Topic: Twinflame Astrology: Techniques, Investigations, Validity
superman13 Knowflake Posts: 33 From: Registered: Jan 2014
posted May 03, 2014 02:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: It doesn`t matter if he is my twinflame or not. It doesn`t matter what he is, only what he chooses. And that is not going to be me. That`s all.
I understand Ceri. He or your True Husband that one your are yoked too, your Spiritual Husband your True one will awaken. I just know it, I really do Ceri. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 03, 2014 03:21 PM
thank you, Superman. IP: Logged |
FireMoon Knowflake Posts: 1744 From: Minnesota Registered: Mar 2012
posted May 03, 2014 05:32 PM
I'm really sorry Ceri, I was saying you should approach him without understanding the full story, typical foot in mouth behavior for me lol... I know it can be a terrible, awful feeling to see someone you care so much about choose someone else, sending you positive thoughts and wishesI do strongly believe people don't always marry or end up with the person who could've offered them the most fulfillment and growth, but I also believe that "everything happens for a reason"... I hope this experience has opened doors for something even better in the future for you quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: I can certainly relate to the freelance project part, and being concerned at being connected to something long range. It's the same with Fate and I with the TV series.In either case, when someone breaks away from someone else, especially when they have a soul connexion, they do so because THEY're not ready to take it further. Fortunately, you're young and both of you seem to be tied to the location you're in at present - with the possibility of being tied together for even longer. In other words - the future's wide open! So, I wish you both all the best. I'll give my take on your composite in a short while; I meant to do that earlier.
Thanks Indigo, I did find it interesting your story seems to have some similarities with the writing project... Anyway if you still want to look at the composite I'd appreciate it, but if not no worries. I haven't been keeping up with posts here either partially due to Neptune transits hitting me like a tidal wave of confusion lol so I completely understand if you don't have time
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tgem Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted May 04, 2014 09:28 AM
Ceri- I wrote this long response to you yesterday and it deleted....ugh....I was so frustrated I needed to take a break before I can back to re-write it all again. I do have a question: in your opinion, can we have an actual "soul connection" with these men even if they are not our TF's? I mean maybe that's what the definition of a soulmate is..but I'm asking like our souls being connected (somehow, in some way) even if they are not our true TF..what aspects would show this? I mean something has to account for these experiences we've gone through... Maybe this is a dumb question after everything we've investigated and talked about. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 04, 2014 11:30 AM
[/URL] But really nice synastry, isn`t it?
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 04, 2014 11:37 AM ah I always loved that song! Don`t even ask me but I suddenly was thinking of that scene. lol
No I am not angry. ![]( (warning: it is a little bloody, I didn`t recall it THAT violent. lol) IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 04, 2014 12:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by FireMoon: I'm really sorry Ceri, I was saying you should approach him without understanding the full story, typical foot in mouth behavior for me lol... I know it can be a terrible, awful feeling to see someone you care so much about choose someone else, sending you positive thoughts and wishesI do strongly believe people don't always marry or end up with the person who could've offered them the most fulfillment and growth, but I also believe that "everything happens for a reason"... I hope this experience has opened doors for something even better in the future for you
FireMoon, thanks, and yes i understand why you (and many others) suggested what you did, but it is not always advisable. Though maybe this time I simply hesitated too long. There might have been a chance that I missed along the way. Or not. I genuinely wish him all the happiness in the world, and maybe despite a certain spark of attraction being present we would never really have fitted into each other`s life. And he was quite aware of that. Or whatever attraction was or is there simply wasnīt enough. Curiously he did it again last week, he was acting equally weird as he did last year, when he got together with his girlfriend/ wife. I have also no clue how I seem to always pick these times to make a guest-appearance in his life-show, when something big is happening in his life (this even happened when he got together with his ex-gf and then shortly before they broke up, actually I was present the very evening it seemed to have fallen apart.). Anyway, usually whenever he spots me somewhere there is a lot of genuine (it feels genuine) kindness, warmth and openness in the way he is looking at me. And no hesitation for eyecontact, actually usually maintains it so long, that others in the audience will start noticing and I will start feeling like squirming on my seat.
