Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 12:42 PM
quote: Thor’s Hammer is an aspect pattern consisting of a square (90 degrees) and two sesiquadrate (135 degrees) interconnecting aspects.
The Myth quote: One evening, while Thor was away hunting, Loki the trickster god entered Thor’s home and cut off all of Thor’s wife’s hair while she was sleeping. He ran off with her hair under his cloak but in his haste, he left behind a sandal. When Thor returned that night and saw what had happened, he lost his temper. Recognising the sandal, he sought out Loki and began to beat him. Loki pleaded for mercy, promising to visit the dark elves of the underworld and get new hair, lovelier even than the hair he had cut off. Loki sealed the deal by also promising to bring Thor a very special present. Gold, and the crafting of gold was the art exclusive to dwarfs, who were dwellers in the underworld in a place called Svartalfaheim (Black Elves’ Country). Loki approached the skilful dwarfs and negotiated a fine head of golden hair in exchange for a life of servitude to the dwarfs. Whenever the dwarfs made something special, they would always make an extra item that was given to Odin, the supreme god. And so they also made a spear for Odin. Loki knew he had to escape or be locked into servitude, and offered to deliver the spear to Odin. In his haste while carrying the gifts, he forgot about the promised present for Thor. As he travelled back up through the underground towards the light of day, Loki remembered but happened to pass the smithy of a couple of dwarf brothers named Brok and Eitri. Not being willing to risk his personal safety, Loki challenged them to make treasures equal to the three he had. The two dwarfs liked nothing more than a challenge and began working. They soon created a live boar with bristles of gold, and then drew a golden ring and a golden hammer from the fire. The gold ring, they said, would give birth to eight new precious gold rings every ninth night. The boar would not only carry his rider over land and sea, but in the darkest night his golden bristles would shine so as to always afford light. And the hammer… well… this was a very special gift that the brothers assigned to Odin, as was the custom. Loki promised to deliver the hammer to Odin but gave it to Thor instead to appease him. He gave the beautiful hair, the ring and the boar to Thor’s wife, and delivered the spear to Odin without mention of the hammer. The story goes that the hammer, named Mjolinir, never failed to achieve its purpose. It was equally as powerful as Odin’s spear, placing Thor in a position of equality with his father Odin. When thrown, the hammer always returned to Thor’s hand. Because of its potential destructive force, Thor was forced to wear an iron glove. Every time Thor throws the hammer, lightning flashes, it hits its target and returns to his protected hand. Exploring the meaning of this, it seems that since the hammer was originally made for a superior god, those in possession of Thor’s Hammer should always ‘protect’ themselves against its power. They have been given a gift that is really meant for a higher entity and should use it with care! They should never forget that it came to them through the agency of the Trickster! I believe Thor’s Hammer expresses a powerful thrust in the psyche that, without full understanding, can drive one beyond rational control and emerge as a dangerous tendency to go ‘to the edge’. It can develop a ‘mana’ personality that sees the individual pushing boundaries to the extent that they end up damaged in some way. Positively, it can develop into an exclusive talent that will not be repressed and often sets the individual on the path of the ‘role model’, or emerges as someone willing to give a great deal to humanity. There is a price to pay when we play with the weapons of the gods. We have seen that only Loki, the trickster, manages to escape the fee.
This is an excerpt found in this article on this configuration: http://www.astr Does anyone else here have one/any? I'm REALLY interested in learning about this aspect configuration and even though I've come across some celebs with this configuration, I can't exactly find their whole life story to see how the TH factored into their lives.
The configuration looks like this: I have a Square from Moon/Mars with Saturn at the apex forming a sesquiquadrate to both planets.
Here are some interpretations on the TH: quote: This is a particularly difficult pattern as the sesiquadrate aspect tends to give quite severe criticism from others and this produces considerable personal tension. To work at its best it needs at least one planet in the pattern to have an outlet i.e. an easy flow aspect to another planet or planetary pattern. The outlet planet can describe people who help and/or a talent or ability that eases the pressure. IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 12:56 PM
Celebrities/Famous people I've found so far with this configuration (I'll update as I go): - Uma Thurman (square between Moon/Mercury with Uranus at the apex) - Steve Jobs - He has 2: Saturn Square Pluto with Moon at the apex and Asc square MC with Mercury at the apex - Nelson Mandela - also has 2: Square from Mercury/Moon with Chiron at the apex and a Pluto/Chiron square with Moon at the apex.
