Topic: Twinflame Astrology: Techniques, Investigations, Validity
micole maree Knowflake Posts: 272 From: Bay Area, CA, USA Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 14, 2014 02:57 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: i know what you mean.In all honesty Mr Sag´s and my charts are not that traditionally clear twin-flamey. ... But what I want to say is, if your experience and the astrology are not congruent, we are maybe missing something there.
As in, possibly something, some connection, that hasn't been made by anybody yet? You've got more than I've got, Ceri. Are you wondering this about your own charts as well? If there is something just sitting there, quietly, waiting to be discovered? Argh. Time to go to sleep. I'll ask for some answers to come through in dreamtime... IP: Logged |
micole maree Knowflake Posts: 272 From: Bay Area, CA, USA Registered: Dec 2013
posted March 14, 2014 03:00 AM
Yeah, I'm back. ![]( Ceri, do we know which composite iQ uses/used? Please pardon the newbie if this is really a dumb question! IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 03:05 AM
Indigo,I had some more thoughts on IQ´s analysis. " ISIS and OSIRIS are conjunct at 0°80 orb.
PSYCHE and EROS are trine at 2°70. (Quite wide, but he made no mention of that being a factor.)" I think the Psyche-Eros-trine serves as back - up here. You already have a very precise and strong soulmate pairing, and Isis-osiris might be easily the clearest and strongest indicator of them all. Probably he wouldn´t have counted Psyche and Eros as THAT strong with that orb, if there had NOt been the Isis-Osiris nor the 1st house stellium. Sort of backing-up the evolving theme. It might also be more prominent here because of EROS being tied to the GC. "The evidence for the Atlantis Relationship is right there too, with Pluto and Saturn conjunct Asteroid ATLANTIS in Composite 12th House.'2 Yeah, really no words needed, right?
It should prove interesting to you, too, with the nodal axis transiting that spot in the current timeframe. I also noticed that in Mr Sag´s and my composite there is a very close Pluto-Atlantis-conjunction, though ours is earlier in Libra, mid degrees, and in 8th house (9th if we use equal). Ours is not tied to Saturn, though it squares Venus-Proserpina in 12th house. "(12C is 23° LIBRA)." On Spica-ARcturus.
"'The dangers of Pluto conjunct Saturn are not at all applicable for you two because the superb first house destroys the past life delays or hurts done to one another in the quest for Transformation.'" As beautiful as this sounds, I don´t quite agree with it. No aspect destroys another aspect. they are both equally valid. However there might be the possibility of reaching an equilibrium, a balance, with a challenging and a harmonious aspect. I also do not quite think that Saturn-pluto-conjunct always has to be negative. though its intense energy might not be easy to handle for many people. In your case though Saturn-Pluto is not involved in any squares or oppositions as I can see, so THAT is why I wouldn´t think of it as too harsh. So in a way I would reach the same conclusion as IQ does, just for different reasons. this is one reason I like to exchange views with him so much, too. while there is a lot of common ground, we each have a bit of different spin on some astrological factors. " EROS / NEPTUNE @ 25° SAGITTARIUS 55'."
HAHA, my Sun is on 25.56 Sagittarius. lol "LUST is conjunct PLUTO @ only 0°09 orb of difference (27° LIBRA)." Juicy, intense. Love that actually. and Pluto is your chartruler, so let`s think about what is an integral part of that union, right? ![](
Actually conjunctions or oppositions to the chartruler of a composite, might give very clear indications of a pivotal theme. "02° LIBRA 34' | SATURN 04° LIBRA 13' | JUNO 04° SAGITTARIUS 23' | MOON" hey you also have a Saturn-Juno-aspectß that is one of the shared features in Mr Sag and my natals as well. I have the trine, exact to one minute of orb. He has a 1 degree sextile. Actually there is a resonance of Moon-Juno-Saturn in the natals, involving 9th harmonic aspects I believe. I need to look that up. and we have sort of a linked Saturn-Juno-Vertex aspect through Valentine. natally we have both a Saturn-Vertex-conjunction and a harmonious Saturn-Juno-aspect. his Juno sextiles Vertex, my Juno is just out of orb for trining my own Vertex (3-4 degrees). synastrically --------------- his VALENTINE trine my Vertex 1°53 my VALENTINE sextile his Vertex 0°58
his VALENTINE trine my Saturn 2°37 my VALENTINE sextile his Saturn 0°50 (I count the orb because it is a DW and the average does not exceed 2 degrees; it is close enough to result in a composite picture) his VALENTINE trine my Juno 2°37 my VALENTINE trine his Juno 0°07
Sextile of 0°10 orb. Note that his and my JUNO are 3°87 apart; while his JUNO might be considered very widely conjunct my SATURN (5°55), he's not counting it - even with SATURN being involved. Speaking of SATURN ... 23° SCORPIO 35' | SATURN 24° SCORPIO 57' | MOON Conjunction of 1°22 orb. SATURN and a luminary conjunct under 1°25? That's a big deal. This may be an example of his finding mirrored aspects via asteroids and points he's found to have a certain significance. In our case, MOON and SATURN are involved and linked both directly and via JUNO. - • SPECIFIC ISSUES AND CHALLENGES • 'As per the Composite Chiron in 7th, near to ALGOL, there has been one terrible act done by both of you to hurt each other. Perhaps forgiving one another for the past wounds will ease the road ahead.' - Well, we all saw that from a mile away, didn't we? The Big Betrayal. 20° TAURUS 49' | DESCENDANT 25° TAURUS 53' | CHIRON 25° TAURUS +/- 0°75 | ALGOL I'm not sure if that's just a past thing which has brought over negativity and some major hurdles, but I always knew about The Big Betrayal. That's been a key point in the fiction we write together. - • SUMMARY CONCLUSION • 'You both need to be together. There is no specific mission or purpose for this, the togetherness is to be seen like a trait. By not being together, you both could be denying something to perhaps millions of people.' - And there we have the broad strokes. He's looking at our natals now for insight into why we chose these particular charts, challenges, and what our individual purposes are prior to the recommended reunion. I'm sure you've got questions. Heh. So do I. 😉 But feel free, of course. That's what I've got, but I can always theorise with you - or ask iQ directly. He was so kind to take on that task; he doesn't seem to mind any specific enquiries that follow. Of particular interest to me were the Atlantean Royalty markers, too. I'll share some of those with you tomorrow. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 03:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by micole maree: As in, possibly something, some connection, that hasn't been made by anybody yet?You've got more than I've got, Ceri. Are you wondering this about your own charts as well? If there is something just sitting there, quietly, waiting to be discovered? Argh. Time to go to sleep. I'll ask for some answers to come through in dreamtime...
