Topic: Twinflame Astrology: Techniques, Investigations, Validity
tgem Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted March 13, 2014 03:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: I sometimes wonder, what does it mean that my ATLANTIS-Neptune-conjunction falls onto ANTARES?Atlantis - Antares: 1.10 Neptune - antares: 0.34 NN - Antares: 0.45 And what happened there to put my DRACO Neptune: 29.47 Pisces ATLANTIS: 28.05 Pisces on the fixed star SHEAT on 29.03 Pisces. This is so much at the end of a cycle, and so close to a new one, that I feel it might be significant.
Well I'll be name asteroid in my natal sits right on SHEAT at Pis28'58. No wonder I have felt such a connection with the Titanic.."oh S**t is right! IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 13, 2014 03:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: My parents are very non-esoteric people (though not un-spiritual, but their spirituality is sort of the earthy kind, hard to explain. lol), so they wouldn`t use the words. I think their meeting was pretty fated and maybe karmic at least. Their original families had only lived 20 kilometres away from each other,w ithout knowing each other. Actually they probably would not have gotten closer together, for the social differences. My Dad coming from a pheasant`s family, my mum from business-background (ctually parts of her family had been quite wealthy and possibly had links to some aristocrats). But during the 2nd world war both families were driven away, or had to escape, and curiously my grandparents ended up living in cities only 20 kilometres from each other again (the generation before actually ended up in Mr Sag`s hometown, so there is this link, too. lol). The difference being that now there were no such social distinctions anymore, war had made the families equally poor and unwelcome here. lol
However, my parents met in a discotheque. Just maybe 2 years after my Mum`s mother had died, and there was a lot of chaos in my Dad`s family, as the Spanish wife of his cousin had to be hospitalized in the end, for repeated attacks on my grandmother (one with a poking stick).
Anyway, so my parents met in this dicotheque, and as my mother recounts, pretty much left it immediately (it was too loud there. lol) and spent the night outside, talking about the Vietnam war and discussing politics and life-stuff. (luckily she was quiet about what else might have taken place in that car. lol)
I am not sure if my Dad still was engaged, or had just left his engagement, but I know that my mom quickly left her boyfriend of that time, and from day one her and my Dad have been inseparable. From my childhood I recall, that even though they loved discussing, they never argued. (and usually would switch off the TV, cause they found each other`s presence and talking with each other more interesting). And they wouuld always touch, and nudge and hug and kiss and stuff. It was yucky. Well for a kid at least. lol
In my eyes they have always been an unit, and curiously, their families as well. I know of other people where there was so much differences between Mum`s and Dad`s family. In their case, it was all one family. I did not even notice this was unusual until I was older. Well, they had their "mission" I suppose, when my brother ws born with the Down syndrome, and they went on founding and cofounding some organizations helping people with mental handicap, and still do. And they are still spending pretty much every waking minute with each other. My mom sometimes complains about it, but not really. The hardest time they had to see through, was when my Dad was transferred to another city, because of his job. It was only for 6 or 8 weeks, nd he drove every friday home to be with us for the weekend (the other city was about 800-1000 km away), but still my mom hated it, you could feel it, and my Dad hated it, too.
I donīt know if that makes them twinflames. I suppose it does make them true relationship soulmates though,w ith a lot of genuine love for each other. actually on their 25th anniversary, my Dad (who is not really talking that much about feelings) said that he was still as much in love with my Mum as he was on the day they got married (and yes he said "in love" lol).
And the amazing thing is, that everyone in this room knew he was telling the truth. They do have their occasional spats of course (Aquarius-male and Scorpio-female, what do you expect?), but there has never been any game playing that I know of. Always honesty and respect. Differences of opinion? YES. But never wanting to personally hurt each other. If htat had happened, they would not have worked as a couple. If there had been manipulation, game playing, powertrips like this, they would have crashed and burned totally.
Luckily none of it took place. And so they are just in preparations for their honeymoon-revival-trip in may (40 years of marriage), and they just came back from a trip. lol Oh and I am pretty sure, IF they separated, there would be noone else in their lives. It was the same with my maternal grandfather though, after his wife died, so did any kind of romantic or relational life. There could never have been another woman to replace my grandmother. And he was not even 50 years old, but that was just as it was. It had been her for him, and him for her, and noone else. Period.
That is so sweet and touching... =)
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 03:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by micole maree: I'm so D*****D frustrated. Again, I typed out a bunch of information. And I don't know what the freak button I hit, but everything vanished - AGAIN - and then my computer rebooted.
