhaps this is one reason we have been pushing so hard, so fast, to find out everything we can about Chiron as quickly as possible. And Chiron is 165^ the Sun in the chart for the Association for Studying Chiron---instilling the very purpose of the organization with this never-give-up attitude. Here follows a brief tour of Chiron 165^ to the planets as searched so far. Please apply what follows to your charts, to see if you come up with similar results. SUN-165-CHIRON Much enthusiasm, energy, and usually a great deal of optimism. Almost always described by others as being hard-working, with a tendency to experiment---to always look for alternative methods to accomplish their ends. But while they enjoy the new, they tend to resist, very strongly, any change imposed on them from outside! **Examples of people with Sun/Chiron: Chuck McKinley, William Rehnquist, Muhammad All. Wendell Willkie, Cornell MacNell, Arthur Schlesinger, Robert Smithson, Clifford Odets, O. Henry, Nlkola Tes1a, Guy Lombardo, Roger Moore, Norman Vincent Peale, Jimmy Carter, Michel Gauquelln. [Note: Francolse Gauquelin has Chiron 165^ Saturn] MOON-165-CHIRON A tendency to be very charming and witty, full of ideas. A need to communicate is amplified, and it seems, so is the intelligence. Most seem to have the ability to lead others.
Negatively there can be a tendency toward arrogance, even abusiveness, which must be watched. Very versatile as long as they choose to try new things---but a bit resistant to new things suggested by others. **Examples of people with Moon 165/Chiron: Michael Tilson Thomas, Leo Guild, Jack Past, Bob Gunton, William Huff man Stewart, Bert Convy, Kurt Russell, Lyndon B. Johnson, Ethel Merman. MERCURY-165-CHIRON Here again there seems to be a great deal of intelligence, or at least the projection of being intelligent. Usually quite witty, with a powerful need to talk. Often described as quick thinking, or of 'having an answer for everything.' This type is hardworking, especially when involved In mental or communication pursuits.
**Examples of people with Mercury 165/Chiron: Robert Bruce Mathlag, Robin Evan Roberts, Roger Staubach, Johnny Carson, Henry Cabot Lodge, David St. Clair, Bonnet Cerf, George C. Scott, George Harrison, Rich Little. VENUS-165-CHIRON This aspect makes the person overly concerned with one or more aspects of Venus, pushing the planet right out in front of their list of priorities. For some this leads to an early love of money, possessions and .pleasure. For others it is love, and the concept of love. There is a great vulnerability to pain quite early in life. Some react by learning from it, some by projecting it outward as a desire to 'get even', and some go under, relishing their suffering.
**Examples of people with Venus/Chiron: Thomas Otten Paine, Tom Poston, Richard Speck, Janis Joplin, Harry Tracy, Shah Pahlavi of Iran, Ray Stevens, Neil Diamond. MARS-165-CHIRON Mars, in some form or another, seems to express the main thrust of the life. You can sense in most people who have this aspect a strong killer instinct, although it may be modified and channeled by other aspects. The basic tendency is to be unpretentious, straightforward, very active, firm and strong willed. These people always need challenges, always need to be active. While most seem to be aggressive, another type appears to hide aggressiveness to the point of elaborate, purposeful cover-up pretenses. This type presents self as very low-keyed, but the perceptive can sense within them the potential for attack.
**Examples of people with Mars 165/Chiron: Louis Armstrong, Bill Mauldin, Yves Montand, Baron Manfred Von Richtofen, William Saroyan, Bela Lugosi, Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, Billy Carter, Roberta Coweli, Moses Gann, Ken Kesey, Bob Lilly, Otis Chandler, John Clifford, William Colby, Judy Collins, Wayne Embry, Kathryn Grayson, Craig Breedlove, Robert C. Byrd, Isaac Asimov, Princess Grace Kelly. JUPITER-165-CHIRON These people are always in need of 'something'---always looking for answers. They must always go further, further, further. The sense of freedom is very strong, and there an accompanying hatred of any limitations imposed from outside.