Just not on these occasions I mentioned, and it was very obvious last saturday, though I could not really make a sense out of it. Despite having seen me clearly, he would go a long way to ensure to block out the side I was sitting and to utterly ignore me (maybe I am wrong, but it felt rather "personal", though I had no clue what I could have done to **** him off, and ignoring anyone, or blocking out a whole side of the audience is just not his normal Self), and well that ignorance would without prewarning be broken up by him suddenly sliding over stage and ending up directly in front of me, of course staying in character, but I almost felt like he was shouting at me, and I was rather startled and probably locked really shocked. Well he is a good actor and all, and probably that is just it, but so far he only has been so inconsistent in changing between total ignorance and then almost an explosive staring at me to return into ignoring-mode again, when something was going on in his life I had no clue about. There is not really a reason for him to even pay attention to me at all. But this kind of behaviour just seems so manic-depressive. lol But then again it probably was just my perception. Anyway nevertheless with him being married and expecting a child, things might become more "normal" and balanced again.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 04, 2014 12:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: Ceri- I wrote this long response to you yesterday and it deleted....ugh....I was so frustrated I needed to take a break before I can back to re-write it all again. I do have a question: in your opinion, can we have an actual "soul connection" with these men even if they are not our TF's? I mean maybe that's what the definition of a soulmate is..but I'm asking like our souls being connected (somehow, in some way) even if they are not our true TF..what aspects would show this? I mean something has to account for these experiences we've gone through... Maybe this is a dumb question after everything we've investigated and talked about.
TGem, yeah Ihate it if that happens, losing a long reply. However to answer your question, yes I believe it is absolutely possible to have that sort of connection with someone who is not your TF. I do think however that some sort of soulconnection has to be in existence for it to happen, but not necessarily TF`s. In Mr Sag`s and my case, our "curse" might be because his PSYCHE-PALLAS is closely conjunct my PSYCHE. his Mercury exactly conjuncts my Neptune as well, and those are ruling each 3rd house (though for him it also rules the 4th and 7th house). his Neptune also widely conjuncts my Mercury (5 dgrees), so we end up having this Mercury-Neptune-(SAPPHO)-conjunction in composite as well. and PSYCHE is on the Antivertex in composite, sextile Sun. As for the hypagnogic experiences, I hold ANUBIS on our ASC in composite responsible. The same ocurs with Jude btw. Anubis on ASC.
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tgem Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted May 04, 2014 12:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: TGem, yeah Ihate it if that happens, losing a long reply. However to answer your question, yes I believe it is absolutely possible to have that sort of connection with someone who is not your TF. I do think however that some sort of soulconnection has to be in existence for it to happen, but not necessarily TF`s. In Mr Sag`s and my case, our "curse" might be because his PSYCHE-PALLAS is closely conjunct my PSYCHE. his Mercury exactly conjuncts my Neptune as well, and those are ruling each 3rd house (though for him it also rules the 4th and 7th house). his Neptune also widely conjuncts my Mercury (5 dgrees), so we end up having this Mercury-Neptune-(SAPPHO)-conjunction in composite as well. and PSYCHE is on the Antivertex in composite, sextile Sun. As for the hypagnogic experiences, I hold ANUBIS on our ASC in composite responsible. The same ocurs with Jude btw. Anubis on ASC.