Okay. Michelle. STOP. Stop, and breathe. There is a REASON this is happening. Something isn't ready yet. Remember how the site kept crapping out yesterday? I'm sure we were all trying to post things. MARS is well into the retro-period, and bringing with us the push for reflection, reconsideration, and reevaluation. Yes. You're DOING that. But. The trick is this. There's something you're missing. Something's off. After all, we JUST cleared a MERC Retro - THAT's not coincidental. Stop. Breathe. Meditate. Seek guidance. Centre yourself. All will be well. Even if my signature doesn't work. 😉 For the umpteenth time. 😉
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Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 13, 2014 04:05 PM
Indigo,Thank you for sharing the analysis. Very intriguing to read! ![]( IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 04:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Okay. Michelle. STOP. Stop, and breathe. There is a REASON this is happening. Something isn't ready yet. Remember how the site kept crapping out yesterday? I'm sure we were all trying to post things. MARS is well into the retro-period, and bringing with us the push for reflection, reconsideration, and reevaluation. Yes. You're DOING that. But. The trick is this. There's something you're missing. Something's off. After all, we JUST cleared a MERC Retro - THAT's not coincidental. Stop. Breathe. Meditate. Seek guidance. Centre yourself. All will be well. Even if my signature doesn't work. 😉 For the umpteenth time. 😉
I agree.
the site, and some others, were acting up badly yesterday and even this morning. Now it feels like it is more clear though
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 04:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Indigo,WOW! What can I say? I am stunned! It makes me feel very very warm inside. No doubts about us, doing, being what?
Oh, sorry. A few things going on; as you know, I myself went through a major 3-day migraine; now I'm in the postdrome. There was a warmth in the dream. The location. It wasn't here, I'm sorry to say. It's in the place where Fate and I have sorted through things, too. Where we are still apart yet also together. But we're getting very close. I feel we're ticking ever nearer each day. This MARS RETRO seems to be shifting us in greater alignment to it. We may even be there, at the end of it. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Literally. The dream was peaceful. It was more than contentment; it was joy. I remember the light coming in through my window as I smiled and typed on my phone. It'd been awhile by then. You were both happy. The events that had taken place between you, which you generously shared with us, were nothing short of strangely perfect. The positive impact you both had on each other, and the world, was plain to see. It was simply beautiful. I remember awaking with my rational mind stirring into action, best it could, at that late / early hour. All I could conclude was such total certainty that it was you, and he, and your togetherness was an excellent, even textbook representation of Twin Flames. Off-handedly, my hair is a LOT like yours. I recently forewent styling it, so it was a big, natural, bushy dark mess the other day; and, I rarely ever wear cosmetics - or even bother with much in that area. . I couldn't help but notice, how, when I stood much like you did in your photo, we shared some stark similarities. I remember thinking to myself, 'she's finally realising she's beautiful.' See, I still struggle with the concept, though people tell me I clean up rather nicely. But I've come into my own in the past few years. I have a confidence and charisma now that I'd been hiding before. And people are noticing. In my dream, it was much the same. He made you laugh; you were both smiling so much. There was an energy connecting you, like a bridge between your souls; your auras shimmered as one. Again, the only word that does any justice - and barely that - is beautiful. It was incredible to 'witness', and, of which, to be part. The certainty was what was most amazing, to be honest. It hit me like a tonne of bricks. Strangely, I'd come to my own realisation early this morning, too, before I finally drifted. I realised, it HAS to be true. While I'm not sure what my individual purpose is yet, so to speak, per IQ's upcoming analysis, it's strangely logical. A big part of what I'm here to do, what I've done ever since I could make friends, was collect people. My soul-family. Learn with my Karmic Soulmates. Bind with my Guardian Souls. Help others do the same - namely, finding their Twin Flame. It only stands to reason I'd have - and find - my own. Else, I'd either be a fraud, or never have true understanding or empathy. I'd be a scientist who sought understanding but never truly understood. I'd be searching - endlessly. It'd be a frustrating struggle. Hard, in the long run, to dedicate oneself to something in which they're only personally invested for reasons they can't explain, comprehend, nor extricate themselves from. It makes more sense then, that I'D have my own experiences. I'd then be able to help others much like I do as a therapist. Because I've been there, I grasp it on a level other psychologists can't. I'm able to go beyond theory and concept. I can offre genuine human healing; the kind which only comes from experience. Anyhow. You get it. 😉 Hopefully, the rest will return to me. I trust it will, when it should. ![]( IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 05:01 PM
He updated his status with, 'if anyone should need an analytical chemist / stand up comedian' that they'll know where to find him. She comments, 'I need one in the lunchroom.' And he Likes it. And ... reality sets in. I get so near to doing this. To sticking with it. To just committing, and having faith. I know this is probably supposed to make me have faith. To test it. To hang in there. But I just want to curl up underneath the covers with my cat and shut my eyes and make it disappear. I know. I know it must have never been easy for him. I NEVER meant to hurt him. EVER. God, I want to be happy for him. But I just can't. I'm not going on his Facebook anymore. I don't want to see his posts, and her Likes, and her comments, and his Likes. Because as much as I want to deny it, to pretend it isn't happening, I'm in love with him. It's to such an extent that it hurts. Deeply. I want to turn away. I want to shut it out. I want to detach and to disconnect. This wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to be doing this with someone local. Someone on Facebook. Someone at his work. Someone who's actively engaging him where I can see. This ... HURTS. IP: Logged |
tgem Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted March 13, 2014 05:03 PM
@Ceri- "In your case, however, Eros is on your AVX exact. THAT makes it prominent for sure! It would not have been so exactly aligned with the angle, if it had been closer opposite to Psyche. I sometimes think if we are dealing with orbs at 2-4 degrees, that these might be in place, so they can aspect TWO interrelated objects, instead of just targeting one."Totally agree...maybe it's better then to allow some wider orbs with 4 degrees? Especially if you are seeing a pattern. For instance his Siva/Parvati conjunction is conjunct my nodal axis but wide at 5 degrees. Also I just had to question this: His natal Siva @ Pis 29'57 in his chart His natal Parvati @ Ari 0'39 in his chart My natal name asteroid @ Pis 28'58 in my chart So in tropical synastry, that would put his Siva/Parvari conjunct my name asteroid on the "OH S**T" Fixed Star! LOL. Why am I reading this as that conjunction pointing to Twin Flames? I already know I am a TF. My chart says it..and my name asteroid conjuncts his Soulmate/TF pairing conjunction!! Interestingly enough my name conjuncts his NN in his natal and his Siva/Parv conjunction is quincunx his nodal axis exact. I also just realized I have Siva quintile Parvati in my natal at a wide 2 degrees. Siva conjuncts my nodal axis by 3.5. Note this: his first and last name asteroids are both conjunct in my natal chart EXACT and that name conjunction squares my Parvati exact!