**Examples of people with Jupiter 165/Chiron: Anthony Joseph Foyt, Rex Harrison, Conrad Morlcand, Friedrich Nietzsche, Harry Tracy [see also Venus 165^ Chiron for this convicted murderer], Jan Fleming, Miguel Hidalgo. SATURN-165-CHIRON These people initially have an unflagging curiosity, and as they get older, they either amplify it or repress it. Most are very tough under fire, down-to-earth people. Saturn for these individuals is a very powerful planet and they are always stressing it somehow. For some Saturn is externalized, and the person sees the world as a very miserable place or as a place full of enemies. For others Saturn is pursued as a goal, or chosen as a path, so that they become involved m uncovering the nature and structures of the larger environment. It is an excellent position for the researcher. Many personify the way most of us would like to be.
**Examples of people with Saturn/Chiron: Yogi Berra, Joan Caulfleld, Hugh Downs, Clay l"elker, Robert Alan Good, Louis Groza, Robert Kastelmeier, Eleanor Parker, Garth Allen, Camille Flammarion, Alfred E. Housman, Dr. -Sam Sheppard, Gore Vidal, Judy Garland, Norman Lear, Lee Marvin, Francoise Gauquelin [see note under Sun 165^ Chiron]. CHIRON-165-URANUS These people refuse to submit individuality to any outside control. They feel compelled to 'do their own thing' no matter what.
**Examples of people with Chiron/Uranus: Steve Cauthen, Paul Gauguin, Jay Waverly North, Craig Russell. CHIRON-165-NEPTUNE There seems to be a concern with power here, but not in the Plutonian sense. The concern is with having enough power to change what something is to what they want it to be.
**Examples of people with Chiron/Neptune: Mayor Richard J. Daley, Estes Kefauver, Don Ameche, David O. Selznlck, Walter Slezak. CHIRON-165-PLUTO Here is where I need your help, dear reader. The only example I have found so far of this aspect is Richard DeMont, an athlete and champion swimmer, who has the dubious distinction of being the first Olympic participant ever to be disqualified from championship for the alleged use of drugs. Please send in the charts of other people who have this aspect, so we may find the positive expressions of it.
IC-165-CHIRON This aspect surprised me by being so much more prevalent than the aspect to the MC. Perhaps it is because this aspect puts Chiron only 15^ from the MC, thus making Chiron a very elevated planet? One common element seems to be a love of show, often manifested in a fondness for clothes. In any case, these people truly get into whatever role they are playing, and identify with it in a total sense. They always seem to make a big impression.
**Examples of people with IC/Chiron: David Warren Bruebeck, John Renaldo Ottina, Sam Peckinpah, Jane Russell, Gay Talese, Jim Bailey, Herman Goering, Morgana King, Rick Springfield. MC-165-CHIRON Since the only individual I have found so far with this aspect is General Frederick Carlton Weyand, who was Commander of American forces in South Viet-Nam, I will reserve judgement on the meaning of this aspect. Here is another plea for help from the reader.
ASCENDANT-165- CHIRON The ascendant, whatever sign it may be, is emphasized. The person projects the qualities of the rising sign more strongly than is usual, and always seems to make an impression on anybody they meet.
**Examples of people with Ascendant/Chiron: Sandy Duncan, Claude Roy Kirk, Eddie Albert, Maurlce Ravel, Lana Turner. DESCENDANT-165-CHIRON These people are usually quite thorough in their activities. They refuse to let other people alter their course of action, whatever it may be. They are often deeply involved in their work, which is often specialized or unusual.
**Examples of people with Descendant/Chiron Bobby Stone, James Blish, Dr. Walter Koch, Vincent Price. ONE FINAL THOUGHT ABOUT THE 165^ ASPECT Since it is rarely mentioned in astrological literature, it may be a good idea for us to investigate all other 165 aspects in our charts involving planets other than Chiron. In this way we can get a better feel for the aspect itself, and will then be more able to understand what Chiron means when it is involved. I myself have Jupiter 165^ Saturn, and I am just beginning to fathom what that means for me.