Yes! These aspects make total sense! In Cusp's a d my synastry we have a moon/Pallas DW (conjunction and square) his anubis parallel my Pallas and my Pallas/neptune/vesta conjunction conjunct his neptune. So in our composite we have psyche parallel moon and NN. Anubis contra-parallel psyche, moon and NN. Alma square Pallas exact and contra-parallel Cupido and Amor. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 04, 2014 04:26 PM
So, I'm a bit late to the party, having been slammed with a few things we'll call 'Cardinal Cross aftermath' business.Now I'm going to respond to Ceri's activities as I last knew them, last week. I'll catch up throughout. I've become acutely aware of the multidimensional nature of time. I was mostly on-board with it, but that whole lack-of-experiencing-multiple-time-dimensions thing means we lack any way to PROVE it. Yet, that's JUST what my soul longs to do. Is it possible I'm becoming more adept at dreaming alternate dimensions of time? It is. But for how many things have happened HERE, it's hard to determine which is where. I DID feel, Ceri, that it was here. Looking back, I'm not sure if it was an afterthought - seeing my apartment, and going about my usual day, with the new information, and feeling a warm glow at seeing photos you'd shared. If I assumed it as such. But I DID feel it was here. I'll say something else. Since the Cross, we've ALL gone through a weird 'rude awakening'. It seems everyone with a Twin Flame, or that's a Graduate or Guardian soul has had a sudden 'revelation' or 'realisation' that 'it was all a lie'. I think this is untrue. Why, I'm not sure - but I've felt it, too. I suddenly felt that there was no 'anything' - no future - for Fate and myself here - and began focussing elsewhere. Even going so far as to find my emotions deadened regarding him. Do I love him? Oh, yes. Am I IN love with him? ... No. And that felt strange to me. Like something was ... off. But I'm seeing this across the board. It started with tgem. Then it hit Blind Writer and me the same time, around when it hit Ceri, too. Not to mention two other soulmate and Twin Flame couples. This is NOT coincidence or happenstance. I see it as a kind of switching tracks. A reorienting. I think some of us will stay on these tracks - either entirely, or for a while - and others will find the information to be false. But this is one of the classic trials, as, you might notice, EROS and PSYCHE come very close to conjoining this year. (Well, they do within 3°). I think the fact it doesn't become exact is quite telling, too. We're getting CLOSER - but not there yet. But the fact that THIS many soul-connexion relationships have suffered a major setback (either because of one or both participants) is statistically significant. The fact that several of them are waving the white-flag due to some sort of 'deal breaking' information that makes a future seem irrevocable is ALSO important. Why? It changes our actions. Some of us may have neglected a critical path, pouring energy into a relationship preemptively. For example, I see Fate in a very different light now. I know in his heart what he wants more than ever - and I also see that he sees no way to get there. So he's becoming increasingly despairing, aimless, stuck in a 9-5 which is more befitting of young twentysomethings, and hiding his misery through his usual snark. It's the fact he reacted with such spite AFTER flat-out ignoring my encouragement and positivity that reminded me how much self-loathing he STILL has, and how much he STILL hates that we have the connexion we do. But I'm tired of that. I'm tired of being treated as less than I deserve, especially when I GIVE as much as I can. To receive the kind of blatant animosity from him - and at THIS juncture? No. Sadly, it's why I stopped answering last March. You'd think it'd be different a year and some change. No. Only real change is he's finally stopped calling. I'm okay with that. I think I'm almost ready to talk to him. Almost. But not yet. So, if he happens to try again when I am - that's wonderful. If not, I'll call him. Yes, it's sad. But it also feels the right path for now. I'm focussing on my other relationships (including my marriage) and my one-hour drama project that I've had in some form of development for the better part of 15 years. He craves love. But he can't accept it. And I'm tired of showing love and caring that is either disregarded or outright snubbed. Eff. That. We deserve better. For now and for always. About Patrick, I'm very surprised. I think