He also has natal Kaali square Rudra and his Rudra conjuncts my ASC by 2 in tropical synastry. Are you still following me? Why are these screaming TF reunion here??!!! Has anyone checked their name asteroids in relation to their natal soulmate pairings and then where they fall in the tropical synastry? ...or am I completely grasping at straws...but really this can't be coincidence??!! IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 05:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: @Ceri- "In your case, however, Eros is on your AVX exact. THAT makes it prominent for sure! It would not have been so exactly aligned with the angle, if it had been closer opposite to Psyche. I sometimes think if we are dealing with orbs at 2-4 degrees, that these might be in place, so they can aspect TWO interrelated objects, instead of just targeting one."Totally agree...maybe it's better then to allow some wider orbs with 4 degrees? Especially if you are seeing a pattern. For instance his Siva/Parvati conjunction is conjunct my nodal axis but wide at 5 degrees. Also I just had to question this: His natal Siva @ Pis 29'57 in his chart His natal Parvati @ Ari 0'39 in his chart My natal name asteroid @ Pis 28'58 in my chart So in tropical synastry, that would put his Siva/Parvari conjunct my name asteroid on the "OH S**T" Fixed Star! LOL. Why am I reading this as that conjunction pointing to Twin Flames? I already know I am a TF. My chart says it..and my name asteroid conjuncts his Soulmate/TF pairing conjunction!! Interestingly enough my name conjuncts his NN in his natal and his Siva/Parv conjunction is quincunx his nodal axis exact. I also just realized I have Siva quintile Parvati in my natal at a wide 2 degrees. Siva conjuncts my nodal axis by 3.5. Note this: his first and last name asteroids are both conjunct in my natal chart EXACT and that name conjunction squares my Parvati exact!
He also has natal Kaali square Rudra and his Rudra conjuncts my ASC by 2 in tropical synastry. Are you still following me? Why are these screaming TF reunion here??!!! Has anyone checked their name asteroids in relation to their natal soulmate pairings and then where they fall in the tropical synastry? ...or am I completely grasping at straws...but really this can't be coincidence??!!
I'm not sure how to read for 'reunion' yet. I DO think it's going to be everywhere, though, in every level: natal geo-tropical, helio; progressions, SRs, arc, Draconic, etc. I did list all of my name asteroids with Fate once. I'll grab that and repost. I'm not sure if I read that as anything indicating or guaranteeing any sort of reunion, though. Merely validation. Curiously, iQ stated that you would incur negative karma from a sexual relationship? IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 05:49 PM
Indigo, ![]( "here was a warmth in the dream." I could feel the warmth in your description, yes. And it is very much this kind of warmth that I feel on our "good days". THAT warmth is worth any of the "bad days" actually, more than just making up for it. "But we're getting very close. I feel we're ticking ever nearer each day." That is what I feel as well. " This MARS RETRO seems to be shifting us in greater alignment to it." It is of significance for Mr Sag and me, as both natal UNIONS and our composite UNION are all three on 29 Libra.
Composite Mars is on 23 Libra, so after the Tr Venus moving back and forth over our composite Venus (16 Cap) and hence experiencing a Venus Return, now it is Mars` turn, a Mars-Return in our composite (again wiht the back-and-forth move). And after that we are ALSO experiencing a com posite nodal Return, as our composite NN is on 20 Libra (with AMOR, CUPIDO and CAMELOT glued to it on 20 LIbra, and my DNA and SAPPHO and MUSA are there, as well as his natal Pluto, all on 20 or 21 LIbra) But I disgress. BTW you know what I just realized? Usually the nodes are retrograde, there are just some rare occasions they are changing into direct motion (and usually not for long).
