Topic: Twinflame Astrology: Techniques, Investigations, Validity
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 05:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by Delilah423:
I'm also noticing similar reversals in some of the other charts, though, e.g. we have Venus opposite Chiron in helio Composite and Venus conjunct Chiron in helio Davison.
This one actually puzzles me a lot at the moment.
Composites are made of the midpoints of each planets. Davison however takes the middle between two birthdays and erecting a chart with a real existing date. Even though that means that usually the Sun in composite and Davison is either conjunct or opposite each other, this is not true for any of the other planets as a rule. As I mentioned in my composite Venus is on 16 Capricorn, in DAvison Venus is on 11 Taurus. Yes, the helio ocmposite and helio Davison have Venus at exact same degree (only 3 minutes diference). At first I thought that was something unique or special, but I checked ome helio Davisons and helio comnposites, and as a rule Davison Venus was either conjunct or opposite composite Venus. Why is that so? Honestly I have.No.FREAKING.clue.
It drives me mad. ACtually when seeing it I was wandering through the floors of my school, shake my head and murmuring: it doesn`t make any sense. It just does`t make any sense. LOL Luckily noone saw me. There must be something behind it, astronomical. But I don`t know what.
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Bluejay Knowflake Posts: 123 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted January 31, 2014 05:35 PM
In reference to afflicted vs unafflicted charts...I'd just like to add that I also have Karma, Quaoar, and Ixion conjunt my sun, all squaring my nodes and opposing Chiron. Sisyphus is conjunct my North Node. Moon/Pluto/Lilith conjunct in the 8th house, along with Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. Just because I don't have major planetary afflictions doesn't mean I don't have lessons to learn, or that life has been a cake walk. Quite the contrary. The Karmic wheel theme is blatantly obvious in my chart. It's very fitting since I have 3 planets in 9th house Scorpio, and five 8th house planets. Both luminaries along with Mercury and Pluto are in Via Combusta. Although my Moon/Pluto are conjunct Spica so I think it takes the edge off a bit. I also have Mars conjunct Neptune in 10th house Sagittarius. If anything, I came into this incarnation to learn hard lessons, and to teach others the power of regeneration. I will say that people are often amazed by the things I've experienced in life, and still maintain an optimistic attitude. I'm amazed by the insignificant everyday inconveniences that others seem to dwell on. I don't think I could have this outlook on life if I was free of hardship. Maybe the lack of major afflictions just shows an ability to rise from the ashes wiser and stronger than I was before. To get to that point you really have to go into those dark places that most people don't want to face. I think even those that are to be reunited with their twin in this present incarnation still have lessons to learn. If anything, they probably have more to learn so they can pass on this knowledge to others. I also don't think anyone could truly appreciate a Twin flame relationship, without having to first experience some hard taught karmic lessons through soulmates. IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted January 31, 2014 05:46 PM
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Bluejay Knowflake Posts: 123 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted January 31, 2014 05:46 PM
"seems significant, but honestly I am too tired to give a qualified statement right now."Thanks Ceridwen, I'd love your input. I've been studying astrology for less than a year, and your research has really helped me "try" to grasp some of the more complex patterns in the charts.
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Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted January 31, 2014 05:47 PM
Double post. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 05:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lavender CrystalSwan: No, not neccessarily. Like I said, it can be one of the many potential factors, but not THE factor. The whole chart needs to be taken into account to determine if one's life purpose at this time is to be a volunteer/healer of humanity/service to others oriented.