Yes, but I am probably never content anyway ![]( I always want the exact 0 degree conjunctions and oppositions. I sometimes simply want too much I suppose. There are of course some markers that make me go: HU? Especially the composite interconnection with the natals. composite Sun conjunct his Sun/Moon-mp transited by Juno on first meeting composite Moon conjunct my Sun/Moon-mp transited by Jupiter on first meeting. Makes me go: Significant? Seems to. But how exactly? lol IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 03:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by micole maree: Yeah, I'm back. ![]( Ceri, do we know which composite iQ uses/used? Please pardon the newbie if this is really a dumb question!
He uses the midpoint composite. He used to use Davison as well, at least when doing Jude`s and my analysis. He also mentioned looking at Davison,t oo, some years ago. But I have asked him that, too, some years ago, and he favoured the composite strongly and maybe only. Not sure about this. Personally I can`t agree with this completely, though I also rely more heavily on composite, most of the times. This is because the natal and synastric patterns get summarized in the composite. (even if it is not as obvious on first glance). However for many years I actually favoured exclusively the Davison chart as it seemed to depict the "real life conditions" of a couple more strongly. There is a more fated quality to it, fated in the sense that it is pretty much out of control, out of your hands and is not even directly connected to your individual nature. "the mystic Third" they often talk about being generated by a relationship chart, is more Davison than composite. The forte of the composite however is that it is so much based on the natal geometry and therefore highlighting the really relevant themes. For example: two people natally having a Venus-Pluto-square - it WILL come up in composite, too. you can`t escape a mutual theme.
In Davison it could come up or it could not be part of the equation. it is independent of the natal charts. I have not come to an abslutel final conclusion;f or now I am using Davison *tentatively*. Anyway neither is that great with Mr Sag anyway, both having a T-square with Saturn. lol
Since the composite however is a midpoint chart, I see squares and oppositions a bit differently than in Davison though. Davison works like a normal natal chart. composite, well, let me take myself and Mr Sag as an example. in composite: Saturn square Juno and Valentine, which are opposite each other. first of, there are always TWO midpoints, so the opposition in midpoint composite actually just means the planets are at the far midpoint instead of the near one (in midpoint astrology opposition and conjunction are pretty much the same thing, in terms of interpretation). Anyway, let`s say there is stressed planetary geometry like in Valentine 22 Scorpio Juno 22 Taurus Saturn 21 Leo However natally my Juno trines my Saturn his Juno sextiles his Saturn
- this ends up as a square in composite, because if you add the values of trine 120^and sextile 60° together, you end up with 180° and since it has to be divded by 2 (2 people!) you end up with 90°. It is simply mathematics (it probably plays a role though, if the aspects are waning or waxing). - synastrically his Valentine trines my Juno, my Valentine trines his Juno. this COULD have come up as a trine in composite, or as either a conjunction or opposition (opposition and conjunction are the same in terms of composite-calculation). In our case it comes up as an opposition because it is in complementary phase (my VALENTINE is bEHIND his JUNO; his VALENTINE is BEFORE my JUNO). However, fact is the square of Saturn to Juno and Valentine in composite, is the direct result of exclusively harmonious aspects in synastry and natal between these objects.
