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Author Topic:   THORS HAMMER
Moon is Lunatic

Posts: 839
From: With my pr. 12H Moon conj. Neptune
Registered: Jun 2013

posted July 10, 2014 04:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moon is Lunatic        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Chiemi:
^ You have a TH! Sorry, I meant to ask if you could post your chart. My mind is all over the place with this lol.

your Asc is at the apex of your Saturn/NN square.

It's okay, I understand lol.
So doesn't anyone know what's the meaning of TH? Other than having struggles/criticism in life?

I can relate to this btw:

the native with this configuration sometimes to face some sort of criticism or hard obstacle/event in life but they seem to be able to bounce back from it.

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Posts: 2110
From: Michigan
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posted July 10, 2014 04:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chiemi        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Moon is Lunatic:
It's okay, I understand lol.
what's the meaning of TH? Other than having struggles/criticism in life?

I can relate to this btw:

[QUOTE]the native with this configuration sometimes to face some sort of criticism or hard obstacle/event in life but they seem to be able to bounce back from it.


This is what I'm trying to figure out lol. There's gotta be some other positive manifestation with this configuration. Nelson Mandela and Steve Jobs have the TH and they were pretty influential.

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Moon is Lunatic

Posts: 839
From: With my pr. 12H Moon conj. Neptune
Registered: Jun 2013

posted July 10, 2014 04:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moon is Lunatic        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Chiemi:
This is what I'm trying to figure out lol. There's gotta be some other positive manifestation with this configuration. Nelson Mandela and Steve Jobs have the TH and they were pretty influential.

Oops, I didn't read the whole OP lol. I just got excited when I realized I might have this configuration, and then I forgot to read the rest of your post.

I wonder if TH is rare?

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Posts: 2110
From: Michigan
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posted July 10, 2014 05:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chiemi        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Comatoes:
So is a Thor's Hammer a obsession to search for something based on the planet's involved, that once a person is focused they are relentless or are they great problem solvers?

Hmm, that's a good and different way to look at things. I wouldn't say obsessed, but maybe the energy of the planets are brought more into focus in the natives life?

With Sarah Ferguson, she has Uranus/Asc/Moon in her TH configuration. From what I read, there was a big focus on her image (Asc) and her "unorthodox" (Uranus) behavior/private life (Moon).

Chris Reeves has Chiron/Pluto/Jupiter in his TH configuration and he seemed to bring focus by coming back from his injury and using it to transform (Pluto) and bring knowledge (Jupiter) about spinal cord injuries/his wound (Chiron).

So I guess these two examples show two sides to the coin of relentlessness/problem solving?

I still need to look into the natal charts to get a clearer understanding too though. I also would like to find out how or if the signs of each planet affect the configuration.

Thank you for sharing!

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Posts: 2110
From: Michigan
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posted July 10, 2014 05:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chiemi        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Moon is Lunatic:
Oops, I didn't read the whole OP lol. I just got excited when I realized I might have this configuration, and then I forgot to read the rest of your post.

I wonder if TH is rare?

You're fine lol. & I think so, there's not much info online about the configuration and from what I've seen in my own data bank and from here, not many people have it. I could be wrong though.

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Posts: 2110
From: Michigan
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posted July 10, 2014 05:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Chiemi        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Solar_Leo_Queen:
Criticism.. yes. I'm always getting criticized by people whether it's good or bad. When it's bad, it takes me a short while, but I do get over it just like you said.

And yeah my chart has action, but nothing in my life has been active lately LOL.

Maybe you bring some sort of action into other peoples lives lol.

And I'm the same with bouncing back from things.

How do 11th and 8th house matters factor into your life?

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Posts: 711
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Registered: Sep 2012

posted July 10, 2014 06:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SDragon        Reply w/Quote
I have two apparently.

1. Neptune Apex - Jupiter/Venus conj. Mars square

2. Jupiter Apex - Neptune/Moon square

Here's my thoughts on them. What you'll notice from all the charts is that the Apex will always be in at least one of the planet's/asteriod's/illuminaries' element. For example, my first one has Venus/Mars in Earth and Jupiter in Fire, Neptune also follows Fire. My second, Moon is in Water but Jupiter already follows Neptune in Fire. Therefore from an elements point of view, the Apex planet has a similar vibe to one of the other ones and thus can be used as a synthesizer or objective participant in getting the square planets to work together more harmoniously.

From my own life experience, I don't feel that the sesiquadrate are as noticeable on the conscious level, but as the square gets triggered through experience, they become more integrated in the psyche.

