Topic: Astrology and Suicide
Libra5643 Knowflake Posts: 103 From: Registered: Feb 2014
posted May 29, 2014 07:37 PM
Are some people meant to commit suicide in order to somehow change and affect other peoples lives? or they end up committing suicide due to karma? what are some aspects and placements that indicate this?IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 9926 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 29, 2014 07:57 PM
Good questions.I have no answers, sorry. That's like asking me... "How was the Earth created?" Uh, yep, no clue. Only speculations. I don't really have an opinion on this issue, either way. Astrologically speaking... Pretty sure an afflicted Mars, and sometimes Mercury or Moon, can do the trick. By transit, natal Mars (or maybe even progressed Mars) being afflicted by the outer planets - Neptune, Uranus or Pluto. Or vice-versa: transiting Mars making a hard aspect to the outers. (It represents the act of inflicting harm toward oneself.) Mercury & Moon are both representative of the mind and suicide happens because of issues with the mind, IMO (and the emotional stuff that ensues). But Mars is the action itself. Moon/Mercury are on the mind/feelings level. You need a trigger for something like this to happen. IP: Logged |
NeptunianSag Knowflake Posts: 1386 From: Your imagination Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 29, 2014 08:08 PM
I have retrograde mars in cancer opposite Neptune and Uranus, mercury square Neptune and Uranus, moon inconjunct Saturn in 4th, yep I've thought many times of leaving the world due to extreme low motivation. I could never though, I just remind myself it's a fleeting state of mind, it does return from time to time though. IP: Logged |
sis Knowflake Posts: 622 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted May 29, 2014 08:28 PM
here is the chart of my friend. Also the transits of the day he committed suicide.. That was appr. 1,5 year ago. He jumped off a tall building. He had bipolar disorder. He was newly married... [IMG] f954-4019-b231-7576442b485e.gif[/IMG] IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 9926 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 29, 2014 08:55 PM
Sorry about your friend.  Mercury squares Saturn and Neptune. And it's his chart ruler (Gemini ASC). In Pisces, it's very impressionable and sensitive to all kinds of energies. The Gemini ASC is also prone to mental disorders. tMars square natal Pluto tPluto square natal Venus, co-ruler of the 12H (subconscious, endings) tNeptune in applying square to ASC (dissolution of boundaries, loss of ego) tPluto & tMars in 8H (dark emotions, subconscious drives, self-destructive impulses) I hope he rests in peace.
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Libra5643 Knowflake Posts: 103 From: Registered: Feb 2014
posted May 29, 2014 09:08 PM
@Doux Rêve so would mars square pluto, mars opposite uranus and mars quincunx neptune be considered bad in transit?@sis sorry about your friend.. @NeptunianSag How do you manage to get passed those aspects? Does anyone know how long it takes for mars to move in transit? i know pluto, uranus and neptune take forever. Thanks for the replies IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 9926 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 29, 2014 09:19 PM
Yes, pretty harsh transits.Mars transits are pretty short-lived. Depending on the orb, they last something like 7-8 days (1°). Uranus, Neptune and Pluto transits, on the other hand... a few months, at least. IP: Logged |
starlitroad unregistered
posted May 30, 2014 12:06 AM
Mars square uranus square neptune and square moon in here.Still depressing thoughts come from my mercury square saturn and opposite pluto.------------------ “there are worse things than being alone but it often takes decades to realize this and most often when you do it's too late and there's nothing worse than too late” IP: Logged |
theunknown Knowflake Posts: 3182 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 30, 2014 12:32 AM
Saturn conjunct sun or moon tend to make people depress (natal).If a person already has a depression-prone chart (heavy neptune, saturn) then he/she won't be able to deal with a harsh transit. Void of air in natal chart can make it worse. IP: Logged |
NeptunianSag Knowflake Posts: 1386 From: Your imagination Registered: Aug 2013
posted May 30, 2014 02:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by Libra5643: @NeptunianSag How do you manage to get passed those aspects?