- Julia Roberts: Square from Moon/Neptune with Saturn at apex - Frank Sinatra: Square from Mercury/Jupiter with both Neptune and MC at the apex - Nancy Spungen (TOB unknown): Square with Venus/Neptune with Moon at apex
- Sarah Ferguson: Square with Uranus/Asc with Moon at apex
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amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted July 10, 2014 02:06 PM
Very interesting! Looking forward to reading input on this.IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 02:14 PM
- Christopher Reeve: Square with Jupiter/Pluto with Chiron at apex - Adam Lanza (TOB Unknown): (has 2) Square with Venus/Neptune/Uranus with Jupiter at apex and square with Chiron/MC with Mars at apex IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 02:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by amelia28: Very interesting! Looking forward to reading input on this.
Thank you!
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Barbiegirl19 unregistered
posted July 10, 2014 02:28 PM
I don't have. Removed my chart. IP: Logged |
Aries23Degrees Knowflake Posts: 3849 From: South Africa Registered: Dec 2012
posted July 10, 2014 02:35 PM
Wow!!Looking at the charts, I get the impression that some people's charts are so busy!!!! Mine is very neat.I wonder what that means? Is life smooth sailing for me? I don't have this "Thor" aspect either.  IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 02:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Barbiegirl19: Here's my chart though I don't think I have a Thor's Hammer
Nevermind then , my mistake lol. Does DeepFreeze have one? I glanced at your synastry before and thought that you or him might have had one. IP: Logged |
DeepFreeze unregistered
posted July 10, 2014 02:39 PM
We have one in synastry (her saturn apex, my moon and mars), and YOD in composite. (Saturn apex with Venus and Uranus) Her venus is both our 1st and 8th house rulers, and Uranus is my 5th house ruler. I've been gathering interest in aspect patterns recently but haven't sat down to study them yet. IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 02:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aries23Degrees: Wow!!Looking at the charts, I get the impression that some people's charts are so busy!!!! Mine is very neat.I wonder what that means? Is life smooth sailing for me? I don't have this "Thor" aspect either. 
You can look up aspect configurations! Other than my TH, I have 2 cradles which imo are pretty boring. I can't seem to find many people with this configuration that I personally know, I have over 70 people in my astro bank and I'm the only one with it . I want more info!!! lol IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 02:44 PM
dpIP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 02:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by DeepFreeze: We have one in synastry (her saturn apex, my moon and mars), and YOD in composite. (Saturn apex with Venus and Uranus) Her venus is both our 1st and 8th house rulers, and Uranus is my 5th house ruler. I've been gathering interest in aspect patterns recently but haven't sat down to study them yet.
Oh pooey, I thought I might've had at least one person to interview lol. I actually wasn't even aware of aspect patterns until LeeLoo pointed out the TH in my chart. I was always just paying attention to the aspects/signs/placements in a chart. I think some aspect configurations are easier to find interpretations on but the TH seems to be very vague on it's meaning/not alot to find on it. IP: Logged |
DeepFreeze unregistered
posted July 10, 2014 02:44 PM
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I'm so cappy Knowflake Posts: 9778 From: Death Star Registered: Nov 2012
posted July 10, 2014 02:56 PM
It's cooler than my yod, boohoo.------------------ I'm sooo happy! I mean, cappy. IP: Logged |
Barbiegirl19 unregistered
posted July 10, 2014 02:59 PM
My grandad has one, if you're interested. He and I are very close so I can possibly answer questions if you're interested. IP: Logged |
Moon is Lunatic Knowflake Posts: 839 From: With my pr. 12H Moon conj. Neptune Registered: Jun 2013
posted July 10, 2014 03:09 PM
I think I might have one with my NN, Asc and Saturn. I can post my chart if you want.IP: Logged |
Solar_Leo_Queen Knowflake Posts: 2543 From: Planet Earth Registered: Jan 2014
posted July 10, 2014 03:12 PM
I actually have two in my chart, although, I'm not sure about the other one because it's between my ascendant, my NN, and Uranus. The other one is with Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto.I feel like Saturn is kinda strong in my chart because it's the apex of Thor's hammer and the grand kite. Uranus is another one because it's the apex of the yod in my chart and the other Thor's hammer. I wanna know more about this configuration now, too. IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 03:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Barbiegirl19: My grandad has one, if you're interested. He and I are very close so I can possibly answer questions if you're interested.