Oh, no. Definitely not. Again, I've got a theory on this I'll be sharing later today. IP: Logged |
Bluejay Knowflake Posts: 123 From: Registered: Jun 2013
posted January 31, 2014 05:59 PM
I think the reason that Venus stays pretty consistent in Davison and composite charts is because it only goes retrograde for about 5 to 6 weeks every 20 months. I think Mars only goes retrograde every 2 years, but the retrograde periods last longer, about 2 to 3 months. Is the same pattern shown with Mars?ETA: Well I checked a few charts, and Mars doesn't fit the same pattern. I think the average speed of Venus is pretty close to the speed of the sun, so maybe that factors in??? IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 06:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lavender CrystalSwan: Maybe! Or it could also mean that we're a part of the same "flock" or soul group! ![](
That's more likely. My Draco ASC is 20° ARIES, but then I'm in a leadership position, so it might speak instead to that. I can see how Draconic ASC in relation to the GC would follow an Indigo pattern, however. My Twin's Draco ASC is early SAG, same as my costar's. Heh. Well, that makes sense. I do think there's a reason for your Draco ASC degrees to be around the GC. It has something to do with linking you. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 06:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: As for twinflame (or other) astrology I once had been having these musings:The three planes: ----------------- tropical: the physical plane; present incarnation Draco: emotional roots; past incarnations helio: spiritual plane; either future incarnation, or operating out of the context of time the helio is also said to relate to the Higher Self, and as twin flames have the same Higher Self , the helios are a MUST in twin flame relationships (if the helio indeed is indicative of our Higher Self at least). As Draco`s are relating to the Moon and soul-connections, soulmates and Twinflame also MUST have strong Draco connections I guess. *edit: actually Draconics are a blend of Sun and Moon, so there might be more purposedness to them that I thought in my initial musings. (1) strong tropical, strong Draco and strong helio: ° twinflames ° probably ready for reunion on earth, as shown by the connections to tropical (2) weak tropical, strong Draco and strong Helio ° possibly twinflames, who are not yet ready or missing opportunities to be reunited in this earthly incarnation, though their souls and spirits will resonate with each other still (maybe these will bring the most pain)
Hah! I'm so glad you reposted that. I was trying to hunt it down awhile ago. I found it has tremendous insight. IP: Logged |
starmoon Knowflake Posts: 1197 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 31, 2014 06:15 PM
i believe 100% in astrology and synastry but not in the concept of soulmates, twinflames, twin souls, etc. those - to me - are hopelessly romantic terms and/or a way in which to desribe or ascribe feelings to someone important who enters your life. and many important people will enter your life; you just might stop looking and close the door if you either find 'the one' or fear you lost 'the one.' it comes down to the statistical facts: there are 7 BILLION people on the planet, so to assume your soul mate is here in the US, or just dropped in at your work or high school, or that you will ever meet them is... well, not realistic in my view. it's all wishful thinking. we have many contacts within our lives, some deeper than others and these are just fancy terms not based in reality. imo.IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 06:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lioness: Indigo d, What do you think about this composite? What type of relationship does this fit?
At cursory glance, Lioness, I'm seeing intense soulmate dynamics. SUN opposite MARS across the ASC/DSC, hugging the axis, but clearly representing the 12H and 6H. Plus, that SUN is conjunct the SNODE and close to ALGOL, with the SUN/MERC MP (which rules the composite) hitting ALGOL in the 12H. JUPITER (7R) making a looser conjunction to PLUTO which is tight with the 5H MOON. There's passion, power plays, a marker for romance if appropriate (5H), and a very strong dynamism with luminaries attached to strong planets linked to passion, power, aggression, and activity - MARS and PLUTO. I've been told that MARS should not figure into the composite of a Twinflame in any strong way. PLUTO may, but softly. Same going for SATURN. Ultimately, this kind of very strong drive must be settled, and originating from the 12H, whoever has planets or points there in their natal will be feeling (or perhaps feeding) that energy. SNODE being involved is a waving red flag confirmation that it's something seeking resolution from the past. VENUS being exactly opposite PLUTO/MOON can point to the dangerous passions of a powerful woman. The square to VALENTINE shows possessiveness and a possible romantic betrayal. SATURN in 29° CANCER feels significant, too. CERES being right on the DSC screams 'someone's mother' to me, too. It being trine VENUS seems like there's a flow of energy there; the fact it's sextile PLUTO certainly lends it power. AMOR square SUN/MERC (7R) and ALGOL seems the clear issue here. Too much passion with too little true love and compromise. The key, as usual, is unconditional love. If only that were as easily achieved as it is obviousness that it's needed. NNODE-PSYCHE, too. There's a need to put down the axes and let love lead the way, rather than ego. That's the growth direction here, and appropriately in the 6H of service. I'll be happy to look at it more thoroughly once I've collected more data from this thread. Thanks for sharing!