Mostly creative expression helps me. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 9279 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted May 30, 2014 02:54 AM
Thoughts of suicide and even the act itself is usually an attempt to end discomfort (emotional and physical).There are certain sign positions that seem predisposed to it; Sun/Moon in Cap, Sun/Moon in Scorpio,Sun/Moon in Pisces, People with Neptune on the Sun(like me) or on the Moon, People with Pluto and Neptune aspecting the luminaries as well as Mercury etc. But it doesn't automatically mean that those people,who have the above positions, will carry it out.It depends on their state of mind when a difficult transit hits and they face a challenging situation with emotional resources that affirm the feeling of "relief" through self oblivion. Most people that I've noted to commit suicide are the Neptune types; Moon-Neptune, Sun-Neptune, Mercury-Neptune, Neptune-Asc etc. I think they get emotionally tired of building a life only to have Neptune's waters cover their hard work and make everything "pointless". I used to have thoughts of suicide; romanticizing the act a lot. I even wrote poems about how good it would be to "escape life's difficult and demoralizing web" etc. lol Neptune and Uranus were very active when I was about 8 to 11 years old. Neptune was transiting my Mercury,Venus,Asc,Moon,MC and Mars. I thought of "escape" a lot. The thoughts of suicide never felt "wrong". But it did feel that I first had to sing my song before entertaining such actions. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 9279 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted May 30, 2014 03:23 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by sis: He jumped off a tall building. He had bipolar disorder. He was newly married... [QUOTE]Wow. Neptune sits on his Moon by square(very wide orb) and sits on Mercury by square. Saturn sits on Mercury by square. Pluto opposes the Sun- life swings up and down and one can take that very personally: My sister has this aspect in the fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio and she takes things to heart. On the day of the suicide, Neptune and Pluto were busy! trans Neptune squared trans Sun and conjunct trans Moon. trans Neptune squared trans Mercury. Trans Pluto was squaring natal Sun. Trans Neptune conjunct natal Moon. Trans Moon conjunct natal Moon(feeling extra vulnerable emotionally). Trans Mars square natal Sun(action, action, action). trans Uranus conjunct natal Sun suggests that there were some current changes in his life that he was adjusting to. This could be indicative of the recent marriage? Gosh, there is a whole lot more. But I think I'll stop here.
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manderin Knowflake Posts: 852 From: New York, NY USA Registered: Nov 2013
posted May 30, 2014 04:03 AM
Aspects to the moon can cause mental issues.I have heard that rahu conjunct moon causes depression severe enough to lead to suicide. The author Eckhart tolle has this and he almost commited suicide, but that day his mind "broke" so severely from his mental suffering that he ended up experiencing a spiritual awakening instead. Rahu distorts and exagerrates the planets it's with so people with this conjunction tend to feel too much; desire too much; and therefore also suffer a bit more. The conjunction also tends to cause issues with the mother. IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Knowflake Posts: 9926 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 30, 2014 11:23 AM
I agree about the Neptune & Saturn part.I've had Neptune transits for years and I used to be suicidal for a very long time. I also have escapist tendencies; they're not usually harmful per se, but quite debilitating (and unhealthy on the long run). --- Rahu is North Node, right? Moon conjunct North Node would do that? Sounds weird. I'd say Moon conjunct South Node, perhaps... I have a friend who has it and he has depression, a PD and issues with his mother. So that fits. D'oh, I have Moon square the Nodal axis. And I guess that description above fits me, as well. But yeah, suicide... Like I said previously, there needs to be a trigger. Something harsh that takes one's power away from them (or it feels like it).
