Topic: Cradle in an Astrological Chart?
AllanBeau Knowflake Posts: 42 From: Registered: May 2012
posted March 11, 2014 12:28 AM
So you can see the third cradle better.... Hello, I hope I am posting this in the right thread!!! I was wondering what effects does a cradle have in a chart? I notice that I got 3 of them in my chart. One is .... Sun 2 Cancer, Moon 5 Virgo, Pluto 2 Scorpio, Neptune 2 Capricorn The other ... Venus 16 Taurus, Mercury 19 Cancer, Ascendant 20 Virgo, Saturn 22 Scorpio And lastly... Sun 2 Cancer, Venus 16 Taurus, Neptune 2 Capricorn, Jupiter 16 Aquarius The last one is 2 Semi-squares, 2 Sesqui-squares, 1 Opposition, 1 Square Yes I know the last one isn't your traditional: 3 Sextiles 2 Trines 1 Opposition but the same amount of aspects and same geometrical shape. It makes this weird patern with the first one. What could this mean? Would love to read what others have to say. Maybe one in your own chart? Thanks... Allan IP: Logged |
arcturiann Knowflake Posts: 684 From: Titan Registered: Jun 2013
posted March 11, 2014 12:35 AM
I've read that the cradle or bundle configuration in charts points to talent and ease in ones life and i tend to see the configuration in charts of talented people, HOWEVER, they say that these people tend to use their talents as sort of an escape from dealing with other difficulties in life. I can't exactly tell what all aspects are in your chart because i'm not used to reading that format ( has a nice one!), but I do have a cradle in my own chart and at the bottom of it there is a T square. The cradle provides somewhat of a release from the Tsquare it seems or rather a means to deal with the T square energy, it seems more like the T square forces me to apply my cradle talents to constructive use through difficulties and challanges in my life. This configuration of a cradle on top of a T square is also known as a Skull cap. IP: Logged |
AllanBeau Knowflake Posts: 42 From: Registered: May 2012
posted March 11, 2014 12:58 AM
I didn't realize I had a copy of in my photobucket...It might be eaiser to see. Thank you so much! I do feel quite talented but I do live quite a backwards life XD Skull Cap you say...intresting IP: Logged |
arcturiann Knowflake Posts: 684 From: Titan Registered: Jun 2013
posted March 11, 2014 01:45 AM
Okay, now I remember how it goes, its the opposition within the cradle that becomes the challenge, in this case it is the opposition between your sun (and mars loosely) with neptune. They say people with a cradle may tend to escape the tension of the opposition through the trines and the sextiles, which in this case are made to your pluto and moon, im wondering if this leads to some interesting dream world happenings since the moon is in 12th here.There is also a t square in your chart with jupiter at the apex making a loose square to saturn and a square to venus, while it isnt connected to the cradle it is also connected to a "wedge" where mercury takes some of the tension off from the t square. I guess my advice from here is first to look up "Sun opposite neptune" and then sun in 10th house, neptune in 4th house to understand the main dynamic that is holding up the cradle, and see if you are facing this aspect of yourself and come to terms with it. For example I dated a guy for a couple years whose chart primarily was made up of a cradle where the opposition was between uranus in the 1st and jupiter in the 7th. The problem here was that he really was an erratic and unpredictable person that seemed to conflict with his positive relationships with other people. He yearned for intellectual relationships with positive people but his propensity for drugs, alcohol and an eccentric lifestyle got in his way of that, but because he is such a talented person who seems to have an ease in life where things seem to be handed to him easily, he's never really had to face that struggle and deal with it head on, he's always been able to just slide by in life with the help of other people, other peoples finances and his charm and ability to persuade (mars/mercury in 8th and pluto in 11th as trine/sextiles in cradle) In another example, in my chart the opposition is between saturn in the 1st and jupiter in the 7th. Similarly, I want these positive and expansive relationships with people, but my insecurity in myself and my rigidity and self disciplined nature keeps me from fully enjoying what I could be. With both of these planets making a square to my mars in the 3rd house my energy and drive is affected, where I have a lot of pent up frustrated energy which then finds its expression in the area opposite of the tsquare, where the cradle is formed through metaphysical studies (moon in 8th) and through career (pluto in 10th). The cradle also seems to help provide a means of constructive use of the 3rd house mars energy, where the creative talents of the cradle manifest through communications and writing, through which I am very active in, and so there is an interplay here of energies of which you can delineate the purpose and effect of each one. For you I wouldnt want to write anything so general when I don't know you, so my advice is just to study each of the planetary placements in your chart, and be aware of the aspects that they make to eachother, study those and examine how they might appear in your life and be aware of the interplay and exchange of energies going on here. Looking at the chart and understanding what the lines and symbols mean will help a lot in doing this. Good luck. IP: Logged |
AllanBeau Knowflake Posts: 42 From: Registered: May 2012
posted March 11, 2014 06:19 AM