They will become stationary when I will undertake this trip, a week`s holiday, at which end I am going to see him on stage again, in EXCALIBUR. Just two days before seeing that musical, they will be in direct motion. And only for the few days I am going to be there, curiously pretty much exactly with my departure they will resume their retro motion again. All this stationing happens on 28-29 Libra, only one degree off our UNION, composite and natal. And as I remember you have your Saturn-Pluto-Atlantis in composite there. Pay attention to what takes place in the days from appr. 22nd - 29th april. just before Beltane, 1st may, this window will close again, probably shifting into a very new phase from then on, taking the experiences with us. "The events that had taken place between you, which you generously shared with us, were nothing short of strangely perfect. The positive impact you both had on each other, and the world, was plain to see." ![]( What else could I say to this? "and your togetherness was an excellent, even textbook representation of Twin Flames." I might be more hesitating to call it like this than others, but I like hearing it, reading it, cause then I can feel the truth of it.
"Off-handedly, my hair is a LOT like yours." Yes, I noticed that, too ! "I rarely ever wear cosmetics - or even bother with much in that area. ." Same here.
"I remember thinking to myself, 'she's finally realising she's beautiful.'" Is it so obvious? LOL But yes, I slowly start seeing and accepting that I am actually not all that bad, and that there is no real need to hide away (anymore). " See, I still struggle with the concept, though people tell me I clean up rather nicely." I suppose we are most critical of ourselves. But you really o not have anything to worry about in this regard. But even more than, that you "clean up rather nicely" (never heard that before), it struck me how your very unique vibration also appears in the pics. I think that will capture more attnetion than looks alone, this "presence" you have.
"He made you laugh;" Yes. he always does. And THAT actually is the secret key to my heart, or under my defense systems. If you can make me laugh, it is me at my most vulnerable, and temporarily forgetting about any kind of guarding myself.
Actually even that night he broke my heart (oh how am I dramatic today!), he still managed to make me laugh. How is that possible? "you were both smiling so much." That is one of the most beautiful things actually, to see when a smile is being born on his face, and when it is appearing, because of me, well, that is a very incredible feeling. As I said, what really made me pay attention to him, on that second concert in february 208, was that he entered the dark audience there, and it was like the whole room was bathed in light. That was unusual, I thought. Someone illuminating a whole room just by his radiating smile and voice and positive energy alone. "There was an energy connecting you, like a bridge between your souls;"
my REIKI, TESLA and CIRCE fall onto the very same degree of his Sun/Moon-mp, and the Sabian is: "An Old Bridge Over A Beautiful Stream Is Still In Constant Use" "your auras shimmered as one." How beautiful! Which colour?
Actually, yes, that was what I sensed in 2011, when he was approaching me during his show, and squatting beside me, and later standing right beside me, how I could not tell where my Aura ended and his began BECAUSE it was like my subconsciousness or even Higher Self did not even realize he was a different person; it was like my defense mechanism did not cry alarm, because it didnīt recognize him as "Not me" - energetically. That was a very strange thought - even for me.
" part of what I'm here to do, what I've done ever since I could make friends, was collect people. My soul-family." I think that what has taken place, at least partly, in this thread.
"It only stands to reason I'd have - and find - my own. " You have. You just don`t know what to do with tha realization.
You mentioned in the post prior to thsi the BIG BETRAYAL, and it struck a loud chord in me. I was on the bus actually, when I could hear the thoughts in my mind: "The big betrayal is to not acknowledge the truth of your twinflame, even if you know." When I looked up I just saw a cat sitting across the bus, and then walking away after looking at me (Iīve always had a guardian-cat, but he unfortunately died some months ago; he was always walking patrols around my house, especially when my parents werenīt here, which is why I came to call him guardian cat; actually the day or two days before he died, he came to me and into my kitchen - something he NEVER did before, he was a strangely shy cat- and just sat there and was telling me something. Well I did not quite understand cat-language, but felt it was important to listen to him, even though my consciousness did not understand, then he walked out and it was the last time I had seen him, and the days after this he died. I suppose he had been coming to say goodbye to me - this cat today from across the bus, looked a lot like him, so I took it as a good omen).
Maybe there are more betrayal-scenarios, but this is certainly part of mine. STubbornly denying a truth just for fear of being wrong.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 06:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: He updated his status with, 'if anyone should need an analytical chemist / stand up comedian' that they'll know where to find him. She comments, 'I need one in the lunchroom.' And he Likes it. And ... reality sets in. I get so near to doing this. To sticking with it. To just committing, and having faith. I know this is probably supposed to make me have faith. To test it. To hang in there. But I just want to curl up underneath the covers with my cat and shut my eyes and make it disappear. I know. I know it must have never been easy for him. I NEVER meant to hurt him. EVER. God, I want to be happy for him. But I just can't. I'm not going on his Facebook anymore. I don't want to see his posts, and her Likes, and her comments, and his Likes. Because as much as I want to deny it, to pretend it isn't happening, I'm in love with him. It's to such an extent that it hurts. Deeply. I want to turn away. I want to shut it out. I want to detach and to disconnect. This wasn't supposed to happen. He wasn't supposed to be doing this with someone local. Someone on Facebook. Someone at his work. Someone who's actively engaging him where I can see. This ... HURTS.
