Topic: Best match for Venus in scorpio?
Gemini30 Knowflake Posts: 738 From: Los Angeles Registered: Sep 2014
posted July 23, 2017 02:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by LucieLemonade: You really can't just go by the Venus sign. I'm a Sag sun with Scorpio Venus and the last thing I want is drama in my love life. The best relationship I had was Leo sun with a Cancer Venus. The worst was Cancer sun with a Gemini Venus.
Sag suns are like that. Never want drama in their love life. IP: Logged |
DualGemV2 Knowflake Posts: 998 From: Toronto, Ontario Registered: Aug 2016
posted July 23, 2017 05:32 AM
quote: Originally posted by LucieLemonade: You really can't just go by the Venus sign. I'm a Sag sun with Scorpio Venus and the last thing I want is drama in my love life. The best relationship I had was Leo sun with a Cancer Venus. The worst was Cancer sun with a Gemini Venus.
Maybe there was something different in that Leo suns chart. From what I've seen Leo with Cancer Venus is the worst!!!. There notorious for playing cat and mouse, eventually you say forget it!!!. My Planets ========================================= ☉ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, △ ♉, ■ ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑ IP: Logged |
Cappi112 Knowflake Posts: 705 From: New York, New York, USA Registered: May 2015
posted July 23, 2017 06:37 AM
Someone with a heck of a thick skin  This is complicated. I can't speak for girl venus in scorps. Male venus in scorp is often pretty tumultuous, IME. Last one wanted me to be 100% faithful to him, but refused to commit to me, and was torn between other women the whole time we dated. I still think of him daily - he tortured me so much I, in the end, completely severed all ties and have not spoken to him since. But again - there were many other factors involved. He also had his venus in 12th, negatively aspecting many signs. We had intense pluto/venus stuff (he was pluto, I was venus), I think we were DW pluto venus trine, and had saturn squaring our personal planets on both sides. We hurt each other. I left him for someone else, honestly. Looking back it's hard to believe he was even in my life as long as he was. We were a mess most of the time, but I will never forget the intensity of how close we were too, and how that roller coaster felt. I am venus/mars in pisces. I hate to say this, but I actually think that made me a good fit for what HE wanted. But only another venus in scorpio would probably survive by his side after all he put me through. IP: Logged |
GrandFireT Knowflake Posts: 234 From: Out There Registered: Dec 2016
posted July 23, 2017 07:39 AM
All the VS women I've known found either well-heeled matches or, at the very least, men who offered a substantially better lifestyle than what they had been accustomed to. Right off the top of my head, I can't think of any who found happiness in the same package.Most of the VS men I've known, and not a few of the women, died well before old age. Apparently going deep is risky work. IP: Logged |
Nine Moderator Posts: 3928 From: The Cusp of Love Registered: May 2009
posted July 23, 2017 12:04 PM
Best match is someone with a strong Mars placement.Mars/Sun Mars/Moon Mars/Asc. Or a person's whose mars aspects their Sun/Asc in a tense aspect. IP: Logged |
StubbornVirgo Knowflake Posts: 2946 From: Welcome to Mercury Registered: Jul 2015
posted July 23, 2017 05:25 PM
Depends.My mom has Venus in Scorpio and my dad has Venus in Taurus & Mars in Pisces. They have other aspects going on as well - she is a Cap Sun, and he has Taurus Moon. He is an Aries Sun, and she has Aries Moon & Leo Mars. They're a good match, IMO. IP: Logged |
scorpiogirl Knowflake Posts: 146 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted July 23, 2017 05:47 PM
I'm going to say Virgo is one of the best matches for a Scorpio Venus, specifically Virgo Venus. Scorpio Mars is also top of the top imo (experience speaking).IP: Logged |
EmGem Knowflake Posts: 2619 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted July 25, 2017 08:15 AM
quote: Originally posted by Nine: Best match is someone with a strong Mars placement.Mars/Sun Mars/Moon Mars/Asc. Or a person's whose mars aspects their Sun/Asc in a tense aspect.