"As a general theme, Thor’s Hammer appears in the charts of individuals who exhibit a single-minded quality, an innate strength and the urge to survive. Activities in external life are a means to expressing an internal and unrelenting drive"

From the same article. Yes, absolutely.

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Posts: 2543
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posted July 10, 2014 08:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Solar_Leo_Queen        Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Chiemi:
Maybe you bring some sort of action into other peoples lives lol.

And I'm the same with bouncing back from things.

How do 11th and 8th house matters factor into your life?

Now THAT would make more sense. I find it that other people always say I like to stir things up a lot, but in a positive way. I don't start fights or anything, but when there's a group activity, I'm always first to try and get people to do something.

11th house matters are very important to me. I value my social life and group involvements. Saturn in that house is supposed to make me anti-social, but I'm not. But I like to make friendships that last a long time. I have many acquaintances, but I also have a bunch of actual friends who know me inside-out. As for the 8th house, I'm not sure if shared possessions are important to me. I mean, I'm only young and I can't speak for myself about that yet. However, as far as sex goes, my views on it are very open-minded and I think it's important in relationships as much as feelings are.

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posted January 08, 2017 08:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bl1xten!        Reply w/Quote

I had a reading some years ago, and the astrologer told me I have a Thor's Hammer in my chart. Is there still anyone here interested?


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Posts: 21731
From: Bella's Hair Salon
Registered: Jul 2011

posted January 08, 2017 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Faith        Reply w/Quote
Great work, Cheimi.

Welcome to LL, and thank you for the bump, bltxten.

Care to post your chart?

I have a Thor's Hammer according to, though some people may disagree with the orbs they use. Assuming my birth time is correct:

0° Leo Saturn in the 12H, apex
Saturn sesquisquare Sag Neptune, 2°53 orb
Saturn sesquisquare Pisces moon, 2°35 orb

Saturn = moon/Neptune midpoint, 0.08° orb

This is a particularly difficult pattern as the sesiquadrate aspect tends to give quite severe criticism from others and this produces considerable personal tension. To work at its best it needs at least one planet in the pattern to have an outlet i.e. an easy flow aspect to another planet or planetary pattern. The outlet planet can describe people who help and/or a talent or ability that eases the pressure.

My 6H sun is in mutual reception with 12H Saturn, and I'm all about health, physical, spiritual, and mental.

Saturn tightly conjunct the astrology asteroid Urania (30) and I've been interested in astrology forever.

But again, it's debatable whether I have this configuration or not.

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posted January 08, 2017 03:49 PM              Reply w/Quote
My Thor`s hammer I like to call "EXQUISITEST PAIN IN THE BUTT"

Chiron 20 Aries in 4th house
Vertex 21 Cancer in 8th house
Eros 21 Cancer in 8th house
Mars 5 Sag in 12t house

Chiron square Vertex 1°26
Chiron square Eros 0°57
Chiron sesisquare Mars 0°08
Vertex sesisquare Mars 1°18
Eros sesisquare Mars 0°49

Well something makes me think the pain in the butt might have - at least temporarily - a name

And he currently dumps his pr DESC right onto 5°34 Sag and his natal Pluto is on 21°23 Libra anyway.

Seems it is a "co-production" in terms of pain in the butt though.
The fun probably will REALLY start once his pr Moon joins his pr ASC in Gemini, but we`ll have some time until then. lol

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posted January 08, 2017 03:53 PM              Reply w/Quote
Well I never knew about that, but years ago Marina from darkstar astrology wrote about this configuration in my chart in her report

"Mars is also the action point of the Fist of God.
Chiron square Vertex means means your test is to reconcile the destiny encounters with the
wounding. These special people that enter your life have wounded you and/or you have
wounded them, most likely in battle, physical or spiritual. This square focuses on your Mars.
You can deal with this dilemma by fighting, or through passion. The energy is very intense
and Mars can also heal, This is spiritual with vertex and Chiron, the pain and wounding of
the past can be transformed into great healing through spirituality, alternative methods
(Chiron astrology, homeopathy, massage). Sex is a major factor. The raw aggressive
energy can be transmuted through sex, taking this energy higher by making it spiritual and
healing, kundulini stuff, tantric sex, but also very intense and even dangerous, impulsive."

Yeah, well working on the sex-thing.

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Registered: May 2015

posted January 08, 2017 11:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lerena        Reply w/Quote
I have one between Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune.

The square is between Mercury and Neptune.

The orb for the Mercury-Jupiter aspect is 2. I'm not sure how wide this is, but I think it counts.

And since I'm part of the generation with the Uranus-Neptune conjunction, I also have another Thor's Hammer involving Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus.

Uranus and Neptune move so slow by progression, I actually have two other Thor Hammers in my progressed chart. They involve progressed Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus and progressed Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune.

