Topic: Moon quintile mars in synastry?
next to neptune Knowflake Posts: 910 From: Mercury Registered: Aug 2013
posted February 16, 2014 01:37 PM
Is this aspect an indicator of physical attraction and sex, and at how high a level compared to the normal aspect?  IP: Logged |
arcturiann Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Titan Registered: Jun 2013
posted February 16, 2014 03:43 PM
It's hard to say with minor aspects but i'll give you my opinion since I have this one natally at 0 deg. I think this aspect could play out in synastry in a way where you guys are like very friendly competitors together lol. Like it makes you really get creative and have fun with it, could manifest through spirited debates, games, sports, physical activities, maybe sex? lol. I've heard of quintiles in synastry being called the "best friend aspect" and i'd have to agree from experience as it can generate a lot of creative fun. I imagine it could be an indicator of physical attraction as with sex I could imagine the two getting really creative/fun with it and my opinion is that it would a good aspect for that but whether it leads to attraction for both parties probably relies on the context of the natal chat  I'd say without other strong or flowing aspects though the quintile energy might end up overlooked as the quintile tends to be very subtle effect and not enough to override negative aspects alone. IP: Logged |
next to neptune Knowflake Posts: 910 From: Mercury Registered: Aug 2013
posted February 16, 2014 03:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by arcturiann: It's hard to say with minor aspects but i'll give you my opinion since I have this one natally at 0 deg. I think this aspect could play out in synastry in a way where you guys are like very friendly and competitors together lol. Like it makes you really get creative and have fun with it (competing). I've heard of quintiles in synastry being called the "best friend aspect" and i'd have to agree from experience. I imagine it could be an indicator of physical attraction as with sex I could imagine the two getting really creative/fun with it and my opinion is that it would a good aspect for that but whether it leads to attraction for both parties probably relies on the context of the natal chat 
Nice interpretation, actually it's right on the spot! We love playing games together, but there is no hard feelings if the other wins…it only makes it more fun when there is a ping-pong! But what do you mean with the context of the natal chart? Our mars aspect? IP: Logged |
arcturiann Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Titan Registered: Jun 2013
posted February 16, 2014 03:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by next to neptune: Nice interpretation, actually it's right on the spot! We love playing games together, but there is no hard feelings if the other wins…it only makes it more fun when there is a ping-pong!But what do you mean with the context of the natal chart? Our mars aspect?
Yes that is exactly it lol, friendly and fun competition rather than like the domineering kind as with the square, or the competitive spirit being sublimated or smoothed off as with the trine/sextile. and Oops im always editing my post, but I just never like to say definitive things on one aspect alone since synastry is very complex, when I say in the context of the natal chart its like im thinking "well there is good fun, friendly competitiveness between them but is that what person A or B is attracted to in a partner" but you know, its hard to say anyone couldnt be attracted by the quintile aspects, at least in my opinion synastry with lots of quintiles are irresistible to me because of the creative vibes, however it can often end up more like a sibling-like friendlyness or best friend rather than romantic attraction. But like I mentioned in my edit, the quintile alone is not enough to override the effects of negative aspects and without a few other positive flowing aspect in the synastry it could end up overlooked.
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next to neptune Knowflake Posts: 910 From: Mercury Registered: Aug 2013
posted February 16, 2014 04:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by arcturiann: Yes that is exactly it lol, friendly and fun competition rather than like the domineering kind as with the square, or the competitive spirit being sublimated or smoothed off as with the trine/sextile. and Oops im always editing my post, but I just never like to say definitive things on one aspect alone since synastry is very complex, when I say in the context of the natal chart its like im thinking "well there is good fun, friendly competitiveness between them but is that what person A or B is attracted to in a partner" but you know, its hard to say anyone couldnt be attracted by the quintile aspects, at least in my opinion synastry with lots of quintiles are irresistible to me because of the creative vibes, however it can often end up more like a sibling-like friendlyness or best friend rather than romantic attraction. But like I mentioned in my edit, the quintile alone is not enough to override the effects of negative aspects and without a few other positive flowing aspect in the synastry it could end up overlooked.
Yeah I see what you mean… sometimes we cannot take anything serious, because everything seems to be fun. I think our synastry is around 50% bad aspects and 50% really good aspects. We do got most of those aspects that is said to form a long-term relationship like sun-saturn, moon-venus, venus-mars and sun-venus. But I just read somewhere that moon-mars aspect is a great aspect for physical attraction? IP: Logged |
Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 744 From: Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted February 16, 2014 06:01 PM
Arcturiann,I love your descriptions!  I have it with someone in synastry too and your interpretation was spot on!  We are both very artistic and creative, and yes there is plenty of romantic/physical attraction with an added spiritual element. Its a very joyful, fun and suppotive energy, I would take the quintile over the trine/sextile any day!  BTW, How do you think Moon quintile Moon would play out?