Thanks for that wonderful response...Sorry about responding to you late because you deserve a good answer! Just cause its Saturn Return time...I'm going to be honest with you. I dunno I kind of am like your ex in a lot of retrospects. I've spent quite a bit of time in jail and a few trips to the mental ward over the years. Anytime I get arrested it seems that everybody loves me to death in jail, as I become the "Pod Mother" lol seriously. I would help the guys with their cases, give them emotional support such as helping them with their relationship with their woman....Um help them find God cause you know he likes to hide behind bars XD Dance and sing, and play cards, even teach math to the guys. I have helped a lot of people put themselves into rehab and people seem to tell me all their traumatic stories. I kind of don't understand why people feel so comfortable or compelled to tell me about their dark stories of childhood abuse and molestation. A part of me is fearless... Its not to be different, its just my intensity gudge is broken, I can't ever tell. Everything seems normal to me. Others seem to point it out to me are you always this intense Allan? A part of me feels so alienated from normal life in general, that regardless how much I try to be like anybody else... I just can't be. I was abusing drugs for years, knew every drug dealer, criminal in town. People would scream my name out of hotel rooms when I would walk on by lol Big guys with sexy six packs would just run up to me and give me *GREAT* Big hugs, that intimated the rest of the gay guys in town lol they were terrified of me from some of the people that were part of my crew. I grew up in Detroit, its in my genes to be a tough cookie. Nobody ever picked on me ever in my life. I never had a bully before ever, its strange. Almost all my childhood friends are a different skin color then me. My parents never did drugs, tho my dad did three tours of Vietnam so of course he wasn't all there in the head.... tho the guy is a genius, just got his last degree in Surveying at 62. He got so many degrees but yet lacks common sense or I should say just spaces **** out. Even tho this story might sound a bit screwy and Ill amit I'm space cadet to the core, my life has been great so far. Has came with many experiences. I didn't have the traumatic brought up. Never once have I ever had a thought about suicide. I don't know many people who can say they actually enjoy their own company. Then there's a really soft side of me. Like I'm retardedly good with children. My friend is begging me to come help her raise her kid...She blackmails me with photos of her and her baby and says "Where's Uncle Allan"? I cook for everybody and love making people laugh. Its my gift...If I had a theme song to my life it would be Good Times. I can relate to the oppressed and want to uplift the lower class. I believe in social equality. I am the captain that sinks with his ship. I will walk with you through your trials in life and I promise I won't let go of your hand. I respect the social workers ethic...I cannot tell a person whats right and whats wrong, as they know themselves the best, I can only encourage them to do better. I don't feel as though its my right to try to fix people when a lot of times they just need an open ear and a shoulder to lean on. Psychology is boring to me... I see nothing healthy at looking at people like they have some sort of dis-ease and need to be cured of their illness. Every time I ever been to the mental ward they are just shocked on how my mind works. I get told all the time that I am a very unique thinker. I see things different then people, always have...Blame that on being left-handed. One time I was even offered a job by a group home cause how well I related to others while being a patient in a mental ward. I dunno people really open themselves to me without even trying. I can get anybody to open up as long as their in my presence. I was getting the crazy people to interact with me who wouldn't for anybody else. I dunno...Im a walking contradiction. So this is just the summery of an example of the cradle in play looking at it from your perspective. The stage of Sun opposed Neptune, with the support of Pluto and Moon. Everybody says I got such a good heart lol I'll pick myself up turn the world on its head....And if I fly or if I fall at least I can say I gave it all. IP: Logged |
Comatoes Knowflake Posts: 441 From: Registered: Jan 2014
posted March 11, 2014 06:45 AM
I have a cradle in my chart, just make sure you aren't taking care of everybody else, and not working on your own aspirations.The cradle also can mean a person who doesn't want to grow-up, stay in infancy, and not be a self-starter -- they want to only stay with the familiar. Sometimes people will even try to control you and keep you in an "infant state". Metaphorically a cradle rocks back and forth, your life can also be similar -- wavering from one talent to another. The sextiles can help you focus. This is also called a Fortress pattern, so it can be strong, but it can be too strong for its own good, shutting out opportunity. People need to break away, and start using the 2 talent triangles on the ends, they are telling you to branch out and explore. Start working on the opposition as soon as possible, as it's the more contradictory and will cause hesitation, and possibly trip you up. I have Saturn opposite Neptune, and let me say, this aspect sucks... IP: Logged |
AllanBeau Knowflake Posts: 42 From: Registered: May 2012
posted March 11, 2014 07:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by Comatoes: I have a cradle in my chart, just make sure you aren't taking care of everybody else, and not working on your own aspirations.The cradle also can mean a person who doesn't want to grow-up, stay in infancy, and not be a self-starter -- they want to only stay with the familiar. Sometimes people will even try to control you and keep you in an "infant state". Metaphorically a cradle rocks back and forth, your life can also be similar -- wavering from one talent to another. The sextiles can help you focus. This is also called a Fortress pattern, so it can be strong, but it can be too strong for its own good, shutting out opportunity. People need to break away, and start using the 2 talent triangles on the ends, they are telling you to branch out and explore. Start working on the opposition as soon as possible, as it's the more contradictory and will cause hesitation, and possibly trip you up. I have Saturn opposite Neptune, and let me say, this aspect sucks...