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 07:02 PM
""For some reason, I felt I needed to pay more attention to this minor aspect of 165 degree, or quindecile, also known as the Johndro Aspect and or the Tao aspect. Maybe it was the word Tao, which I have always associated with a way of life, which one needed to work with and to be in control of, which attracted my attention Quoting from the article the keywords associated with this aspects are as follow: “determined, persistent, single-minded, dogged, unyielding, unrelenting, unwavering, persevering, uncompromising, reacting intensely to events by becoming all the more focused; unable to quit under any circumstances, not fazed by the apparent reality of a situation (not letting apparent reality interfere with one’s purpose); potential for becoming truly obsessive; believing that there is no such thing as a non-negotiable issue; continually to get up and return to the fray no matter how many times one is knocked down; not afraid of controversy. When at its most negative, refusing to be swayed from one’s course by the realties of a situation can lead to self-destructive behavior.” After reading this description, I saw myself within its words, which I always attributed to my ascendant square my Midheaven, with Neptune square the Moon and Mars in the sixth house square the tenth house, as the cause of my affliction. I am now convinced it is because I have an almost exact 165 degree orb between Neptune and Mars. In truth I never considered this affliction as totally bad or totally good. In some instances I felt it was God sent, in that it helped me continue to the finish line of any difficult project I decided on. At other times I thought it was a nuisance, as I could not seem to give up hope on any desire or wish, no matter how impractical it appeared. Even when it seems fruitless, I wanted to wait until the next turn in the road, and even then would not give up my expectation that it would come to pass. This was a light bulb turned on to high, illuminating a new avenue of discoveries. Because it is happening in my own chart and with my own experiences, usually gives me the momentum to look into things, concepts, and ideas with a more open and concerted effort to uncover the truth and the validity of it. Looking at a friend’s chart who was always very deliberate and directed in his philosophy and spiritual life, and that this was his main focus and objective in life, above anything else, appears to others as an obsession and a commandment of truth to proselytize others with. Although he was not doing that, it appeared to others who did not know hi well that this was his main objective. This made me wonder if the aspect was what we experience as individuals, or what others think they see in us because of the aspect working through us in unexpected ways? I was not surprised to find an exact orb of a few seconds from his Sun in Gemini to Jupiter in Scorpio. The keywords to this aspect seem to be more destructive then positive, but I have always had the conviction, nothing is absolutely beneficial or malefic, it is the way we put the attributes to work in our lives that determines the good or bad of it. As I continue to read the article, it appeared that those who achieved something in life either had one or several of these aspects in their chart. I could see where this aspect is needed to achieve anything worthwhile in life, as it keeps us going when hope is diminished and the light at the end is not in sight, until our goal is reached. At the same time it can be an annoyance, in that we continue with something that has no end. For those who have this aspect in their charts, I wonder what your thoughts are on the matter?"" gree-or-johndro-aspect-is-considered-a-minor-aspect-in-the-major-league/
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Kerosene unregistered
posted December 17, 2013 07:12 PM
Ooooooooooo YAY VENUS Quindecile PLUTO... -____-
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Kerosene unregistered
posted December 17, 2013 07:13 PM
How rude of me I'll read your posts, just need to find a place to read everything lol.IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 07:17 PM
165°Aspect 'THE QUINDECILE" or "The Fatal in the Natal", "The Obsession in Progression", "The Bandit in the Transit", and "The Need to Be in Synastry".The Quindecile, or 165 degree aspect, termed as "the separation aspect" by German astrologer Thomas Ring (1892-1983) it denotes disruption and upheaval which divorce the individual from the balance of their life. Noel Tyl re-discovered this aspect while researching the horoscope of Leonardo da Vinci and after extensive research confirmed it as a prominent indicator of obsession/compulsion as a response to upset and trauma in the life. THE DYNAMICS OF OBSESSION AND COMPULSION -Most of us have some degree of obsessive/compulsive tendency, inclination or behavior of a non-clinical nature such as co-dependency, alcoholism, drug abuse, workaholism, shopping, gambling, eating disorders, sexual addictions, body image, perfectionism, idealism, use of manipulation and/or control, and so