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 06:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Indigo,didn`t you also have an IC on PRiapus in Taurus?
In my natal? 9° 0'52' SAG. PRIAPUS is 20° ARI. 8H. IP: Logged |
tgem Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 31, 2014 06:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: ...and I just realized in our Helio composite our venus is directly opposite composite GC by 3.
@Ceri-Do you think this aspect is significant? IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 06:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lavender CrystalSwan: Ok well I checked my composite anyway lol and OH MY LORDI JESUS I am freaked out now!!!!! O_____O Composite Atlantis is smack dab on the Asc 0°02 Conjunction falls in 26° Leo
Draco Composite has Atlantis conjunct Asc 0°01 and this time the conjunction is in Scorpio 19°!!! This conjunctional also falls on Tropical Composite IC–Pluto conjunction. *falls off bed*
Crystal, the signs will change, but the aspects remain the same in Draco. So, that it'd be conjunct the ASC in both follows. I am intrigued, though. Ceri pointed me to ATLANTIS awhile ago, and it's how I'm reconnecting with all of you. 😜 IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 06:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: As far as TF's meeting while married, I believe it has something to do with changing the current concepts of love, partnership and what has been "traditionally accepted" within society. TF relationships are about loving yourself unconditionally and then also your TF for their strengths and faults in which no co-dependency can exist...which is what so many (not all) marriages are about today. TF relationships are about breaking and dissolving the status quo. And then bringing unconditional love to the world through spiritual purpose, whether through arts, science, literature, fighting through racism, prejudice etc. I read many TF stories where the TF's differ significantly in age (Mel and Nicolle,) race, culture etc. JMO P.S. I enjoyed your violin Indigo ![](
YES! Exactly! I couldn't put it better myself. And I'm glad. I don't bust out the strings often, because, well, Vulcan. 😉 IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 06:51 PM
Okay. I figured since we're listing aspects, why not. There's an updated one with a handful of other points, but I grabbed this off of an old thread. This must've been before Ceri taught me about ATLANTIS. It's sandwiched between PLUTO, LUST, and SATURN. (Nice place, for ATLANTIS). 😝 IP: Logged |
tgem Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 31, 2014 07:05 PM
"I've been told that MARS should not figure into the composite of a Twinflame in any strong way. PLUTO may, but softly. Same going for SATURN."@Indigo- this is an interesting concept. I checked all three of our composites (tropical, Draco and Helio) and mars makes only ONE strong aspect which is opposite our venus/Chiron conjunction. In our Helio, mars only conjuncts mercury. Pluto and Saturn do not play strongly into any of the 3 composite charts. In the case of the venus/mars opposition, I would think this just makes for a strong sexual chemistry, as well. I've read and been told sex between TF's can be so intense, one almost can't handle first.
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 07:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: "I've been told that MARS should not figure into the composite of a Twinflame in any strong way. PLUTO may, but softly. Same going for SATURN."@Indigo- this is an interesting concept. I checked all three of our composites (tropical, Draco and Helio) and mars makes only ONE strong aspect which is opposite our venus/Chiron conjunction. In our Helio, mars only conjuncts mercury. Pluto and Saturn do not play strongly into any of the 3 composite charts. In the case of the venus/mars opposition, I would think this just makes for a strong sexual chemistry, as well. I've read and been told sex between TF's can be so intense, one almost can't handle first.