Awe sorry to hear that you don't like your opposition. I love mine...Wouldn't want it any other way. My chart is pretty much a chart of opposition energy. 5 planets on top, 5 on the bottom. 5 on top are all inner planets direct and 5 planets on the bottom are all outer planets retrograde lol I am a master of the teeder-todder :P Except for Saturn and Venus...Every planet is in its opposite signs house. You get used to it lol Intresting imput I do forget my own needs sometimes. I don't want to grow up tho. I am fine with being a kid. I was an adult growing up so hard on myself with the Saturn opposed Venus. IP: Logged |
arcturiann Knowflake Posts: 684 From: Titan Registered: Jun 2013
posted March 11, 2014 02:32 PM
You know, your story actually reminds me more of myself lmao. Our cradle is actually very similar.. although we were born 5 years apart, I have uranus and neptune (loosely) in opposition to my sun, its hard to tell which opposition is part of my cradle here because there seems to be a few of them layered together, my mars t-square is connected to the one between saturn and jupiter though.Chart: So we are both cancer suns opposite neptune, with virgo moons that are sextile pluto and trine neptune! Nice to meet you  I've been to a psych ward a couple times in my life, and everytime I went I seriously had the greatest time, I became friends with practically everyone there each time I went, from the patients to the nurses and the doctors, I even got the old grumpy lady who wont talk to anybody to smile and talk to me by making her a snow globe out of rose petals and a shampoo bottle :3. I always felt like I had changed many peoples lives while there, almost like an angelina jolie in girl interrupted except without ulterior motives lmao. I think it is the pluto sextile and neptune trine to our virgo moons that makes us such natural caretakers (along with being a cancer sun). Pluto sextile makes it very easy for people to kind of feel safe with us which is probably why people feel comfortable telling you traumatic stories, people with good pluto-moon aspects and evolved scorpio moons often give off this sense of like "been through it all" or that we could handle anything emotionally which people can sense and find us to be good shoulders to lean on because of it. They know we wont flip out or look at them weird and stop talking to them if they told us something strange and traumatic about their life, because we been through and seen a lot and it would be hard to shock us. As for my ex, him, his parents and everyone tell me that if it weren't for me he would be back in jail or dead and that I had saved his life. I really didn't mean to lol, since I never really had any plans of "changing" him when we started dating because I loved him for who/what he was, but because of his love for me he got two jobs and started going to school. I seem to have this effect on people, like you, where we can be extremely positive influences on peoples lives, and I think it is part of the virgo-cancer combination that makes us understand others so well and able to be of service to them if we need to be, with pluto providing the transformative element and neptune providing compassion. IP: Logged |
sassaqua Knowflake Posts: 1074 From: Oz Registered: May 2011
posted December 02, 2022 10:23 PM
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sassaqua Knowflake Posts: 1074 From: Oz Registered: May 2011
posted December 02, 2022 10:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by Comatoes: I have a cradle in my chart, just make sure you aren't taking care of everybody else, and not working on your own aspirations.The cradle also can mean a person who doesn't want to grow-up, stay in infancy, and not be a self-starter -- they want to only stay with the familiar. Sometimes people will even try to control you and keep you in an "infant state". Metaphorically a cradle rocks back and forth, your life can also be similar -- wavering from one talent to another. The sextiles can help you focus. This is also called a Fortress pattern, so it can be strong, but it can be too strong for its own good, shutting out opportunity. People need to break away, and start using the 2 talent triangles on the ends, they are telling you to branch out and explore. Start working on the opposition as soon as possible, as it's the more contradictory and will cause hesitation, and possibly trip you up. I have Saturn opposite Neptune, and let me say, this aspect sucks...
Comatoes, or anyone who is here, wishes to explore, or has knowledge to share -
Q. Do you know why this configuration - Fortress Pattern/The Cradle (can) means a person who doesn't want to grow-up, stay in infancy, and not be a self-starter? Q. Is the "familiar"" you refer to, the sextile planets at the apex, maybe? The person bouncing from one to the other? Sometimes people will even try to control you and keep you in an "infant state" - Really? How interesting! Q. Metaphorically a cradle rocks back and forth, your life can also be similar -- wavering from one talent to another: Comatoes, do you mean the triangles? Or the sextiles, maybe, at the apex? Q. Also, Comatoes, the talent triangles on the ends are part of the configuration. What do you mean that the person should "start using them" (how are they not)? Interesting to hear that the opposition can cause hesitation, and can possibly trip the person up. Q. I wonder what happens when another person makes a t-square to the base opposition, and thereby creating a Skull Cap? A fantastic topic and interesting thread. Thanks for sharing your personal experiences and insights. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 165541 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 10, 2022 10:11 AM
Bump!IP: Logged |
@eloquent__sky Knowflake Posts: 285 From: Registered: Jun 2021
posted December 10, 2022 01:57 PM
Patterns in a chart make the majority of a person's life force get trapped or using a better word "focused" within that specific pattern (its house and planets). How things will play out, will depend on the chart holder's willpower and how they will choose to direct these energies. That is why it does not make sense to attribute the same interpretation to all patterns. ------------------ @eloquent_sky Instagram 🔹🔹🔹 IP: Logged | |