on.... One of the benefits experienced, during times of obsession, is momentary escape from feeling emotional pain connected with fear, disappointment, anger, low self esteem, difficult memories, etc. This escape can become addictive and our means of coping with stress we can't deal with, don't want to deal with or simply don't have the tools to deal with. THE ASTROLOGICAL OVERVIEW -The 165 degree point falls at15 degrees Virgo and Libra. Virgo (assimilation) and Libra(cooperation) require effective assimilation of cooperative efforts between the planetary pair's characteristics. Virgo (Earth) and Libra(Air) suggest a combining of the physical and mental. In other words "Do...what you think!" Virgo (mutable) and Libra (cardinal) indicate this aspect having an active component which may go around in circles. When these dynamics are not consciously focused, chaos and disruption can reign within the life. The quindecile falling at the midpoint between a quincunx and an opposition, indicates a need for both adjustment and awareness in order to effectively synthesize the planetary energies and utilize this dynamic to our benefit. Planets quindecile angles are shown through the physical presentation, social outreach, relationships, societal position or professional endeavors. 1.) ASCENDANT (ASC) -Possible obsession with one's looks, physical body or relationships. Characteristics of the aspecting planet are focused through how the individual presents him/herself. (i.e.George S. Patton -Mercury quindecile ASC, Joan Crawford -Venus quindecile ASC) 2.) MIDHEAVEN (MC) -Shown through one's ambition, career, or how they seek to be known by society as a whole. The thrust for recognition or approval.(i.e. Norman V. Peale -Jupiter quindecile MC, Oprah Winfrey -Mars quindecile MC) Planets quindecile Sun or Moon are an integral part of the personality. It is difficult for the individual to see the extent to which the drive of the aspecting planet is influencing their life. 1.) Quindeciles to the Sun -Aspecting planet characteristics are incorporated into how the individual seeks recognition. (i.e. WinstonChurchill -Pluto quindecile Sun, Quincy Jones -Neptune quindecileSun) 2.) Quindeciles to the Moon -Intensify the security needs. (i.e.Liberace -Venus quindecile Moon, Janis Joplin -Mars quindecileMoon) 3.) Quindeciles between the Sun and Moon -Enmesh the personalityinto a singular focus. (i.e. David Bowie, Joseph Mengele) Personal planets quindecile personal planets are shown through the dynamics of the planets involved. For instance, Mars quindecile Mercury (i.e. Jack Nicholson) is a need to take action on ideas and information, or Mars quindecile Venus (i.e.Betty Ford) is a need to take action on aesthetics, kinship or relationship. Societal or generational planets quindecile personal planetsSocietal planets (Jupiter and Saturn) indicate trends of the times and generational planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) indicate movements of consciousness. When a societal or generational planet is quindecile a personal planet there is potential to be a leader in setting the current trends of the time or to perhaps "get caught up" in them. (i.e. Karl Marx -Uranus quindecile Mercury, Parmahansa Yogananda -Pluto quindecile Mercury Outer Planets quindecile outer planets- The outer planets reflect movements, events and issues on societal, national and global levels which impact our consciousness. Alignments of Uranus and Neptune reference disruption of the status quo (Uranus) within a seeking of the ideal (Neptune); Uranus and Pluto reference disruption of the status quo (Uranus) within a shift in the perspectives of consciousness (Pluto); Neptune and Pluto reference seeking the ideal (Neptune) in perspectives of consciousness (Pluto). Planets quindecile North Node may suggest the life purpose. a thrust into public recognition and renown, or a prominent maternal relationship. 1.) Planetary dynamics involved can actually define one's "life purpose". (i.e. John F. Kennedy -Saturn quindecile North Node) 2.) Recognition and renown can be literally "thrust" upon the individual and it can be suggestive of a life that is somehow destined to be in the limelight. (i.e. Jeffrey Dahmer -Mars quindecile NorthNode) 3.) The impact of the relationship with the mother may be a primary factor in the molding of character, demeanor, values, and ability to cope or not cope with life . (i.e. John F. Kennedy, Jr. -Moon quindecile North Node) Synastry -If planets are in quindecile aspect, within the synastry of two horoscopes, it indicates obsessive/compulsive inclinations within that relationship. When both persons have natal quindecile(s) and there are quindecile(s) through synastry of the two horoscopes, the relationship dynamics may be overwhelmingly obsessive/compulsive. This inclination will not be nearly as powerful if those involved do not have quindecile(s) within their own natal horoscopes. If person "A" has natal quindecile(s), and person "B" doesn't, the obsession/compulsion within the relationship may be one-sided, with "A" focusing on "B". IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 07:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: Ooooooooooo YAY VENUS Quindecile PLUTO... -____-