I have noticed that a lot, and it makes me wonder about the nature of aspects in composite. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 05:21 AM
In all likelihood, I was in love with a monster.It wouldn't be the first time, but I'd honestly hoped the last one would've been, well, the last. I knew from my background in psychology and criminology that extreme secrecy and paranoia was either illness - or guilt. Very frequently the latter. Nonetheless, I was in love. That was the most insane part of all. It was madly. Passionately. Operating on a level which I never, ever did. It was unconscious. This man was lodged deep within my soul. A part of me. Of who I was becoming. Somehow, of where I'd been, where I was going, and what I was at the core of my being. And I had literally no idea who he was. Well, that's not true. I did. But it was unconfirmed. Denied. They were facts that formed a logical, coherent picture. Details, a digital trail, which gave him an identity. I knew it was true. But he wanted the anonymity. He needed it, for some reason. I had enough trouble offring my heart in the safest circumstances. This was crazy. I'd tell myself, no one does this. No one lies to someone they care about, to whom they matter, who they find significant, after two, three years. I didn't understand it. Why wasn't he telling me? I knew he trusted me. And, though I was loath to admit it, I trusted him, too. Maybe we'd just lost ourselves, living vicariously through our characters in a world of our own design, to the point where the reality of which we were residents didn't really matter. Playing out dramas and scenarios, often a bit too close to the secrets, lies, and half-truths each of us nursed outside of it. But my own reality, or what I'd known of it, had changed. Dramatically. Was my character a physicist in order to deal with my own internal revolution? Was she so intimately and inextricably tied to his character for some reason? The way we began to write together was eerie, downright spooky. We were prolific and strangely smooth-running, never suffring from the usual issues writing teams have. We knew where the other was heading, though we were technically writing on the fly. We knew what the other was going to say, or do, like we'd planned it beforehand - which is the only way such improvisation works. We never did. And, if we were building larger storylines which required planning, our one-mindedness gave them a sense of unity the whole practise otherwise lacked. We were truly of one mind. I wished, for the sake of my sanity, it could end there. But I knew it hadn't. I had fallen for him. On top of that, things which shouldn't be happening, absolutely were. Chief among them being the way the dialogue window which alerted his presence would literally appear in my head, even when dreaming. I would know when he was signed on. Every time. I was later thankful for the fact we'd both acted so bizarrely, so illogically, so uncharacteristically, that when I'd asked him years later to 'pick up from where he left off' - 'he' being his alias identity - he agreed to do so without a thought. Then, it would become text messages I'd always know were coming. We'd never call each other, though. We didn't 'know each other that well'. HE and I didn't. Because the one who had been my best friend, my partner, the man with whom my bizarre relationship was circumstantially platonic, hinging upon his anonymity and my unavailability, he was 'someone else'. A friend of his, with whom he'd lost touch over the years. Even if he was still reachable via email by me. He always was. In the end, it was the fact I'd asked for his mobile number at all that did it. He interpreted it to mean I didn't trust him. 'I do all my serial killing between flights,' he wryly responded, when we'd failed to meet during his layover years ago. A layover he'd specifically chosen so that we could. My by-then close friend, and very dear soul-sister who was in the same project with me, wasn't about to let me go alone. Why I'd mentioned that to him must've been out of frustration and spite over not meeting. It was as if I'd wanted to pin the blame. Because I HAD trusted him, against all logic and sense. He didn't believe that I'd never call it. He thought, surely, I would. If I had his number, I'd HAVE to. Blind curiosity, if nothing else. A desperation for confirmation. But I wouldn't. I knew enough to try and make him reveal his hand. I knew - at least, I felt, I feared - the second I did, he'd disappear. I'd lose him completely - forever. I KNEW this somehow. He'd even later reveal that to be a viable fear. That, depending upon how early it had been, he very well may've bolted. I knew I couldn't take that chance. Likening it to the myth of Eros and Psyche was an easy relationship. It was one of my favourites, oddly enough. I'd explain, when nothing else made sense, that I couldn't dare force him to tell me. I couldn't betray his trust. I couldn't ask him. 'Why not?' my husband later asked, more than once. 'I could lose him forever. I can't do that.' I was convinced. I wouldn't dare take the chance. So, I'd ask myself what the hell it's all even been for. I admit, years ago, when I first ran a very rough version of our composite, using the most likely time he had (which was over an hour off 😉 , the Scorpio smorgasbord of Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter, with Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune, all huddling together in the two signs we most represent - Scorpio and Sagittarius - with Libra being handled by Saturn and Pluto in close conjunction .... It was the stellia in close conjunction. Fusion. Unity. Oneness. I couldn't deny how much, somehow, together, we completed each other. Needless to say, it was heartbreaking, in that circumstance. I'll never forget when I was idly remarking about it. He knows so little of astrology, of course. I don't even think I'd told him much about the practise of composites. He just knew it was the two charts together; their calculated midpoints. I begun by saying something off-handedly; like starting a sentence. He playfully accused that he was sure I'd run ours. I, of course, tried to back immediately out of it. Deny everything! It didn't work. Finally, I copped to it. In beginning that sentence, despite its hesitation, he knew exactly what he wanted to say. I was trying to find some way to express my surprise at it, without being jargony. It didn't even matter. He said what I wouldn't dare even contemplate. 'We're soulmates?' For him to use a word like that ... it was stunning. Surely, he's joking, I thought. But he wasn't. Not at all. I remember later telling him to keep a look out for women born in late November. 