he's a very private person and the media is going to snag what they can. I'm also not sure that what they're cobbling together is truly factual. That bit, which you shared, is strange to me. Perhaps the two of you have such a powerful link, Ceri, that it 'invades' and pervades other timelines. But if that's the case, that WILL matter. We try to be near to and in the lives of those with whom we're particularly close or connected elsewhere. But it CAN take awhile. It's likely to. So I'd have to say the take-home is a combination of 'don't give up,' and 'live your life to the fullest.' Fate wasn't ready in 2008. He just wasn't. I wasn't sure if I was, either, but when the opportunity that felt right to me at the time presented itself, I took it. The fact that he despises me, that I betrayed him, abandoned him, 'ruined his chance at future happiness' is a manufacture disguising his own harder truth: no one's good enough, fits the specific criteria he has in his head - and if they are - he's too afraid to even take a chance. Once again, he's become enamoured and disillusioned, because someone 'didn't make the cut'. Thus far, only I have - and he hates me for it, and uses the 'I betrayed him' excuse to justify his resentment and quiet rage. There's nothing I can do. I was his emotionally punching bag for 2 years. Enough is enough. The project would only suffer. I've laid the groundwork so that when we're ready to build, there's a good foundation. In the meantime, I'm living my life. I'm enjoying people who appreciate me - including men who adore me and make me feel GOOD about myself. I'm enjoying buckling down and dedicating myself to becoming a serious creative professional, and evaluating my opportunities. Nobody deserves to wait around for someone to love them. Nobody. No matter their reasons. The fact that I know he does, and THAT's why he hates me - makes it no better or easier. Eventually, you have to look at the opportunity cost. What am I gaining or losing here? If I'm not losing much by hanging on, sure. But if it's beating me up emotionally, giving me blue periods, and forcing me to, say, contrast it with people like my costar, who show me the same sort of encouragement and positivity I'm giving him to only receive the equivalent of a slap in the face - it's NOT worth it. The days I lose in productivity (and personal happiness) by asking myself WHY, and nursing my heart after the blows - is NOT worth it. And he very well may be swinging harder BECAUSE he wants me to hold on even more. But I'm done playing that game. My husband has learnt I won't play that, either. And hanging on to a bad marriage isn't worth it, either. I considered, and reconsidered, VERY carefully, mid-April, if I was about to make a big change in my life - by way of separating and moving. I decided against it for reasons which are (thus far) proving the right ones. I think that was dangerous karma with a powerful lesson attached that NEEDED clearing, and came about in a VERY dramatic way. I seem to've handled it properly, 'karmically-speaking'. Counselling is no admission of failure. It's accepting there's a time that it's bigger than you, and there's no shame in requesting that help. I think we've both had to acknowledge this in our own ways. Some old habits die very hard, indeed. So. These're my thoughts at the present time. I think some of us need to let go for now - for awhile. And others may need to reorient. I don't think these are permanent separations. I think there are pieces missing. But, for now, this is the best course of action: advocating for OURSELVES the best we know how. ![]( More astro to come. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 04, 2014 05:10 PM
speaking of asteroids, we are in for quite something next year though. 18th february 2015: EROS conjunct PSYCHE on 23 - 24 Pisces
27th arpril 2015: ISIS conjunct OSIRIS on 5 Leo
We probably got the first taste on 2nd january 2014, when SIVA was conjunct PARVATI on 19 Scorpio.
and another strike on 22nd january this year when PLUTO was conjunct PERSEPHONE and PROSERPINA on 11 Capricron (how outstanding, that both were on the same degree!)
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 04, 2014 05:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: ... can we have an actual "soul connection" with these men even if they are not our TF's? I mean maybe that's what the definition of a soulmate is..but I'm asking like our souls being connected (somehow, in some way) even if they are not our true TF..what aspects would show this?