I am so sorry! And I can feel how much that hurts. Well I`ve been there, I AM there. In a way I am actually grateful he took so much down from his fb, though there was still that pic of him and her. Well he updated with a different pic, of him in his role. lol She likes everything he posts, no matter where. Is she his gf or his stalker? ![]( This is what makes me think I am delusional, at times. On the one hand I of course know he has hsi own life, with gf and everything I do not want to think about too much. On the other hand, there is something there, call it .some kind of *intrigue*, when I see him. Not to mention apparently being quite in tune with his psyche Right now I am actually okay with everything, but I know that I will experience this hurt again, that you are going through right now. You know some days I am just waiting for realizing / learning, he has gotten married or something like that, and some moments I almost want to read this. Just so it is done with it, and I can start adjusting to this new reality.
It hasn`t happened so far, but it might. Every day, every hour, every moment, it could. What I learned though over the last year is that in some weird way it dosn`t matter. Sure it matters in real physical terms, definitely. But it wouldnīt change my feelings. I am not sure that really is a good thing, but whatever the future brings, I will be eternally grateful for the change he brought into my life, the joy, the carefreeness, the laughter, the warmth, and I will always remember those rare shared moments with greatest affection and love in my heart, pretty much the most blissful moments in my life.
And apart from that, faith, I am learning to have faith.
You know that was Psyche`s lesson, right? That was why she was beeing separated temporarily from her soulmate. She didnīt trust the emotional bond, she needed to SEE, to KNOW, that which cannot be seen with the eyes. She did not know faith, that is why she had to undergo all these trials. And Eros? Well, short story, Mommy`s boy had to grow up, mature into a man and tell his mom to keep her rage and jealousy to herself and let him make his own decisions and stick to the woman he loved. And yes, I believe it is a test. A cruel one nevertheless. But the stakes ARE high.
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MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 245 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted March 13, 2014 06:31 PM
@ Indigo, Tgem, and Micole. My heart really does go out to you ladies ![]( @ Ceridwen, thank you for your comments/insight (which can't be said enough), btw. It is exciting to learn of these aspects and the connections! Astro Keen quote:
This synchronicity is to assure you that you are deeply connected. He is your other half, after all. Basically when you long for him, you are longing for yourself. That is all it is. This great attraction is not between two separate entities, it is a need to be whole - a spiritual need, however it may manifest itself. It is a reflection of how our souls long to be back with source - it is a mere smidgen of that great longing.
Love this.I've been playing with the Vedic/Hindu asteroids some more, so I will post more of those later. Also, I did a synastry with his kids and I, and found some interesting links in t-synastry that I thought I'd share: My NNode conj. His Saturn with is Vertex about 3 degrees away and my Chiron right on it (and Vesta) My Alma conj. His NNode and Moon (My Asc. is a few degrees away), squ. His Angel, trine His Valentine-Uranus His Pluto conj. My Dsc, squ. My Moon-Atlantis, opp my Unitas My Ceres conj. His Dsc. My Pluto trine His Ceres-Amor My Valentine conj. His Alma My Karma conj. His Psyche (His Moon about 4 degrees away) His Destinn-Child conj. My Saturn-Vertex My Psyche-DNA squ. His Child Mars conj Pholus DW My Child conj. His MC My Angel opp. His Union-Pallas My Sun conj. His DNA His Atlantis-Karma conj. My Jupiter His Psyche conj. My Moon-Atlantis and Karma His Unitas conj. My Venus-Avx My Valentine opp. His Sun and Ceres-Amor His Valentine trine My Alma His Alma squ. My Chiron, trine My Amor My Amor is sextile His Amor My Asc. trine His MC His Isis-Lilith squ. My Osiris-Unitas-Asc. A couple from d-synastry: My Sun conj. His Vx-Saturn (which falls on his Father's/Mo Chuisle's n-Moon) His Sun-Osiris-Amor (with Ceres a couple degrees away conj. My Psyche) trine My Osiris-Unitas-Asc. His Valentine-Uranus squ. My Vertex and Venus NNode-Moon conj. Psyche-Amor DW with Valentine in it one way There's more, but this is enough for now, and this is with just one of his kids (a son, he has 3 all together). All orbs are within 2 degrees unless otherwise noted. It's also interesting that his daughter has a 12th house stellium like I do. I'd be curious to know what kind of aspects you have with your step-daughter, Indigo? It's interesting that I don't even share that many aspects like this with my own late step-Father (not to say that he isn't special to me, because he is). Anyway, it's slightly off topic, but I found it interesting, so thought I'd share. I do feel as if they were my own. Like a long lost family of sorts... Back on topic... Indigo, that dream you had of Ceri and Mr. Sag is very interesting...Hopefully the rest of it comes back to you. Also, I think I remember someone mentioned Eros-Neptune? I know I have that one natally and it is trine His Pluto. His Eros trine My Angel, and we have the Eros-Psyche conj. in helio. In d-synastry, My Eros-Neptune is just out of orb for a conj. to his Mars, but is squ. His Venus and Chiron. His Venus squ. My Alma. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 06:38 PM
Tgem, "Totally agree...maybe it's better then to allow some wider orbs with 4 degrees?" No, I wouldn`t go so far. Problem is, when does it stop being a pattern and begins being just grasping for straws?