OMG!! That must be SUPER intense! Whoa! IP: Logged |
peachbeigeblue Knowflake Posts: 4101 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted December 17, 2013 07:24 PM
Oh this is intriguiging. Gona try to remember to look at mine tmrw IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 07:26 PM
To make it easier to find, if anyone needs... Opposed is 180 degrees, so be looking for something 15 degrees away from a planets exact opposition point to find this aspect in a chart.IP: Logged |
Kerosene unregistered
posted December 17, 2013 07:35 PM
You would think I have a crazy love life but it's pretty normal.. well I'm not psycho that probably helps.I'm actually really obsessed and insane about creative expression... The craziest thing i did was this performance art piece/social experiment which was inspired by the movie independent film sleeping beauty. My theater major friend, she wanted a male too. drugged ourselves to keep us rested and asleep and we were displayed laying nude and people could do whatever they wanted with us wearing masks for anonymity. It was interesting to find how how people were reacting.. At that time I felt like I had an outer body experience which was cool. probably the pills lol. IP: Logged |
filleaspirant Knowflake Posts: 2045 From: Rio de Janeiro Registered: Sep 2013
posted December 17, 2013 07:44 PM
I've got Moon quindecile Venus exact and Sun quindecile NN exact. quote: Mars quindecileMercury (i.e. Jack Nicholson) is a need to take action on ideas andinformation
I relate to this. quote: Quindeciles to the moon -Intensify the security needs.
I have a 2nd house Moon, so I don't know how much that plays into things. I'd love to know how Sun quindecile NN is read  IP: Logged |
MsPrism Knowflake Posts: 1710 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted December 17, 2013 07:44 PM
Wow, thanks for all the info, Gabby!!I have Venus quindecile my Neptune/MC conjunction. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 07:52 PM
Wow Kerosene, that does sound extreme!! You were totally vulnerable, allowed all control (pluto) to be handed over in the name of Art (venus)! You were able to focus so completely on the art you disconnected from your need to control...?IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 08:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by filleaspirant: I've got Mars quindecile Mercury by 2º, Moon quindecile Venus exact and Sun quindecile NN exact. I have a 2nd house Moon, so I don't know how much that plays into things. I'd love to know how Sun quindecile NN is read 
quote: Originally posted by MsPrism: Wow, thanks for all the info, Gabby!!I have Venus quindecile my Neptune/MC conjunction.
How do you guys see this playing out, if you do?
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m.blade Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted December 17, 2013 08:03 PM
Hi I have venus aspecting 165 exact to my uranus, what does this mean?IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 08:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by m.blade: Hi I have venus aspecting 165 exact to my uranus, what does this mean?
Total shot in the dark here, i just started learning about this aspect but ill give it a try.... Maybe a huge desire to be free or original in your relationships, a refusal to conform to the norm or be as someone, or "society" expects or want to rebel at all cost...while still longing for that stable secure relationship that feels comfortable, wanting the relationships to be there for you and love you...but you cant settle for the boring'ness' of the same ole, same ole love style as everyone else. It makes it hard for someone else to feel secure because you dont feel secure about what you want. If, im totally wrong tell me!  IP: Logged |
Kerosene unregistered
posted December 17, 2013 08:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Wow Kerosene, that does sound extreme!! You were totally vulnerable, allowed all control (pluto) to be handed over in the name of Art (venus)! You were able to focus so completely on the art you disconnected from your need to control...?
Of course and Art aside If you think about it... What is Venus? Venus is not really about ourselves (that is the moon) but pleasing and catering to others. Maybe with the 165th degree aspect Pluto (power) Amplifies Venus to an extreme degree. Where Venus obsessively does her job even if it's completely extreme and dysfunctional. quote: You can't have my heart and You won't use my mind but Do what you want with my body You can’t stop my voice, cause You don't own my life but Do what you want with my body
I think these Lyrics apply to this aspect or how I feel about this aspect..
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Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 09:26 PM
Those lyrics do fit very well with your venus aspect!IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 17, 2013 09:31 PM
My Virgo Moon--165.41 degrees from Aries B.M. Lilith--hmmmm Here is a link for an Aspect Calculator...
