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  Does venus go gaga over the ascendant person in synastry?

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Author Topic:   Does venus go gaga over the ascendant person in synastry?

Posts: 289
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posted March 05, 2014 05:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AnastasiyaEnchanted     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If a guys venus conjuncts a girls ascendant, does it mean that he finds her absolutely beautiful? Would you say its one of the strongest attraction aspects two people can have? Any experiences here are more than welcome.

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posted March 05, 2014 05:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for magicspells     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have this with a colleague, me being the scorp asc and he the scorp venus

Im 100% sure he finds me attractive but 'absolutely beautiful'..... Im not quite sure about that and I would never ask him. Would love to know too anyone on the venus side of this synastry!!

Another strong attraction point I know of is venus conjunct mars which is another aspect i have with this person (in the sign of libra) .. It's a 6 degree orb, but its there

We have a lot of node stuff going on as well, too bad our moons are square (aqua and taurus)... that CAN be something you can't move past

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Doux Rêve

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posted March 05, 2014 05:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Doux Rêve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah, you could say that (generally speaking).

I think the potential problem with this one is that the appearance of the ASC person becomes too important compared to other aspects of their personality. Like the Venus person could be too fixated on the body/looks of the ASC person, not really acknowledging their deeper traits. And if something happens to the ASC person that modifies their appearance, that could really upset the Venus person (like if they put on some weight or change their hairstyle, or the way they dress and so on).

I see this aspect as pretty superficial, but it's definitely a plus when it's manifested positively - there can be lots of tenderness and affection between those two, unless the Venus is afflicted by a "cold" planet natally (Saturn, Uranus) in which case, the ASC person could feel insecure because of the way the Venus person sees them / relates to them.

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posted March 05, 2014 06:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for magicspells     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@Doux Reve Just wondering your opinion
If the man has Taurus Moon Opposite Scorpio Venus conjunct Saturn in the 8th house ....
and this is being activated by the woman's Scorpio Ascendant on this (ALL THIS HAPPENING WITHIN TIGHT ORB)
What could the man's feelings be just based on this?

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posted March 05, 2014 06:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for summerlite     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If his venus conjuncts her ASC, his moon should be on his DSC. Feelings would be stronger than just venus conjunct ASC alone.

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Doux Rêve

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posted March 05, 2014 07:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Doux Rêve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ Yup, his Moon would be on her DSC.
That's a good aspect to have in synastry, the Moon person is usually responsive to the DSC person's relationship needs (but here it's more complicated because his Moon is opposed by Venus/Saturn, so he may be indecisive / insecure).

The fact that Saturn and the 8H are in the mix makes me think that he's not indifferent at all. Is he kinda shy or withdrawn around you?
I think these connections are pretty significant but complex as well.
Depends on how he handles his natal Moon opp. Venus/Saturn... You'll (or are already) definitely be affected by his behavior (since your ASC and DSC are involved). He could feel intimidated by you maybe (8H).

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posted March 05, 2014 07:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for magicspells     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah 'withdrawn' is one word for it. I do feel he is probably intimidated which is funny cause I have zero experience in relationships
Our relationship or 'friendship' is actually really complicated now that I think about it. He is 9 years older than me, is in a committed relationship (which he says is also complicated) and to top it off..... he's my boss... LOL!! It's like we dance around being attracted and repulsed, employee-employer, sister-brother, student-teacher and then there's the whole romantic notion in the mix.. We have a lot of other crazy sh*t like his venus/mars/saturn/pluto in my 12th and his sun/jupiter/mc/neptune on my north node. Throw in a whole bunch of squares from outer planets to inner. Karmic to say the least and I have no idea how to feel. Thanks dr, might actually make a thread on our wheel at a later date

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Doux Rêve

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posted March 05, 2014 07:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Doux Rêve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ahh, that makes a lot of sense, magicspells.
The 12H thing never fails (an element of secrecy).
And the 8H could be representative of his conflicted feelings towards you (since he's already taken). Mhm...

Good luck with that one, hope you don't get yourself into an unpleasant situation! (although, may be too late for that, lol)

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posted March 05, 2014 07:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Venusincap89     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah I have Leo Asc
and every girl I bump into is venus in leo
Venus in leo has high expectations so they don't necessarily stay attracted to me for too long
but venus in leo girls often make a first move on me

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posted March 05, 2014 08:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for starmoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i think you have it quite right. with venus on the ASC (for either sex), it's almost as if your ideal human being (looks only) has sprouted to life. it overshadows everything to the point you just find the person physically attractive and can't see beyond that. it's extremely ego-boosting for the ASC person because the venus can be really lavish with attention (about how the person looks, is so beautiful, etc.). it's interesting, because in my experiences even 'cold' or more 'reserved' venus signs seem to heat up right away with this aspect; it can take away the reserved nature some venus signs may have. it's 100%++ an attraction aspect from the venus person and the ASC will happily receive it, but not reciprocate it, they are receptive and happy to be adored. it's very good for attraction, but it's not a lasting aspect imo, because it's based solely on the looks for just one partner, and when other aspects come to light it can easily crumble.

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posted March 05, 2014 10:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mango     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My daughters Venus is on my ascendant and mine is on hers we love each other a lot ., )

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posted March 05, 2014 10:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NeptunianSag     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I had this, I am libra asc, he had libra Venus. But his Venus was afflicted by Neptune and Uranus, I was upset when he saw my imperfections. I think he ended the relationship for that reason, although he's obviously not going to tell me.

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