Topic: Twinflame Astrology: Techniques, Investigations, Validity
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 01:42 PM
no it doesn`t. I am not even getting a virtual cookie ![]( lol IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 11, 2014 01:44 PM
I feel bad now, tgem here is a cookie for you as well, just because I like you hehe. ![]( 🍪 Heck why not everyone have 'em! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 ![]( IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 11, 2014 01:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: no it doesn`t. I am not even getting a virtual cookie ![]( lol
Awww ![]( Here I'll try getting you some cookies again. A delicious basket-full for everyone!!! ![]( IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 01:48 PM
![]( you`re so generous IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 11, 2014 01:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: ![]( you`re so generous
![]( IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 01:56 PM
so many cookies ![](
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Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 11, 2014 02:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: IQ also mentioned Pluto/Proserpina or Pluto/Persephone happening qutie often. I have also seen this, but it might be that this is due to my personal resonance with it.Actually my parents have that pairing as well. Doubly so I think. Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward had it, too - Pluto conjunct Proserpina, angular (on both DESC`s). Actually I definitely think some soulmate pairing needs to be angular (at least on of the participants). On ASC, DESC, MC, IC, Vertex or Antivertex; possibly the nodes, too, alternatively.
One of the soulmate asteroids would have to be closely conjunct the angle, or to a slightly lesser degree, maybe also square (square an angle means, the asteroid is actualy on the midpoint of that specific axis, which makes it quite prominent in a chart).
Atlantis for me is always important, but I have atlantis configured with my ASC-Angel-NN, so maybe that is just me. lol
I also would add AMOR and VALENTINE, while it is not necessarily a tf-marker, well, who wouldn`t experience the loving intimacy coming with those two?
I feel a great resonance with the story of Pluto/Persephone/Proserpina as well. I identify with Persephone a lot. In synastry we have his Pluto trine my Proserpina by 2°, my Pluto quindecile his Persephone by 1° They don't conjunct our angles though ![]( But his Pluto squares his Vertex exact My Proserpina trines my NN 1° IP: Logged |
MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 245 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted March 11, 2014 02:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: Shouldn't Atlantis be added to the list as it seems significant between all of our charts..I really think there's something to that.
Yes, I absolutely agree about Atlantis. I actually meant to mention that one last night. We both have Atlantis conj. our Moons, and our Moons are opp. by 2 degrees (mine is conj his Dsc. by 4). I've yet to find this aspect (or anything like it) between me and anyone else (thus far), and it seems to be the case with him too. It is one that stands out. BTW, I did see the pictures and you all do look lovely ![]( @ Indigo, I'm at home sick too, so you're not alone lol.
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tgem Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted March 11, 2014 02:41 PM
Thanks for the cookies!!IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 03:15 PM
I was checking my parents chart (tropical) for the markers mentioned on the first page (thanks for the summary, Indigo! )Even if they are not twinflames, they must have been doing something right, in the last 40 years, and still loving each other. lol Though after running their synastry like this, well, definitely interesting. NATALLY ------------ My Mum has Pluto conjunct PROSERPINA exact (on 21 Leo) "A Carrier Pigeon Fulfilling Its Mission" She also has an almost Isis-Osiris-conjunction on just under 4 degrees..
She also has an exact EROS-PSYCHE-quinkunx.
(though I only consider the latter two, because there is already an exact conjunction of a soulmate pairing present). My Dad his SIVA conjuncts PARVATI, under 2 degrees, funnily enough near my own Siva. lol his Siva: A Path Through Woods Brilliant With Multicolored Splendor his parvati: A Woman Draws Away Two Dark Curtains Closing The Entrance To A Sacred Pathway So I guess, they had a good start to begin with, in terms of finding their tf or soulmate.
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 03:33 PM
You know you're a geek when 'cookies' are things you clear from your cache. 😉But the other kind is lovely, indeed. Okay. The List. Ceri, are we talking your general asteroids list or the first post of the thread? Because DO make suggestions! That's why it's being edited. Anyone see my indigo heart? 💜 I'm guessing that Lavender's using emoji, too. They only sometimes show across multiple OS's, if the code is close enough. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 04:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: You know you're a geek when 'cookies' are things you clear from your cache. 😉But the other kind is lovely, indeed. Okay. The List. Ceri, are we talking your general asteroids list or the first post of the thread? Because DO make suggestions! That's why it's being edited. Anyone see my indigo heart? 💜 I'm guessing that Lavender's using emoji, too. They only sometimes show across multiple OS's, if the code is close enough.