I'd like to jump in here on this. The answer is an unequivocal 'yes'. In fact, ALL of my relationships have been karmically-driven, or soul-connected. Even the one with the boyfriend who was literally a blip on the overall radar - because of how it IMPACTED my relationship with the Other Concentrated Composite Guy. (And trust me, there's a story there.) Sigh. Watching this video which is a collaboration between two people who are clearly far away, but very close. ... Sigh. All right. Back to the subject. OF COURSE, I miss him. But I also miss the good times. I miss how many good times we've had, and I'm grateful for what we've created. But there's more than he and I to this story. My costar, for example. Now, I'm REALLY clearing karma with him, and my husband, and my stepdaughter. Trust me. That's enough for right now! In fact, people keep 'revealing' themselves to me, I can barely keep track. Another of my actors (who I met in a very cool way) with whom I bonded instantly; really - instantly - I apparently have - not karma, but some history. Looks to be Atlantean, judging by the presence of water, and comfort with which we were all existing with so much water about (long story). Since 2012, several people have shown our karmic histories to me. One of them, my costar, showing me several - just this year. Astounding. I'd say 85% of the people who are a part of my daily existence I have soul connexions with. Most are soul-family. Okay, yeah, one of them is my Twin Flame. Great. FanTAStic. (Can you hear the sarcasm in my 'voice'? It's there.) But I have SO much karma, and 'soul history' with SO much of my soul-family ... honestly, it's okay. I don't need to be figuring out just how to work everything out with Fate. I am BUSY, for crying out loud! ![]( But I also trust in the Universe, and know that Lachesis, and what we've brought into this timeline, IS important. And its day will come. Will that be something of 'our day', so to speak, as well? Possibly so. As to the astrology of it, that's my current project. Beginning with Guardian souls, of course, as that seems to be a crucial piece of the puzzle. (Especially as the terminology has now been confirmed by other members of my soul-family, independently.) My current best understanding is that any outstanding karma MUST FIRST be settled with our Guardian souls. It holds keys to what we'll need to achieve Reunion with our Twins - if that's what we're here to ultimately do. More on that. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 04, 2014 06:56 PM
My PALLAS is very widely on my costar's MOON (5°) and conjunct his EROS 1°.So, yes. PALLAS will certainly up that factor. ![]( IP: Logged |
micole maree Knowflake Posts: 272 From: Bay Area, CA, USA Registered: Dec 2013
posted May 04, 2014 09:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: I'll say something else. Since the Cross, we've ALL gone through a weird 'rude awakening'. It seems everyone with a Twin Flame, or that's a Graduate or Guardian soul has had a sudden 'revelation' or 'realisation' that 'it was all a lie'. I think this is untrue. Why, I'm not sure - but I've felt it, too. I suddenly felt that there was no 'anything' - no future - for Fate and myself here - and began focussing elsewhere. Even going so far as to find my emotions deadened regarding him. Do I love him? Oh, yes. Am I IN love with him? ... No. And that felt strange to me. Like something was ... off. But I'm seeing this across the board. It started with tgem. Then it hit Blind Writer and me the same time, around when it hit Ceri, too. Not to mention two other soulmate and Twin Flame couples. This is NOT coincidence or happenstance. I see it as a kind of switching tracks. A reorienting. I think some of us will stay on these tracks - either entirely, or for a while - and others will find the information to be false.