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sis Knowflake Posts: 622 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted May 30, 2014 02:18 PM
three months before he committed suicide, I did a chart for him, he requested it. I just looked at the natal without transits. I did not see this coming. I could see bipolar and other hard spots and we talked about them.... I recommended him to try new age stuff ( his uranus in the 6th house ) After his suicide I beat myself up because I could not help him... After the loss, for a long time I refused to read anyone else's chart...His NN squares his sun. The evolution of the soul is fighting with ego... That should not be easy... I believe suicide was not his faith, he chose it, free will. I have moon conjunct south node nataly. I think about suicide. But it's only for a day or a couple of hours. I don't loose myself in the thought. IP: Logged |
Libra5643 Knowflake Posts: 103 From: Registered: Feb 2014
posted May 30, 2014 02:32 PM
I've been feeling like this for awhile.I always try to bring myself back to being positive. It's weird how I actually have all these indicators..Transit Mars to all outer planets natal moon in scorpio square mars natal mercury in scorpio square mars Saturn trine Moon and mercury (idk if thats bad) sun square neptune Neptune 1st house conjunct progressed ascendant Natal Rahu/North Node Conjunct moon, mercury, venus, jupiter My chart ruler is Saturn and Neptune comes second. IP: Logged |
meissieri Knowflake Posts: 1563 From: Neptune with Faith, Bella, Muddy and Doux. Commuting between that and Chiron. Registered: Feb 2013
posted May 30, 2014 02:32 PM
@sis, I'm really sorry about your friend, especially since you didn't see it coming. I don't think you can - transits can mean different things. Aries23degrees' analysis is really good. Wow what a huge batch of harsh transits. That really must've been rough. I have many of the things mentioned. No surprise I've been suicidal. The culpits: - Moon conj Saturn and Neptune and in Capricorn - Sun square Pluto (Pluto is all about death) - Chart ruler in the 12th house - I'm prone to doing things that hurt me in some way. - Sun on the SN -- Saturnine vibe to my sun, feeling limited in how far I can express myself, including pain and fears. - Mars (violent) conj Mercury (thoughts) in the 12th (to hurt myself). - Chart ruler square Uranus -- doing things suddenly and unexpectedly. - Ruler of the 8th in the 12th. Death (H8) seemed like an escape to me (H12). - Air void -- it's hard being objective about the problems I go through. - Sun sesquisquare Saturn And Mercury (mind) quickly progressed into a square to *long breath* Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron and Jupiter, and later joined by a square to my natal moon.
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AqMoon Knowflake Posts: 296 From: Registered: Sep 2013
posted May 30, 2014 02:39 PM
All i can say is that you can't ever tell from a chart a person who commits suicide.The chart could look great...with positive aspects or even rough charts with harsh aspects,it's not something you can figure out from astrology it's all in the person. Two people born on the same day at the same time chart looks the same one commits suicide,the other has the happiest life and lives to be 99. Some subjects/ideas/thing's just can't be made sense of through astrology.The same goes for death so many and too many coincidences, situations, choices that we can make can kill us each day. IP: Logged |
Libra5643 Knowflake Posts: 103 From: Registered: Feb 2014
posted May 30, 2014 02:53 PM
@AqMoon That is true..a set of twins can have the same chart, but still be totally different. I feel like there are many factors like the worlds impact on the individual, the environment, the ways they are raised and stuff, it goes even deeper. it has to do with the way someone reacts to a chart rather than being a chart.IP: Logged |
married11years Knowflake Posts: 305 From: Registered: Apr 2022
posted April 24, 2022 06:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by AqMoon:
Some subjects/ideas/thing's just can't be made sense of through astrology.The same goes for death so many and too many coincidences, situations, choices that we can make can kill us each day.
This. I'm still trying to figure out why someone chart has no suicidal aspects, but still can be pre-suicidal. I read somewhere it said your WILL is the BOSS of everything in your natal chart, when there a will there always a way. It a matter of how determine and how strong that person will is.
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married11years Knowflake Posts: 305 From: Registered: Apr 2022
posted April 24, 2022 06:30 AM
I find this read, it very interesting, something I never know before. IP: Logged |
married11years Knowflake Posts: 305 From: Registered: Apr 2022
posted April 24, 2022 07:35 PM
Bump, anyone who has more aspects that would pointed to suicidal in a chart, please posted. Thank youIP: Logged |
saronna Knowflake Posts: 1497 From: Sydney Australia Registered: Jan 2010
posted April 24, 2022 09:29 PM
Moon square Pluto & mercury conjunct Saturn opposition Saturn & Venus conjunct Saturn & Saturn opposition neptune. Maybe past life regression with moon square Pluto.
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married11years Knowflake Posts: 305 From: Registered: Apr 2022
posted April 24, 2022 10:07 PM
Checking if my husband has any of that in his chart, lol. Nope. He has Mercury Trine Saturn though.I however worry about his Uranus squared his Sun. And Moon Opposition Uranus. Uranus square Sun show someone who different from the crowd, very individual, doesn't go with the norms. Moon Opposition Uranus, now this can be temper and impulse. But I don't think those are suicidal aspects. Thank you so much for sharing sis saronna. IP: Logged |
married11years Knowflake Posts: 305 From: Registered: Apr 2022
posted April 25, 2022 04:40 AM
I want to share this link, it a very good read, title: Depression, suicide etc in medical astrology. it helpful as it listed the aspects of suicidal: I'm surprise that Saturn Quincunx Moon is one listed in there. IP: Logged |