*scratches head* I might be extending the conjunction or opposition to 4 degrees orb hough, in RARE occasions. IF they are coming along with midpoint pictures and parallels/ contraparallels. Another person though can act as catalyst for bringing energies closer together, but for these synastric aspects, 2 degree orb, maybe 2,5 degrees. With bigger orbs the probability rises that many other people will share the same aspects with you, as well.
"For instance his Siva/Parvati conjunction is conjunct my nodal axis but wide at 5 degrees." No I wouldn`t count this. I am pretty sure there will be something else, closer, in play.
"Also I just had to question this: His natal Siva @ Pis 29'57 in his chart His natal Parvati @ Ari 0'39 in his chart My natal name asteroid @ Pis 28'58 in my chart" That is interesting.
my name in his chart is conjunct his Eros, and when we met, both our Psyches had progressed to his Eros-my name, and my transiting name was conjunct as well. Definitely something to it. Name asteroids. "and my name asteroid conjuncts his Soulmate/TF pairing conjunction!! Interestingly enough my name conjuncts his NN in his natal" Seems like a biggie to me, yes. with your name on his NN, you probably will be part of his path, have to be. However the NN is what we are growing into, so noone really knows WHEN this is going to happen, or for how long. just that you are a vital part of his development.
"Note this: his first and last name asteroids are both conjunct in my natal chart EXACT and that name conjunction squares my Parvati exact!" That is interesting. I am not really too scared of squares with soulmate asteroid - well true people could pick easier scenarios, but at least there is a lot of energy generated.
Actually my friend`s TF has an exact Isis-Osiris-conjunction in his chart, and her Isis is exactly square to it. There are obstacles to be overcome, yes, but the square seems to provide the energy needed to get active abuot it and just do it.
"He also has natal Kaali square Rudra and his Rudra conjuncts my ASC by 2 in tropical synastry." Yes, I see that. You bring out that natal (very sexual and tantric) soulmate aspect in him. " Why are these screaming TF reunion here??!!!" I am not sure about a sure shot reunion. What makes you think so? I think it gives evidence that you ARE tf`s yes, probably among other things, but a reunion would probably turn up in all the charts, and especially in the progressed and maybe SR charts.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 06:53 PM
In my chart my name is on 16 Taurus, opposing my LANCELOT exactly.his name in my chart is on 13 Capricorn, loosely conjunct my GUINEVERE on 10 Cap and his ARTHUR and MERLIN, both on 11 Cap. my name in his chart is on 9 Pisces; his name in his chart is on 10 Virgo. my name in his chart is conjunct his EROS and, his name in his chart is conjunct AMOR (they are opposite, with my name tied to his Eros, his name to his Amor) Of course it also means that my name in his chart is sextile my GUINEVERE/SPIRIT by about a degree. his name in his chart is trine my GUINEVERE/SPIRIT exact, and trine his ARTHUR/MERLIN by one deree. Now WHAT musical and WHAT role am I going to see him in next? ![](
Looking for transits of that day:
Tr GUINEVERE on 15 Cap conjunct his name in my chart on 13 Cap - and also composite ARTHUR and composite Venus on 16 Cap.
Tr LANCELOT will be on 16.47 Scorpio conjunct my natal LANCELOT on 16.47 Scorpio exact (LANCELOT - return-alarm ), and obviously also opposite my name in my chart on 16.59 Taurus.
And conjunt commposite MC on 16.31 Scorpio.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 13, 2014 07:06 PM
BTW asteroid GINEVRA (the name Guinevere goes by in that musical actually, well both are variation of her name).in my chart: 26.30 Sagittarius (on my Sun) in his chart: 27.13 Sagittarius Initially I thought it was one of the real slow moving asteroids, but after checking some other charts, no it is not a generational thing to have Ginevra on the GC, it is just one of those that probably have a 5 year pattern. lol So GINEVRA is conjunct my Sun, and his Sun and Moon and MC, and most closely his Sun/Moon-mp.
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MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 245 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted March 13, 2014 08:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: In my chart my name is on 16 Taurus, opposing my LANCELOT exactly.his name in my chart is on 13 Capricorn, loosely conjunct my GUINEVERE on 10 Cap and his ARTHUR and MERLIN, both on 11 Cap. my name in his chart is on 9 Pisces; his name in his chart is on 10 Virgo. my name in his chart is conjunct his EROS and, his name in his chart is conjunct AMOR (they are opposite, with my name tied to his Eros, his name to his Amor) Of course it also means that my name in his chart is sextile my GUINEVERE/SPIRIT by about a degree. his name in his chart is trine my GUINEVERE/SPIRIT exact, and trine his ARTHUR/MERLIN by one deree. Now WHAT musical and WHAT role am I going to see him in next? ![](
Looking for transits of that day:
Tr GUINEVERE on 15 Cap conjunct his name in my chart on 13 Cap - and also composite ARTHUR and composite Venus on 16 Cap.
Tr LANCELOT will be on 16.47 Scorpio conjunct my natal LANCELOT on 16.47 Scorpio exact (LANCELOT - return-alarm ), and obviously also opposite my name in my chart on 16.59 Taurus.