Well. Hmm. (Silence.) And I see myself and Jace in those words. I say "and Jace" and STRONGLY believe he's pretty much clueless about this thing. So let's just say, whatever the connection is, and yes, I fully acknowledge that it IS there, this feels true. I released Jace. I sincerely wish him well, want him to be happy. Yes, I love him. Because my soul knows, loves HIS soul. Am I in love with him? No. But I felt so lost. The futility of what I've been doing, the hopes, dreams, wishes, wants - they were taking over my life. Sometimes we don't get what we want. And then along comes New Guy. Such strong connections. At a totally unexpected time, in a totally unexpected way. I know this connection is significant. I know it. And he does as well. I can't turn my back on this, on life, on LIFE, waiting. Waiting for something that may never happen. But, Indigo, yes. I'll throw myself into that group of "soulmate/Twin Flame couples" who have suddenly switched directions. There's too much life going on to keep turning my back on it. I still want the answers, from astrological study. But I want a life as well. With love and devotion and respect and emotional connection. Everything I didn't get from marriage the first time around. Forgive me for this stream of words, everyone, if it comes across as self-indulgent or self-involved or frustrated or whatever. I'm just trying to understand, through yours and my experiences. @ Ceri. I felt your words as I read them. Love to you. ![]( Michelle I WISH I could bone up on twenty years worth of astrological study in six months! I am so bloody clueless here, such a kindergartner. I've felt all along that I'm missing significant connections in our charts but I just don't know enough to find them. Yes, I've found some of them, but you all spot challenges and advantages in charts SO quickly. And I still miss basics. Or misremember what I see. Anyway, sorry for that little rant. I just want to KNOW MORE. Astrologically-speaking, I mean, so that I can find these things on my own! IP: Logged |
Selene Knowflake Posts: 727 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 05, 2014 07:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: BTW, Mars square Saturn is a good long term aspect, pointing to sexual loyalty. In your case, it is part of a trapezoid with the opp as a symmetry axis and interconnected with a Grand Cross with Amor/Chiron mdp, and the Kite, so the whole configuration is fated and binding.I haven't even looked at the list of your aspects. Now looking at it, you just add those other DW you found and the other great aspects like Moon/Moon, Moon/Venus, Sun/Venus to what I saw just visually and you have...a bellissima synastry! Most likely there's a chance of great happiness in this union for you, because all three interlinked configurations (trapezoid, cross, kite) involving practically all planets point to the apex of the Kite, your Moon/Jupiter/Eros conjunction, and in Leo. The only weaker point of the chart is his Venus kinda lonely, but apart from the important Mars sesquisquare, it does trine your Amor, sextile your Valentine, semisextile your Alma/Spirit and dispositor is Uranus conjunct your Valentine and IC and his Venus luckily in such a major position, on the Node. I haven't seen such an impressive synastry in a long time. I love how your ASC/DSC is cutting right thorough the core of his interception, right in his soul, on his Psyche/Sun axis, basically activating his interception. You are bringing the real him to light.
Thank you!! The thing is, he's so not my type at all, but there is this strange feeling/spark/chemistry that makes me want to be by his side, hopefully it will work, though it's just the beginning. Rose-coloured glasses and so. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 05, 2014 08:36 AM
"we'll call 'Cardinal Cross aftermath' business."and all the time I had been thinking I was "safe" from the CC. no, my Venus on 6 Cap and my Saturn on 17 Cancer, they are far enough away from it. Yeah but what I did not really pay attention to is that my progressed saturn is at exactly 13 Cancer right now! It might even have affected my pr ASC on 10 Capricorn, and my PoF on 15 Libra, though THAT should actually be a lucky thing. lol But my pr Saturn? oh yes, that`s about it. Additionally I am having SA DESC conjunct radical Saturn exactly on 17 Cancer.
Definitely Saturnian times, in progressions and solar arcs Saturn eules the pr and sa ASC and sits in 7th house on the DESC. while my pr Moon, ruler of my pr DESC, is in 7th house of the progressed chart, and will continue doing so. highlighting relationships in a big, profound serious way, though with my pr Moon being conjunct my Vertex and Sun/moon-mp and Eros exactly and also conjunct my Destinn, this actually should have been a time to meet a soulmate or something like that (well this particular soulmate/ twinflame has his natal Pluto exactly squaring my Vertex and Sun/moon-mp ). However that pr Saturn that was being hit so hard by the CC, it rules the radical 2nd house and sits in radical 8th house. And my Saturn is such an oversensitive fellow, all scared, cautious, hesitating, hiding, anxious, retrograde in Cancer. Seriously Saturn in a water sign really sucks sometimes! And retrograde and in 8th house doesnīt make things one bit easier.