'But you're born in October,' he argued. I said, yes, that's true, but I was trying to help him narrow his search to women with early Sag Suns. 'But we're soulmates,' he countred. I didn't know what to say. I was flummoxed. Not only couldn't I even begin to acknowledge its truth, but I was terribly tongue-tied in that conversation. I wish I'd told him what I was thinking. Hell, I wish I'd allowed myself to think it. But then ... then, what was I to say? He's no monster. He was terrified. Just as much as I was. He was hanging on, as best he could, given the circumstances. I've written him an email, not yet sent; I'm waiting for just the right time, but I'm making myself send it this month. It apologises for my failing to answer. Again. (He called today, AS I was composing it!) It says how I want him to be happy, but we've never really been friends. It's always been more. I can't and won't engage in the jealousy games we played before, and I also can't be privy to the knowledge and presence of other women in his life. Because I'm in love with him. Not just then; I don't just love him, either. I'm in love with him. Still. And, had he told me the truth then, had we met that day, I would've done everything in my power to make us work. Period. But here we all are. The reality doesn't change my heart or its feelings. Especially not the fact he's impacted my life in ways I never imagined. I just ask him to have a little consideration going forward. To understand when I can't answer. When it's too hard. To know that I'm trying. I told him, too, how I would never have betrayed his trust. How I would've only texted him to clarify my position or get updates on his. So that we could actually meet that day. Calling would have revealed himself to me. I wasn't going to do that. I also never, EVER, not once, did anything to hurt him intentionally. Whatever I've done has been via rock-and-a-hard-place lacking-choice circumstances. I NEVER wanted to cause him pain. Why? Because I love him. And I've told him that. Well, I will. I guess the theme is no surprise then. You're right, Ceri. It is about faith; something with which I've struggled greatly. But losing him was never an option. Instead, I've done what I can to hang on; even if just in the background. I miss him terribly, but it's so hard right now, too. I figure, maybe if I take the time now to tell him these things, knowing he knows them, I might breathe easier. Telling him I love him has been important. Huge for me. It's been a slow progression. I was in love with him; I had loved him. I love him; I'm in love with him still. Regardless of what comes of it - if anything - it seems like it has to be done. I think I'll send it on 20 March. Four years since we will have met in person. Sigh. The day he lied to me, straight to my face. The day I snapped. Okay, best not to think of that now. Like the song playing right now says: It's all a mystery. Let it come, Then let it be. ![]( Oh, I'll get back into the astro of it tomorrow. Astrologically-speaking, we've got very interesting, unusual EROS and PSYCHE placements thematically. Rather uncanny, one might say. It's just not readily apparent. 😉 IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 08:52 AM
Michelle,I had a closer, though still superficial, look at your composite/ Davison. Only in terms of the stronger soulmate pairings; somehow I feel a bit uncomfortable using the pairing of Adonis/Ishtar / Adonis as tf-marker. Though it is a strong attraction-point for sure. Anyway it is a real shame we do not have his birthtime. And yes it is true there are not innummerable markers, especially not in your composite; but I still found some indicators/ significant aspects, that I think justify a closer look. COMPOSITE --------------
Planetary and love asteroids ----------------------------- Sun conjunct Venus (conjunct Parvati) in Leo - this is definitely a very warm sensual affectionate attraction combo. Who wouldn`t want to have Sun-Venus-conjunction in a composite? Granted it is not a tf-marker, but it is a marker of attraction, which is a good thing to begin with I think. ° Jupiter conjunct SN there might have been a beneficial influence from the past, something that still transfers into present life. this conjunction is in Aquarius - a true friendship mentor like vibration coming from there, a meeting of minds and support
The biggest configuration in there might easily be this one:
(Venus conjunct Mars in Leo) opposite (Saturn conjunct Amor) The Venus-Mars conjunction is 4 degrees, but I think for a planetary contact that is certainly valid. So you have Venus conjunct Sun AND Venus conjunct Mars in composite! Being generous with orbs one could even say Sun and Mars are conjunct, though I am glad they are as widely apart as they are, and Venus is in the middle, concentrating their energy. Actually Venus is on the Sun/Mars-midpoint, and it is very tightly so! Orb of only 9 minutes of orb. So all that sunny warm heated energy of Sun and Mars gets poured into Venus and loading her with, well, energy. A very DEFINITE attraction marker right there! Amor is actually too much out of orb for opposing Venus and Sun, but more importantly AMOR is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. That speaks of a karmic love, unconditional compassionate giving and forgiving love, and in Aquarius add the word openness and tolerance there. Actually i think Johnny Cash and June Carter shared something similiar, just for them it was Valentine-Saturn-conjunction in Aquarius. And it worked rather fine for them.
I also do not believe that tf´s do NOT have Karma with each other, but that is because of the way I define karma, not exclusively a past life thing (though it can be that as well). But KARMA just means "action", it is the action that is required from you, your task, what you are doing here. With karma conjunct Amor, your task, your mission if you so want is to love each other, uncondtionally and "out of the box" in a rather unconventional way (Aquarius makes itself felt) mixed with the personal warmth of the Leo-axis. Not just because Sun-Venus-Mars in Leo, but as I said in a composite we are dealing actually with an axis (near and far midpoint are always on an axis. So the far midpoint of your Amor-Saturn would be in Leo anyway). Now what to do with the Saturn, right? It looks heavy, with the opposition to Venus (and to a lesser degree to Sun and Mars). It most probably IS heavy. But does it make an union impossible, forever unsatisfying and not able to manifest?