Why strong mars? What about strong Pluto? IP: Logged |
hearttreasure Knowflake Posts: 1230 From: Registered: Jan 2015
posted July 25, 2017 09:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by DualGemV2: Maybe there was something different in that Leo suns chart.From what I've seen Leo with Cancer Venus is the worst!!!. There notorious for playing cat and mouse, eventually you say forget it!!!.
lol. What's the moon and the mars of your Leo? My Dad is a Leo sun and a venus in cancer, but he has moon in Aqua and mars in pisces. He is so generous and the kindest, friendly person and dad, he always smiles even to your enemy lol. I think he learns it from my Aqua sun Mom who is more friendly to strangers than to her children, I'm just kidding, lol. He has Sun conjunct Pluto exact though. The other Leo sun venus in cancer man who once tries to chase me, sure plays cat and mouse but I can see it through so I don't put that much of expectation. He has moon in taurus and mars in Leo and you can see he holds pride that bigger, so bigger, and can be a problem to my aqua/aries combo lol. Scorpio venus may be his match. IP: Logged |
DualGemV2 Knowflake Posts: 998 From: Toronto, Ontario Registered: Aug 2016
posted July 25, 2017 10:16 AM
quote: Originally posted by hearttreasure: lol.What's the moon and the mars of your Leo? ..... The other Leo sun venus in cancer man who once tries to chase me, sure plays cat and mouse but I can see it through so I don't put that much of expectation. He has moon in taurus and mars in Leo and you can see he holds pride that bigger, so bigger, and can be a problem to my aqua/aries combo lol. Scorpio venus may be his match.
Leo Sun, Taurus Moon, Cancer Venus, Virgo Mars. She too was a proud person...but natal chart wise I'm stronger then her. So thats were difficulties can occur. I have more conjunctions and trines. Her natal chart is mostly squares. Meaning she has more challenges to face then I do. But its over...I really got tired of playing cat and mouse and damaged her ego big way to recover a Leo after you do that. My Planets ========================================= ☉ ♊, ☽ ♈, ASC ♑, ☿ ♊, △ ♉, ■ ♋ , ♃ ♒, ♄ ♏, ♅ ♐, ♆ ♑
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YellowGerbera Knowflake Posts: 1034 From: Registered: Jul 2014
posted July 25, 2017 01:28 PM
My fiance is Sag Sun, Scop Venus.I have Aries Mars/Venus conjunction that trines my Asc in Sag. His Sun trines this conjunction too. His sun widely conjunct my Asc also. I have Pisces Sun, and although his venus is in Scorp, they are squaring because of the angle within a sign (his venus is late Scorp and my Sun is early Pisces). We were attracted to each other instantly and he knew right away that I was the one to marry within a couple of month  IP: Logged |
InTheStars Knowflake Posts: 53 From: Registered: Dec 2021
posted January 01, 2022 10:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by Freesia: Best match to male Venus in Scorpio might be a woman with her Sun or Moon in trine/Sextile/conjunction with his Venus  He would adore her.
Why do you say so @Freesia? IP: Logged |
InTheStars Knowflake Posts: 53 From: Registered: Dec 2021
posted January 01, 2022 10:34 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by rorrr: [B] Agreed!Ah, why do you agree? Very curious about this perspective! IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 6246 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 01, 2022 12:19 PM
My sister has Venus in Scorpio and her husband is a Venus Pisces.I have Venus Pisces and I flipping love people with Venus Scorpio. 1. My sister 2. 2 of my current favorite coworkers 3. A cousin in law 4. An old co-worker (we did sort of fall out, and tried being friends after though) 5. I also use to be close with another girl in a friend group...but she was associated with a guy I had a two year fling with, that I really wanted to move on from. I briefly knew a girl in HS with Venus Scorpio...after HS she got with a guy who had Venus in Leo. Oh and she cheated on him! Hopefully she learned her lesson. IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 6246 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 01, 2022 12:27 PM
When Venus Scorpio boys are little babies and toddlers they can be very possessive of their mom! My friend has a young child with Venus Scorpio. When he was one years old his mom was holding my sisters new baby, and the 1 year old Venus Scorpio boy starts hitting his mom for having the audacity to hold a new baby boy in her arms. I thought it was funny, and I remember thinking he has Venus Scorpio alright, there it is. IP: Logged |
InTheStars Knowflake Posts: 53 From: Registered: Dec 2021
posted January 01, 2022 12:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by Freesia: Best match to male Venus in Scorpio might be a woman with her Sun or Moon in trine/Sextile/conjunction with his Venus  He would adore her.
I want to bump this! Freesia, and anybody else, would you have any insight on why this would be the case?
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GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 1406 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted January 01, 2022 01:22 PM
quote: Originally posted by Stawr: My sister has Venus in Scorpio and her husband is a Venus Pisces.I have Venus Pisces and I flipping love people with Venus Scorpio.