Thank you! Please bear with me, I'm still a noob at all this lol >_<. Has he ever faced any public criticism or some sort of huge setback in his lifetime dealing with the way he pursued love/money/social cause that may have affected his relationship to his family? Has he ever faced any large obstacles in life? IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 03:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by Solar_Leo_Queen: I actually have two in my chart, although, I'm not sure about the other one because it's between my ascendant, my NN, and Uranus. The other one is with Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto.I feel like Saturn is kinda strong in my chart because it's the apex of Thor's hammer and the grand kite. Uranus is another one because it's the apex of the yod in my chart and the other Thor's hammer. I wanna know more about this configuration now, too.
I count the NN and the Asc, you chart has alot of action! From what I read, the native with this configuration sometimes to face some sort of criticism or hard obstacle/event in life but they seem to be able to bounce back from it.
Although 2 people from the famous/celeb list above don't exactly seem to fit this interpretation of this configuration (Adam Lanza, and Nancy Spungen). I'm so confused lol...
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Barbiegirl19 unregistered
posted July 10, 2014 04:10 PM
^^Absolutely. Unfortunately his mother was raped at 14 and got pregnant with him, his father(and the guy who raped her) was nearing 40 at the time. Due to her age he was sent to live with her parents on their farm after she gave birth to him, and he lived and was raised by them his whole life.He's always felt like the outcast with his mother's other children and never knew his father's family until just a few years ago. My grandfather has struggled his whole life with alcohol as a result of all of this. He was married a first time and had 2 kids, and because of his drinking problem they split up. He then married my grandmother, who at the time had my aunt who was only a few months old. They were married for 10 years and had 5 children together. Of course the alcoholism never went away and he became very mentally abusive to my grandmother, unfortunately they divorced. They still love each other, it's so obvious, but my stubborn Capricorn grandmother just doesn't want to be with him ever again. He never remarried after her and dated a few women but they were never that serious. I know he absolutely regrets all that he's done to my grandma, he's civil with her and even talks to her occasionally. I know if he could go back in time he'd do it for her. They were soulmates IMO. Despite all of the troubles he's faced and had to endure his whole life practically, he's always been there for his family and all of his children. He still to this day will pay for things my grandma can't afford, without any return of payment. He's the greatest man(besides my husband) I've ever known. Very strong and not at all afraid to cry in front of anyone lol. Very hard worker and would give his last dollar to anyone that needed it. IP: Logged |
Solar_Leo_Queen Knowflake Posts: 2543 From: Planet Earth Registered: Jan 2014
posted July 10, 2014 04:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by Chiemi: I count the NN and the Asc, you chart has alot of action! From what I read, the native with this configuration sometimes to face some sort of criticism or hard obstacle/event in life but they seem to be able to bounce back from it.
Criticism.. yes. I'm always getting criticized by people whether it's good or bad. When it's bad, it takes me a short while, but I do get over it just like you said. And yeah my chart has action, but nothing in my life has been active lately LOL.
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Moon is Lunatic Knowflake Posts: 839 From: With my pr. 12H Moon conj. Neptune Registered: Jun 2013
posted July 10, 2014 04:18 PM
 I'll post my chart just in case.  IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 04:23 PM
^ You have a TH! Sorry, I meant to ask if you could post your chart. My mind is all over the place with this lol.your Asc is at the apex of your Saturn/NN square. IP: Logged |
Chiemi Knowflake Posts: 2110 From: Michigan Registered: Feb 2012
posted July 10, 2014 04:33 PM
@Barbie Wow! Maybe It seems that the TH is about balance and if the native loses balance with the configuration as a whole, the apex point (planet and house placement) seems to point where the power of the TH can deeply affect the native positively or negatively? Your Grandad has Neptune as the apex of his TH in the 4th and with the alcohol use (Neptune) it caused loss of his family (in a sense). Frank Sinatra also has Neptune as his apex but conjunct his MC, he also seemed to be under scrutiny from the public (MC) about his relation to crime (Neptune). IP: Logged |
Comatoes Knowflake Posts: 441 From: Registered: Jan 2014
posted July 10, 2014 04:37 PM
So is a Thor's Hammer a obsession to search for something based on the planet's involved, that once a person is focused they are relentless or are they great problem solvers? IP: Logged |