LOL Been actually thinking about your def. of cookies, too. Does that make me a near-Geek? Anywy, I was using the asteroids you put on there. From your list, as I said I would add Pluto-PROSERPINA/PERSEPHONE - because of the transformational theme mostly. I would also add AMOR and VALENTINE (just because I am a romantic) and UNION. Apart from that total agreement from my side. I do check Jupiter-Juno regularly, too, but unlike IQ, I don`t quite see it as a tf-marker. Personally I love the ARIADNE-BACCHUS/DIONYSOS-pairing, too, espcailly because of the relation to the hieros gamos, but I understand it can get too much. lol
And it is difficult enough to compare it all anyway. With the limited numbers of asteroids of I mean. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 04:36 PM
Sadly I cannot see your indigo heart though. ![]( BTW I find it interesting how my Mum has an almost Isis-Osiris-conjunction and in my natal there is an exact Isis-Osiris-conjunction.
Her helio Osiris is on 13 Sagittarius, which I find interesting because of the Sabian (the Sphinx-one). Anyway so after asessing their natal resonance with soulmate-pairings, I was first checking if there was a synastric aspect including the already emphasized pairings (Pluto-Proserpina/Persephone, Isis-Osiris, Siva-Parvati) AND if it was tied to something significant, especially angles. EVen though this is as VERY specific scenario, and thus I did not really expect to find too much, I found this with an orb of under 2 degree of course: (1) her ISIS opposite his OSIRIS;
with his OSIRIS being on 28-29 Taurus, and therefore ALMOST on the Pleiades (OSIRIS conj. ALCYONE in his chart: 1°05) her AVX conjunct his OSIRIS exact (2) her PERSEPHONE trine his PLUTO (and her PROSERPINA conjunct his PLUTO loosely, but this one is over 4 degrees)
his PERSEPHONE conjunct her DESC exact, and opposite her ASC. Her ASC is conjunct Uranus conjunct ANUBIS, all within one degree orb of SIRUS And let`s not forget her ATLANTIS is on her DESC exactly, and therefore conjunctgs my Dad`s PERSEPHONE Sabian of her ATlantis-DESC A Fire Worshipper Meditates On The Ultimate Realities Of Existence
my Dad`s Persephone An Ancient Bas-Relief Carved In Granite Remains A Witness To A Long-Forgotten Culture
(3) her RUDRA square his PARVATI (and SIVA) her RUDRA conjunct his PLUTO exact, too "A Chemist Conducts An Experiment For His Students" her RUDRA also trines his SPIRIT-CHIRON-conjunction in Sag, exact her Vertex conjunct his KAALI exact (the same that was already triggered by the Isis-Osiris-connection) her SIVA is conjunct hsi Sun on 5 Aquarius exact, too "A Masked Figure Performs Ritualistic Acts In A Mystery Play" With her DESTINN being conjunct on 6 Aquarius "A Child Is Seen Being Born Out Of An Egg" With his ALMA being opposite from 6 Leo "The Constellations Of Stars Shine Brilliantly In The Night Sky" ---------------------------
additionally they have her Sun opposite his Moon (2°10) her Jupiter opposite his Juno and her Juno sextile his Jupiter exact, with her juno being conjunct his IC - Juno on 13 Sag, his IC on 14 Sag, the GA her Jupiter conjuncts his NN widely (3,5) --------------------
Interesting to note also her Psyche conjunct his Antivertex, and her NN conjunct his Psyche exact --------------------------
additionally: her SN conjunct his ANGEL her Venus conjunct his ASC exact her AURA conjunct his Chiron exact her AURA conjunct his SPIRT exact her SPIRIT conjunct his ANUBIS exact on 29 Cap her Moon conjunct his REIKI and DNA exact on 28 Virgo and trine his ANUBIS (wow, just realized that my Dad`s Anubis is conj. my own exact) "A Seeker After Occult Knowledge Is Reading An Ancient Scroll Which Illumines His Mind"
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MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 245 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted March 11, 2014 05:26 PM
We do have an exact Pluto-Persephone squ. in our t-Comp:Pluto @ 1 11' Lib Persephone @ 1 22 Can Also: Dionysus @ 1 38' Cap Psyche @ 0 20' Cap Venus is at 28 35' Can Bacchus @ 8 17' Cap Ariadne @ 9 05' Vir Valentine @ 10 37' Vir Lust @ 11 12' Vir His n-Dsc. @ 10 Vir IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 05:37 PM