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next to neptune Knowflake Posts: 910 From: Mercury Registered: Aug 2013
posted February 16, 2014 06:08 PM
But how can this aspect MAKE people creative? Me and my s.o were both creative to begin with I think…he is drawing more like cartoons, and I'm studying a creative subject…and now we have found a way to bring those things together and have fun with making art:P So I think this description was very spot on too, but maybe so much that it could also just be a coincidenceIP: Logged |
arcturiann Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Titan Registered: Jun 2013
posted February 16, 2014 07:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by next to neptune: But how can this aspect MAKE people creative? Me and my s.o were both creative to begin with I think…he is drawing more like cartoons, and I'm studying a creative subject…and now we have found a way to bring those things together and have fun with making art:P So I think this description was very spot on too, but maybe so much that it could also just be a coincidence
Well I didn't really mean it as creative in a literal arts and music sense, but creative exchange between two people as creativity can apply to all different situations and subjects than just the arts, it is hard to describe sometimes, but I will paste what I wrote on quintile synastry aspects from another thread. "Now that I have begun to recognize the energy of a quintile, I notice how it seems to play out in synastry. I remember once reading it being described as the "best friend aspect", and im inclined to agree with this based off of my comparisons. Its like you have those friends that you get along with great but then you have those friends who you not only get along with, but somehow gel with in such a way that takes it to some other level, those friends who together you can be extremely silly with or make the funniest jokes, or come up with the best ideas together, people who soar you to new heights through creative interchange is what I feel in the quintile between people." I also think that people who are creative by nature or who have a lot of quintiles natally will notice it easier and appreciate and enjoy it in synastry even more  IP: Logged |
arcturiann Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Titan Registered: Jun 2013
posted February 16, 2014 07:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lavender CrystalSwan: Arcturiann,I love your descriptions!  I have it with someone in synastry too and your interpretation was spot on!  We are both very artistic and creative, and yes there is plenty of romantic/physical attraction with an added spiritual element. Its a very joyful, funl and suppotive energy, I would take the quintile over the trine/sextile any day!  BTW, How do you think Moon quintile Moon would play out?
Thanks! The moon-moon quintile is harder to describe for me since I don't have it natally but I am currently experiencing this aspect with someone and it feels like the two of us are just very in tune with eachothers emotions like how you said in a fun, joyful and supportive way. It almost feels to me like as if I knew the other person from childhood or like they were a close friend, parent, or sibling... like you know how you have those friends or cousins that you grew up with and they just know you so well and you get along with them in such a warm but fun way? for me that is what I feel in the moon-moon quintile with this person, like its not so jarring like a square but its not so soft like trine.. which is what I absolutely love about quintiles, they bring a little spice to the relationship and are those quirky aspects that really make things unique. It's like if your conjunctions, oppositions, trines squares and sextiles were the bread and butter, the meat and potatoes of the dish or the main elements, the minor aspects and the quintile in particular would be like those extra elements that makes the dish unique and stand out as something really special, that spice or unique flavor that you just cant replicate 
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Lavender CrystalSwan Knowflake Posts: 744 From: Canada Registered: Sep 2013
posted February 16, 2014 08:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by arcturiann: it feels like the two of us are just very in tune with eachothers emotions like how you said in a fun, joyful and supportive way. It almost feels to me like as if I knew the other person from childhood or like they were a close friend, parent, or sibling... like you know how you have those friends or cousins that you grew up with and they just know you so well and you get along with them in such a warm but fun way? for me that is what I feel in the moon-moon quintile with this person
Yes, that is exactly how it feels for me too! The familiarity and closeness was apparent right from the start. Upon seeing him for the first time, I just felt very comforted, at ease, and happy–like I was home. My initial thought of this person was "I know him!" Lol. It was like recognizing an old best friend after years and years apart. I just knew we'd along and be close. The connection feels very natural, uplifting, and euphoric overall. I care and feel very deeply for him. There's a feeling of being like family, yet it feels very magnetic and erotic at the same time LOL. There's a strong psychic/spiritual bond present as well. And I loved your food analogy of the septile lol!  Great way to describe it. IP: Logged |
next to neptune Knowflake Posts: 910 From: Mercury Registered: Aug 2013
posted February 17, 2014 11:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by arcturiann: Well I didn't really mean it as creative in a literal arts and music sense, but creative exchange between two people as creativity can apply to all different situations and subjects than just the arts, it is hard to describe sometimes, but I will paste what I wrote on quintile synastry aspects from another thread."Now that I have begun to recognize the energy of a quintile, I notice how it seems to play out in synastry. I remember once reading it being described as the "best friend aspect", and im inclined to agree with this based off of my comparisons. Its like you have those friends that you get along with great but then you have those friends who you not only get along with, but somehow gel with in such a way that takes it to some other level, those friends who together you can be extremely silly with or make the funniest jokes, or come up with the best ideas together, people who soar you to new heights through creative interchange is what I feel in the quintile between people." I also think that people who are creative by nature or who have a lot of quintiles natally will notice it easier and appreciate and enjoy it in synastry even more 
It's kinda scary!:P If I interpret our synastry chart and composite it's like I have found my soulmate…it's scary to think that way, but I really do care a lot about him in a way that is very hard to explain… even though we are just gonna be friend someday it would be okay because we just go on so well with each other, I don't really mind  IP: Logged | |