I'm with you there, actually. I'd rather say 'afflicted MARS in relationship to another traditional malefic', because we all have seen how MARS and VENUS plays out between those of the appropriate sexual orientation (whatever that may be) and in circumstances which allow it. Hell, even between family members and close friends, it creates a strong drive to create. A very productive force that becomes sublimated into work or creative endeavour. Very useful, in fact. I'd say it's more for, say, charts like the composite Lioness posted. That, to me, is clearly of soulmates here to learn unconditional love in the face of dangerous passions. My husband and I have our 12H c-SUN T-squared with BML and PRIAPUS, across the IC and MC, no less. MARS is trine EROS, and quindecile VENUS, like in our synastry. 12H VENUS, that is. ... Yeah. Makes sense for us, actually. But it was also very clearly a soulmate / karmic composite, too, and helped me focus on what needs balancing. Honestly, I had no clue what to look for in terms of TF composite. And I am only an egg. 😊 Oh, and as for the mind-blowing sex, I think that comes from the Heiros Gamos principle; the powerful meeting of masculine and feminine in union; yin and yang in congress. Back in Atlantis, or whatever it was called, really, we called it union. Just simply, 'union'. It was something brought: 'bring to union', or something had: 'we have union'. It was clearly sex, but between those who were chosen to go to Earth, a very, VERY binding thing. If you had a union with your counterpart in this way, it bound you to each other, period. We weren't all crazy about hiding our nakedness, either, evidently. Not like a groovy Eden thing, but more like a 'it's natural to be so inclined with your tribe' thing. You wouldn't stroll about naked; but you were comfortable sans attire in your own home, and with some intimates. That whole 'one per a customer' style of relating wasn't the status quo, either. To that end, rather Indigo. (Man, I'm becoming my nick!) It was just ... simpler. It feels simpler to me, at least. Anyway. I'd expect the HG to be quite an incredible experience on so many levels. IP: Logged |
tgem Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted January 31, 2014 07:33 PM
^^YES!! 👍👍IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 07:40 PM
D'oh! I edited after you 'd, to include the HG part. And ramble about Atlantis, apparently, since I seem to miss it the more I age. Isn't that weird? Anyhow. But, yes! VENUS / MARS is good times had by all - and then some. ('Then some' being a man's MARS-BACCHUS on my VENUS. Ahem. My DIONYSUS was once on a man's MARS, sextile my VENUS. Now THAT was fun, too.) Blather, blather, blather .... 😝 IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted January 31, 2014 07:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Astro keen: IndigoDirae, I would really like to hear your thoughts on this:This is about someone I have known a couple of years. Mostly long-distance. We have now decided to go separate ways, although detaching ourselves is proving immensely difficult for both of us. A few key aspects: Synastry Sun/Asc DW Moons conjunct - his on my Dsc My Venus conjunct his NN Loads of DWs - Juno/Pluto, Karma trine Pallas (my Pallas at 26 Sag), Sun/Penelope, Moon/Kaali .. and more My Spirit at 2 Libra conjuncts his Jupiter. Composite 3 planets in the 12th - Pluto, Mars, Jupiter Asc conjunct Mars, Sun - within 2 degrees. Saturn conjunct NN Karma conjunct Kaali and Union - all trining Mars/Eros exact 4 planets at 29 degrees - Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, Pluto I've been told that the anaeretic degrees in composite point to unfinished business which now must be dealt with - and then the relationship ends. I personally think our link will last, whichever form that might take. So, very close soulmates, in my view, with perhaps a greater agenda (healing, soul growth) than would be expected of SM partnerships. That is what I suspect, despite the surprising degree of familiarity and ease we have in each other's presence. I think planets in the 12th are more of a SM phenomenon. TFs on the other hand, if they are the other half of our soul, have a connection with us anyway - meeting with a TF is not so much a culmination as it is a break through, a start of a new phase, an instrument of transformative change, with or without previous earth life karma. Our composite seems to indicate both, paying off debts and bringing about change too at a personal level. This SM is a very dear friend from the past. I feel knowing him is the closest I've got to understanding the immensity of universal love - and I fervently hope I'm not deluded in believing that.
Hi Indigo, I don't know if you saw my earlier post, but I wanted to add that I've just noticed that our composite IC falls exactly on the GC. Again the GC is prominent in the Draco - PLUTO, a 12th house planet in the composite, now falls on the GC. I'm intrigued!! We seems to have some TF undertones. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 08:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by Astro keen: Hi Indigo,I don't know if you saw my earlier post, but I wanted to add that I've just noticed that our composite IC falls exactly on the GC. Again the GC is prominent in the Draco - PLUTO, a 12th house planet in the composite, now falls on the GC. I'm intrigued!! We seems to have some TF undertones.