LC,"In synastry we have his Pluto trine my Proserpina by 2°, my Pluto quindecile his Persephone by 1°" We have somethng similiar. His Proserpina trines my Pluto with 1°42 degrees. His pluto sextiles my Proserpina exact, 0°21 (natally I have Pluto quintile Proserpina exact with only one minute of arc) No conjunction to the angles either. But my Pluto is quindecile his ASC with one minute of arc; his Proserpina is exactly sextile my ASC (and trine DESC); 0°22. No, not strong enough, I know. however my DNA is conjunct his Pluto (1°03), his DNA is conjunct my PROSERPINA (0°08)all with pretty tight orb. also resonating to Atlantis, mutually. Natally I have Pluto sextile ATLANTIS exact. (0°49) he has Pluto sextile ATLANTIS closely as well (1°10). (since it is in the complementary phase; mine is waxing, his is waning, of course we end up having a Pluto-Atlantis-conjunction in compospite, and in 8th house and Libra. lol) his ATLANTIS now in my 8th house trines my PROSERPINA (0°52) my ATLANTIS in his 8th house, too, sextiles his PROSERPINA (0°52) Whoa, exact same angular distance? ![]( "But his Pluto squares his Vertex exact Puts his Pluto on the Vx-AVX-midpoint and thus into prominence. Mr Sag`s Pluto squares my VERTEX with only 5 minutes of orb, which of course means that my own VX is quinkunx my Proserpina, and semisextile his Atlantis. lol And on the antiscion of my own Atlantis-ASC. And parallel/ contraparallel pretty much everything around there. lol
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 05:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by MorpHnStorM: @ Indigo, I'm at home sick too, so you're not alone lol.
Get better and well, you two. ![]( IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 11, 2014 05:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by MorpHnStorM: We do have an exact Pluto-Persephone squ. in our t-Comp:Pluto @ 1 11' Lib Persephone @ 1 22 Can Also: Dionysus @ 1 38' Cap Psyche @ 0 20' Cap Venus is at 28 35' Can Bacchus @ 8 17' Cap Ariadne @ 9 05' Vir Valentine @ 10 37' Vir Lust @ 11 12' Vir His n-Dsc. @ 10 Vir
Wow! Your Pluto-Persephone is on the SGC.
Mr Sag and me of course (because of the synastry) have a Pluto-Proserpina-square, as well. it is precise. Pluto on 14.13 Libra square PROSERPINA on 14.13 Capricorn (it is probably just a coincidence my helio Isis-Spirit is on 14 Cap as well, lol). Pluto is also conjunct Atlantis on 15 Libra Proserpina is conjunct Venus on 16 Cap, Circe on 14 Cap and Arthur on 16 Cap. lol Of course that puts Proserpina - Venus on VEGA. BACCHUS on 12.11 Sag trines ARIADNE on 12.03 Leo in 7th house in composite, quite close in orb as well. DIONYSOS joins EROS on the IC, trine Venus. lol
This probably happens becuase of the DW in synastry.
my BACCHUS on 13.50 Scorpio opposite his ARIADNE on 15.40 Taurus my ARIADNE on 8.25 Scorpio sextiles his BACCHUS on 10.31 Capricorn IP: Logged |
Sapphire unregistered
posted March 11, 2014 09:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Actually to me, it doesn`t. It depends what forms the basis of the marriage. If it is a forced one for whatever reason, then yes.however I know enough marriages, based on love and genuine liking for each other, and those have been flourishing for years.
Twin flames who, for whatever reason, decide to get married then yes their relationship will last basically forever even after death. IP: Logged |
Sapphire unregistered
posted March 11, 2014 09:34 PM
to me it is possible and quite probable maybe that some people incarnate here to take a break from their twin flame. You understand? The twin flame is the perfect soul relationship and maybe they needed to find out about something with their significant other by getting away from them...... the whole "let it go and it comes back to you," love thingIP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 12, 2014 01:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Get better and well, you two. ![](
Augh! Naturally. Virtual chicken soup to you and long distance hugs. 💜 IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 12, 2014 02:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by Sapphire: to me it is possible and quite probable maybe that some people incarnate here to take a break from their twin flame. You understand? The twin flame is the perfect soul relationship and maybe they needed to find out about something with their significant other by getting away from them...... the whole "let it go and it comes back to you," love thing
While I married someone else, it was for practical reasons, and due to his 'unavailability' at the time. He's never been involved with anyone since, but it was still impossible for us to have a relationship then. IP: Logged |
Sapphire unregistered
posted March 12, 2014 03:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: While I married someone else, it was for practical reasons, and due to his 'unavailability' at the time. He's never been involved with anyone since, but it was still impossible for us to have a relationship then.