And conjunt commposite MC on 16.31 Scorpio.
I think it's amazing how these asteroids link up with even the current themes (and events) in your lives...
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Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 13, 2014 08:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen:
And apart from that, faith, I am learning to have faith.You know that was Psyche`s lesson, right? That was why she was beeing separated temporarily from her soulmate. She didnīt trust the emotional bond, she needed to SEE, to KNOW, that which cannot be seen with the eyes. She did not know faith, that is why she had to undergo all these trials. And Eros? Well, short story, Mommy`s boy had to grow up, mature into a man and tell his mom to keep her rage and jealousy to herself and let him make his own decisions and stick to the woman he loved. And yes, I believe it is a test. A cruel one nevertheless. But the stakes ARE high.
You have no idea how much this resonates with me!! ![]( My Psyche (and his) opposes my Sun/Moon MP 0° His Eros squares my Psyche 2°
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MorpHnStorM Knowflake Posts: 245 From: Registered: Oct 2013
posted March 13, 2014 09:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lavender CrystalSwan: You have no idea how much this resonates with me!! ![](
Lavender, I didn't see that quote from Ceridwen, so I'm glad you shared it as it resonates with me too. It has absolutely been a major part of this experience. IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 13, 2014 09:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by MorpHnStorM: Lavender, I didn't see that quote from Ceridwen, so I'm glad you shared it as it resonates with me too. It has absolutely been a major part of this experience.
Yes.. Indeed. IP: Logged |
micole maree Knowflake Posts: 272 From: Bay Area, CA, USA Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 14, 2014 01:03 AM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: Yay! Glad Ceri found some positive soulmate pairings for you. That should help explain some things ![]( P.S I've been a complete mess over this past weekend as, whatever is going on..let's get it over with!!!
Tgem, I so agree. (And thanks for the "Yay!". Believe me, that's how I'm feeling. Ceri, you have no idea how much I appreciate you looking at those charts. ) As far as the P.S. - I follow some people who post interesting information related to Ascension. You all have done some research on Twin Flames so I'm assuming you've come across mention of Twin Flames being a part of ascension, which supposedly affects the enlightenment of all of humanity at this time. One of the Facebook statuses I just got mentioned that we're getting some "huge downloads of information/input" right now. There was also mention of headaches, specifically centered on the third eye and the crown chakra. Do I know if the information is true or valid? No. But oddly enough, we've all, ALL, had migraines or headaches. Hmmm.... IP: Logged |
micole maree Knowflake Posts: 272 From: Bay Area, CA, USA Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 14, 2014 01:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Okay. Michelle. STOP. Stop, and breathe. There is a REASON this is happening. Something isn't ready yet. Remember how the site kept crapping out yesterday? I'm sure we were all trying to post things. MARS is well into the retro-period, and bringing with us the push for reflection, reconsideration, and reevaluation. Yes. You're DOING that. But. The trick is this. There's something you're missing. Something's off. After all, we JUST cleared a MERC Retro - THAT's not coincidental. Stop. Breathe. Meditate. Seek guidance. Centre yourself. All will be well. Even if my signature doesn't work. 😉 For the umpteenth time. 😉
Perfect, Indigo. A total slap-myself-upside-the-head moment here. Of course. Oddly, I've had the sense that something is "hiding". I don't know what it is. I've questioned whether or not that is simply wishful thinking. And I've been so discouraged, attempting to do this chart-work with so little experience and knowledge. Maybe it's simply the sense that this missing ascendant is the key. Whatever it is, YES, I'll pause. Meditate. Read the signs in front of me. Thank you, Indigo. IP: Logged |
micole maree Knowflake Posts: 272 From: Bay Area, CA, USA Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 14, 2014 01:34 AM
Ceri, I'm not going to quote your story about your parents. I just wanted to tell you that it touches me. You were so blessed to grow up with parents who demonstrate that kind of love and commitment and honoring of each other. In my experience, that is pretty rare.Indigo, I love that you shared iQ's report with us. Not simply because of the information in it, which could be helpful to us and to others on a search for a way to understand and assimilate all of this experience and circumstance, but because personally, it was really an "ahhhh" moment for me. An affirming breath, a soft "Yes", a knowing that something wonderful is taking place. I also want you to know that I feel your pain as your guy does what he's doing. The dream that you had, seeing Ceri and Mr. Sag and experiencing in your dream the light created by the two of them - same kind of affirming experience. Another soft exhale and another "Yes". I truly don't know where I am with this thing. Still committed to searching for answers but losing hope for the future with "my" Twin Flame. Seeing a DW Amor-Valentine conjunction, multiple nodal contacts,a Vertex conjunction, a Venus-Pluto trine and a Lilith-Lilith conjunction with my Sunday blind date guy, when I've *barely* started looking at his chart, is making me wonder. I've worked so hard at trying to find the astrological proof of this connection, these unreal experiences, with Jace. And so far, it is largely eluding me. Ceri found some that I didn't see. I have some to post when I'm ready, but not much more, really. I'm just confused. And discouraged. Bear with me please. I'll say it and then attempt to not say it again because I don't like whining. Yeah, I'm discouraged. And it is what it is. So, it has been said. And then I'll hit the charts again, after my quiet time to find an internal directive. I saw the quote from you, Ceri, about Psyche and Eros. Love the story and hear the message. I'll attempt to let that one soak in. Morph, thank you for the kind words. Good night, all. ![]( IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 02:21 AM
quote: Originally posted by MorpHnStorM: Lavender, I didn't see that quote from Ceridwen, so I'm glad you shared it as it resonates with me too. It has absolutely been a major part of this experience.