Actually I do not have an answer to that. Maybe yes. But I choose to believe this is not so. There are challenges definitely, but with the challenges comes the strengths as well. Besides my best friend and her husband have a pretty exact Saturn-Venus-square in their composite and they have been together for 14 years and still going strong. he is a Capricorn with Sun and ASC there and her 7th and 8th house is in Capricorn. They NEED Saturn, so this Saturn-square probably was fitting for them and welcome. however, of course the way they express their affection is a bit mroe on the calm supportive side, instead of wildly passionate. (but neither of them WANTED wildly passionate in the first place). What I think can happen with Saturn in such an aspect like in your composite is that the challenges seem insurmountable, but at the same time there is the feeling that it really is worth it, and the commitment, dedication, long breath and patience is there, fuelled by the love, as signified by Amor (hadn´t it been the case, my interpretation might have been a bit different. lol) Maybe I am still seeing it a bit to positive I don´t know. I probably would have preferred a Saturn-trine or even sextile to Venus, but you have to accept what you are being given, and a Saturn-Venus-connection whatever it is is a lot of karmic relationship-glue (karma not excluding the possibility of twinflames - as I said, my personal view right there). On top of that Sun is exactly square Valentine. I am not sure what to make of this, but probably it just adds even more loving spice to the union.
SOULMATE PAIRINGS No, you are right not that many. However I found that Pluto quintiles PROSERPINA very very exactly at only 0.03.
Now, how strong is a quintile? I am not sure yet, but I think more and mroe that it is important that there exists an aspect, and best an exact one, and the nature of the apsect will show how the people relate to each other. But for twinflames it doesn`t quite matter what the aspect is, though we need to be reasonable here, of course. would I count a 64th harmonic aspect? Heck, NO. OF COURSE NOT! But the quintile is a different case, it is a 5th harmonic aspect, and why do we use the 6th harmonic (sextile) but not the lower number? Why has it been left out? Anyway, it might not be as strong as the major aspects, though some claim it is, at least as strong as the sextile and the quinkunx, but it adds that quirky, unique, sparkly vibe to it. additional ------------- you have an absolute beautiful exact conjuncted trine in your composite. In Pisces and Scorpio. ISIS conjunct Chiron in Pisces exact, and both trine VALENTINE in Scorpio exact While of course the feminine can be suffering due to the depth of feelings (chiron in Pisces tied to Isis), there is also an unwavering emotional dedication right there, PLUS the blessing by a deeply intensely feeling loving Valentine. that is the power of love to heal emotional and spiritual wounds right there. I would have preferred for Osiris to be part of it, too, but you can`t have everything I guess. maybe it means that the emotional basis is there and brimming with love, but that it might not be easily expressed (the active Yang principle would need some masculine soulmate asteroid right there I suppose).
so much for the composite
Peryosonally I find your Davison to be much stronger actually.
the Sun-Venus-conjunction is still there, just in Aquarius, it is exact now and exactly quinkunx Pluto and trine ANGEL Attraction is still there, but maybe getting a bit more friendly than sensual, but still the Pluto-quinkunx adds a zing of intensity and Angel being very supportive SOULMATE PAIRINGS -------------------
You have two outstanding ones. Well, I find them outstanding. Pluto trine PROSERPINA exact! And Proserpina is on 9 Capricorn, which means that of course it has jsut been transited by Pluto, her soulmate. something MUST have shifted between you two, even if it is just simmering int he background or in your spiritual awareness for now. And then the other pairing is. SIVA conjunct KAALI at just one degree orb. I had already mentioned it, but did not notice how close in orb it was, and it is a conjunction. WOW! Can I have something of that? lol
That is definitely tantric soulmate-stuff right there. But personally I think it is more, Siva-Kaali (or Rudra-Kaali) might easily be the most energetic, electric couple of the soulmate asteroids (though Isis-osiris and Siva-Parvati might be more "loving" and patient). Siva-Kaali is more like a hurricane or whirlwind raging through your lives and not leaving one bit of it unchanged. SIVA is also conjunct Saturn and UNION- again, the karmic glue coming to the forefront. In Aquarius, too. how would you ever be able to let go? UNION has the Sabian: An Unexpected Thunderstorm Fitting for the Siva-Kaali-conjunction on the brink of Aquarius. KAALI herself is conjunct Mars, adding even mroe passion to the passionate union, though in Capricorn, very solid earthy passion, that will endure. Also the SIVA-KAALI-conjunction is quinkunx Uranus on REGULUS this is significant. Uranus on the star of Royalty. now Uranus doesn`t quite fit a royal theme, though having him there, very interesting. Who were you in a past life? Breaking up a royal tradition? Revolutionaries or kings? But however it might have been, there is more electricity flowing into your Siva-Kaali.
you also have a widish Amor-psyche-quinkunx. Well that is soulful to say the least. Maybe a bit see-sawing as the quinkunx can be, but it is a loving soulconnection.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 08:54 AM
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Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 14, 2014 10:05 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: BTW I love your Isis-Osiris-conjunction in the SR. We had something similiar last year, though since our birthdays are just one day apart the planetary positions are pretty much the same in every SR. angles of course differ. Though in our case even our ASC`s in the SR are conjunct (by 2 degrees), which is not a given, just because of the 1 day difference.