I have experienced a lot of criticism from others, mostly in childhood. Today, I'm still going through obstacle after obstacle. At the last second, I always seem to overcome hardships that make me feel like I'm going to break. This probably comes from Jupiter.

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Posts: 5037
From: nevada
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 12, 2017 09:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda        Reply w/Quote
Fantastic job chiemi!!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...Lao Tzu

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Posts: 9
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posted March 05, 2017 05:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for skykat        Reply w/Quote
hi everyone!
this is my first post, so i hope i follow protocols - if not, please feel free to correct me.

i recently noticed that my natal chart includes two THʻs,
four, if you include Nessus (7066), which seems to exert some influence in my life (resolving significant abuse by parents) including one/two that is very tight, the other one/two not so tight.
All include ☾, my ruling planet, ♂, and 7066.

the tight one includes
♂ 27♉︎34 10th(11th cusp)
7066 28♉︎31 11th [Nessus]
☾ 13♎︎20 3rd
♄ 13♑︎33 6th

⚹⚹♂⋤☾ 1˚S
♂⋤♄ -1˚ A
☾◻︎♄ 0˚ A
7066☌♂ 1˚A
7066⋤☾ 0˚A
7066⋤♄ 0˚S

The looser TH also includes
☾ 13♎︎20 3rd
♂ 27♉︎34 10th(11th cusp)
7066 28♉︎31 11th [Nessus]
2060 0♓︎59 8th [Chiron]

♂⋤☾ 1˚S
☾⋤2060 3˚A
♂◻︎2060 -3˚A
7066☌♂ 1˚A
7066⋤☾ 0˚A
☾⋤2060 3˚A
7066◻︎2060 -2˚A

i am trying to include the image of my chart below:

Lots of abuse as a child (emotional, physical, sexual, by parents and peers), resulting in PTSD, anxiety disorder, depression that i am trying to overcome (i included 157 Deianira in the chart, but it doesnʻt have aspects to the THʻs).

Therapy seems to be stuck for years. Astrology has helped me get a grip on understanding some things about myself, but i really would appreciate (need?) some insight into these THʻs.

thank you SOOO much in advance!!

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Posts: 9
Registered: Oct 2015

posted March 05, 2017 05:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for skykat        Reply w/Quote
uhh, so i couldnʻt post my chart image, so any assistance would be awesome!!!

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From: From a galaxy, far, far away...
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posted March 05, 2017 05:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall        Reply w/Quote

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posted March 05, 2017 05:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for skykat        Reply w/Quote
thank you, Randall!

i THINK this is the img.

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Posts: 3501
From: infinite backwards point
Registered: Sep 2012

posted March 05, 2017 06:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for soren        Reply w/Quote
might help if you explain what the thors hammer is. what aspects

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Posts: 9
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posted March 05, 2017 06:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for skykat        Reply w/Quote
hi Soren!

Mars Apex, in sesquisquare with Saturn square Moon
Nessus Apex in sesquisquare with Saturn square Moon

Moon Apex, in sesquisquare with Mars square Chiron
Moon Apex, in sesquisquare with Nessus square Chiron.

The actual placements and orbs are a couple of posts higher.

thanks for looking!!

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Posts: 3501
From: infinite backwards point
Registered: Sep 2012

posted March 05, 2017 06:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for soren        Reply w/Quote
the moon square saturn is like emotions dont love responsibility, rather emotions has got to keep track of it in a hindrance manner. like an itching uhh guys i got to check the fridge make sure its not open.

sesuquasquare is 135 degrees (90+45 (half square)). this is an angle of minor tension.

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Posts: 3501
From: infinite backwards point
Registered: Sep 2012

posted March 05, 2017 06:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for soren        Reply w/Quote
theres some other patterns in your chart. when the spaces of the planets go like this:


around the globe, that is a sign of fluid conciousness

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Posts: 3501
From: infinite backwards point
Registered: Sep 2012

posted March 05, 2017 06:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for soren        Reply w/Quote
when the pattern is like this:


that is a sign of sharp bursting powerful

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Posts: 3501
From: infinite backwards point
Registered: Sep 2012

posted March 05, 2017 06:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for soren        Reply w/Quote
with your rising, you have this:

(from mars to moon, negating pluto as it is very minor in comparison)


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posted March 05, 2017 06:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for skykat        Reply w/Quote
Hi Soren!
thank you for taking a look at my chart.
i never really considered the distribution of planetary energies in the chart - seeing it described like that, there seems to be a lot of energy focused around ASCm especially in I, although XII is there too. do you have any thoughts about what that manifests?

thank you again!!!

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