(it has its qualities, too, it is not as tough as other Saturns, and not at all as defensive as it wants to make believe). however, so this CC activated Saturn as ruler of the 2nd house in 8th house, Venus/Pluto, the sacrificing of matter (one of the darker possibilities of this). There are of course more positive expressions too. However at the base it has to do with my self worth profile, in relation to how I relaqte to others in a more intimate way. Or how my own selfworth is affecting my sharing of myself with others in close connections. With Saturn, retro, in Cancer, it doesnīt look too good, a weakened sense of self-worth, insecurities at the very foundation of my personality profile (hence the defensity), putting a block to any intimate interaction with others, from a feeling of being "not enough". here in progressions played out through the other, relating to others, relationships, connections, encounters. Rejection, even imagined one, throwing me back onto that Saturn as ruler of 2nd house.
Going with Noel Tyl`s approach, my chart has a VERY clear North-East-orientiation, with Saturn (!) being the ONLY planet on the Western side of the chart, in 8th house. My handle of my bucket (I have a real love-hate-relationship with that planet; it sucks, but I wouldnīt want to miss it. lol) All that energy from the left side must be channelled through there, and it is a little challenging Saturn there. Has to struggle so much with the own tension in terms of selfworth and relationship, and at the same time has to be the one who MAKES me connect to the outer world, other people. Damned if you do, damned if you donīt. (interestingly Patrick`s Saturn might even be a little more troubled than mine. lol and actually we share the same issues, astrologically speaking.) Anyway, so it seems I was hit by the CC after all, and actually my maybe most vulnerable spot was.
BUT I also see the chances there. After all Moon IS in the 7th house in progressed chart, and my pr Sun trines the natal DESC exactly. Working through these issues might be just the path I need to tread on to get to the more pleasant side of the 7th / 8th house scenario. IP: Logged |
Selene Knowflake Posts: 727 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 05, 2014 08:49 AM
Actually CC is what brought him into my life, lol. My Venus is at @14 Libra, i thought that it was triggering only me (Uranus exactly opposite it, and Pluto exactly squaring it), but no, it turns out that he has progressed Sun right @14 Aries right now, so it's classic. With Uranus-Pluto overtones, haha. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 1358 From: Registered: May 2009
posted May 05, 2014 09:37 AM
Ceri, just a reminder (from TMS).. you're also going through a looped heartbreak transit (= 3 x exact transit from saturn to your Chiron because of the retro motion) right now. They left a big impression with those transits here and it's still the 1st thing I look for and I can't deny that it could be some sort of core trigger as I see those transits time after time in its exactness when people go through very heavy periods in their (love-)life. Probably also a trans-level heartbreak transit in case the same occurs in Helio.
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 05, 2014 11:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: speaking of asteroids, we are in for quite something next year though. 18th february 2015: EROS conjunct PSYCHE on 23 - 24 Pisces
27th arpril 2015: ISIS conjunct OSIRIS on 5 Leo
We probably got the first taste on 2nd january 2014, when SIVA was conjunct PARVATI on 19 Scorpio.
and another strike on 22nd january this year when PLUTO was conjunct PERSEPHONE and PROSERPINA on 11 Capricron (how outstanding, that both were on the same degree!)
This makes a LOT of sense. Those days were VERY intense for me on all levels. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 05, 2014 01:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: This makes a LOT of sense. Those days were VERY intense for me on all levels.
Yes, for me, too. 2nd january was my last day in London, last performance of Jude as Henry V. Around the 22nd january, I noticed that I had an email from Patrick`s email address in my email folder. Nothing exciting, just a newsletter. It just surprised me cause I thought my registering for a newsletter at least a year previously had failed, especially since I never even received any newsletter before. Well this was the only one. lol But yeah that was basically what happened these two dates. Interestingly on 2nd january Jude`s and my pr composite PARVATI had been on 14 Scorpio, conjunct my radical SIVA on 14 Scorpio, sextile pr SIVA on pr ASC on 12 and 13 Capricorn. and pr composite MC on 18 SCorpio.
on 22nd january I was having pr PROSERPINA on 9 Cap conjunct pr ASC on 10 Cap (and also conjunct the transiting Pluto-Persephone-Proserpina-conjunction). square my natal Pluto on 9 Libra.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 05, 2014 01:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Selene: Actually CC is what brought him into my life, lol. My Venus is at @14 Libra, i thought that it was triggering only me (Uranus exactly opposite it, and Pluto exactly squaring it), but no, it turns out that he has progressed Sun right @14 Aries right now, so it's classic. With Uranus-Pluto overtones, haha.