Interestingly this years composite SR DESC falls exactly onto the composite Moon - that should be interesting.
Solar Returns sure are fascinating ![]( Mine and Virgo's SR placements are also the same, but the Asc's and Vertices differ of course. For 2015/2016 SR (which is when our "depicted" meeting will occur), we both will have:
SR Venus at 14° Leo SR Mars at 14° Leo -conjunct my natal ASC 0° -conjunct his natal ANTI–VERTEX 0° -conjunct composite Moon 0° -conjunct composite Mars 0° My SR Asc will be at Virgo 8°59 ![](
(THAT IS THE EXACT DEGREE AND MINUTE OF HIS NATAL ASC!!!!!!) -conjunct my natal Sun 0° -opposite my natal Saturn 0° -conjunct his natal Sun-Asc 0° -conjunct composite Sun–Jupiter 0°-1° His SR Asc will be at 23° Scorpio
-conjunct my natal Pluto 2° -conjunct composite IC 3° His SR Moon will be at 16° Aries
-opposite his natal Venus 0° -opposite composite Venus 3° His SR Vertex will be at Cancer 5°
-conjunct my natal Moon 3° -conjunct his natal Jupiter 0° -opposite his natal Saturn 2° -conjunct composite SN 1° His SR MC will be at Virgo 14°
-conjunct his natal Sun/Moon mp 0° -conjunct my natal Chiron-Valentine 0°-1° Our SR NN will be at Libra 1° (conjunct our SR Valentine 2°)
-conjunct my natal Name-asteroid 0° -conjunct his natal Nickname-asteroid 0° ![]( -conjunct his natal Juno 0° -conjunct composite Mercury 0°
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Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 14, 2014 10:13 AM
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Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 14, 2014 10:40 AM
The SR asteroids are something else all together... Too freaky! Our SR Isis will be at 15° Virgo Our SR BML will be 15° Virgo (His SR MC will be at 14° Virgo)
-opposite my natal Osiris 0° -conjunct my natal Chiron 1° -conjunct his n. Sun/Moon mp 1° -conjunct his n. Mars 2° Our SR Rudra will be at 29° Gemini
-conjunct his natal Kaali 0°08 -opposite his natal Rudra 0° -opposite our natal Link-Link conjunction 1° -opposite his natal Uranus 1° -conjunct my natal Vesta 1° -conjunct my natal Angel 0° Our SR Juno will be at 23° Virgo (If I remember correctly I think iQ mentioned this was a TF sabian: "Mary and her Little Lamb") -conjunct our SR Osiris 3° -conjunct my natal Mercury 0° -conjunct his natal Valentine 0° -conjunct our natal Union-Union conjunction 0° Our SR Briede will be at 17° Taurus
-opposite his natal Groom 3° -conjunct his natal Briede 3° -conjunct his (my Name) 2° -conjunct my natal SN 0° -conjunct composite MC 2° Additional aspects: SR Jessie opposite my n. Magdalena 3° SR Magdalena square my n. Jessie 1° SR Jessie trine his n. Magdalena 0° SR Mary sextile his n. Jessie 1° SR Eros quincunx our n. Psyches 0° SR Persephone quincunx my n. Pluto 0° SR Pluto quincunx his n. Persephone 1° SR Kaali quincunx my n. Shankar 0° SR Ariadne quincunx my n. Dionysus 1 IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 14, 2014 10:42 AM
Dp. IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 14, 2014 10:43 AM
Dp. IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 14, 2014 10:44 AM
Dp. Sorry the site has been glitching again. ![]( IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 12:17 PM
LC,really strong interrelations there. ![]( your SR ASC on his natal ASC is just ![](
LOL As a matter of fact in 2015 SR my SR ASC will be conjunct his natal DESC with an orb of under half a degree. Seems, for both of us this might be interesting. Actually the year we first met his SR ASC was pretty near my natal ASC, but nowwhere as close (5 degree orb), actually it was cosely conjunct our first meeting chart ASC and my Neptune-NN-conjunction. lol
Well we DID meet, but apparently no relationship came out of this (at least not conventionally), maybe that was the big orb at play there. THAT year however his SR Moon was conjunct our composite SN (and my Chiron) exact. And his SR VEnus was conjunct our composite MC exactly.
his SR Mars (and my SR Mars) opposite my natal Venus. In MY SR however SR Moon was on 6 Aries on my natal IC, and making a T-square with SR Mars on 5 Cancer and natal Venus on 6 Cap - something he hasn`t been plagued with. lol
though for him SR Moon was opposite his natal Pluto, no clue what is better or more intense or less intense. Okay, SR Moon was also opposite my natal Pluto, but at 3 degrees, his was much closer!lol
For me, my SR ANtivertex was conjunct my AVX by 2 degrees, and SR VX conjunct my natal EROS by 2 degrees and natal Destinn exat.