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Kerosene unregistered
posted December 17, 2013 11:02 PM
Venus-Pluto Lady Gaga has 163 degree. Which makes sense for her extreme expression of Venus...I have the 164 to be exact so it's basically both? IP: Logged |
12muddy Knowflake Posts: 3075 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted December 17, 2013 11:17 PM
Thanks Gabby for the info  Kerosene, the author of this article claims that 164 degree is both --- My moon is 164'31 from my MC - "obsession" with career and/or public image ?
Hmm, in my case I guess it plays out as some sort of obsession with my career. Like I always try to find a career that satisfies my moon needs n wants. From
quote: Quindecile (QD) to Midheaven: suggests obsessive and determined focus on career achievement in terms of the planet aspecting it.Quindecile to Ascendant: suggests obsessive and even disruptive focus on relationship and self image in terms of the planet aspecting it. Quindecile to the Sun suggests tremendous tension directing the life energy into the aspected planet. Tiger Woods has his Sun in Capricorn QD MC, which is an unrelenting focus of disciplined energy into career achievement. Quindecile to the Moon suggests the emotional drive being channeled into the aspected planet. Also, the aspect works the other way, directing the other planet’s energy into the emotional system, potentially creating a great upheaval within. Arnold Schwarzenegger has his 6th house Moon in Capricorn QD ASC, suggesting the ambitious, workaholic drive entering into the identity, potentially upsetting relationships. Quindecile to Mercury: the determined, obsessive or disruptive quality enters the mind in terms of the planet being aspected, potentially creating great anxiety. This extreme tension might become a fuel for intellectual output, and/or a cause for neurosis. Quindecile to Venus: we can expect similar tension to enter within the emotional system and relationships, and sometimes into the aesthetic sensitivity (which may lead to productive artistic work.) Quindecile to Mars: this may suggest unrelenting drive to exert energy, in terms of the aspected planet, or Mars’ sign and house placement. Albert Einstein has Mars in Capricorn QD his ASC, suggesting the quality of unrelenting determination and achievement fused with the identity. Quindecile to Jupiter: may suggest obsessive focus on education, philosophy or spirituality. This aspect may intensify the need for rewards in terms of Jupiter’s sign and house placement. Quindecile from Saturn: may suggest obsessive focus on ambition, control and achievement. There may be an intense suppression and disruption of the aspect planet. Quindecile from Uranus: unrelenting drive toward individual freedom, innovation, and even rebelliousness is possible. Quindecile from Neptune: Potentially disruptive intensification of creative, visionary, or escapist drive can be expected. Poet William Wordsworth has his Neptune QD Mercury, which seems to corroborate his obsession with romantic ideas and aesthetic communication. Quindecile from Pluto: obsessive, unrelenting motivation toward empowerment or destruction. Warren Buffett has his Pluto QD Saturn, which suggests monumental empowerment and absolute fixation on practical achievement. .
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Kerosene unregistered
posted December 17, 2013 11:43 PM
Oh wow sounds scary, but I don't know. So like what's the negative though?  I'd rather be extreme and weird rather than safe and normal. I guess it depends on perspective... maybe the planets? Gabby I can see Chiron and Pluto being hard.
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Kerosene unregistered
posted December 17, 2013 11:45 PM
THANKS MUDDY that was helpful quote: Quindecile to Venus: we can expect similar tension to enter within the emotional system and relationships, and sometimes into the aesthetic sensitivity (which may lead to productive artistic work.
quote: Quindecile from Pluto: obsessive, unrelenting motivation toward empowerment or destruction. Warren Buffett has his Pluto QD Saturn, which suggests monumental empowerment and absolute fixation on practical achievement.
Which makes sense because my art is really gritty... I hate using bright pleasing colors. It's dark and moody and emotional. Even though I have Air venus and Moon. IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8906 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 18, 2013 12:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by Kerosene: Oh wow sounds scary, but I don't know. So like what's the negative though?  I'd rather be extreme and weird rather than safe and normal. I guess it depends on perspective... maybe the planets? Gabby I can see Chiron and Pluto being hard.
Yea, pluto and Chiron kind of sux! But i love it still, its a good path. I think these aspects are a bit more intense than some people want to deal with, if they havent had to deal with it, but we didnt have that choice, weve been learning how to hande them all our lives... You learn how to work with what your given no matter what it is. IP: Logged |
Kerosene unregistered
posted December 18, 2013 12:22 AM
Does 166 also count or is that too wide?IP: Logged | |