I LOVE Tr Uranus aspecting natal Venus, both times, the conjunction and then the square, were such uplifiting exciting times! IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 05, 2014 01:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by Selene: Actually CC is what brought him into my life, lol. My Venus is at @14 Libra, i thought that it was triggering only me (Uranus exactly opposite it, and Pluto exactly squaring it), but no, it turns out that he has progressed Sun right @14 Aries right now, so it's classic. With Uranus-Pluto overtones, haha.
I LOVE Tr Uranus aspecting natal Venus, both times, the conjunction and then the square, were such uplifiting exciting times! IP: Logged |
Selene Knowflake Posts: 727 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted May 05, 2014 01:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: I LOVE Tr Uranus aspecting natal Venus, both times, the conjunction and then the square, were such uplifiting exciting times!
Yes, i love it as well! Although Uranus opposite Mercury which i also have makes it worse, because it makes me restless, i can't even get myself to concentrate on my master thesis. So annoying. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 05, 2014 02:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by mir: Ceri, just a reminder (from TMS).. you're also going through a looped heartbreak transit (= 3 x exact transit from saturn to your Chiron because of the retro motion) right now. They left a big impression with those transits here and it's still the 1st thing I look for and I can't deny that it could be some sort of core trigger as I see those transits time after time in its exactness when people go through very heavy periods in their (love-)life. Probably also a trans-level heartbreak transit in case the same occurs in Helio.
You know my chart better than me. ![](
Yes, you`re right. geo: Tr Saturn quinkunx my Chiron 0.22a helio: Tr Saturn quinkunx Chiron 2.57a also VERY difficult:
geo Tr NEptune square ASC 0.14 s But at the same time it is strange: geocentric: Tr Mars conjunct Pluto 1.20a Tr Venus trine Mars 2.18 a Tr Pluto parallel Mars 1.07 Tr Chiron conjunct Juno 00.07 a Tr Juno parallel Chiron 0.42 Tr Juno trine Venus 0.58 a tr Juno quinkunx Mars 0.01a helio: Tr Uranus conjunct Juno 1.54 a
geo: Tr Neptune cp Chiron 0.56 helio: Tr Neptune cp Chiron 0.03 geo: Tr Jupiter cp Sun Tr Neptune p Jupiter
and some weird ones
geo: Tr Jupiter conjunct and parallel Saturn tr Chiron trine Saturn helio: Tr Saturn trine Jupiter Tr Uranus cp Chiron Tr Chiron trine Saturn Weird mix.
EDIT: I also checked Patrick`s chart. It seems he was just coming out of the second hit of Tr Saturn opposite and contraparallel his natal Chiron, when he got into the relationship. And he was having the last hit last september/ october.
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 05, 2014 10:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by micole maree: Forgive me for this stream of words, everyone, if it comes across as self-indulgent or self-involved or frustrated or whatever. I'm just trying to understand, through yours and my experiences.
:hugs: Apologise for nothing. There was something perfect about them. I echo them. I grok them. I feel them, too. I get them. And forgive my sporadic nature at present. SATURN is bloody doubling-back on my MERC, and it's a cosmic gag order. I'm not sure how to deal with it. I go into that 'Seven of Nine mode' for which I'm evidently becoming known ( ... wonderful ... ) and won't mince words - to the point of just ... making no contact. To just ... doing a lot of reading and absorbing; very little responding and communicating. So I'll be here and there. I'm attempting to be better. But I'm processing A LOT. So, so much. It's staggering. I'm overwhelmed. I'm trying the best I can. Keep thinking, feeling, expressing, sharing insight, and questioning. It ALL matters. It ALL counts. ![]( IP: Logged | |