For him his SR Vertex fell EXACTLY onto his natal Juno, opposing his natal Venus by 2 degrees.
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 01:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lavender CrystalSwan: Solar Returns sure are fascinating ![]( Mine and Virgo's SR placements are also the same, but the Asc's and Vertices differ of course. For 2015/2016 SR (which is when our "depicted" meeting will occur), we both will have:
SR Venus at 14° Leo SR Mars at 14° Leo -conjunct my natal ASC 0° -conjunct his natal ANTI–VERTEX 0° -conjunct composite Moon 0° -conjunct composite Mars 0° My SR Asc will be at Virgo 8°59 ![](
(THAT IS THE EXACT DEGREE AND MINUTE OF HIS NATAL ASC!!!!!!) -conjunct my natal Sun 0° -opposite my natal Saturn 0° -conjunct his natal Sun-Asc 0° -conjunct composite Sun–Jupiter 0°-1° His SR Asc will be at 23° Scorpio
-conjunct my natal Pluto 2° -conjunct composite IC 3° His SR Moon will be at 16° Aries
-opposite his natal Venus 0° -opposite composite Venus 3° His SR Vertex will be at Cancer 5°
-conjunct my natal Moon 3° -conjunct his natal Jupiter 0° -opposite his natal Saturn 2° -conjunct composite SN 1° His SR MC will be at Virgo 14°
-conjunct his natal Sun/Moon mp 0° -conjunct my natal Chiron-Valentine 0°-1° Our SR NN will be at Libra 1° (conjunct our SR Valentine 2°)
-conjunct my natal Name-asteroid 0° -conjunct his natal Nickname-asteroid 0° ![]( -conjunct his natal Juno 0° -conjunct composite Mercury 0°
Okay, I think I'm DEFINITELY involved here. You're going to come to LA, right? If it's the summer of 2015, we'll be shooting. Least, that's the plan. I'll (hopefully!) be in the second season of my first project, and shooting the pilot for LACHESIS. So, if you ARE ... Your SR-ASC is 0°20 off my N-VENUS. AND ... His SR-ASC is 1° off my N-MOON-URA. Is your N-GEO-PLUTO really near 25° SCO? If so, that might explain our initial rawr'ing, Lavender. It'd be right on my MOON. My MOON takes issue with PLUTO being that close - at first. 😉 IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 01:12 PM
Oh, Ceri. Forgot to mention. His UNION is GEO-TROP? 29° LIB 33' So, there's that. ![]( IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 01:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Oh, Ceri. Forgot to mention. His UNION is GEO-TROP? 29° LIB 33' So, there's that. ![](
LOL Mr SAg`s Union 29° LIB 28` Maybe THEY are the soulmates. ![](
My own unionis at 29.50 Libra
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 01:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae:
Is your N-GEO-PLUTO really near 25° SCO? If so, that might explain our initial rawr'ing, Lavender. It'd be right on my MOON. My MOON takes issue with PLUTO being that close - at first. 😉
And I suppose I will then love you from afar, from my dreams or the astral realm. My VALENTINE is on 27.32 Scorpio deep in 12th house. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 02:48 PM
I notice that three of us have ALMA conjunct JUNO in some variation of a relationship chart. Michelle and Jace: --------------------
tropical Davison: JUNO 13.54 Aries ALMA 13.31 Aries (On the Kundalini degree nevertheless ). Indigo and Fata ------------------ tropical composite: JUNO 6.09 Libra ALMA 6.07 Libra more widely in helio composite. JUNO 23.10 Virgo ALMA 20.26 Virgo
(Juno being on the degree that is a veiled reference to twinflames) Mr Sag and me: ---------------- tropical composite: JUNO on 22. 19 Taurus ALMA 20.00 Taurus helio composite: JUNO 29.11 Taurus ALMA 29.23 Taurus
in our case falling onto ALCYONE/ PLEIADES I am getting suspicious here, how much of a coincidence can that be? Checking my parents chart:
tropical DAvison: JUNO 17,57 Scorpio ALMA 17.30 Scorpio
![]( Wow! my friend and her twin: No Alma - Juno, but
helio composite: JUNO 6.29 Virgo Pluto 6.19 Virgo
Paul Newman and JOanne Woodward:
tropical composite JUNO 28.20 Sag ALMA 26.17 Sag - on GC
YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! Johnny Cash - June Carter
helio Davison. JUNO 19.05 Aquarius ALMA 20.41 Aquarius I think I am going to officially pass out now. LOL
NO, I am not saying EVERYone has to have it, but the fact that all these have this tight conjunction there, it seems significant,d oesn`t it? IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 14, 2014 02:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: LC,really strong interrelations there. ![]( your SR ASC on his natal ASC is just ![](
LOL As a matter of fact in 2015 SR my SR ASC will be conjunct his natal DESC with an orb of under half a degree. Seems, for both of us this might be interesting. Actually the year we first met his SR ASC was pretty near my natal ASC, but nowwhere as close (5 degree orb), actually it was cosely conjunct our first meeting chart ASC and my Neptune-NN-conjunction. lol
Well we DID meet, but apparently no relationship came out of this (at least not conventionally), maybe that was the big orb at play there. THAT year however his SR Moon was conjunct our composite SN (and my Chiron) exact. And his SR VEnus was conjunct our composite MC exactly.
his SR Mars (and my SR Mars) opposite my natal Venus. In MY SR however SR Moon was on 6 Aries on my natal IC, and making a T-square with SR Mars on 5 Cancer and natal Venus on 6 Cap - something he hasn`t been plagued with. lol
though for him SR Moon was opposite his natal Pluto, no clue what is better or more intense or less intense. Okay, SR Moon was also opposite my natal Pluto, but at 3 degrees, his was much closer!lol
For me, my SR ANtivertex was conjunct my AVX by 2 degrees, and SR VX conjunct my natal EROS by 2 degrees and natal Destinn exat.