Lavender and morph, yes it resonated with me so much, too, when I first became aware of the implications. But in the beginning Psyche was content and happy, loving Eros in the dark (she never was allowed to see him, he always cyame to her at night, in darkness). It was only when her jealous sisters started planting the seeds of doubt in her (Why will he not let you see him? probably he is the ugliest of all men, a true monster.), and that doubting led her to want to see him, doing this she hurt him, cause a drop of oil fell onto his skin, and of course she hurt him,t oo, by her lack of faith (though he had his faults as well). he fled (home to Mommy to whine and complain and pout as a matter of fact), and thus Psyche was deserted. LOL I have been writing a paper on the Cupido-Psyche-story, when we were reading the original text in university. Actually I was covering the Cupido-part and my best friend the Psyche-part.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 02:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by micole maree: Tgem, I so agree. (And thanks for the "Yay!". Believe me, that's how I'm feeling. Ceri, you have no idea how much I appreciate you looking at those charts. )As far as the P.S. - I follow some people who post interesting information related to Ascension. You all have done some research on Twin Flames so I'm assuming you've come across mention of Twin Flames being a part of ascension, which supposedly affects the enlightenment of all of humanity at this time. One of the Facebook statuses I just got mentioned that we're getting some "huge downloads of information/input" right now. There was also mention of headaches, specifically centered on the third eye and the crown chakra. Do I know if the information is true or valid? No. But oddly enough, we've all, ALL, had migraines or headaches. Hmmm....
Yeah, this particular case of headache usually takes place for me, when I have either totally exhausted myself, or am receiving/ processing information that I am not yet aware of, but it will come out later on. the third possibility is that I am stubbornly resisting acknowledging an information and trying to close my mind against it, and the informationw ill pretty much constantly knock against my skull to be let in, until I relax and open to the flow again. At least that is how it feels sometimes. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 02:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by micole maree:
Seeing a DW Amor-Valentine conjunction, multiple nodal contacts,a Vertex conjunction, a Venus-Pluto trine and a Lilith-Lilith conjunction with my Sunday blind date guy, when I've *barely* started looking at his chart, is making me wonder. I've worked so hard at trying to find the astrological proof of this connection, these unreal experiences, with Jace. And so far, it is largely eluding me.
i know what you mean.
In all honesty Mr Sagīs and my charts are not that traditionally clear twin-flamey. No 1st house stellium in composite, though the 7th house contains Saturn, KARMA, Vertex, DESTINN (and some soulmate asteroids like Ariadne and Persephone). Is that enough? Or just karmic? If at all, on first glance, I would say that Jude`s and my charts are much more twinflame worthy. Fat 1st house stellium in composite. An exact Briede-Groom-conjunction conjunct chartruler Jupiter in 2nd house. (DW Briede-Groom-conjunction in synastry, tied to both ASC`s). In synastry his Adam conjucnts my Eve exact, too. In composite a close Siva-Kaali-square; with Siva on the GC. In Davison an exact Siva-Kaali-opposition. Also in Davison an exact Pluto-Proserpina-conjunction on IC, flanked by VALENTINE and ATLANTIS on the SGC. In synastry his Amor conjuncts my psyche by one degree (my Draco Eros is precisely on his tropical Psyche, too). His Valentine opposes my Venus exact, my Valentine conjuncts his Mars exact. his Jupiter/NN sextile my Juno exact. his Inannen square my Adonis exact. his Adonis quinkunx my Inannen exact. His Osiris widely opposite my Isis (well 4 degrees - so let`s not count it, though is Osiris conjuncts Valentine, and THIS is definitely within orb of opposing my Venus-Isis-Osiris). His KAALI and Parvati on his Sun and my Venus trine my RUDRA exact. His LANCELOT opposite my GUINEVERE exact (yeah I KNOW it means his Lancelot is opposite Mr Sagīs Arthur, too, and my stomach takes a flop thinking about what this might imply. lol)
Anyway, it is sort of jumping at me - but yet, he is not my twinflame. And yet, despite all that, it is Mr Sag I have these strange experiences and feelings with.
Makes me think I am missing something in our astrology, or downplaying a factor that might be bigger than originally thought. i mean, in all honesty Jude`s and my helio composite really sucks. Especially.c ompared to the GT I share with Mr Sag there. lol Oh and Mr Sag and me have in Davison an exact Isis-osiris-conjunction in 7th house. Can this be more important than I thought? Who really knows? But what I want to say is, if your experience and the astrology are not congruent, we are maybe missing something there.
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