Makes sense since Pisces shares an archetypal, 5th House kind of connection/vibe towards Scorpio (while Scorpio experiences a 9th House vibe/connection to Pisces). However, in your case, it probably has, overall more to do with your Scorpio Moon and chart ruler, Mercury being in Taurus. The connection between same and opposite Signs tends to be more intense and closer than between Signs that are trined, sextile, etc. One of the patterns I have noted in twin soul cases is A LOT of intense opposite and same Signs between different important/sensitive symbols in the respective people's charts. But trine interactions are quite nice and in some ways more enjoyable and comfortable than same and opposite Sign interactions. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 Knowflake Posts: 1406 From: Registered: Jul 2021
posted January 01, 2022 01:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by InTheStars: I want to bump this! Freesia, and anybody else, would you have any insight on why this would be the case?
Don't believe everything that you read. I'm going to be very Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury, and Virgo combo right now when I say, there typically is a lot of unfounded, imbalanced, illogical, highly biased, highly subjective, and/or immature info and beliefs that get passed around as sound astrological knowledge on astrology forums. A LOT. The main problem is that really good astrology requires a very honed balance/merging between holistic, intuitive, right brain, seeing the whole forest perception--with the parts perceiving, analytical, linear logical, and individual trees perception. Most people lean more to one than the other, and have a hard time achieving that very whole brain and Yin-Yang balanced/merged state that is so necessary, crucial, and helpful for very good and more accurate astrology. There are ways to improve this though. The main ones that I know are practicing astrology for a long time, using consciousness altering tools like The Monroe Institute's "Hemi-Sync*" audio, meditation, attunement to Universal, Source like Love and consciousness, and achieving greater inner balance between Yin and Yang and also just generally speaking. *Hemi-Sync is short for hemispheric synchronization. The binaural beat patterns in same help the two hemispheres of the brain to work together in unison better--facilitating that more whole brain and consciousness state. In most people, while these are always connected, and we're always using both sides to some extent or degree, it tends to be more lopsided, less synched up/coherent, and/or we ping pong back and forth between different sides/hemispheres depending on what we are focusing on/perceiving or even feeling and thinking in general. With Hemi-Sync, it evens out and amplifies the connection. And facilitates a more laser like coherency vs a diffuse light. Even though I rarely use Hemi-Sync anymore, to this day, when meditating, I feel a viscerally noticeable shift when I get into that Hemi-Sync, whole brain type state during meditation. It's as palpable to me as shifting gears in my stick-shift car or motorcycle. (part of that, is because I usually also feel an noticeable expanding type sensation, which probably corresponds to "kundalini" getting stimulated/activated as well). IP: Logged |
Librapurr Knowflake Posts: 1303 From: Registered: Jul 2019
posted January 01, 2022 04:10 PM
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Stawr Moderator Posts: 6246 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 03, 2022 10:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosionV2: Makes sense since Pisces shares an archetypal, 5th House kind of connection/vibe towards Scorpio (while Scorpio experiences a 9th House vibe/connection to Pisces). However, in your case, it probably has, overall more to do with your Scorpio Moon and chart ruler, Mercury being in Taurus. The connection between same and opposite Signs tends to be more intense and closer than between Signs that are trined, sextile, etc. One of the patterns I have noted in twin soul cases is A LOT of intense opposite and same Signs between different important/sensitive symbols in the respective people's charts. But trine interactions are quite nice and in some ways more enjoyable and comfortable than same and opposite Sign interactions.
That makes sense, I feel so understood around Venus Scorpios with my moon here IP: Logged |
Leo-Cancer98 Knowflake Posts: 1743 From: Toronto,Ontario,Canada Registered: Nov 2014
posted January 10, 2022 05:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by Stawr: My sister has Venus in Scorpio. Her husband has Venus in Pisces. They have been married since 2010.
Are they still happily married? IP: Logged |
Leo-Cancer98 Knowflake Posts: 1743 From: Toronto,Ontario,Canada Registered: Nov 2014
posted January 10, 2022 05:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by YellowGerbera: My fiance is Sag Sun, Scop Venus.I have Aries Mars/Venus conjunction that trines my Asc in Sag. His Sun trines this conjunction too. His sun widely conjunct my Asc also. I have Pisces Sun, and although his venus is in Scorp, they are squaring because of the angle within a sign (his venus is late Scorp and my Sun is early Pisces). We were attracted to each other instantly and he knew right away that I was the one to marry within a couple of month 
What’s it like having Venus & Mars in Aries?! Which house? IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 6246 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 10, 2022 09:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by Leo-Cancer98: Are they still happily married?
Yes they are doing well. They have had a lot of tests and challenges, but they are strong. I get relationship advice from my sister a lot. IP: Logged |