I missed it completely, Astro keen; thank you so much for reposting. Glancing at that rundown, I'm intrigued, too! Back in a bit with more. ![]( IP: Logged |
Orange Knowflake Posts: 1486 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted January 31, 2014 08:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Bluejay:
ETA: Well I checked a few charts, and Mars doesn't fit the same pattern. I think the average speed of Venus is pretty close to the speed of the sun, so maybe that factors in???
I think this is the answer to Ceri's quest. It also explains why an exact Sun/Venus conj in Composite stays conjunct in the progressed Composite for years and years. Ceri, My Composte has Atlantis at 27' Gemini, opposing the GS, but only loosely conjunct comp Moon at 20' Gemini. The comp Atlantis, however, conjuncts his batal Moon at 27'Gemini and my Karma. Comp Atlantis conjuncts exactly comp Venus in two other significant relationships of mine, and does nothing in other of my relationships. I dunno if that means anything at all. IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 6666 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted January 31, 2014 08:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: At cursory glance, Lioness, I'm seeing intense soulmate dynamics. SUN opposite MARS across the ASC/DSC, hugging the axis, but clearly representing the 12H and 6H. Plus, that SUN is conjunct the SNODE and close to ALGOL, with the SUN/MERC MP (which rules the composite) hitting ALGOL in the 12H. JUPITER (7R) making a looser conjunction to PLUTO which is tight with the 5H MOON. There's passion, power plays, a marker for romance if appropriate (5H), and a very strong dynamism with luminaries attached to strong planets linked to passion, power, aggression, and activity - MARS and PLUTO. I've been told that MARS should not figure into the composite of a Twinflame in any strong way. PLUTO may, but softly. Same going for SATURN. Ultimately, this kind of very strong drive must be settled, and originating from the 12H, whoever has planets or points there in their natal will be feeling (or perhaps feeding) that energy. SNODE being involved is a waving red flag confirmation that it's something seeking resolution from the past. VENUS being exactly opposite PLUTO/MOON can point to the dangerous passions of a powerful woman. The square to VALENTINE shows possessiveness and a possible romantic betrayal. SATURN in 29° CANCER feels significant, too. CERES being right on the DSC screams 'someone's mother' to me, too. It being trine VENUS seems like there's a flow of energy there; the fact it's sextile PLUTO certainly lends it power. AMOR square SUN/MERC (7R) and ALGOL seems the clear issue here. Too much passion with too little true love and compromise. The key, as usual, is unconditional love. If only that were as easily achieved as it is obviousness that it's needed. NNODE-PSYCHE, too. There's a need to put down the axes and let love lead the way, rather than ego. That's the growth direction here, and appropriately in the 6H of service. I'll be happy to look at it more thoroughly once I've collected more data from this thread. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for looking.. I agree it's some type of SM relationship. It was for sure obsessive.. Not to bad with power struggles.. Just more obsessive.
Neither of us has planets in our natal 12th house.. But we both have planets in each other's h12. Mars opps the sun, wasn't really that bad, we didn't argue like you would think, we would get upset and then discuss it later once cooled down, so something was balancing it out.. Anyways, it's all said and done, in my eyes.. It was just not meant to be. I checked composite Atlantis it's at 16 Taurus in h12 In synastry we have an exact siva/Parvati conjunction. Which is right on the composite Juno. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 31, 2014 08:49 PM
Quick add: Astro keen: Was your (I'm sorry to hear presently brief) relationship romantic? NNODE conjunct VENUS has been a clear indicator of some form of romantic relationship being consummated however brief. I could be wrong, but this is certainly my experience. Perhaps even mere aspects between the two can jive to that. NNODE aspects in synastry certainly tend to denote 'direction' of some kind. IP: Logged | |