What does " for practical reasons", mean? IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 12, 2014 04:01 AM
Sapphire,maybe you haven`t seen my request. But please edit out my pic. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 12, 2014 05:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by Sapphire: What does " for practical reasons", mean?
That's complex. Needless to say, it was a combination of feeling a very powerful draw to his daughter, the fact that he and I always had a very easy rapport and I was rather infatuated with him back when we worked together. He had a 'larger than life' sort of presence. I was rather lost and broken when we met, and he proved a valuable friend who honestly never let me down. When he moved to Los Angeles and reconnected with me two years since we'd parted on not-the-best terms, I was intrigued when it seemed he wanted to do more than bury the hatchet. He didn't quite want to date, per se, either. He'd simply always been very attracted to me, but, as we were both involved with other relationships, and working together, he kept a very strong distance between us. In time, things got very complicated. I realised my attraction to him was uncomfortable, and instituted distance of my own. We both suddenly ended up in a bizarre argument regarding him avoiding his girlfriend (and making me deal with the unfortunate business of handling it), and, for whatever reason, he felt it important to suddenly make it clear that there wasn't ever going to be anything between us beyond this. I remember thinking, WTF? Needless to say, no one has to tell me that twice - and it's luckily rare. So, that's why I distanced myself not too long after. The chemistry has always been very strong. It's just ... complex. 😉 You could imagine then my surprise when, two years later, March 2008, I've been four months out of the relationship I was in for the past four years, very sporadically and casually 'dating' (but not really) and my writing partner has, in the interim since my breaking my old relationship off, removed any doubt or vagaries regarding his interest in me. There was just, still, no possible way to have a real relationship given the circumstances. Even if we both very much wanted to. He hadn't done what he would have to in order to make it possible. So, we were in as much of a relationship as we could have then. When my (now) husband re-entered the picture, he also wanted to take full advantage of my essential availability. Though he'd moved to LA, he would visit monthly for a week in order to maintain his role in the company (owned and operated by his mother) we'd worked at together. I was craving the familiar. Desperately. I'd moved back in with my parents since I'd fled my abusive relationship with my ex, and it was not an intended long-term solution; certainly not at 27. So when my partner and I failed to meet that July, (he had chosen a flight which laid over in my city), I was so confused. I knew how it was crazy how I'd been in love with him for essentially two years, and in such irrational circumstances. When I felt he decided against doing what he'd have to in order to make us work, I had to act logically. He'd told me how important I was - too important to try and rush it. He needed to have himself established, and his life ready for me. I would've waited. Had he ONLY shown me that we could at least be working towards something real until that point, I would've waited. Instead, I decided I was a fool for it going as long as it had. I said nothing; I assumed nothing. We'd never said it was anything that was anything. All I had was his sudden statement telling me that we would try this again in the future, when he was really ready. But he gave me nothing else. The following week, my husband came into town, and, as usual, I stayed with him. This particular time, however, he told the ex who still called that he was with me now - and he looked to me for validation on that point. I agreed. We became exclusive. That following month, his daughter came in with him, and we all stayed together. It felt ... I felt needed. She STILL needs me so much. Amazing young lady; twelve now. The month following that, September, I took a long, working vacation to LA. I ended up with a job. So now I had a boyfriend, and a job, and I relocated. I'm going to say it was the next spring, maybe wintre, that he told me he loved me. But I was in shock when he did, and the whole thing's been lost to history. He claims not to even remember it - but he takes my word that it happened. Sigh. My husband and I married in 2010. As I said, practical reasons. He'd proposed (evidently because he thought I wanted him to?) a year prior. We actually made no official plans of any kind, and we're married speedily. Because I needed a new name. See, my birth certificate has a misspelling. Technically, my middle name is spelt differently. It was just never corrected, and it takes an act of congress to do so. I needed it because I was being offred an AMAZING job. I also needed a permit to work there, and we were at our wits end when my husband jestingly said we could always submit a marriage certificate. But a month later, as we drove to Ventura County to be married by a JOP, then swing by the social security office, THEN get my permit, THEN bring it to the establishment and start work - it was obvious we were serious. Of course, it was a serious mistake. But the love wasn't. We love each other. He's my familiarity and security out here in this mad city by the sea. But, sometimes, I do wonder. At what cost? I NEVER wanted to hurt him. EVER. But we both ended up doing a number on each other. And here we are. IP: Logged |
Astro keen Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: UK Registered: Nov 2012
posted March 12, 2014 07:59 AM
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