For him his SR Vertex fell EXACTLY onto his natal Juno, opposing his natal Venus by 2 degrees.
Wow love your aspects! And I love that they are mutual as well, so see its not really one-sided at all hehe When I first become aware of him in 2008, it was mostly my natal that was triggered by our SRs. Though we did have my SR Moon conjunct his n. Sun/Moon mp lol. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 12705 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 03:02 PM
You know what I find totally incredible?That for so many of us the year 2008 seemed to prove pivotal. It was the year of my first meeting wiht Mr SAg Indigo mentioned the year, you did so. What was it about that year? What made it a turning point for us?
I remember that there was a Chiron-Neptune-NN-conjunction in the transits (in about 20 Aquarius, at least when I met Mr SAg).
Uranus must have been around 23 Pisces Pluto - oh D`OH *slaps head* - Pluto was just leaving the GC (!) and transiting over 00 Capricorn, the Aries point. Actualy our first meeting chart has a one degree conjunction of Moon and Pluto on 0 and 1 Cap. lol Of ocurse it also means that when Pluto reached 3-4 Capricorn, it was on the solstice point of GC. You think that might have figured in, on a general way? IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 14, 2014 03:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Okay, I think I'm DEFINITELY involved here. You're going to come to LA, right? If it's the summer of 2015, we'll be shooting. Least, that's the plan. I'll (hopefully!) be in the second season of my first project, and shooting the pilot for LACHESIS. So, if you ARE ... Your SR-ASC is 0°20 off my N-VENUS. AND ... His SR-ASC is 1° off my N-MOON-URA. Is your N-GEO-PLUTO really near 25° SCO? If so, that might explain our initial rawr'ing, Lavender. It'd be right on my MOON. My MOON takes issue with PLUTO being that close - at first. 😉
Summer of 2015 is when I'll be finished with college, so moving after that is the plan lol. Haha that's so cool ![]( Maybe our meeting is destined as well LOL Yes, my natal Pluto is at Scorpio 25°28 My Draco Mars is pretty close as wel loll: Scorpio 22°10 Though my Draco Moon a tad too far: Scorpio 20°38 As well as His Draco Venus: Scorpio 20°52
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IndigoDirae Moderator Posts: 2450 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 14, 2014 03:12 PM
So, my mother read the email (since I forwarded it to her right after; it's technically been sent, you see, just not to him ... :laughing . It affected her very deeply. I mean, after all, he's her son-in-law in another dimension. Those sorts of things might not matter to most people - but they do to her. ![]( 'I awoke with the Phil Collins song, 'Separate Lives', going like crazy in my brain ... and I thought about everything going on between you two ... really, so many lines from so many songs I've been hearing are very applicable. You open your heart to him, he lets you in ... somewhat ... then rants and shuts you out again, repeating the same patterns over and over.' It prompted me to search for that particular song, which she knows I used to duet - until my partner got big in Portuguese pop. But then the site lost rights to the track, so, no harm no foul. It's back today .... And, I just happened to notice, upon saving the file - it was recorded at 11:11. Well. Okay, then. I didn't SEE 11:11. I saw 11:12 - as usual, since, well iQ's email. (Or 12:34. I ALWAYS get that.) But I saw right there on the file, 14:11 EDT - which is 11:11 here. So. Here you go. We've all felt this one. ![]( Always a single-take, never any Autotune. ;p IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 1161 From: Vancouver, BC, Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted March 14, 2014 03:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: You know what I find totally incredible?That for so many of us the year 2008 seemed to prove pivotal. It was the year of my first meeting wiht Mr SAg Indigo mentioned the year, you did so. What was it about that year? What made it a turning point for us?
I remember that there was a Chiron-Neptune-NN-conjunction in the transits (in about 20 Aquarius, at least when I met Mr SAg).
Uranus must have been around 23 Pisces Pluto - oh D`OH *slaps head* - Pluto was just leaving the GC (!) and transiting over 00 Capricorn, the Aries point. Actualy our first meeting chart has a one degree conjunction of Moon and Pluto on 0 and 1 Cap. lol Of ocurse it also means that when Pluto reached 3-4 Capricorn, it was on the solstice point of GC. You think that might have figured in, on a general way?
Lol definitely! Plus Saturn was going over both our Suns, his Asc, and opposing my Saturn as well. Tr. Pluto was just 3° off my natal Vertex, and approaching his n. Uranus 1° The time I "saw" him, Mars was just opposite the GC as well 0°!!! IP: Logged | |